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25 Dec 05:47

Dueling Goat Soaps on Kickstarter- both from Portland, OR. I'd love to know if there is a rivalry or something. Two goat soap Kickstarters at the same time seems odd.

25 Dec 05:47

Portland Fire and Rescue is going to put Santa on a tower, light the tower on fire, and then save Santa with a ladder truck. It's like burning man, Christmas edition.

25 Dec 05:46

Portland breaks heat record for Dec. 20th. (from Wunderground)

25 Dec 05:44

Happy Fucking Holidays Portland

25 Dec 05:43

You can be a dog and still smell like a man. Menswear Dog steps...

You can be a dog and still smell like a man.

Menswear Dog steps out for the holidays looking good and smelling fine with Kenneth Cole Mankind.

25 Dec 05:40

Cards Against Humanity turns into a political watchdog group, because why not?

by macdrifter
How Sunlight Foundation teamed up with the party game for horrible people.
25 Dec 01:03

Player shown red card for warning teammates about dog pooping on pitch

by Ryan Rosenblatt

Lace Perry was just your average Christian League player, until he saw a dog run on the pitch and take a dump. That's when he warned his teammates there was a dog "shitting" on the pitch and was shown a red card for swearing.

The league has a zero tolerance policy on swearing and that was enough to get Perry the heave-ho. He protested, to no avail. His manager did too, and he also said that in this case the referee had interpreted the rule "rather crazily."

Luckily for Perry, the FA overturned the red card and he won't be suspended for the next match.

"We have looked at the words used, and the way they were used," FA disciplinary boss Mike Fellows told The Independent.

"Obviously if the response had followed a question about how the ref was performing, the red card would have stayed.

"Actually, shit is in the Oxford English Dictionary. Clearly in this case the word was not used as a term of abuse."

So to summarize:

1) A dog took a dump on the pitch
2) A player said the dog was taking a dump on the pitch
3) Red card
4) Nah, not a red card
5) Haha, a dog took a dump on the pitch

Unfortunately, there is no video of the incident, so here's another dog pooping on a pitch.

25 Dec 01:03

Watch Katie Nolan kill nasty YouTube commenters with kindness

by James Dator

Katie Nolan is the best of us. If you were faced with this endless stream of sexist, misogynistic, offensive, foul-mouthed and mean comments you might rage. Instead by using kindness she stops them dead in their tracks.

The Andrew Luck technique is real.

24 Dec 08:02

killbenedictcumberbatch: cooltrainershells: I’m here to make...



I’m here to make sure everyone knows and remembers the best piece of old school Zelda marketing to ever exist.


yo otterdidact

24 Dec 08:02

nevver: Jones, Laurie Greasley

24 Dec 08:02

sexbathorrorvampiresex: worldofthecutestcuties: My Majestic...



My Majestic Maine Coon, Beowulf

Does the cat have his own chair or is he just a really huge cat?

why not both

24 Dec 08:02


24 Dec 08:01

"Male fantasies, male fantasies, is everything run by male fantasies? Up on a pedestal or down on..."

“Male fantasies, male fantasies, is everything run by male fantasies? Up on a pedestal or down on your knees, it’s all a male fantasy: that you’re strong enough to take what they dish out, or else too weak to do anything about it. Even pretending you aren’t catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you’re unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur.”


Margaret Atwood, The Robber Bride

You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman.

This line, oof.

Been spending a lot of time lately trying to untangle how a lifetime of patriarchy has fucked up my own sexual agency. Nothing like getting derailed inside your own head by worries of how you look in the moment, whether you measure up to some external standard…

(via queeracula)

24 Dec 08:01

slow-riot: Fiona Apple/Hannibal Buress


Fiona Apple/Hannibal Buress

24 Dec 08:01








The movie’s music has sleigh bells in the mix at several points, it totally counts.

If Die Hard counts, then so does Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


yo mrhifibanjostrings

24 Dec 08:01

Venus Express Is Dead, Leaving The Planet Without Robot Explorers

by gguillotte
With the loss of Venus Express, we currently have no robotic explorers around the planet. The next spacecraft due to arrive is Akatsuki, a Japanese satellite. After missing the chance to inject itself into orbit around Venus in 2010, the satellite is preparing for its next window of opportunity in 2015.
24 Dec 08:01

Dog Swims 1.5 Miles During Storm To Reunite With Owner After Home On Water Sinks Near Sausalito « CBS San Francisco

by gguillotte
A Sausalito man whose home on the water sank during last week’s brutal storm was reunited with his dog that somehow survived the sinking, and swam to shore, walked to a church, and waited for her owner. Steve Alioto had everything he loved on the boat in Sausalito, anchored in the bay because he couldn’t afford dock fees.  He returned to the boat after helping a friend during Thursday’s storm to find his home had sunk. Steve thought she had gone down with the ship, but the big brown and white pit bull had escaped and found her way to shore. After swimming a mile and a half in the dark and stormy waters Daisy found a church where she and Steve sometimes get a free meal. Steve happened to be there Friday after the storm, and Reverend Paul Mowry of the Sausalito Presbyterian Church recognized the two peas separated from their pod.
24 Dec 07:59

Marshawn Lynch's Non-Answers To Stupid Questions Have Reporters Furious

by gguillotte
Reporters have to play this game, even if they realize how dumb it is, and they rely on athletes to play their roles in the ecosystem. Sure, no one's life would be better this morning if they knew that Marshawn Lynch understood the importance of giving 110 percent, or that the Seahawks were taking things one game at a time. But the writers' lives would have been easier, their stories 50 words closer to their word counts. It's an institutional failure. In other sports, there are long histories of reporters traveling with teams, entering open clubhouses, actually getting to know players. In football, there isn't really such a thing as a beat reporter, at least not to the same extent as in an everyday sport; every writer is a war correspondent parachuting into a strange country where they're not particularly welcome. Blame it on the weekly schedule, or the centralized league control, or the fact that every game is national, but the only interactions most writers have with star players come in these unfruitful group scrums, where the best they can hope for is a quote so good that it'll wind up in every single story. This isn't an insurmountable condition. There are good reporters, and there are sometimes great quotes and great insights waiting to be mined. In the "yeah" presser, one asked Lynch a specific, tactical question about the Seahawks' blocking schemes. That reporter was genuinely curious, and if Lynch had answered, it might have helped readers better understand the game. That ought to be the platonic ideal of an interview question. Instead, Lynch receives a string of lazy "talk about"s and "tell me about"s, and after dealing with that multiple times per week, every week, for the entirety of his adult life, his frustration is every bit as visible and as justified as reporters'. Neither the writers nor players have easy jobs, but I'll always have more respect for Lynch's reaction in this spat. After all, he's the only one who's not just going through the motions.
24 Dec 07:59

Why I'm Kind Of Tired Of The "Smartest Man In The Room"

by gguillotte
I was thinking about this because Doctor Who is returning in a few days. And even though Peter Capaldi has breathed new life into a show that was sputtering, I'm still pretty tired of the Doctor being a dick. The Time Lord's dickishness goes back to the 1960s, and Tom Baker's Doctor could be a megadick sometimes, but with the new series it's gone from being an occasional leitmotif to the show's main theme. (And there's a reason why everybody loves Patrick Troughton, whose Doctor often was the opposite of this trope — the Second Doctor pretended to be an idiot and slyly ran rings around people.)
24 Dec 07:59

montereybayaquarium: Best to you and your significant otters!...


Best to you and your significant otters! Hope you have this much fun over the holidays.

24 Dec 07:59

Perfect Blue (Satoshi Kon, 1997)

Perfect Blue (Satoshi Kon, 1997)

24 Dec 07:59

tmbgareok: Japan’s William Allen White!!! It was actually a...


Ojisan - Japan's William Allen WhiteJapan’s William Allen White!!!

It was actually a balloon bearing the 15-meter-by-7-meter face of an “ojisan” (a middle-aged man), floated by the Utsunomiya Museum of Art to give residents an opportunity to appreciate art outside an exhibition room. The aim was to inspire residents to discover attractions in their community and communicate with each other.

24 Dec 07:59

merry whatever

merry whatever

24 Dec 07:58

thedovahcat: ollivandiers: mypreciousfandomss: ollivandiers: What do you call a bunch of chess...





What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about their games in a hotel lobby?


Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer


24 Dec 07:58

park3rborn: pleatedjeans: most adorable thing ever? [x] i...



most adorable thing ever? [x]

i thought this would have a sad ending but it didn’t and im fine with that

24 Dec 07:58

paulftompkins: thesaltman: I would have been fairly certain that a random comment on an internet...



I would have been fairly certain that a random comment on an internet essay about remaining childfree couldn’t make me guffaw loud enough to startle two separate bystanders, but I am delighted to be proved wrong.


(via NYMag)

I’m reblogging this again because I keep thinking about it.

24 Dec 07:58

sinnersontherooftops: red-the-sexy-owl: sweetguts: yumchocolat...







catsbeaversandducks:My Adopted Cat Is The Best Climbing Partner Ever

Via Bored Panda


I think I’ve reblogged this before bUT I DONT CARE ITS SO CUTE

a good cat supervises their human during their outings in the wilderness

This could turn into a disney movie, and I want it

Forever love this post

23 Dec 04:03

How a 3D Printer Let a Dog Run For the First Time

by timothy
Nerval's Lobster writes Ever since 3-D printing began to enter the mainstream, people have discussed the technology's potential for building prosthetic arms and legs for human beings. But what about doing the same for dogs? In one of those videos that ends up circulated endlessly on the Internet, a dog named Derby, born with a congenital deformity that deprived him of front paws, is outfitted with a pair of 3-D-printed prosthetics. With those "legs" in place, the dog can run for the first time, at a pretty good clip. Both the prosthetics and the video were produced by 3D Systems, which builds 3-D printers, and it seems likely that other 3-D-printing companies will explore the possibility of printing off parts for pets. And while the idea of a cyborg pooch is heartwarming, it will be interesting to see how 3D printers will continue to advance the realm of human prosthetics, which have become increasingly sophisticated over the past decade.

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22 Dec 19:10

Here are the days when Americans got the most wasted

by Alice Truong
Was 2014 one big hangover?

BACtrack, which makes breathalyzers that connect to smartphones, recently released data on Americans’ drinking habits over the last year. Unsurprisingly, the company found that people clamor for the bottle during the light-deprived days of winter. Fourteen of the 15 biggest drinking days fell between December and March, as measured by self-administered blood alcohol content readings.

The fifteenth day was the Saturday before Cinco de Mayo, when users logged an average reading of 0.084%. (As a point of reference, the legal limit in all 50 states is 0.08%.)

Here are the other big drinking days:

  • Dec. 6-7: 0.087%, 0.088%
  • New Year’s Eve: 0.094%
  • Jan. 18-19 (weekend before Martin Luther King Jr. Day): 0.090%, 0.088%
  • Jan. 25: 0.093%
  • Feb. 1-2 (Super Bowl weekend): 0.090%, 0.091%
  • Feb. 15: 0.092%
  • Feb. 22: 0.085%
  • March 7-8: 0.088%, 0.088%
  • March 14-15 (St. Patrick’s Day weekend): 0.087%, 0.094%

Americans didn’t confine themselves to drinking only on the weekends. Analyzing 300,000 anonymized blood alcohol content readings, the company said average measurements surpassed 0.06% for at least five out of seven days throughout December to March.

Tap image to zoom

Of course, there are caveats. These measurements only take into account people who consumed alcohol, so they aren’t truly representative of the US population. And, given the nature of the device, users are more likely to have consumed multiple drinks than a single beer.

Looking ahead, chilling temperatures and time off from work suggest plenty of Americans will wake up with gnarly hangovers come Jan. 1.

Cheers to 2015.

20 Dec 17:52

Uber Driver In Boston Area Is Charged With Rape



Prosecutors in Cambridge, Mass., on Wednesday charged an Uber driver with sexually assaulting a woman seeking a ride, the latest in a series of attacks on people who use the ride-hailing service.