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28 Jan 20:54



28 Jan 20:34

Handy-dandy BART map in a pen. See also this pen map from Seoul,...

Handy-dandy BART map in a pen.

See also this pen map from Seoul, South Korea.

(Source: Wired Maps/Instagram)

28 Jan 20:33

The Death Of A Taiwanese Game Shop

Shopkeeper Ms. Wang has run a video games shop in Taipei for well over 10 years. Located in the underground Taipei City Mall, Wang's shop is one of two mom and pop stores that specialise in selling retro games. Now, after more than a decade, she's talking about calling it quits and moving on towards something else.
28 Jan 20:33

A Woman In A Cape Rushed The Field During The Pro Bowl

And nobody heard about it until now because nobody watched the Pro Bowl.
28 Jan 20:31

Did The Sharing Economy Force This Man Out Of His Home?

In many ways, Chris Butler was the stereotypical San Franciscan: a tech startup founder who lived with his dog in a rent-controlled apartment. Then, like an increasing number of renters in the city, he was evicted.
28 Jan 19:43

Galaga: Right This Second Please

28 Jan 19:42

Peyton Manning's 'Omaha!' has taken over Denver's airport

by Rodger Sherman

Those flights aren't from Omaha. They're from OMAHA!

Did you know Peyton Manning says Omaha while playing football? It's true: Peyton Manning says Omaha while playing football. He won't tell you why he says Omaha while playing football, but that's part of the reason he says Omaha while playing football. (Also, a zoo named a penguin after him.)

But anyway, it's true. And now, every flight at the Denver airport to and from Omaha is not from Omaha. It is from OMAHA!

OMAHA! RT @ColleenFerreira: @DENAirport is really excited about #Omaha! Love it

— Denver Int'l Airport (@DENAirport) January 28, 2014

OMAHA! #UnitedinOrange RT @JamesFeger: Nice touch! @SouthwestAir @Broncos @DENAirport

— Denver Int'l Airport (@DENAirport) January 27, 2014

This is especially great when there are multiple flights lined up, so it looks like Peyton's call:

@DENAirport awesome yall win the day!!!

— Jon D. (@JDSportsfan85) January 28, 2014
In other news: wow, a surprising amount of people fly from Omaha to Denver or vice versa every day!
28 Jan 17:51

Tattoo You

Kamil Czapiga

Kamil Czapiga

Tattoo You

28 Jan 17:49

digi-order submitted: Alright, I was contemplating whether or not to submit this but we’ve got...

digi-order submitted:

Alright, I was contemplating whether or not to submit this but we’ve got three ladies here from a rather familiar game.

Ysera, Alexstrasza and Sylvanas. Blizzard decided to use the same exact models for each of them with some changes here and there.

…However, the first two are actually dragonesses while the last is an undead banshee queen who was a ranger in her past life….Also she’s supposed to have a mangled body.

So I think everyone can see what I’m getting at for these gals.

astringofpearls submitted:

World of What-the-What???

This makes me so angry. This character is a Death Knight and they are the baddest of asses. Why is she in a bikini with chaps? Does this look like plate armor to anyone else?

onewingedangel submitted:

Sylvanas Windrunner.

spectrumfizz submitted:

This is official art from the World of Warcraft trading card game, for the character Elumeria Wildershot. I and a friend managed to find several problems with it:

  1. She should be wearing at least light leather armour for protection.
  2. The cape/skirt shown is ridiculously impractical for dense forest.
  3. Her hair should be braided/tied back, to keep it out of her line of sight.
  4. That’s not even close to an appropriate loading/firing position.
  5. Unless that’s a shortbow, she should not be holding it like that.
  6. Why is her left hand that close to what looks like a flaming arrow?
  7. Why is her pet spider floating near her back?

Someone please fix this, it makes me sad. :<

As I get older, I begin to seek solace in the familiar. Bikini armor, old friend, thanks for always being there for me. The world would be unrecognizable without you. Also probably better protected and warmer? Mostly unrecognizable.


28 Jan 17:44




28 Jan 17:44

Turkish Prime Minister gives speech as a 10-foot hologram

by Rich McCormick

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech in the city of Izmir last Sunday by way of giant hologram. Erdoğan, unable to make the trip to a party meeting in the western Turkish city, recorded his message against a green screen. In Izmir, a full-body hologram of the Prime Minister roughly 10-feet tall appeared from a coil of blue light, waving to the cheering crowd.

The Turkish Prime Minister used his ethereal form to talk about upcoming municipal elections, and an ongoing corruption scandal in the country that has led to a purge of high-level officials across his government. While holograms have been used for entertainment purposes — perhaps most notably to project images of Nate Dogg and Tupac at Coachella festival in 2012 — politicians across the world have also tried to harness the technology. In 2012, Indian politician Narendra Modi broadcast 26 holograms of himself to crowds across the state of Gujarat. Modi said the use of holograms showed that India was a world leader in technology.

28 Jan 17:44


28 Jan 17:43

Two decades of unemployment data in 177 countries, GIFed

by Matt Phillips

Labor markets around the world are deeply in the red.

Global unemployment hovered at 6% in 2013, with 202 million jobless—a 5 million increase from the year before. That’s according to a report last week from the International Labour Organization, a UN body tasked with monitoring and promoting workers’ rights and well-being.

Of course, those broad averages mask sharp variations between countries. In South Africa, Greece, Mauritania and Spain, unemployment tops 25%. In Russia, Germany, Mexico and Australia, it is in the much more tolerable zone between 5% and 6%.

So we took the ILO’s historical data on international jobless rates from 1991 on, and slapped the numbers into a GIF. The result is this loop of recent economic history, backed by more than two decades of data. (As well as ILO estimates for the next few years.) The animation underscores just how far some economies have come and which ones seem have simply ricocheted between boom and bust cycles.

The best way to look at this map is to focus on individual countries for a cycle or two. For instance, look at Ireland. When the curtain comes up in 1991, the tiny economy at the edge of Europe is grappling with nearly 16% unemployment. But the deep pink fades fast as Ireland’s “Celtic tiger” economy gathers steam through the late 1990s and a home-building mania takes hold after the turn of the century. We all know what happened next: The housing boom busted, the banks that financed it failed, the government tried to back the banks and was pulled into insolvency itself. With a jobless rate of about 14%, Ireland is once again a painful beacon in the Atlantic.

On the other side of the Eurasian landmass, Russia was in dire straits in 1991. Unemployment topped 12% as the Soviet Union fell apart. Things muddled along for a few years. Then after the default in 1998, unemployment peaked at 13.3%. But thanks to a more recent commodities boom and a period of political stability under the iron rule of president Vladimir Putin, unemployment fell to 5.8% in 2013, near historic lows.

Likewise, after Argentina defaulted in 2001, unemployment briefly shot to 18%. (In light of the recent sharp devaluation of the currency, Argentinians have a right to worry about a replay.) Spain and Greece, with more than 25% unemployment, now find themselves in something of a similar situation, as pressure from the bond markets forced both into bailout agreements (which Spain has just exited) and cost-cutting regimes.

Iraq and Egypt, with estimated unemployment rates of 16.1% and 12.7% respectively, are both suffering from political instability, among other ills. In South Africa, inequality, poor education, surging youth unemployment, and rigid labor markets have kept the jobless rate above 20% for more than a decade. Algeria, on the North African coast, is emblazoned in searing pink in the 1990s. (Unemployment peaked at nearly 30% in 2000.)  More recently it has mellowed to pastel as unemployment has fallen a bit.

And then there’s Australia. Its commodities-and-consumption-driven economy hasn’t suffered a serious setback in more than two decades, though there’s some indication that growth could be running on fumes. As a result, unemployment has been on a relentless decline from nearly 10.9% in 1993 to roughly 5.6% in 2013, according to the ILO.

28 Jan 17:42

All the signs are pointing to Ukraine’s president being on his way out

by Steve LeVine
Then there's what they didn't say.

Ukraine’s parliament has repealed controversial legislation that all but outlawed public dissent, and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has offered his resignation. But the concessions seem unlikely to satisfy the emboldened opposition, and the indications are that president Viktor Yanukovych’s days in office are numbered. If he is forced out—either by resigning or in snap elections—the likely outcomes include freedom for his imprisoned nemesis Yulia Tymoshenko, closer relations with Europe and a breach with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

The immediate sequence of events that led to this moment began in November when the public was outraged by Yanukovych’s decision to ditch an agreement to move closer to the European Union and instead embrace an economic alliance with Russia, including a $15 billion bailout. Then tempers really boiled over with the Jan. 16 passage of a law banning many forms of protest.

Since then, there have been increasing signs that Yanukovych has lost control: The public has defied the protest laws and stayed in the streets despite the threat of gunfire and other perils that so far have cost the lives of five people. Neither Yanukovych nor his forces have shown the desire nor the stomach to simply mow down protesters. Instead, Yanukovych on Jan. 25 offered the prime ministership to opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk, a leader of Tymoshenko’s political party, but Yatsenyuk refused; the next day, serious unrest began in east Ukraine, Yanukovych’s political heartland.

Taken together, these developments are a clear sign that Yanukovych is knocked back on his heels and has few options but to agree to early exit from office, although if he agrees to early elections he would at least have a shot at staying on.

In a note to clients, Eurasia Group analyst Alex Brideau said that Yanukovych is unlikely to finish his term, which ends next year, although he could last a few more months. “Given the current situation, it is likely Yanukovych would lose a free and fair early presidential election,” Brideau said.

If Yanukovych goes, the EU deal is likelier to go through and Ukraine is likely to pull back from its embrace of Putin. Yanukovych himself could face the same type of judicial prosecution that he once meted out against Tymoshenko, who is serving a seven-year prison sentence for abuse of power.

28 Jan 17:42

Foxconn’s US plant heralds the return of American manufacturing jobs—for robots

by John McDuling
Coming to America?

Foxconn’s plans to open a high-tech plant in the US may be part of the larger revival of US manufacturing. But don’t expect American jobs to come with the boom in business.

The world’s biggest contract manufacturer, which is based in Taiwan and famously assembles Apple’s iPhones and iPads, among other products, last week described the US as a “must-go market,” and said its partners (presumably Apple) want it to make things closer to their home bases, according to a Reuters report.

It seems like a welcome fillip for the US, which has been trying to boost manufacturing. Often described as the base of the world’s largest economy, manufacturing accounts for about 12% of America’s annual economic output and 9% of its workforce. Left-leaning American US think tank the Economic Policy Institute has claimed that the US lost nearly 3 million manufacturing jobs to cheaper workers in China between 2001 and  and 2011.

Now, thanks to cheap energy in the US and rising labor costs in emerging markets, America’s cost disadvantage in manufacturing is rapidly narrowing.

What does that do for US jobs? Not much. A new study by McKinsey argues that manufacturers will increasingly turn to ”next-shoring,” or locating production closer to where their customers are located to satisfy local tastes and eliminate potentially damaging supply shortages.  In theory, this should play well to the US economy, the mothership of global consumerism. But workers will still lose out to advanced robotics, which can perform increasingly sophisticated manufacturing operations, and 3D printers, which will be able to replace component suppliers. ”Cheaper, more proficient robots that can substitute for a wider variety of human tasks are another reason companies may locate more manufacturing closer to major demand markets, even where wage rates are higher,” the report says.

What’s more. the US economy’s consumer dominance is fading with the rise of emerging market demand.

Screen Shot 2014-01-27 at 11.50.00 AM

But even if consumers and producers in emerging markets end up trumping the West, ultimately the robots win.

28 Jan 17:42

How to plan your Colorado “weedcation” like a responsible grown-up

by Heather Timmons
They've heard all the "Rocky Mountain high" jokes already, thanks.

Visitors to Colorado are now welcomed at dozens of marijuana dispensaries, where they can buy up to a quarter ounce (7 grams) of pot for their own consumption. The new boom in weed tourism has meant long lines at Denver’s dispensaries, and a nascent but growing industry of packaged “green tours,” that are heavy on smoke-filled “magic bus” trips to local growers.

But what if you want to plan an upscale and, yes, responsible “weedcation” of your very own, taking full advantage of Colorado’s amazing outdoors and a serious foodie scene? Quartz asked police and people in the hospitality and cannabis business in Colorado their advice. Here’s what they had to say:

Know what’s allowed. “It’s not carte blanche,” says Tom Martin, the police chief of Crested Butte, a tiny, extreme-sports-loving town in Colorado’s ski country. The most important thing to remember: Public consumption is banned. That includes not just walking down the street but in national parks and forests, on the chair lifts and the ski slopes. Parks and most ski areas are federal land, where marijuana use is still illegal. If you’re transporting it, it should be in a closed container.

There’s some discussion about whether private property in public view, like “a nice evening when you’re sitting on the front porch,” should constitute public consumption, Martin says. For now, he suggests, stick to the back porch where passers-by can’t see you. (For more details about what not to do, the Denver Post’s Cannabist website has a very thorough 64 question FAQ.)

Rent a private house. Besides the fact that public pot consumption is banned, smoking of anything at all is verboten at bars, restaurants and many Colorado hotels. Even those hotels that allow cigarette smoking in some bedrooms (which, let’s face it, probably smell like stale tobacco) sometimes don’t allow marijuana, even on the balconies. Here’s a handful of hotels that openly welcome cannabis users.

Luckily the state is full of gorgeous vacation homes. Though most ban smoking indoors, look for somewhere with private outdoor space, like this riverside cottage with an outdoor hot tub in Crested Butte, or this five-bedroom “luxury log cabin” in Vail. There are also a few rental homes that permit indoor smoking, like this exposed brick loft in downtown Denver.

Go to a stylish event. A growing number of chefs and event planners are creating special cannabis evenings, centered around marijuana-friendly food or focused on entertainment like burlesque-themed cabaret.

Jane West, a Denver event planner, is hosting monthly “BYOC” dinner parties in Denver art galleries. They’re designed to appeal to cannabis users, but are open to all (they also serve craft beers and Colorado “small batch” spirits.) The menus will be heavy on “succulent moist foods that will evolve” as you eat them, West told Quartz, like meatballs stuffed with blue cheese.

There will be a four-course, 100-person “farm-to-table” dinner in April and an “Oktoberfest” in September. At a recent event, there was even a special code for discounts on Uber rides home. West said previously “there was not a scene for people like me,” someone in her 30s who likes to drink good wine, eat great food, and use cannabis.

If you want to host a private event of your own, West can also arrange for a “cannabis chef” to come to your rental home, even outside of Denver, and make you food with and without marijuana.

Take it easy with the edibles.  Colorado is full of mom-and-pop outfits that churn out cookies, cakes, granolas and candies, most with organic ingredients and all clearly labeled with the amount of THC—the active ingredient in marijuana—that they contain.

Twirling Hippy Confections, for instance, makes individual peanut butter chocolate chip cheesecakes with 65 mg of THC in each one. Julie & Kate Baked Goods makes gluten-free products using various strains of marijuana, such as almond, sunflower and maple syrup treats with 25 mg of THC each. Edibles like these are in such demand that Colorado stores have been rationing them to keep them in stock.

To pick out the right product, ask yourself some questions first, Julie of Julie & Kate tells Quartz, like “What type of day or night are you in the mood for? Are you suffering from anxiety this day? Are you in pain? Would you like to be as euphoric as possible just for the fun of it?” A product made with the sativa strain will “be more active and conducive for a day on the mountain,” she said, while one made with indica “will be restful and calming.” Eat a small amount, wait 60 minutes, and then take more if necessary, she said. Julie & Kate’s website has a brief THC dosage guide.

Skip the cabernet. Many purists believe you shouldn’t combine alcohol and cannabis. If you do, take care when choosing the alcohol—nothing that dries out the mouth, like a red wine with heavy tannins. West recommends “palate cleansing” beverages, such as sake or a drink with ginger in it. “Anything that has a refreshing element at the end,” she said.

No, do not pack the cheesecake for home. They don’t look or smell like marijuana, so why not just slip some of Colorado’s edibles into your checked luggage before your flight? Just remember, it’s illegal to possess marijuana once you’re on federally-administered property, which includes the security line at the airport, and you’ll probably get caught, like this guy.

And of course, have fun. Martin said he’s not that worried about tourists getting themselves into trouble now that recreational cannabis has been legalized. “Seldom in my career of 29 years have we responded to calls where marijuana was a factor,” he said.

28 Jan 17:40

Linked: Third-grader designs new logo for Mogadore Police Department

by Armin

Third-grader designs new logo for Mogadore Police Department
Read it and weep boys and girls. It's official: an 8-year-old can do our job. Many thanks to our ADVx3 Partners
28 Jan 17:40

Crime Reporter Allegedly Became A Criminal

There aren’t many journalists out there getting rich off their work, especially not that underappreciated newsroom stalwart: the crime reporter.
28 Jan 17:38

[Mutant Chronicles] The Dark Legion is unleashed again!

by JoystickJunkies
So finally we're live with the long awaited Kickstarter after nearly 12 months of work on bringing the Dark Legion back! One of the stretch goals will be an alternative set of rules so would be interested to know which one you'd like to see, and any other comments.

Our big take on this is that when the Dark Symmetry is first unleashed is an awesome place to adventure - imagine Cthulhu style investigations amongst the colonies and territories of the big corporation - then the big build up to the first Corporate War and the first Dark Legion invasion as technology fails and even turns on mankind. We've filled in lots of gaps in the story and developed new content, you'll be able to explore the solar system in space ships, run your own corporations as well as fight on the battlefield or conduct in depth investigations.

It's gonna be a wild ride!

28 Jan 17:34

iguanamouth: whoops This guy needs a guitar. Especially in...



This guy needs a guitar. Especially in the second one.

28 Jan 17:33

metalonmetalblog: Death and Soap Bubbles, stucco relief, 18th...


Death and Soap Bubbles, stucco relief, 18th century.

Holy Sepulcher Chapel, Michelsberg Cloister, Bamberg

28 Jan 17:30

Well Joss' response to people calling him out is to "unfollow him" because that's obviously not his "real" opinion.

Ack, is that right?

I didn’t see that. 

That is disappointing. 

28 Jan 17:30

What do you think of Joss Whedon making transmisogynistic "joke" and then brushing it off as not serious. Not sure if you've ever met him, or if you're a fan of his.

I was very disappointed and told him so on Twitter.

To me, and this is just my impression, it didn’t read like an INTENTIONAL slam at trans folk, more like an off-hand and thoughtless exclusion of them, but that was just my interpretation. I have only met Joss once and am not hugely familiar with most of his work, so my read could be completely off. Intent isn’t everything, obviously, and I’m not making excuses for him, that is just how I read the comment at the time. 

I have made comments in the past where I have thoughtlessly made a similar mistake, talking about women as defined by having vaginas or whatever. People pointed out to me that that was exclusionary and they were right. Maybe that’s all Joss needs, maybe an apology is forthcoming, I don’t know, but it would be nice.  I don’t expect people to be perfect, you know? I don’t know anyone who has perfect knowledge and enlightenment, some of the most dedicated social justice advocates I know have messed up badly. But when it’s pointed out that something is wrong and hurtful…I would hope they would listen and do the right thing, out of simply human decency.

It always sucks to be excluded, to not be considered. Even just as a woman in comics, I’ve had it happen often and I can’t even imagine what it’s like for trans folk, where they have to deal with both aggressive and passive erasure all day, every day, it seems. 

28 Jan 17:29

Marshawn Lynch finally gets his own Skittles

by Michael Katz

Taste The Beast!

As part of Marshawn Lynch deal, Skittles has produced a limited amount of this "Seattle Mix"

— darren rovell (@darrenrovell) January 28, 2014

Skittles' new limited edition "Seattle Mix" has only 2 flavors in package

— darren rovell (@darrenrovell) January 28, 2014

This is a real thing! You tweeted, Facebook, watched TV and stuff — and finally, the #brand listened. Feel good, America. Feel great, Seattle.

28 Jan 17:29

Why everybody in the US and nobody outside it watches the Super Bowl

by John McDuling
A big deal in America, not so much elsewhere.

On Super Bowl Sunday, the US might as well be on a different planet. American football’s annual crescendo is typically the country’s most watched TV show of the year, usually by a considerable margin. Last year’s edition was, by some measures, the third most viewed show in American broadcast history.

But on the global stage, it’s a very different story.  In 2010, the National Football League’s grand finale was for the first time usurped in viewing numbers by European club soccer’s rough equivalent, the UEFA Champions League final. This year, with international soccer’s quadrennial centerpiece, the World Cup final, and the Winter Olympics in Sochi both on the schedule, America’s favorite sporting event could be relegated to fourth place in terms of global viewers.

Projected-global-viewership-for-major-sporting-events-in-2014-Live-average-audience_chartbuilder (2)

The above chart is based on projections provided to Quartz by Kevin Alvay, the managing director of Futures Sport + Entertainment, a consultancy that has been tracking global audiences since 1988. These forecasts contain caveats: Super Bowl ratings are typically consistent, regardless of which teams are involved, while Champions League audiences can fluctuate more based on whether popular teams like Manchester United and Barcelona are involved.

But a lot of the difference in viewership between the Super Bowl and other tournaments will be due to logistics. In 2010, European soccer’s governing body moved the Champions League final from its traditional Wednesday night time slot to Saturday night. That makes it much easier for audiences in populous and soccer-obsessed South America and Asia to tune in, Alvay says. ”People in Asia have got a greater capacity to be up at the middle of the night when it’s on a weekend and they don’t have to work the next day,” he says.

Similarly, the World Cup final on July 13 will be staged at 4pm local time in Rio de Janeiro, which is prime time in Europe and Africa, and lunchtime on the east coast of the US. “It’s ideal [timing], from the perspective of maximizing TV audiences for soccer,” Alvay says. It will be in early hours of the morning in Asia, but audiences there are used to having to get up early to watch their favorite sport.  ”In places like Indonesia, a whole culture has developed around watching soccer at that time of night,” Alvay explains.

Contrast this with the Super Bowl, which is scheduled to maximize US viewership; audiences peak during the showbiz-heavy halftime show. That makes it problematic for international audiences outside the Americas. It allows for daytime viewing in Asia, but this is where American football has its smallest following. In Europe, where the league has been focusing its recent international expansion efforts (the NFL has hosted a game in London annually since 2007) the timing couldn’t be worse: Kickoff is at 6:30pm in New York, which is 11:30pm in London and 12:30am in Western Europe. And games typically last for three hours.  

28 Jan 17:26

When asked to add a new feature to a 10 years old legacy project

by sharhalakis

by Waster

28 Jan 17:24

NCIS 11x06 - Oil and water It’s an information-gathering...

by enzostudio

NCIS 11x06 - Oil and water

It’s an information-gathering program that was used on an oil rig, written by the character named Danielle Benton.

The C# code is from a Microsoft sample on how to use the Bing API with the word Example replaced by Hack.

jgs says: “That’s how all real programming works: you just copy/paste and change a few words. See n other TV series and films.”

28 Jan 17:23

Super Bowl XLVIII: Marshawn Lynch threatens to skip media day

by Adam Stites

Lynch could be facing fines of over $100,000 if he doesn't attend media day on Tuesday afternoon.

Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch isn't a fan of speaking to the media and may even sit out media day on Tuesday to avoid doing so, according to a report from NFL Network. If he elects to skip on the media session, it might cost him more than $100,000 in penalties from the NFL.

Earlier in January, Lynch received a $50,000 fine for refusing to speak to the media, although NFL Vice President of Football Operations Ray Anderson agreed to temporarily suspend the fine after an appeal. However, a refusal to cooperate at media day would result in the fine sticking and an additional fine of at least $50,000, according to NFL Network.

Lynch told NFL Network last week that if he does attend media day, his answers will not be too exciting, anyway:

"If you're forced to do something, it's not as good as if you choose to do it," Lynch said. "So no, I won't have a lot of interesting things to say. When you're forced to do something and you know it, it kind of just takes away from the whole experience of what it could be if (it were) natural. So, I'll probably give forced answers."

After he was forced to speak with the media earlier in January, Lynch provided some comically short answers to questions from the media.

The Seahawks are scheduled to meet with the media for an hour, beginning at 12:45 p.m. after the Broncos have already finished their media session earlier in the day. NFL Network will provide coverage of the event and fans can stream the event live on

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28 Jan 17:22


28 Jan 04:31

Fertility Image

by Brandon Bird

Brandon Bird beat

First new drawing of the year! You can buy this guy on greeting cards!