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06 Dec 06:38


06 Dec 06:37

Historical Map: Old Paris Metro Map at Marcadet Poissonniers...

Historical Map: Old Paris Metro Map at Marcadet Poissonniers Station (pre-1967?)

Great photo of the remnants of an old Metro map. The original poster of this photo on Flickr notes that it’s normally hidden behind advertisements these days. The best I can do with dating is pre-1967, as Line 7 has yet to be split into 7 and 7bis north of Louis Blanc station, instead being branches of the same line.

Source: andrew gallix/Flickr

06 Dec 06:29


06 Dec 01:53

davisgeorge: the-map-on-my-skin: kbaptiste: [All Innocent....

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




[All Innocent. All Killed. All Black. All Unarmed.]

- Aiyana Stanley

- Amadou Diallo

- Corey Brown

- DeAunta Terrel Farrow

- Derrick Jones

- Emmett Till

- Guy Jarreau Jr.

- Jimmell Cannon

- Kenneth Harding

- Kiwane Carrington

- Orlando Barlow

- Oscar Grant

- Ousmane Zongo

- Patrick Dorismond

- Ramarley Graham

- Reginald Doucet

- Rekia Boyd

- Ronald Madison

- Sean Bell

- Steven Eugene Washington

- Tarika Wilson

- Travares McGill

- Trayvon Martin

- Victor Steen

- Wendell Allen

Sad things is there are more people to this list than mentioned

Its even worse when I realized I had only ever heard one of these names on the news

05 Dec 06:24

Listen To Eric Garner's Dad Try To Calm An Angry Protester

In this 25-second audio clip, Ben Garner shows incredible poise, despite what was undoubtedly a disappointing verdict not to indict the officer who killed his son.
05 Dec 06:24

How Police Unions And Arbitrators Keep Abusive Cops On The Street

Officers fired for misconduct often appeal the decision and get reinstated by obscure judges in secretive proceedings.
05 Dec 06:23

Movie Review: A Spell To Ward Off The Darkness is black metal for the big screen

by A.A. Dowd

One of the main misconceptions about heavy metal, often floated by the kind of people who wouldn’t be caught dead actually listening to the stuff, is that it’s all about hate and rage—the impotent tantrums thrown by angry little boys trapped in the black-clad bodies of burly men. But some of the best extreme music being made today runs a much wider spectrum of emotions, ranging from grief and loneliness to wonder and awe to near-religious euphoria. (Satan no longer has a monopoly on the genre, if he ever really did.) It’s the cathartic, even meditative qualities of metal that are explored in A Spell To Ward Off The Darkness, a new documentary whatsit that frequently resembles nothing so much as an adaptation of some imaginary black-metal record. The atmosphere is mythic and pervasive. The imagery, of night and nature and dancing flames, seems ripped from ...

05 Dec 06:23

Movie Review: Volunteer doctors combat a broken healthcare system in Remote Area Medical

by Nick Schager

A stirring, sermonizing-free micro portrait of the American healthcare system’s macro failings, Remote Area Medical charts four days in the operation of Remote Area Medical (RAM), a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing desperately needed health services to isolated areas—or, increasingly, to middle American regions where people can’t afford insurance. Over the course of a long weekend at the Bristol Motor Speedway in Tennessee, directors Farihah Zaman and Jeff Reichert detail the efforts of RAM to provide dental, ophthalmological, and other basic services to thousands of poor, rural citizens, who arrive in throngs, days in advance, to wait patiently in the stadium’s parking lot for a ticket to gain access to see volunteer doctors. It’s a mass gathering of staggering proportions, and one that the filmmakers detail with no narration but great attentiveness to their various subjects’ plights. The camera tracks every emotional up and down ...

05 Dec 04:59

Kalashnikov rebrands its AK-47 killing machine as a 'weapon of peace'

by Amar Toor

Kalashnikov, the company behind one of the world's most ubiquitous killing machines, has officially rebranded itself as an ambassador of "peace and calm." As the Guardian reports, the Russian gun manufacturer unveiled a new logo and promotional campaign this week in Moscow, where company representatives described Osama bin Laden's favorite rifle as a "weapon of peace."

"It precipitated not just a technological but a social revolution," reads a voiceover in the company's new marketing video. "Freedom movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America could at last fight back against professional colonial armies. The AK-47 gave them the chance to demand rights and achieve justice. This is a weapon which helped people defend their families and futures, and demand the right to a peaceful future."

A second video depicts Russian special forces using AK-47s to "liquidate" terrorists in Russia's restive North Caucasus region. It ends with the tagline: "Kalashnikov: promoting peace and calm."

The company's rebrand as "Kalashnikov Concern" comes as Western economic sanctions continue to weigh on the Russian economy. American sanctions, levied earlier this year over Russia's involvement in Ukraine and Crimea, have halted shipments of AK-47s to the US and Canada, including a major contract to ship 200,000 Kalashnikovs every year to the two countries.

Instead, the company has focused its efforts on Asia, Kalashnikov CEO Alexei Krivoruchko told reporters. Kalashnikov Concern will also sell a line of hunting knives and sportswear "for shooting sports and hunting." Sergei Chemezov, head of the state-owned Russian Technologies, said Tuesday that he wants the brand to be as internationally recognizable as Apple. (Russian Technologies holds a controlling stake in Kalashnikov.)

At this week's Moscow event, women in tight black dresses showed off the newly designed AK-47 cartridges as a small orchestra played Russian wartime classics, the Moscow Times reports. The company's CEO was introduced by a man wearing World War II-era Soviet military uniform.

The company's signature AK-47 gun was created in 1947 and quickly became a mainstay among Russian forces, guerillas, and terrorist groups across the world. An estimated 100 million rifles have been sold worldwide, with the company saying that 140,000 have been sold this year alone — twice last year's total. Mikhail Kalashnikov, the gun's inventor, died last year at the age of 94. He had publicly expressed pride in his invention, though in a May 2012 letter to the Russian Orthodox Church he admitted to feeling over the deaths it had caused.

"I keep having the same unsolved question," Kalashnikov wrote, "If my rifle claimed people's lives, then can it be that I... a Christian and an Orthodox believer, was to blame for their deaths?"

05 Dec 04:58

Creator of The Wire explains why you might not like it in HD

by James Vincent

Like super-sizing and smartphones, there can be a tendency in the consumer industry to assume bigger is better. The same is true of filmed content, where the resolution arms-race has seen TV manufacturers and movie producers push each other up through 720p, 1080p, and 4K resolutions in a relatively short matter of time. But with greatest-of-all-time TV series The Wire set to make its re-mastered, HD debut in the near future, it’s worth remembering that not all filmed material is ready for the high-def treatment, as show-creator David Simon explains on his blog.

Simon says that while HBO executives were keen to move the show over to an HD, 16:9 ratio for the third season, he didn’t want to break with the "visual template" of the first two seasons — engineered by producer Bob Colesberry and shot in 35mm with the intention of airing in standard definition at a 4:3 ratio (this means that a HD remake also has to paint out any camera equipment and crew included in the shot).

"Choose to serve one construct and at times you must impair the other"

"If you compose a shot for a wider 16:9 screen, then you are, by definition, failing to optimize the composition of the 4:3 image. Choose to serve one construct and at times you must impair the other," he writes, adding later, "To deliver the first two seasons in one template and then to switch-up and provide the remaining seasons in another format would undercut our purpose tremendously, simply by calling attention to the manipulation of the form itself."


Simon says that as they couldn’t be "panoramic and omniscient" with a 16:9 ratio they instead opted for a more documentarian style, full of mid-shots (because "full wide shots in 4:3 rendered protagonists smaller") and a mix of track-based and hand-held camera work. Driven by a 'shoestring' budget, the choice to not shoot in 16:9 eventually led — as commercial constraints so often do — to artistic benefit: the show's "intimate" feel and texture.

There’s no doubt that these decisions are what helped the show achieve its sense of authenticity and though Simon says there were some "losses in the transfer" to HD (check out the full piece for two enlightening examples of where original scenes have been improved and undermined by the re-cut) he’s happy with the result: "I’m satisfied [that] while this new version of The Wire is not, in some specific ways, the film we first made, it has sufficient merit to exist as an alternate version."

Still, it seems that if you really want to get the full experience of the show then you don't need to bother with a wall-sized TV in crackling 4K. Instead, just hunker down round that old box with a 4:3 ratio you keep in the basement. Maybe grab a folding chair and crack open a bottle of Jameson and then get ready to watch some natural po-leece in action.

05 Dec 04:56

UK announces a 'Google tax' to stop companies diverting profits overseas

by Vlad Savov

The British Chancellor of the Exchequer, responsible for setting the UK's budget, today announced plans for a new 25 percent tax intended to close loopholes that presently see multinational companies extracting their profits to lower-tax regimes like Ireland. It has already been described as a "Google tax," though it affects a practice that is widespread across the tech industry and others beyond it: Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, and others have all been subject to scrutiny about the ways in which they account for their profits.

"Today I am introducing a 25% tax on profits generated by multinationals from economic activity here in the UK which they then artificially shift out of the country."

With the present measure, which will be put into effect from April 2015, Chancellor George Osborne is hoping to make it uneconomical for companies to try and evade their proper tax responsibilities — the 25 percent levy is higher than the UK's 21 percent corporate tax rate — but there remain big questions about how it will be implemented and interpreted. The Diverted Profits Tax, as he calls it, will target profits generated from activities within the UK, which isn't exactly the same thing as profits generated from sales within the UK. Time will tell whether creative accounting will be able to work around the new provisions, but at least there's now a consensus among European lawmakers and regulators that the status quo of artificial profit shifting must come to an end.

05 Dec 04:54

Non-formal learning for Syrian refugees

by Helen Lynn

Hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrian children in Lebanon still have no schools. UNICEF innovator James Cranwell-Ward became interested in low-cost technology that could help deliver education for these vulnerable children; he developed an all-in-one Raspberry Pi-based computer system that can be used for programming and electronics as well as learning across a broader curriculum, and in October, refugees aged 10 to 16 attended their first Raspberry Pi class. One student is 11-year-old Zeinab Al Jusuf:

You might recognise those screens; they’re a specially developed UNICEF version of Alex Eames’ HDMIPi screen, and Alex wrote about them for us back in May when this project was in the planning stages. The Pis are mounted behind the screens, and provide access to materials including an Arabic-language KA Lite, an offline version of the education package Khan Academy.

Children use UNICEF HDMIPi

Alongside their studies in areas like science and numeracy, the children are learning to code their own games. Zeinab says, “Over there, we can log in and play games. But here we can create our own games and play with them ourselves or let others play with them.”

It’s hoped this pilot will be extended to provide opportunities for children across Lebanon and beyond, and you can find out more from UNICEF, or from James’s photo log.

05 Dec 04:53



…a simple Markdown-like script language for generating charts from text via javascript.

For example, given the following text

graph TD;

mermaid will generate a chart like this

A flowchart produced by mermaid

05 Dec 04:42

The Wall Street Journal is animating its famed 'hedcut' portraits

by Chris Ziegler

For the rich, powerful, famous, and infamous, an official Wall Street Journal hedcut is a bucket list item. The handmade portraits — which have been in use for decades — are instantly recognizable, employing a stipple technique in which the subject's features are recreated using dots of varying sizes and weights. It basically looks like money... and WSJ is all about money.

grumpy cat animated hedcut

grumpy cat animated hedcut

The images are a throwback to a headier time for the newspaper business, but the Journal is making one small update to accommodate modern pop culture: they're getting animated.

The very first animated hedcut to make the pages is of a puppet version of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia — an interesting choice, certainly — but it wasn't the first to get made. The developers started testing with Grumpy Cat. To quote the Journal's Erin Sparling, when you're testing an internet-tailored product, "you have to start with the core essence of the Internet, which I think is Grumpy Cat."

Grumpy Cat's animated hedcut wasn't to the team's liking, though; publication-ready ones (like Scalia) are made by the Journal's stipple artists, frame by frame. That's dedication.

Expect to see these internet-age hedcuts on WSJ's site from time to time — but obviously, you won't see them in the paper.

I can't think of a stranger or more delightful way for the biggest newspaper in the country to leave physical pages behind.

05 Dec 04:41

Firefox coming to iOS because that’s where the users are

by Peter Bright

Saying that Firefox "need[s] to be where [its] users are," it appears that Mozilla is going to produce a version of Firefox for iOS.

Mozilla is having a large, week-long working and meeting event in Portland, and TechCrunch spotted a couple of tweets coming from Mozilla employees talking about bringing Firefox to iOS. Mozilla Release Manager Lukas Blakk tweeted that Mozilla was going to get Firefox on iOS because that's where its users are. Manager of Data Science Matthew Ruttley tweeted, "Firefox for iOS!! Let's do this!!!" (exclamation points all his), and he accompanied the tweet with a photo of a presentation that included a picture of an iPhone.

In a brief statement confirming the tweets, Mozilla has announced that it is experimenting with "something that allows iOS users to be able to choose a Firefox experience."

Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments

04 Dec 23:53

#3DPrinted $50 Laser Engraving Machine #3DThursday #3DPrinting

by Pedro Ruiz


In the end the entire project only ended up costing me about $15.00 as I already had the Arduino and DVD drives, and I pulled the laser diode from one of the DVD drives


Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

04 Dec 23:53

The New Nintendo 3DS loads a secret game when you tap out the Mario theme

by Sam Byford

Finally, something the 3DS browser is useful for.

Vine post by a Japanese user alerted me to this bizarre nugget of Nintendo minutia: if you tap out the Super Mario Bros. theme's opening bar on the "new page" screen of the New Nintendo 3DS' browser, your list of most visited sites changes to STAGE SELECT and you get to destroy their URLs brick by brick in a Breakout clone. I've confirmed this for myself, as you can see below. It doesn't work on the original 3DS' browser, which has a different interface.

what happens if you tap out the mario theme in the new 3DS browser?

A video posted by sam byford (@345triangle) on Dec 12, 2014 at 12:01am PST

While the New 3DS and New 3DS XL just saw release in Australia and New Zealand after hitting Japanese store shelves in October, the latest revisions still aren't out in the US or Europe, meaning Nintendo is missing out on a lucrative holiday shopping season. The new models feature an improved 3D effect, a faster processor, and additional controls including a second analog stick.

And now you have one more reason to wait.

04 Dec 23:45

While discussing the massive complain-fest surrounding the SUICIDE SQUAD cast announcement...


04 Dec 22:12

Janet Mock Raises Nearly $8K (and Counting) in Books for Trans Prisoners

by Jamilah King
Janet Mock Raises Nearly $8K (and Counting) in Books for Trans Prisoners

Author and media maker Janet Mock launched her second annual #TransBookDrive this week on Indiegogo and it's already been a smashing success. The project, which raises money to send books to incarcerated transgender inmates in U.S. jails and prisons, has already raised nearly $8,000 in fewer than two days, already surpassing its goal of $5,000 with 28 days left.

It's an effort that highlights a significant problem. Nearly one in six transgender people in America has been to prison -- and nearly half of all transgender black people, according to Lambda Legal. Once incarcerated, transgender inmates -- particularly women locked in men's facilities -- face increased risks of physical and sexual assault behind bars. 

Mock timed this year's drive to coincide with the paperback release of her memoir, "Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love and So Much More." She partnered with biyuti publishing, Black Girl Dangerous and LGBT Books to Prisoners to fulfill book requests from 200 transgender inmates. The books will be delivered in care packages that include a handwritten letter from each author. Those authors and titles include: Mia McKenzie's "Black Girl Dangerous Anthology" and "The Summer We Got Free," "Decolonizing trans/gender" 101 by b. binaohan, "Make Love to Rage" by Morgan Robyn Collado, "Trauma Queen" by Lovemme Corazón and Mock's "Redefining Realness." 

With your continued help, we'll DOUBLE the amount of books per package + more! #transbookdrive

-- Janet Mock (@janetmock) December 2, 2014

Read more about the book drive at Indiegogo

* This post has been updated. 

04 Dec 22:12


04 Dec 22:12

Charles Barkley Still Thinks Ferguson Protesters Are 'Scumbags'

by Jamilah King
Charles Barkley Still Thinks Ferguson Protesters Are 'Scumbags'

NBA Hall of Famer and current TV analyst Charles Barkley never misses an opportunity to beat the black community upside the head with his bootstrap logic. He recently called Ferguson protesters "scumbags," and in a lengthy interview with CNN's Brooke Baldwin on Tuesday he reiterated his point that he doesn't believe white police officers shoot people because of racism. 

Some notable quotes:

  • "We as black people, we have a lot of crooks. We can't just wait until something like (the Brown shooting) happens. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror," he said of people in black communities.
  • "There is a reason that [cops] racially profile us in the way that they do. Sometimes it is wrong, and sometimes it is right."
  • "Anybody who walks out peacefully, who protests peacefully, that's what this country was built on," he said. "But to be burning people's property, burning police cars, looting people's stores, that is 100 percent ridiculous."

Read more

04 Dec 22:08

scrapes: dynastylnoire: jadebrieanne: Anybody who lives in...




Anybody who lives in St. Louis…don’t visit this establishment. 


it’s real

we should all write yelp reviews like “there was a HAIRBALL in the cheeseburger. FUCK this place!”

04 Dec 22:08

Oregon license plate money, meant for endangered salmon, instead funds Salem bureaucrat's salary. Since 2013, the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board hasn't spent a cent of salmon plate money on Fish.

04 Dec 22:03

Black St. Louis Cops Issue Statement, Stand by Rams

by Carla Murphy
Black St. Louis Cops Issue Statement, Stand by Rams

A group representing St. Louis' black police officers issued a statement this Monday* standing by five Rams players who entered Sunday's NFL football game doing "hands up, don't shoot," widely perceived as a gesture of support for Ferguson protesters. The African-American group's support directly contradicts that of the St. Louis Police Officers Association, which issued its own public statement against the Rams and has raised significant financial support for former officer Darren Wilson. The statement appears on the Facebook page of the Ethical Society of Police, which describes itself as "the primary voice of African American Police Officers in St. Louis City," and according to its Web site, dates its founding to at least 1968. Their statement reads in full: 


The Statements of the St. Louis Police Officers Association does not represent the opinion of a majority of African American Officers. 

General Counsel, Attorney Gloria McCollum, on behalf of THE ETHICAL SOCIETY OF POLICE- St. Louis, STATES: 

"THE ETHICAL SOCIETY OF POLICE, is the primary voice of African

We think that their actions were commendable and that they should not be ridiculed, disciplined or punished for taking a stand on this very important issue which is of great concern around the world and especially in the community where these players work. 


The Ethical Society of Police has been the primary bridge between African American community and the police department for many years. The Ethical Society will use its best efforts to continue to work with the community leaders and the Department of Justice to address issues that affect our community such as racial profiling, police brutality and disparities in hiring and disciplining practices of African American Officers. 

GLORIA J. MCCOLLUM, General Counsel for the Ethical Society of Police, - St. Louis, Misouri


*Post has been updated since publication to correct that the statement issue date was Monday, December 1, not Tuesday, December 2.

04 Dec 22:02

peopleofthediaspora: socialjusticekoolaid: You Couldn’t Make...



You Couldn’t Make This Shit Up (12/2/14): The petty ass St Louis Police Department is on Twitter arguing about the definition of an apology. You see, they were pressed as hell yesterday that several players showed solidarity with Ferguson protesters. They released a “scathing” rebuke, calling on the players to be disciplined. The NFL said “nope.” Now Chief Belmar is claiming the NFL apologized. Again, the latter was like “nah.” These asshats are literally in charge of protecting the community at large. No wonder shit is so jacked up. #staywoke #farfromover

The level of incompetence showcased by the police department is scary.

04 Dec 22:01

PPB Plans to equip 600 Officers with Body Cameras

04 Dec 22:00

Product Discussion: Carcassone—2014 Edition

by Liz Courts (Webstore Gninja Minion)

Ooh, a shiny new edition!

04 Dec 18:09

Protests Erupt After Cop in Eric Garner Chokehold Death Not Indicted - NBC

by gguillotte
A crowd of protesters briefly took over a section of Manhattan's West Side Highway and were in a standoff with police Wednesday evening, hours after a grand jury declined to indict a white police officer in the death of an unarmed black man on Staten Island earlier this summer — in a case that was recorded on video and showed the dead man crying "I can't breathe." A crowd estimated to number more than 100 was on the highway and was seen being pushed north by a line of police officers wearing helmets and armed with batons at around 9:30 p.m. At least six protesters were detained with plastic restraints, and shouted out their names as they were taken into custody. By about 10:15 p.m. the highway was reopened in both directions. Police said they made 30 arrests at various protests around Manhattan as of 10:15 p.m. Protesters also staged a "die-in" in the main concourse of Grand Central Terminal and crowds earlier voiced their anger over the grand jury's decision in Times Square. There were also protests in Washington, D.C., and Oakland, California.
03 Dec 20:14

spaceexp: Planetary Glass Set via reddit


Planetary Glass Set

via reddit

03 Dec 18:49

shanellbklyn: youwish-youcould: prettyboyshyflizzy: killbenedi...








12 Year Old Dymond Milburn was severely beaten by 3 plainclothes police officers because they thought she was a prostitute. Even though they beat her with a flashlight and caused injuries to her head, spine, throat and ear, the cops charged her with assault.

Sean Stewart, one of the cops involved, later received “Officer of the Year”

Credit: Cop Block


please tell me this isnt real

Its very real

If I ever have children boy lemme tell you and this shit happens I’m burning down the whole fucking city word on everything.