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09 May 06:42

Scav 15


Ridiculous when you can understand it. NB: Written in some obtuse nerdcode.

I look forward to this every year. So nerdy. So smart. So fun. The 2015 University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt List. The Scav rules! Via Gapers.
08 May 16:03

Sweden is so good at waste management, it imports trash.


badass. envy. keep it up, sweden.

Sweden is so good at waste management, it imports trash.

07 May 21:31

Boy Carrying Horse, Maxwell Street, 1988, Chicago. Jay Wolke

by lievbengever

The more I stare at this, the more I love everything about it.

Boy Carrying Horse, Maxwell Street, 1988, Chicago. Jay Wolke

05 May 16:16

By Color



I can't stop staring at Wikipedia's List of flags by color combination.
04 May 14:05

bigblueboo: rollbot


This year more than any feels like futurenow.



01 May 17:59

Comment Is Weird: A Tumblog of Greatness that parodies The Guardian's 'Comment Is Free'

by Xeni Jardin

Not much has made sense to me this week. BUT THIS DOES.


Every single one of these is a gem. Read the rest

01 May 15:33



I want to ride a screaming bird of truth.

The sudden introduction of Venusian flowers led to an explosive growth of unusual Earth pollinators, which became known as the "butterfly effect."
01 May 15:30

Old Katmandu

by Jason Kottke

From Kevin Kelly, a collection of photos he took of Katmandu, Nepal in 1976.




Nepal was recently affected by a 7.8 earthquake, which resulted in the deaths of more than 6000 people and much property damage.

Katmandu was an intensely ornate city that is easily damaged. The carvings, details, public spaces were glorious. My heart goes out to its citizens who suffer with their city. As you can see from these images I took in 1976, the medieval town has been delicate for decades. Loosely stacked bricks are everywhere. One can also see what splendid art has been lost. Not all has been destroyed, and I am sure the Nepalis will rebuild as they have in the past. Still, the earthquake shook more than just buildings.

If you look carefully you may notice something unusual about these photos. They show no cars, pedicabs, or even bicycles. At the time I took these images, Katmandu was an entirely pedestrian city. Everyone walked everywhere. Part of why I loved it. That has not been true for decades, so this is something else that was lost long ago. Also missing back then was signage. There are few signs for stores, or the typical wordage you would see in any urban landscape today. Katmandu today is much more modern, much more livable, or at least it was.

Tags: earthquakes   Kevin Kelly   Nepal   photography
30 Apr 13:23


Which is creepier: the face or THE OHMYGOD LOOK AT ITS DOLL!!!

29 Apr 20:29

Found by Jarred Kolar
29 Apr 14:39

Quiksilver designed a wetsuit that looks like an actual suit.If...


Finally fashion is catching up with my needs.

Quiksilver designed a wetsuit that looks like an actual suit.

If you’re a surfer, and you love the feel of salty sea mist on your skin, and the threatening billow of a forming wave, and the rush of gliding on water, but your preferred look is business formal, this is great news for you. 

29 Apr 14:29

The glass is already broken

by Jason Kottke

Morning stop'n'pause.

"You see this goblet?" asks Achaan Chaa, the Thai meditation master. "For me this glass is already broken. I enjoy it; I drink out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this glass on the shelf and the wind knocks it over or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say, 'Of course.' When I understand that the glass is already broken, every moment with it is precious."

From Thoughts Without a Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective by Mark Epstein.

Tags: Achaan Chaa   books   Buddhism   Mark Epstein   religion   Thoughts Without a Thinker
29 Apr 14:23

Hilariously Subversive Products and Signs Placed to Entertain Random Customers

by Benjamin Starr

Not as subversive as I like, but their hearts are in the right place.

Obvious Plant 5
Obvious Plant 5

For months Jeff Wysaski has been covertly placing fake installations into everyday society. He is the creator of the subversive product remixing project, tumblr site, and sometimes fake company, ‘Obvious Plant’ (just think about that name…). At first glance his work seems like everyday book covers, warning signs or wine recommendations – but take a closer look and the jokes on you.

Need a bottle of wine and don’t know what to pair it with? Jeff left wine recommendations at his local liquor store. They pretty much tell it like it is…

Obvious Plant 9

Obvious Plant 10

Obvious Plant 11

Has that wine buzz brought up some personal issues you need to deal with? Don’t worry, grab one of Obvious Plant’s fine self-help books at Jeff’s local bookstore. Seriously, who understands kids these days?

Obvious Plant 5

Obvious Plant 6

Obvious Plant 7

Obvious Plant 8

Ok, you are an adult, how about reading like one. Here are Jeff’s new (and honest sections) at the same store.

Obvious Plant 12

Obvious Plant 13

Obvious Plant 14

Obvious Plant 15

You aren’t even safe from Jeff’s trickery in the parking lot (even when he’s doing his “best to prevent crime“). Here he gives some sage advice on how to keep your car safe while you’re shopping at the mall:

Obvious Plant 1

Obvious Plant 2

Obvious Plant 3

Obvious Plant 4

Clearly Jeff is on a roll here. Check out more of his consumerist subversions on his site (and once you’re inspired, go make your own).

28 Apr 19:58

Using this thumbnail trackpad is like playing the world’s...



Using this thumbnail trackpad is like playing the world’s smallest violin.

27 Apr 20:14

David Hasselhoff - True Survivor



Music video for David Hasselhoff's True Survivor.
27 Apr 19:34

Unfortunate typo in preface of an 1830 book

by Mark Frauenfelder

toilet humor. QUALITY.

As Boing Boing's "king of typos," I can appreciate this howler from The Vocabulary of East Anglia, Vol. 1 of 2.

Many thanks to Rob for antiquing this scan of the public domain book. We are releasing the image to the public domain. Have fun with it!

27 Apr 18:35

If you use RSS, give Feedly a try

by Mark Frauenfelder


When Google pulled the plug on Google Reader, I looked around for a replacement. I found Feedly and thought it was almost as good as Google Reader.

Read the rest
16 Apr 15:06

Significant Digits For Tuesday, April 14, 2015

by Walt Hickey

“Authors of color and books with diverse content are disproportionately challenged and banned.”

Change that. Now.

You’re reading Significant Digits, a daily digest of the telling numbers tucked inside the news. To receive this as an email newsletter, please subscribe.

0.00055 percent

The probability the asteroid 2012 TC4 — which is about the size of a house — hits the earth in October 2017. “Defund NASA,” they said. “Why spend the money on more telescopes,” they said. []

11.9 percent

Percentage of Americans who don’t have health insurance, according to a new Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index survey of a whopping 43,575 adults. That’s the lowest uninsured rate Gallup has found since the survey began in 2008. [Gallup]

15 percent

Percentage of NFL players drafted between 1996 and 2003 who went bankrupt within 12 years of retiring, according to a new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper. [Quartz]

35 percent

Percentage of “challenges” to library books that were brought by concerned parents, according to an annual report from the American Library Association. According to the report: “Authors of color and books with diverse content are disproportionately challenged and banned.” [Smithsonian Magazine]

75 miles per hour

The expected top speed of a train on a route China is considering building through a tunnel beneath Mt. Everest, a regional tourist trap and curiosity. [The Guardian]


Average amount a U.S. wedding guest will spend in 2015, up 14 percent over last year. The money is mostly spent on airfare, food, hotels and clothes. It’s times like these I wish my friends followed my example of simply sabotaging relationships the minute things get even a little bit serious. [MarketWatch]


That’s the new minimum annual salary at Gravity Payments, a credit card processing company, to be phased in over the next three years. We’re definitely in a tech bubble, right? [The New York Times]

957,000 preorders

That’s the estimate of how many Apple Watches were preordered on the first day the trinkets were made available for sale. [9to5mac]

16 billion messages

Yahoo! Labs undertook what’s being billed as the largest email study ever, looking at the emails of 2 million participants who got 16 billion messages, analyzing the number of recipients, the email’s word count and the age of the sender and receiver (among other things). The short of it? The older you are, the longer your emails tend to be. [Popular Science]

If you haven’t already, you really need to sign up for the Significant Digits newsletter — be the first to learn about the numbers behind the news.

And, as always, if you see a significant digit in the wild, tweet it to me @WaltHickey. Also, subscribe.

11 Apr 16:11

New York City, after dark

by Jason Kottke

long, rambling, dark, perfect.

From New York Magazine, a big feature on NYC after midnight. Several people shared their stories, including Bebe Buell:

In 1974, I was on Hudson and Horatio -- it was still pretty shady over there at the time - and I could not get a cab. This big giant Cadillac pulls up, and a guy and a girl were in it. It was obviously a pimp and his girl. And the guy goes, "My name is Magic. Do you need a ride?" Who in their right mind would get in that car? But I did. His name was Magic, her name was Angel, and it was like a scene out of a Scorsese movie. I just remember the tranny girls yelling, "You go, girl!" They thought I had gotten a trick or something. I don't know what made me think it was going to be okay. Angel let me know, "Don't worry, honey, we're not serial killers." And for some godforsaken reason, I believed them.

And Alec Baldwin, who has always been interested in Saturday Night Live:

I was told that there was a place called Louis's Toy Bar on the Upper East Side. And it was this narrow sliver of a shop that obviously had sold antique clothes or something. And this guy Louis who owned it would put out plates of, like, Velveeta cheese and crackers and very modest kinds of canapes. I was told, back then, that all the cast of the original Saturday Night Live went there after the show; this was their haunt, this was their after-party-after-party Copacabana. And I went there countless times, eating Velveeta cheese, waiting for them, and they never came. They never showed up.

And Lydia Lunch:

I made money by standing on the corner of Sixth Avenue and 8th Street, shaking down women with children, saying I worked for the Cancer Foundation, until I got $10. I could live on that. The rent at my apartment on 12th Street between A and B was $75 a month.

And Dr. Jason D'Amore, formerly a resident at Bellvue:

One night, we got this guy in who was riding his Harley down the FDR at high speed, and he got run over by a semi, and he comes in and is very close to death. [...] So this guy, he was covered head-to-toe in iron crosses and swastikas and white-power tattoos. I'm looking around, and I'm D'Amore, and the ortho guy was Schwarzbaum, and we had to call neurosurgery, and that was Goldberg, and we intubated him and we got him stabilized and into the operating room, and he's totally sedated, and I leaned down and said, "Dude, I just wanted you to know a bunch of Jews just saved your ass."

And Colin Quinn:

It's easier to be nostalgic now. It's easier to look at it now and say, "Oh, I miss Taxi Driver." Suddenly, we're all like French film students who romanticize New York, even though when you lived it, it was bad. There were so many heroin dealers. If you were on, like, Avenue B and C, and somebody goes, "You want heroin?" and you said no, they'd get mad at you, like you were going browsing in a store and not buying anything. "You're wasting our time! Trying to make money here."

And Alexis Swerdloff:

The hand-delivered invite was a velvet-wrapped VHS tape. Five minutes and 42 seconds long, the video had Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Ananda Lewis, Todd Oldham, Veronica Webb, Ben Stiller, Pauly Shore, Derek Jeter, and dozens of other '90s luminaries hyping Puff Daddy's 29th-birthday party on November 4, 1998. Chris Rock said to leave your posse at home, Magic Johnson instructed guests to arrive at 10 p.m. on the dot, and Will Smith directed people to a 212 number in order to RSVP for the secret location. "It's gonna be all that," cooed Tyra Banks.

And there's so much more...go read the whole thing. The photos are great too. Look for the one with Edith Piaf singing at a club; it's just her in 1950 on a tiny stage with no microphone singing to people while they eat dinner. Man, if I had a time machine...

Tags: Alec Baldwin   Alexis Swerdloff   Bebe Buell   Colin Quinn   Edith Piaf   Jason D'Amore   Lydia Lunch   NYC
11 Apr 13:06

Friends recreate IRL Indiana Jones scene with a Zorb

by Andrea James


Devin Graham shot this high-energy race down a New Zealand mountain with a boulder-sized Zorb ready to roll over anyone in its path. The key is to dive before it catches you, or plan on a pretty heavy faceplant as it rolls over. Read the rest

10 Apr 20:54

Google Search thinks the most important female CEO is Barbie.The...


way to go, internet.

Google Search thinks the most important female CEO is Barbie.

The University of Washington just released a preview of a study that claims search engine results can influence people’s perceptions about how many men or women hold certain jobs. One figure quoted in the preview is that in a Google image search for CEO, only 11 percent of the people returned were women (by comparison, the university says 27 percent of CEOs in the US are women). That’s pretty crazy, so I decided to fire up incognito mode in Chrome and search Google Images as an Anonymous Internet Person to see the authentic, natural results. And, uh, the results are insane
10 Apr 17:24

The cast of Twin Peaks created a video urging Showtime to re-hire David Lynch

by Xeni Jardin


“There's no Twin Peaks without David Lynch.” Read the rest
09 Apr 14:54

The rail refresher

by Jason Kottke


Meet the enormous machine that refreshes railroad tracks (rails, ties, gravel) with minimal human involvement. Fun to see the infrastructure behind the infrastructure.

Not even John Henry would stand a chance against this behemoth.

Tags: video
08 Apr 18:37

Wonderfully gigantic street art of sleeping man

by David Pescovitz

me, today, caching z's anywhere i can


Street artists Ella & Pitr painted this amazing massive piece in a Lyon, France rail yard. (Street Art News via Laughing Squid)

16894553716_43aba118b1_o copy

07 Apr 17:23

Chicago: please watch this important video, and don’t forget to...


We're voting today. This is how we vote here.

Chicago: please watch this important video, and don’t forget to vote on April 7th.

(via Chicagoist)

07 Apr 16:12

Today a renegade sculptor mounted a bust of Edward Snowden in a...


haha silly tarp.

Today a renegade sculptor mounted a bust of Edward Snowden in a Brooklyn park — only to have it removed by the Parks department.

(GIF from a Vine shared by Jeremy Cabalona)

07 Apr 16:06

Someone has been keeping an incredible fictional Instagram...


innanet magic.

07 Apr 15:59

Saturn, Tethys, Rings, and Shadows


Soothe your eyes.

07 Apr 15:54

Artist Julien Knez designed VHS covers for current movies and...


wow...this hit harder than i thought it would. i want to watch all of these...after they adjust for tracking.

06 Apr 15:52

John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden

by Rob Beschizza

REALLY GOOD. It's long, but the build up pays off big.

The surveillance state—and the lies told in its defense—boiled down and boiled off by HBO's John Oliver.