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08 Apr 17:25

When I leave yoga in my sweaty clothes and see somebody I know.




06 Apr 08:27

Kamehameha-ing Is The New Planking In Japan

by Jenni Chasteen

(And just FYI, baguetting is the new planking in the US.) When Japanese teenagers aren’t busy making their foreheads look like bagels they’re apparently being really awesome. School girls in Japan are posting photos of themselves doing Kamehameha attacks and other moves from the popular manga and anime series Dragon Ball. As a proud American I think it’s only right that we answer this trend with a similar trend of our own—TMNTing. We just have to figure out that if entails taking photos of yourself doing awesome moves with nun-chucks and bo staves OR photos of yourself eating pizza in a colored mask. Personally, I vote pizza.





05 Apr 21:56

Rumor Has it Fisker Automotive May File for Bankruptcy

by Tafline Laylin


Solyndra, bankruptcy, Fisker, Fisker Karma, Justin Bieber, solar, electric vehicles, green transportation, Department of Energy, Obama Administration, green cars, news,

Several news organizations are reporting that the U.S. government-backed electric vehicle company Fisker Automotive is seeking counsel from a law firm that specializes in bankruptcy proceedings. The company produces luxury electric vehicles popular with celebrities such as Leonardo Di Caprio and Justin Bieber, and it received a $529 million loan from the Department of Energy. But ABC News draws comparisons between Fisker and solar manufacturer Solyndra (which famously filed for bankruptcy in 2011), claiming that while the firm has paid off its loan interest payments, it will struggle to meet a major principle payment due at the end of April.

Solyndra, bankruptcy, Fisker, Fisker Karma, Justin Bieber, solar, electric vehicles, green transportation, Department of Energy, Obama Administration, green cars, news, Solyndra, bankruptcy, Fisker, Fisker Karma, Justin Bieber, solar, electric vehicles, green transportation, Department of Energy, Obama Administration, green cars, news,

Read the rest of Rumor Has it Fisker Automotive May File for Bankruptcy

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Post tags: bankruptcy, Department of Energy, electric vehicles, fisker, fisker karma, green cars, green transportation, justin bieber, News, obama administration, solar, solyndra

05 Apr 21:55

Man Given Second Chance at Life Thanks to 3D-Printed Prosthetic Face

by Lori Zimmer

green design, eco design, sustainable design , 3d printed face, Eric Moger, Dr. Andrew Dawood, 3d printing technologyImage courtesy of Geoff Pugh

The extraordinary development of 3D printing technology has given one British man his life back.  Thanks to the incredible advancements of 3D printing in the medical field, Eric Moger received a 3D-printed face, enabling him to eat, drink, and speak regularly again. Moger lost a large portion of his face when he developed a cancerous growth that had to be removed, and he was recently fitted with a functional mask that changed his life.

green design, eco design, sustainable design , 3d printed face, Eric Moger, Dr. Andrew Dawood, 3d printing technology green design, eco design, sustainable design , 3d printed face, Eric Moger, Dr. Andrew Dawood, 3d printing technology

Read the rest of Man Given Second Chance at Life Thanks to 3D-Printed Prosthetic Face

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Post tags: 3d printed face, 3d printing technology, Dr. Andrew Dawood, eco design, Eric Moger, green design, sustainable design

05 Apr 21:52

GOODS: Upstairs Campagnolo Supper Club To Present A Nose To Tail Feast On April 17

by Scout Magazine

@craig - let's go!! nose to tail!!!

1020 Main St | 604-484-6018 | | 1944 West 4th | 604-288-7905 |

The GOODS from Campagnolo

Vancouver, BC | Campagnolo Supper Club presents Get Cracklin, a nose-to-tail feast of whole roasted suckling pig to be held on April 17. Chef Ted Anderson is preparing an array of seasonal sides to be served family style and shared at communal tables to complement the pig. There are only 30 seats available, so get cracklin! Details after the jump…

‘Get Cracklin’
Campagnolo Restaurant (1020 Main St.)
Upstairs Private Dining Room
April 17, 2013
$59* (inclusive of tax, service charge and tip)
*beverages are additional
Buy Tickets at:

About the Campagnolo Supper Club | Campagnolo Restaurant is honoured to have some incredibly talented cooks on their team. Although they specialize in Italian cuisine, their chefs and cooks are only limited by their imaginations. The Campagnolo Supper Club allows the team to explore new ideas, celebrate many traditions and techniques. A new event will occur every month and will be posted on their website and facebook page.


1020 Main St, Vancouver, BC V6A 2W1 | MAP
Tel: 604-484-6018
Web: | Twitter | Facebook



The Team


Chef de Cuisine: Adam Vaughan
Restaurant Manager: Giovanni Giardino
Executive Chef: Ted Anderson
Director of Operations & Proprietor: Tim Pittman
Proprietor: Robert Belcham
Proprietor: Tom Doughty

About Campagnolo


Campagnolo offers affordable, casual Italian dining in a warm and welcoming space. The menu, crafted by Chef de Cuisine Adam Vaughan, boasts salumi (The Cure), pizza, pasta, risotto, and seasonally inspired main courses using only the finest ingredients. It’s simple and authentic. Each dish is inspired by the Piedmont and Emiglia-Romagna regions of Italy, where Pillay spent six months familiarizing himself with the cuisine. Sommelier Tom Doughty’s expertly chosen wine list focuses entirely on Italian and BC selections, balanced by Italian-influenced cocktails and a solid selection of beers.

Recommended Restaurants



05 Apr 21:50

How To: Make Scrambled Hard Boiled Eggs

by Brittany High

i was blown away with the title but this is totally disappointing and who would bother. also the result looks awful and cumbersome to unpeel. useless. like me posting this.

Scrambled Hard Boiled Eggs? What is this sorcery! This is a video tutorial explaining the witchcraft steps on how to make eggs that are scrambled AND THEN hardboiled. The info is brought to us by Youtube user NightHawkInLight (NOT to be confused with MorningBirdInDarkness who made a vid showing how to make undercooked eggs that give you salmonella poisoning). To scramble the egg within its shell you just need a long sleeved t-shirt and some serious spinning. Jk jk, I bet some mediocre spinning skills would do the trick. That’s what I’m hoping for anyway! I’ve spent my whole life half-assing it, you think I’m gonna finally put in the effort when it comes to making scrambled hard boiled eggs? I might consider making these things for about a minute, warm up a pizza in the microwave and go back to bed.

05 Apr 21:49

This is What Barbie Looks Like Without Makeup

by Jenni Chasteen


Just like any internationally famous celeb, we know A LOT of personal details about Barbie. We know what her depressing home life with Ken is like, we know that she’s a hoarder, and we even know what she looks like under her skin. But what we’ve never seen is what she looks like without makeup. Until now. Mexico based artist and designer Eddi Aguirre shows us what she’d look like au naturel. I’d like to say she’s still beautiful and doesn’t need makeup, woman power, and all that… buuuut… the thing is… she looks kinda busted. She’s got heavy bags under her eyes, weird smile lines, freckles, acne, frizzy hair, and—okay the braces are actually pretty cute.


05 Apr 16:58

So It's Come To This: Beer Pong Arcade Machines

beer-pong-master-arcade-machine.jpg Because drinking beer is actually the least fun thing about beer pong, arcade manufacturer Bay Tek Games is releasing Beer Pong Master, a beer pong arcade game with zero alcohol.'s not really beer pong is it? It's just pong. Jk jk, just a waste of a dollar.
Normal beer pong mechanics are in play here, but you have a set amount of time (our machine was registered at 60-second games) to sink as many balls in the still-lit cups as possible. All 10 cups begin completely lit at the start of the timer, and once your first ball connects to the rim of any cup, the clock begins winding down until you've sunk a ball in every cup and dimmed all the lights, or 60 seconds has passed, whichever comes first
Man, this kind of makes me want to go play carnival games. Yeah, and I'm gonna win a big prize -- none of those small or medium stuffed animals for me. I'm gonna be the guy carrying the GIANT BEAR. Fun fact: did you know that nobody ever actually wins the big stuffed animals at amusement parks and the people you see walking around with them are just employees paid to do that? Well that's true and don't even try to say you've won one or know somebody who has because that makes you a dirty liar. Hit the jump for a video of the game being played.
03 Apr 14:01

Rooftop Ready Seeds Offers City Gardeners a Line of Locally-Grown Seeds Tailored for Urban Planting

by Zach Pickens


Rooftop Ready Seeds, urban gardening, new york gardening brooklyn gardening, city gardens, city planting, rooftop gardens, rooftop planting

Rooftop Ready Seeds now offers New York gardeners a line of locally-grown seed tailored to their unique urban climate and container planting conditions. All Rooftop Ready Seeds are open-pollinated and grown using only organic methods in several rooftop locations in and around Brooklyn. Each variety of seed is collected from individual plants that have proven to thrive in the urban garden environment, with some varieties representing sixth-generation seeds. Check out all of their offerings here.

+ Rooftop Ready Seeds

Rooftop Ready Seeds, urban gardening, new york gardening brooklyn gardening, city gardens, city planting, rooftop gardens, rooftop planting

The article above was submitted to us by an Inhabitat reader. Want to see your story on Inhabitat? Send us a tip by following this link. Remember to follow our instructions carefully to boost your chances of being chosen for publishing!

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Post tags: city gardens, city planting, new york gardening brooklyn gardening, rooftop gardens, rooftop planting, Rooftop Ready Seeds, urban gardening

03 Apr 08:48

WTF Was That?: Old Spice Guy/Super Mario-64 Mashup

old-spice-mario-64-mashup.jpg I don't normally post videos that give me seizures, but every once in a while something comes along that hurts my brain so badly that I can't NOT share the pain. This is one of those videos. Plus I feel like you and I going through this traumatic experience together will help us grow closer. But not so close you feel comfortable putting your hand on my leg. Hit the jump and prepare for lots of flashing graphics and screaming.
02 Apr 18:36

Where Are My Dragon Eggs?

by Jenni Chasteen

"it only took about 1.5 bags which is not that bad when you consider you get a mythical egg..."

If you want to get your geek on this Easter, but you’re not a good enough painter to make your own awesome painted eggs, here’s a project pretty much anyone can handle. Jacquie LongLegs created these beautiful Game of Thrones inspired dragon eggs just using a foam egg, thumbtacks, and some paint. The best part is when someone hides them for Easter you can run around screaming, “WHERE ARE MY DRAGON EGGS?!” in your best Khaleesi voice. Add some peanut butter & jelly vodka chased with cream eggs and you’ve got the best Easter ever.

02 Apr 18:22

Already Ordered: Rollie, The Egg-On-A-Stick Cooker


is this fake? if not, i want one

rollie-eggmaster-egg-cooker.jpg This is the $30 Rollie Eggmaster. You just crack an egg into it, and then a cylindrically cooked egg rises from the middle in a couple minutes. Add chopped vegetables and sausage and a stick while it's cooking to make it an omelet on a stick! The possibilities are practically endless. I bet this is the exact sort of thing everybody in the 1950's imagined when they closed their eyes and thought about what life would be like in the future. Hit the jump for a worthwhile commercial of the magic happening.
02 Apr 18:13

New Finnish Passport Has A Walking Moose Flipbook



flipbook-passport.jpg This is a short video of the new Finnish passport (okay, released last year), which features a flipbook-action walking moose. How about that! I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a security feature, just for the hell of it, or if they don't have smartphones in Finland and people actually flip through their passports to pass the time. I heard they don't even have Sudoku. Hit the jump and watch that moose struttin' that ass for all the lady moose.
02 Apr 08:57

Sure, Why Not?: Scotland To Legalize Jedi Weddings


"more than 175,000 people listing themselves as Jedi in the 2012 nationwide census"

jedi-weddings.jpg While the US Supreme court reviews Proposition 8, Jedis in Scotland are fighting their own fight, with the hopes that weddings officiated by followers of the 'Temple of the Jedi Order' are recognized by the country with the same equality as other religions. Completely unrelated: I'm thinking about starting a cult.
A bill under consideration in Scotland would grant those who have literally made "Star Wars" a religion the power to perform marriage ceremonies. The BBC reports that the Marriage and Civil Partnership Bill would apply to other nonreligious groups such as the Flat Earth Society and the Jedi Knights Society, aka Temple of the Jedi Order. And while it may sound like a joke to most, the Jedi religion is quite popular in some parts of Europe. In England, it is the second-most popular "alternative religion," with more than 175,000 people listing themselves as Jedi in the 2012 nationwide census.
Hey -- different strokes for different folks. You want to have a Jedi wedding? Have a Jedi wedding. But you better cut the cake with a lightsaber. Or do Jedi followers not believe in wedding cakes? They better still believe in open bars, I'll tell you that. Thanks to Nobhdy, who agrees the number of lightsabers present at a wedding is directly proportional to how long the marriage will last. Over ten and you should be good for life.
29 Mar 09:20

Time Lapse Of 16-Bit Metroid Mother Brain Finale Getting An Artist's High Definition Photoshop Overhaul


my fave game of all time

metroid-art.gif Note: Decent size shot of the final product HERE. This is a time-lapse video (after the jump -- that's jut a animated gif above in case you're somebody's mom reading this) of DeviantARTist Elemental79 (of DOOM screenshot to high res picture fame) turning a composite 16-bit scene from Super Metroid into a high-res art piece. I, for one, would be honored to hang a print of that in my living room. Especially over the hole in the wall I made throwing my Playstation controller during a temper tantrum. In case you care:
In order to give the screenshot a 16x9 aspect ratio this is not an actual screenshot from the game, but made up of several screenshots and sprite sets. Included in this scene is a metroid, which is not accurate to the game, but believable since there wouldn't be a logical reason that one could not wander into Mother Brain's room (And I really wanted to remake the metroid). To answer some questions I've received, the image took between 50 and 60 hours and had well over 500 layers. I didn't really keep track of either. I also didn't do this in one sitting but over the course of a few weeks.
Fifty to sixty hours -- that's some serious dedication. Maybe not as dedicated as I am to the cause of animal rescue, but not everybody can spend their spare time being a hero. You know how many cats I have? Six. "I thought you were going to say more than that." THOUSAND. So many that when I put their food out I can't tell which way is up. Hit the jump for the video.
27 Mar 21:42

GET YOUR ASS OUTSIDE: On Discovering North Vancouver’s “Lynn Headwater Park”

by Scout Magazine


by Ariel Taylor | Spring has officially arrived on the coast and with the warming weather and blooming city streets it’s hard to want to stay inside. The coastal mountains are also starting to wake. However, melting snow and muddy trails can make this a tumultuous time of year to go exploring. In the months before summer truly arrives, stick to lower ground and closer to home. A great place to amp up for another outdoor season is North Vancouver’s Lynn Headwaters Park. Conveniently it’s just a bridge crossing away.


Lynn Headwaters Regional Park is what the North Shore is all about. Located approximately 30 minutes from downtown, this park really does offer something for everybody. Whether you’re into a mellow creek-side stroll, a serious cardio climb, or a full day wandering among the trees, it will not disappoint. Added bonuses: dogs are welcome, parking is free and for those of you without wheels, it’s easy to access via public transit. Seriously.


Take Hwy 1 to the Lynn Valley exit and follow the road north past the turnoff for Lynn Canyon Park. The road will eventually veer to the left, but continue along the narrower right fork until you hit the parking lot. If you’re riding the bus, get yourself to the downtown SeaBus terminal and take it to North Vancouver. Once on the other side, head to the bus loop (located just outside the main gates) and hop on the 229 bus for Lynn Valley. Try to grab a seat, since you’ll be on it until pretty much the last stop.

From the park entrance there are lots of possibilities depending on what you’re in the market for. Lynn Loop is probably the most frequented trail as it offers a quick 1.5 hour tour of the park – about 5km total. The trail is relatively flat and runs along the side of Lynn River. Though often crowded, particularly on weekends, the towering Cedar and Hemlocks help to shape its wilderness facade. Expect wet conditions for the next few weeks as spring runoff and seasonal rainfall can often spill the river’s banks.

For those with a little more time, the Headwaters Trail takes you to beautiful Norvan Falls (pictured at top). Located approximately 7km from the parking lot and accessible year-round, this is a great option for just about any afternoon. The relatively flat path parallels the river until it meets Norvan Creek. This time of year the creek is in full force so exercise caution, particularly if children or pets are around. Make sure not to cross the bridge to the far bank, but instead head right along the shoreline path until you reach the falls – don’t worry, the thunderous sound of crashing water will tell you that you’re on the right track.

If you’re looking to take in some vistas but don’t have a whole day to spend finding them, Lynn Peak is a great option. This 9km round trip trail will get your heart pumping without taking up your whole day. By the time you’ve reached the top you’ll have gained about 700m of elevation. The trail can be rocky in places so think about appropriate footwear. At the summit you’ll be rewarded with views of Seymour Mountain and the downtown skyline. On a clear day you can see as far south as Washington State. Conditions on the trail this time of year are variable but worth checking out. Have a backup plan in case you get turned around.

Give the weather a few more weeks and soon these next spots will be once again accessible to those of us wanting an extra escape. Hanes Valley, Lynn Lake, and Coliseum Mountain are each reserved for experienced hikers and those prepared to spend anywhere from 8 to 12 hours on the trail. I’ll note that Hanes Valley is an A–B hike (meaning you will not end up where you began) and should thus be planned for accordingly. You’ll exit via the Grouse Mountain gondola where public transit is available to take you back into the city. This is a super fun full-day excursion with lots of beautiful photo ops and even a cold beer (or two) once you make it to the Grouse Mountain lodge. The last push is definitely the hardest so make sure you save a little something for that home stretch.

Lastly, Lynn Lake and Coliseum Mountain are both steep climbs, but with the right group of friends they can be inspiring experiences. The Lake trail is poorly marked at times so it’s even more important to stick together and keep an eye out for trail markers. Coliseum is better marked overall, but a series of narrow passages can lead to some steep drop offs if you wander off trail. The higher elevation of both these routes mean snow sticks around longer so expect wet conditions even into early June. Both routes are around 24km round trip so make sure to leave first thing in the morning to avoid getting caught in the dark.

Be careful, be prepared, and have fun!


Ariel Taylor is a writer and professional student living and working in the West End. Though never short on opinions, she approaches most things in life with an open mind and a grain of salt. She suffers from acute wanderlust (hence her Get Your Ass Outside column) and as a result can be packed for most adventures in 10 minutes or less.

27 Mar 20:37

Pittsburgh Announces 50-Station, Solar-Powered Bike Sharing Program

by Beth Buczynski


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bike sharing, bike shares, alternative transportation, transportation, public transportation, bike commuting, carbon emissions

Bike commuting is a boon for urban environments – and soon, the bustling City of Pittsburgh, Penn., is about to have a lot more of it. The city’s Mayor Luke Ravenstahl recently announced plans to launch a 500-bike, 50-station bike sharing program in 2014. The initiative will build on the success of similar bike sharing programs in Washington, D.C., Boston, and Denver, and Mayor Ravenstahl hopes the new alternative transportation system will enhance mobility within the city, promote tourism, and provide a fun and healthy way to visit the city’s diverse and exciting neighborhoods.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bike sharing, bike shares, alternative transportation, transportation, public transportation, bike commuting, carbon emissions Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bike sharing, bike shares, alternative transportation, transportation, public transportation, bike commuting, carbon emissions Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bike sharing, bike shares, alternative transportation, transportation, public transportation, bike commuting, carbon emissions Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bike sharing, bike shares, alternative transportation, transportation, public transportation, bike commuting, carbon emissions

Read the rest of Pittsburgh Announces 50-Station, Solar-Powered Bike Sharing Program

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27 Mar 17:28

Nostalgia: NES Classic DuckTales Getting HD Remake


amazing news

ducktales-remake.jpg The 1989 NES classic DuckTales is getting a high-definition makeover and re-release, with 30% more content than the original game. Did you know DuckTales was released in Japan as 'Wanpaku Dakku Yume Bōken'? Literally: Naughty Ducks Dream Adventures. Because I don't want to know anything about some naughty duck's dream adventures. Although I bet they involve getting pieces of bread thrown at them all day and banging swans. "Swans aren't even ducks." Right? Ducks are sick. One even nipped my buttcheek when I was a kid because I wasn't throwing bread fast enough. Child ass-biters -- that's what ducks are. Hit the jump for a teaser video but skip past a minute for actual game footage and karaoke sing-along.
27 Mar 05:55

Alarm Clock App Makes You Take Exact Same Picture As Previously Set To Turn It Off


not sure if i love this or hate it

photo-alarm-clock.jpg Sleep If U Can is a $2 iPhone app that requires you to get out of bed and go take the exact same picture as you previously set as your wake up shot in order to turn the alarm off. Something like the bathroom sink or toilet. Me? I make mine a picture of my bed cover and completely defeated the purpose of the app. My roommate's? I just set his to a picture of his piggy bank THEN SMASHED IT TO PIECES. Good luck with that, jerk. Hit the jump for a brief video.
27 Mar 05:55

DINER: Duprey & Zottenberg To Open “The Emerald” Restaurant On Gore In Chinatown

by Scout Magazine

by Andrew Morrison | Rachel Zottenberg and David Duprey of The Narrow, Rumpus Room, Ricksaw, and upcoming Fox Cabaret have picked up the ancient second floor Fu Wah dim sum restaurant space at 555 Gore Avenue (on the eastern periphery of Chinatown between Keefer and East Pender). With it, they plan on opening a Rat Pack era, old school Vegas-themed joint called The Emerald.

It’s a massive, unused space, one that had been dormant for at least a decade before the duo picked it up earlier this year. “It was pretty gross in there,” says Zottenberg. “It’s one of those places that people would never know was there.” I can vouch from that. I live and work very close by and never knew that it existed. The address isn’t even visible, and the doors are so thoroughly boarded up that they appear to be walls.

Though the interior has already been gutted and the kitchen (which is bigger than all of Rumpus Room) cleaned up, Zottenberg, Duprey, designer Scott Cohen (see Acorn, Pronto, Nook, etc.) and the construction crew still have a lot of work to do. When it does open, we can expect a 25 seat lounge, a 65 seat dining room, and a couple of versatile private rooms. They have 4800 sqft to play with, not to mention 180 grandfathered seats. Not all of them, however, will be in play: “We’re going to have fewer seats than we’re actually allowed,” Zottenberg says. The real figure is closer to 100. Why? “Because what’s lacking in Vancouver right now is elbow room. We hear it a lot, and we want people to feel really comfortable here. We want them to hang out.”

The bar program is going to offer upwards of 35 drinks — a mix of classics, plays on classics and originals, while the food will follow the Vegas vibe with Chris Williams, lately of Boneta, Save On Meats, and Rumpus, doing the cooking. He’ll be working the neighbourhood for sourcing, which could mean things like a “catch of the day” from Hung Win Seafoods and duck from Money Foods, both of which are right downstairs from The Emerald. Beyond that, think updated takes on the classic shrimp cocktail, Turducken (for real), Steak Diane, et cetera. Dean Martin loved his spaghetti and meatballs and Sinatra was a sucker for Veal Milanese, so maybe we’ll see those, too. And despite the meat-centric traditions of Las Vegas, Zottenberg assures me that vegetarians and vegans will be looked after as well.

The projected opening date for The Emerald is early Summer


27 Mar 05:54

Chuck Norris Shaves Beard, Loses All Mystical Powers

chuck-norris-no-beard.jpg This is a recent shot of Chuck Norris and his freshly shaven beard and mustache. He looks like a dad. Definitely not the kind of guy you'd imagine roundhouse kicking the devil's pecker off then singing Metallica's 'No Remorse' into it like a karaoke mic. *telephone ringing* Hello? Uh-huh. Okay, I'll tell him. Chuck? That was Jackie O, she said she wants her sunglasses back. I mean, I think you look great in them and all, but you can't go around stealing women's glasses. Thanks to Michael, who once beat Chuck in paper-rock-scissors three times in a row.
26 Mar 22:03

HONOUR BOUND: Hey, Think Of Something Really Cool To Do For Your Neighbourhood!

by Scout Magazine

@craig - let's get on this. a real dog area in yaletown

The Vancouver Foundation Neighbourhood Small Grants program aims to strengthen community by providing imaginative and motivated residents some cash to connect people through cool events and improvements or developments in their respective neighbourhoods. We think Scout readers could make some pretty cool things happen – so we thought we would remind you that the deadline to apply is quickly approaching (March 31, 2013).

Grants range from $50 to $500 (with two grants of $1000 per neighbourhood). What would you like to see happen in your neighbourhood? How about a block party? Do you want a community garden? Have you ever watched an outdoor screening of Stand By Me? Ever thought that bare-ass wall with the shitty graffiti would look better with a professionally done mural? Would you like to see a colourful mosaic added to a street corner? How about a book exchange booth near a community hub? If you think it, it might come!

Honour Bound details the many cool things that we feel honour bound to check out because they either represent Vancouver exceptionally well or are inherently super awesome in one way or another

12 Mar 09:29

The Craziest Bloody Mary EVAR!

by Brittany High

want. but a caesar.

Remember the Fully Loaded Bacon Cheeseburger Bloody Mary? Me too. That was pretty crazy, right? But what if I told you there’s a Bloody Mary even crazier than that? One that blows that other BM (as in Bloody Mary, NOT Bowel Movement) out of the water tomato juice. One that makes the Fully Loaded Bacon Cheeseburger Bloody Mary look like child’s play. I mean, uh, a child who’s of legal drinking age, of course. Just $20 gets you this monster BM (again, Bloody Mary) at Anvil Pub of Dallas, TX. It’s got an entire crawfish, a bacon cheeseburger, a shrimp, some cheese, beef jerky, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, green beans, okra, onions, tomatoes, olives, a pickle and a half pint of beer. This thing’s seriously got everything but the kitchen sink! Which… is probably for the best. Ain’t nobody trying to drank an alcoholic beverage with a damn kitchen sink floating around in it, amirite? Imwrong. I’m not one to discriminate. An alcoholic beverage is an alcoholic beverage is an alco– hey, what do you mean “You’re cut off”?!




12 Mar 09:28

LOOKCITY: Claire Boucher (“Grimes”) Pairs With Saint Laurent Paris For New T Designs

by Scout Magazine

cool! may need to get another scarf!

Robyn Yager | After all the Canadian high-fives we got from the Oscars last Sunday (Argo, Life of Pi) why not ride out the pride a little longer? Vancouver-turned-Montreal producer Claire Boucher – aka Grimes - just announced her collaboration with Saint Laurent Paris. SLP creative director Hedi Slimane asked Grimes to create a capsule collection of men’s T-shirts after shooting her for her Dazed and Confused magazine cover. The designs are based on the 1970′s Yves Saint Laurent Love Posters. Grimes is no stranger to the art world as she creates her own album covers and has shown her artwork in various exhibitions (including one at the Audio Visual Gallery in Manhattan). You can check out her shirt designs and her Vibe interview here (with a tease at a future clothing label).



Robyn Yager is the style reporter for Scout Magazine. She runs The Rain Season blog and is enthused by anything out of the ordinary. She loves art, striped shirts, macchiatos, classic literature and picking through thrift stores for unique treasures. Her mission is to inspire Vancouverites in their sartorial choices and to see beauty and style everywhere.

06 Mar 22:46

The Old 'What Would You Do If Saw A Guy Getting Strangled To Death In An Elevator' Experiment

elevator-murder-experiment.jpg This is a viral ad for that movie 'Drop Dead Fred' or whatever (actually 'Dead Man Down' for the sake of journalistic integrity) that features two dudes in an elevator, one pretending to strangle the other with an extension cord, to see how people will react. SPOILER: Poorly -- they react poorly. Most run away (presumably to call for help but maybe just to pretend nothing happened), several jump in there and get physical, and at least one dude just stands there taking pictures. Amazingly, there were no weapon-toting heroes in the bunch to put an end to the experiment. What would you have done? Because I would have just gotten on, waited for the doors to close, busted ass so hard they both passed out, then tied them up and interrogated them. Remember: just because somebody is strangling someone doesn't automatically make them the bad guy. Hit the jump for the video.
06 Mar 22:45

Don't Need, Still Want: A Levitating Computer Mouse


real or fake?

hover-mouse-1.jpg This is 'The Bat', a magnetically levitating computer mouse designed by KIBARDINDESIGN. It does everything a regular mouse does plus levitates and probably cost 100x more. Still -- rich people. Hey Bill, have you seen my new hover-mouse? 'No Mike, I haven't. But why the f*** did you bring it golfing?'
"The Bat" -- levitates at a height of 40 millimeters on its own, or 10mm beneath the weight of your 1000g (~2.2-pound) hand. The whole setup comprises a base/bat-pad and a floating left-/right-click mouse conjoined with a magnetic ring. Also there's a scroll wheel. This unholy chimera of pseudo-futuristic and unaccountably retro tech is ostensibly designed to relieve pressure on the median nerve of the wrist, which the studio claims will prevent and treat the numbness, tingling, and muscle damage of the hand that's characteristic of repetitive use injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.
I don't know about preventing carpal tunnel, but I do know I'm going to bring my new hover-mouse to Starbucks to use with my laptop just so it's clear to everyone that I'm the biggest @$$hole in the store. And that isn't easy. Hit the jump for several more shots. No topless ones though, sorry.
05 Mar 18:28

Proposed Oklahoma Law Would Make It Illegal To Fail Students For Arguing Dinos And Humans Coexisted


oh boy

humans-and-dinos-coexisted-law.jpg Because you shouldn't be able to fail a student just for being 100% dead wrong, a proposed Oklahoma law (which is actually moving forward because this is Oklahoma we're talking about) will prevent science teachers from flunking students who argue dinosaurs and humans coexisted. Which, except for in science fiction and my fantasies, they did not.
The state legislator's committee in charge of education standards has approved a law that would forbid teachers from penalizing students who argue against widely accepted scientific theories, such as evolution and climate change. "I proposed this bill because there are teachers and students who may be afraid of going against what they see in their textbooks," said Republican State Representative Gus Blackwell who sponsored the Scientific Education and Academic Freedom Act, which can now go the state legislature for a vote.
You know those shirts that say 'Oklahoma is OK!' because OK is the state abbreviation for Oklahoma? $100 says nobody behind this bill gets the pun. That said, if this passes I'm moving to Oklahoma to retake high school science classes and argue against everything. CHEMISTRY IS POTIONS, E = MC³, MAGNETS ARE JUST GRAVITY. Thanks to Damien W, who's a biologist but 100% willing to abandon his career in favor of the possibility human/dino sexy times (his words, not mine -- we're gonna start a club). Picture of me destroying a volcano atop my t-rex mount courtesy of my buddy Jesse Starr.
05 Mar 13:42

Too Cute: A Hedgehog Toothpick Holder

by Brittany High


This is a $25 Hedgehog Toothpick Holder. It’s cute. In fact, it’s almost TOO CUTE. Definitely a thing that I don’t really need, but I most definitely need, and will buy. Is anyone really ever on the market for a new toothpick holder? No. But after seeing this, aren’t you starting to feel like maybe your current toothpick holder isn’t up to snuff? It’s just not cute enough, right? I feel the same way about mine! Which is exactly why I forcefully threw it against the wall, shattering it into a million tiny pieces. Annnnd now there are toothpicks everywhere. My mom’s gonna be soooo pissed!

Kipik Toothpick Holder

01 Mar 19:38

FINALLY: Squeaky Dog Toys With Mute Buttons

by Jenni Chasteen


I know doggies really love them some squeaky toys and for like 5 minutes it’s adorable to watch them go nuts chewing on the squeaker. But eventually it gets old. Not to them of course. No, they’d still be chopping down making that incessant sound if you didn’t rip their toy away from them and throw it in the garbage disposal while laughing maniacally. (By the way Mom, if you’re reading this, I’m kidding. I really don’t know how the garbage disposal broke. Or where Pepper’s toy went.) But now there’s a squeaky toy with a mute button thanks to Kong. It has an off switch that lets the air escape from another hole which keeps it from making the squeaking sound. That means you don’t have to listen to squeaking all day, they don’t have to “lose” their favorite toy, and no one has to argue about who pays to replace what kitchen appliances.


01 Mar 19:32

Smexy Coloring Books For Adults

by Brittany High

This is a series of coloring books by Etsy artist ScarletTentacle. She got Cowboys and Beefcakes, both of which are full of a bunch of hunks, while the Burlesque, Pin Up, Girls on Bikes, and Bettie Page books are full of scantily clad ladies. There’s even a Christmas themed one. Daaaayum Mrs. Claus, you be krinky as all hell! Clearly these coloring books are for mature adults only. So… I guess that means NOT you and me. C’mon, I’ll try and stay inside the lines! Also, to not giggle uncontrollably when I’m coloring in the nips. No promises, but I’ll try.



