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24 Jul 16:55

Surgeons Discover 10-Year-Old Sex Toy Inside Woman's Vagina

by Andy Cush

Surgeons Discover 10-Year-Old Sex Toy Inside Woman's Vagina

A 38-year-old Scottish woman who complained to doctors about weight loss, incontinence, and lethargy had a sex toy inside her vagina that had been in place for ten years, according to a report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.


24 Jul 16:33

Put Kale Out of Its Misery

by Michelle Dean on Domesticity, shared by Lacey Donohue to Gawker

Put Kale Out of Its Misery

A threatened kale shortage may soon rob people of the comforts of their kale juice. As a kale lover I almost cannot believe I am saying this but: Good.


23 Jul 20:26

Upcycled Vinyl Lamp Shade

by Andrew Salomone
vinyl-lamp-shade-1If you've got a few LPs lying around that are beyond repair, then you might as well cover some naked bulbs with them like designer Sandman did with this handsome upcycled vinyl lamp shade.

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23 Jul 18:46

Hero Cyclist Somehow Lands on His Feet After High-Flying Car Collision

by Andy Cush

The cyclist in the video above was riding through a London suburb "to gain some fitness," he writes on YouTube, when a car going the opposite direction suddenly turned right into the bike lane. The head-on collision that ensued is the stuff of bike-riding nightmares.


23 Jul 17:52

Real Better Call Saul Billboard Appears in Albuquerque

by Kelly Conaboy on Defamer, shared by Lacey Donohue to Gawker

Real Better Call Saul Billboard Appears in Albuquerque

A real-life billboard advertising a younger-looking Bob Odenkirk in his Better Call Saul role has popped up in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


22 Jul 20:34

Zak Arctander: Endless Want

by Kyle Laidig
What defines an American perspective today? What does an American look like and more importantly how does an American look? Our society privileges the self, it is a culture that valorizes consumption and idealizes “self actualization”. In short, we live in a society that dictates humans as agents of desire. It is from within this infrastructure that we struggle to create and foster communities. In a self-centered social order, where do we come together and what do we gather around? Although there may not be one succinct answer, all of us are looking for it. If there is a common subject within Zak Arctander’s images, it is that of the pursuant gaze, a subject in a relentless search for the often intangible object of its desire. I sat down with Zak to talk about butterflies and being alive.
VICE: Tell me a little about your background.
Zak Arctander: I grew up in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, a place called Arlington Heights. I made skateboard videos throughout high school. My parents and my sister are all artists. 
How did skateboarding videos lead you to the work you make now? 
When I was filming/photographing skateboarding it was pretty similar to how I work now. The street was the stage for the drama; I was freezing and framing action. What is different now is I’m not so closely collaborating with the people I am photographing. They are mostly strangers that I encounter briefly.
It is clear from the images that your subjects are being captured in moments of telling inbetween-ness: not a decisive moment, but the fugue state between. There is a darkness that pervades the images, a darkness that seems to be located in relation to human desires. Are you ever disturbed by the images you create?
Disturbed isn’t a word that ever really crosses my mind. I have felt shaken. I definitely think about desire and how everyone is reaching for something outside of themselves. It sounds sort of ridiculous but when I consider what I’m after I still turn to Delillo’s phrase “magic and dread.” 
Your work seems to address spectacularized culture not only in overt ways such as the series around The Bean but also in smaller ways such as a long shadow from a Coke can. Can you talk about your understanding of the spectacle as it relates to your work?
The impulse to gather and have communal experience is in the work. Flesh Made Steel is about this ever-shifting group of people experiencing an artwork together. The strange thing about The Bean is that the spectacle is a warped image of yourself. You look up and you see the crowd you are standing in. 
The Coke is actually a Winter Coke, which feels important. There was this whole fiasco where they made regular Coke look sort of like Diet Coke and everyone hated it. People bought cases of the wrong drink but they also just didn’t like the idea of other people thinking they were drinking a Diet Coke if they actually weren’t. It was a short-circuit in brand identity. Seeing that unmarred object on the ground was jarring, like a piece of technology had fallen out of the sky. 
Your work often locates people in moments of shared looking, a community of viewers. What kind of community are you photographing?
In Flesh Made Steel the community is united in a layered kind of looking that is now totally commonplace. It’s simultaneously insular and public. Visitors are bumping into strangers and taking pictures for each other but then also posting pictures to their own feeds. I don’t think I am photographing just one community but maybe you already brought up what links a lot of my pictures—the idea of looking for something. 
Looking for a car perhaps? Looking at Cars is a document of aspirational viewership, a kind of looking that is tied to ideas about the American Dream and the culture of capitalism. What do you feel is the challenge in documenting American life today?
My pictures are fictions that resonate with how it feels to live here. It’s a little like asking a fish to describe water but for me it has been a mix of aesthetic vibrance and endless want. There is a lot of beauty but then a lot of things turn to ash in your mouth.
So is the challenge for you in finding the balance between the merits of the search and its often lackluster dividends?
Maybe it’s that value resides in desire and not in dividends. 
Desire is a divisive subject today. Would you say that there is an element of critique in your work?
In Stephen King’s “It” the real terror afflicting the town is a calcified adulthood. King proposes desire and friendship as potential antidotes. Desire reveals idealism, but its objects are easily mischosen. I empathize with the difficulty of choosing, and I want to locate the poetry within our often inscrutable circumstances.
Let’s talk a bit about the photos you have in this year’s VICE Photo Issue. The images are very sly. You have interwoven two seemingly disparate locations: the purity of a butterfly garden with the vice-laden grounds of a rave. It seems that the images are about the poetic commingling of innocence and experience. Why this combination?
For about half a year I had two subjects, one was the Butterfly Haven in Chicago’s Nature Museum and the other was parties around the city. I joined a rave message board so I could see where they were. It started as two different projects but when I began editing there was a productive friction in mixing the pictures.
The haven is beautiful but also terrifying. Children damage the butterflies with improper handling or outright smash them under their feet. Having this room in a museum presents nature as separate and manipulable. I saw a connection where the approach to the world taught by the haven could relate to brazen experimentation with one’s mind as a teenager. 
So the butterfly garden and the rave ground are both sites of anxiety and idealization?
Right, the romanticism of both places is lined with casualties. 
Zak Arctander (b.1986) is an artist currently living in New Haven, CT. He will receive his MFA from the Yale School of Art in 2015. See his contribution to the 2014 VICE photo issue here.
Kyle Laidig is an artist and writer living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
22 Jul 19:16

Sky Tower, An Amusement Park Ride in Denmark That Drops Untethered Patrons 100 Feet Into a Net

by Brian Heater

Sky Tower is a ride at the Tivoli Friheden amusement park in Denmark that dangles riders from a cable before dropping them untethered 100 feet into a net below — at speeds of up to 55MPH. The company has a long list of health concerns that should preclude riders from taking part, though interested patrons can still travel to the top just to check out the Danish scenery.

After the fall you have the right to wear a “I DID IT” pin and become a member of a very exclusive circle of daredevils.

via Geek

22 Jul 17:55

Snoop Dogg Got High as Fuck at the White House

by Rich Juzwiak

On the newest installment of Snoop Dogg's internet talk show, CGN, the rapper/weed icon claims to Jimmy Kimmel that he smoked weed at the White House. He clarifies that it was "in the the bathroom, not in the White House, but in the bathroom." (Note, he is smoking weed as he says this.)


22 Jul 17:15

Firing Line: Kevin Braun


f.a. represent!

Three snappy flicks and a high rate of speed make this is a solid line.

22 Jul 17:10

Nike Fingertrap Max Premium

by John

Nike Fingertrap Max Premium

There are two components that set the Nike Fingertrap Max immediately apart — namely, the upper inspired by a toy finger trap, featuring overlapping bands that wrap the foot for a dynamic fit, as well as a sole unit equipped with Max Air cushioning and flexible grooves in the forefoot reminiscent of Nike Free technology. For this duo of new Fingertrap Max styles, there are a couple more contributing factors that lend to its appeal: premium leather build and simple yet attractive black and white colorways, complemented with a sporty gum rubber outsole. The kicks are in stock now at select Nike Sportswear retailers, including Titolo.

Read the rest of Nike Fingertrap Max Premium

© John for Freshness Mag, 2014. | Permalink | No comment | Follow us: Facebook | Twitter
Post tags: Nike Sportswear

The post Nike Fingertrap Max Premium appeared first on Freshness Mag.

22 Jul 16:57

Mississippi River Towns Completely Swamped By Disgusting, Slimy Flies

by Dayna Evans

Mississippi River Towns Completely Swamped By Disgusting, Slimy Flies

The annual "mayfly hatch," as it's so charmingly known in towns along the Mississippi River, has yielded a specific kind of repulsion the past few days as the pests that commonly hatch along river towns have burst onto everything from gas pumps to soda machines to busy roads, causing car accidents.


22 Jul 16:46

Mysterious White Flags Flown From Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn surrenders.

White flags were spotted flying atop the Brooklyn Bridge on Tuesday morning, Gothamist reported. It's pretty bizarre.

White flags were spotted flying atop the Brooklyn Bridge on Tuesday morning, Gothamist reported. It's pretty bizarre.

Gothamist / Via Twitter: @Gothamist

Normally, a couple of American flags are perched on the Brooklyn Bridge. Nobody really knows where the white flags came from. NYPD says they're investigating.

Normally, a couple of American flags are perched on the Brooklyn Bridge. Nobody really knows where the white flags came from. NYPD says they're investigating.

Gothamist / Via

Upon closer inspection, the flags appear to be American flags that were painted or dyed white.

Upon closer inspection, the flags appear to be American flags that were painted or dyed white.

10 News

NYPD removed the flags Tuesday morning. However, the mystery of their origin remains intact.

NYPD removed the flags Tuesday morning. However, the mystery of their origin remains intact.

Twitter / Via Twitter: @CurtisKalin

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21 Jul 21:38

Rescued Asian Black Bear Cub with White Batman Logo Splashes Around Happily in a Nice Cool Bath

by Lori Dorn

This report by Caters News captures the absolute joy of Georges, an adorable Asian black bear cub with a white Batman mark on his chest as he splashes around in a cool bath on a hot summer day. Georges had been rescued by AnimalsAsia from a bear bile trafficker in Vietnam, which would have meant certain death for this playful juvenile and his siblings.

21 Jul 20:57

LGBT Gamers Hold Massive Virtual Pride Parade To Celebrate In-Game Same Sex Marriage


id love to see people try this in gtav..

The largest group of online gaymers takes over Final Fantasy XIV .

Last month the Japanese game developer Square Enix announced that they would reverse a previous restriction and allow same-sex marriages between players in their massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Said the game's producer Naoki Yoshida: ""We discussed it and we realized...why should there be restrictions on who pledges their love or friendship to each other? And so we decided to go this way."

Over the weekend, as an expression of gratitude towards Yoshida and celebration of the decision, The Rough Trade Gaming Community, which describes itself as "the world's biggest LGBT guild" (a guild is a group of likeminded gamers), held a massive "Pixel Parade" inside Final Fantasy XIV. Dressed in rainbow motley, the guild ran through the game world of Eorzea, dancing and partying. You can watch the whole thing above.

The celebration is a reminder not just that attitudes towards same-sex marriage are changing throughout the world, but that online gaming communities can be places of enormous personal significance for the LGBT community.

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21 Jul 20:51

Doctor Popular Releases ‘Dazzler’ Single on a Postcard That Can Be Played on a Record Player

by EDW Lynch

Dazzler Playable Postcard Single by Doctor Popular

Today Doctor Popular released an E.N. Cowell remix of his song “Dazzler” on a limited edition postcard that can be played on a record player. “Dazzler” — which takes its title from the Marvel Comics character of the same name — originally appeared on the recent Doc Pop album Destroy All Presets.

Dazzler Playable Postcard Single by Doctor Popular

Dazzler Playable Postcard Single by Doctor Popular

images via Doctor Popular

21 Jul 20:38

Upcycled Pinball Machine Desk

by Andrew Salomone
pinball-machine-desk-1Tired of getting too much work done at your boring, old, conventional desk? Then you might need to slow yourself down with the blinding magnificence of this upcycled desk.

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21 Jul 18:17

Astronaut's Vine Shows What Fire Looks Like In Space

Astronaut Reid Wiseman gives us a glimpse into NASA experiments to find out how fire behaves in zero gravity.

This is a vine from astronaut Reid Wiseman, who's aboard the International Space Station right now. It shows a floating sphere of fire in space.

The flame was sparked using a small drop of ethanol or heptane, a fuel, which then burns as a floating ball for up to 20 seconds.

It's all part of a series of experiments to observe how fire behaves in space and see if there are things this can show us that will be of use back on Earth, through the research of new liquid fuels.

The NASA Flame Extinguishment Experiment is designed to investigate the best way to put out a fire and what "fire suppressant" materials work better than others. One of the biggest threats to crews aboard the space station is open flames.

Fire burns at a lower temperature and with less oxygen in space.

Nasa says: "The most surprising discovery is the apparent continued 'burning' of heptane droplets after flame extinction under certain conditions, a unique observation with significant implications."

Wiseman has been posting some incredible Vines including this, which is thought to be the first vine filmed and uploaded in space.

He's filmed the Aurora Borealis.

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21 Jul 17:33

Here's Your First Look At The "Star Wars: Episode VII" X-Wing Starfighter

Courtesy of director J.J. Abrams.

In a new video posted on Monday, Star Wars: Episode VII director J.J. Abrams provided a first look at the new X-Wing starfighter that will appear in the film.

In a new video posted on Monday, Star Wars: Episode VII director J.J. Abrams provided a first look at the new X-Wing starfighter that will appear in the film.


The video is a final push for people to enter the Star Wars: Force For Change contest, which offers a chance to win a visit to the movie set and an advanced screening in one's hometown.

The video is a final push for people to enter the Star Wars: Force For Change contest , which offers a chance to win a visit to the movie set and an advanced screening in one's hometown.

All proceeds will go to UNICEF to benefit children in developing countries.


After Abrams explains the initiative, an X-Wing fighter heads into the frame to get into the cockpit.

After Abrams explains the initiative, an X-Wing fighter heads into the frame to get into the cockpit.


And perhaps by mistake, a droid sneaks into the clip.

And perhaps by mistake, a droid sneaks into the clip.


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21 Jul 17:33

MIT Student Creates a Robot That Plays Connect Four for a Course Final

by Brian Heater

MIT student Patrick McCabe created a robot capable of playing Connect Four for the final project of a Microcomputer Project Laboratory course. The robot features adjustable levels of difficulty and gives users hints if they need one.

Connect Four Robot

Connect Four Robot

Connect Four Robot

Connect Four Robot

Connect Four Robot

images via Patrick McCabe

via The World’s Best Ever

21 Jul 16:50

Nude Beach Blow Job Jet Ski Fight Leads to Wife’s Death

by Andy Cush

now thats a headline...

Nude Beach Blow Job Jet Ski Fight Leads to Wife’s Death

When your wife catches you blowing a dude on a boat off a Florida nude beach, the correct response is to immediately apologize, and, once the situation has cooled, have a frank, open conversation about sexuality. Not recommended: throwing her off of the back of your jet ski and leaving her for dead.


21 Jul 16:48

Two Skydivers Jump From 5,000 Feet and Successfully Land on a Slip ‘N Slide

by Brian Heater

In this footage by Caters News, skydivers Niklas Daniel and Brianne Thompson leap from a plane at 5,000 feet above Arizona and manage to successfully land on a Slip ‘N Slide, traveling the length of the backyard toy at 50MPH.

18 Jul 21:13

Unique way of pouting a beer

That's quite the party trick, but heaven help this man should he ever spill a drop trying to be cool.
18 Jul 19:30

Video of a Teenage Kanye West Performance Resurfaces After 18 Years

by Jay Hathaway

This video of a pre-College Dropout—and even pre-college enrollment—Kanye West was recently excavated from the archives of an iconic record store. A then-unknown Kanye performed at the 1996 opening of Fat Beats' 6th Avenue location, but his verse was stuck on an old 8mm tape until this week.


18 Jul 18:22

One Fast Cat, A Hamster Wheel-Like Exercise Treadmill for Cats

by Brian Heater

One Fast Cat is an large hamster wheel-like treadmill designed to help cats exercise and stave off boredom indoors. The product, which is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter, has a 48-inch diameter to help avoid the potential long-term back problems that come with smaller wheels.

In field testing our cat wheel has proven to not only enhance the physical well-being of our cat but altered her disposition to be more relaxed and calm.

One Fast Cat

One Fast Cat

One Fast Cat

images via One Fast Cat

via The Awesomer

18 Jul 18:16

UBIQ x ASICS GT-Cool “Nightshade” | Unveiled

by John

UBIQ x ASICS GT Cool “Nightshade” | Unveiled

Following the teaser from earlier in the week, UBIQ has taken the wraps off its collaboration with ASICS. The resulting UBIQ x ASICS GT-Cool “Nightshade” represents the Philadelphia retailer’s admiration for mother nature, as well as an “affinity for the dark hours.” Forest green is the primary shade, finishing the nubuck upper with neon green accents on the laces, lateral side panels and right above the contrast white midsole. Hits of metallic silver at the heel and ankle padding add a bit of flash, along with reflective 3M at the ASICS signature stripes and underneath the toe box. The kicks are set to launch July 26th at UBIQ.

1509 Walnut Street | Map
Philadelphia, PA 19102
TEL #: 215-988-0194

Release Date: 7/26/2014 (Saturday)

Read the rest of UBIQ x ASICS GT-Cool “Nightshade” | Unveiled

© John for Freshness Mag, 2014. | Permalink | No comment | Follow us: Facebook | Twitter
Post tags: ASICS, UBIQ

The post UBIQ x ASICS GT-Cool “Nightshade” | Unveiled appeared first on Freshness Mag.

18 Jul 17:59

Woman Loses Family Members in Both Malaysia Airlines Disasters

by Allie Jones

Woman Loses Family Members in Both Malaysia Airlines Disasters

An Australian woman, Kaylene Mann, tragically lost her brother and her sister-in-law in the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappearance in March. In an unbelievable twist of fate, Mann's stepdaughter was killed yesterday when MH317 was shot down over eastern Ukraine.


18 Jul 17:22

Joaquin Phoenix’s Forehead Looks Like a Tiny, Upside Down Face in This Rotated Video Clip From ‘Her’

by Justin Page

In this rotated video clip from the 2013 comedy-drama film Her, it is revealed that actor Joaquin Phoenix‘s forehead looks just like a tiny, upside down face.

Here is the original (non-rotated) video clip:

Her Face

video via Joaquin Forehead

via reddit

18 Jul 17:19

Human Clock TV, An Online Timekeeper With a Different Video for Every Minute of the Day

by Brian Heater

Human Clock

The creator of the Human Clock has unveiled Human Clock TV, a video version of the online timekeeping site. Like the original image-based iteration, which has been online since 2001, the video Human Clock offers a visual for each minute of the day synced to user’s local time, along with the location in which it was shot. According to its creator, the new site has been in the works since 2002.


17 Jul 21:03

Howard Stern Fan Prank Calls MSNBC During Live Malaysian Flight Coverage

“It would appear that the plane was shot down by a blast of wind from Howard Stern’s ass.”

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17 Jul 20:54

Man Jumps on top of Moving Metro Train

Just like in the movies.