Shared posts

18 Jun 19:12

The Human Mating Call Explained [Science Video]

by Geeks are Sexy

Are good dancers more likely to ‘get some’? In this video from ASAPScience, find out how dancing is the human equivalent of a mating call, and what type of dancing is most attractive:

Perhaps our dance clubs aren’t so different from the local watering hole!


18 Jun 18:44

The Real World

by bikeyface

Everyday there’s more and more technology to keep us more connected… at work:

The Real World

…at home:

The Real World

…even during our commute:

The Real World

With “social media” connecting us, there’s something missing. The real world. And real people.

You may not be able to change whether you need to work. But you can change how you get to work. Just changing a commute from four to two wheels makes a big difference.

Social Media

Not only that, once you’re outside the box, you’ll find yourself running into real people again. Lot’s of them. Doing interesting things, going interesting places. And there’s always time to stop and talk.

The Real World

You can use all social media you want, but it turns out, bicycles are a better way to actually connect.