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23 Jun 23:00

Dream Crush Review - Those Who Are About to Gush Salute You

by Shut Up & Sit Down
09 Apr 15:01


(Toady One) As many of you know (and often already sort out with mods and so forth), the hills in DF can be confusing, especially when they are steep. Not just because of the ramps, which we showed you with the last set of pictures, but just wrapping your head around the three-dimensional map can be a bit much when it only shows you a cross-section at a time.

Multilevel Display
Here's a lot of what we've been working on recently. There have been additional attempts to sort out a few of the minor issues you see there with soil-edge-shading and so forth, and work is ongoing, but this helps a lot already!

Multilevel Animation
Ha ha, here's a dev log foray into animated media, scrolling down a few levels.

Those images take place in deserts since our work on vegetation is in flux. We'll be able to show some pictures there later when it is ready.

Finished Placement vs. Planned Furniture
We're experimenting with transparency for planned furniture. Here are two similar bedrooms.

Blind Cave Ogre and Gorlak
Even in the new display, as some people noted last time with the domestic animals, we can't show the exact size of creatures - there's just not enough room in the tiles. However, we can bend the constraints of tiles a bit, as we did with workshops. Our currently specifications allow creatures like dragons to visually occupy most of six tiles (three wide, two tall), though the game logic is still the same (creatures are in one tile, sometimes many creatures.)

More great work from our artists! More to see next week! I hope all is well.
24 Sep 22:10

Chapter 72: Page 36

Wisps make their nest out of paper, just like their natural counterpart, the paperboy. ----------------------- Our chapter retrospective series continues over on Youtube! Head over to see Chapter 67: Evac
11 Feb 15:53

Star Trek: Bridge Crew delayed again but getting TOSsy

by Alice O'Connor

A long time ago in a city far, far away (E3 2016 in Los Angeles), Ubisoft announced virtual reality spaceship command ’em up Star Trek: Bridge Crew [official site] for release in autumn 2016. Well! A fair few Kessel Runs later, it’s been delayed again, this time to May 30th. Many Bothans died to bring us this information but, on the bright side, they did also bring word that it’ll have an option to fly aboard the USS Enterprise from Episode IV: The Original Series. Jump to hyperspace! … [visit site to read more]

30 Dec 01:45

Have You Played… Cryostasis?

by Rick Lane

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.

Cryostasis belongs to the same class as the S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Metro series, namely weird-as-heck Eastern bloc shooters. As an FPS it isn’t as good as anything either of those series’ offer, but the story it tells between the gun bits is satisfyingly mysterious and surprisingly touching.
… [visit site to read more]