Shared posts

26 Dec 04:24




26 Dec 04:20

This Charity Sends Christmas Cards To Prison Rape Survivors

Every year, a group of men and women who were sexually assaulted while incarcerated gather to write holiday cards to victims still behind bars.
26 Dec 04:20

How Some Of America’s Most Gifted Kids Wind Up In Prison

Twice exceptional and low income is a recipe for disaster.
26 Dec 04:19

New York City Sends $30 Million A Year To School With History Of Giving Kids Electric Shocks

New York City kids make up the vast majority of the students at Massachusetts’ infamous Judge Rotenberg Center, and keep getting sent there despite repeated evidence of abuse.
26 Dec 04:05

Cult Edit Of 'It’s A Wonderful Life' Is The Best Holiday Movie You’ve Never Seen

How Upright Citizens Brigade and a future "Key & Peele" showrunner joined forces to create a crazy postmodern classic.
26 Dec 04:01

Patrick Stewart In A Dancing Christmas Hat

His misery is your joy.
26 Dec 04:00

regular thespians 

regular thespians 

26 Dec 03:59

No Matter How Great Your Christmas Tree...

by djublonskopf

No Matter How Great Your Christmas Tree...

...this mall in Japan has you beat.


26 Dec 03:56

Doctor Who Offers Us A Joyous Celebration Of Reusing Old Story Ideas

by Charlie Jane Anders

Doctor Who Offers Us A Joyous Celebration Of Reusing Old Story Ideas

Doctor Who's head writer, Steven Moffat, has sometimes been accused of having a few main story ideas that he trots out again and again. Today's Doctor Who Christmas special, "Last Christmas," feels like a hilarious, spirited defense: A story made entirely out of old stories, which just has fun with it. Spoilers ahead...


26 Dec 03:51

#3DPrinting wall flower mount #3DThursday

by Pedro Ruiz


User 3DPVDB shares a 3d printed wall flower mount.

Download the files on:

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

26 Dec 03:48

NASA Makes 3-D Printed Wrench Model Available

by samzenpus
First time accepted submitter smsiebe writes You can now download a piece of history by getting the designs for the wrench that NASA recently emailed to astronauts on the ISS. The wrench took four hours to complete and was the first "uplink tool" printed in space. You can check out a number of models and images on NASA's 3D Resources site.

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26 Dec 03:36

Spencer Hawes is rocking the finest Christmas suit you've ever seen

by Ricky O'Donnell

menswear beat

Santa Hawes!


Even Russell Westbrook is impressed. The Clippers big man is making the most of this primetime Christmas day slot.

26 Dec 03:36

"On second thoughts, let’s not go to Erebor. It is a silly...

"On second thoughts, let’s not go to Erebor. It is a silly place."

26 Dec 03:36



26 Dec 03:36

"Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist, and he now stars as a loveable cartoon TV detective. Roman..."

“Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist, and he now stars as a loveable cartoon TV detective. Roman Polanski raped a 13-year-old and has since won an Oscar to a standing ovation. Sean Connery is the celebrated embodiment of rugged cool, who has openly championed beating women in order to keep ’em in line. Bill Murray has been accused by his ex-wife of repeated, brutal physical abuse. Rick James was arrested for torturing and sexually abusing a woman for three days straight, only to have his image rehabilitated by Dave Chappelle years later. John Lennon is one of the most worshipped artists who has ever drawn breath, and he has copped to battering the shit out of women.”

- It’s Not Just Cosby: Hollywood’s Long List of Male Scumbags (via azspot)
25 Dec 23:07

beckycloonan: MERRY PRINCEMAS



25 Dec 23:07


25 Dec 23:07

roachpatrol: if you think i haven’t waited all year to reblog...




if you think i haven’t waited all year to reblog this you’re wrong

25 Dec 23:07

You don't have to watch The Interview



…because, it turns out, the movie isn’t very good.

Here’s Seth Rogen on our review:

@verge go fuck yourselves.

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen)
December 25, 2014

Happy Holidays to you, too, buddy!

25 Dec 23:07

Obama Breaks Cardinal Presidential Rule by Donning Tiara - Yahoo

by gguillotte
Souza wrote that the girls convinced President Obama to wear the tiara for the group photo, something members of the Navy football team were unable to do in April with different headdress. Navy presented Obama with a custom-fit helmet but he declined to try it on. “Here’s the general rule: You don’t put stuff on your head if you’re president,” Obama said at the time. “That’s politics 101. You never look good wearing something on your head."
25 Dec 23:07

Portland settles excessive force claim | The Miami Herald

by gguillotte
The city of Portland has agreed to pay $80,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a man who alleged a police officer used excessive force because he was not trained to deal with people experiencing a mental health crisis. Robert Seeger was in distress at a mental health outpatient clinic on Jan. 2, 2013, according to the suit. The clinic's program manager called Portland police, telling them that Seeger was at risk of hurting himself and needed a police escort to a nearby hospital emergency room. Seeger resisted being handcuffed, and the officer allegedly knelt on his throat during the ensuing struggle. The suit says Seeger suffered a swollen and bruised face, a swollen knee, an injured finger and ongoing back pain.
25 Dec 23:07

Plane Passenger Tossed after Flipping Out Over Staff’s ‘Merry Christmas’

by gguillotte
The grumpy passenger, who appeared to be traveling alone, barked at the woman, “You shouldn’t say that because not everyone celebrates Christmas.” The agent replied, “Well, what should I say then?” “Don’t say, ‘Merry Christmas!’ ” the man shouted before brushing past her.
25 Dec 23:07

Washington Ice Cream Producer Issues Voluntary Food Recall On All 2014 Products » News » OPB

by gguillotte
A Washington ice cream producer announced a voluntary recall of products sold throughout 2014 due to possible contamination of listeria. According to the Food and Drug Administration, Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream, Inc. is pulling all frozen treats produced between Jan. 1 and Dec. 15. Products were sold to distributors in the West and could have made it all the way to Alaska and Texas. The desserts are sold under the Snoqualmie, Emerald & Spruce and Top Pot Hand Forged labels.
25 Dec 23:07

Man in a Kayak Helps Nab Suspected Mail Thief -

by gguillotte
The suspected mail thieves ran off, and one was caught immediately. The other fled into a nearby pond with a kayak he grabbed out of a yard. A resident grabbed his own kayak, caught up to the suspect and convinced him to return to shore, where he was arrested. The sheriff's office says the suspect didn't get very far because he was using his hands to paddle.
25 Dec 23:06


25 Dec 22:08

pfeffernuss, n.


tiny spice cookies, popular as a holiday treat in Germany, Denmark, and The Netherlands

25 Dec 21:37


25 Dec 21:32

US Navy Sells 'Top Gun' Aircraft Carrier For One Penny

by timothy writes Kitsap Sun reports at that the USS Ranger, a 1,050-foot-long, 56,000-ton Forrestal-class aircraft carrier, is being towed from the inactive ship maintenance facility at Puget Sound for a 3,400-mile, around-Cape Horn voyage to a Texas dismantler who acquired the Vietnam-era warship for a penny for scrap metal. "Under the contract, the company will be paid $0.01. The price reflects the net price proposed by International Shipbreaking, which considered the estimated proceeds from the sale of the scrap metal to be generated from dismantling," said officials for NAVSEA. "[One cent] is the lowest price the Navy could possibly have paid the contractor for towing and dismantling the ship." The Ranger was commissioned Aug. 10, 1957, at Norfolk Naval Shipyard and decommissioned July 10, 1993, after more than 35 years of service. It was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on March 8, 2004, and redesignated for donation. After eight years on donation hold, the USS Ranger Foundation was unable to raise the funds to convert the ship into a museum or to overcome the physical obstacles of transporting the ship up the Columbia River to Fairview, Oregon. As a result, the Ranger was removed from the list of ships available for donation and designated for dismantling. The Navy, which can't retain inactive ships indefinitely, can't donate a vessel unless the application fully meets the Navy's minimum requirements. The Ranger had been in pristine condition, but for a week in August volunteers from other naval museums were allowed to remove items to improve their ships. The Ranger was in a slew of movies and television shows, including "The Six Million Dollar Man," "Flight of the Intruder" and "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" where it stood in for the USS Enterprise carrier. But the Ranger's most famous role was in the 1980's Tom Cruise hit, "Top Gun." "We would have liked to have seen it become a museum, but it just wasn't in the cards," Navy spokesman Chris Johnson told Fox. "But unfortunately, it is a difficult proposition to raise funds. The group that was going to collect donations had a $35 million budget plan but was only able to raise $100,000."

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25 Dec 20:47

Playing Elite on the day NASA detailed its mission to Mars

by Brian Crecente

so tempting, but still down on the online-only singleplayer crap

It was an interesting day to try my hand at virtual reality space flight and fight.

Sitting in a lounge chair in a downtown New York hotel room, with an Oculus Rift headset strapped to my face and high-end flight stick and throttle in my hands, I couldn't help but be reminded of the day's big news from NASA.

I spent the time leading up to this scheduled appointment with the team behind Elite: Dangerous, watching a historic, live press conference from NASA.

It's called Orion, the gathering of administrators and rocket scientists told the world, and if it succeeds it will take people to Mars. If everything works out, if there are no issues and a team can be put together, it would be another six years at least before Earth said goodbye to its intergalactic explorers.

As a fan of science fiction, growing up on Star Trek and Star Wars and Heinlein, it's hard to keep the butterflies away when NASA starts talking about a Mars landing.

I thought about it during my short walk to the hotel to see Elite, a space combat and exploration game built on the premise that a future society splits in two, some sticking around Earth and the rest breaking away to the distant edges of the universe.

When I arrived, I couldn't help but ask David Braben, the director on this game and co-writer of the original title, about the real world news and its timing.

"It's great and exciting and fun," Braben said, launching us into a conversation about the game's astrophysics, the state of our universe and the game's AI-driven procedurally generated universe.

A blizzard of stars

"The night sky is a blizzard of stars," he said. "We have been unbelievable lucky the solar system hasn't had a close encounter with another star, but within another thousand years there will be.

"Systems pass through each other, some of those could cause serious change."

Like our conversation that day, Elite does an admirable job of blending reality with science-backed fiction.

The game has all of the extra terrestrial exoplanets known to humanity in it, for instance.

"We have 160,000 star systems from star catalogs," Braben said.

Because the universe is by no means fully discovered, let alone viewed , Braben and his team at Frontier Developments fell back on procedural technology to populate the universe, having the computer base those decisions on the current thinking about the universe.

"All 400 billion of the stars are in there," he said. "It's as accurate as we can make it."

The end result is a game that isn't just interesting on a gameplay level, but also on a scientific one, Braben said.

And that's just the game's background, the interstellar tapestry upon which the space opera of Elite will play out.

In the game, set in the year 3300 or so, humans have traveled to space and spread around Earth out to a few hundred light years. In the year 2300, a group of disenfranchised people head out into the unknown, settling on about 100,000 light years away.

"They settled there, built up an empire and explored until they met the [Earth's] Empire," he said. "They have existed in a state of cold war since."

The game drops players into this tension allowing them to decide which side to support and how to fit in.

"You can run guns to rebels or you can help the peace forces," Braben said. "The way this works, the player determines the outcome of this war."

And the game both reacts and tries to feed the tension with things like a news feed.

At one point in the earlier version of the game, which had its full release earlier this month, the developers ran a news feed with a speech from the leader of the rebels, making it clear he was a communist.

"We saw the players changing sides," Braben said. " The rebels were also doing things using terrorist activities to pollute a trade."

And that trade happened to be one of the ways many players make in-game currency. That too led to a shift in player loyalties.

The game also plays around with the notion of war, of slavery, of taxes, all mixed together to get players to base their in-game decisions on more than just what color a uniform is, or the types of ships and weapons a side might have.

And of course, driving this all is the amazing, immersive experience of being in the cockpit of a space ship, exploring the unknown and getting into combat.

Virtual reality

While the PC game can be played on a screen with keyboard or controller. I opted to try playing the game using Oculus Rift and a set of expensive flight stick and throttle controllers.

The headset is an incredible experience.

Once strapped in, my view includes not just what's happening outside the ship from a first-person perspective, but the entire, completely functional cockpit and what you'd expect to see of your own body.

But it was the arms, and hands that most yanked me into the virtual world.

My arms dropped away from my body naturally leading to two virtual reality hands gripping flight controls that looks like what I felt in the real world.

Moving my hands around on the real flight stick or throttle, made my virtual hands move in time.

The effect was almost alarming.

Beyond the incredible immersion of the experience, using the headset gave me quite an advantage. I could quickly look around at ships in space without the need for extra controls or buttons, all while flying and firing.

Looking at either extreme sides of the cockpit brought up in-game holographic menus which allowed me to adjust engine output, tweak weapons and do other things that would typically require a bit more complexity without the headset.

In short, it made me more dangerous.

While Braben says the team has been focusing on the Oculus Rift in terms of virtual reality, they are also looking at the PlayStation 4's Project Morpheus and other VR set-ups.

Most important to Braben, though, is that people realize that while the game supports the Oculus Rift, and also the outer limits of a robust gaming PC, it is still a fantastic experience for those with more typical set-ups.

"We support a standard console controller," he said. "I love playing on those. I don't bother with the flight stick. I play on a Macbook Pro and I play with a controller and it works fine.

"You don't have to use the keyboard for anything."

25 Dec 20:35

US traveler released from East Timor jail -




US traveler released from East Timor jail
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - A U.S. traveler detained for months in East Timor has been released from prison. Stacey Addison, 41, of Portland was arrested in September shortly after crossing the border into the Southeast Asia nation. The veterinarian was sharing ...
Oregon woman released in East Timor after drug probe 'nightmare'CNN

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