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29 Jan 20:11

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition updated with cross-platform multiplayer

by Danny Cowan
The Steam version of 3D Realms' classic first-person shooter Duke Nukem 3D has been updated with competitive and cooperative multiplayer gameplay modes, letting up to eight players kick ass and/or chew bubblegum in online Dukematch battles. The new ...
29 Jan 20:11

You remember what you want to forget

29 Jan 20:10

New Booze: Scotch, Canadian and American Whiskies January 2014

by Camper English
New Booze: Tincup American Whiskey Proximo announces the launch of Tincup American Whiskey. Created by Jess Graber, founder of Stranahan's Colorado Whiskey, Tincup is made from a blend of corn, rye and malt. Aged in new charred American white oak barrels, it is bottled at 84 proof in Colorado using Rocky Mountain water. Tincup is rolling out in select markets at a suggested retail price of $27.99 (750 ml). Tincup is named for Tincup, an old mining town in Gunnison County, Colo., which itself was named for the tin cups used by miners. Its closure is an actual tin cup that can be used for sipping and sharing. It is owned and distributed by Proximo and is rolling out in Colorado, Arizona, California, Illinois, New York, Texas, and Washington. For more information, please visit New Booze: Two New GlenDronach Expressions The GlenDronach Distillery, located in Scotland’s East Highland hills in Aberdeenshire, and imported to the U.S. by Anchor Distilling Company, now launches two new expressions: The GlenDronach 15 Year Old Tawny Port Wood Finish (part of its wood finish program) and The GlenDronach Cask Strength Batch 2. Founded in 1826, The GlenDronach is one of Scotland’s oldest distilleries, passing...

[Visit for the full post.]
29 Jan 20:00

So I Need Your Help

So I Need Your Help:


For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Larime Taylor, and I make a comic book with my mouth. image

I was born with Arthrogryposis, a congenital defect that leaves me with little use of my arms and legs. Writing and art are all I have as far as job skills, so making comic books is about my only…

I admit I haven’t read the book, but this description definitely makes me want to pick it up.

29 Jan 20:00

Dozens of Rebels Killed After Philippine Peace Deal Is Struck - New York Times


Dozens of Rebels Killed After Philippine Peace Deal Is Struck
New York Times
MANILA — More than 40 people have been killed and a school district supervisor kidnapped in separate incidents around the island of Mindanao, days after a landmark peace deal was struck with the largest Muslim insurgency group in the Philippines, ...
Close to 40 rebels killed as troops pursue BIFF in MaguindanaoGMA News
Philippines Military Offensive Kills 37 RebelsVoice of America
37 killed in BIFF-military clash in MaguindanaoPhilippine Star -Shanghai Daily (subscription)
all 94 news articles »
29 Jan 19:59


29 Jan 19:59

“Little Girls Are Better At Designing Superheroes Than...

“Little Girls Are Better At Designing Superheroes Than You” is a small project where superheroes are drawn based on the costumes of girls.

This hero is Rainbow Heart! According to Rainbow Heart, “the heart on her sword makes ‘the bad guys’ have a change of heart and want to be good guys who do good things.”

How sweet. :>

I gave her a super ★~*かわいい*~★ magical girl theme. Having grown up on Magic Knight Rayearth and Card Captor Sakura, I think if you have a daughter who likes both action and cute sparkly stuff, magical girl comics can be very entertaining!

29 Jan 19:57

Despite a landmark discrimination lawsuit, China’s workplace is more stacked against women then ever

by Lily Kuo
It's a man's world.

A 23-year old woman in Beijing has won what’s believed to be China’s first gender discrimination lawsuit. Earlier this month, Cao Ju, a recent graduate who was refused a job on the basis of her gender, received a settlement of 30,000 yuan (about $4,955) from the company.

It’s a small triumph. Lawsuits related to women’s rights in China are rare. The first successful sexual harassment lawsuit was only in 2009, when an office worker in Guangzhou had video evidence of her boss harassing her. Chinese law forbids employers from discriminating against women in hiring or pay, but gender preferences are so widespread that job adverts often call for only male applicants. In interviews, women face questions about whether they have a boyfriend or plan to get married. Some factories operate by their own guidelines such as not hiring women with children under the age of one.

In reality, there’s little to celebrate when it comes to women’s rights in the workplace in China. In the World Economic Forum’s gender gap rankings, China ranks 69 out of 136 (pdf) countries, just below Mexico, Senegal and Tanzania. Despite China’s shrinking workforce, the female employment rate has been falling. In 1992, male and female participation in the Chinese workforce stood at 87% and 86% (pdf, p. 32). While employment for both sexes fell as large-scale reforms of state owned enterprises in the 1990s that laid off millions of workers, male participation improved while women’s only fell lower.


The employment rate is a stark contrast to the days of China’s centrally planned economy when as much as 90% of women were working—part of Mao Zedong’s “women holding up half the sky” philosophy. Now, not only are there fewer women working, but the gap between men and women’s earnings has widened (pdf). Another study on urban employees found that between 1995 and 2007, women’s earnings, as a proportion of men’s, had fallen from 84% to 74%.

Data from the NBS between show nominal earnings for men and women between 1989 and 2009. "Trends in China's gender employment and pay gap"

The fall in employment and wages can’t just be blamed on the country’s transition from a centrally planned economy into a more market-oriented one. Wei and Bo point out that many other countries that shifted from planned economies—like Poland, Hungary, Russia or Estonia—saw women’s wages improve or stay the same. Wei and Bo attribute the gender pay gap—which especially affects low-end job holders—to the labor surplus China enjoyed for years. As China’s work force shrinks, in large part because of China’s one-child policy, women may have a few more options.

29 Jan 18:39

Watching the new team deploy to prod

by sharhalakis

by rockstarcode

29 Jan 18:34

UK government once again threatens to ditch Microsoft Office

by Tom Warren

The UK government is once again outlining plans to swap Microsoft’s Office software for open source alternatives. Ministers aim to save millions of pounds by moving away from the popular Office suite of applications. The Press Association reports that around £200 million ($331 million) has been spent on the software since 2010. Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude is expected to outline the plans during a speech later today. "The software we use in government is still supplied by just a few large companies," Maude will say. "A tiny oligopoly dominates the marketplace."

One part of the plans is to create technical standards for document formats. "The adoption of compulsory standards in government threatens to break open Whitehall's lock-in to proprietary formats," Maude will explain. In turn we will open the door for a host of other software providers." The planned idea will "help departments to do something as simple as share documents with each other more easily," according to Maude.

The UK government has been promising to move towards open source software for more than 12 years

However, a history of government promises to move towards open source software have not materialized. In 2002, the UK government announced a software policy entitled ‘Open Source Software: Use within Government," as a way to avoid software suppliers like Microsoft. The aim almost 12 years ago was to look at alternatives to Microsoft Office across departments with the aim of cost cuts. Back in 2009 the UK government once again promised to accelerate the use of open source software around word processing applications, document management, and other IT system software, but has managed to spend around £200 million ($331 million) since 2010.

The solution of migrating away from Microsoft’s dominant desktop software might not be as simple as some ministers have previously alluded to over the years. In 2012, the UK government admitted that open source software was still not widely used despite internal IT policies. Libre Office and OpenOffice had both been considered as alternatives to Microsoft Office, while Firefox and Chrome were the top considerations to replace Internet Explorer. Despite the alternatives, the UK government admitted in 2010 that it was "not straightforward" to upgrade from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 8, noting it was "more cost effective in many cases to continue to use IE6."

29 Jan 18:26

We the people want to deport Justin Bieber

by Chris Welch


A petition demanding that pop star Justin Bieber be deported has somehow managed to cross 100,000 signatures. That's the threshold required to earn an official response from the Obama administration. "We the people of the United States feel that we are being wrongly represented in the world of pop culture," reads the petition, which was created immediately after Bieber's recent run-in with the law. "We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked."

Bieber, originally from Canada, was recently arrested in Miami for drag racing, driving under the influence, and resisting arrest. (The former two charges have since been dropped.) "He is not only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible influence on our nations youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society," the petition says.

Some Bieber fans are apparently convinced that the petition will actually lead to a permanent exit for the pop singer. The front page of We the People has been overrun with competing petitions begging the President to spare the 19-year-old. But Bieber's critics seem to outnumber his supporters by a wide margin; despite its dramatic pleas, "Stop Justin Bieber from getting deported" has so far collected 1,445 signatures.

The whole idea of Justin Drew Bieber getting deported, is completely unfair. He doesn't deserve this.... With your help, we can stop it. He's human. He's not perfect. The media sees the bad side of him. Please. He's saved so many lives. Including mine. A lifesaver, Shouldn't deserve this.

Misplaced commas and needless capitalization aside, the situation is another example of the silliness and irrelevance that often plagues We the People — a public tool designed to let Americans voice support for legitimately important topics. The White House previously raised the signature requirement after a petition calling for the US to build its own Death Star famously drew over 25,000 supporters.

29 Jan 18:24

This is the only good weather tweet ever

by Michael Katz

Greenville's professional ice hockey team are Road Warriors in name alone.

Our offices are closed today due to icy roads. Yes we recognize the irony that the Road Warriors Hockey team doesn't want to brave icy roads

— Gville Road Warriors (@GvlRoadWarriors) January 29, 2014

A+ tweet.

In general, you are the only person who cares about your weather tweets. But this ... this is perfect.

29 Jan 18:24

What we don’t talk about when we spend time getting to know Lupita Nyong’o’s family and saying her name right » AFRICA IS A COUNTRY

by hodad

Then there’s the emphasis on Nyong’o's beauty. Words like ‘stunning’, ‘beautiful’, ‘gorgeous’ are used over and over in introductions and descriptions of Lupita. And her PR team is playing along well with promoting the new star in these terms. And while it must be exciting to be nominated for the big awards after your first big Hollywood role and in something as path breaking as this film, the media has so fixated us on her image and her skin in particular, that it is hard to now imagine Lupita not being Epps’ perfect cotton picker.

Original Source

29 Jan 18:19

20 Young People A Day Hospitalized For Gun Injuries

Almost one child or teen an hour is injured by a firearm seriously enough to require hospitalization, a new analysis finds.
29 Jan 18:02

gergelytakacs: Hey, that’s doge! lionstatus: For those of you...


Hey, that’s doge!


For those of you that do a lot of programming (and get frustrated with it as often as I do) I’d just like to point out the fantastically entertaining hidden functions MATLAB has.

1) when you input “why”, random statements are output. 

2) a magnificent picture of a dog is output when you input “spy”.

not quite sure why they are there but I’m assuming its because “The programmer suggested it.”

Well, yeah, my old version had different default for that nullary spy easter egg so I fixed it.

i = double(c(:)-32);
j = cumsum(diff([0; i])%
29 Jan 15:28

andthatsterrible: No, Super Dictionary. Batgirl is not, in...


No, Super Dictionary. Batgirl is not, in fact, looking at the airplane. The airplane is behind her. You are confusing the shit out of kids everywhere, Super Dictionary.

29 Jan 12:18

FYI, Marvel’s Reportedly Picked Directors for Captain America 3. Still No Wonder Woman Movie.


"Previously in Wonder Woman Still Not Getting a Damn Movie"

Marvel usually waits to see how a movie does on opening weekend before making sequel decisions, but according to Variety the early test screenings for Captain America: The Winter Soldier are so good that the studio has already started negotiations to lock down its directors, Anthony and Joe Russo, for Captain America 3. It hasn't been officially greenlit yet, but with many of the actors under contract for a third movie it probably will be unless Winter Soldier completely tanks. Meanwhile Warner Bros. still hasn't gotten around to officially confirming that they'll make one Wonder Woman movie. Previously in Wonder Woman Still Not Getting a Damn Movie
29 Jan 05:29

AbleGamers announces 2013 Accessibility Award winners

by Danny Cowan

FF14, Stanley Parable, and the StinkyBoard

The AbleGamers Foundation announced the winners of its 2013 Accessibility Awards, highlighting industry achievements and notable progress toward the group's goal of ensuring gameplay accessibility for players with disabilities. AbleGamers named ...
29 Jan 05:28

i’ll never apologize for this


john keough beat

i’ll never apologize for this

29 Jan 05:26

aznmaddy: white people who literally just don’t get it: a...


white people who literally just don’t get it: a memoir

29 Jan 05:25

drunkenkeith: basically





29 Jan 05:25

princey-art: when you accidentally turn on the front camera and u just look like this


when you accidentally turn on the front camera and u just look like this


29 Jan 05:25


29 Jan 05:23

Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) // Jim Jarmusch

by affinitiesrnl

Tilda beat; nsfw-ish

Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) // Jim Jarmusch

29 Jan 05:23

Oracle Broadens Legal Fight Against Third-party Solaris Support Providers

by Soulskill
angry tapir writes "Oracle is continuing its legal battle against third-party software support providers it alleges are performing such services in a manner that violates its intellectual property. Last week, Oracle sued StratisCom, a Georgia company that offers customers support for Oracle's Solaris OS, claiming it had 'misappropriated and distributed copyright, proprietary software code, along with the login credentials necessary to download this code from Oracle's password-protected websites.'"

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29 Jan 05:23

Aides Advise Obama To Avoid Any Mention Of America During State Of The Union Speech

WASHINGTON—Ahead of Tuesday night’s highly anticipated State of the Union address, top White House aides reportedly sat down with President Barack Obama and advised him to maintain a positive and optimistic tone throughout the speech by avoidi...

29 Jan 05:23

Biden Clenches Plastic Beer Cup In Teeth To Free Hands For Clapping


clickthrough delivers

Biden Clenches Plastic Beer Cup In Teeth To Free Hands For Clapping

29 Jan 05:22

Dad Delivers State Of The Union Rebuttal Directly Into Television Screen

PHILADELPHIA—Reiterating numerous themes from last year’s rebuttal while offering several searing critiques of tonight’s speech, area dad Bill Shaw delivered his official response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address tonight directly into the television screen, household sources reported.

29 Jan 05:21

What It’s Like to Be a Woman at a Bitcoin Meetup

by John Gruber

via Ryssian Oversledges

Arianna Simpson:

I walk in and a group of people are already sitting at a long table. I say hi and hover for a second, determining where to sit. Entirely uninvited, and before I even have a chance to react, one guy proceeds to grab me by the waist and pull me into an awkward, grope-y side hug next to him on the bench. To reiterate, I’ve never met this man in my life. I try giving him the benefit of the doubt and make some quip about his being a friendly sort, but it gets uncomfortable pretty quickly when he puts his hand on my leg and leaves it there until I squirm uncomfortably.

29 Jan 05:20

Slowdive Reunite

by Stereogum

via Mybloodyvalntne

It’s official: As we speculated last week — and as they’ve been aggressively teasing via every available social channel — Slowdive are indeed reuniting. They’re playing Primavera, and in a forthcoming interview with The Quietus, hint at new material. As far as I’m concerned, this is huge, exciting news. Slowdive were one of the very best bands of the ’90s, one of the seminal shoegaze bands, and the three-LP/multiple-EP catalog they produced between 1990 and 1995 is both unimpeachable and essential. There are some notable reasons to be extremely optimistic about this reunion: