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08 Aug 15:18

Spider-Man Swings In to Real-life Times Square Brawl

It might be tempting to dismiss this video of Spidey brawling with a guy in front of Toys R Us as a misguided viral-marketing stunt, but it's real.
08 Aug 15:10

design-is-fine: Walter Crane, Peacock garden corridor,...


Walter Crane, Peacock garden corridor, 1898-1900. Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest. Shown is the entrance to the former private apartment of the first museum director, who was a big admirer of british design, Crane was celebrated with an exhibition in 1900.

08 Aug 15:02

Sky News livestream of Republican debate shut down by Fox News copyright claim

by Sebastian Anthony

Late last night, a live broadcast by Sky News was taken offline by a copyright claim made by Fox News. It isn't clear if Fox News manually made a copyright claim against Sky, or whether this was just a particularly hilarious case of YouTube's automated Content ID system gone awry. If you weren't aware, Sky News and Fox News both share the same parent: 21st Century Fox, the spiritual and legal successor of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.

Last night, Sky News was broadcasting a debate between the US Republican presidential candidates, including Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul. Sky News uses YouTube for its live Internet feed, rather than its own platform. At some point, the YouTube feed was replaced by black static and an error message: "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Fox News Networks, LLC."

Sky News has since switched over to a new YouTube URL and is broadcasting normally. The old URL is still online, however, showing the copyright claim by Fox News.

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08 Aug 15:00

UK drinkers look at alcohol guidelines, laugh, and have another beer

by Cathleen O'Grady

You will be shocked to hear that, according to a new report in the journal Addiction, the UK government's drinking guidelines are incompatible with the UK's drinking habits. Solving the problem might lie in a counterintuitive update: accepting the reality of binge drinking.

The guidelines suggest a number of alcohol "units" per day that shouldn't be regularly exceeded—2-3 units per day for women, 3-4 units for men. But because people in the UK often go days without drinking and then go on a giant bender, the guidelines aren't all that useful. They don't say anything about reasonable limits for someone who wants to drink more heavily on one night out of seven.

The researchers conducted interviews with 66 people across England and Scotland, grouping people according to age, gender, and socioeconomic background. They found that the guidelines didn’t fit with the actual role of alcohol in people’s lives: aside from not giving any advice for occasional binge drinking, the use of “units” made people’s eyes glaze over. Calculating units on the fly isn't exactly what you want to be doing on Friday evening at the pub, so people are more inclined to keep track of how many glasses or bottles they’ve had.

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08 Aug 14:41

jurcssicworld: First episode of Wonder Woman 1975

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


First episode of Wonder Woman, 1975

08 Aug 07:30

Father Gets a Large Tattoo on His Head to Match His Six-Year-Old Daughter’s Cochlear Implant

by Glen Tickle

Alistair Campbell Tattoo
photo via Anita-Alistair Campbell

Alistair Campbell from Taupo, New Zealand recently got a large tattoo on his head to match his six-year-old daughter Charlotte’s cochlear implant so that the young lady wouldn’t feel different. Charlotte’s mother Anita-Alistair Campbell, who also wears a cochlear implant, shared a photo on her Facebook page of father and daughter showing off their matching “implants”.

Alistair Campbell Tattoo 2
photo via New Zealand Herald

via New Zealand Herald

08 Aug 07:29

Issa Rae On The Challenges of Making Insecure - "How hard is it to portray a three-dimensional woman of color on television or in film?"

by Charline Jao

Issa Rae

“Where is Issa Rae’s HBO show?” I’ve been asking since I heard HBO approved the actress’ show, Insecure, back in 2013. In an interview from New York Times, Rae discusses an unwillingness to compromise on her artistic vision and I love her for it.

Rae gained a great deal of internet fame from her web-series, The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl, a hilarious show I happened upon a few years back. Rae also came out with a memoir of the same name (which is a great read). While the interview points to shows like Black-ish and Empire as examples of successful shows with complex characters of color, Issae Rae describes the industry’s hesitance to make authentic and relatable protagonists of color. Despite many examples displaying a clear audience for these stories, Rae’s efforts to make her show are constantly frustrated.

Lots of networks and production companies were interested in Rae’s work after the success of her web-series, but wanted to strip it of everything that made it so great in the first place. Rae recalls an executive who wanted to change it to “a pan-racial franchise,” and another who wanted to recast “a lighter-skinned actress with long straight hair” as the lead. She turned down these offers:

They wanted to make it as broad as possible, broadly niche, but I was like: No, that’s not what this is about.

Rae then worked on the screenwriting for Insecure with actor and writer Larry Wilmore, who worked on shows like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The Bernie Mac Show, The PJs, and Sister, Sister. However, she was met with more obstacles that wouldn’t allow her to follow the story she wanted to tell. Although Rae brought up names of writers to work as writers on the show, HBO had “little interest” in hiring them, citing experience as the reason. She also discusses the important of diversity both behind and in front of the camera.

It still feels like we need to be in charge to prioritize story lines. Behind the scenes, it can be very white.

It’s hard not to compare Insecure with HBO’s Girls, a show that’s already four seasons in. Indiewire points out that many have called the show “resonant,” and similar to Insecure, it’s a personal story where the lead is tied to the writer. Also, despite many observations and criticisms about the lack of diversity on the show, Girls is doing pretty well for itself. So if people of color are expected to find white stories universal and relatable, why doesn’t it work the other way around?

On 2009’s hit film Precious, Rae expressed her discomfort with the film:

… not because I disliked the film, not because I couldn’t relate to the story, but because Hollywood was so [expletive] excited about this movie. Is that what it takes to create a sympathetic black female lead character?

Rae, who calls herself “awkward” points out that you often see “sassy” or other stock black characters, but rarely “awkward.” She adds:

How hard is it to portray a three-dimensional woman of color on television or in film? I’m surrounded by them. They’re my friends. I talk to them every day. How come Hollywood won’t acknowledge us? Are we a joke to them?

I would recommend reading the full interview, where Rae discusses her experiences growing up as a minority and her effects to elevate other people of color in the industry.

(via NY Times)

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08 Aug 07:28

Photograph Captures Two ‘Dryas Iulia’ Butterflies Drinking the Tears of Turtles in Ecuador

by Glen Tickle

butterflies drink turtle tears

A photograph by Ama la Vida TV captures a pair of Dryas iulia butterflies drinking the tears of turtles in Ecuador. The behavior is known as lachryphagy (tear drinking), and is done as a way to gain nutrients and moisture.

The photograph won the 2014 Wikimedia Picture of the Year competition.

photo via Wikimedia

via Twisted Sifter

08 Aug 07:28

How Canada and the U.S. Can Improve Transgender Health Care Rights

by Marcy Cook

viewing list of my medications, Dr. asks why I’m on estrogen. I tell him I’m transgender. He asks “which direction?” WTF? #TransHealthFail

— Julia Serano (@JuliaSerano) July 30, 2015

It’s political season both in the USA and here in Canada. The US has an election on November 8th 2016; here in Canada we have an election on October 19th 2015 (a 78-day election campaign; it’s our longest election campaign ever.) In celebration of politics running rampant like two frisky rabbits in springtime, let’s get political and talk about health care!

With a title that runs right off the tongue, USC 18116 is an amendment (RIN 0945-AA02) to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which was first entered law back in 2011. That’s the most complex sentence in this, so it’s an easier ride from here in. This change to ACA has been described as a ‘no-frills non-discrimination health care amendment‘. Sounds worthwhile and simple, right? It’s waiting for Obama to enact it and it’s been there a lot longer than the expected 90 days. It’s been almost five years; the amendment was proposed back in 2011.

This change would mean that US health care providers cannot discriminate on basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability. It’s damned important and great in so many ways; I’m choosing to focus on how this would impact transgender healthcare. Thanks to the recent Twitter hashtag, #transhealthfail, transgender medical care is currently getting talked about widely for probably the first time.

Women’s health includes transgender women’s health. I hope other feminist public figures will stand with me on that. #transhealthfail

— Brianna Wu (@Spacekatgal) July 30, 2015

The term ‘Sex’ in the ACA has been defined in law to include gender identity, and this has been upheld in the case of Rumble Vs Fairview Health Services. This was a case where Fairview Health Services wanted to say that trans people weren’t included under the ACA law, which they thought made it OK to provide transgender people with substandard healthcare, mocking them, misgendering them and causing them to eventually be admitted into emergency medical care. The law disagreed with Fairview’s opinion in the same way that the Aang disagreed with the Fire Nation.

Went to ER with heart issue, told them I’m trans + take T, accused me of ‘roiding’, had to explain what #trans means #TransHealthFail

— Leo Caldwell (@Leo_Caldwell) July 30, 2015

While this interpretation of the law is great and shows that there is hope for medical non-discrimination for transgender patients, it sadly hasn’t set a legal precedent. This is interpretation in a single case in local law, which allows for challenges and differing interpretations in other cases. So other medical firms in the future may try this all over again in a more sympathetic courtroom; possibly one recently furnished new luxury leather via health care business expenditure.

“I don’t know how to treat a transgender.” “… I’m here about joint pain I’ve had since before starting HRT?” #transhealthfail

— literal bag of ducks (@duckinator) July 30, 2015

Not having laws that explicitly cover transgender people is an ongoing problem, as politicians and lawmakers don’t want to spend the time and effort to create laws that specifically cover transgender people. They are in the habit of citing existing laws that might-just-possibly-maybe cover transgender rights. Laws that can only be applied after long and expensive court cases have sided with a transgender plaintiff, which doesn’t exactly happen often. We have the same issue here in Canada as in the USA.

I am #VanProud. So great to see my city embrace equality and trans human rights!

— S Chandra Herbert (@SChandraHerbert) July 27, 2015

In Vancouver Pride this year the focus was on transgender rights, and everyone taking part in the parade had to sign a transgender rights pledge. The political parties had to pledge that they were going to introduce changes to the Canadian Human Rights Code to include transgender Canadians. Both the Conservatives, the right wing party of hopefully outgoing vampire Prime Minister Harper and The Liberals, who are slightly left of the Conservatives by a cats whisker, were barred from taking part in the parade. The NDP are left of Liberals politically and the shadow party here in BC and currently highest in polls overall in Canada and the Green Party both had representatives in the Vancouver pride parade.

Nurse:”When was your last period?” Me:”Never. I’m Transgender.” Nurse:”You really fooled me! I thought you were a woman.” #transhealthfail

— Julie Rei Goldstein (@JulieRei) July 30, 2015

I’m not specifically covered by the Human Rights Code of Canada unlike other Canadian citizens; politicians have claimed I am, but a court case would need to prove it. In Canada we’re left with a patchwork system where it has been left to the Provinces and Territories (think US states, or UK counties) to recognise the problem and act individually: Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador all created local laws to cover trans citizens. Where I live, British Columbia, has refused to do so.

Seeking urgent help from my GP at St. Jude Medical Center only to be told she couldn’t. Pointing to cross over doorway. #transhealthfail

— Ms. Anne Edwardz (@AnneEdwardz) August 7, 2015

The Liberals, who are currently in office here in British Columbia, claim I’m covered by the BC Human Rights Code, they went as far to say that they don’t believe transgender protections need to be entrenched in law. I’m not sure what they think they should be entrenched in. I think they are hoping for clouds or perhaps sand on a beach just before high tide. Personally I’d like to see it branded on the Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor from the end of Jurassic World. Then they could high five and argue together for trans rights.

My first counselor said I should enjoy my own pre-op chest if I “enjoy playing with women’s breasts in sex.” #transhealthfail

— Ira D. Sanchez (@IraSanchezLGBT) August 6, 2015

Instead of letting transgender people suffer and have to fight in court over and over again, how about enacting non-discrimination laws like the ones that have languished in the USA for nearly five years? Why do transgender people need to prove that we deserve to be treated with dignity and respect in court? Why do we need to fight to receive health care without getting mocked, derided, dismissed and mistreated to the point where we then require emergency treatment? This whole situation needs fixing.

Not telling any medical professional that I’m trans because their attitude instantly changes for the worst when I do. #transhealthfail

— Spookyline (@marcyjcook) July 30, 2015

It’s the political season, please don’t forget equal rights as the politicians try and tell you the only things that matter are taxes and military security.

This piece is from an idea by Emily Prince, you can follow her on Twitter.

Marcy (@marcyjcook) is an immigrant trans woman and writer. This includes, a website dedicated to informing and helping trans Canadians. She also has a nerd job, too many cats, is a part time volunteer sex educator and has an ongoing sordid love affair with Lego. Those last two are not related… probably.

—Please make note of The Mary Sue’s general comment policy.—

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08 Aug 07:26

MI:5 Director Talks the Politics of Rebecca Ferguson’s Shoes - Look what Jurassic World hath wrought.

by Carolyn Cox

Rebecca Ferguson totally steals the MI:5 show. She’s the Furiosa of the IMF, a believable badass with agency and way more personality than Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt (she also looks like Mariska Hargitay had a baby with the sun, which is obviously besides the point, but holy smokes).

Oddly, one of the simple touches in MI:5 that made Ferguson’s character (Ilsa Faust) believable despite some moments of objectification, was the many scenes in which she either wears flats or removes her heels before/during accomplishing feats of extraordinary daredevilry. It’s a mundane act, so it didn’t occur to me that, in the context of this summer’s blockbusters, a female character removing her heels has become a fraught gesture.

Speaking to Uproxx, MI:5 director Christopher McQuarrie spoke about the criticism Jurassic World received for its infamous ‘running in heels’ scene, and how the MI:5 team considered responding:

We were sort of stunned by it. At one point, a suggestion had been made to sort of capitalize on that – to make a spot that kind of made it about that. Tom and I both said, “Absolutely not.” This is not about twisting the knife or taking shots.

He went on to explain:

It happened because of two things. In the first scene when she appears on screen, we knew she was going to have this fight and her shoes were going to get in the way. And I had written this line, “Nice shoes” – it was this line where Tom was charming the one person while antagonizing the other. And as a result, you had, “Nice shoes.” Then the shoes were a problem, because Rebecca had to fight in them, so we had to work out a way to get her out of her shoes. So, we came up with this idea with the blocking that you see in the scene. All of that was just a practical order of getting her shoes out of the way so she could fight in the upcoming scene.

The next time – and Tom and I literally and utterly forgot about that – so we were now off shooting the opera sequence. And Tom and I always said the first scene where they met is “boy meets girl,” the opera is “first date,” and the motorcycle chase is “the breakup.” And Tom had this real fixation with her taking off his shoes. Because he was like, “At the end of a night, when a guy and a girl have been out on a date and the girl kind of relaxes and has had a great time, she takes off her shoes.” It was always this idea that she was going to walk her back to her hotel with her holding her shoes. And that’s where the shoe thing came from – we were in the midst of this action scene, we were injecting this little feeling of a first date. And we never related it to true events – and it was only after, when the whole Jurassic World thing came out, we thought, “Oh, holy sh*t, we were thinking about the rooftop.”

Now, if only MI:5‘s advertising campaign had reflected that level of care!

To hear McQuarrie talk about creating a believable female character for MI:5 (and his thoughts on Captain Marvel!) you can read the full interview on Uproxx.

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08 Aug 07:25

Acrobatic Boston Terrier Does Backflips Across Her Yard to Keep an Orange Balloon Aloft With Her Nose

by Lori Dorn

An incredibly acrobatic Boston terrier named Rose kept an orange balloon aloft with her nose for over one and half minutes while doing backflips across the width of her yard at breakneck speed.

Rose doesn’t need to be outside to do her backflips either. Here she is, playing with a ball indoors.

via Tastefully Offensive

08 Aug 07:25

Great Job, Internet!: Read This: Competitive Scrabble’s dictionary throwdown

by Jennifer Billock

Every Scrabble player knows the tense irritation when another player challenges their word. After all, it’s clearly not just a game; it’s an overall evaluation of the quality of your vocabulary, spelling ability, and dictionary memorization skills. And it’s much more complicated than that, too. A new article for The New Yorker by Charles Bethea, “The Battle Over Scrabble’s Dictionaries,” takes us into the wild world of tournament Scrabble, where players enter the arena like this:

Lipe strode toward the stage alongside one of the two other Americans who’d flown eight thousand miles, paying their own way, to play Scrabble in a windowless room. Jay Z’s “Empire State Of Mind” blared from the speakers and images of the Statue Of Liberty flashed on a screen beside the stage as thousands of Thai schoolchildren cheered.

Bethea tells of the various Scrabble dictionaries available to players ...

08 Aug 07:25

Potential Leader of the Free World Spends Night Harassing Woman on Twitter - Ka-block.

by Carolyn Cox

@timjcam: @megynkelly @FrankLuntz @realDonaldTrump Fox viewers give low marks to bimbo @MegynKelly will consider other programs!”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

During the GOP Presidential debate last night, moderator Megyn Kelly brought up Donald Trump’s history of misogyny, pointing out that Trump has “called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals,” and that said comments might not indicate “the temperament of a man we should elect as president.” (His answer: “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. […] “Frankly what I say and oftentimes it’s fun, it’s kidding, we have a good time.”)

So, like any reasonable adult in contention for one of the most influential jobs in the world, Trump retaliated by proving Kelly’s point and spending the rest of the night sending her gendered insults over Twitter. Not since the lady Ghostbusters decided to ruin some childhoods has there been such a desperate display of male entitlement.

Wow, @megynkelly really bombed tonight. People are going wild on twitter! Funny to watch.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

I really enjoyed the debate tonight even though the @FoxNews trio, especially @megynkelly, was not very good or professional!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

@JetRanger69: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews @megynkelly @BretBaier WAS A DISASTER ALSO.”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

@Reid2962: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews I expected better from @megynkelly, wondering what is her hidden agenda.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

@agcaddauan: @realDonaldTrump @DRUDGE_REPORT Megyn could have done a far better job*”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

@stinger_inc: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly‘s behaviour at the #GOPDebate was astonishingly biased.”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

@italy2320: @Reid2962 @FoxNews @megynkelly Tell me what I can do to help you. She really has made me want to never watch fox again”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

@CaptTimScrim: Dear @megynkelly , your attempted hatchet job on @realDonaldTrump was unbecoming & a total failure. @FoxNews

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

@ElvisFever: @megynkelly @FoxNews Out to get you with baited questions. She was angry at you. Very hostile and unprofessional”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

@RubenMMoreno: @realDonaldTrump The biggest loser in the debate was @megynkelly. You can’t out trump Donald Trump. You will lose!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015

Kelly might not have disguised her feelings for Trump during the debate, but it’s hard to imagine an opinionated male moderator receiving so much push-back or being condemned as a ‘hostile, unprofessional bimbo.’

Regardless, given Trump’s appalling track record of misogynistic comments (in addition to his willingness to defund Planned Parenthood and his close association with rape apologists), I’m totally uninterested in giving him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to his treatment of Kelly. Or any women, for that matter.

If the whole president thing doesn’t work out, maybe Trump can get on the ‘ethics in game journalism’ beat? He’s already got the prerequisite obsession with powerful women and lack of social media chill.

(Via Uproxx and NBC, image via Shutterstock)

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08 Aug 07:25

News: Single Woman With 3 Young Children Unaware She Subject Of 984 Judgments Today

LINCOLN, NE—Oblivious to the thoughts and looks directed toward her as she shopped for groceries, stopped by the post office, and ran several other errands with her three young children, single mother Karen Nichols, 29, was reportedly completely unaware that she was the focus of 984 separate judgments by strangers this afternoon.

According to reports, during the five hours in which Nichols was accompanied by her kids, Erik, Sadie, and James—aged 1, 2, and 4, respectively—to a variety of locations throughout the city, she was the subject of nearly a thousand negative assumptions about her financial situation, relative parenting capabilities, and general promiscuity.

“My God—that is just so sad,” thought 45-year-old local resident Rebecca Mueller, just one of 16 people in the local Stop and Shop parking lot who leveled a total of 29 judgments at Nichols as she struggled to secure her crying youngest child ...

08 Aug 07:24

News in Brief: New Statewide Education Standards Require Teachers To Forever Change Lives Of 30% Of Students

SPRINGFIELD, IL—In an effort to hold classroom instructors more accountable, the Illinois State Board of Education unveiled new statewide education standards Friday that require public school teachers to forever change the lives of at least 30 percent of their students. “Under our updated educator evaluation policy, teachers must make an unforgettable, lifelong impact on at least three of every 10 students and instill a love of learning in them that lasts the rest of their lives,” said chairman James Meeks, adding that based on the annual assessments, if 30 percent of students don’t recall a particular teacher’s name when asked to identify the most influential and inspiring person in their lives, that instructor would be promptly dismissed. “We are imposing these standards to make certain that a significant proportion of students in any given classroom can someday look back and say, ‘That teacher changed the course of ...

08 Aug 07:24

News in Brief: Obama Practices Defiant Speech To Aliens Late At Night Behind Oval Office Desk

WASHINGTON—Testing out different phrases and vocal inflections as he has done almost every night for the past seven years, President Barack Obama sat at his desk in the early morning hours Friday rehearsing a defiant speech he’d give to aliens should they one day invade, Oval Office sources confirmed. “We are a proud, resilient species, and we will never surrender to you,” Obama reportedly said aloud emphatically, before pausing to jot down several potential rewordings in his legal pad as well as a double-underlined reminder to himself to “pound fist at end for effect.” “‘This is Earth; it is our home. We will defend our planet, whatever the costs may be. Your technology may be more advanced than ours, but if you come here seeking to harm our kind, we will know your morals are not as developed as our own.’ Yeah, that’s pretty good. Let me ...

08 Aug 07:23

Newswire: Grateful Dead not done after all, playing Halloween show with John Mayer

by Mike Vanderbilt

Apparently the big Grateful Dead Going Out Of Business Sale that occurred in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend was not actually the last we’d see of the band, formed in Palo Alto in 1965. According to the Associated Press, members of the Grateful Dead are joining forces with guitar player John Mayer and will perform October 31st at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Phil Lesh, who played at the three Fare Thee Well shows last month, will not be returning to the fold.

Dead & Company, the new outfit not to be confused with The Dead, Dead Kennedys, Fear The Walking Dead, or James Joyce’s The Dead, will feature Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, and Bob Weir, with Mayer “riding shotgun.” (Mayer, known for being bankrupt in the soul department, apparently scrounged up enough to sell in order to become part of this money-making venture.) Mayer ...

08 Aug 07:22

News in Brief: Having Awkward Conversation With Coworkers In Alternate Venue Referred To As ‘Going Out To Lunch’

COLUMBUS, OH—Engaging in stilted chitchat about their spouses, exercise routines, and weekend plans at a Buffalo Wild Wings a quarter mile from their workplace, employees from local software company Cortel Systems referred to making awkward conversation outside the normal confines of their office as “going out to lunch,” sources confirmed Thursday. “So, uh, Henry, how long does it take you to drive into work in the morning?” asked account manager Elizabeth Harris, who called the brief snippets of forced conversation interspersed with long, uncomfortable pauses that took place over a chicken BLT with a side of potato wedges instead of at the table in their office kitchen a “nice change of pace.” “25 minutes? That’s not as bad as I thought. About the same as mine, you know, maybe a couple minutes longer...yeah.” At press time, Harris could be overheard referring to the individuals she solely knows ...

08 Aug 07:22

The Goats Who Are Cleaning Up Historic Congressional Cemetery

The goats are back at Historic Congressional Cemetery. For the second time in the graveyard’s history, 30 goats, hailing from a farm in Sunderland, Maryland, will graze the weeds, brush, and bushes of 1.6 acres of wooded area surrounding the burial grounds.
08 Aug 07:21

An Early Bad Yelp Review Is A Death Knell For New Business

A study from Cornell University in New York has confirmed a small business owner’s worst fear — an early bad review on Yelp “is a condemnation to death.”
08 Aug 07:21

When Steve Jobs' Ex-Girlfriend Asked Him To Pay $25 Million For His 'Dishonorable Behavior'

Chrisann Brennan, the mother of Jobs’ daughter Lisa, wrote the late Apple CEO in 2005, asking him to “acknowledge” and compensate her. It’s an undiscovered moment in a contentious history.
08 Aug 07:21

An Intense Five-Minute Pikachu Dance Lesson for the 2015 Pokémon-Themed ‘Pikachu Outbreak!’ Event in Yokohama, Japan

by Justin Page

The Pokémon Company will be hosting another giant Pikachu Outbreak! event in Yokohama, Japan this August where numerous people, dressed as the yellow video game character, will parade through the city streets. To get people prepared for this year, they shared an intense five-minute instructional video where a nimble young man gives viewers a lesson, with help from two Pikachu mascots, on how to properly do “the Pikachu dance.” Some of the dance moves look quite simple and others look super advanced. The Pikachu outbreak is scheduled to begin on August 8th, 2015 and run until August 16.

The ‘Pikachu Outbreak!’ event will be held from August 8th (Sat.) through 16th (Sun.), in Yokohama’s Minato Mirai area in Kanagawa! During this period, something over a thousand Pikachu will be everywhere you look, marching, dancing, putting on performances! This humongous event will make you feel as if the whole city is a Pikachu theme park!

Here is footage of the hosts from the Pokémon Get TV television show and model Fujita Nicole trying their luck at the Pokemon dance:




via Anime News Network, RocketNews24

08 Aug 04:06

English Guy At Work About To Become Unbearable – The Shovel

The English guy at your work is about to become unbearable, it has been revealed. England is suddenly good at everything and your smug mate can’t wait to tell you all about it.

According to sources, your English colleague will think it’s hilarious when he asks you whether you watched the cricket last night.

“There’s every chance he’ll email around a link that he’ll claim is work-related, but which will actually turn out to be Ashes highlights. Or possibly just the number 60,” said one analyst.

“At some point he’ll break into Jerusalem. It won’t be heart-stirring,” he added.

One observer said we could be entering new territory. “Smug doesn’t begin to describe how this guy feels right now, he said. “It could be a long day”.

Experts say there’s absolutely nothing that you can do about it.
08 Aug 04:06

revolutionary-girl-utena-episode-1-clothing-conversation-1.png (1280×800)

07 Aug 19:24

Maine Supreme Court To Gov. Paul LePage: No, You Didn’t Veto Anything, Doofus

by Doktor Zoom

via Kara Jean
breaking sharecation for breaking news

Oh, but the horrors poor Bill suffered in LePage's pocket...

Oh, but the horrors poor Bill suffered in LePage's pocket...

As you may be aware, Maine Gov. Paul LePage is not the sharpest knife on the tree when it comes to governoring, as we learned in July when he botched the “pocket veto” of a whole bunch of bills that he didn’t like — and then did it again a few days later. LePage insisted that he had actually done everything just right, and took the matter to the Maine Supreme Court, which ruled Thursday that he really had screwed up, and the bills he thought he’d killed forever are in fact now officially laws. We bet there will be a really nice children’s song about this someday. And that if Paul LePage writes it, it won’t make any sense.

Read more on Maine Supreme Court To Gov. Paul LePage: No, You Didn’t Veto Anything, Doofus…

The post Maine Supreme Court To Gov. Paul LePage: No, You Didn’t Veto Anything, Doofus appeared first on Wonkette.

07 Aug 14:25

Bill Freakin’ Hader Is Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘s Brand New Captain

by Jessica Lachenal

JUST ANNOUNCED: Bill Hader joins the #Brooklyn99 precinct as the new captain! #TCA15 #FOXTCA

— Brooklyn Nine-Nine (@Brooklyn99FOX) August 6, 2015

Continuing the storied tradition of SNL members working together on everything, Bill Hader was just announced as a new captain on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

The show took to Twitter to make the announcement, complete with a dashing photo of Hader in his sharp captain’s uniform. This is fantastic, and we’re so excited, but we feel the need to say that Andre Braugher better not be going anywhere seriously please don’t leave.

There aren’t too many details about Hader’s character quite yet, but you can be sure we’ll be watching and waiting and ready to share them when they do hit. What say you? Does this get you excited for new episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine?

—Please make note of The Mary Sue’s general comment policy.—

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07 Aug 14:22

Macefield's world-famous 'Up'-style house will sail away, saved from wrecking ball | Spaces - Yahoo Homes


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The home will float away -- not as Carl Fredericksen's did in the 2009 Disney/Pixar film "Up,"  but instead by barge, to Washington's Orcas Island, where it will be turned into a home for a family in need, thanks to a local nonprofit, according to the home's real estate agent, Paul Thomas.

The home was owned by folk hero Edith Macefield until she died, inspiring a diehard following. And its resemblance to the story in "Up" was so uncanny that Disney used the house for movie marketing.

You probably know most of the story already: Developers offer to buy an elderly homeowner's rundown cottage for a cool million dollars — and they're flat rejected. The defiant homeowner stays put, winning the (maybe grudging) respect of construction workers even as they build a giant complex that looms over and dwarfs the little house.

She never caved in, eventually leaving the home to the construction foreman who struck up a friendship with her. He sold the home, only to see it fall into foreclosure and disrepair. It eventually hit the auction block, but no bids were viable. Its fate looked dire until today.
07 Aug 14:22

Bernie Sanders rally Sunday in Portland moved to Moda Center |


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Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is expecting a big crowd for his rally in Sunday -- so big that his campaign announced on Facebook that the event is being moved from Veterans Memorial Coliseum to the much larger Moda Center.

Depending on its configuration, the Moda Center can handle more than 19,000 occupants, compared to just under 13,000 for the Memorial Coliseum.  Doors to the event open at 6 p.m. and Sanders will begin speaking at 7 p.m.

Sanders, an independent who aligns with the Democratic Party in the Senate, has been running second to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary race.

At this point, the Portland event could well be the largest of the Sanders campaign, which has been regularly outdrawing the candidates of both parties.  His largest event so far has been in Phoenix, where more than 11,000 showed up for a July 18 rally.

Portland has often turned out large crowds for insurgent left-of-center candidates.  Ralph Nader, running under the Green Party ticket, filled Memorial Coliseum in 2000, inspiring his campaign to hold a series of "super-rallies" in sports arenas around the country.

In 2003, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean attracted more than 10,000 to a summer rally at Portland State University as he railed against the war in Iraq and suggested his Democratic presidential rivals were too accommodating to the Bush administration.
07 Aug 14:22



breaking sharecation for this important photo from the GOP debate

07 Aug 14:22

magistrate-of-mediocrity: micdotcom: Jeb Bush defunded...


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Jeb Bush defunded Planned Parenthood and now Florida is one of the worst states for women’s health

In 2001, Gov. Jeb Bush cut $302,843 for family planning services for poor women through Planned Parenthood in Florida. Now, 25% of women in Florida are uninsured. More than 20% of women in Florida report being in fair or poor health. 20% of Floridian women have no access to a personal doctor or health care provider. And the stats get only more depressing from there.

Look at him. He’s so fucking proud of himself.