Shared posts

02 Jun 13:54

The Star Sower

by Miss Cellania

This street art in Kaunas, Lithuania, doesn’t make any sense during the day. But after dark, you understand why it’s named The Star Sower. See, while the sun travels and casts shadows everywhere, street lamps are stationary, so this illusion works every night. The artist goes by the name morfai; you can see his works here. Sadly, city officials removed the graffiti, but the photographs remain.  -via reddit

01 Jun 08:42

Nightmare factory

01 Jun 08:42

Tahitian Dancing is the best type of hypnotizing (Video)

by Ben
30 May 13:23

Unexpected call for Duke athlete will tackle you right in the feels (Video)

by Sebastian
30 May 11:05

A few interesting tidbits that you might not know (20 Photos)

by Travis
30 May 08:29

How to Make Oreo Cannolis

by John Farrier

Chef Josh Elkin helpfully provides a step-by-step instructional video to show you how to make this Oreo that you'll definitely take instead of the gun. First, he separated the Oreo cookies from the creme. Then he powdered the chocolate cookies and added fluor, shortnening, and an egg to make a dough. After shaping the dough around cannoli tubes, he deep fried it to create the shells.

With sugar, vanilla extract, and water, Elkin formed a frosting, which he piped into the cannoli shells. Unless I missed a step, he didn't use the creme filling, so you have something extra to eat after you fix the cannolis. 

-via @mdoughw_eats

30 May 08:15

Yo, Fuck This Commercial

by Evan Narcisse on Gizmodo, shared by Barry Petchesky to Deadspin

Hell naw.


30 May 07:35

Pinch hitting for the Latinas, yoga pants (70 Photos)

by Sebastian
30 May 07:29

What's the Most Bizarre Thing You've Caught Yourself Doing after Your Brain's Autopilot Misfired?

by John Farrier

(Meme: Minor Mistake Marvin)

When we're tired and used to doing a particular task, such as driving home or blogging, we may stop thinking about it consciously. Different parts of our brains take over monitoring our activities. Sometimes those parts of the brain make really stupid decisions.

Redditor Kirushi asked the question in the title. How have our autopilot functions let us down? Here are some of the best responses.

Some were harmless, as Derped_my_pants remembers:

Was jogging late at night. A guy reached out his hand in front of me as I passed.

I high-fived him.

Turns out he was hailing a taxi.

Others were possibly dangerous, but nonetheless hilarious. Danseaman6 writes:

When I was in high school and living on the family farm, I used to feed the horses and barn cats every morning. Waking up at 6am for this as a 16 year old guaranteed that I was half asleep. So, I grabbed the cat food like I always did, walked to the table where my cat's bowl was like I always did, and poured some in. My cat always jumped up on the table right away to start eating right away, and one morning as something jumped up in front of me I absentmindedly pet it as usual. The hair felt a little rough so I looked down and instead of my friendly orange cat, there was a skunk. Just chilling there eating the cat food while I pet its back.

Arndta was amusingly blasphemous:

As a teenager, I worked at McDonald's. My McDonald's was 24 hours and, during the summer, I worked the overnight shift. My sleep schedule would get all messed up.

My parents woke me up for dinner one evening. I zombie walked to the table and sat down. My dad asked me to say grace. I bow my head and say, "thank you for choosing McDonald's, may I take your order?"

I've done what nopingonthat did:

I sat there at an intersection in suburban Palo Alto at 11PM, patiently waiting for the stop sign to change.

Or possibly what pixlepix did:

Turned around and went back home because I forgot my car keys.

I was driving.

Children born today won't ever understand Grimmcartel's problem:

Tapped a picture in the newspaper hoping to see the full article. Took me a good 5 seconds to realize where I messed up.

How has your own autopilot brain led you astray?

30 May 07:04

Spelling Bee Twitter Account Burns Dude So Hard He Deleted His Account In Shame

by Patrick Redford

If you’re gonna try to roast the Spelling Bee for being soft, the worst sin you can commit is bringing that weak shit (noun: substandard effort or soft response, e.g. “Kevin liked the Warriors, but they lost because they brought that weak shit.”).


30 May 07:02

Sean Connery passed on a lot of big movies (10 Photos)

by Jeff
30 May 06:58

Mega Sticky Trap

by Miss Cellania

A group of scientists are testing a new kind of sticky trap. To get accurate information on its effectiveness, they sent various types of humans across a 20-foot section of the material. First, a scientist as a baseline, then a sprinter, then a sumo wrestler. I was hoping the sumo wrestler wouldn’t get his loincloth caught in the sticky stuff. He does.

(YouTube link)

Of course, this is an ad, for a Japanese cockroach trap. For such products, we’d hope they do their testing on actual cockroaches. -via Tastefully Offensive  

30 May 06:50

Make Pooping Great Again

24 May 18:04

The Lonely Island's Newest Song Describes a Ridiculous Role-Playing Scenario Because 'MURICA

The Lonely Island video above is the 'clean version' but if you'd like to watch it totally un-bleeped, you can watch the version below. 

Submitted by: (via The Lonely Island)

24 May 06:19

Guy accidentally sends a dick pic to a group chat… hilarity ensues (3 Photos + Video)

by James
24 May 06:14

Spend a night in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Lair on Airbnb (10 Photos)

by Travis
23 May 18:43

Helpful Device Helps You Lick Your Cat

by John Farrier

Your cat may show you affection by licking you. But some cat owners are uncomfortable licking their cats in response. Don't ask me why, but it's true.

Now those poor souls have a solution: the Licki Brush. It's a long, plastic, tongue-like object that fits inside your mouth. You use your head to brush it across your cat or the person sitting next to you on the bus. The soft bristles on the tongue groom and soothe the recipient of the licks. You can see a video demonstration here.

-via Geekologie

23 May 10:50

Don't Skate in the Street

by John Farrier

It was a very impressive grind--flawless, really. The landing and flip were also spot-on. But it was still a close call for this skater who didn't post a lookout before riding into the street.

-via Gifsboom

23 May 08:32

At Her College Graduation, This Woman Reunited with the Cop Who Saved Her Life

by John Farrier

(Photos: Alan Chaniewski/Peter Getz)

In 1998, a fire broke out in a house in Hartford, Connecticut. Inside was 5-year old Josibelk Aponte. Officer Peter Getz, a now-retired police detective, responded to the scene. A firefighter put the little girl in Getz's arms.

Her heart had stopped.

Getz carried her away from the building and put her in the back of his patrol car. While his partner rushed them to the hospital, Officer Getz performed CPR on Josibelk.

The little girl survived and thrived. She just graduated from college and Getz was there to see her walk. The Hartford Courant reports:

About two years ago, Aponte contacted him out of the blue through Facebook.

"Every once in a while I get nostalgic and I want to know what happened," Aponte said. "So I did what everyone does: I Googled my name."

Her research turned up an article that identified Getz, and through some "Facebook stalking," she found him.

The two get together regularly, sometimes meeting for lunch. They talk about Getz's kids, his dog, how Aponte is doing in school.

Now, with a degree in accounting and a job at Walston & Ignagni in South Windsor, the conversations have turned to her plans for the future.

"To see the outcome, to see how successful she's been, makes my heart beat faster," Getz said.

-via Ace of Spades HQ

23 May 08:31

Classic Promotional Vid for Prof. X's School Is So Very 80s

by John Farrier

(Video Link)

Are you a kid who's having trouble fitting in? Adolescence can be like that. You're changing and other people are changing around you. You might be changing differently--very differently--than your peers.

Perhaps the right place for you is Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. This private boarding school is the best in the world for bringing out and discreetly developing your unique talents.

This video shows a commercial from 1983 promoting the school that serves as the headquarters of the X-Men. It's a promotion for the upcoming film X-Men: Apocalypse.

At the end, you'll see a phone number for Xavier's School: 1-800-312-9951. It actually works. You can call and hear a voicemail greeting from Prof. X himself.

-via Uproxx

23 May 08:07

How you been?

20 May 13:22

Somebody Help This Girl Find Her Super Chill, Pizza Loving Soulmate

He might be already be in a serious relationship with pizza, but who knows... Either way, we're here to help!

Submitted by: (via AutumnBrie1)

Tagged: soulmate , twitter , pizza , brawl , fight , dating
20 May 09:17

Impress your friends with another round of random facts (36 Photos)

by Bob

I liked the bit about the fire fighters.

20 May 06:49

You Only Get One Chance With This Optical Illusion

by Hannah Keyser on Adequate Man, shared by Hannah Keyser to Deadspin

A brick wall, sure. There’s a little something in the middle there, a grey rock or a gap or a smudge or... it kind of looks like a turtle’s head, but that doesn’t make any sense, does it?


20 May 06:14

This App Will Do Your Math Homework For You

by Hannah Keyser on Adequate Man, shared by Hannah Keyser to Deadspin

I’m not that far removed from my last math class, and I was pretty good at it back then, but I barely remember what the equations in this demo video are trying to express, let alone how to solve them. But this is the future, and retaining what you learn isn’t important anymore.


20 May 06:12

Edible 6-Pack Rings Feed Marine Life Instead of Killing It

by John Farrier

(Image: We Believers)

People throw away 6-pack rings. Then they get tangled around the bodies of turtles, fish, birds, and other animals. They can maim or strangle those helpless creatures.

The Saltwater Brewery of Delray Beach, Florida was founded by and for surfers, fishermen, and other people who love the sea. They wanted to make sure that their 6-packs of beer help rather than hurt marine life. So they worked with the ad agency We Believers to develop a 6-pack ring that is edible.

The 3d printed 6-pack rings are made of byproducts of the brewing process, including wheat and barley, that are biodegradable and edible by marine life. And if no one nibbles at it, it simply dissolves, freeing any creature trapped inside. Discover magazine reports:

The company 3-D printed a test batch of 500 holders in April, according to AdvertisingAge, and it plans to scale up production to meet its current output of 400,000 cans of beer a month. While the edible holders are more expensive to make, Saltwater Brewery wants set an example for other beer producers and encourage them to adopt the idea. They say if their edible holders become commonplace, they could potentially be as cheap as the regular plastic rings.

-via Telegraph

19 May 17:00

Congressional Candidate Mike Webb Posts Screenshot with Porn Tabs on Facebook


Virginia congressional candidate Mike Webb's Facebook page has been swarmed with trolls ever since he shared a screen grab with open tabs to pages “LAYLA RIVERA TIGHT BOOTY” and “IVONE SEXY AMATEUR.”  

Once the story went viral, people are coming from all over the internet to join one of the most active comment sections on Facebook. 

Good luck with your campaign, Mike Webb. In the meantime, we'll just continue to peep your comment section. 

Submitted by: (via Mike Webb)

Tagged: failbook , porn , facebook , politics
18 May 08:08

Turtle for Sale After Failed Prom Proposal


Submitted by: (via Pimpnasty09)

Tagged: craigslist , sale , prom , turtle , dating
18 May 07:38

Random things you never knew had a name until now (18 Photos)

by Travis
18 May 07:33

New Tattoo Ink Disappears after a Year

by John Farrier

Are you certain that you'll have no ragrets about this decision? Tattooing is permanent unless you want to undergo expensive laser treatments.

Just to be safe, it may be worth getting yourself inked in a new type of disappearing ink. A company called Ephemeral has developed ink that breaks down after a year. Developer Anthony Lam explained to TechCrunch how it works:

“Tattoo inks today are permanent because of the fact that the dye molecules are too big for your body’s immune system to take away,” explains co-founder Anthony Lam. “By using smaller molecules, we’ve encapsulated them inside this spherical structure that’s big enough that your immune system doesn’t take it away. But when you remove it, it essentially eats away one of the components and the dye molecules are flushed out.”

The company is currently testing the ink on pigs to make sure that it works. It hopes to price the ink at $50-100 for an average sized tattoo.

-via Ace of Spades HQ