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17 Jun 20:10

Announcing the Vaadin Community Award

by (Alejandro Duarte)

July 2021: Article updated to fix some of the rules and details.

I'm happy to announce the Vaadin Community Award (VCA) program, which recognizes the valuable efforts of top contributors in the Vaadin Community.

Vaadin t-shirt1-1


03 Sep 14:23

Denmark just became the first country to ban a toxic lining common in food containers

by Zoë Schlanger
Take-out containers are coated with chemicals known as PFAS, which have been linked to several health risks

Denmark on Monday (Sept. 2) became the first country to completely ban PFAS from food packaging. The class of chemicals, also referred to as “perflourinated” or “flourinated” compounds, commonly coats microwave popcorn bags, baking paper, and take-out containers.

PFAS are often used to make nonstick pans (like Teflon), waterproof clothing (like Goretex), and firefighting foam. Surfaces coated in PFAS become nonstick and greaseproof, which are great qualities for food packaging.

But here’s the problem: PFAS chemicals have been linked to a range of health risks in humans including cancer, immune system disorders, reproductive abnormalities, and problems with fetal development.

PFAS are present in food packaging around the world. At fast-food chains like Chipotle and Sweetgreen, for example, “compostable” fiber containers are turning up in lieu of plastic ones. While single-use plastic continues to be a very bad idea and a scourge on the planet, and replacing it is, at first blush, a good thing, there’s a problem with the new bowls: They’re lined with PFAS.

The bowls are often marketed as compostable, but as awareness of PFAS grows, that feature is becoming a problem. One study of compost from five US states found PFAS levels as much as ten times higher in the soil from facilities that accepted food packaging. This year, composting facilities in Oregon sent a letter to a biodegradable packaging industry group, to announce that they wouldn’t take any more food packaging. The PFAS would contaminate the facilities’ compost, which could no longer be labeled as organic.

Right now, communities globally are confronting the problem of PFAS contaminating their water supplies. In towns near factories that manufactured PFAS, or used PFAS to make their products, local communities are learning they may have been drinking the chemicals for decades. The compounds are also turning up in water supplies near military bases and airports, which used PFAS foam to put out fires.

The myriad health effects of the many types of PFAS are just beginning to be understood, but already exposure to PFAS is estimated to cost Europe 50 billion euros in health costs each year. The compounds were first manufactured in the US by the companies Dupont and 3M, who knew that their product was a problem, as reporting by Sharon Lerner at the Intercept has shown. 3M, for example, knew that PFAS accumulated in people’s blood and were harmful to their health as early as the 1970s. Likewise, 3M has known since 2001 that PFAS were showing up in the US food supply.

In the US, a bill to ban PFAS in food packaging was introduced in the House of Representatives in May.

In a press release announcing the ban, the Danish government noted that “fortunately” there are other ways to make paper grease-proof and water-proof that don’t have the potential to cause cancer and endocrine disorders (in Danish here).

“We congratulate Denmark on leading the way for healthier food and hope this will encourage similar action across the EU, the US and worldwide,” said Arlene Blum, a chemist at the University of California Berkeley and the founder of the Green Science Policy Institute. “Given the potential for harm, we must ask if the convenience of water and grease resistance is worth risking our health.”

24 Oct 19:51

Visite guidée de l'appartement écolo de demain

by Alice Pouyat
À quoi ressemblerait l'appartement de la transition ? Douze acteurs de l'économie sociale et solidaire ont meublé un trois-pièces parisien pour en faire une vitrine de la maison de demain. Rien d'inaccessible au final, plutôt des idées simples à appliquer au quotidien.
Visite guidée de l'appartement écolo de demain
Au programme ce matin, visite d'appartement. Du monde se presse, habituel à Paris, surtout pour un trois-pièces au bord du Canal Saint-Martin. Cet appartement pourtant n'est pas à louer. Sa seule raison d'être : "inspirer". Nous sommes aux Canaux, "maison des Economies innovantes et solidaires", qui vient d'aménager un "Appartement de la transition ", une vitrine de ce que pourrait être une vie intérieure "plus douce, plus solidaire, plus écolo". Et inauguré à l'occasion de La Fête des Possibles du 15 au 30 septembre.

"Nous voulions montrer que la transition peut se faire dans tous les aspects de la vie, en changeant de petites choses de son quotidien", explique Antoine Laurent-Atthalin, responsable communication d'Artisans du monde, qui a coordonné l'aménagement de l'appartement, avec douze autres entreprises sociales et solidaires.

Des meubles vintage de chez Emmaüs
Première pièce : la cuisine. Ici bien sûr, on déguste des aliments issus d'Amap et du commerce équitable : bières, café, petits gâteaux. A côté de la poubelle siège un lombricomposteur très simple d'utilisation (le même modèle que We Demain teste dans ses bureaux).

Comme le salon, la pièce est équipée d'un mobilier tendance et vintage. Commode en formica, table bistrot en marbre et fer forgé, chaise à bascule en rotin, petit pouffe rétro en velours rose… Des meubles de seconde main tous issus de Label Emmaüs, la boutique en ligne de l'association qui s'ouvre désormais à des articles d'autres entreprises, soit plus de 320 000 références en ligne. En chinant bien, de belles affaires peuvent être dénichées.

Zéro déchet
Visite guidée de l'appartement écolo de demain
Ecolo, ce foyer moderne n'en est pas moins connecté. Sur le bureau, on retrouve le Fairphone, un smartphone éthique et modulaire. Mais aussi un ordinateur de la société Commown, qui lutte contre l'obsolescence programmée et la pollution électronique en louant du matériel informatique de qualité facilement réparable. De l'électronique alimentée en électricité via Enercoop, fournisseur coopératif et 100 % renouvelable.

Dans le couloir, la mobilité douce est à l'honneur avec un vélo prêté par Solicycle, atelier de vente et de réparation de vélos solidaires. 

Enfin, direction la chambre : coté dressing, on découvre presque "évidemment" une paire de baskets Veja, la marque française engagée qui cartonne et des cosmétiques zéro déchet de la marque Lamazuna : oriculi pour remplacer les coton-tiges, brosse à dent à tête remplaçable, et lingettes démaquillantes "lavables 300 fois".

Visite guidée de l'appartement écolo de demain
La tirelire de ce foyer fictif s'appelle la Nef, une coopérative qui finance des projets d'utilité sociale, écologique et culturelle. Les particuliers peuvent tous y ouvrir un livret.

Le portefeuille de ce foyer est aussi doté de Pêche, la monnaie citoyenne locale d'Ile-de-France, arrivée en Paris en mai dernier, qui permet de faire des achats chez des commerçants engagés.

"Bobo" cet appartement ? Peut-être, mais au final accessible à tous. "Le but est de montrer des solutions faciles à appliquer. Autrefois, les altermondialistes disaient 'Un autre monde est possible'. Pour nous, l'idée est d'être artisan de ce monde", poursuit Antoine Laurent-Atthalin.

Pour les curieux, l'appartement sera ouvert jusqu'à dimanche puis pourrait se répliquer, s'agrandir et voyager dans toute la France. 

06 Aug 19:15

Comic for August 03, 2018

Dilbert readers - Please visit to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to
02 Jun 18:26

Four short links: 17 May 2018

by Nat Torkington

SEC's ICO, Feeling, Win95 for iOS, and Monocular Performance Capture

  1. Howey Coins -- SEC made their own fake ICO site to illustrate the dangers of unregulated offerings. When you click through to buy, you get their information page.
  2. Graphene-Based Sensor that Feels As a Human Does -- The device detects changes in electrical conductance and resistance through the graphene film when the film is deformed. [...] The graphene film responds to deformations in just 1–2ms, which Park says is much faster than any other piezo-resistive material. [...] Park and his team incorporate their graphene film onto an artificial fingerprint structure so the film reacts to tiny vibrations caused by the ridges on the fingerprint rubbing against a textured surface. Analysing these vibration signals allows the sensor to “feel” differently textured fabrics.[...] After learning the features of known fabrics, the sensor was able to extrapolate this knowledge and significantly outperform humans when classifying 12 new fabrics – scoring 99% compared to 58% in a blind test of 50 people.
  3. ClassicKit -- a collection of classic-style UI components for iOS.
  4. MonoPerfCap -- the first marker-less approach for temporally coherent 3D performance capture of a human with general clothing from monocular video.

Continue reading Four short links: 17 May 2018.

14 Mar 15:58

#Joinmeonvero, le mouvement qui incite à quitter Instagram

OPINION. Un changement d’algorithme sur Instagram qui remplace la publication des photos dans un ordre chronologique par une sélection des photos «les plus intéressantes» déclenche la colère des abonnés
23 Jan 18:33

Airbnb is helping South Korea battle price-gouging hotels ahead of the Winter Olympics

by Alison Griswold

Since late December, South Korea has been battling price-gouging hospitality providers.

One motel reportedly raised prices as high as 900,000 won a night (about $840) ahead of next month’s Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. Others were advertising nightly rates of 300,000 won (about $280) before government officials promised to take action.

Choi Myeong-hee, mayor of the city of Gangneung, announced a campaign against hotels and motels charging excessively high fees. Choi Moon Soon, governor of the Gangwon province, said he’d crack down on those that overcharge or refuse individual reservations. Son Jung-ho, head of the Gangneung branch of the Korea Accommodations Industry, pushed the businesses to lower prices and refund the difference to guests who had already booked rooms at exorbitant rates.

“Through this campaign I hope Gangneung can leave behind its disgraced reputation for ripping visitors off,” Son reportedly said. “And I think accommodation charges will be stabilized with more people participating in the campaign.”

Another weapon the government has in its arsenal against price-gouging hotels? Airbnb.

The home-sharing startup is looking to do brisk business during the Olympics It became an “official supporter” of the games last November, saying it would work with locals in the Gangwon province on offering short-term rentals. Airbnb also partnered with Gangwon earlier in 2017 to help the province scale up its 1,000 home-sharing listings.

The average price of an Airbnb listing in Gangwon province during the Olympics period is $100 per person, per night, the company said in an email, significantly cheaper than the rates that enterprising hotels and motels were charging in recent months.

Airbnb makes it harder for traditional lodging companies to price gouge because it expands the supply of rooms. The hotel industry describes nights when more than 95% of rooms are occupied as “compression nights,” enabling them to raise prices. In August 2016, a report from financial services firm UBS found that hotels in two of Airbnb’s biggest markets—New York and San Francisco—had noticed a decline in compression nights during 2015. The analysts theorized that was happening because rooms on Airbnb had given customers more options.

In July 2015, Pebblebrook Hotel Trust CEO Jon Bortz told investors that Airbnb had limited what the company could charge during events like marathons. “We used to have really intense compression and an ability to price maybe what the customer would describe as sort of gouging rates,” he said. “I’d say we’ve lost a lot of that ability at this point.”

A few weeks ahead of the opening ceremonies in Pyeongchang, Airbnb says it’s expecting 6,000 guests in Gangwon, with more bookings to come. Jake Wilczynski, Airbnb’s spokesman for the Asia Pacific region, said listings in Gangwon have tripled from the previous year thanks to the company’s regional partnerships, and that based on current bookings, local hosts are set to earn around $2 million. Airbnb says 1.9 million travelers stayed in an Airbnb in South Korea in 2017.

During the 2016 Olympics in Rio, Brazil, Airbnb hosted more than 85,000 guests. According to a survey sponsored by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, 21% of Brazilians and 25% of foreigners opted for home-sharing.

02 Dec 19:42

Electric Cars Are Already Cheaper To Own and Run Than Petrol Or Diesel, Says Study

by BeauHD
An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Electric cars are already cheaper to own and run than petrol or diesel cars in the UK, US and Japan, new research shows. The lower cost is a key factor driving the rapid rise in electric car sales now underway, say the researchers. At the moment the cost is partly because of government support, but electric cars are expected to become the cheapest option without subsidies in a few years. The researchers analyzed the total cost of ownership of cars over four years, including the purchase price and depreciation, fuel, insurance, taxation and maintenance. They were surprised to find that pure electric cars came out cheapest in all the markets they examined: UK, Japan, Texas and California. Pure electric cars have much lower fuel costs -- electricity is cheaper than petrol or diesel -- and maintenance costs, as the engines are simpler and help brake the car, saving on brake pads. In the UK, the annual cost was about 10% lower than for petrol or diesel cars in 2015, the latest year analyzed. Hybrid cars which cannot be plugged in and attract lower subsidies, were usually a little more expensive than petrol or diesel cars. Plug-in hybrids were found to be significantly more expensive -- buyers are effectively paying for two engines in one car, the researchers said. The exception in this case was Japan, where plug-in hybrids receive higher subsidies. The study has been published in the journal Applied Energy.

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29 Nov 16:20

Spring Integration 5.0 GA Available

by Artem Bilan

On behalf of the Spring Integration team I am pleased to announce that the GA release for the Spring Integration 5.0 version (5.0.0.RELEASE) is now available.

It can be downloaded from Maven Central, JCenter, and our release repository:

compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-core:5.0.0.RELEASE"

First of all, special thanks to all community members for their ongoing active contributions to the framework!

Several JIRAs (and some GitHub issues), since the previously announced RC1, are included in this release, mostly bug fixes from early adopters and Reference Manual improvements.

Well, this was a long story (almost 17 months) to come to this next generation for the Framework and here are some highlights of the major features:

  • The Spring Framework 5.0 code base with more reach functionality via Java 8 features;

  • Upgrade to the latest Spring projects dependencies with some new functionality from there;

  • Java DSL is now included into the Core project with a bunch of improvements and more organic Java 8 integration and code base;

  • Reactive Streams support via FluxMessageChannel, ReactiveStreamsConsumer and direct org.reactivestreams.Subscriber implementation in the AbstractMessageHandler;

  • New Spring WebFlux module with full Reactive support for requests and replies;

  • New Spring Integration Testing Framework with the @SpringIntegrationTest and MockIntegration features;

  • - Significant performance boost for most POJO EIP method invocations.

For a complete list of changes in 5.0, also see the What’s New chapter in the reference manual.

In addition we have released maintenance 4.3.13 version with a bunch of important bug fixes and improvements.

I along with most of my colleagues on the Spring team will be at Spring One Platform speaking about these new features in Spring Integration. Please, meet me there to hear about these amazing features from first hands!

Any feedback, feature ideas, critics, bug reports and questions are welcome via appropriate communication channels:

08 Aug 15:28


Around since 1928, BBDO is a worldwide advertising giant that's 15,000 people in 289 agencies across 81 countries. I worked with the San Francisco office leadership to develop a look that spoke to the San Francisco and West coast vibe. The challenge was to do this while still maintaining the feeling of their established global brand. CREDITS: Jim Lesser, Matt Miller, Craig Mangan, Steve Rutter PHOTOGRAPHY: Eric Louis Haines
10 Jun 10:31

The Martian

I have never seen a work of fiction so perfectly capture the out-of-nowhere shock of discovering that you've just bricked something important because you didn't pay enough attention to a loose wire.