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16 Aug 10:06

Guy Plays Awesome House/Techno/Trance Medley On PVC Pipes With Flip-Flops

street-performing-pipe-guy.jpg This is a video of Adelaide, Australia's 'Pipe Guy' Jake Clarke performing a medley of house/techno/trance elements along with Iggy Azalea's "Fancy" and the White Stripe's "Seven Nation Army." Jake performs on a set of custom built PVC pipes (similar to what the Blue Man Group uses) by beating them with flip-flops (previously: this other guy performing a medley of video game themes). You think if I moved to Australia, Jake would let me be his roadie? Obviously, talent like this doesn't deserve to carry its own PVC pipe thingy around. That's where I come in. Then I'd hire somebody else to carry it so I could hang out with Pipe Guy's groupies and smoke herbal ganja all day. Keep going for the video. Thanks to John A, who agrees with a quick trip to Home Depot, anybody can make their dreams of banging on PVC pipe drums a reality. Plus you can pretend to take a dump in one of the display toilets.
16 Aug 10:05

Lo Que Pasa Con Tu Cara Cuando Te Pones Protector Solar Te Podría Sorprender. Lo Hizo Con Esta Gente

by Simona Villela

Debido a mi blanca piel, siento que es mi deber compartir esto. Ver lo que el protector solar *realmente* hace con tu piel es verdaderamente asombroso.

Pero el protector solar es mucho más que eso. Es una linea crítica de defensa para evitar el cancer de piel, que tiene muchos más casos que  el cancer de mama, próstata, pulmón y colon – combinados*. ¡Así que todos a ponerse su crema para el sol!


* Datos de la Asociación Americana de Cancer (2014)

16 Aug 09:59

DIY Weekend Smack 07: Glowing Inlaid Resin Shelves

by Simon Martin

It’s Friday, and you know what that means here on The Smack: time for another DIY project to add to your arsenal.

This week we’ve rounded up a dang-cool shelving project from software engineer-turned jewelry hacker Mat Brown who explains how to seal cracks and crevices of a piece of wood with glowing resin (AKA inlaying).

Normally Mat does this with his jewelry designs that are sold over on his Etsy shop but has scaled up with some wood salvaged from a timber yard for some added kitchen storage.

If you’ve got a pile of wood laying around with some imperfections and you haven’t figured out what to do with it, give this easy DIY a shot!

Take it away Mat!

We were running a bit short on shelving in the kitchen and wanted somewhere we could store all the preserves we’re going to make from the garden this year, so we went to the timber yard to see what they had. They had this, 155cm long piece of chestnut.


It was pretty heavily cracked and pitted, with knotholes and so on. But, I had a plan. Resin inlay. A technique traditionally used with a colour-matched epoxy to the wood, to give an “invisible” repair. I’m taking a slightly different approach.

First job, seal off the holes from the bottom, using aluminium plumber’s tape. It’s super sticky so it seals well, and it won’t be damaged by the resin either. You might need these seals to hold for a few days, depending on the weather.


Make sure the wood is level, otherwise you’ll end up with wonky resin bits.


Now it’s time to mix the resin. Give it a good mixing and then add your pigment. If you warm it up a bit, on a heater or with a hairdryer or something, the bubbles will pop out of it much more easily. Bubbles can ruin resin casts, so carefully mix and warm the resin, then let it sit for a while, before pouring. It’s going to take hours, even days, to cure, so half an hour to de-bubble isn’t a problem.



You know when I said this isn’t going to be a traditional inlay? Here’s the pigmented resin in darkness. Awww yeah. This is going to be great.


So, pour it in, and wait. Come back in an hour or so to make sure none of your seals are leaking. If they are, slap some more tape on and refill with resin.



However long you think it’s going to take, leave it longer. This was poured in spring so took three days before it felt hard to the touch, then I left it another three days just to be sure. Now, peel off your tape and it’s time to sand/plane/etc.


The overpour around the edges where the resin has soaked into the wood is going to be a pain to remove. But I can already tell this is going to look amazing.


More sanding. I’m really skipping over a LOT of work here. I spent hours, and hours, carding, planing and sanding this. Chestnut is hard! But eventually, it was done. I cut the big piece into the three shelves it was going to be, and on to my favourite part. Boiled linseed oil cut with white spirit. I love that first wipe of oil when the grain of the wood just leaps out at you. Makes all those hours of preparation worth it. Gave it about eight or nine thin coats, looks incredible.


View from the end. Visible inlay and spalting. Still a bit of woodworm damage visible.


Now it’s time to get these up. The brackets are grey to match the colour the wall is going to be once it’s been repainted. I had some bits of walnut around to make the other brackets.


And, they’re up. In daylight they look like this:


Now, in darker conditions, you can really start to see the glow resin in action.


I think this one is my favourite. It’s on the bottom of the top shelf, so it’s visible in normal use.


Wall robot approves.


If you like this style, be sure to check out Mat’s funky inlaid jewelry designs over at his Etsy shop.

The post DIY Weekend Smack 07: Glowing Inlaid Resin Shelves appeared first on SolidSmack.

16 Aug 09:30

5 increíbles fenómenos físicos en video

by Juanguis

Hace unos días publiqué un video con una colección increíble de reacciones químicas en video, pero hoy le toca el turno a la física, con otro video que encontré navegando por YouTube.

En este video en cuestión van a ver 5 fenómenos físicos realmente curiosos. A mí personalmente el del bastón me sorprendió muchísimo.

Este artículo 5 increíbles fenómenos físicos en video fue publicado originalmente en Punto Geek.

16 Aug 09:27

Friday Eye Candy: Best of the Risk-Taking Rooftop Russians

01vitalyhk.jpgVitaliy Raskalov, Hong Kong

Maybe it's because I just came across the 10,000th social media selfie I've seen this month that's making me snap. It was another of those inane pics taken in the safe confines of a bar that looks like every other, so I burned the morning looking for more dangerously-shot selfies. In particular the famous ones I'd seen those Russian maniacs shooting high up in the Dubai sky.

02remnev-dubai.jpgAlexandr Remnev, Dubai

03remnevdubai4.jpgAlexandr Remnev, Dubai

As I clicked through the work of Alexandr Remnev, Vadim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalov, I couldn't help but pull my faves from their (primarly non-selfie) archives. Not just from Dubai, but from Shanghai and Hong Kong, that particular trio of cities being the most photogenic from high up. These guys may be in their twenties, and they may be crazy, but usually when you say to a kid "It's just a matter of time before you wind up dead or in jail," it's not SLRs they're toting around. So my hat's off to these spider-climbing psychopaths, whom I hope have never shot a selfie indoors and below 1,000 feet.

04makhorov-hk2.jpgVadim Makhorov, Hong Kong

16 Aug 09:23

Endless Entertainment

by jadedtxgirl

Submitted by jadedtxgirl
16 Aug 09:21

How to scare the shit out of your guests 😂🙌

by sophia3

Submitted by sophia3
16 Aug 09:14

Inspiration - The Little Black Submarines

by TheLittleBlackSubmarines
12 Aug 15:32

by gragland

Submitted by gragland
04 Aug 22:10

Spoiled Rotten: Dad Builds Interactive Spaceship Bed And Mission Control Desk For His Young Sons

space-bed-and-desk.jpg This is a video of the interactive spaceship bed and mission control desk that Jeff Highsmith built for his two sons so they can play space all the time. I am into this. And I'm not just saying that because I went to Space Camp AND Space Academy when I was a kid, but I did, so there. I can still remember falling in love at Space Camp. "What was her name?" Freeze-dried ice cream.
It has a control panel full of interesting displays and whiz-bang space sounds. A joystick controls lights and sounds for the engine and thrusters. The payload bay has a motorized hatch and contains a robot arm that can be remotely operated over video feed to deploy payloads like toy satellites. Headsets provide an audio link between the spacecraft and Mission Control in the other room, so my sons can practice collaborating on their space missions.
Heck yeah, I love playing space. Unfortunately it's hard to get friends my age excited about it anymore. I'll throw a party and as soon as I break out the pasta strainer space helmets all of a sudden everybody's got somewhere else to be. It's lame. "I'd play space with you, GW." Awwww, you mean it? "No, but I would play doctor." Now you're talking! "Lie down, this is an autopsy." Dammit! Keep going for a video of the bed (including build process), then one of the desk (also with build process). Thanks to Brook and SL, who don't need fancy props to play space because they don't ever play space. Man, you're missing out.
04 Aug 22:02

Dun dun dun...

by Starlights husband

Submitted by Starlights husband
04 Aug 13:07

Sunday Sanctuary: Room With A View

by mshadforth

White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White-Industrial-Interiors-Windows-Oracle-Fox.4 White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White-Industrial-Interiors-Windows-Oracle-Fox.11 White-Industrial-Interiors-Windows-Oracle-Fox.12 White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox White-Industrial-Interiors-Windows-Oracle-Fox.15 White-Industrial-Interiors-Windows-Oracle-Fox.16 White-Industrial-Interiors-Windows-Oracle-Fox.17 White-Industrial-Interiors-Windows-Oracle-Fox.18 White, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle FoxWhite, Home, Interior, Industrial, Inspiration, Bedroom, Living Room, Oracle Fox It’s no secret that crisp white interiors are on the top of my favourites list, when you add oversized french style windows with natural light beaming through it’s a match made in heaven..

Blood and Champagne  Planete Deco  Oracle Fox Pinterest  Oracle Fox Tumblr

31 Jul 08:25

by if

Submitted by if
31 Jul 00:19

Best Kitty Hugs Ever - Imgur

by ethel

Submitted by ethel
30 Jul 20:43

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House

by Caroline Williamson

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House

Sometimes living in an apartment feels like a compromise, but not the Walsh Street, South Yarra project. b.e architecture worked with their client to design a house that’s made up of two apartments where each one looks and feels just like a single residence. And looking at the finished photos, you’d never know it was two properties in one as it looks like a single family home.

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

The street is one of the most sought after in Melbourne with the size and scale of the units feeling like single residences. There are two owners per unit, with each apartment covering one floor. You can spot the different apartments by the use of contrasting materials on the exterior – the top is white and monolithic, while the bottom is dark and textural.

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

Privacy was key when designing the apartments so you can avoid seeing your neighbors all the time if you don’t want to.

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

The entrance might be shared but it feels large and grand.

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

The rooms are large and open, giving the feeling that you’re living in luxury housing and not your run-of-the-mill apartment.

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

Each residence gets a large outdoor space that feels totally private – the downstairs comes with a recessed terrace and the upstairs has a deep set cut out patio.

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

Custom details were incorporated throughout with tactile materials like wood and stone.

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

An Apartment that Looks and Feels Like Living in a House in main architecture Category

30 Jul 13:52

Clippa, algo más que un clip para el pelo

by La Gusa

[Actualizado] Ya está a la venta en nuestra tienda.

Destornillador, llave inglesa, regla, serrucho y, además, pinza para el pelo. ¿Se le puede pedir algo más a la vida? En mi caso sí: una hermosa melena donde colocarla. Pero para aquellas criaturas poseedoras de unos cuantos centímetros de pelo estamos ante la herramienta multiusos definitiva:
Clippa, el clip para el pelo multiusos

Que sí, que no le vendría mal tener una memoria USB de 8 GB, un juego de ganzúas y una voz pregrabada que dijera "no me quedan cigarrillos, amigo; este me lo han dado."

No es perfecta, claro, pero se acerca bastante al concepto de perfección que uno puede esperar de una pinza para el pelo (que, ciertamente, no es un grado de perfección muy exigente).

Hay que reconocer, sin embargo, que la imagen final muestra una funcionalidad un poco cogida por los pelos (sí... es el juego de palabras de los lunes, ya sabéis). No me parece que hacer una cena romántica alrededor de dos pinzas haciendo de velas vaya a surtir efecto. Si esa cena tiene como objetivo invocar a una criatura de las Dimensiones Mazmorra la cosa cambia: no vendrá un ente muy poderoso porque el sacrificio es mínimo. No sé, igual conseguimos materializar un Sugus diabólico que se pega en el paladar y arruina la existencia de nuestro enemigo. Es una sugerencia, vamos.

Comprar en QueLoVendan

Ver más: clips, multiusos, pelo, pinzas
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30 Jul 11:27

How to Kiss a Girl, 1911

by jessb

Submitted by jessb
28 Jul 14:37

Use this:

by sophia3

Submitted by sophia3
28 Jul 12:20

Endless Entertainment

by jadedtxgirl

Submitted by jadedtxgirl
28 Jul 12:16

by ethel

Submitted by ethel
27 Jul 14:53

by Galadriel

Submitted by Galadriel
24 Jul 19:12

10 errores de los viajes espaciales en las películas de ciencia ficción

by Alberto J.
Imagen: Carlsberg

Una de las cosas más increíbles que tiene la ciencia ficción, es no tener los límites que las leyes físicas obligan a los científicos e ingenieros en pensar una y otra vez en cada detalle. Por ello, en ALT1040 reunimos los 10 errores más comunes en los que la ciencia ficción cae al momento de presentar un viaje espacial, cuando esos límites no existen.

Si algo va de la mano de la ciencia ficción -y de la ciencia a secas- son los viajes espaciales, quizás el mayor logro del ser humano. De hecho, siglos antes de que la ciencia los hiciera posibles, los hombres anhelaban, a través de la literatura de ficción, poder poner sus pies más allá de la Tierra y poder conquistar mundos y universos sin explorar. Con todo ello, en nuestro tiempo también tenemos ejemplos de ficción sobre viajes espaciales, a pesar de que con los conocimientos, la técnica y los propios viajes por el espacio, al menos a nuestro espacio más cercano, son una realidad plausible y tangible. Por todo ello, en ALT1040 hemos querido hacer recuento de los 10 errores más comunes de los viajes espaciales en las películas de ciencia ficción:

Viajar a la velocidad de luz


No solo es imposible -o al menos eso demuestra la teoría de la relatividad de Einstein- si no que es el cliché más común de todos los utilizados por la ciencia ficción, y desde luego, el más lógico dentro de su propio imposible: tal como nos enseñó en su día el gran Carl Sagan, y hoy en día Neil de Grasse Tyson con la astrofísica bajo el brazo, es que las distancias en el cosmos son tan grades que, o bien se viaja a velocidades muy cercanas a a luz, o tomaría varios miles de años conquistar el espacio entre nuestro planeta estrellas que está relativamente cerca. El hiperespacio, viaje interestelar, plegar el espacio tiempo... el cómo en el cine no importa, y a nosotros eso nos gusta.

¿Gravedad? En el espacio también

event horizon

Otro error bastante común, y son contadas películas las que no caen en él, es la facilidad con la que las naves o instalaciones espaciales de nuestra películas favoritas cuentan con gravedad, aunque sea a 50 años luz de cualquier elemento espacial que tenga la suficiente masa como para generar esa gravedad. Mientras en la Tierra soñamos con crear naves que permitan generar la fuerza centrípeta necesaria para poder plantear esto, los chicos de Stark Trek, Star Wars, o incluso los tripulantes del Nostromo o del Event Horizon solo dan al botón y listo. Para eso está el motor de fuerza gravitatoria, ¿no?

Radiación en el espacio


Si a nuestros astronautas, los de verdad, los de la Tierra, en apenas unos semanas en la Estación Espacial Internacional ya les afecta la carga radiactiva, que puede provocar que, a mayor tiempo en el espacio, mayores posibilidades de que aumente el riesgo de cáncer, nuestro protagonistas favoritos se pasean por sus naves, en sus viajes espaciales, o incluso por agujeros de gusano como si la radiación fuese algo de juguetes de los 50s. Al fin y al cabo la radiación es algo invisible. Tan invisible como un Predator, pero más peligrosa.

¿El sistema solar? Gire a la izquierda por Andrómeda


Aun contando con la velocidad de la luz, ¿no os parece que en los viajes de ciencia ficción todo está demasiado cerca? Y no hablo lo suficiente como para entregar un paquete con Planet Express y volver en el día, si no que los grupos de planetas, los sistemas, las galaxias o incluso los inocentes agujeros negros están tan cerca que, para ir del punto A al B todavía podemos repostar en la estación del Sistema X. De hecho, esta sensación de cercanía es lo que nos ayuda, a nosotros espectadores, a poder comprender y asimilar las enormes distancias que en la realidad distan entre sistemas y galaxias.

Todo el mundo sabe que lo mejor para viajar es dormir


Si hay algo en lo que casi todos los autores de historias de ciencia ficción en las que los viajes en el espacio son protagonistas, es en 'edulcorar' el viaje a los tripulantes a través de cámaras de internación, con las que cubrir 50 años luz de distancia y levantarse incluso más joven. ¿Y para gatos? También, si no pregunten a Jones, el gato de Ripley, que fácilmente multiplico por 5 sus años en el modulo de rescate del Nostromo, ¡y tenia el pelaje más corto!

Qué bien suena esa nave


Si no fuera porque en el espacio no se trasmite el sonido. Otra ayuda para el espectador, puesto que somos incapaces de identificar un vehículo en movimiento sin su sonido característico. De hecho, los fabricantes de coches eléctricos tiene mucho que decir sobre este tema. Y no solo los movimientos de los vehículos, si no también de los elementos que quedan fuera de los mismos. ¿Paseo espacial? Claro, ¿no oyes ese hidrógeno saliendo de la MMU?

Tampoco se puede silbar con el traje espacial puesto


Y no por la imposibilidad de trasmitir el sonido en el espacio. No son pocos los astronautas de ciencia ficción que silban mientras hacen su viaje espacial o su paseo por el exterior de su nave, pero en realidad es prácticamente imposible, y tiene que ver con la baja presión del astronauta dentro del traje espacial, aunque depende del modelo: en este caso, los cosmonautas rusos en el traje ORLAN pueden silbar con relativa facilidad, pero en el caso de los trajes americanos o europeos como los EMU, o en el A7L del Apolo es prácticamente imposible. Así que ya sabéis, fuera de la película, a George Clooney le seria imposible silbar en Gravity.

Si sales al vacío sin tu traje espacial, explotas


Seguro que muchos habéis visto la escena de Total Recall en la que varios personajes explotan por su exposición al vacío sin protección. En realidad esto es totalmente falso, aunque la exposición al vacío del espacio cause síntomas parecidos en el cuerpo humano, pero desde luego no tan espectacular: la presión del espacio provoca que los vasos sanguíneos se dilaten, hasta producir un colapso y por extensión un paro cardíaco, precisamente la causa número uno de muerte en la Tierra.

Comunicaciones en tiempo real


Otro topicazo y error bastante común durante los viajes espaciales en la ciencia ficción son la comunicaciones en tiempo real, ¡incluso entre galaxias! Hombre, lógicamente no es que sea muy cinematográfico que se tarde una hora desde que el astronauta en Próxima Centauri comunica el mensaje hasta que llegue a su destino, pero seamos realistas, ni el SETI llega tan lejos con todas sus antenas.

La atmósfera no prende fuego a la nave


Otro error bastante común son las reentradas a la Tierra en la ciencia ficción. Bien entran las naves ultracongeladas (¿?) o casi hechas una bola de fuego, sin que exista un criterio claro y unificado en este aspecto. Si bien se trata de una situación bastante violenta en la que las temperaturas que se alcanzan son muy altas -y que por tanto hay que disipar en poco tiempo-, no es la locura que podemos ver en más de una película, que incluso con amerizaje de por medio, el vehículo espacial sigue en llamas.

24 Jul 19:03

Hombre_Mcsteez's Brilliant Aug(De)Mented Reality Animation Technique


Using sheets of acetate, some markers and his phone's built-in camera, the artist known as Hombre_Mcsteez creates brilliant animations that overlay his drawings onto the environment. Mcsteez, a.k.a. Marty Cooper, refers to the clips as "Aug(De)Mented Reality," and a more accurate description isn't possible to create:

Cooper regularly updates his Instagram page with both still shots and mini-videos, like this update on the classic videogame Frogger:

24 Jul 17:04

Back to basics and loving it!

by Troy Turner

This utilitarian e-Ink phone by FormNation was designed for those who have better things to do than flick angry birds and flying pigs! It leaves behind the extraneous and instead is packed with powerful essentials like calendar, contacts, e-reading, and email apps. Everything you need and nothing you don’t! Thanks to its e-ink display and straightforward functionality, it can last an entire month on one charge. Yes, it lacks a vivid color display. But think of it as the difference between full color versus artistic black and white photography.

Designer: FormNation

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Back to basics and loving it! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Slim And Loving It!
  2. Coffee Loving Umbrella
  3. Back to 3D Basics

23 Jul 19:10

montt en dosis diarias - 180

by (montt)

23 Jul 15:51


by jadedtxgirl

Submitted by jadedtxgirl
23 Jul 09:59

tumblr_mg2lopja0q1r3a6jho1_500.gif photo by frangipane

by tineke.dewit.77

Submitted by tineke.dewit.77
23 Jul 09:44

by Galadriel

Submitted by Galadriel
22 Jul 21:53

Try These Five Yummy Seasonal Summer Fruit Cocktails

by Chrislande Dorcilus


The abundance of berries, pears, and tropical fruits just may be my most favorite part of summer. And it isn’t a coincidence that summer fruits make for refreshing, creative summer cocktails. Here are some recipes to round out the last days of laying in the sun, and watching the heat wave over us!

Vodka and Watermelon Cooler

Watermelon is, according to my not-so-humble opinion, the best summer fruit. It’s sweet, refreshing, and ever so full of crisp and soft texture. One of my favorite summer moments this year is having a vodka-free version of this drink in Chinatown. Because I love watermelon so much, I can’t recommend this recipe from Epicurious enough. Though a Vodka and watermelon cooler can be made in different ways—the easiest being blending a large amount of watermelon with your favorite amount of vodka—I think this recipe add a bit more flavor to the classic mix.  Here is what you will need:


  • 3 pounds watermelon, rind and seeds discarded and the flesh cut into pieces,plus thin slices of watermelon for garnish
  • 1/2 cup vodka
  • 1/4 cup Triple Sec
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice

According to Epicurious‘s instructions a sieve is needed to funnel out the watermelon pulp. I say, take a ride on the wild side, throw everything in the blender at once, and enjoy the blend, pulp and all. For the full recipe, click here.


Blueberry Mojito Cocktail

Redbook Magazine

Redbook Magazine

I eat blueberries a lot, and in the course of a summer, maybe a couple of pounds of them. They are little bullets of berry flavor, and carry their own natural sweetness, with a tangy note right at the end. I also love mint. I want it in my soap, on my food, and especially in my mojitos. Is there anything more refreshing on a hot summer day than some mint flavored anything! Add rum to the party, and I am all IN.

If you are anything like me, you find that mojitos are hard to make. Restaurants seem to have their own favorite hit or miss recipes. This simple recipe from Inspired Taste gives you the option to make your own blueberry mojito cocktail from home that comes out perfect every time—though that might be the rum talking. Here is what you need:


  • 8 blueberries (fresh or frozen and thawed), plus more for garnish
  • 2 tablespoons (1 ounce) freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 8 fresh mint leaves, plus more for garnish
  • 1/4 cup (2 ounces) white rum
  • 1 cup ice
  • 2 tablespoons (1 ounce) club soda
  • lime slice for garnish
  • cocktail shaker

The recipe asks that you start with the lime juice, blueberries, and mint first. Muddle them together in your cocktail shaker with a spoon. Then add the rum and stir some more. Pour the mixture over ice, leaving some room to add a bit of club soda and VOILA, you have a PhD in Mixology. I would suggest adding coconut rum, instead of white variety to add a little more tropical flavor to your blueberry mojito! TIP: If you are looking for a fair trade certified and organic rum, buy the ethically made Papagayo Rum.


Strawberry Champagne Cocktail

Laurie Arons

Laurie Arons

What would summer be without strawberries? The warmer months is when the tart, red, fruit really get to shine! I love strawberries in cocktails even more than I like them on shortcakes. By far the simplest recipe on this list, and it requires three ingredients.


  • 1 pint strawberries
  • 1 mint leaf
  • Mint for decoration

The no blender version from The Clean Dish is my favorite. Cut up some strawberries, pick your favorite champagne or sparking wine, poor it over the strawberries, wait a bit—a couple of minutes or an hour or two, depending on how concentrated you have the berry flavor and enjoy yourself.

You can also try it Bellini style. Take some frozen organic strawberries place a pound in a blender, add the amount of champagne desired, and you are set for an early brunch!


Pear-Rosemary Cocktails


Pears are just beautiful in the summer. I stopped at the Flatbush Coop this weekend and spotted some of the most exquisitely blushing pears that I have ever seen, and was quickly reminded of why I love summer. This recipe is a a perfect way to highlight this fruit that is really only popular during the simmering times of the years, just in time to cool us off. Pear’s subtle flavor makes it a great pairing with organic vodka and rosemary.

True to Martha Stewart form, this recipe require a bit of preparation—make that about two weeks! You will need to have soaked the pears in your favorite vodka for the length of two weeks, after that the recipe is fairly straight forward. Don’t be turned off by that time frame. The ingredients are fairly simple, and the cocktail makes a great study in the art of patience.  Just a mix of sparkling water, pear nectar, and rosemary sprigs, and you have yourself an elevated cocktail that’s basically a culinary arts project.


  • 6 to 10 Seckel pears
  • 4 cups (32 ounces) vodka
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 12 sprigs fresh rosemary plus more for garnish
  • 1 1/2 cups (12 ounces) pear nectar
  • 4 cups (32 ounces) sparkling water

I suggest you use whatever pears you have on hand. The type of pear available may vary in different parts of the country. Go ahead and improvise.


Frozen Papaya and Passion-Fruit Rum Cocktail


Fabtastic Eats

Fabtastic Eats

I grew up eating papayas. My parents proudly grew two trees in our backyard that would bloom and become these long and fragrant fruits every summer. I have had papaya in savory foods, and in smoothies. I can even remember sneaking pieces of papaya from my mom’s bowl as she prepared  to make us a creamy papaya smoothie recipe popular during hot South Florida summers. The summer isn’t complete without this papaya and passion fruit cocktail recipe from Epicurious. Simple to make, here is what you will need:


  • 1 cup light rum
  • 4 1/2 cups chopped peeled papaya (2 pounds)
  • 1 cup thawed passion-fruit purée
  • 2/3 cup superfine granulated sugar, or to taste
  • 4 cups ice cubes
  • blender

If you cannot get your hands on some passion fruit pulp, substitute any other tropical fruit juice like pineapple, or guava. I also think that a spiced rum would go well with this recipe.

As the summer rounds out, get in as many seasonal fruits as you can, even in a naughty way like in a classic cocktail! Want more cocktail recipes? Try the herbs in your garden.

Main Image by Thomas Hawk.

The post Try These Five Yummy Seasonal Summer Fruit Cocktails appeared first on Eco-Chick.

22 Jul 21:53

instagram favourites I

by Maca

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Hace tiempo que puedo declararme oficialmente enganchada a Instagram. Me encanta descubrir nuevas cuentas a lo largo y ancho del mundo. Fotografías que consigan sorprenderme. Siempre que hay algún hallazgo nuevo suelo compartirlo enseguida con mis amigas así que he pensado que estaría bien colgar también en el blog mis cuentas favoritas. Hoy os enseño el trabajo de la genial peechaya burroughs (@pchyburrs); una fotógrafa australiana que me tiene fascinada con su serie de fotografías #idea_in_picture. Una imagen, una idea. Tan sencillo y a la vez tan complicado. Aquí os dejo algunas de mis preferidas pero no dejéis de entrar en su cuenta para curiosear el resto porque de verdad merece la pena. Espero que os guste este pequeño descubrimiento y, por supuesto, os invito a escribir vuestras sugerencias instagrameras en la sección de comentarios. ¡Así todos descubrimos! Un beso enorme y feliz martes :)

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