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19 May 23:03

A bold Tokyo ballet dancer

by Lee

Some sights are unexpected to say the least, and yet this Shinjuku street scene sums up certain aspects of Tokyo surprisingly well.

bold Tokyo street ballerina

02 Feb 00:39

Sword Art Online Season 3 Rumored

by Rift
Those who attended a test screening for the upcoming Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale movie have been told that a 3rd season for the ridiculously praised anime may be on the way, an unsurprising turn of events that many believe…
26 Jan 01:10

Tekken 7 Eliza Debut “Transforming Breasts?”

by Rift
Another former Tekken character will be making its return in Tekken 7 as demonstrated by this action-packed trailer, bringing back busty vampiress Eliza and showcasing a variety of her suggestive moves, though many have noticed that her breasts mysteriously change…
27 Dec 23:31

Hifumi Takimoto Christmas Cosplay Games Hard

by Rift
The immeasurably shy Hifumi Takimoto of game developer girl anime New Game! has gotten into the Christmas spirit by way of this merry cosplay, dressing up in charming Christmas apparel and surrounding herself with an assortment of games bound to…
27 Dec 00:57

A few favourite photographs from 2016

by Lee

With the year rapidly drawing to a close, it’s time once again to look back over the last 12 months and pick out my favourite photographs.

On so many levels, 2016 has been an absolute shocker, but personally at least it has been one to remember. It started out just like the previous year ended — full of fear and uncertainty. But all that changed in July, when my wife got the all clear after her tough, incredibly brave fight with breast cancer. A result that still sometimes feels like a dream, and what came before it nothing short of a nightmare.

Through both the good and bad, however, the one constant has been photography. Being out with a camera made the tough times more bearable, and the happy ones even better. And below are the results of those excursions. Some have been chosen for the memories — others purely because of what came out of the camera. They aren’t in chronological order. Just how I feel they work best. Plus as usual, clicking on any of the photos will bring up a bigger, sharper version.

A set that neatly wraps up Tokyo Times for the year. So until early January, when the usual posts will resume as normal, Happy New Year and all the very best for 2017!

steely Japanese looks

japan don't kill yourself

japanese gambler

giant tortoise in Tokyo

Tokyo bikers

Japanese political protester

Tokyo plum blossom transvestite

yasukuni shrine strangeness

Japanese silver hat and a mini moustache

Striking Japanese woman in blue fur

Japanese poor man

harsh look at poverty in Japan

old Tokyo shoemaker

quiet tokyo streets

blue lit Japanese underpass

abandoned Tokyo train tunnel

a lone japanese gambler

old tokyo payhones

Tokyo legs

quiet sake in a Tokyo bar

25 Dec 00:48

IdolMaster Christmas Ero-MMD A Real Stocking Filler

by Rift
For some MikuMikuDance users, Christmas is apparently a time for perversion as the adored IdolMaster series subjects fan favorite Yukiho to an intimate situation, which may possibly upset some as the lovely flat-chested Makoto has been included solely to sleep…
24 Dec 02:36

[PB] Kyoko Fukada 深田恭子 - (un)touch

by Love Doll
Preview: Options: ...

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07 Dec 23:03

Book Walker’s Top 10 Bestselling Light Novels of 2016

by Rift
Digital bookstore Book Walker has announced the top selling light novels of 2016 in the form of a ranking, revealing the majority of buyers to be most interested in what can be done within the confines of a dark dungeon.…
25 Oct 01:16

Flip Flappers Blazing Battles Abound

by Rift
The young maidens of Flip Flappers have been whisked away to an arid desert troubled by dastardly evildoers, resulting in a wealth of riveting combat sequences that may give viewers an incentive to keep up with the series (aside from…
28 Aug 02:39

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3rei!! – 07

by Stilts

「人形とぬいぐるみ」 (Ningyou to Nuigurumi)
"Dolls and Stuffed Animals"

The cruelty of a child. The horror of stuffed animals.

28 Aug 01:50

Re:Zero Visual Novel Announced

by Rift
A game has been revealed to be in the works for the currently airing and immensely well-received Re:Zero, an event that will surely spawn a great deal of purchases if not solely for fans hoping that there will be a…
12 Feb 21:02

[Digi-Gra] Arisa Misato 美里有紗 SET 06

by Love Doll
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01 Nov 23:37

Play Music through Putin's Head with the Limited-Edition 'St.Vladimir' Speaker

Russian leader Vladimir Putin is no stranger to being featured on t-shirts and mugs or being commemorated in (admittedly of questionable quality) paintings and sculptures, notably because of the personality cult he has been actively cultivating during the past 15 years of his reign.

29 May 01:16

[Cosplay] Fuuka Setsugetsu (Shino) ~ Bishuu Shugyou

by JP Media
26 Apr 12:12

Aereo, o serviço de streaming que está incomodando as emissoras nos EUA

by Jacqueline Lafloufa

Uma disputa entre um novo serviço de streaming e emissoras de TV chega à Suprema Corte norte-americana e pode decidir o futuro da TV (ao menos nos EUA).

Quem tem causado a confusão é a Aereo, um serviço de streaming que oferece programação de emissoras como NBC, CBS e ABC gratuitamente, através da web. As emissoras reclamam que essa seria uma violação dos direitos autorais, mas a situação não é assim tão preto-no-branco.

A Aereo funciona a partir da captação de sinais abertos, que é feita por uma série de pequenas antenas espalhadas pela região. Cada um dos assinantes da Aereo ganha acesso a uma dessas antenas, que então transmitem aquela programação através da web.


Essa é a antena do Aereo

A assinatura é bastante acessível – entre 8 e 12 dólares mensais – e permite também usar o Aereo para gravar a programação que está sendo exibida, para assisti-la mais tarde (o que hoje é feito por aparelhos de DVR). Além disso, a Aereo faz com que seja desnecessário ter uma TV ou assinar um serviço de TV a cabo (caso a recepção na sua região seja ruim), já que a programação televisiva fica acessível através de dispositivos que se conectem à internet. Praticamente uma HBO Go, só que para canais abertos e por um preço bastante razoável, mas disponível em apenas um punhado de cidades norte-americanas.

David Carr destaca que a importância do caso vai além da transmissão via web de conteúdos de TV – “tem um pouquinho de tudo: mídias tradicionais apoiadas em modelos de negócios antigos e queridos, uma startup insurgente, com uma solução inteligente, e, quem sabe o mais importante, o primeiro grande teste da Suprema Corte, sobre quem é o real proprietário de conteúdos que ficam armazenados na nuvem”, explica ele no NYT.

Uma decisão judicial do caso só deve ser divulgada no final de junho, mas o assunto certamente levantará debates interessantes nas próximas semanas. Se a justiça decidir que a Aereo infringe leis de copyright, a empresa deixará de existir, e o precedente evitará que outras tentem seguir pelo mesmo caminho. Caso a Aereo seja a vencedora do processo, restará saber se os usuários estarão dispostos a pagar pelo acesso digital de um conteúdo que é gratuito (rede aberta) na televisão, e como será resolvido o ‘detalhe’ de que os produtores do conteúdo não levam nem um centavo nessa brincadeira.

Aguardem os próximos capítulos.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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17 Nov 00:59

1950s DQ Ad

17 Jul 22:56

Analyze Dat: TOR Visualization & online black markets

by Regine
I knew about Bitcoin, i had heard of the Tor software that enables online anonymity but other than that, i felt that there was precious little i knew about the Deep Web, the vast submersed side of the World Wide Web that countless people are using in perfect anonymity every day to buy goods that neither ebay nor amazon will ever sell you and to exchange services that never appear when you do a google search. The more i looked into online black markets, the more intrigued i was. I thought that the easiest and fastest way to get a better understanding of the issue would be to interview Arthur Heist continue