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04 Dec 22:15

The birth of modern day Nintendo

by Erik V
As readers of this blog will undoubtedly know, I have recently written a book about Nintendo's toys and games from the period 1965 to 1983.

Like this blog, the book is called BEFORE MARIO.

After months of writing, photographing and designing the book, it was delivered by the printer about a week ago. What a great moment it was, to finally hold the result of all that hard work in my hands.

A good moment to take a closer look, I think!

BEFORE MARIO is published by Omaké Books, a French publisher that specializes in video game culture and history. They are well-known for their History of Nintendo series.

The book has a hard-cover and 224 full-color pages printed on high-quality paper. It measures 24 by 20 centimeters and weighs a cool kilogram!

The text is presented side-by-side in two languages: English and French. The integral text is provided in both languages.

I am very proud that the book includes a foreword by Satoru Okada.

Okada joined Nintendo in 1969 and was part of the team that created most of the wonderful toys featured in BEFORE MARIO. When Gunpei Yokoi left Nintendo in 1996, Okada took over as general manager of the Research & Engineering department. Under his management, this team developed the Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS. Okada retired a few years ago.
Read more... »
04 Nov 15:21

Election Day

by Erik Loomis


Vote today. How bad is it if cats of all animals have more civic responsibility than you?

03 Nov 16:58

Harajuku Guy w/ Partially Shaved Hair, Black Suit & Clutch

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

Well, I fold.

We spotted this stylish guy in Harajuku and he agreed to stop for a few quick snaps.

He told us that he works at Studious Harajuku.

Although he didn’t have time to give us any brand info, he is wearing a black suit with a white untucked shirt. He accessorized with a clutch, patent shoes and printed socks. His partially shaved hairstyle is also an important part of the look.

Harajuku Guy in Black Suit White Shirt & Black Blazer Partially Shaved Hair Asymetric Curly Hair Black Clutch Patent Shoes in Harajuku

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

29 Oct 18:50

Dog & Robot in: Spooky Luis Ghostman – by Josh Burggraf and Victor Kerlow

by zacksoto


28 Oct 19:07

Open the Bloodgates! – by Patrick Dean

by zacksoto




28 Oct 03:41


don't miss the bookmarks in Cat Explorer [via
28 Oct 03:17

Health News as Entertainment

by Erik Loomis

Hiltzik has another good piece, this time featuring maps of preventable diseases to show the impact of the anti-vaccination foolishness. The general outlines we know here since we have slammed on the anti-vaxxers many times. But I thought this was an important point we probably haven’t really covered:

The surge of measles and whooping cough cases underscore the irresponsibility of opinion leaders like Katie Couric in giving anti-vaxxers a popular platform. Too many figures in the entertainment business (Dr. Oz, I’m looking at you) don’t care about making sure their audiences get information tested by science, as long as they can rake in the big bucks. They have a lot to answer for.

Indeed. Much like climate change, the idea that news has to be entertaining and thus present “both sides,” as if there are two sides to the need to get your children vaccinated or the science behind climate change, is incredibly damaging to the world.

23 Oct 13:24

Harajuku Guy w/ Black Sombrero, Retro Suit, Telephone Briefcase & Sunglasses

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift


Kyosuke is an 18-year-old fashion student we met in Harajuku.

Kyosuke is wearing a large black sombrero hat with a retro v-neck suit, a Hi Tek London telephone-inspired briefcase, and brogues. His round, flower-adorned sunglasses are from A-Morir.

For more info on Kyosuke, check his personal Instagram and Twitter.

Harajuku Guy in Retro Suit & Sombrero Sombrero Hat & Open Blazer in Harajuku A-Morir Sunglasses & Sombrero Round A-Morir Sunglasses Hi Tek London Telephone Suitcase Black Brogues in Harajuku

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

20 Oct 13:00

Real World

by boulet
16 Oct 19:38

DJ Bazookistan in Takuya Angel Outfit w/ Blue Hair & Butterfly Headband

by Street Snaps

We ran into the well-known Japanese DJ Bazookistan in Harajuku again recently. You may know her from our previous snapshots. This time, she had blue hair and a butterfly wings headband.

Bazookistan is wearing an outfit by her favorite designer, Takuya Angel, including a kimono top and matching bottoms, heart and bones bag and accessories. She is also wearing heeled lace-up boots and a cute plushie.

Bazookistan told us her favorite music is makina and she gave us her personal Twitter so you can check get more info.

Takuya Angel Outfit in Harajuku Blue Hair Bazookistan Takuya Angel Butterfly Headband Blue Contacts & Makeup Takuya Angel Kimono Top Takuya Angel Bag Harajuku Plushie Lace-up Boots

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

16 Oct 12:41

The Normal, JG Ballard Unavailable For Comment

by GC

pic courtesy Dangerous Minds.

15 Oct 18:27

On The Bright Side, It Sounds Better Than XPW : Rochester’s Fledgling, Conspiracy-Crazed Wrestling Promotion

by GC

(NOT COMING TO A RING NEAR YOU : Todd Cruise vs. The Reptoid Jews!)

Via Uproxx’s tireless Brandon Stroud comes news of an alleged attempt at starting a Rochester, NY independent wrestling promotion, NWoR (Novel Wrestling Of Rochester).  An ad placed on Craigslist (because where else are you gonna find the bookers of tomorrow?) seeks writing talent willing to work “very much in the style of Vince Russo”, which might be your first (but not your last) hint this thing isn’t for real. The advertisement promises that NWoR “will take on subject matter that, traditionally, has not been fodder for promotions in the past.”  The scourge of file-sharing?  The precipitous decline of “Law & Order : SVU”?  Nope!” I’m referring, of course, to conspiracy theories, and related subjects.”  Of course!  Here’s some of what they’ve got in mind :

The Evil Lizard Bankers (a tag team based on the Jewish conspiracy theory that the world is controlled by Jews, as well as the idea that they’re really reptoids who are descendants of ancient aliens. They’ll come to the ring with iguana masks on, as well as black hats and grey beards, and they’ll hold money bags with dollar signs on them.)

Dr.s Don and Dan Paul (Parody of Dr.s Ron and Rand Paul. This tag team will be the arch-enemies of the Evil Lizard Bankers.They’ll wrestle in standard wrestling singlets and carry American and Gadsden flags.)

Alex Clones (Parody of Alex Jones. Will talk with a thick Texan drawl. Character will not be that much different than the real Alex Jones. Will wrestle in standard trunks.)

Greg Beck (Parody of Glenn Beck. Mortal enemy of Alex Clones. Character will wear coke bottle glasses, have blonde hair, cry throughout promos, and bring a big chalkboard with him to the ring.)

The Drones (Another tag team. The Drones, Drone #1 and Drone #2 are actually robots. Wrestlers will wear some silver colored, metallic looking costume that looks “robotic.” The Drones will be managed by Barry Bizarro, a parody of Barry Soetoro, i.e. Obama. Barry will carry a big remote control with an antenna, like the kind you’d have for a remote control car. The gimmick will be that Barry is controlling the Drones while they’re wrestling. Barry Bizarro will also do the talking for this tag team.)

David Dike (Parody of David Icke. Will talk with a British accent. Gimmick will be that, every time he goes out to the ring, he’ll try and talk his way out of the match because of his arthritis. When that doesn’t work, he’ll wrestle, then, somehow, he’ll find a moment to put on a magnetic bracelet or tinfoil hat which will give him superpowers, i.e. He’ll “Hulk up” and be able to win the match.

Todd Cruise (Parody of Senator Ted Cruz. Gimmick will be that he gives exceedingly long promos about crazy nonsense that has nothing to do with anything. This is a parody of when Senator Cruz, in September 2013, delivered a twenty one hour speech to filibuster the Senate into defunding ObamaCare. His speech included parts where he read Dr. Seuss books.)

Hollarina (Pronounced as “Holla” and “Rena.” Character is a rapper who wears a pink ballerina leotard and tutu. Not really political. Basically is just a ripoff of John Cena, and maybe Brodus Clay.)

14 Oct 20:36

The Legend of the Mysterious Letter W

by Clyde Mandelin

Mighty Kombat sent in a question a while back that might’ve confused many a player over the years, whether they realized it or not. Let’s take a look!

I’ve got something on my mind and i just need confirmation.

Its about Street Fighter. You know Ultra Street Fighter IV introduced the “Ultra Combo Double” option, which lets you use both Ultra moves at once. Its marked with the W icon, as opposed to the other options using roman numerals for 1 and 2.

I also know there’s an old SF3 compilation game called “Street Fighter III: W Impact” in Japan.

Is it because when spoken by a Japanese person, the letter W (double you) sounds like the word “Double”? Is it basically a pun?

I first encountered these unusual Ws way back in the 90s, but at the time I never paid much thought to them.

For example, in the Super Famicom version of Final Fantasy IV, there’s a technique called “W Meteo”. This was translated as “W.Meteo” in the English Super NES release… but back in the day I just always assumed it stood for “White Meteo”.

Final Fantasy IV (Super Famicom) Final Fantasy II (Super NES)

A few years later I encountered something similar in Final Fantasy VII – a special skill called “W-Item” that lets you use two items in one turn:

Final Fantasy VII (Japanese, Playstation) Final Fantasy VII (English, Playstation)

I’ll admit that with this FFVII “W” I was a little more confused, but I just figured it probably had a good reason for being called that.

And it does, I later learned after studying Japanese for a while! Just as Mighty Kombat surmises, the prononuciation for “W” is often abbreviated down to just the “double” part in Japanese, and as a side effect it often gets used to refer to things that are doubled. So the “W.Meteo” WASN’T a white-spell Meteo like I first thought (although that would’ve been cool); it instead just meant it was a “double Meteo” spell. And “W-Item” meaning “double item” makes perfect sense!

Naturally, this “W” gets used in many places besides games too. It’s very common to see on ads, especially lottery-type things:

And who wouldn’t enjoy some W burgers?

And maybe wash it down with some W beer!

This “double” W shows up in many places, but don’t let it fool you! You’ll often see Japanese Internet users saying “w”, but this particular “w” comes from the Japanese word for “laugh” and has nothing to do with “double” at all.

Man, they’re really putting the English alphabet to use over there in interesting new ways, now that I think about it!

Anyway, that’s the deal with “W” in a lot of Japanese games. In the old days, the situation was usually one of these two:

  • A non-native English speaker, tasked with translating a game into English, might simply assume we also use “W” as “double” in English
  • A non-native Japanese speaker, tasked with translating a game into English, might not know that “W” can mean “double” in Japanese

Both cases would result in “W” remaining as-is in the English translations, much to the confusion of many. Modern translators and localizers usually know about this W stuff, though, so I assume it appears a lot less often in translations these days.

I’m actually curious to know what other old games might’ve had “W” stuff like this, so if you know of any, let me know in the comments!

13 Oct 15:56



10 Oct 20:10

QissQill Designer w/ Lilac Hair, Winged Belt, Harness, Mask & Yin-Yang Bag in Harajuku

by Street Snaps

We ran into QissQill (pronounced “Kiss Kill”) clothing designer Senanan in Harajuku recently, and she agreed to stop for a few street snaps. This time, she had lilac hair in twin buns and a face mask.

Senanan is wearing an H&M horse print top with a ruffled mini skirt from the Japanese brand ANAP, a bat wings belt from tutuHA and a yin and yang jacket from Glad News. Her studded yin and yang bag is also from Glad News and her platforms are YRU, worn with knee-highs from QissQill. She is also wearing “hype” heart and cross earrings, a harness, a pixelated QissQill necklace, a “rad” bracelet, and colorful nail art.

Senanan’s favorite brand is her own label Qiss Qill. You can follow her on Twitter.

QissQill Designer in Glad News Jacket & ANAP Skirt Lilac Hair & Face Mask Lilac Twin Tails Hype Earrings H&M Top & Harness Glad News Yin Yang Backpack Rad Bracelet QissQill Knee Highs & YRU Platforms White YRU Platforms in Harajuku

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

07 Oct 15:19

Rainbow Top & Sheer Skirt w/ Panama Boy Accessories in Harajuku

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift


We ran into Nontan in Harajuku recently, when she was wearing a rainbow colored outfit with braided tails. We found out that she’s 17 years old and she’s a student. You might remember her previous video game-themed Harajuku street snaps.

Nontan’s rainbow polo top is handmade by her, and her tulle skirt and high top sneakers are resales. She accessorized with hair pins from Panama Boy and a heart shaped bag.

Nontan likes shopping at Harajuku’s famous resale shop Kinji and she likes listening to Kana-boon. She is active on both Twitter and Instagram.

Rainbow Polo, Umbrella & Tutu Handmade Polo T-Shirt Panama Boy Hair Pins Heart Shaped Bag Resale High Top Sneakers

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

07 Oct 14:53

Rebooting the world's first MMORPG: A Habitat story

Recently, the original creators of the world's first massively multiplayer online role-playing game got together with other game developers to bring a history to the present. ...

06 Oct 16:28

Colorful Harajuku Decora Fashion w/ 6%DokiDoki, Mikazuki Momoko & Panda

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

1. IMO it is really hard to pull off decora unless you fully commit to it and again IMO this is a great example of such
2. I bet it is REALLY NOISY to move around in this

This blue-and-pink-haired girl is Nodoka, a young student we spotted in Harajuku. She’s wearing colorful Japanese decora fashion – including an oversized bow as well as several decora hair pins on her bangs. We also noticed her colorful and kawaii braces.

Nodoka made her carousel print dress and bag herself, and paired them with Roni sneakers that feature platforms and pink ribbon laces. Her necklaces, rings, hair accessories and ribbon are from 6%DokiDoki, and her watches are from Mikazuki Momoko. She’s also wearing a panda backpack and knee high socks.

Nodoka likes to shop at 6%DokiDoki and Romantic Standard and she likes listening to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.

Decora in Carousel Print Dress Blue & Pink Haired Harajuku Girl 6%DokiDoki Hair Accessories Pastel Hair & Hair Pins 6%DokiDoki Necklace Bows & Balloon Print Mikazuki Momoko Watch Colorful Decora Bag & 6%DOKIDOKI Shooting Stars Panda Backpack RONI Sneakers

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

03 Oct 21:16

‘You still can’t flap your arms and fly to the moon’

by humanizingthevacuum

Charles Pierce had the same thought I did yesterday when I was mad enough to catch six minutes of FOX News coverage on the Texas ebola victim and felt my bellybutton scrunch:

The country simply cannot go on this way, with one of our two political parties completely insane, and with a counter-cultural universe that claims the right to promulgate its own science as equal to the science produced by actual scientists, and with this dangerous lunacy treated as legitimate by powerful people who ought to know better. As I once wrote, it doesn’t matter how many people vote for the anti-gravity party, you still can’t flap your arms and fly to the moon. A dangerous disease is not a matter of debate. Your profitable fantasy and the reality of the disease do not deserve an equal place in the discussion of what we as a society will do about the disease. The response is going to have to be precise and empirical. It is going to have to be impatient with cant, and immune to the delusions on which demented ideology feeds.

And, most important of all, we are going to have to trust each other, and we are going to have to trust our government, which is the political manifestation of all of us, no matter what 30 years of Reaganite heresy has taught us.

03 Oct 19:00

Arturia MicroBrutes in Pastel

by matrix
Taylor Swift

This RSS node just cost me $340.

via Future Music, Computer Music "Arturia just introduced Microbrute SE, a limited release at 12,000 units of its popular minisinte. Available in colors salmon, light blue and white, Arturia will offer 4,000 units of each 'flavor' to the end of October for a price of 329 € / $ 399." Update: According to Arturia, there will be 4,000 units in total, not the 12,000 originally noted above.
02 Oct 14:08

Cameron's Conference Rap

Taylor Swift

Cassetteboy is fucking incredible

fantastic remix skills  
29 Sep 19:46

‘Why are other people’s coping mechanisms better than poor people’s? Because they’re prettier.’

by humanizingthevacuum

Last week John Boehner, with the sagacity becoming a speaker of the House of Representatives, wasn’t going to waste time worrying about the unemployed. He can’t believe, he told the American Enterprise Institute, “this idea that has been born, maybe out of the economy over the last couple years, that you know, I really don’t have to work. I don’t really want to do this. I think I’d rather just sit around. This is a very sick idea for our country.” Yes. Yes, it is. Those unemployed, taking their checks to Mega Liquors for creme de cassis and Saint Germain.

I’ve followed Linda Tirado for a few months. She’s not unemployed. She’s too employed, you might say. A column recording her experiences among the working poor a few months ago provoked such a sensation that it led to a book deal, the fruits of which, Hand to Mouth, we’ll see in two weeks. An excerpt published in the Guardian redresses every received notion about them. The poor, for example, have children and bedmates like the rest of us. And they get lonely:

You grab a bit of connection wherever you can to survive. You have no idea how strong the pull to feel worthwhile is. It’s more basic than food. You go to these people who make you feel lovely for an hour that one time, and that’s all you get. You’re probably not compatible with them for anything long term, but right this minute they can make you feel powerful and valuable.

The working poor have vices, no less abject than ours:

Why are other people’s coping mechanisms better than poor people’s? Because they’re prettier. People with more money drink better wine out of nicer glasses. And maybe they get a prescription for benzodiazepines from their own personal on-call psychiatrist instead of buying a pack of cigarettes. They can buy whatever they like and it’s OK, because retail therapy is a recognized course of treatment for the upper classes. Poor people don’t have those luxuries

Finally, on the ingratitude of the working poor, those wretches who don’t understand caveat emptor:

I wonder about people who think that those who are poor shouldn’t demand reciprocity from their employers. We should devote ourselves to something that doesn’t benefit us more than it absolutely has to? We’re meant to care about their best interests, but they don’t have to care about ours? If you’re going to put as little as possible into my training and wages, if you’re going to make sure that I can’t get enough hours to survive in order to avoid giving me healthcare, and generally make sure that I’m as uncomfortable as possible at any given time just to make sure I know my place, then how can you expect me to care about your profit margin?

Again, Tirado’s book Hand to Mouth is out on Virago next week. Read it and Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickle and Dimed back to back.

29 Sep 17:12

Situation no win: What modern rock looked like in September 1991

by humanizingthevacuum

Chart-watching listeners, note: after Nirvana exploded, Sept. 28, 1991’s modern rock top five would look like an Archaeopteryx skeleton. A couple years before programmers responded to the impact, “modern rock” had enough currency before “Smells Like Teen Spirit” for my top forty station to block program a Sunday night segment.”The Post-Modern Music Show,” they called it. Thanks to the success of Love and Rockets’ “So Alive,” The Cure’s “Lovesong,” and Depeche Mode’s trio of big Violator singles, labels started paying attention, and what tragic irony: Nirvana’s breakthrough meant the eventual dissolution of the original format and programming. I.R.S. Records’ promo muscle wasn’t gonna get any Kirsty MacColl on a ’95 playlist.

Anyway, I heard about seven of these ten at the time, even own a couple of the host albums (other acts I heard often: The Ocean Blue, Inspiral Carpets, MacColl, Alison Moyet, and – wow – Brand New Heavies).

10. Northside – “Take Five”

On Factory Records. It’s got a shufflebeat, with an emphasis on the hi-hat. Madchester, in other words, whose sound still made U.S. inroads until, what, the Charlatans’ “Weirdo” the following summer?

9. Squeeze – “Satisfied”

Speaking of persistence…I would imagine Squeeze were college radio band emeritus by 1991; I could argue that their existence created the programming. Thus, those stations which reported “modern rock” songs made sure every post-“Hourglass” single hit the top twenty. “Satisfied” doesn’t sound like 1991, but with its colorless harmonies and unemphatic hook it doesn’t sound like much of anything either.

8. Voices of the Beehive – “Monsters and Angels”

In 1971 they would have been strumming acoustic guitars. It’s 1991 – they needed a drum program and synth ooze. I remember this as a bigger hit than its position suggests.

7. Big Audio Dynamite – “Rush”

And here was the hit. Mick Jones’ post-Clash experiment in collage and musique concrete had straightened into conventional pop punk by the time they recorded The Globe, resulting in his first American top forty appearance since “Rock the Casbah” nine years earlier. I understand what impressed older listeners: the act finds sampling correlatives for the line “Rush for the change of atmosphere,” and for college radio fans who loved Prince Paul’s work on De La Soul is Dead a couple months ago it felt like the English punk ethos and the Daisy Age could make common cause, sweetened with Madchester overtones (no surprise that BAD also opened for U2 on one of the Zoo TV tour legs). The chorus remains charming; Jones’ vocal doesn’t.

6. Crowded House – “It’s Only Natural”

The #2 success of “Don’t Dream It’s Over” in spring ’87 still looks like one of the oddest of chart flukes, so it doesn’t surprise me that after “Something So Strong” subsequent singles fizzled. By the time of Woodface, Crowded House had reverted – like Neil Finn’s last band Split Enz – to college radio act. In the rest of the world, however, Woodface represented the beginning of their most popular phase; when they broke up in 1996, Crowded House were a beloved institution everywhere except the United States. The smoky Woodface, which plays as if Finn listened to The Beatles “Girl” on repeat, marked the beginning and end of brother Tim’s acrimonious tenure. But the partnership produced their leanest and funniest material yet, with Mitchell Froom and his Magic Calliopes confined to discreet color. For the most part. “It’s Only Natural” redressed the grievous mistake of issuing the stupid and fussy America-baiting “Chocolate Cake” as single.

5. Billy Bragg – “Sexuality”

With a sympathetic band and Johnny Marr’s production on a few numbers, Don’t Try This at Home was supposed to be the folk singer’s Bringing It All Back Home. I own it on tape. Listening to it a few days ago, I was bored by the dirges and buoyed by anything with a beat. Liberal pieties (“If you stick around/I’m sure that we can find some common ground”) and synthetic string motifs yanked from Marr’s Electronic single “Tighten Up” (which hit the top ten a couple weeks earlier) time stamp this as a 1991 production; it’s an AIDS memorial pin in song. If Bragg were to have scored a short Disney film shown at Epcot about sexuality, it would’ve sounded like this.

4. Tin Machine – “One Shot”

Oh man – this? It’s got a tune and an ooh-ooh hook: David Bowie was making a concession, people. But it also has Bowie singing “One shot put her away.” With vibrato.

3. The Smithereens – “Top of the Pops”

“Tell Me When Did Things Go So Wrong” was the title of their last modern rock hit, but until Matthew Swwet reminded listeners that a jangle isn’t a thud Pat Dinizio churned out perfunctory singles without a hint of wit or strangeness. “Top of the Pops” and “A Girl Like You” turn “catchy” into a incoherent buzz word.

2. Psychedelic Furs – “Until She Comes”

Brand loyalty accounts for the P-Furs scoring a #1 as their obsolescence grew more pronounced; like Squeeze, they were there at the beginning. I like this exhausted sigh of a record though, with Richard Butler and his self-harmonizing making like foghorns through the aural murk of a decade’s worth of persuading people that love love love is all of heaven away.

1. Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians – “So You Think You’re in Love”

When the Soft Boy moved to A&M Records in the late eighties, he took advantage of its promotional budget for “Balloon Man” and “Madonna of the Wasps” college and 120 Minutes airplay. Having fan Peter Buck play the hooks guaranteed a jingle-jangle morning. No dead wives and men with light bulb heads appear in “So You Think You’re in Love,” the simplest tune in the Robyn Hitchcock canon, which is why Buck’s new post-Out of Time clout and growing buzz made it his biggest hit. The mix is a mess: as he’d prove on XTC’s Nonesuch released the following year, Paul Fox had no clue how to record trad rock. Yet! I love Perspex Island anyway.

29 Sep 16:01

Yahoo to close Yahoo directory

the original Yahoo product, killed off in a footnote  
28 Sep 17:04


25 Sep 21:18

Pameo Pose Sweatshirt, Fjallraven Kanken Backpack & Tokyo Bopper Platforms

by tokyo

20-year-old Narumi is a familiar face around the streets of Harajuku as she works at a shop in the neighborhood. This time, we ran into her at night near the Omotesando Dori and Meiji Dori intersection.

Narumi’s look here features a Pameo Pose sweatshirt with UNIQLO skinny black jeans and Tokyo Bopper platform shoes. Acccessories include a wide brim hat, a Dr. Martens leather pouch, a silver Vivienne Westwood necklace, a tattoo necklace, and a Fjallraven Kanken backpack from Spinns Harajuku.

Narumi’s told us that her favorite current fashion brand is Dr. Martens. For more info, find her on Instagram or Twitter.

Pameo Pose Sweatshirt in Harajuku Wide Brim Hat in Harajuku Vivienne Westwood Ashtray Necklace Dr. Martens Leather Pouch Fjallraven Kanken Backpack Skinny Jeans & Tokyo Bopper Shoes

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

25 Sep 13:36

Talking dissonance with Owen Pallett

by humanizingthevacuum
Taylor Swift

I'm biased, but this was a great interview.

I haven’t discussed On a Path enough. Owen Pallett’s album uses narrative, strings, and dissonance in such unexpected ways that I understand why a few people to whom I’ve recommended it have treated at me as if I had leprosy sores (my May review). It’s one of the year’s best. It was a pleasure to read Chris Randle’s interview and get answers explaining how form expresses content:

Chris: Sequencing feels like a musical element that people don’t consider nearly often enough despite how integral it is, so I’m happy to see you go into so much detail. Having gone through that intentionally absurd exercise with the musicological analyses of various pop singles you’ve been doing for Slate, did you find yourself thinking differently about In Conflict at all?

Owen: A little bit, yes. A lot of ‘70s Motown and ‘80s indie (R.E.M., The Smiths) buries its complexity in the guitarness of it. The timbre of guitars naturally obscures the harmonic complexity; you wouldn’t realize how complicated those songs are until you sat down to play them. The academic-ness of those bands’ songs feels natural and graceful. I compare that to my own writing, and I think sometimes I get too deliberate—“Song for Five and Six” is itself a punny title, referring to both the double deceptive V-to-VI cadences in the chord progression, and that the breakdown is a 5/16 riff over a 6/4 loop. Also, the song is about soccer, five players on defence and six on offence—and in the album sequence, it’s track four, so you get the pun “Song four, five and six”—alluding to the denseness of the track—followed by “The secret seven.

24 Sep 18:46

Green Haired Harajuku Girl w/ Piercings, Dog Osaka, Pin Nap & Hayatochiri

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

VERY VERY into this for reasons I cannot quite vocalize (maybe it's just because I've been dressing in monochrome for the past year)

This green-haired girl is Nagata, a stylish 20-year-old girl we spotted in Harajuku. You might remember her street snaps from this spring when she had red hair.

Nagata is wearing a printed top over a mesh long sleeve, which she got from Dog Osaka and Pin Nap Harajuku. Her midi skirt is from Hayatochiri in Koenji and she accessorized with a Vivienne Westwood armor ring and Garter jewelry (earrings, piercings (including a stretched ear), crystals necklace and a claw ring). Her bag is from Dog Osaka (with a Galaxxxy Dino charm) and she’s wearing geta shoes with toe socks.

Nagata’s favorite designer is Jeremy Scott and she’s a fan of the singer Shiina Ringo. Find out more about her via her personal Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Layered Tops & Hayatochiri Skirt Green Hair & Layered Tops Green Hair & Blue Contacts Stretched Ear and Green Hair Harajuku Girl with Green Hair & Eyebrow Piercing Crystals Necklace Claw Ring Vivienne Westwood Armor Ring Dog Osaka Bag x Galaxxxy Dino Geta Shoes in Harajuku

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

24 Sep 18:07

Blonde Braids, Bodycon, Striped Socks & Doll Head Platforms in Harajuku

by tokyo
Taylor Swift

1. Just skip to the last photo and check out the fucking shoes
2. Her band is actually kinda great if you (like me) are into this sort of thing:

Asachill is a Japanese singer and MC who we met on the street in Harajuku after dark. She’s a member of the EDM J-Pop group Radio Mouse.

Asachill’s wearing a bodycon dress with an off-the-shoulder top from Gallerie Harajuku, striped knee-high socks, and Jeffrey Campbell booties with doll heads in the platforms. Accessories include a black hat (over her blonde hair with colorful braids), a leather choker with a heart charm from WEGO, an eye earring, a Vivienne Westwood wrist watch, and a black lip-shaped handbag from Gallerie Harajuku.

Asachill’s favorite designer is Dame Vivienne Westwood. Her favorite musical artists include Radio Mouse, Judy and Mary, and Kiyoshiro Imawano. For more info, find Asachill on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Ameblo.

Japanese Singer Asachill in Harajuku Blonde Harajuku Girl in Bodycon Dress Striped Knee Socks & Bodycon in Harajuku Gallerie Harajuku Top Eye Earrings & Black Hat Black Lips Handbag in Harajuku Leather Choker With Heart Charm Jeffrey Cambell Doll Heads Platforms

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19 Sep 11:38

Black Beret, Heart Choker, Nadia Skirt & Moussy Platform Loafers in Harajuku

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

I'm picture #2

This is Nachi, a girl with a cute style who we spotted in Harajuku recently. She told us that she is 19 years old and a student.

Nachi is wearing a crop top and a red skirt, both from Nadia, with a fringe backpack and platform loafers from Moussy. She is also wearing a “what?” beret and a heart choker.

Nadia Harajuku Crop Top & Skirt Leather Heart Choker & Crop Top What? Beret Heart Choker Fringe Backpack Moussy Platform Loafers

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