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15 Oct 20:51

Most Accurate Dog Costume Ever?

best dog costume ever

Submitted by: (via onegirltwopups)

Tagged: costume , dogs , poop , halloween
17 Apr 16:10

There Better Be a Payoff for This, Human

cat on a swing funny cat pictures

Submitted by: (via teamcawkes)

Tagged: leash , patience , swing , Cats
08 Sep 16:17

Wrimos Around the World: Of Mountain Views, Historic Brothels, and Research

by ollintern


One of the best parts of NaNoWriMo? The incredible community of writers. Today, we spotlight Lindsay Lackey, who tackled historical fiction for the very first time: 

I write from Colorado Springs, CO—the land of fast-food chains, road construction, and glorious, glorious mountains. It’s not ideal for foodies, maybe, but it’s a great place to live. I’ve seen a lot of growth in the city’s focus on celebrating the arts and on embracing our natural resources like mountains, trails, and open space. Plus, we have Pikes Peak Writers, which is an awesome group to be involved with!

Where would someone most likely find you writing from?

I write in all sorts of places. Lately I’ve been on a coffee shop fix, probably because it’s summer and the coffee shop near my house is part of an outdoor mall, which makes for fantastic people-watching…

I also love writing in the library. A brand new, state-of-the-art library opened in town this summer, and it has some fabulous nooks and crannies. Plus, you just can’t escape the sweeping view of the mountain range. One side of its huge upper level is almost all windows, and the view is one of the best in town. I go there when I need inspiration on setting, or just need to soak up some beauty for a while. It’s great.

What did you write for Julys Camp NaNoWriMo?

I broke away from my usual genre (YA fiction) to work on a story that has been rolling around in my head since I was in college. It’s inspired by my great-great grandmother, who lived a tragic and short life as a prostitute in Louisville, KY, at the turn of the century. I’ve always been fascinated by her. The only picture I’ve ever seen of her (probably the only one in existence) is of her with an arm slung affectionately over the shoulder of another woman. Both women have small, coy smiles on their faces.

Who is the other woman? What is their relationship? Why was this picture taken? I’ve never been able to get that image out of my head.

So I began researching brothels in the 1900s in the hope that my tiny seed of an idea may take root in some interesting historical twist. Boy, oh boy, did I strike gold! I discovered Karen Abbott’s compulsively-readable book, Sin in the Second City: Madams, Ministers, Playboys, and the Battle for Americas Soul, about Minna and Ada Everleigh, the brilliant sisters who built and ran the world’s most luxurious and opulent brothel, the Everleigh Club, in Chicago’s Levee District at the turn of the century.

These women came from almost nothing, and died as millionaire little old ladies. They were trying to redefine the prostitution industry, and happened to redefine business in general along the way. They were smart, sassy, savvy, and took very good care of their girls. I absolutely fell in love with them, and knew I wanted to use their example to empower my characters.

Now, I’m certainly not trying to glamorize the sex industry. But historically speaking, women had very few options back then, and prostitution really was rock bottom for a lot of them. Not so for the Everleigh sisters. I loved that Minna and Ada refused to be victims. They took the incredibly difficult circumstances of their lives and time, and transformed their situation and the lives of hundreds of young women. I simply had to see what would happen to the characters inspired by my great-great grandmother and her mystery companion by introducing them to the Everleigh sisters. 

What three things do you need to get into the writing zone?

First of all, I need my brain to be full of the words of others. Reading is what inspires me to write, and I have to read authors I admire to keep me going. For this particular book, I’ve been reading writers who are masters of gorgeous prose, like Sue Monk Kidd, and who present truly strong, complex, and fascinating female characters. (Madeleine L’Engle does this beautifully.)

Secondly, I need to be somewhere outside of my house. I’m just waaaay too tempted to watch Doctor Who instead of write when I’m at home.

Third, I need music with lyrics in a foreign language. I’m a singer, so if I know the words to a song, the song takes over in my brain and I can’t write. Because of this, I listen to a lot of relatively unknown artists (in America, at least) like Dulce Pontes. And opera. I seriously can’t get enough opera.

If you could share one writing tip, what would it be?

Do more research!

I have so, so many notes in my manuscript like, “Would they have had electricity? Did people scramble eggs back then? Were girls allowed to work at Churchill Downs? How much was a train ticket from Louisville to Chicago?”

I usually write contemporary or futuristic YA (who doesn’t?!), so I just wasn’t prepared for the type of information I found myself needing. I can make changes in the next draft, of course, but it would have been handy to know some general things first!

You can find Lindsay on Twitter, and online at

Photo by Lindsay Lackey and Cedar House Photography.

12 Aug 16:55

Quote of the Day: “Whole women” need gas, not abortions

by Maya

gas stationJust eight percent of House Republicans are women and there are only four female Republican senators. And apparently, the GOP is starting to realize that this is not a great look for them in 2013. (Not that the Democrats have anywhere close to gender parity in Congress either.) As the National Journal reports, they’ve launched Project GROW (Growing Republican Opportunities for Women) to help the party with its messaging to female voters and recruit more women candidates to run for Congress.

Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway warns that Republican women candidates should avoid being too…womanly. Don’t make an issue of your gender and don’t talk about reproductive rights all the time. She explains:

“There are very few Democratic women who can begin or finish a sentence without mentioning a ‘woman’s right to choose. There is a tremendous opening for the ‘whole women,’ if you will, to step up and run for office as a Republican. … What do you do every week gals, do you fill up the gas tank or do you have an abortion?

Touché. I do not get a weekly abortion. 

However, if I had not been able to get an abortion that one time, gas money would be pretty hard to come by because all my income would be going toward diapers and baby food and preschool. Which is really the irony here: The reason we talk about abortion rights so much is precisely because they are inseparable from economic well-being (as well as mental and physical health and, ya know, self-determination). A woman who struggles to afford gas probably doesn’t have many spare resources to raise an unplanned kid–and her access to an abortion if she needs one may be directly related to her ability to avoid sliding into poverty.

If you consider abortion within the entire context of people’s lives, it becomes impossible to see reproductive rights as something you can just peel off from the rest of the “whole woman.” No matter how convenient that might be for Republicans.

Image via.

01 Jul 22:26

Scientific American

by Scott
All right, we went five rounds with Philosophy in our last post, now it's time to give Science! a chance to kick our ass.  (But just regular Science!, not the Sweet Science, because I think that'd probably give it an unfair advantage in the ring).  So who's on the card today?  An old ham 'n egger familiar to regular fans of World O' Crap's Underground Bloodsport Kumite and Souplantation -- James (The Ravagin' Rationalist) Lewis, who in his previous bouts (examples here and here), modestly allowed that he's "a scientist by trade, and carps as a hobby about the passing parade of human fraud and folly".  James is wearing blue and brown trunks with white trim, representing the muddy, but patriotic color scheme of American Thinker.
An Uncontrollable Ego 
IRS. FBI. NSA... Under Obama they consistently exceed their previously understood legal powers. Yes, there was technical consent by the secret FISA court for massive NSA spying. In times of national threat the FISA court is a pushover; just imagine if they said "No" and we had another 9/11/01.
When has the FISA court ever not been a pushover?  Hell, I've got a partially herniated disc and a torn rotator cuff and I could throw it up against the lockers and take its lunch money.  But as we shall see, it's not the mere technical legality of NSA and FBI spying that troubles Mr. Lewis.  Nor is it the fact that the IRS didn't really spy on anybody, but James needed one more three initial agency and he's hoping you won't notice that he just sort of tossed it in there like a fistful of corn starch to thicken up his thin sauce of an opening sentence.  No, what bothers him most is that the organs of U.S. intelligence gathering and Federal law enforcement are now under the control of a Negro -- which is the exact same nightmare J. Edgar Hoover once had after catching a dollar matinee of Watermelon Man at the Uptown Theater.

But first, James will demonstrate his mastery of the scientific method by imagining Supreme Court Justices piercing the Bill of Rights with phallic symbols:
So they drove a dagger into the U.S. Constitution rather than stand for principle, the way Chief Justice John Roberts helped damage the Constitution by voting for ObamaCare, and the Burger Court shafted the Constitution and ruined millions of young lives with unrestricted abortion.
I was hoping it wouldn't happen so soon in the post, but I'm afraid my lack of scientific training is already beginning to tell, because I'm confused about whose "young lives" were "ruined" by abortion after Warren Burger poked his penis through the parchment at the National Archives.  I mean,  I'm used to right bloggers complaining that abortion "kills millions of babies," but I don't agree that it ruins a young woman's life if she's not forced to bring an unwanted pregnancy to term.  Or maybe James has access to secret scientific studies which indicate the "abortion is murder" trope isn't getting as much traction as they expected, and is just trying out a new spin:

"What happens when you've got a souffle in the oven and you open the door too soon?  The souffle is ruined!  Well, the same thing happens when you've got a bun in the oven..."
Perhaps the most damaging Leftist assault ever was reverse discrimination to make up for white racial sins going back to the slave trade that ended in 1865; that racialist revenge narrative still drives reverse discrimination, forty years after the start of "affirmative" action. It will never end, as long as there is a penny to be made on racial blackmail.
Hm...there seems to be something missing from Mr. Lewis's data set.  Maybe some trend or social order that existed between the end of the "slave trade" in 1865, and the beginnings of affirmative action in 1965.  Maybe something having to do with state and local laws....of a race-based nature...?  Had kind of a short, catchy nickname...You know what I'm talking about, right, Jim?
The equal protection clause is gone. 
Suddenly, there was no trail.  No clause.  No monster.  There was nothing in the tunnel but the puzzled men of courage who suddenly found themselves along with shadows and darkness.  So I guess the joke's on us.
Every time the left imagines another victim group, that gaping wound in constitutional protections grows larger and larger
Anytime anyone who isn't a white man uses a constitutional protection, it's like giving the 14th Amendment an episiotomy.
 -- first on behalf of American blacks, then for all "people of color," then women and gays, and now, illegal immigrants.
Those are all great, very imaginative victim groups, but I'm thinking we can push the envelope a bit more. 
"What about, like, super hot Silvan Elves who earn only 73 cents on the dollar compared to a Man of the West?"
 Reverse racial discrimination has empowered an unelected political class growing fat and thuggish on a new spoils system. With ObamaCare, racial spoils may capsize our elected ship of state, leaving only an EU-type corruptocracy.
Affordable healthcare leads to obesity and The Poseidon Adventure.
The Left has pushed against the Constitution beginning with the Wilson administration and World War I.
Which was pretty stupid of them, because it says clearly right there on the Constitution, "Pull."  But what do you expect from a perpetually stoned Yippie like A. Mitchell Palmer?
 What's different about Obama is his Leninist grandiosity, combined with amazing oppositional-defiant disorder.
So, Mr. Science, you're diagnosing our 51-year old President with a behavioral affliction common to children?  Why don't you just call him "Boy" and get it out of your system?
 In street language that means his f-u attitude.
Thanks for the translation, it saved me a trip to Urban Dictionary, but I'm a little surprised The Street is so squeamish about profanity.

MAN:  Can I have a sip of that?
STREET:  No!  Get the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks away from my M-Fing ice tea!
Obama takes pleasure in waving his finger in the air while violating our most precious values. Obama's narcissism and oppositional-defiance therefore control his official actions.
While Supreme Court Chief Justices are using the Constitution as a Fleshlight, Obama is out there flouting our precious belief that high government officials shouldn't mime prostate exams.
The week after Obama's first inauguration, commuters in New York City were shocked when Air Force One buzzed the Statue of Liberty. When the White House was queried nobody took responsibility. But only the President of the United States can override standing orders and FAA safety rules in that symbolic act of giving the middle finger to the whole country, within sight of the ruined Twin Towers.
Presidents of the United States must always travel with two briefcases: the "Football," which contains the nuclear launch codes, and the "Shuttlecock," which contains the phone number of the FAA, just in case the leader of the free world gets a yen to make Air Force One buzz around lower Manhattan like it's a big-ass Cox Mustang.

In fact, it was some guy in some office in the White House who approved the flyover of a plane that wasn't actually Air Force One, so they could snap some pictures, which the FAA doesn't actually seem to have any rules against, and which most people have completely forgotten about, since it happened back in 2009.  But James appears haunted by Obama's middle finger, whether literal or symbolic, so you can see why this kind of thing would have lodged inside his consciousness, at least up to the second knuckle.
Today the Europeans are genuinely afraid of Obama. If you doubt that, look at these two news photos. The first shows Frau Merkel looking with fear and doubt in her eyes at Obama in Germany this week. 
I'm no expert in psycho-photo-analysis, but all I see is a picture of Chancellor Merkel looking German.  Maybe a little extra German, but it could just be that her plastic ear thingy is pinching.
Merkel started life as a communist in East Germany, but seems acutely aware of personality cults like Stalin's and Obama's. She fears what she knows.
But she knows what she likes, and you can tell she's thinking, "If I wasn't a frau I would tear that up."
The second photo shows Britain's David Cameron doing that little head bow that politicians do around Obama. Both photos show fear of Obama's arbitrary temper and rage, which is by now understood by governments around the world.
Yes, you can see the Prime Minister has gone rigid with terror, and appears to be releasing a cascade of urine down his leg in the hopes that if he can only hold this pose, Obama might mistake him for the Manneken Pis fountain and just take a snapshot.
Merkel's look is particularly revealing, because it was her job this week to protest against Obama's unbounded NSA spying against Germans and other Europeans, who have known Obamas before --- Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and a raft of other control freaks who became enraged when their orders were not followed. Led by our loathsome media, many Americans took the public revelations about Obama's abuses of power with a shrug. The Germans did not, because they still suffer from earlier generations of Obamas.
Obama's "Show Trials" may lack the authenticity of Stalin's purges, but thanks to the President's dupes in the entertainment industry, they do feature jazzier Show Trial Tunes.
The Muslim world has come to the same conclusion. The farcical Arab Spring started after Obama told Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to leave office, arbitrarily, in the single most blatant act of public imperialism in American history.
It's the total arbitrariness of Obama's decision-making that's so frightening, because you never know when he wakes up if he'll order a Denver omelet and a glass of grapefruit juice, or demand the resignation of a world leader and then just grab some Sanka and an Eggo frozen waffle.

Even more mystifying is the fact that protests erupted in Cairo on January 25, and by February 8, the President was still refusing to call for Mubarak's resignation.  So in order for Obama to have started the Arab Spring by firing the Egyptian President, he would need a time machine, which explains why James sounds less like he's doing Science, and more like he's writing fiction -- because he's actually doing both.  It's Science Fiction!
Based on his own messianic authority, Obama has brought nothing but war and suffering to the Middle East.
Okay, Obama hasn't been the best messiah we've ever had in the Middle East, but to be fair, George W. Bush, Prince of Peace, is a hard act to follow.
The Saudis fear him as a wild man who has brought Mecca and Medina within easy range of Iranian nuclear weapons. Israel has not been damaged so far, but they don't want a wild man running U.S. policy either.
I'm guessing James' field is astrophysics, since he seems to have discovered a mirror universe where everybody sports goatees.
Politics is worse today than it has been for decades, because of the rise of the Boomer Left, culminating in Obama the Messiah.
Which, when you're expecting Jesus, is sort of like when you open the door in a game of "Mystery Date" and get the sloppy beatnik instead of the crewcut guy with the corsage.
Wise policymakers understand the limits of their power and end up practicing the rule of "First, Do No Harm." We now have a U.S. president who has turned that upside-down: First, do some harm.
Please do not reveal the incredible twist ending to James' previous paragraph.  Especially if M. Night Shyamalan is within earshot.
It hasn't worked, and it won't. Obama is a loose cannonball. He has only one guiding principle, the aggrandizement of his own ego. But just one Nobel Peace Prize, just one presidency, can never be enough for his insatiable needs. Obama will always need more. 
Obama wants to control everything except himself. That has always been a formula for tyranny, and Obama is no exception. 
Character is destiny.
It would also appear, James, that cartoon character is destiny -- especially if you're destined to write for American Thinker.