Shared posts

10 Nov 14:23

Kate Carr releases USB album of nuclear power plant recordings

by (The Wire)

Kate Carr trailers a new album of French nuclear power plant recordings on Bandcamp

Belfast artist Kate Carr is set to release an album based on a series of recordings made in the flooded wetlands surrounding a nuclear power plant in Marnay-sur-Seine, France. Called I Had Myself A Nuclear Spring, the album will be released on an USB stick through her Sydney based label Flaming Pines. It’ll come inside a tin case designed to reflect the lead-lined carry cases used to dispose of nuclear waste. The project was inspired by Carr’s chance discovery of the site during a visit to Nogent-sur-Seine rail station. The release features recordings using hydrophones, which were affected by the electromagnetism of the electricity towers. Carr explains, “The first is a straight recording of wetlands under the massive power towers running from the nuclear plant to the town. “Mooring Chains” is a set of contact mic recordings of boat mooring chains scraping against the river bed, the final field recording is taken just outside the perimeter excluding the public from the nuclear plant, the hum is the sound of the plant itself.”

I Had Myself A Nuclear Spring will be released on 15 November. You can read the extensive sleevenotes and order the album on the Flaming Pines Bandcamp page.

06 Nov 19:51

This game about a lazy crow running a seedy hotel is really delightful

by Laura Hudson


In the charming platform game Crowtel, you're a crow running a seedy hotel, and you're not very good at it. Well, really you're just lazy—not living up to your potential, as your crow teachers doubtless used to say—and as a result your not-so-fine establishment is looking pretty crusty indeed when the feline health inspectors show up.

Unless you want to get shut down, it's time to get your crow butt in gear and run through six levels of rapid cleanup, contending with giant balls of garbage, deadly bugs and broken toilets you can fix with your melodious birdsong. Also maybe there are ghosts?

Developed by Sink with a soundtrack by Captain Beard, Crowtel is pay-what-you-what over on, so technically you can get it for free if you want. But after you see how delightful it is, chances are you'll wish you'd dropped a few dollars in the jar.

06 Nov 15:55

f(x) – 4 Walls

by Alfred

What walls?


Madeleine Lee: f(x) is named for a function, so let’s do some math. Start with the [9] I gave “View” as a base, since this song also uses “View” as a base (being that it is a house track, being that it is also co-composed by LDN Noise, and being that SHINee and f(x) are expressions of a similarly experimental vision of pop, with SHINee being more pop and f(x) being more experimental). Then subtract 3 points for doing that thing where the middle eight sounds like a different song (a typical K-pop move, but one that I hate, because if the dancing wasn’t choreographed then the sudden change would make it stop and that is bad), but grudgingly add 1 back because despite everything the beat recovers as if it never left. Then add 1 point for Amber casually dropping triplets, and another for the way the final chorus returns with a renewed layer of synths, full and bouncy and vivid. Finally, subtract what the group loses as four members instead of five, which is nothing. And there you have it.

Iain Mew: I love how f(x), LDN Noise and team use such a similar approach to “View” but take it in a different direction — taking away the emphasis on motion and on asking for something more and leaving, at least in the chorus, total contentment, pride and belonging. The group’s singing of “love is four walls” is beautiful, Amber is on point as ever, and they take a mini-trend and make it totally their own.

Patrick St. Michel: So many into-to-K-Pop articles have been written over the last five years that nearly every corner of the industry has been touched on by now — performers go through intense training, they zig-zag between languages, it’s all very “now” though what “now” is rarely gets fleshed out. Not only are there K-Pop academics, there are articles about the academics. And I feel for the reporters and college types because I’ve spent plenty of time thinking about What It All Means. Yet when “4 Walls” is playing,  I’m left happily flailing around to the word “mirror” every time the chorus comes. There’s no shortage of details worthy of scrutiny — how f(x) have adapted to becoming a quartet, how they’ve grabbed the fading embers of future-house pop and found a thrilling new angle to it, how great the inevitable wave of tropical house K-Pop is going to be — but it’s tough to think beyond the twinkles and stutters and that moment when Amber delivers the best rap of her career. Plenty of good allow just enough space for outside factors to sink in, but “4 Walls” truly surrounds, making anything that aren’t these three-and-a-half ecstatic moments a waste.

Alfred Soto: That chorus comes out of nowhere — chordally and rhythmically (house!). Lovely harmonies.

Maxwell Cavaseno: f(x) would be the group who tried to make a future garage single in 2015 (though their goal is more than likely to emulate Disclosure or something). The plaintive quality echoes their current need for austerity, but holds a lot of stiffness in certain places that could really do with some extra propulsion.

Thomas Inskeep: Starts with an early ’90s R&B girl-group feel, adds contemporary elements like a squishy synth bass, the drum patterns occasionally veer into ’90s d’n’b territory, and part of the bridge is even reminiscent of Robin S’s “Show Me Love.” A delicious cake.

Jessica Doyle: Now I’m wishing that SM had given “4 Walls” to Girls’ Generation and “You Think” to f(x), if only to see what Seohyun and Taeyeon would have done with the pre-chorus here. But even they might have been defeated by the song structure, as the tension of the pre-chorus gets gurgled away in the declining wa-a-a-alls. So much of what’s here SM has offered elsewhere, and more compellingly — “View” for sound, Amber’s own “Love Run” for a more robust wistfulness, Red Velvet’s “Automatic” for marrying a declaration of surprise in overwhelming love to a more subdued beat. “4 Walls” is pretty, but those other songs will likely outlast it.

Will Adams: For a year in which even Disclosure’s newest offerings feel stale, “4 Walls” is fresh throwback house. Put it on the plush vocals undulating over the title, or LDN Noise’s quivering production. The Robin S. quote is well-timed: the bridge strolls in, and it feels more than earned.

06 Nov 14:46

The ’88-’89 Buffalo Sabres Just Got The Venus Illuminato Off The Hook

by GC
Taylor Swift


…though you’re free to disagree. Considering this came out on the same week as Dr. Ben Carson’s rap commercial, we’re living in what would have to be considered the opposite of a musical golden age.

05 Nov 21:22

City folks entertain differently than their suburban cousins, and that's one reason Roche Bros. wants a liquor license for its downtown store

by adamg
Taylor Swift

Right, because there are sooooo few places to buy beer in Downtown Crossing

The Boston Licensing Board today gave Roche Bros. a packie license for its new Downtown Crossing store.

At a hearing yesterday, Roche Bros. President Gary Pfeil told the board that the chain held a number of focus groups with current downtown residents and workers and discovered that people enjoying life in the heart of the city have a different way of entertaining guests: They're more likely to have parties with cocktails and appetizers than sit-down dinners.

And, he continued, people told the interviewers they wanted a place where they could just pick up what they need before a party, rather than keeping a liquor cabinet stocked.

Roche Bros. executives told the board said they're counting on their store to be the go-to food and liquor store for the residents of the 440 condos in Millennium Tower once people start moving in next summer.

They said they would phase in liquor sales: At first, the store will focus mainly on small displays of such items as beer and wine - with wine stocked on shelves near the cheese departments. Once the store expands from its location where Filene's Basement used to be into new basement space in the Millennium Tower building, Roche Bros. will set up a dedicated liquor area that will feature spirits as well. That could happen next summer, they said.

They added that they will take steps to cut down on liquor theft through "locks" on individual bottles of hard liquor that would trigger an alarm at exits and which could only be taken off by cashiers after purchase - similar to the dye tags used by many clothing stores, only without the dye.

05 Nov 18:34

Water, Chemicals, Bodies, Cancer

by Erik Loomis


Beth Alvarado has a lovely and sad essay at Guernica about the cancers that killed her husband and much of his family who lived in a neighborhood on the south side of Tucson heavily polluted by a plume of trichloroethylene, used to clean airplane parts at the nearby airport and industrial airfield. The geology beneath Tucson can store a lot of water, but it also means it’s quite susceptible to chemical contamination.

After his family had lived there for a decade or so, people in the neighborhood started dying. Clear patterns didn’t emerge, but sometimes several people in one family would die. Finally, the city tested the water. Some estimates showed TCE contamination at 1,000 times the federal health standards. They closed wells. There were court cases. Red lines were drawn around the housing developments, housing developments where 75 percent of the residents were Hispanic and low-income; once the developments were red-lined, it was impossible to sell those houses, so people stayed where they were. The cleanup began, but it was already too late. On Evelina Street alone, near the school Fernando’s siblings attended, near Mission Manor Park where they played, and near the swimming pool where they swam in the summers, thirty-four cancer cases were documented. Several families now have only one surviving member.

You don’t have to drink TCE or ingest it. TCE can enter your system through your skin when you bathe. When Fernando’s brother Eugene first saw a doctor for hemochromatosis, a rare liver condition that can be caused by exposure to chemicals, he told the doctor that he had lived in the area of Tucson that was affected by TCE. The doctor said he’d have to have complete exposure, like falling into a vat of chemicals, for that to be responsible for his condition. I did have complete exposure, Eugene said. I bathed in it for decades.

Eventually, they found a tumor growing on Eugene’s liver. He had a liver transplant.

TCE is a volatile organic compound, my friend, an environmental engineer, tells me. TCE wants to rise, it wants to be in the air instead of the water. It enters your body when you breathe its vapors in the air or when you drink water contaminated with it. TCE also enters your body through your skin, especially if you have cracks or abrasions or cuts. The first exposure to TCE, and the first drink of that water, initiates a metabolic process that can result in lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and kidney and liver cancers. TCE is thought to act as a metabolic trigger. In other words, if you have a predisposition to a form of cancer, let’s say liver cancer, TCE increases your likelihood of developing that cancer, although it may not manifest for decades.

The effects of these chemicals can take so long to manifest themselves that it becomes very hard to receive compensation from the polluters and most people do not. That most of the people suffering in this Tucson neighborhood are Latino should be expected as the correlation between pollution exposure and race is well-documented and is a classic example of environmental racism.


05 Nov 18:34

How Did the US and USSR Never Go to War?

by Erik Loomis
Taylor Swift

Able Archer: Good name for a band


Sometimes, it’s really surprising that the U.S. and Soviet Union did not actually go to war. This story about Soviet paranoia in the face of Reagan’s increasing aggressiveness is quite alarming really.

A nuclear weapons command exercise by NATO in November 1983 prompted fear in the leadership of the Soviet Union that the maneuvers were a cover for a nuclear surprise attack by the United States, triggering a series of unparalleled Soviet military re­sponses, according to a top-secret U.S. intelligence review that has just been declassified.

“In 1983, we may have inadvertently placed our relations with the Soviet Union on a hair trigger,” the review concluded.

That autumn has long been regarded as one of the most tense moments of the Cold War, coming after the Soviet Union shot down a South Korean civilian airliner in September and as the West was preparing to deploy Pershing II intermediate-range and ground-launched cruise missiles in Europe in November. But there has been a long-running debate about whether the period known as the “war scare” was a moment of genuine danger or a period of bluster for propaganda purposes.

The review concluded that for Soviet leaders, the war scare was real, and that U.S. intelligence post­mortems did not take it seriously enough.

Soviet leaders were particularly alarmed about the NATO exercise, known as Able Archer, carried out in early November 1983 involving forces­ that stretched from Turkey to Britain. Conducted annually to practice the procedures involved in the run-up to a nuclear conflict, the exercise had some new wrinkles that year, including planes that taxied out of hangars carrying realistic-looking dummy warheads, the review said.

It goes on to discuss the paranoia of the aging Yuri Andropov and the real fear the Soviet leadership had of Reagan’s craziness. I don’t know, maybe calling other nations names like “an evil empire” or “the Axis of Evil” does not actually help keep your nation safe, who could know. As much as I despise Reagan, at least he had the wherewithal to see that the Soviets were actually scared and sense an opening to thaw relations as the 80s went on, something that deeply disturbed the hardliners among his advisers.

In hindsight, it really seems amazing that at some point these two nuclear nations didn’t start annihilating each other, whether in 1962 or 1983 or some other point. There were so many opportunities for everything in the Cold War to go horribly wrong.


05 Nov 16:36

What Should You Buy in's Big Fall Sale? Day 3

Taylor Swift

Good stuff in here!

DRM-free PC goodness is heading your way at discounted prices!
03 Nov 20:00

Harajuku Girls in Pair Look w/ “Yume Miru Shoujo” Tops, Pleated Skirts & WEGO Platform Sandals

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

Daniel and I out for a stroll

We met these two friendly students – in matching outfits (pair look) and twin tails – on the street in Harajuku. Their peter pan collar t-shirts are Uniqlo originals (with the text “夢見る少女” – “Yume Miru Shoujo” or “dreamer girl”), their skirts are from Miss Sumey, and they’re wearing WEGO platform sandals with sushi socks.

Pictured to the right is 18-year-old Yuri. Her Bearbrick tote bag is from Earth Music & Ecology. She is a fan of Arashi and you can find her on Twitter.

Zakico is the one pictured to the left. She is 17 and she told us she’s a Kis-My-Ft2 fan. Her backpack is from Dora & Boots. She is also active on Twitter.

Harajuku Girls in Pair Look Matching Outfits Uniqlo "Yume Miru Shoujo" T-shirt Twin Tails in Harajuku Bearbrick x Earth Music & Ecology Bag WEGO Platform Sandals x Sushi Socks Peter Pan Collar Uniqlo Dreamer T-Shirt Harajuku Girl in Twin Tails Dora the Explorer Backpack Beads Bracelet WEGO Sandals with Sushi Socks

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

03 Nov 17:35

Thimbleweed Park Podcast #28

Taylor Swift

This is currently my favorite podcast for exactly the reasons outlined in the show summary.

I don't think anything exciting happens in this podcast. It's probably not worth your time to listen to.

You can also subscribe to the Thimbleweed Park Podcast RSS feed if that's 'your thing'.

- Ron

30 Oct 22:00

Forays in Game Design: FFT 1.3 Variant: EZ-8

by Davzz
Taylor Swift

I—_excuse me?_


FFT 1.3 is a famous mod for Final Fantasy Tactics that had some interesting ideas and rebalancing of the game’s content, but is marred by a rather frustrating difficulty that always picks “Hard” over “Fun” when a choice between the two is had.

EZ-8 is a variant fork developed from the 1.3 Base aiming to fix certain issues and make some changes of my own to spice things up. It attempts to significantly speed up the early game (Chapter 1) and tone down several of the more egregious outcomes of “brutal difficulty”, while hopefully still remaining significantly more challenging than regular Vanilla FFT.

A few examples of what has been changed in this patch:

When “passing” through areas, random battles will never occur. In order to trigger them, you will have to intentionally walk onto the exact dot icon.

Holding down X will cause cutscene text to fly by at a rapid speed, thus speeding up storyline text that you have no doubt seen a billion times already.

Guests are now controllable in Storyline battles. No longer will you have to play around the fact that your supposed allies are frankly, so moronic they wear their pants on their heads.

In FFT 1.3, all enemies now scale to your party level even in storyline battles. This generally leads to a situation where being too weak to win a battle will eventually end up in more frustration as trying to grind will simply lead to enemies growing much stronger than the player rocking equipped gear that are impossible to purchase at that point of the story.

No longer is this the case, as Random Equipment Options for the AI is now capped to what is buyable at the store for the current Chapter you are in. Enemies may still have preset equipment that are stronger than usual to use against you (or be stolen!)

…and much more. The full changelog can be found in the included Readme file.

You will require a copy of the Playstation version of Final Fantasy Tactics in order to play this patch. The patch can be downloaded here

(3/17/2016) Patch updated to v1.20

30 Oct 00:22

Nintendo Finally Makes the Jump to Mobile, Sticks the Landing

Taylor Swift

Into it.

Miitomo app plays to the strengths of both platform and company. Plus: More games in 2015! Games for girls! Cloud accounts! And the reincarnation of Club Nintendo!
29 Oct 18:18

Say goodbye on a night like this…

by humanizingthevacuum
Taylor Swift

Not the list I'd make but this is pretty fantastic.

Here’s the complete list of my fifty favorite albums, with caprice as my muse. Thank you for the comments and love.

1. Electronic – Electronic
2. Sinead O’Connor – I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got
3. Bryan Ferry Roxy Music – Street Life: 20 Great Hits
4. Public Image Ltd – Second Edition
5. Peter Gabriel – So
6. Crowded House – Woodface
7. Alexander O’Neal – Hearsay
8. Sleater Kinney – The Hot Rock
9. Rosanne Cash – King’s Record Shop
10. Prince – Controversy
11. Steely Dan – Gaucho
12. Pet Shop Boys – Please
13. Aretha Franklin – Spirit in the Dark
14. Rene and Angela – Street Called Desire
15. Maxwell – BLACKsummers’night
16. Wire – The A List
17. The Cure – The Head on the Door
18. A Tribe Called Quest – The Low End Theory
19. The Go-Betweens – Oceans Apart
20. Change – The Glow of Love
21. DJ Quik – The Book of David
22. Joni Mitchell – Hejira
23. Suede – Dog Man Star
24. Everything But The Girl – Walking Wounded
25.Kylie Minogue – Fever
26. Aaliyah – Aaliyah
27. Willie Nelson – Shotgun Willie
28. The B-52’s – Cosmic Thing
29. Psychedelic Furs – Forever Now
30. Garbage – Version 2.0
31. Eno/Cale – Wrong Way Up
32. Duran Duran – Rio
33. Yoko Ono – Walking on Thin Ice
34. Ghostface – Supreme Clientele
35. Dolly Parton – The Essential Dolly Parton
36. Sugar – Copper Blue
37. The Chills – Submarine Bells
38. Earth, Wind & Fire – Raise!
39. Human League – Dare!
40. King Sunny Ade – Aura
41. Erykah Badu – New Amerykah Part One (4th World War)
42. Amy Grant – Heart in Motion
43. Roisin Murphy – Overpowered
44. 808 State – Ex:el
45. Ice Cube – Amerikkka’s Most Wanted
46. Utah Saints – Utah Saints
47. Merle Haggard – Serving 120 Proof
48. Gilberto Gil – Expresso 2222
49. Miles Davis – Get Up With It
50. Nona Hendryx – Nona

29 Oct 04:56

Don’t Look Back! by Rich Tomasso

by François
Taylor Swift



































28 Oct 17:52

Microwaved Hedgehog

by Haze
Taylor Swift


Chaos Emeralds, Microwaves, same difference right?

Anyway, ShouTime and the Dumping Union (with a whole list of people donating) purchased the PCB for another novelty Sonic item, this time SegaSonic Popcorn Shop, a popcorn dispenser machine with a video display. It runs on the Sega C2 board (Genesis type hardware)

Interestingly it has a region dipswitch for Export, USA or Japan which makes me wonder if did actually leave Japan at some point in limited numbers.

It’s hard to really class this as ‘working’ because the mechanical side of the Popcorn machine isn’t emulated, but the code does run so you can see how the machine would operate.

There’s a small graphical glitch next to Sonic near the end of the video, I’m not sure why that happens, or if it happens on the PCB; all roms pass in service mode.

Here is a video of it running (dipswitch set to ‘Export’ so English text)

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The graphical glitch mentioned above was due to a bad / inverted sensor input, with it flipped the glitch is gone so I’ve recorded videos of it running as USA / Japan region without the glitch.

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28 Oct 16:13

Harajuku Girl w/ MYOB Clutch, Bubbles Platform Sandals, Funktique & Jouetie

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

Fashionable Engineers Assemble

This stylish girl is Lana, an engineer we often see around the streets of Harajuku.

Lana’s outfit consists of a Bubbles Harajuku corset top, a Jouetie midi skirt and a Funktique trench coat on top. Her clutch is from the Japanese streetwear brand M.Y.O.B. and her sandals are from Bubbles. She is also wearing a Playboy logo cap and necklace from Funktique, along with bracelets, rings and earrings.

Lana mentioned her favorite place to shop is M.Y.O.B. and that she likes listening to B1A4. Visit her on Twitter and Instagram for more updates.

Harajuku Girl in Midi Skirt & Trench Coat Bubbles Harajuku Top & Funktique Trench Coat Funktique Vintage Playboy Cap Oversized Earrings Funktique Statement Necklace Black & Golden Bracelets & Rings M.Y.O.B. Clutch Harajuku Bubbles Harajuku Platform Sandals

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

27 Oct 16:51

How NES creator Masayuki Uemura brought Nintendo's first home console to life

"I was kind of at my wits' end and people were leaving my team to go to Mr. Yokoi's team because there was such popularity around the Game & Watch. I was left with just three people on my team." ...

27 Oct 16:45

More Spooky Tales

by Dorothy


27 Oct 03:28

Harajuku Girl in Blazer & Crop Top, San-biki no Koneko Pants, Kobinai, Fig&Viper & Glavil

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

How is this a real human teen and not the protagonist of a PSVita RPG that I'm 75 hours into

Moeka is a a stylish 14-year-old student and model who we often see around Harajuku. This time, she has a cute short hairstyle and is wearing round, mirror sunglasses.

Moeka’s blazer is from her mother, worn over a Lara Knit crop top and San-biki no Koneko high waist pants (with suspenders). She accessorized with a fashion magazine clutch, rings from the Japanese fashion brand Fig&Viper and Kobinai, a Glavil choker, and handmade bracelet. Her heeled platforms are from Yosuke.

Moeka told us her favorite place to shop is Kobinai and that she’s a Sekai no Owari fan. Find out more about Moeka by visiting her Twitter and Instagram profiles.

San-biki no Koneko Pants in Harajuku Lara Knit Crop Top Round Mirror Sunglasses Glavil Handcuffs Choker Fig & Viper Rings Handmade Studded Bracelet Fashion Magazine Clutch Yosuke Platforms & Yosuke Platforms

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

26 Oct 20:07

Harajuku Girl w/ Braided Updo, G2? Vinyl Record Bag, Spinns Lace Top & Nadia Loafers

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

1. Where do I get that bag
2. This is the 12" on that bag
3. Please see #1

Meet Saito, a cutely styled 15-year-old student we street-snapped in Harajuku. Her hair is styled into a braided updo with bangs.

Saito is wearing a lace crop top from Spinns with a plaid maxi skirt. Her vinyl record bag is from the Harajuku vintage shop G2? (pronounced “Gee Two Question”) and her platform loafers are from Nadia Harajuku.

Harajuku Girl in Maxi Plaid Skirt Spinns Harajuku Lace Top Braided Updo Hairstyle Harajuku G2? Vinyl Record Bag Nadia Harajuku Platform Loafers

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

26 Oct 15:40

Friday night backlights: New Blood Bowl game coming to mobile

by Dave Neumann
Anyone else hoping these figures move via the field vibrating?

Anyone else hoping these figures move via the field vibrating?

Games Workshop has been been flooding the App Store with games set in both the Warhammer and Warhammer 40K settings for a couple years now, some great and some not-so-great, and yet all we have for Blood Bowl is a app that excels at mediocrity. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. After all, Blood Bowl is one of GW’s longest running and most beloved franchises and, done well, could be absolutely ginormous. Cyanide has announced the latest iteration of Blood Bowl coming to mobile, Blood Bowl: Kerrunch. Yes, the name is terrible (if only from my spellchecker’s point of view) but it’s new Blood Bowl, so let’s overlook that, shall we?

Blood Bowl is basically American football but played with all the races you’ll find in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. There are Orcs, of course, but also Skaven, Ogres, Treemen, and a bunch more. Kerrunch is a 5-on-5 matchup that includes 200 solo levels on your journey to compete in the Grand Finale (no good Super Bowl puns available?), as well as a daily multiplayer league and daily missions to knock out.

Nothing more concrete than “soon” on the release date, but it is coming to iOS and Android devices when it does, eventually, launch. Check out the trailer–complete with realistically animated cheerleaders–after the break. Yep, those were totally necessary.

23 Oct 20:22

Report: Destiny's plot is the product of a last-minute redesign

Taylor Swift

The Kotaku piece itself is pretty fucking insane. How this game ever came out I have no idea.

A new Kotaku report citing anonymous sources claims that Destiny's original, relatively straightforward plot was completely redesigned by Bungie less than a year before it was scheduled to ship. ...

23 Oct 19:24

Purple-Haired Harajuku Guy in Hyein Seo “School Kills” Tee, 99%IS- & Converse

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift


D is a 20-year-old student with purple hair who we snapped on the street in Harajuku.

D’s “School Kills” t-shirt is Hyein Seo and his golden pants are from 99%IS-. He has a Doctor Feelgood bag and Converse sneakers, as well as an oversized ring from G-Dragon.

D told us he likes shopping at Hyein Seo and 99%IS- and that he’s a fan of Big Bang. Check out his Instagram and Tumblr for more info.

Hyein Seo T-Shirt & 99%IS- Pants Purple Hair Harajuku Guy Partially Shaved Purple Hair Purple Asymmetrical Hairstyle G-Dragon Four Finger Ring Converse Sneakers x 99%is- Pants

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

23 Oct 15:36

An adventure game you play without ever leaving Twitter

by Laura Hudson


If you like adventure games and have a few minutes to spare, the latest creation of Leon Chang should be your next distraction—and you don't even have to leave Twitter to play it.

Just watch the animated GIFs, and click on the links to make important, heroic choices about whether or not to pet cats, fight turtles, or go to the bathroom.


22 Oct 21:17

Bash Scripts for Non-Repeating Random Playback

by (Hunter K.)
I have an HTPC with a huge amount of files to choose from, which can lead to analysis paralysis / the paradox of choice: when there's so much to choose from, I end up consuming the same handful of media over and over instead of consuming a proper variety. Many media players have "shuffle" functions that will pick a random item from a list but that only works for traditional media and doesn't help with, for example, emulated video games. So, I decided to play around with some bash scripting to see if I could come up with anything more universal.

The first thing I wanted to do was to create a playlist based on a recursive scan of a directory. For example, I have my TV shows separated by show and then subdivided by season/series, and I want all of these files included in a playlist, which I accomplished with this script:
if [ -e playlist]
rm playlist
for f in **/*
echo $f >> playlist
This script will check for any existing playlist and delete it if it finds one already, then it search recursively and adds any files (but not directories, importantly) from any subdirectories to the playlist. If I add more files (e.g., I get new episodes of a show), I can just run the playlist-maker script again and it will delete the old playlist and make a new one with the new files added.

So that's great. However, these files are all in order and I want them to be randomly sorted instead (in case my desired launch program doesn't have a built-in shuffle function), which I can do like this:
if [ -e random-playlist ]
rm random-playlist
for f in **/*
echo $f >> nonrandom-playlist
shuf --output=random-playlist nonrandom-playlist
rm nonrandom-playlist
This script does all of the same steps as before but it also uses the shuf command, which is a common UNIX utility that will randomize the entries in the non-randomized playlist and then output a randomized playlist. The script then deletes the non-randomized playlist.

Alright. Looking good. If my playback program has a built-in shuffle function, I can just pass this playlist to it and it will shuffle among those files. However, as anyone who uses shuffle frequently will tell you, it often feels like a small minority of songs/videos gets played more often than others (whether this is actually true or not is up for some debate but it can be annoying all the same), so I want to remove entries from the playlist once I've consumed them so there can't be any repeats until every file has been played at least once:
line=$(head -1 random-playlist)
echo "Next up: $line"
mpv --fs "$line"
echo "I have a lot of great memories from that episode..."
sed -i -e "1d" random-playlist
echo "And now they're gone!"
This script uses the UNIX utility head, which lists any number of lines from a file, starting with the first line. In this case, I just ask for the first line, echo it (for diagnostic purposes, and it will be useful later) and then pass it to my player (in this case, mpv). After playback is finished, it echoes again and then uses the UNIX utility sed, which is a super-powerful text/stream editor, to delete the first line ("1d") from the random playlist. It echoes one more time to complete the Bender quote and let me know that the entry was successfully deleted.

Ok, this is great but I don't want to have to always run my script to consume the next file. That is, I want to just get things rolling and have a marathon of random selections without continued interaction from me. To do this, we just wrap the whole thing in a 'for' loop, like this:
for i in {1..100}; do
line=$(head -1 random-playlist)
echo "Next up: $line"
mpv --fs "$line"
echo "I have a lot of great memories from that episode..."
sed -i -e "1d" random-playlist
echo "And now they're gone!"
This will go through playing and deleting 100 times (you could make this 1,000 or 62 or whatever), which is great. However, I don't usually want to watch 100 episodes of a show, and if I launched this script from a desktop environment (i.e., by double-clicking), I have no way of stopping it! That is, each time I close my playback program, either because the episode is over or I clicked on the 'close' button, the next episode is queued up and starts automatically. If this were running in a terminal window, I could just close that window and it would stop the script in its tracks but this leads to a dilemma: it's not convenient to have to launch the script from a command line each time instead of double-clicking, and if I tell Nautilus (my file manager) to launch scripts in a terminal when I double-click them, it tries to run the scripts from my home directory instead of their actual location >.<

Thankfully, there's a solution. I can write a helper script that doesn't care if it runs from the home directory, and that script can launch my marathon script:
DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
x-terminal-emulator -e ./marathon-script
The first line of the script is a handy one-liner that navigates to the directory where the script lives. The second line tells it to launch whichever terminal application is registered to your alternatives system as the 'terminal emulator,' in my case it's gnome-terminal, and the -e switch tells it to run the marathon script inside that terminal, where we can easily view our diagnostic echo messages and close it when we're done consuming media.

As I mentioned, these scripts are easily modified to suit any kind of file, so I have some set up to launch a random NES game from my collection via RetroArch. I plan to use this setup to play through the entire NES library over a period of a few weeks/months.
20 Oct 18:39

Best singles 2015 – third quarter update

by humanizingthevacuum
Taylor Swift

+1 on a lot of these, especially the strong "Watashi Igai Watashi Ja Nai no” cosign. (CLICK THAT LINK!) Also a ton I haven't heard!


With less than two months left in the year, I figure it’s time to post the last update before the end. I put Bieber atop because it’s my earworm of the season, an insidious little thing that makes something propulsive out of his petulance. Don’t assume anything about order. But DO assume that “Watashi Igai Watashi Ja Nai no” will make the final cut. Memorize that title.

Justin Bieber – What Do You Mean?
Gesu no Kiwami Otome – Watashi Igai Watashi Ja Nai no
BTS – I Need You
Years & Years – Shine
Young Thug ft. Birdman – Constantly Hating
Róisín Murphy – Gone Fishing
Fetty Wap – Trap Queen
Dierks Bentley – Say You Do
Keith Urban – John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
Janet Jackson – No Sleeep
Thomas Rhett – Crash and Burn
Gwenno – Fratolish Hiang Perpeshki
Honey Cocaine ft. DJ Carisma – Sundae
Sam Hunt – Take Your Time
Lil Mama – Sausage
The Weeknd – Can’t Feel My Face
Tamia – Sandwich and a Soda
Titica – Você Manda Fogo
EXID – Ah Yeah
Romeo Santos – Hilito
Lianne La Havas – Unstoppable
Exo – Call me Baby
Maliibu N Helene – Figure 8
MNEK – The Rhythm
Amber ft. Taeyeon – Shake That Brass
Burial – Temple Sleeper
Brantley Gilbert – One Hell of an Amen
Romeo Santos and Marc Anthony – Yo Tambien
Natalia Jiménez – Quédate Con Ella
Little Big Town – Girl Crush
Tanya Tagaq – Uja
Wa$$up – Shut Up U
TI ft. Young Thug – About the Money
Ciara – I Bet
Giorgio Moroder ft. Kylie Minogue – Right Here, Right Now
Natalie La Rose ft. Jeremih – Somebody
Thomas Rhett – Make Me Wanna
T.I. ft. Young Thug – About the Money
Johnny Gill – Behind Closed Doors

20 Oct 18:02

The Insider

by Dorothy


20 Oct 18:02

Downwell (Ojiro Fumoto)

by Chris Priestman
Taylor Swift

This game is UNBELIEVABLE, at least if you have a high tolerance for cellphone twitch-action games. Cannot get enough of it.


"Downwell is a curious game about a young person venturing down a well in search of untold treasures with only his Gunboots for protection." - Author's description

Purchase for $2.99 on Steam (Windows)

Purchase for $2.99 on the App Store (iOS)

20 Oct 17:07

Save Game

Taylor Swift

Awesome read.

For the first 9 months of this project, Savegame was my evil nemesis. It taunted and poke at me, refusing to ever heed enough to grant me the slightest satisfaction of how well the engine was advancing. Savegame would would pop up and say "How are you going to save that?", and I would shrink down and reply "I have no idea." My only victory over Savegame was my ability to lock it up in a cage buried deep in the dark dungeon of my mind and pretend it wasn't there, tricking myself into believing the incessant howling was just the wind on a stormy night.

I knew I needed to confront this demon. When the cage could no longer hold the beast, it was going to be a battle that one of us would leave either dead or tamed.

The morning of the battle was as any morning was. Nothing about it hinted the confrontation that could — only hours later — lay waste to everything within it's reach.

It began as an idea: "Hey, wait... what if I..." and that slowly formed into a plan. Some might call the idea cheating, but honor in war is a myth; you do what you can to win and this was no different.

My idea was a weapon, a special weapon that not only could, but would, mean victory and the defeat of my nemesis, Savegame.

The problem with savegames in adventure games is a vast amount of information that needs to be saved. Adventure games aren't divided up into "levels" and I deplore the concept of "check points", especially in adventure games. Players should be able to save whenever they want and expect to be back exactly where they left off upon load.

The issue isn't file format. It's not about whether you store it in JSON, XML or raw binary. The file format is the easy part.

What is hard is iterating deep into the recesses of the game and gathering up every scrap of data that might need to be saved. It's not just a matter of saving some global variables that depict the state of the game, it's the much more complex matter of tripping through the animation system, remembering each frame an actor or object is displaying. Going through all the objects in the game and saving off their state and the state of every local variable they contain.

The way the Thimbleweed Park Engine works, is that each room in the game has a piece of code called the enter code:

Nickel     function enter() {
        // Code that inits the room when entering
    // More stuff

This code is called whenever a room is entered or given focus. It's responsible for setting up the state of any objects or actors that might be dependent on an external state of the game, as well as starting any ambient animations or sounds.

The enter code goes back to the SCUMM system and I've always found it a convenient way to organize the state of a room. It keeps all the code about setting up the room in one place, rather than spreading it around various object and other rooms in the game.

When you enter the Nickel, the enter code looks at the state of the game and decides if Natalie is there and then places her in the right spot. It does the same thing for the photocopy machine and the stack of newspapers.

And this was my idea, my +5 to cleaving idea that would finally vanquish my persistent foe.

When a game loads, I just re-enter the room. It saved me (no pun intended) from having to save a huge minutiae of detail about the current room and, more importantly, the state of all the multi-tasking scripts that might be running. The enter code would just restart them as needed.

All I needed to do was save off five pieces of information. 1) Global variables, 2) Local variables for each room, 3) local variables for each actor, 4) Internal state of each actor and 5) Internal state of every object.

On load, I would just re-run the enter code for the room the player was currently in and everything would be set back the way it was.

Step one proved to be a tad difficult. There are a lot of global variables, most of which are internal to the Squirrel interpreter. I didn't need to save any of these, I just needed to save the global variables related to the game and I had no way to tell the difference. So, I did what I probably should have done to begin with, I moved all the game global variables in to a table called "g".  Rather than "talked_to_sheriff" it was now "g.talked_to_sheriff."

All the rooms, objects and actors are also in the global namespace to make it easier for the gameplay programmer and I didn't need want to iterate through them from here, that would come later.

The other issue I faced was the data contain in each variable. Saving ints and floats is easy, but saving variables that possible contained actors, objects or rooms was a lot more complex.

Actors are defined as follows:

ray         name = "Ray"
        fullname = "Agent Ray"
        detective = YES
        ate_hotdog = NO
        ordered_hotdog = NO
        picked_up_tape = NO
        flags = GIVEABLE|TALKABLE
        // more stuff


The actorCreate(ray) command takes the table 'ray' and creates an internal actor and associates the table with it.  Later on in the code, something like this might happen:

last_actor = ray

And here is the problem. Tables are saved as references, so the variables last_actor and ray really point to the same table, they are not copied on assignment.  But, if the savegame system serialize both of those variables, they would become two completely different tables on load, not what we want.

Internally, actors (plus objects and rooms) are given a unique int id when they are created that the system uses to reference them, this is automatically added to the actor's table and called _id. This allows the engine to know the actor that a table is referring to. The problem is, I can't save those _id's out, because they are assigned at run time, and if the order of the actor assignment was changed during a patch, the numbers would all be wrong, not to mention that if a new variables were added during the patch, it would be erased on load. One of the main criteria for the savegame system is that it must survive patches and updates.

So what I really needed to save was the name of the table (ray), so when the savegame system de-serialized last_actor, it knew it was the actor ray and could just point to that master table again.  The same is true for objects and rooms.

Since the engine keeps a list of all the actors, rooms and object independent from the tables in the code, after saving the global variables, I iterated through each of them, saving off the variables found in each table and also some internal state information that is not saved in the tables, things like x,y position, touchable, facing direction, etc.

All this information is saved in a JSON savegame file that looks like this:

currentRoom: "Diner"
gameTime: 156.52
inputState: 16
savetime: 1445006566
selectedActor: "ray"
version: 0
actors: {
    bankmanager: {
        _dir: 2
        _pos: "{540,11}"
        _roomKey: "Bank"
        defaultVerb: 3
        detective: 0
        flags: 131072
        name: "Mr. Cruffman"
        sawRaysBadge: 0
        sawReyesBadge: 0
        dialog: NULL
        last_room: {
            _roomKey: "Bank"

The savegame system knows when it sees an entry like last_room, it should look up the master table for Bank and place it in the variable last_room.

When loading, it serialize all the data, merging it with existing variables or creating new ones if they don't exist, then it re-enters the room specified in currentRoom.

I also created two global functions...

function preSave() {
function postLoad() {

That get called, just in case there ends up being a complex situation that that needs attention. So far, there has been none, but the hooks might be useful.

I don't need to save the state of the sound system, because most sounds are restarted in the enter code and this reduced the complexity of the task immensely. When I implement the music system, I will need to save it's state because music sits above the current room, but that is a task for another day and shouldn't be too hard.

There are two types of multi-threaded functions in the game: local and global. Local multi-threaded functions are killed when you leave a room and restarted when you enter, so I didn't need to save these. Global multi-threaded functions needed to be saved, and I didn't (and still don't) have a good way to save these. It's not just a matter of saving a few local variables and the PC, there might be a complex nested call stack, each with it's own set a local variables and enclosures and it all needs to be saved and then recreated on load. I looked at the Squirrel source code and I don't see an easy way to serialize and recreate a running thread.

The good news is that we don't use global scripts very often and in each of those cases, they can be done in a different way, so I opted to just not save global threads. Problem solved. I'm sure it could be solved if I wanted to bang my head against the problem for a few weeks, but it's just not worth it.

There are two downsides to my "enter the room on loaded" scheme.

1. If an actor is walking across the room when you save, and then you load, they will stop walking. I don't see this as a huge downside. Chances are you're loading the game a few hours, it not days, later and I don't think you'll remember where they were headed. The enter code restarts any NPC, so they will behave normally.

2. You can't really save in the middle of cut-scenes as that would require you know where actors were walking and the exact state of the entire animation system at that moment, precisely what I was trying to avoid.

My solution to that problem was to silently save the game right before a cut-scene, and then if you save during the cut-scene, it actually saves the game saved right before. The downside is you might loose a little progress, but we're trying to keep all cut-scenes to less than 10 seconds, so you won't really loose much, and once again, I don't think most players will even notice and it saves a ton of time on my end that I'd rather be using for other things.

And that's the save game system.


- Ron

20 Oct 14:55

Harajuku Guy in Saint Laurent, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Issey Miyake & Dior Homme

by tokyo
Taylor Swift


We met 19-year-old Shota on the street in Harajuku. We found out that he’s a beautician.

His look features a resale/vintage turtleneck with Saint Laurent pants and Dior Homme shoes. Accessories include glasses, a beret, an Issey Miyake watch, and a 3.1 Phillip Lim tote bag.

Shota’s favorite fashion brands include Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Dior, and Supreme. He likes the music of Calvin Harris, Kat-Tun, Kara, and Arashi, among others. Find Shota on Twitter for more pictures and info!

3.1 Phillip Lim & Saint Laurent Paris Harajuku Guy in Vintage Turtle Neck & Saint Laurent Saint Laurent Pants & Dior Homme Shoes

Click on any photo to enlarge it.