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21 Aug 04:11

Shaun King And Why Were So Quick To Believe White Folks

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


As I write this, activist Shaun King’s name is trending on Twitter…nationwide. If you are unfamiliar, with all the incidents of police brutality plaguing our nation, King has been a voice within the Black Lives Matter movement. And he doesn’t just have swift Twitter fingers, he’s about that work in real life as well.

King was also set to launch a new organization called the Justice Coalition, which seeks to end police brutality in this country by forming policy teams and launching an additional website to tell the true stories of how police brutality effects its victims.

But he’s not trending because of these new initiatives. He’s trending because people want to know if he’s really Black like he claims to be. They want to know if he’s “the next Rachel Dolezal.” And we all know how she dominated the news cycle for a good two weeks.

Breitbart, a right-winged, conservative news aggregation site named after its founder, Andrew Breitbart, alleged that King, who has said  he has a White mother and a Black father, not only lied about being bi-racial. They claim he lied about his ethnicity to get a scholarship to Morehouse from Oprah Winfrey. They also claim he lied about being in a car accident and being attacked by racists during his high school years in rural Kentucky.

Breitbart claims to have obtained a copy of his birth certificate that seems to list a White man as his father.

The story blew up from there. You know folks love to have the tea. And in their quest to join the hashtag or unearth a scandal, many never even took the time to consider the source.

As a journalism major we were taught to question everything. When I was interning for a copywriter at MSNBC, she told me, “If your mother tells you she loves you, get a second opinion.” That’s the mindset we were trained to adopt when attempting to process new information.

Today, when I heard that it was Breitbart that was trying to call Shaun King a liar, I immediately doubted the notion. Not so much because I question everything I hear and read. Admittedly, I’ve become more and more lax on that front, but because I know the recent history of the publication.

For those who were paying attention to the news during the summer of 2010, you may remember Breitbart was the same publication that infamously cost Shirley Sherrod her job with Department of Agriculture.

Breitbart obtained excerpts from a speech Sherrod gave at the at an NAACP event. The site chopped and screwed the video and painted Sherrod as a racist. When in actuality, her speech warned people not to let their personal prejudices stand in the way of helping someone and developing quality friendships.

But everyone trusted Breitbart. Instead of watching the whole video for themselves, the story spread like wildfire. FoxNews led the way and then a New York CBS affiliate picked it up and then the Atlanta Journal Constitution. By that afternoon, Sherrod received numerous emails from government officials asking her to submit her resignation. The NAACP stepped forward saying they condemned her remarks. And her superiors told her The White House requested that she resign immediately.

And it was all a lie, for nothing. A conservative, White publication said something was true, put up a few video clips and a Black woman, who wasn’t even given the opportunity to tell her side of the story, lost her job because of it.

In all honesty, the Shaun King receipts seem plausible, just like the Sherrod receipts did five years ago. A White man on your birth certificate is pretty convincing.

But Breitbart is something like a MediaTakeout for conservative White folks. The story looks good on the surface, but when you do your own investigation, it’s bullshit. And for whatever reason, their rumors don’t just stir up drama and kick up mess, they cause emotional and psychological damage. Sherrod lost her job and was publicly shamed by her people and the government. At the end of the day everybody looked like fools, had to issue apologies, including The White House, and Breitbart, the site and the man, likely revealed in the exposure and visits to their website.

Judging by the way the story about Shaun King took off, their credibility didn’t even suffer.

And that is the very problem King is fighting against. We talk about Black Lives mattering and having value. But when it’s our word against a White man’s we discover we’re still less credible, inferior.  It’s devastating when people, particularly Black people, are so ready and willing to believe something just because a White man said it.

I know I’ve referenced this before, but the same thing happened when Barack Obama was running for President. Black folks wanted to vote for him but didn’t think he stood a chance of winning. But when he took Iowa, when they saw that White folks were cosigning him, then all of a sudden we felt comfortable to support our own.

Y’all we don’t need the White man’s cosign anymore.

And we need to question the coverage of Black people on all media platforms, particularly when the only time Black people are mentioned is when someone is attempting to discredit us.

By now you might be wondering did Shaun address his racial makeup. He did, via his Twitter page.

Later, another Twitter user posted this picture as a response.


If you can’t tell that that’s a Black man, then I’m going to need you to just click out and have a nice day.

It was a friend of King’s who offered a bit more explanation about his background on Facebook. You can read the whole thing here; and you should, but this part seems to be of particular importance.

And to question his race? Since the third grade, Shaun has had to deal with whispers as to his racial make-up. Whispers that no adult helped him deal with or process. Yes, that includes his mother. Shaun got called “Nigger” just as much, if not more, than myself or any of my black friends and family while growing up in Versailles. Do you think an 8 year old would volunteer for that type of treatment? A funny colored, wavy haired child just trying to navigate life? To have anything from racial slurs to cups full of dip-spit (chewing tobacco) hurled at you from confederate flag covered pick-up trucks? And then 20 years later have some right wing assholes question whether it ever happened and go as far as to call you a fraud and try to de-bunk years of social justice work that you’ve put under your belt? We grew up in a town where white mothers were constantly dis-owned by their families for having relationships and making children with black fathers. Where even into the 2000’s, the racial identities of mix-raced children were a taboo topic. Shaun was a direct victim of that. 20 years later, much progress has been made in my town of Versailles, but we are proving we have much further to go if people from my home town don’t speak the fuck up.

Honestly, at first I was wondering why he didn’t just explain explicitly. But this made it clear for me. He doesn’t owe us his story. He’s not another Rachel Dolezal trying to get shine by identifying with an oppression she willingly adopted. He’s about this life.

And it’s a shame that instead of riding for Shaun like he’s been riding for us, we were quick to start making memes, questioning his work and retweeting a story that was meant to undermine and distract from the very issues that are killing us.

I don’t believe in supporting unscrupulous people simply because they’re Black, but when White folks start going hard against Black revolutionaries, we should question the source, the motives and make sure the receipts check out.

21 Aug 04:04

There Will Be Mainehattans | There Will Be Bourbon

by hodad


3 oz. Moxie
2 oz. Rye*
3 dashes Angostura bitters
1 maraschino cherry

Original Source

21 Aug 04:03 Petition Calls for Jon Stewart to Host a Presidential Debate - Petition Calls for Jon Stewart to Host a Presidential Debate
Jon Stewart gave up his hosting gig at "The Daily Show" earlier this month after spending 16 years poking fun at politicians. And now thousands of fans want him to get back to work — as a presidential debate moderator. A petition on the website Change ...
​Will Jon Stewart moderate a presidential debate?CBS News
Fans try to draft Jon Stewart to moderate presidential debateNew York Daily News
There is a petition to let Jon Stewart host a 2016 presidential debateUSA TODAY
ABC News -Jerusalem Post Israel News -Haaretz
all 247 news articles »
21 Aug 04:03

Los Angeles police search home of Gene Simmons, but he's not suspect - Fox News


is this the month where absolutely every famous evil white dude gets totally wrecked

Fox News

Los Angeles police search home of Gene Simmons, but he's not suspect
Fox News
Aug. 16, 2015: Gene Simmons performs during the "Music On A Mission" benefit concert held at Lucky Strike Live - Hollywood in Los Angeles. (AP). LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles police say a task force investigating Internet crimes against children served a ...
Gene Simmons isn't suspected of anything -- are we clear on that?Los Angeles Times
Child porn cops search Gene Simmons' home, but he's not suspectUSA TODAY
Gene Simmons' Home Searched by Internet Crimes Against Children Task ForceABC News (blog) -San Jose Mercury News
all 449 news articles »
21 Aug 04:02

Walmart's earnings hit by Obamacare. Thanks, Obama!

by (Joan McCarter)

via ThePrettiestOne
"due to fewer customers paying for drugs with cash, which has higher margins"

Picture of a Wal-Mart pharmacy
While Walmart will probably find some way to recoup the losses that ends up punishing their employees, this is still kind of gratifying.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s took a hit from the Affordable Care Act during the second-quarter. […]

Much of that was due to fewer customers paying for drugs with cash, which has higher margins, said Greg Foran, head of Wal-Mart’s sprawling U.S. operations. Fewer cash payments reflect “a marketplace shift in which more customers are now benefitting from greater drug insurance coverage,” he said, during a pre-recorded earnings conference call.

That's because one of the things that has to be included in policies now as a result of the law is prescription drug coverage. It's one of the ten essential health benefits that plans on the exchange, small group plans, and Medicaid and Medicare had to offer beginning January 1, 2014. Most employer-based insurance plans already provide it. People aren't having to fork over as much cash for their prescriptions now that they have insurance to help pay for them, and Walmart is feeling the pinch.
21 Aug 04:01



via Toaster Strudel

21 Aug 04:00

Artworks by Rocío Espín Piñar


via baron

Artworks by Rocío Espín Piñar

21 Aug 03:51

Halo 1 Main Menu


we have reached this point

Have you ever left a Halo title running on your TV, just to listen to and watch the main menu? Now you can relive your favourite Halo title menu in your browser.

21 Aug 01:28

The Most Unfaithful States In The US According To Ashley Madison Data


Alabama #1
Massachusetts #7
Washington #14
Oklahoma #38
Vermont #39
Oregon #41
Louisiana #42

Who has time to sift through the leaked Ashley Madison data? We do! But so does Redditor Jpopham91, who posted this bar graph of the most unfaithful states in the union to r/dataisbeautiful.
21 Aug 00:39

Newswire: Hugh Jackman can’t get away from cyclopes, might star in The Odyssey

by William Hughes

Hugh Jackman, an actor who knows a little something about what it’s like to set out from your homeland on a small-seeming project that eventually turns into a decade-spanning ordeal, is in early talks to star in an adaptation of The Odyssey. Based on the poet Homer’s millennia-enduring (and public-domain friendly) tale of a general and king who finds himself consistently waylaid in his efforts to return to his wife and kingdom, the film is being developed at Lionsgate by Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Mockingjay director Francis Lawrence.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jackman’s involvement in the film is still at a very early, tentative stage, possibly because he’s getting sick of starring opposite cyclopes (which is the Merriam-Webster-approved plural of Cyclops, apparently, beating out our guess, “Jameses Marsden”). If he does sign on for the project, though, he’ll be taking on the lead ...

21 Aug 00:39

Race love hate and me: A distinctly American story by Activist Shaun King

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

Race, love, hate, and me: A distinctly American story by Activist Shaun King:


The author, Shaun King, at age 14 as a sophomore in high school.

The reports about my race, about my past, and about the pain I’ve endured are all lies. My mother is a senior citizen. I refuse to speak in detail about the nature of my mother’s past, or her sexual partners, and I am gravely embarrassed to even be saying this now, but I have been told for most of my life that the white man on my birth certificate is not my biological father and that my actual biological father is a light-skinned black man. My mother and I have discussed her affair. She was a young woman in a bad relationship and I have no judgment. This has been my lived reality for nearly 30 of my 35 years on earth. I am not ashamed of it, or of who I am—never that—but I was advised by my pastor nearly 20 years ago that this was not a mess of my doing and it was not my responsibility to fix it. All of my siblings and I have different parents. I’m actually not even sure how many siblings I have. It is horrifying to me that my most personal information, for the most nefarious reasons, has been forced out into the open and that my private past and pain have been used as jokes and fodder to discredit me and the greater movement for justice in America. I resent that lies have been reported as truth and that the obviously racist intentions of these attacks have been consistently downplayed at my expense and that of my family.

For my entire life, I have held the cards of my complicated family history very close to my chest. I preferred to keep it that way and deeply resent that I have been forced to authenticate so many intimate details of my life to prove who I really am. This, in and of itself, is a form of violence. The same sources who falsely reported my family history—including Breitbart, the Daily Caller, and The Blaze—have also falsely reported that my wife and I were never in a brutal car accident, that I lied about how many kids we have (we have 5 now, but have had more/less because we’ve fostered, adopted, housed many of our nieces and nephews), that I lied about my race to get a scholarship from Oprah, that I lied about how many back surgeries I’ve had, and more. All of those things were completely and totally false, but have simply been ignored at my expense. I don’t know why this shocks me, but it does.

Let me share some of my peculiar American story about race, my unwavering love for my mother, and my gratitude for an entire community of people who’ve walked with me through this for my entire life.

When I was 8 years old and in the second grade, black children first began asking me if I was “mixed.” In our house, my white mother, the sweetest woman ever and one of the best friends I’ve ever had, didn’t talk much about race. Most white families don’t. It’s part of the privilege. I didn’t even know what “mixed” was. This isn’t a secret. I’ve told this story publicly in front of thousands of people.

After that day when I was first asked if I was mixed, while I was still a very young child, kids and their well-intentioned parents began telling me they knew who my black father was, that I was so and so’s cousin, etc. This was in small-town Versailles, Kentucky, in the 1980s. It happened regularly for years on end. While I didn’t have an understanding of the national dialogue on interracial children, I knew even as a young child that what people were telling meant something very peculiar and unflattering about my mother. I was aware at how different I looked than my siblings, but didn’t understand DNA or genealogy. They were my family and I loved them.

I adored my mother so much then, that I just didn’t have the nerve to ever bring these things up to her. I was a child and loved our care-free relationship. She had been married and divorced several times and by the time I was in second grade she was raising my brother and me as a single mom. By the time I reached middle school, I fully identified myself not even as biracial, but just as black. Of course, that was an oversimplification of my story, but that was what made sense at that time. Adults who loved and knew me, on many occasions sat me down and told me that I was black. As you could imagine, this had a profound impact on me and soon became my truth.

Every friend I had was black, my girlfriends were black, I was seen as black, treated as black, and endured constant overt racism as a young black teenager. Never have I once identified myself as white. Not on forms, not for convenience or privilege, and not for fun and games, have I ever identified myself as white. I was never a white guy pretending to be black. Not once, ever, did it occur to me that I was being phony or fraudulent or fake. Quite the opposite—I always believed I was living the truest form of my self.

My freshman year in high school, another student and I got into a huge fight at a football game. The fight ended up setting off a powder keg of racial tensions at our school. The school paper back then referred to me as black and him as white. We were suspended for three days and while we were out, racial tensions boiled over so much that hundreds of white students staged a walkout because they had just been banned from wearing Confederate flags.

When I returned to school from that suspension, the collective anger of the racist white students was focused on me daily. Dozens of my close friends experienced this racist hate alongside me and it broke us down in the worst ways. I was consistently called nigger, spat on, had a jar of tobacco spit thrown in my face, forced into fights, and on two different occasions chased by pickup trucks attempting to maul us. In 2007, one of the students in one of those trucks wrote me a beautiful, moving apology for calling me a nigger and more on that scary dark night. I published it back then.

In March of 1995, it all boiled over and a racist mob of nearly a dozen students beat me severely, first punching me from all sides, then, when I cradled into a fetal position on the ground they stomped me mercilessly, some with steel-toed boots, for about 20 seconds.  That day changed the entire trajectory of my life. Thankfully, multiple credible, unbiased eyewitnesses to this traumatic day have come out publicly and spoken on my behalf in the past 48 hours.

I had fractures in my face and ribs, but most badly damaged was my spine. I ended up having three spinal surgeries and missed 20 months of school over it. My entire family endured this deeply painful time in my life ranging from the surgeries, the brutal recovery, physical therapy, and professional counseling. It was rougher than my words will ever do justice. Many people have said that in the police report it listed me as white—as if I checked the box and that was some deep admission. Today, that officer admitted to the New York Times that I never said I was white, but that he assumed so when he saw my mother. He and the school badly mishandled my case. We sued the school system for years because of their mishandling of it. They fought it tooth and nail and my mother and I eventually just gave up on it.

Rev. Willis Polk, a local pastor, and my best friend’s father, visited and prayed with me often during those surgeries. I became a Christian during my recovery. I was baptized and preached my first sermons as a high school teenage minister in the black church. Rev. Polk, his son Willis, and I toured HBCU’s together in 1996 and we knew that Morehouse College in Atlanta was the only place for us. We loved it.

Again, this wasn’t me sneaking into Morehouse as an undercover white man. I was 17 and my racial identity was fully formed. I knew who I was. I wasn’t appropriating or faking, but living out my life. During this entire time, my mother and I had an unspoken understanding about my race. Her past, in a sense, was taboo for me, and I had honestly moved on from even wanting to know the details of who she slept with in January of 1979. I sincerely didn’t care and had compartmentalized it deep in my mind and moved on the best I could.

To be clear, I received a full academic and leadership scholarship to attend Morehouse College based on my grades and my leadership skills. I love Morehouse. It helped me heal from the brokenness of my past and my very past friendships and bonds were formed there. When I was forced to leave Morehouse to have yet another spinal surgery, I lost that scholarship and was then offered a scholarship from Oprah Winfrey when I returned to complete my studies. She wanted it to be for “diamonds in the rough” and that was pretty much who I was at that point. I didn’t apply for it. Nobody does. The college selects brothers who need it and I was, very gratefully, chosen for it.

Since finishing Morehouse nearly 15 years ago, I have consistently and publicly shared my complicated story as an interracial child, facing the pressures of racism in an environment that lacked little intelligence or compassion about it. A part of this story has always been that I never chose to be black/interracial. Not only was it chosen for me by birth, but white students and staff fundamentally rejected me. Furthermore, the black community, my peers, their parents, and local black leaders, seeing that I was, in essence, a kid without a community, embraced me in the deepest, most soul-soothing ways. My wife, who has been with me since we were both in high school, has walked with me through this every step of the way and shared her story here earlier today.

Outside of my mother’s home, as a kid I lived a deeply black experience. Black families invited me to attend vacation Bible school. I attended black family reunions where old people would come up and pinch my cheeks and tell me who I looked like in their family. I went to black skate parties, black block parties/festivals, and did so not as a white intruder, but as a Karl Kani wearing, widely welcomed, light-skinned black kid. I soaked up every moment I had as I was fully, unabashedly loved, even doted upon, by black families throughout central Kentucky. It was a refuge for me and also a rite of passage of sorts. In high school I joined exclusively black achievers groups. With scholars I love and respect to this day at the University of Kentucky, I attended and helped plan King Day events, and just lived my life.

Until this past week, never has anyone asked me who my father was during these 35 years of mine. It occurs to me now that I’ve never asked anyone that question either. It’s an odd question, and, in my case, has a complicated, deeply personal answer, but one that I have actually seen lived out many other times. I have walked other people very close to my wife and I through what it is like to find out that the person you believed was your father actually isn’t. This is a pretty common thing.

I now see pictures of all of our young children, distant relatives, and even people who I am not actually related to spread across the internet in an attempt to shame us somehow. This is disgusting. I want to be clear. I love my family. I have never, not once, hidden or been ashamed of my family. They are my biggest supporters and defenders and always have been. Most of the pictures people have shared to prove that I am white actually came from my own social media accounts that I have shared to hundreds of thousands of people. It’s all a farce.

Not one person behind these reports has remotely good intentions—quite the opposite, in fact. Since these articles have been released, my family and I have received constant death threats and nonstop racist harassment. Multiple members of my family have been harassed and we now have been forced to take extra security measures for our safety.

This was the goal… divide and conquer. But I will not allow it to define or distract me for one more day and hope that all of you reading this will move on with me. I have promised my wife, kids, extended family, and friends that this will be the last time I talk about this publicly for a long time. My work has never been about me and I’ve never made a big deal about my race. I’ve actually tried hard to avoid ever making a big deal out of it and have, instead, simply tried to do good work that matters. I’m eager to get back to the cause that concerns me most.

My focus will continue to be ending police brutality. I believe it is the pre-eminent civil rights issue of modern America and that, together, we can fight against it effectively.

21 Aug 00:38

Newswire: Michael Shannon says Zod will have flipper hands in Batman V Superman

by B.G. Henne


According to Vulture, Michael Shannon divulged that his cameo as General Zod in Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice will finally address one of the grave missteps that alienated audiences from 2013’s Man Of Steel. No, he won’t be retiring his petulant shouting. Nor does Shannon promise to refrain from pulverizing large sections of Metropolis. Rather, General Zod will have flippers for hands. While promoting 99 Homes, Shannon inadvertently broke the news while regaling an interviewer with the time he was on the set of Batman V. Superman, trapped in a Porta Potty:

I was in my costume, and I couldn’t use my fingers because in the sequel I have flippers instead of hands. So I had these wax flippers on my fingers, and I couldn’t open the [Porta Potty] door, and I could hear Zack [Snyder, the director] being like, ‘Where’s Shannon? Where the ...

21 Aug 00:38

No pooping in Super Mario Maker ⊟ Sad news in the world of...

by 20xx

"the magic is gone"

No pooping in Super Mario Maker ⊟ 

Sad news in the world of Mario. While Super Mario Maker opens up infinite variation and unimagined new possibilities for the classic platformer, it also removes one of my favorite unofficial features from Super Mario Bros.: the unkomario (and its ruder colleague, the kintamario).

Unkomario is a dumb visual joke that caught on in Japan, using the flashing coin icon on the top of the Super Mario Bros. NES screen to make Mario appear to defecate. It worked in that game because when Mario is on top of the screen, he stands in front of the coin icon, partially obscuring it (image via):


But, sadly, the coin icon in Super Mario Maker is different: it’s smaller, aligned in a different spot vertically, and sits in front of any Mario sprites you can get up there. It just looks like Mario’s standing behind a coin icon. The magic is gone.

I guess I’m going to have to settle for doing literally everything else, but I was kind of looking forward to using the level design tools to give myself easier access to unkomario jokes than ever before.

PREORDER Super Mario Maker
21 Aug 00:37

The amazing trick the Commodore 64 used to create colorful pixel art

by Ben Kuchera

palette shifting beat

It can be hard for modern players to realize just how brutal the memory constraints were on early computers such as the Commodore 64. The video embedded above does a great job of explaining the interesting ways developers worked within the confines of the system just to get colorful images on the screen.

Take, for instance, the nice piece of pixel art below.

color still

color still

Pretty good, right? There are lots of colors and it's easy to understand what you're looking at. It's a successful piece of art, but how do you put that on the screen without using up all your memory? Easy: break the screen into color cells, and only use two colors per cell.

color gif

color gif

The video goes into more detail, but this allowed for beautiful images that didn't eat up all your memory. It also had to be hell on the artists; the trick of creating such colorful images that only used two colors per cell couldn't have been easy, especially on detailed images like the one above.

In other words? Respect your elders.

21 Aug 00:36

icepick-abortion: alunaes: oli-foster: The bagh naka...




The bagh naka (Marathi: वाघनख / वाघनख्या, Hindi: बाघ नख, Urdu: باگھ نکھ‎) is a claw-like weapon from India designed to fit over the knuckles or be concealed under and against the palm. It consists of four or five curved blades affixed to a crossbar or glove, and is designed to slash through skin and muscle. It is believed to have been inspired by the armature of big cats, and the term bagh naka itself means tiger’s claw in Hindi.

I would walk so much more comfortably at night if I had this

… I need these

21 Aug 00:35

Adafruit Industries Limor Fried on bootstrapping a startup #makerbusiness @BusinessInsider @MAKERSwomen

by adafruit
21 Aug 00:35

5-year-old girl with robotic hand throws pitch #3DPrinting

by Noe Ruiz

5-Year-Old with Robotic Hand Throws Out 1st Pitch at Orioles Game

Via Yong Dawnson

Five-year-old Hailey Dawson was born with Poland syndrome, which left her without fingers on her right hand.

But she has a robotic one made by engineering students at UNLV that slides onto her palm and moves its fingers with the movements of her wrist.

When the Baltimore Orioles hosted the Oakland Athletics on Monday, she inspired many by throwing out the first pitch at Camden Yards with her mechanical right hand.

With Orioles third baseman Manny Machado crouching in front of her, Hailey wound up with her Orioles-customized hand and delivered.

It’s a reminder that sports are bigger than what happens in between the lines.


Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

21 Aug 00:35

What You Need to Know About Mayor Charlie Hales' New Initiative On Homelessness

by Dirk VanderHart

'There are some new twists. Hales is promising two new daytime storage sites where homeless people can leave their stuff—one under the Burnside Bridge, the other on the Central Eastside. The storage areas will have dumpsters, a large cargo box, and a sharps container for used needles—what the mayor calls "very basic humane services."

The sites have firm costs estimates ($50,000 overhead, $5,600 a month for operations) but the exact siting remains in question—particularly the Central Eastside site. In fact, Hales office is already sparring with businesses and neighbors in that district over the proposed move of homeless rest area Right 2 Dream Too. It could be in for a similar fight in its ambitions for a storage area, but Hales correctly pointed out there's already plenty of homelessness in the district, and that a trash repository and storage area is "better than the status quo. We're going to keep moving by increments to a place where people have sanitation and habitation."'

'Hales is clearly focusing on the political landscape in next year's mayoral primary'

You've been on pins and needles all afternoon, Blogtown, so here's what we know about the new $1 million homelessness initiative Mayor Charlie Hales unveiled today (along with City Commissioner Dan Saltzman, Multnomah County Commissioner Jules Bailey, police officials and social service providers):

It looks largely like he said it would: As I noted earlier, Hales allocated more than $1 million to an "intensive street engagement and clean-up initiative" in this year's budget, and laid out a bare bones description of what it would amount to.

That's all on the table. The mayor's pitching a pilot program that resembles an effort the city tried late last year with people sleeping under I-405. The city will spend $924,000 launching a small army of social service workers—from Cascadia Behavioral Health, the Urban League of Portland, and the Native American Rehabilitation Association (NARA)—at the people "who have the greatest barriers to housing," by which he means the people most likely to tell social service workers to screw off.

Hales and his various partners in this effort make the case these organizations are uniquely qualified to tackle this issue. They say the Urban League and NARA can marshall outreach workers more likely to identify with people with backgrounds and racial demographics that might make them distrustful of white people.

On top of all this, money's going to Central City Concern, which will be running "cleanup routes" five days a week, according to Hales' chief of staff, Josh Alpert.

All those resources are actually going to target a tiny fraction of Portland's homeless. The goal for the pilot project is that 50 "households" find housing—a minuscule number compared to the thousands of people sleeping on the street. I asked about that, and Hales launched into a defense you got the sense he'd prepared. "You might say 'Thats a pretty expensive effort, to focus almost $1 million of services on 50 households," Hales said, pivoting to the cleanup efforts under I-405 last year. "When we focused that effort onto some of the key individuals on the street, not only were those folks housed, the side effects of those folks having large encampments went away."

"It's expensive," Hales continued, "but not compared to the alternative."

There are some new twists. Hales is promising two new daytime storage sites where homeless people can leave their stuff—one under the Burnside Bridge, the other on the Central Eastside. The storage areas will have dumpsters, a large cargo box, and a sharps container for used needles—what the mayor calls "very basic humane services."

The sites have firm costs estimates ($50,000 overhead, $5,600 a month for operations) but the exact location remains in question—particularly the Central Eastside site. In fact, Hales office is already sparring with businesses and neighbors in that district over the proposed move of homeless rest area Right 2 Dream Too. It could be in for a similar fight in its ambitions for a storage area, but Hales correctly pointed out there's already plenty of homelessness in the district, and that a trash repository and storage area is "better than the status quo. We're going to keep moving by increments to a place where people have sanitation and habitation."

The mayor's got someone you can call about homelessness besides his office. As you well know, the Mercury's fond of tedium, and so periodically sifts through the transcribed voicemail messages left with the mayor's office. They are invariably full of people mortified by some encampment or another.

Now, in a stroke of maybe-genius, Hales has a better number for them to call. He's conceived a "one-point contact system" where "the public can report behavior-based issues associated with the houseless population." Basically, you'll be calling a guy in the city's Office of Management and Finance (OMF) who already pulls the strings on the city's campsite cleanup program.

Speaking of which, none of this alters current enforcement. Hales made that clear. Police will still sweep problem camps. City bureaus will still call in private contractors and inmates to clear out rubbish, and nothing about this new pilot even reaches the problematic sites near the Springwater Corridor multi-use path.

Hales made a point of saying multiple times that "sleeping is not a crime," without touching the fact that, under city law, camping and erecting structures in order to sleep is a crime, and the city's been known to arrest people for it. (City staffers frequently draw a distinction between "entrenched" or problematic camps and more "low impact" sites when talking about which campers are ticketed.)

Veterans are taken care of, officials say.

This may not last. The $1 million the mayor allocated to this project was one-time money, and Hales was clear today that it's a "pilot project." No guarantee it's going to continue beyond this fiscal year (ending in June).

Hales is dusting off his stump speech. He took a couple moments before broaching the main point this afternoon to tick off a list you're likely to hear a lot of as May approaches. He said there are things that keep him up at night, but they're not opportunity in the city (new jobs!), or the budget ($49 million surplus this year, much of it not directly attributable to city officials!), or police use of force (it's way down, he says!). "Those things don't keep me up, anymore," Hales said today. "Homelessness does."

It was a savvy and brief digression, at a time Hales is clearly focusing on the political landscape in next year's mayoral primary. As first reported by the Oregonian today, the mayor had coffee with State Treasurer Ted Wheeler this morning. Wheeler's looking at a run at the mayor's seat, and polling indicates the former Multnomah County chair could be a strong challenger.

"We talked about all kinds of things including politics," said Hales, who wasn't giving up any easy information about the meeting. I asked if he asked Wheeler to coffee because of his potential political ambitions, and Hales said yes, though he said he didn't learn Wheeler's intentions. "It was a very friendly conversation."

21 Aug 00:33

kurvalaska: rsf0908: shinycrookedcrown: This educated me so...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




This educated me so I’m sharing it

Yeah, me too.

21 Aug 00:33

Newswire: Hulu orders Seth Rogen pilot about a janitor who saves the world

by Victor Beigelman


It’s no secret that comedy writing duo Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg smoke plenty of weed. So much, in fact, that their lingering “pot stench” allegedly prevented the not-at-all controversial Amy Pascal from moving into a new office that Rogen and Goldberg occupied while scripting The Interview. By now it’s probably safe to say that whatever room they conceived their latest collaboration in is probably just as saturated with marijuana resin as Pascal’s current office, because Hulu has ordered a pilot for that project.

Future Man is a half-hour series about a janitor by day, world-ranked video-game champion by night who saves humanity from extinction. The title character is “tasked with preventing the elimination of the human race after mysterious visitors from the future proclaim him the key to defeating an imminent super-race invasion.” You can practically hear Rogen’s signature giggle through a cloud of smoke ...

21 Aug 00:33

Jared Fogle's Wife Officially Files for Divorce, Citing 'Irretrievable ... - People Magazine

People Magazine

Jared Fogle's Wife Officially Files for Divorce, Citing 'Irretrievable ...
People Magazine
Jared Fogle's wife Katie officially filed for divorce from her husband of five years on the same day the ex-Subway spokesman agreed to plea guilty to charges of sex with minors and child porn. In documents obtained by PEOPLE, a lawyer for Katie ...

and more »
21 Aug 00:31

Oregon courts rule that marijuana smoke is not an offensive odor. expost from r/news

21 Aug 00:30

UBER - "There's nowhere in Portland quite like Montavilla and Foster, a best-kept secret located at the foot of Mt. Tabor and the far reaches of SE 82nd."

This popped up in my email (not sure how I got on this list) today. Has anyone in the Uber Marketing dept visited Portland?


" There's nowhere in Portland quite like Montavilla and Foster, a best-kept secret located at the foot of Mt. Tabor and the far reaches of SE 82nd.

From Saturday, August 22nd through Monday, September 7th, take a free ride to the neighborhood on us and your Uber receipt will unlock backstage tours, free classes and unique discounts from over 20 local favorites."

submitted by withfilm
[link] [20 comments]
21 Aug 00:30

Sweet Cakes Owners send cake to LGBTQ Organizations w/Video Stating being Gay is a Choice


keep digging

21 Aug 00:29



via ThePrettiestOne

20 Aug 23:26

Regal Cinemas Institutes Bag Checks After Theater Attacks

Regal Cinemas has started checking bags in the wake of two separate movie theater attacks this summer.

The move from the country’s largest theater chain comes amid a larger debate about safety measures that has provoked calls for metal detectors and armed guards. Most major exhibitors haven’t followed suit. While National Amusements has banned backpacks in its theaters, insiders say most chains are hesitant to institute bag checks.

On its website, Regal acknowledged that the move could inconvenience some customers but said in a statement: “Security issues have become a daily part of our lives in America. Regal Entertainment Group wants our customers and staff to feel comfortable and safe when visiting or working in our theatres.”

Ever Looked Yourself Up? New Site Reveals it All!
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Other chains didn’t expound upon their practices. A spokesman for AMC declined to comment on its security procedures, and a spokeswoman for Cinemark said the chain had no comment. A spokeswoman for Carmike said the company constantly reviews its safety procedures, but has not instituted bag checks at this time.

The move by Regal is a sign that the exhibition industry is concerned that more measures may be needed to insure that more attacks like the ones that took place this summer don’t become commonplace. The movie business was stunned after a gunman killed two patrons and himself during a showing of “Trainwreck” in Lafayette, La. last July. That attack was followed a week later by a separate incident in Nashville, Tenn., during which a hatchet- and pellet gun-wielding man unleashed pepper spray in a showing of “Mad Max: Fury Road.” He was later killed by police.

This $1.8 Mil Bet Could do Wonders For Your 401(k)

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Both attacks brought back memories of a 2012 shooting at a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” in Aurora, Colo. that left 12 people dead. The gunman, James Holmes, was recently sentenced to life in prison for the attack.

20 Aug 23:22

kidmograph: 3D_DTH


via baron ("coinhose")



20 Aug 23:02

Bicycle Desks: A Good Idea


would use

Isolated spurts of intense exercise don’t cancel out the harm of sitting still at the office all day. A new study suggests that biking while working can help.
20 Aug 23:01

Goodwill Goes Upscale With New Boutiques

The goal is to take advantage of luxury donations and get a leg up on the competition, including for-profit thrift stores such as Buffalo Exchange and Savers that proliferated following the recession.
20 Aug 22:59

hellchilde: websandwhiskers: leaper182: micdotcom: What was...


via ThePrettiestOne





What was so bad about Stephanie’s outfit that she was being punished for it? Her exposed collarbone. Her mother was called to the school but even after giving her daughter a scarf, the outfit was still deemed inappropriate.

This may have been the last straw though, as the Kentucky students’ latest effort to fight back may actually get the dress code changed.

Oh my God, you can’t even see her fucking collarbone! I had to squint to find it! WHAT THE FUCK.

SERIOUSLY?  Swap out the jeans for a pair of slacks, and I’d wear that to WORK.

this just in: girls are not allowed to have bones. you must become invertebrates. ooze to class, leaving a trail of slime