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29 Sep 10:07

Shoes Experts? But Who Are These Young People?

by cellmate707

As you can see from the title, here is called “shoe experts”. Certainly a somewhat demanding statement … but read the article below to find out that maybe this is not exaggerated.

First of all, however, we begin with presentations.

We are Antonio and Marco Nuca , two brothers born, grown and lived in the shoes world.

Of real shoes …

We have a shop in San Bonifacio, province of Verona, inherited by her dad, who in turn inherited it from her.

Let’s tell you the truth: we’re tired of treating our shoes as a completely secondary accessory.

As an accessory to which most people are not important, and they buy only on the basis of price, advertising or aesthetic appearance.

We would like to give him some dignity, and through our articles do some culture in this field.
How should it be a modern shopkeeper?
The real shoemakers, (shoe experts just …) do not have to be like dealers (give a customer what he asks, so …).

MUST cover the role of consultant … with the capital C, aware that a bad shoe can also cause serious damage to the health of the buyer. (and if you read the posts, you’ll find out why …)

At this point, however, another problem arises:

how does one suggest you improvised?
how do you recommend one who sells low alloy products?
how does one advise you that is obliged to buy its products?
how does one advise you that mixes valid and mediocre products?

Selection of collections.

As you can imagine, it is crucial that before you recommend the right shoe, you have to make an accurate SELECTION. Then, this too is not enough. Producers often have high and low deliveries. Sometimes they respect their promises, sometimes they deliver products that are not up to standards.

So in this case it is crucial to keep feedback with customers. The promise we make is that when a company, even famous and advertised, does not meet our customers, we remove it from our assortment … gain or no gain.

So, the mix of products you find at this time is the result of a continuous selection that is never definitive, in order to be comfortable in offering what is best for us.
And if I want to buy on your site?

If you want to buy on our site , we understand that counseling can not be at the same level as the live one. Unlike the great sites, however, we give you the possibility to consult us if you have questions, doubts, either in writing with a message or email, either on the phone or via skype.
You will either answer or reply directly to us , (by shoe experts …) not from a generalist or a call center.

I do not need to point out that, however, there is the possibility of making and repaying.

Another aspect that must make you feel comfortable is that all the shoes on the site are the ones we try and try again live in the store. So any problems with defective footwear or defects are generally solved at the origin.

If you are tired of a cold, detached and unprofessional service, if you never know if you trust what the turn-by-turn tells you, we suggest you as your consultants.

We like beautiful shoes, we were lucky enough to get into the factories and craft workshops among the most beautiful in Italy and to understand the importance of the workmanship and the choice of materials.

That’s what we try to convey to our customers.

So if you are in Veneto or are in transit, why not visit us in the store?
You will then be able to test yourself if we are shoes expert!