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16 Jun 17:40

Self-assembly of pseudo-rotaxane and rotaxane complexes using an electrostatic slippage approach

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52,9526-9529
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC04619C, Communication
Aldo C. Catalan, Jorge Tiburcio
The protonation of a cyclic tertiary amine, integrated into the structure of a dumbbell-shaped guest molecule, accelerates the sliding of the guest through the cavity of a crown ether macrocycle to yield a stable pseudo-rotaxane complex.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
13 Jun 19:06

Self-organized architectures from assorted DNA-framed nanoparticles

by Wenyan Liu

Nature Chemistry. doi:10.1038/nchem.2540

Authors: Wenyan Liu, Jonathan Halverson, Ye Tian, Alexei V. Tkachenko & Oleg Gang

A broadly applicable strategy that can control the self-assembly of nanoparticles into a predefined structure has been reported. Integrating nanoparticles with DNA constructs creates individual modules that can be assembled into complex planar architectures. The approach combines nanoparticles with the selectivity and directionality of bonds provided by DNA.

09 Jun 21:10

An autonomous chemically fuelled small-molecule motor

by Miriam R. Wilson

An autonomous chemically fuelled small-molecule motor

Nature 534, 7606 (2016). doi:10.1038/nature18013

Authors: Miriam R. Wilson, Jordi Solà, Armando Carlone, Stephen M. Goldup, Nathalie Lebrasseur & David A. Leigh

Molecular machines are among the most complex of all functional molecules and lie at the heart of nearly every biological process. A number of synthetic small-molecule machines have been developed, including molecular muscles, synthesizers, pumps, walkers, transporters and light-driven and electrically driven rotary motors. However, although biological molecular motors are powered by chemical gradients or the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), so far there are no synthetic small-molecule motors that can operate autonomously using chemical energy (that is, the components move with net directionality as long as a chemical fuel is present). Here we describe a system in which a small molecular ring (macrocycle) is continuously transported directionally around a cyclic molecular track when powered by irreversible reactions of a chemical fuel, 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl chloride. Key to the design is that the rate of reaction of this fuel with reactive sites on the cyclic track is faster when the macrocycle is far from the reactive site than when it is near to it. We find that a bulky pyridine-based catalyst promotes carbonate-forming reactions that ratchet the displacement of the macrocycle away from the reactive sites on the track. Under reaction conditions where both attachment and cleavage of the 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl groups occur through different processes, and the cleavage reaction occurs at a rate independent of macrocycle location, net directional rotation of the molecular motor continues for as long as unreacted fuel remains. We anticipate that autonomous chemically fuelled molecular motors will find application as engines in molecular nanotechnology.

09 Jun 21:09

Chemistry: No turning back for motorized molecules

by Jonathan Clayden

Chemistry: No turning back for motorized molecules

Nature 534, 7606 (2016). doi:10.1038/534187a

Authors: Jonathan Clayden

Two molecular motors have been developed that use chemical energy to drive rotational motion in a single direction. The findings bring the prospect of devices powered by such motors a tantalizing step closer. See Letter p.235

07 Jun 10:00

Halogen bonding anion recognition

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52,8645-8658
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC03638D, Feature Article
Asha Brown, Paul D. Beer
The development of solution-based anion receptor molecules which exploit halogen bonding interactions is an emerging area of research. This Feature Article reviews recent advances which have been made in this rapidly developing field, surveying the use of iodoperfluoroarene, haloimidazolium and halotriazole/triazolium halogen-bond-donor motifs in anion receptor design and describing the application of mechanically interlocked rotaxane and catenane frameworks as halogen bonding anion host systems.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
06 Jun 20:03

Iminium Catalysis inside a Self-Assembled Supramolecular Capsule: Modulation of Enantiomeric Excess

Iminium Catalysis inside a Self‐Assembled Supramolecular Capsule: Modulation of Enantiomeric Excess

An accommodating host: The iminium-catalyzed 1,4-reduction of unsaturated aldehydes can be performed inside a supramolecular host. Only catalytic amounts of the supramolecular capsule are required. The intermolecular, noncovalent interactions inside the host system dramatically improve enantioselectivity for several amine catalysts.

Thomas M. Bräuer, Qi Zhang, Konrad Tiefenbacher
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., June 03, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201602382. Read article

06 Jun 19:33

A chemically powered unidirectional rotary molecular motor based on a palladium redox cycle

by Beatrice S. L. Collins

Nature Chemistry. doi:10.1038/nchem.2543

Authors: Beatrice S. L. Collins, Jos C. M. Kistemaker, Edwin Otten & Ben L. Feringa

Control of motion at the molecular level is an integral requirement for the development of future nanoscale machinery. Now, governed by the fundamental reactivity principles of organometallic chemistry, a biaryl rotor is shown to exhibit 360° unidirectional rotary motion driven by the conversion of two simple fuels.

02 Jun 19:44

[Report] Water splitting–biosynthetic system with CO2 reduction efficiencies exceeding photosynthesis

by Chong Liu
Artificial photosynthetic systems can store solar energy and chemically reduce CO2. We developed a hybrid water splitting–biosynthetic system based on a biocompatible Earth-abundant inorganic catalyst system to split water into molecular hydrogen and oxygen (H2 and O2) at low driving voltages. When grown in contact with these catalysts, Ralstonia eutropha consumed the produced H2 to synthesize biomass and fuels or chemical products from low CO2 concentration in the presence of O2. This scalable system has a CO2 reduction energy efficiency of ~50% when producing bacterial biomass and liquid fusel alcohols, scrubbing 180 grams of CO2 per kilowatt-hour of electricity. Coupling this hybrid device to existing photovoltaic systems would yield a CO2 reduction energy efficiency of ~10%, exceeding that of natural photosynthetic systems. Authors: Chong Liu, Brendan C. Colón, Marika Ziesack, Pamela A. Silver, Daniel G. Nocera
02 Jun 18:33

Subtle Ligand Modification Inverts Guest Binding Hierarchy in MII8L6 Supramolecular Cubes

by William J. Ramsay, Felix J. Rizzuto, Tanya K. Ronson, Kenji Caprice and Jonathan R. Nitschke

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b03858
30 May 18:30

In situ real-time imaging of self-sorted supramolecular nanofibres

by Shoji Onogi

Nature Chemistry. doi:10.1038/nchem.2526

Authors: Shoji Onogi, Hajime Shigemitsu, Tatsuyuki Yoshii, Tatsuya Tanida, Masato Ikeda, Ryou Kubota & Itaru Hamachi

Designing self-sorting events, and understanding their dynamics, in synthetic supramolecular assembly is a promising route towards complex, functional artificial systems. The formation of self-sorted supramolecular nanofibres has now been imaged in situ, in real time, by confocal laser microscopy. A stochastic, non-synchronous fibre formation through a cooperative mechanism was observed.

27 May 20:16

Milliseconds Make the Difference in the Far-from-Equilibrium Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Chiral Nanostructures

by Alessandro Sorrenti, Romen Rodriguez-Trujillo, David B. Amabilino and Josep Puigmartí-Luis

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b02538
23 May 20:28

Anion-π Enzymes

by Yoann Cotelle, Vincent Lebrun, Naomi Sakai, Thomas R. Ward and Stefan Matile

TOC Graphic

ACS Central Science
DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.6b00097
23 May 20:26

Organometallic neptunium(III) complexes

by Michał S. Dutkiewicz

Nature Chemistry. doi:10.1038/nchem.2520

Authors: Michał S. Dutkiewicz, Joy H. Farnaby, Christos Apostolidis, Eric Colineau, Olaf Walter, Nicola Magnani, Michael G. Gardiner, Jason B. Love, Nikolas Kaltsoyannis, Roberto Caciuffo & Polly L. Arnold

Probing the chemistry of transuranic elements is notoriously challenging. Now, three neptunium(III) organometallic sandwich complexes have been prepared using a flexible macrocycle as ligand, and their molecular and electronic structures characterized, adding to our understanding of the behaviour of f-elements and suggesting that the lower oxidation state Np(II) may be chemically accessible.

23 May 09:04

Perfluorinated Ligands Induce Meridional Metal Stereochemistry to Generate M8L12, M10L15, and M12L18 Prisms

by Marion Kieffer, Ben S. Pilgrim, Tanya K. Ronson, Derrick A. Roberts, Mina Aleksanyan and Jonathan R. Nitschke

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b02445
21 May 18:43

A Synthetic Replicator Drives a Propagating Reaction–Diffusion Front

by Ilaria Bottero, Jürgen Huck, Tamara Kosikova and Douglas Philp

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b03372
21 May 18:31

Kinetically Controlled Sequential Growth of Surface-Grafted Chiral Supramolecular Copolymers

Kinetically Controlled Sequential Growth of Surface‐Grafted Chiral Supramolecular Copolymers

A modular strategy for the synthesis of surface-confined supramolecular copolymers is reported by P. Besenius, B. J. Ravoo, and co-workers in their Communication (10.1002/anie.201601048). The sequential addition of aqueous solutions containing the anionic or cationic comonomer enables the stepwise growth of alternating copolymers from gold surfaces. Charge regulation passivates the growing chain end and yields kinetically trapped chiral copolymers with a tunable height of 5–19 nm.

[Cover Picture]
Hendrik Frisch, Eva-Corinna Fritz, Friedrich Stricker, Lars Schmüser, Daniel Spitzer, Tobias Weidner, Bart Jan Ravoo, Pol Besenius
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., May 20, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201604416. Read article

20 May 13:55

Face and edge directed self-assembly of Pd12 tetrahedral nano-cages and their self-sorting

Chem. Sci., 2016, 7,5893-5899
DOI: 10.1039/C6SC02012G, Edge Article
Open Access Open Access
Creative Commons Licence&nbsp This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Prodip Howlader, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee
A di-tetrazole ligand was used to occupy the edges of a tetrahedron to generate an edge-directed self-assembled Pd12 water soluble cage which was used as a vessel to encapsulate aromatic nitro-olefins. A face directed Pd12 tetrahedral cage was also constructed occupying the triangular faces of the tetrahedron by a tri-tetrazole ligand.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
20 May 13:53

Regulating Competing Supramolecular Interactions Using Ligand Concentration

by Abraham J. P. Teunissen, Tim F. E. Paffen, Gianfranco Ercolani, Tom F. A. de Greef and E. W. Meijer

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b03421
19 May 11:23

Iron(III)-catalysed carbonyl–olefin metathesis

by Jacob R. Ludwig

Iron(III)-catalysed carbonyl–olefin metathesis

Nature 533, 7603 (2016). doi:10.1038/nature17432

Authors: Jacob R. Ludwig, Paul M. Zimmerman, Joseph B. Gianino & Corinna S. Schindler

The olefin metathesis reaction of two unsaturated substrates is one of the most powerful carbon–carbon-bond-forming reactions in organic chemistry. Specifically, the catalytic olefin metathesis reaction has led to profound developments in the synthesis of molecules relevant to the petroleum, materials, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries. These reactions are characterized by their use of discrete metal alkylidene catalysts that operate via a well-established mechanism. While the corresponding carbonyl–olefin metathesis reaction can also be used to construct carbon–carbon bonds, currently available methods are scarce and severely hampered by either harsh reaction conditions or the required use of stoichiometric transition metals as reagents. To date, no general protocol for catalytic carbonyl–olefin metathesis has been reported. Here we demonstrate a catalytic carbonyl–olefin ring-closing metathesis reaction that uses iron, an Earth-abundant and environmentally benign transition metal, as a catalyst. This transformation accommodates a variety of substrates and is distinguished by its operational simplicity, mild reaction conditions, high functional-group tolerance, and amenability to gram-scale synthesis. We anticipate that these characteristics, coupled with the efficiency of this reaction, will allow for further advances in areas that have historically been enhanced by olefin metathesis.

18 May 10:17

A synthetic molecular system capable of mirror-image genetic replication and transcription

by Zimou Wang

Nature Chemistry. doi:10.1038/nchem.2517

Authors: Zimou Wang, Weiliang Xu, Lei Liu & Ting F. Zhu

A mirror-image polymerase—a version of African swine fever virus polymerase X made from D-amino acids—has now been chemically synthesized. This polymerase can catalyse template-directed L-DNA replication and transcription from L-DNA into L-RNA. These reactions represent two key steps in the central dogma of molecular biology—but demonstrated using the opposite chirality.

16 May 12:49

Sandwich phosphate complexes of macrocyclic tris(urea) ligands and their rotation around the anion

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52,7310-7313
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC03144G, Communication
Liguo Ji, Zaiwen Yang, Yanxia Zhao, Meng Sun, Liping Cao, Xiao-Juan Yang, Yao-Yu Wang, Biao Wu
Sandwich-type phosphate complexes were formed by macrocyclic ligands incorporating both anion- (tris-urea unit) and cation-binding sites (polyether), which display a reversible rotation around the anion upon protonation/deprotonation of phosphate and binding of the cation (Emim+).
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
15 May 13:04

A tristable [2]rotaxane that is doubly gated by foldamer and azobenzene kinetic barriers

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52,7490-7493
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC02110G, Communication
Wei-Kun Wang, Zi-Yue Xu, Yun-Chang Zhang, Hui Wang, Dan-Wei Zhang, Yi Liu, Zhan-Ting Li
Hydrogen bonded foldamer and azobenzene units have been incorporated into a donor-acceptor-type [2]rotaxane to assemble a doubly gated switching system.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
13 May 10:45

Self-sorting regioisomers through the hierarchical organization of hydrogen-bonded rosettes

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52,8211-8214
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC03419E, Communication
Keisuke Aratsu, Deepak D. Prabhu, Hidetaka Iwawaki, Xu Lin, Mitsuaki Yamauchi, Takashi Karatsu, Shiki Yagai
In this work we demonstrate the time-evolvable self-sorting of hydrogen-bonding naphthalene regioisomers.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
13 May 09:03

A cycloparaphenylene nanoring with graphenic hexabenzocoronene sidewalls

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52,7164-7167
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC03002E, Communication
Dapeng Lu, Haotian Wu, Yafei Dai, Hong Shi, Xiang Shao, Shangfeng Yang, Jinlong Yang, Pingwu Du
A novel hexabenzocoronene-containing cycloparaphenylene carbon nanoring is rationally designed and synthesized. The cycloparaphenylene structure is firstly observed by STM and its photophysical properties were further studied.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
10 May 21:28

A pH-responsive DNA nanomachine-controlled catalytic assembly of gold nanoparticles

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52,7556-7559
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC03089K, Communication
Dongbao Yao, Hui Li, Yijun Guo, Xiang Zhou, Shiyan Xiao, Haojun Liang
This pH-responsive nanomachine can regulate the reaction rate of DNA-AuNPs assembly using pH in an efficient manner.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
05 May 20:31

Machine-learning-assisted materials discovery using failed experiments

by Paul Raccuglia

Machine-learning-assisted materials discovery using failed experiments

Nature 533, 7601 (2016). doi:10.1038/nature17439

Authors: Paul Raccuglia, Katherine C. Elbert, Philip D. F. Adler, Casey Falk, Malia B. Wenny, Aurelio Mollo, Matthias Zeller, Sorelle A. Friedler, Joshua Schrier & Alexander J. Norquist

Inorganic–organic hybrid materials such as organically templated metal oxides, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) and organohalide perovskites have been studied for decades, and hydrothermal and (non-aqueous) solvothermal syntheses have produced thousands of new materials that collectively contain nearly all the metals in the periodic table. Nevertheless, the formation of these compounds is not fully understood, and development of new compounds relies primarily on exploratory syntheses. Simulation- and data-driven approaches (promoted by efforts such as the Materials Genome Initiative) provide an alternative to experimental trial-and-error. Three major strategies are: simulation-based predictions of physical properties (for example, charge mobility, photovoltaic properties, gas adsorption capacity or lithium-ion intercalation) to identify promising target candidates for synthetic efforts; determination of the structure–property relationship from large bodies of experimental data, enabled by integration with high-throughput synthesis and measurement tools; and clustering on the basis of similar crystallographic structure (for example, zeolite structure classification or gas adsorption properties). Here we demonstrate an alternative approach that uses machine-learning algorithms trained on reaction data to predict reaction outcomes for the crystallization of templated vanadium selenites. We used information on ‘dark’ reactions—failed or unsuccessful hydrothermal syntheses—collected from archived laboratory notebooks from our laboratory, and added physicochemical property descriptions to the raw notebook information using cheminformatics techniques. We used the resulting data to train a machine-learning model to predict reaction success. When carrying out hydrothermal synthesis experiments using previously untested, commercially available organic building blocks, our machine-learning model outperformed traditional human strategies, and successfully predicted conditions for new organically templated inorganic product formation with a success rate of 89 per cent. Inverting the machine-learning model reveals new hypotheses regarding the conditions for successful product formation.

04 May 08:39

Experimental Binding Energies in Supramolecular Complexes

by Frank Biedermann and Hans-Jörg Schneider

TOC Graphic

Chemical Reviews
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00583
03 May 20:08

Unprecedented selectivity in molecular recognition of carbohydrates by a metal-organic framework

Chem. Commun., 2016, 52,7094-7097
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC03266D, Communication
Mizuho Yabushita, Peng Li, Varinia Bernales, Hirokazu Kobayashi, Atsushi Fukuoka, Laura Gagliardi, Omar K. Farha, Alexander Katz
Metal-organic framework material NU-1000 exhibits an unprecedented molecular recognition for simple carbohydrates.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
02 May 18:20

Dissipative self-assembly of vesicular nanoreactors

by Subhabrata Maiti

Nature Chemistry. doi:10.1038/nchem.2511

Authors: Subhabrata Maiti, Ilaria Fortunati, Camilla Ferrante, Paolo Scrimin & Leonard J. Prins

Dissipative self-assembly processes are energetically uphill and require the continuous consumption of energy. Now, by using ATP as a chemical fuel, the dissipative self-assembly of vesicles has been demonstrated. These transiently formed supramolecular assemblies are able to sustain a chemical reaction and it is shown that the yield depends on the lifetime of the vesicles.

02 May 18:19

A supramolecular ruthenium macrocycle with high catalytic activity for water oxidation that mechanistically mimics photosystem II

by Marcus Schulze

Nature Chemistry. doi:10.1038/nchem.2503

Authors: Marcus Schulze, Valentin Kunz, Peter D. Frischmann & Frank Würthner

Designing improved catalysts is predicated on understanding how they work. Now, by positioning three ruthenium centres in a macrocyclic framework, a remarkable acceleration of catalytic water oxidation has been achieved. Detailed mechanistic studies revealed that the catalyst operates through the ‘water nucleophilic attack’ pathway—similar to the natural oxygen-evolving cluster of photosystem II.