Shared posts

26 May 15:43

Inside Pixar’s Leadership

by John Gruber

Scott Berkun collected some terrific excerpts from Pixar president Ed Catmull’s 2010 interview with The Economist’s Martin Giles:

The notion that you’re trying to control the process and prevent error screws things up. We all know the saying it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. And everyone knows that, but I think there is a corollary: if everyone is trying to prevent error, it screws things up. It’s better to fix problems than to prevent them. And the natural tendency for managers is to try and prevent error and over-plan things.

05 May 11:26

Una mamma strepitosa che ogni giorno fa un disegno diverso sui tovaglioli dei figli

by Cluster Magazine

La settimana scorsa vi abbiamo mostrato la sandwich art di un papà che ogni giorno dal 2008 ha fatto un disegno diverso sulle buste dei panini del figlio. Oggi invece vi mostriamo una mamma che anziché disegnare sulla busta dei panini, disegna ogni giorno sui tovaglioli del pranzo dei figli.

Una mamma con le contropalle, non c’è che dire!

07 Apr 17:46

Ebert on Twitter

by John Gruber

Roger Ebert, back in 2010:

My rules for Twittering are few: I tweet in basic English. I avoid abbreviations and ChatSpell. I go for complete sentences. I try to make my links worth a click. I am not above snark, no matter what I may have written in the past. I tweet my interests, including science and politics, as well as the movies. I try to keep links to stuff on my own site down to around 5 or 10%. I try to think twice before posting.
