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10 Aug 07:11

How To Do Proper Keyword Research For SEO Writing?

by admin
Content Writing

seo content writing

Keyword Research for SEO is one aspect that not everyone can excel at. It needs understanding and knowledge of how keywords fetch traffic and tell crawlers that a webpage has the information the audience is looking for. Earlier marketers use to work on exact keywords but now they focus on working on variations and synonyms of it too.

What Is Keyword Research For SEO And Why It’s Important?

Keyword research is finding words or phrases that users enter in the search engine as a query. Keywords are usually chosen based on intent, search volume, and SEO difficulty. The closer you get to finding the right keywords, the more traffic you can get on your website.


The importance of keyword research is that it tells the search engine that the webpage can answer the user query. The more search engine shows your webpage in SERP, the better will be the ranking.


If you are selling products or services and your webpage is displayed in SERP, the chances of CTR and conversions will be high.


Here is the step by step process of doing keyword research for SEO

keyword research

1. Before Doing Keyword Research, Ask The Right Questions

Before you start finding the most searched keywords, ask yourself some questions. For instance, there is a brand that sells an energy drink. If they want to market their product and get traffic on their website and they have chosen you as their SEO analyst, these are the questions you must ask:

  • Who uses energy drinks and when?
  • Where are they located?
  • Why they buy energy drinks?
  • What device are they using to buy energy drinks?
  • Is it seasonal or throughout the year product?


Asking the right questions and finding the answers is the basic and most crucial step for keyword planning


2. Make A List Of Relevant Keywords Or Phrases For SEO

Once you understand the target audience, make a list of words that surround the product. These are usually known as head terms (they are generic & short i.e. below three words) For instance, 

  • Energy drink
  • Heath drink
  • Workout drink
  • Vitamin C drink
  • Sports drink

 Now, you enter the head terms in Google and see the related search terms that Google shows. This way you can convert your main topic into keyword phrases or long-tail keywords (keywords which are specific and are more than 3 keywords, We call them long-tail keywords.)

  • Energy drink ingredients
  • Benefits of health drinks 
  • Side-effects of sports drink
  • Types of workout drinks
  • Best vitamin C drinks in India


It is easier to rank long-tail keywords than head terms. Given below are two examples:

  1. Energy drink (head term)
  2. Best energy drinks in the US below $10 (long-tail keyword)


    Which do you think would be easy to rank? (If you said #2 that means you are getting hold of the keyword research process)


    3. Learn Essential Tools For Keyword Research

    You need to know and operate keyword research tools. There are several tools in the market but the most popular ones are Ubersuggest, Keyword Research Planner, Ahrefs, etc. Choose one of the following tools and start with the narrowing of your keywords list. Out of 10 or 20 keywords that we selected, we must reduce them to 5-7 so that we can build content around it. 

    Start analyzing terms for their monthly search volume and the SEO difficulty. The combination that works best is high search volume and low SEO difficulty (1-10) for beginners. 

    Note: Different tools have different ways of showing results. Some may indicate by colors, some by numbers and some might even show keyword ideas or topic ideas based on your head term search.

    Here’s a deal

    Narrow down your list. You can also make an excel sheet to store your findings.

    4. Look For Your Competitors Ranking Keywords

    Enter a head term in the search engine and see the top three results. Now note the web links of your competitors and use tools like SEMrush to analyze which other keywords are your competitors ranking for?

    You must note down all the keywords in an online medium so that your research is in one place.

    If there are some common terms you both are competing for then you should go ahead and make a strategy to outdo their ranking. Check for the no. of backlinks they have on the webpage and make more on your webpage (if you wish to outdo them), do on-page and off-page SEO consistently to get the results.


    5. Choosing Keywords Strategically

     Depending on the kind of your business, there are 3 ways to choose keywords: 


    By location

    If you are targeting your product in a specific region, city, or country then your keywords must include the name of that location. You can use tools like Google Trends or Planner to find the search phrases.

    For instance, Best energy drinks in California


    By competition

    Again under competition, you can choose keywords, which your competitor missed out on. For instance, there is a keyword that has high monthly search volume but low SEO difficulty and your competitor is no ranking for it, then you should grab the opportunity. 

    If you want to fight the competition fiercely, then try another approach. Choose the keywords your competitors are ranking for and outdo them by doing aggressive SEO tactics.


    By season

    Seasonal keywords are one good opportunity to rank. If you have a product that only sells during New Year or Christmas or Diwali then you should include it in your main topic and start developing content around it. This way you will get an edge over your competitors.


    6. Understanding the Search Intent For Better Keyword Research For SEO

     Choosing keywords depends a lot on search intent. There are thousands of ways to search for a particular thing.

    Local Intent

    When a user is a search to buy a service or product nearby. For instance, getting a take out in 25 mi radius. This intent is great for local businesses that operate only at a certain distance or region.

    Information Intent

    When a user is looking for direct information. For instance, 

    • What is keyword research?
    • Who is Rand Fishkin?

    Transactional Intent

    When a user wants to do an activity. For instance,

    • NewYork To London Tickets (Buying plane tickets)
    • Download the song “ Marshmellow-Friends”

    Navigation Intent

    When a user wants to go to a specific section or area on the Internet. For instance, HubSpot Blog Topic Generator, or Neil Patel Blog

    Commercial Intent

    When a user wants to buy a commercial product. They might check products individually or compare them with similar products online.

    For instance, a query on:

    White wedding dresses, or 

    Rompers Vs. Jumpsuit amazon 

    If you know the search intent of your users, you can choose the keywords specified in the same way.



    Keyword research is not one time but an ever-going process. Firstly, be updated with any changes in search engine algorithms, and secondly, changes in trends are common. Thus, every month or quarterly you might have to reevaluate your keywords.

    Good keyword research for SEO can only be ensured if you have professional SEO content writers to build bespoke content. You can hire SEO Content Writing Services from who has a team of professional writers that write valuable and SEO-friendly content. Thus, if you want your business to rank, contact our team today.

    The post How To Do Proper Keyword Research For SEO Writing? appeared first on Blog.

    10 Aug 07:11

    10 Things to look for in a Website Content Writing

    by admin
    Content Writing

    website content writing

    What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a website? If we were to say, the website is a source of information that tells the audience what niche it belongs to, what information can the user expects, and a detailed description of the product and services the brand or business offers. Isn’t it?


    Gone are the days when people bought things only after going to a retail store or buying a service only out of reference.

    Every user is smart these days and wants to be sure before making any investment so the very first instinct is to check out a company’s website.


    This tells us what? You need to have quality website content that welcomes the user, immediately tells what the website is about, and makes the information interesting rather than overwhelming. Website content writing is difficult as each web page can have only a certain amount of information and therefore it has to be valuable.

    Here’s a deal

    Now if you are a business you might have an in-house team of website content writers but even if you don’t you can always hire website content writing services.


    Thus, let’s discuss one by one, what should you look for when you hire an agency to write website content for you.


    Here are 10 things that you must look for in your website content writing 


    website content writing

    A Good Content Structure

    The provider must write content that keeps the navigation smooth. Your website doesn’t need quantity but quality content, something that abides by the search engine algorithm and is not too much for your audience to read.

    The whole idea is to make a layout first and fix the places that need content. A good content structure is when there are short paragraphs and one or two liners. Avoid putting huge chunks of content.


    Content Optimized For SEO

    The agency must do keyword research for SEO once the project is assigned. These keywords are essential for a website to rank. A good website content writing agency will always know how SEO content is built.

    Also, the keywords should be placed throughout the content and also in Meta title & description of the page, alt tags, etc.


    The Optimization Of Headings on Every Webpage

    The headings H1, H2, H3, H4 are the ones that crawlers look for. Thus, these should contain focus keywords or key phrases.

    The headlines should be short and crisp indicating what content will follow.


    Appealing The Target Audience

    An agency must consider the end audience before writing any content. A website is always about its audience. In fact, the goal of the website is to serve the audience and give a solution to their queries. Thus, content must answer the what, how, when, etc.


    Finding the right language 

    If you are hiring a website content writing agency then you should always share the tone and personality you want your content to convey. Also, the language should be easy going. Don’t complicate it for the users, else confusion can result in them exit the website.


    Easy to read content

    If the content writer is going to call a banana a long yellow fruit then the reader is not going to respond very well. A writer should keep the content readable and smooth and not complicating things. The writer’s job is to make the content appealing and not win an award for “the professional content writer


    Explaining The Product/Services Clearly

    The website content writer must explain the products and services easily. The user should not be put through using their brain a lot. The content should be self-explanatory. Just by reading the service or product description, the user should understand what it’s meant for and what it has to offer. It is best to put it out in the pointers rather than using paragraphs. Also, the content should have some points highlighted because most audiences scan the content.


    Make The Content Actionable

    The whole point of writing content is to persuade the reader and let them take some action. Thus, certain call-to-action like contact now, subscribe to newsletters, call today, etc.

    It should be placed in between content smoothly that the user feels like they are obligated to do.


    Paint A Picture

    A good content writer always paints a happy picture of the user where they describe the problem and then slide in the solution. This trick never fails to appeal to the user.


    For instance: “Is it me, or does everyone think that sugar is the new enemy after 30? Well, if you believe that nothing scares you more than a sugar syrup in mojito or soda drinks then you have to know about our new smoothies. We only follow the sugar that nature provides in fresh fruit and take your stress away by adding chia seeds and oats.”


    Hope you got the point.


    Don’t Overwhelm Your Audience With Buzz Vocabulary.

    If your content is filled with opulence, magnanimous, Brobdingnagian then you must be highly optimistic to think that users will stick around. Buzz vocabulary is good for novels but the website is a whole different story.

    Thus, a good writer understands how and what should be included in the content so that it doesn’t put off the audience.



    If your website content is too complicated and is asking the user to put in a lot of effort to understand then you are out of luck because without a doubt your user will exit. So, how do you think you can improve? Well, the best way is to let the experts take over who does this for a living.

    A company that provides website content writing services can do the best job for you because they will know what content your audience wants to read and how they can persuade the users to take action.

    Also Read: Why You Should Not Hire a Freelance Content Writer?


    At you can connect for your website content requirements and explain what outcome you are expecting and who is your target audience and let the writers and editors write bespoke content for your website. 

    The post 10 Things to look for in a Website Content Writing appeared first on Blog.