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13 Oct 18:39

The X-Men Episode Guide 5×09: Jubilee's Fairytale Theater

by Chris Sims

'you know what sounds even sketchier than Gambit? Someone doing a breathy impression of Gambit.'

'Gambit, whose Cajun accent has officially gone out of control'

'Gambit is even more of a creep in Jubilee’s friendfic than he is in the regular show.'

Gambit kept 'the genuine article for himself, stashing it in The Cavern Of The Lost, a dungeon suitable for four 5th-level characters.'

X-Men Episode Guide 5x09: Jubilee's Fairytale Theater

The early ’90s were spoiled for choice when it came to comic book adaptations. Not only was Batman: The Animated Series on the air, but X-Men led Marvel’s push to get on the small screen, diving right into the often convoluted continuity of everyone’s favorite mutants, luring in a generation of fans, and paving the way for cartoons to follow. That’s why we’ve set out to review every single episode of the ’90s X-Men animated series.

This week, we dive into Jubilee’s Erotic Friend Fiction, and everything is different and none of it makes sense.

Previously, on X-Men:

In our last episode, Storm almost got married to a genocidal space-slaver, which just about gets her onto the list of the five worst relationships in X-Men history. The slaver in question is Arkon of the planet Polemachus, and fortunately for Storm, the rest of the X-Men went out and started a rebellion while she was preparing for her wedding, eventually leaving the planet completely destabilized, with a group of unarmed and untrained former slaves facing off against a vengeful demigod with access to an entire fleet of spaceships in a fight for their freedom and lives. Our Heroes!

All that romance in the air led to a discussion of just which X-Man has the worst love interest, and the Commenteers offered up a few suggestions of love gone terribly, terribly wrong:

That time Angel sexed up Husk in front of her parents while doing lazy circles in the sky was pretty uncouth. — Adam Bacon

Nightcrawler dating his sister will never not gross me out. — Elizabeth Stege

Can I just say “all of them” and be done with it? Collectively, the X-Men have been with vampires, racists, terrorist leaders, clones of terrorist leaders, mass murderers, space dictators, extra evil space dictators, an avatar of death, secret sentinels, demon queens, furries, and Longshot. — Brandon ‘Zak’ Zachary

Incidentally, anyone mentioning the events of NYX can see themselves out.

X-Men 5x09

Oh brother, this is the one I’ve been warned about since we started. Our episode today is “Jubilee’s Fairytale Theater” from writer Brooks Watchell and producers Frank Squillace and Tom McLaughlin, and cousin, this thing is off the rails before it even gets started. If you’re a regular reader of the column, you may remember that a few weeks ago, there was an episode that inexplicably swapped out the title sequence that’s been part of the show for five seasons and replaced it with one that added in clips from episodes and topped it off with a remixed theme song with more squealing guitars before going right back to the original. Well, it’s back, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Everything is different in this episode. The character designs, the animation style, even some of the voices have been changed, and considering how this thing starts, there was a second there where I thought they may have gone ahead and changed the entire premise of the show. Why?

Because we open in the caverns beneath the X-Mansion, where Jubilee is leading a bunch of unnamed children on a field trip.

X-Men 5x09

This raises a very important question, but as Jubilee explains in a flashback, she’s chaperoning this tiny band of non-mutant youngsters because Professor X promised them they could go on a field trip, but on the day they arrive, he and the rest of the X-Men have been summoned to go talk to the president. Thus, he, Wolverine, and Gambit hop on the blackbird to Washington. Wait a second, that’s not Gambit! THAT’S A FAKE GAMBIT!

X-Men 5x09

Jubilee may have gotten a redesign that makes her look exactly like what would’ve happened if Bret “The Hitman” Hart had become one of the Planeteers, but Gambit is sporting a new design and a new voice, and you know what sounds even sketchier than Gambit? Someone doing a breathy impression of Gambit.

Point being, Jubilee has been stuck with the kids, and if you were hoping that this show would answer the question of just who the hell these children are, where they came from, why they are not accompanied by a teacher and why they have no idea what the Xavier School actually is, I’m afraid we’re both out of luck. Incidentally, when they actually ask about the Xavier School, Jubilee tells them that it’s “kind of experimental,” which I guess is as accurate a description as you’re likely to find of Professor X’s paramilitary strike force training camp.

Needless to say, Jubilee and the kids get trapped in the caves when one of New York’s many earthquakes starts up and collapses the tunnel, and since no one else was around when they sent a bunch of children into a long cave system, they end up trapped. Fortunately, Jubilee has her “satcom 3000 digital beeper” to call for help, but in the meantime, she needs to tell the kids a story to keep them from panicking.

And this is where things get BANANAS.

X-Men 5x09

In true Tina Blecher fashion, Jubilee starts telling all the kids about a long-ago kingdom ruled over by “a handsome prince, and his true love, the princess Jean,” (oh buhruther) who are unfortunately menaced by the evil sorceror Magnus, Master of Metal.

You can see where this is going.

Magnus and his men, who look suspiciously like Onslaught…

X-Men 5x09

…are stalking through the forest looking for the MacTaggert Crystal, when they run across Gambit, whose Cajun accent has officially gone out of control. He’s leading the “rebell-YON” against Magnus, claiming it will be a “night-MARE” if the peasantry doesn’t aid him. Magnus’s robot knights soundly thrash him, something I think we can all sympathize with, when he’s suddenly rescued by a mysterious outlaw, someone who battles so fiercely against Magnus that he spreads rumors that she doesn’t even exist, but is merely a legend told by the citizens to give each other hope.

No prizes for guessing who it is.

X-Men 5x09

Because of course Jubilee stars in her own erotic friend-fiction. And of course she’s an elf. All she needs is two scimitars to complete the look.

Jubilee battles Magnus’s metal soldiers, who she refers to as “clankers” (racist), handily defeating them and rescuing Gambit. The lead soldier tries to get away, but he’s stopped by Jubilee’s “right-hand troll,” Logan, whose nipples are way too prominent for this show to have gotten past BS&P intact:

X-Men 5x09

Having successfully saved the day, Jubilee is immediately set upon by Gambit, who tells her “Ah, fair one, I could show you so MANY tings,” before Logan interrupts him. Somehow, Gambit is even more of a creep in Jubilee’s friendfic than he is in the regular show.

Gambit claims to know where the MacTaggert Crystal is, and leads Jubilee and Logan through the woods to find it. Along the way, he tells them how Magnus hired him to use his t’ievin’ skills to find the Crystal, but he ended up giving him a fake and keeping the genuine article for himself, stashing it in The Cavern Of The Lost, a dungeon suitable for four 5th-level characters.

X-Men 5x09

Once inside, they just walk to the crystal and retrieve it, only to be met by Sabretooth — who, if you’ll remember, was the source of the problems the last time they left Jubilee alone — and a couple of the metal soldiers. A fight scene ensues, but naturally, Fantasy Roleplaying Jubilee beats the living mess out of Sabretooth, palm-striking his nose, dropkicking him, and then punching him out with her bare knuckles, shortly before elbowdropping Voldemort and making out with the two guys from Supernatural. Or at least, that’s what I wish happened.

Wish? Did somebody say… WISH?!”

X-Men 5x09

It’s Jambi the Genie from Pee-Wee’s Playhouse!

Wait, no. Sorry, that’s “Xavier the All-Knowing,” a wizard who’s even more powerful than Magnus. He appears in the form of a floating head and informs Jubilee that she has a Very Special Destiny and that her innate goodness is the key to unlocking the power of the crystal, and it’s at this point that I have started actually critiquing a story written by a fictional teenager for being full of hack clichés. This is what my life has come to.

Gambit leads Jubilee and Logan to a secret passage to Magnus’s dungeons, and sure enough, they’re stopped by the metal soldiers, revealing that they’ve been led into Magnus’s trap.

X-Men 5x09

Not pictured: His hilarious pointy Iron Sheik boots.

Since he obviously can’t break Jubilee’s spirit — since she’s so great and cool and awesome — Magnus threatens Logan, who informs Jubilee that “your light brightens my world, mistress,” and begs her not to use it for dark purposes. Alas, Jubilee gives in to save her friends, zapping the crystal with her fireworks and transferring their power to Magnus. But what’s this?! Jubilee continues pouring on the fireworks, which somehow overload Magnus’s own magnetic powers, causing him to be swarmed by every metal object that’s not bolted down:

X-Men 5x09

There is no way the first draft of this strip didn’t include the line “Now that’s what I call getting screwed!” but, well, here we are.

Purely by coincidence, the climax of Jubilee’s story happens just as the X-Men arrive, with Cyclops blasting down the wall to free the kids, who promptly call Wolverine a troll. Before they leave, Jubilee wraps up the end of her story by telling them, I kid you not, “everyone was pretty happy,” and then the single best thing in the series happens when Fantasy Roleplaying Cyclops decides to reward Jubilee for her service to the kingdom by sending her to school where she can study very hard. Jubilee dips, the kids leave, The End.

Discussion Question: I’m not gonna lie, I hated this episode the first time I watched it, but going through it the second time, it really grew on me. Maybe it’s just for how weird it is, maybe it’s because “right-hand troll” is the best accidental burn that I’m going to add to my vocabulary, I don’t know. But what other cartoon episodes did you hate when you saw them that later grew on you?

13 Oct 18:30

Federal lawsuit alleges highway guardrails can kill people

by Jacob Kastrenakes

The guardrails that line US highways are meant to protect drivers in the event of a crash, but many that have been installed over the past decade may also present a danger. The manufacturer of those guardrails, Trinity Highway Products, is heading to court this week facing allegations that it changed its guardrail design without informing the Federal Highway Administration and has been improperly accepting federal money ever since, according to The New York Times. Separate lawsuits reportedly allege that those changes have led to five deaths and many other injuries in at least 14 accidents across the US.

Federal agencies reportedly didn't know of the change for seven years

When the end terminal of a guardrail is hit, it's supposed to divert the rail away from the oncoming vehicle while also absorbing the crash's impact. But in some instances, the end of the guardrail fails to do this, instead allowing the rail to pierce the striking vehicle — and potentially anyone inside. This has allegedly started happening because of a seemingly minor cost-saving change by Trinity: shrinking the width of the guardrail's feeding channel from five inches to four. Though Trinity is said to have conducted and passed tests for this new design, it apparently did not alert or receive approval for the change when it was made back in 2005. Federal agencies were reportedly not made aware of it until 2012. The video above demonstrates use of the ET-2000 terminal, which is the predecessor to the altered model, the ET-Plus.

Trinity is now facing a false claims lawsuit saying that it improperly took federal funds for this new guardrail, which was not specifically approved. The suit was filed by Joshua Harman on behalf of the US government. The Times reports that Harman partially owns two companies that manufacture and install guardrails and was sued by Trinity for patent infringement back in 2011. Bloomberg reports that Harman could earn as much as a third of any judgement against Trinity, which has up to $1 billion at stake.

Despite the serious claims, it's unclear if Harman will be able to back them up. Trinity tells Bloomberg that the allegations are "false and misleading," and the Federal Highway Administration still allows states to receive federal reimbursement for them, having not found enough evidence that they're a problem. However, several states are opposed to the new rails. The Times reports that Missouri, Nevada, and Massachusetts have all banned further installation of these new guardrail terminals, expressing concerns over their safety. Tens of thousands of the terminals have reportedly been installed nationwide.

Trinity did not respond to a request for comment. This is the second time Harman's case has gone to trial. Bloomberg reports that the first case again Trinity was declared a mistrial in July.

13 Oct 18:29

WeLoveFine Is Making Fantastic Ghostbusters Rompers For Your Halloween Shenanigans - Who you gonna call? Rad fashion!

by Sam Maggs

Still not sure what to do for Halloween? Might we suggest WeLoveFine’s super-great new Ghostbusters jumpsuits? Perfect for your Ghostbusters reboot group cosplay! Each suit has its own name badge (Venkman, Zeddemore, Stantz and Spengler) and are available on WLF for $78.

(via io9)

Previously in WeLoveFine

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13 Oct 18:29

Bayonetta 2 review: A witch's witch

by Earnest Cavalli

5/5, "the perfect action game", "no-brainer for anyone with even the slightest affection for action games"

Wii U Like its predecessor, Bayonetta 2 begins in the middle of things, with the titular heroine locked in fierce, physics-defying battle against seemingly endless hordes of angels. Things take a turn for the ludicrous mere seconds in, as Bayonetta...
13 Oct 18:24

No Pineapple Left Behind: Be A Dole

by John Walker

By John Walker on October 13th, 2014 at 6:00 pm.

“A game about de-unionized schools and tropical fruit.”


Subaltern Games, they behind satirical world-domination-through-exploitative-labour-sim Neocolonialism, are on Kickstarter asking for funding for a project turning their ire to the American schooling system.

An evil wizard goes to a school and turns all the students into pineapples, you see. And as pineapples, all they need to do to have the school succeed is get good grades in formulaic tests. Do you see what they’re doing there? Manage the school tightly, burning through teachers with unrealistic workloads and dehumanising curricula, and this simple, profitable status of pineapple students will see you succeed! But accidentally lose any grip on things, and those pineapples might turn back into complicated, personality-driven children.

Oh gosh, I love this concept – enough even to swallow my frustration with the fiddly neediness of management games, just for the catharsis of such a valuable point being so smartly made. If the game’s any good, of course – no way of knowing that bit yet. They make a bold comparison with Prison Architect, which could come back to nip at them. They’ve got 11 days left to make the bulk of their $35k, with the $10 tier for a copy of the finished game.

Kickstarter, Neocolonialism, No Pineapple Left Behind, Subaltern Games.

13 Oct 18:23

Wot I Think: Roundabout

by Adam Smith

"A minimalist design might have made sections easier, or allowed developers No Goblin to create terrifyingly complex suburbs to navigate, but Roundabout is a game about a lady called Giorgio who drives a limousine that is constantly rotating."

By Adam Smith on October 13th, 2014 at 7:00 pm.

Roundabout is a very silly game about a limousine that is constantly rotating. No, that’s not quite right. Roundabout is a sweet and surreal love story about the driver of a limousine that is constantly rotating. Closer.

Whatever else it is, Roundabout is the greatest example of the importance of a remarkable theme and visual style that I’ve seen this year.

I knew I’d played something very like Roundabout as soon as I saw the first trailer but I only found time to play No Goblin’s driving simulator this weekend. The game I was thinking of was Kuru Kuru Kururin, in which a spinning stick must be maneuvred through a series of mazes. Roundabout is built on precisely the same principle. Object spins, locked to the centre of the screen, and you guide it through obstacles that are designed to allow passage but to make you rue the ceaseless rotation.

Beyond the basics, everything that Roundabout does feels almost entirely unlike anything else in gaming. The music is driven by slap bass and funky rhythms, the story is told through short live action cutscenes starring intentionally awkward costumed non-actors, and the bodycount is enormous but there isn’t a mean streak in sight. It’s a cohesive comedic package, which never me laugh but kept a very happy smile on my face throughout.

There’s a hint of Wes Anderson’s self-conscious artifice in the cutscenes, which repurpose stock footage for their best gags, but feel like the contents of an alternate reality’s cutting room floor throughout. If there’s a tightrope above the Zany Canyon, Roundabout is undoubtedly teetering across it but it’s far more in control of its passage than you’d expect given that it’s a game about a rotating limousine.

Let’s address that. The car spins, whether it’s moving or not. The game acknowledges that this is happening – it’s a major plot point and almost every character addresses the fact – but mostly to point out that it is an awesome thing for a limousine to do. It’s intentional, the spinning – driver Giorgio Manos arrives at Limo Training School and ploughs through every obstacle in her path, rotating all the while.

Her instructor is surprised but he gives her a pass. Most of her passengers are delighted, if a little confused at first, when they see the eyecatching means of motion. Later, an evil businessman sees the spinning limousine as such an ingenious innovation that he figures he’ll make millions if he steals the concept for his own uses. He’s part of a cast that includes a skeleton called Jeffrey, a moonlighting baseball coach and the two most unenthusiastic enthusiastic children in the world. ‘Yayyy’, they mutter, as if the icecream had fallen out of the cone right before filming began.

There’s plenty to do, although all of it revolves around revolving. Story missions lead you around the fairly small map and you’ll be able to drive through the lot in a couple of hours if you don’t get distracted by the minigames, high score chasing or unlockable upgrades, paint jobs and hats. Yes, the car can wear a hat. Remember – we’re above the Zany Canyon.

I found it impossible to proceed without trying to gain every available star in some of the early tasks. Perfecting the game would take a great deal of effort and repetition. Stars are awarded for finishing levels within a certain time limit, for collecting every available star, for building bonus multipliers, and for managing to take a passenger from A to B without exploding en route. There’s a lot of exploding in the game, as the limo can only take a limited amount of damage before the flames start to roar under the bonnet, but the punishment for fiery extinction is light. Explode during a mission and you’ll be taken back to a checkpoint, very close at hand, and if you happen to be roaming the open world when disaster strikes, you’ll respawn nearby.

There are modifiers in the game’s menu that allow for instadeath to be applied, meaning any slight mistake is fatal, or for Big Head or ‘non-violent’ mode to be activated among other things. The first has a real effect on the game, as do several others, but the cosmetic changes are simply that – cosmetic. I’m glad that non-violence is an option, as the squirts of blood, garish and cartoonish though they are, didn’t seem right in Giorgio’s weird world. At one point she goes on a date, driving through a mall and obliterating everyone and everything in her way, and I felt much better about the prospects of continued romance when I didn’t have to imagine the body parts clinging to the windscreen wipers.

The layouts of the roads and parks, which form the levels and puzzles of the game as it were, are probably less diverse and fiendish than Kuru Kuru Kururin’s maps. I couldn’t say for sure and the less abstract form of Roundabout obscures some of the design, making a direct comparison tricky. There’s plenty of satisfaction in mastering the limo’s timing though, as well as the various power-ups that are unlocked throughout, and performing a perfect run is a source of glee.

But it’s everything that happens around the puzzles that makes Roundabout such a delightful thing. It doesn’t even feel like a puzzle game because the open world and narrative structure disguise the fact so well. The performances and the visuals are like an act of legerdemain, designed to fool people like me into enjoying a game that they would have dismissed if it had simply been a construction of lines and shapes. A minimalist design might have made sections easier, or allowed developers No Goblin to create terrifyingly complex suburbs to navigate, but Roundabout is a game about a lady called Giorgio who drives a limousine that is constantly rotating.

It’s a very silly game indeed but there’s a sweetness at its centre that would put even the finest fondant to shame. Through all the raised eyebrows, ill-fitting costumes and fluffed lines, Roundabout has a sincerity that makes me happy to recommend it to anyone, even if it did fool me into playing a puzzle game.

Roundabout is out now.

13 Oct 18:22

Genetics Emphatically Deny Playing Any Part In Area Man’s Body

TRUSSVILLE, AL—Attempting to distance themselves from the man’s outward appearance, the 46 chromosomes of local sales associate Peter Macon vociferously denied Monday that they had played a direct role of any kind in the present state of his p...

13 Oct 18:12

Wasting timeline, Wrong Hands

Wasting timeline, Wrong Hands

13 Oct 18:09

The entire 'Gundam' franchise is coming to US on home video for the first time

by Carl Franzen


If you're a fan of giant fighting robots (and really, who isn't?), some great news emerged from New York Comic-Con this past weekend: the entire Mobile Suit Gundam franchise is being officially released on home video (DVD/Blu-Ray) in the United States. The Gundam franchise, a collection that spans over 25 different anime series and spin-off manga, video-games, models and other toys, focuses on a bunch of futuristic space wars fought by different human pilots in giant robotic "mobile" suits. It is the grandaddy of the "real robot" concept in science fiction, where giant robots are treated as just one of many tools of interpersonal conflict. American viewers may be more familiar with later iterations of Gundam thanks to the re-airing of Gundam Wing on Cartoon Network in the late 1990's and early 2000's.

Now Sunrise, the Japanese animation studio that owns the rights to all the Gundam properties, announced an expanded deal with its distribution company, Right Stuf, to re-release the original series that started it all back in 1979, Mobile Suit Gundam, on home video in early 2015. Right Stuf will also issue the first-ever North American releases of Turn A Gundam and Gundam ZZ next year, with subsequent series to follow. Pricing, video format, and exact availability details have yet to be announced, but for collectors and mecha buffs, the announcement alone is a big victory.

13 Oct 18:07

‘The View’ Slams NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman for Breaking Ebola Quarantine: ‘It's Pretty Dumb’ - Yahoo TV

by gguillotte
Tempers flared on “The View” following reports that NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman was spotted in the parking lot of a New Jersey restaurant, violating her quarantine after coming in contact with a confirmed case of Ebola. “It's pretty dumb. I'm sorry, it's pretty dumb,” said co-host Whoopi Goldberg on Monday morning.
13 Oct 18:07

Disgraced, Soon-To-Be-Former Navajo Nation President Attends 'Skins Game

by gguillotte


As part of his campaign to convince you that his team's name isn't racist, Dan Snyder took in today's game with Ben Shelly, president of the Navajo Nation. Once again, Dan probably should have done a little more research. Shelly is technically still president, but not for much longer. He got absolutely trounced in August's primary election, finishing seventh. Shelly entered office under a dark cloud, being charged with fraud, conspiracy and theft in connection with allegations that he had dipped into slush funds to benefit himself and family members. The charges against Shelly were dropped in exchange for him agreeing to pay back $8,250 he was accused of stealing from the tribal government. Shelly's public support of Snyder has clashed with his own tribal council, which voted 9-2 in April to formally oppose the nickname "Redskins." Shelly was accused of going behind the back of tribal leaders when he partnered with Dan Snyder's Original Americans Foundation (OAF) to host a golf tournament. When sponsors the National Indian Gaming Association and the Notah Begay III Foundation learned of the involvement of Snyder's foundation, they withdrew their support.
13 Oct 18:07

Watch the Start Screens for Damn Near Every Game Boy Title

by gguillotte
Like he's done for the NES and the SNES before, YouTuber NicksplosionFX has assembled the introductory moments of almost every game released for Nintendo's gray brick-like handheld. It's probably not the entirety of the Game Boy catalog but don't let any gaps stop you from basking in the inventiveness on display here.
13 Oct 18:06

Jerry Greenfield, the co-founder of Ben & Jerry's, traveled to Portland where he unveiled a new flav

by Mark Strauss

meanwhile, in Portland + #twopeopleinvermont = TAL

Jerry Greenfield, the co-founder of Ben & Jerry's, traveled to Portland where he unveiled a new flavor—"Food Fight Fudge Brownie"— to support Oregon's ballot measure to impose mandatory GMO labeling. Ironic, given that Greenfield's state, Vermont, has exempted dairy products from GMO labels.


13 Oct 18:04

Killer Queen: a homemade, 5 on 5, arcade cabinet

by Teddy Papes

Dynamite With a Laser Beam @ The New York Times

As technology chugs along and connection to the internet becomes constant and ubiquitous, the local offline videogame seems to drift closer towards irrelevance. That is until a game like Killer Queen comes along. The smashing of buttons, the hollering of your teammates, and the high fives after an amazing match remind you how great it is to play games in the same space as other humans.

In Killer Queen’s early days, before it was a full fledged arcade cabinet, it caught the attention of of the NYU game design department:

…New York University’s game design department sponsored an exhibition of independent games, called No Quarter. The exhibition’s curator had heard about Killer Queen, and he offered a $1,000 commission to Mr. DeBonis and Mr. Mikros if they could convert it into an arcade game for the show.

They immediately agreed. Unfortunately, neither of the game’s designers had any idea how to build an arcade cabinet.

“My only experience was that I worked in a metal shop in high school,” said Mr. DeBonis. They enlisted the help of Mr. DeBonis’s father and brother, traveling to a family-owned barn in Millbrook, N.Y., over three long weekends. It ended up costing them close to $5,000.

Since then, the makers have turned out a few more cabinets, but it still remains criminally underplayed. Here’s to hoping it comes to an arcade near you.

Until then, read more about it at the NY Times.

13 Oct 18:03

New York newspaper wants you to believe the Eagles cheered Victor Cruz's injury

by James Dator

philly is terrible but not terrible enough for stupid fucking new yorkers

A Giant loss in Philly:

— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) October 13, 2014

This cover photo did happen. An Eagles staff member was cheering while Victor Cruz writhed in pain after tearing his patellar tendon, but not in the way the New York Daily News wants you to believe.


Things can look a lot worse in slow motion. A freeze frame makes it seem like the staff member was taking joy in Cruz's injury, but in reality the time from the dropped pass to the end of his celebration was two seconds. It's unclear if the staff member even had time to process the injury when he could have been simply cheering the incomplete pass.

Eagles site "Crossing Broad" also discovered that the cheering staff member was later seen taking a knee. Notice that he's one of the few staff members to do so.


Original photo via Bill Streicher - USA TODAY Sports

13 Oct 18:03

The 5 worst commercials of the MLB postseason

by Grant Brisbee

'(Note: Do not drive. Never drive. He's a dog. He'll be fine. Do not listen to this commercial. Don't drive drunk because you will kill someone. Leave the dog out of it. He'll be fine. Why is this commercial making you feel guilty for something you shouldn't feel guilty about? Never drive drunk. Stay away from your dog for a week if you need to. Driving drunk is never, ever worth it.)

My 18-month-old daughter will climb over barbed wire to see this commercial once she hears the song from three rooms away. She'll clamber in and eagerly watch a beer commercial. You pernicious bastards.'

also trucks

You've watched a lot of baseball this month. Let's complain about the commercials.

The Major League Baseball postseason has been going on for two weeks. In that time, I've watched 76 hours and 38 minutes of baseball. I added it up. There's been exactly one game under three hours. That's 197 innings of baseball, with a three-minute break after each half inning.

That s 1,182 minutes of commercials.

That's almost 20 hours of commercials.

I have opinions about commercials. Come, let's talk about these awful things and discuss the five worst commercials of the postseason (so far).


People allowed to replace words in a song and be considered half-clever, at best:

  • Weird Al

Literally no one else. If your first name is Laybee, and you've lived your entire life with the name of Laybee, hating it more than anything you've ever hated in your life, and someone you've had a crush on for two years makes a "Call Me Laybee" joke, begging you to call them and interact and love and explore and grow, you are still justified in throwing red paint on them.

Weird Al. That's it. That's it. Even then, you get to make fun of him for being uncool.

So now that we've agreed with that point, here we have a Sir Mix-A-Lot clone rappin' 'bout crusts. Except look at this garbage:


You know the actual product isn't going to look like whatever formica pizza sculpture the production crew invented for the ad. This is the best-case scenario, then. This is the artist's conception of the best possible meal you could conceivably enjoy at the Mac Shack. You have 10 pieces of sausage. I think I see an onion. The green flecks could be spinach, could be basil. I'm assuming there's a sprinkling of cheese in there.

And it's all surrounded by a WASTELAND OF CRUST. I like big crust. I ... can't argue that point. But what is this shit? It's a range of doughy mountains made from sodium, yeast, air, and failed dreams.

I mean ...


Why can't I just have a meatball? Can't you just put meatballs in the middle of the wasteland of bread? Why do you have to smash them? Are you smashing them with your fists? Your dirty, ill-washed fists? Can I just have a piece of crust? That's all I need, no I'm good, just one small piece of crust.

On second thought, I will not have a smashed meatball on an acre of bread, and you can't make me.


Here are all of the YouTube comments under this ad:


These are the smartest YouTube comments in the history of the medium, but they still give me the chills.

I grew up with The Simpsons. That's my cultural touchstone. It was witty, dumb, brilliant, poignant, everything. It was eventually replaced in the cultural idiom with Family Guy, which is occasionally humorous, but substitutes four-hour chicken fights in for the witty and poignant. Whatever, you can get off my lawn or not, your call. The chicken-fight gag is a spiritual descendant of Andy Kaufman reading The Great Gatsby. Don't dismiss it just yet. Gags like that have their place.

Except the nuclear waste from those gags is hard to dispose of. Here you see it in an ad for the Dodge Dart, which is like the Ford Focus of cars. The strategy is to get your attention. It gets your attention. Abuses your attention. Leaves your attention on the side of the highway, broken and inconsolable. That's the strategy. Craig. Craig. CRAIG. CRAIG.

3. Boner pills

It's just you ... and your honey.

Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me, but ...

The setting is perfect.

Known in tantric literature as "the goddamned kids actually fell asleep when they're supposed to."

But then, erectile dysfunction happens again.

How many takes did they have to do to get the right mix of disappointment and shaming, but not too much shaming? It's not your fault. It happens to a lot of guys. But you still screwed everything up. You absolutely ruined the everything. Let me suggest a solution in a British accent, something between a supervillain and a naughty nanny.


If you take this pill, there is a gorgeous woman on a beach in front of a sailboat and three random flags (quidditch? idk) just begging to have sex with you. She can wait. She can wait all year. She doesn't even know how to sail, so she's hanging out indefinitely. Just get ... that ... taken care of.


She will have pier sex with you. Do you know what pier sex is like? It's like regular sex, but with hot-ass splinters. Possibly hot ass-splinters. Whichever, it's amazing. I can't believe you've never had pier sex.

To avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.

Hour one: Man. This thing.

Hour two: Seriously.

Hour three: Okay, cut it out.

Hour four: in the ER, dying from boners

Remember, you're watching this ad in the MLB postseason because the fans for this sport are dying and eventually baseball will be usurped by Interstellar Marines 7 live feeds on Twitch2, which is the Twitch channel that actually shows the programming that Twitch used to play before they started to provide different content for the old Twitch users who are growing up, even though you've never had the slightest idea what Twitch ever was.

2. Sad dog, neglected by drunken owner

The idea is that you're supposed to love your dog so much, that you want to stay alive for it. This is a noble idea, a laudable goal. By risking your life, you're risking your dog's happiness. Take a cab. Sleep it off. Booze is good, but dogs are better.

Except look at how sad that dog is. Look at everything you've been through. You threw balls around the house when he was a puppy, you chased him and his leash. He ate your shoe (aww) and snuggled when you were sick. You fed him peanut-butter-and-Budweiser slurry...


... and he woke you up with licks. You drove with him and your shitty hat, and you took him to the pier (possibly in hopes of PIER SEX), and there was a barbecue, and ...

you left him

he's lying on the floor

he's looking out the window

he thinks you're home but no it's a neighbor

he's sad

so sad

doggy sad

doggy very sad

How drunk are you? Seriously, how drunk? Maybe you're not that drunk. I mean, you've been drunker. You can probably drive. Dave's couch is lumpy, anyway. Maybe you should go home. It would sure make your best friend, your furry little soulmate, happy.

You can just picture how happy he is.

snuzzasnuzzasnuzza aw good to be home buddy snuzzasnuzzalick

Get in the car and make him happy. What are you waiting for? You're probably fine. Go pet him. C'mon. You owe him this much. He hardly asks for anything.

(Note: Do not drive. Never drive. He's a dog. He'll be fine. Do not listen to this commercial. Don't drive drunk because you will kill someone. Leave the dog out of it. He'll be fine. Why is this commercial making you feel guilty for something you shouldn't feel guilty about? Never drive drunk. Stay away from your dog for a week if you need to. Driving drunk is never, ever worth it.)

My 18-month-old daughter will climb over barbed wire to see this commercial once she hears the song from three rooms away. She'll clamber in and eagerly watch a beer commercial. You pernicious bastards.


You are born in chains. Every one of you. You are tethered to the boob or the bottle, and you will remain tethered for years. If you are let free, you will crawl into traffic or hug a scorpion or something equally as awful. You will die if you are not protected and controlled. You are not born free. For starters.

Other problems with this commercial include Kid Rock being terrible at everything. His best studio-desperation growling is maybe -- maybe -- 0.0 WAR to Bob Seger's 4.3 WAR. The lyrics rely on adjective/platitude, adjective/platitude. Fast. High. Young. Fierce. Free. Strong. Deep. Wild. Calm. Lost. On a rough road riding. Through the mountains climbing. Like a new moon rising. It's not a Canyonero commercial, but only because it's not funny.

Trucks. Trucks. Trucks.

It's the frequency that makes this one #1 with a bullet. It's on every other break. Fast. On a rough road riding. Fast. On a rough road riding. Fast. On a rough road riding. Fast. On a rough road riding. Fast. On a rough road riding. Fast. On a rough road riding. Fast. On a rough road riding. Fast. On a rough road riding. Over and over and over, every commercial break.

I guess Kid Rock is something of an elder statesman, now. The guy responsible for lyrics "I'm the D to the O, P to the D/O to the straight up G see/I been around like Jesus layin tracks/But I had to come back, I had to come back" is now here to tell us about how America is best enjoyed. Ol' Dopdog knows that if there's anything that makes America better, it's a pile of platitudes and 11th-grade poetry. Here, you try.

Climbing. Up a dusty trail
Driving. Through rain and hail
Ambling, rolling, tumbling. Into the blue unknown
And when it's time to face my maker, here's what I'll scream:
I want to make love to my truck
I want to make love to my truck and those hills, but start with the truck
If my truck had a voice, it would be a beautiful, 40-year-old British woman, but one who was never disappointed in me
Pull over. I have to see about a truck

The worst part is that we've been dealing with this song and the MLB postseason for four years, now.

Maybe the Giants only win in the postseason when there's a Kid Rock promo to lead them? I don't know, I'm not okay with that. I need to shift the blame and tie some horrible music to the Cardinals before I sign off.

if you missed @freddurst tonight and @limpbizkit you really missed out. Might have been the best concert ever! Cheers Fred!!!!!! #sick

— Jim Edmonds (@JimEdmonds) October 1, 2014

Phew. Off the hook.

I guess I could just mute the commercials next year.

13 Oct 18:00

John Cena has 2 new rap tracks ... with Wiz Khalifa

by Bill Hanstock

They're for a new video game. And they're instant classics.

Yes. New John Cena tracks in the year 2014. I don't know what we did to deserve these glorious offerings from the upcoming WWE 2K15 soundtrack, but I am NOT COMPLAINING. If you recall, Cena released an album in 2005 that went gold and sold more units than just about any album in the year 2014. We reviewed that album here, track-by-track.

So how do these new tracks stack up? THEY ARE WONDERFUL. You can hear "Breaks" over at Nahright. It features these lyrics:

I'm makin' ground mine
You takin' downtime
Every word is "hustle"
The whole entire sound shine
Chasin' the finer things
Shinin' like diamond rings
Gemstone flow
That's the clarity my rhymin' brings

John Cena prides himself on clarity.

And here is "All Day." Enjoy!

13 Oct 18:00

Darren Sproles avoids ACL tear, per reports; good sign for fantasy owners

by James Brady


Darren Sproles may have avoided a significant knee injury. We break down the fantasy implications.

Philadelphia Eagles running back Darren Sproles seems to have avoided a serious injury. Sproles had an MRI on Monday and while there's no official word from the Eagles just yet, multiple people are reporting that he's not expected to miss significant time. It could be an MCL sprain or slight tear, as per the report from Jeff McLane of The Philadelphia Inquirer.

If it is as minor as that, Sproles could be expected to miss about two-to-three weeks with the injury. If it does wind up being that kind of injury and on the shorter side (two weeks), then Sproles would only miss one game as the Eagles are looking at a bye in Week 7. Then they've got the Arizona Cardinals in Week 8 and the Houston Texans in Week 9. There's some tough matchups in the latter half of the schedule though, and having Sproles back for those games would be huge.

Fantasy Impact: Sproles has been a solid fantasy running back thus far, finding ways to move the ball in the running and passing game. He's got three touchdowns on the season, two more than starter LeSean McCoy, and is among the top flex options in the league. Fantasy owners should not expect him back for Week 8 against the Cardinals, but this news does give some hope that he could only miss one week of action.

13 Oct 17:59

Drone racing is a thing, and the first-person video is spectacular

by James Dator

Drones: They're not just for spying on you any more. First-person drone racing isn't a sport yet, but this is the closest we'll get to watching the Endor speeder bike chase from Return of the Jedi. For this reason alone we're on board.

drone racing

h/t Reddit

13 Oct 17:54

Since Netflix paid Verizon, video speed on FiOS has doubled

by Jon Brodkin

all carriers suck forever

Netflix's payments to Verizon for a direct connection to its network didn't result in immediate improvements for the companies' joint subscribers, but they're finally paying off with better video performance. Verizon FiOS actually topped all other major ISPs in Netflix performance in September with an average stream rate of 3.17Mbps, Netflix said today.

Although Verizon FiOS led all large ISPs in Netflix performance, Google Fiber is still No. 1 among all ISPs regardless of size with a 3.54Mbps average in September.

In August, Netflix streamed at an average of 2.41Mbps on Verizon FiOS, ranking tenth out of 16 major ISPs. In July, Netflix speed on Verizon FiOS was 1.61Mbps and in June it was 1.58Mbps, ranking 12th in both months. The Netflix/Verizon deal was announced in late April. When performance continued to get worse after the interconnection agreement, Verizon said it might take until the end of 2014 to get all the proper network connections in place to speed up video.

Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments

13 Oct 17:54

Just noticed this map or Mckinney Ave for the Trolley in Dallas. Y'all aren't Tx based are you?


meanwhile, in Portland/nobody in Portland is from Portland

No, I’m not, but that doesn’t stop me in my quest to make a better map! I’m actually based in Portland, Oregon — my home for the last seven years since moving to the U.S. from Sydney, Australia (my home town).

13 Oct 17:50

50 Shades of Grey Goose? New Book Combines Cocktails with Erotic Stories

by Camper English

"There are also a few scenes involving ice, and you know that makes me excited anyway."

ban Camper English

Cheri Loughlin, better known on the internet as blogger/corporate mixologist The Intoxicologist, has released a book of cocktail recipes and erotic stories due out October 14.

The book title is Cocktails with a Tryst: An Affair with Mixology and Seduction. There are 12 short stories and 27 cocktail recipes. 

Cocktails with a Tryst Cover Image

But if you're like me, you're wondering, "Are there cocktails in the erotic stories?"

This is how I imagined it:

"Oh Sam," she moaned, adding 3/8 ounce of 3:1 honey syrup to the shaker according to the original Penicillin recipe, "I brought the Honey, now you provide the Milk."

But in reality: Not so much. There are some scenes that take place in bars (while drinking Martinis) and after cleaning up bars (then the after-hours fun begins). Champagne is used in one scene as a garnish... of sorts.

There are also a few scenes involving ice, and you know that makes me excited anyway. 

Recipe-wise, drink names are often paired with the story scenes. For example, after a changing-room encounter in a lingerie store with a woman named Brandy, it is suggested that one might make the Brandied Bustier (with dark rum, apricot brandy, orange liqueur, and lime juice), or Brandy's Exquisite Cherry (brandy, spiced rum, port, maraschino cherry syrup).

The recipes tend include champagne and/or orange juice; I'd consider them brunchy in general.  

Though I can be a real snob about drinks served in cocktail bars, with drink books written by drag queens and coming from drunken YouTube video stars and bundled with erotic fiction, I can enjoy the occasional bit of fun. 


13 Oct 17:49

Patient at the Ottawa Hospital being tested for Ebola | CTV Ottawa News

by gguillotte
A patient at the Ottawa Hospital’s General Campus is being tested for Ebola.
13 Oct 17:48

Mexican activist slain during radio broadcast - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
The victim, Atilano Roman Tirado, was the leader of a group of about 800 farm families whose lands were flooded by dam construction several years ago. His group, known as the Displaced Persons of Picachos — after the name of the dam — has been demanding compensation for the land. Roman Tirado had a weekly variety program on the local Fiesta Mexicana radio station in the Pacific coast port of Mazatlan. In past years, the movement had staged blockades and protest marches, which had resulted in some arrests. Sinaloa state prosecutors said Sunday that two men walked into the station Saturday and asked for Roman Tirado. The station is in a building that also houses the newspaper El Sol de Mazatlan. One of the men waited outside the studio where Roman Tirado was broadcasting while the other assailant walked into the studio and shot him. He died at a local hospital.
13 Oct 16:45




13 Oct 16:44

Artist Turns Her Black German Shepherd Rescue Pup Into an Adorable Skeleton Dog With White Non-Toxic Face Paint

by Justin Page

Skeleton Dog

Bellevue, Washington-based artist Bryn Anderson recently turned Nixe, her black 13-month-old German Shepherd rescue pup, into an adorable skeleton dog with white non-toxic water based face paint. More of the skeleton dog photos are available on her Facebook.

Skeleton Dog

Skeleton Dog

Skeleton Dog

photos via Bryn Anderson

via reddit

13 Oct 16:44

A Day in the Life of a Very Social Anteater Named Captain Noche Cuervo

by Lori Dorn

A very social anteater named Captain Noche Cuervo goes about his daily life at Hidden Clover Adventures, an organization whose mission is to help preserve endangered species. Cameras follow the domestic Vermilingua as he runs around his home, playing with his favorite toys, hanging from the staircase and cheerfully teasing the other animal residents, including an adorable orange kitten and a slightly jumpy baby kangaroo.

via Boing Boing

13 Oct 16:43

An AVR Emulator written in pure LaTeX – Turing completeness!

by adafruit

"TeX is a horrible language to code in. After writing my master thesis in LaTex, after crafting every graphic within with TiKz[1] and pgfplots[2], and after writing my first LaTeX package[3], I can honestly say: TeX is the Quasimodo of all widely used programming languages. If you can avoid it, avoid it. But if you are forced to use it, you can abstract from TeX, since it is a “proper” programming language."


An AVR Emulator written in pure LaTeX – Christian Dietrich / avremu | GitLab.

LaTeX is known as a typesetting system. But the underlying TeX system is a powerful macro processor. In fact, TeX is a Turing-complete programming language. TeX can compute anything, that is computable. Computeability is a concept from theoretical computer science. After visiting a theoretical CS course, you will know that there are things that cannot be solved by a machine. Never. Look out for the halting problem. So, Turing-complete does not say “It’s a proper programming language”, but more “someone can write a proper interpreter for any programming language in it, theoretically”.

So back to TeX. To be honest, TeX is a horrible language to code in. After writing my master thesis in LaTex, after crafting every graphic within with TiKz[1] and pgfplots[2], and after writing my first LaTeX package[3], I can honestly say: TeX is the Quasimodo of all widely used programming languages. If you can avoid it, avoid it. But if you are forced to use it, you can abstract from TeX, since it is a “proper” programming language.

Let’s say we want to program our document in C on Top of Tex. Then there would be the need to interpret the C semantic. Basically we would have to write a compiler for C in TeX. Not a very promising future, if you start this. But, we can use a normal C compiler to compile the C code to some simple platform. Like AVR[4]. Since I have other things to do than writing an AVR Emulator in TeX, here it is!

Turing completeness!

13 Oct 16:43

minuend, n.


"A quantity or number from which another (the subtrahend) is to be subtracted."

13 Oct 16:09

This Optical Illusion Fools Monkeys as Well as Humans

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

shared entirely for "Monkey Margaret Thatcher"

This Optical Illusion Fools Monkeys as Well as Humans

The Thatcher Effect is a well-known optical illusion, first tested with a picture of Margaret Thatcher. It's glaringly obvious, but humans almost always fall for it. So, it seems, do monkeys.