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20 Mar 05:16

[ASAP] Synthetic Semimetals with van der Waals Interfaces

by Bojja Aditya Reddy†‡?, Evgeniy Ponomarev†‡?, Ignacio Gutie´rrez-Lezama†‡, Nicolas Ubrig†‡, Ce´line Barreteau†§, Enrico Giannini†, and Alberto F. Morpurgo*†‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04810
20 Mar 05:15

[ASAP] Electronic Polarizability as the Fundamental Variable in the Dielectric Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials

by Tian Tian†#, Declan Scullion‡#, Dale Hughes‡, Lu Hua Li§, Chih-Jen Shih†, Jonathan Coleman?, Manish Chhowalla?, and Elton J. G. Santos*‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b02982
20 Mar 05:15

[ASAP] Exploitable Magnetic Anisotropy of the Two-Dimensional Magnet CrI3

by Jeongwoo Kim†, Kyoung-Whan Kim‡, Bumseop Kim§, Chang-Jong Kang?, Dongbin Shin§, Sang-Hoon Lee?, Byoung-Chul Min‡, and Noejung Park*§

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03815
20 Mar 05:15

[ASAP] Slippery and Wear-Resistant Surfaces Enabled by Interface Engineered Graphene

by Neeraj Dwivedi*†, Tarak Patra‡, Jae-Bok Lee§, Reuben J. Yeo?, Srilok Srinivasan‡, Tanmay Dutta?, Kiran Sasikumar‡, Chetna Dhand†, Sudhiranjan Tripathy#, Mohammad S. M. Saifullah#, Aaron Danner?, S. A. R. Hashmi†, A. K. Srivastava†, Jong-Hyun Ahn§, Subramanian K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan*‡?, Hyunsoo Yang*?, and Charanjit S. Bhatia*?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03650
20 Mar 05:15

[ASAP] Observation of Magnetic Skyrmion Bubbles in a van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2

by Bei Ding†??, Zefang Li†??, Guizhou Xu‡?, Hang Li†?, Zhipeng Hou§, Enke Liu†, Xuekui Xi†, Feng Xu‡, Yuan Yao†, and Wenhong Wang*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03453
20 Mar 05:14

[ASAP] Perfect and Controllable Nesting in Minimally Twisted Bilayer Graphene

by Maximilian Fleischmann†, Reena Gupta†, Florian Wullschla¨ger‡, Simon Theil†, Dominik Weckbecker†, Velimir Meded§, Sangeeta Sharma?, Bernd Meyer‡, and Samuel Shallcross*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04027
20 Mar 05:14

[ASAP] Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy of Atomically Precise Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons

by Sihan Zhao†, Gabriela Borin Barin‡, Ting Cao†§, Jan Overbeck‡, Rimah Darawish‡, Tairu Lyu†, Steve Drapcho†, Sheng Wang†?, Tim Dumslaff?, Akimitsu Narita?, Michel Calame‡, Klaus Mu¨llen?#, Steven G. Louie†?, Pascal Ruffieux‡, Roman Fasel‡?, and Feng Wang*†??

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Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04497
20 Mar 04:55

Realization of 2D crystalline metal nitrides via selective atomic substitution

by Cao, J., Li, T., Gao, H., Lin, Y., Wang, X., Wang, H., Palacios, T., Ling, X.

Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal nitrides (TMNs) are new members in the 2D materials family with a wide range of applications. Particularly, highly crystalline and large area thin films of TMNs are desirable for applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices; however, the synthesis of these TMNs has not yet been achieved. Here, we report the synthesis of few-nanometer thin Mo5N6 crystals with large area and high quality via in situ chemical conversion of layered MoS2 crystals. The versatility of this general approach is demonstrated by expanding the method to synthesize W5N6 and TiN. Our strategy offers a new direction for preparing 2D TMNs with desirable characteristics, opening a door for studying fundamental physics and facilitating the development of next-generation electronics.

02 Jan 01:56

[ASAP] Hexagonal Boron Nitride Synthesized at Atmospheric Pressure Using Metal Alloy Solvents: Evaluation as a Substrate for 2D Materials

by Momoko Onodera†, Takashi Taniguchi‡†, Kenji Watanabe‡, Miyako Isayama†, Satoru Masubuchi†, Rai Moriya†, and Tomoki Machida*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04641
02 Jan 01:56

[ASAP] Localized ZnO Growth on a Gold Nanoantenna by Plasmon-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis

by Hideki Fujiwara*†, Tatsuro Suzuki‡, Christophe Pin‡, and Keiji Sasaki*‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04073
02 Jan 01:56

[ASAP] Giant Valley-Zeeman Splitting from Spin-Singlet and Spin-Triplet Interlayer Excitons in WSe2/MoSe2 Heterostructure

by Tianmeng Wang†?, Shengnan Miao†?, Zhipeng Li†?, Yuze Meng†?, Zhengguang Lu‡§, Zhen Lian†, Mark Blei?, Takashi Taniguchi?, Kenji Watanabe?, Sefaattin Tongay*?, Dmitry Smirnov‡, and Su-Fei Shi*†#

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04528
02 Jan 01:56

[ASAP] Quantitative Nanoscale Absorption Mapping: A Novel Technique To Probe Optical Absorption of Two-Dimensional Materials

by Marco Negri†, Luca Francaviglia†, Dumitru Dumcenco†‡?, Matteo Bosi§, Daniel Kaplan?, Venkataraman Swaminathan??, Giancarlo Salviati§, Andras Kis‡, Filippo Fabbri*?, and Anna Fontcuberta i Morral*†#

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04304
02 Jan 01:55

[ASAP] Ferroelectric Oxide Thin Film with an Out-of-Plane Electrical Conductivity

by Tingting Yao†#, Yixiao Jiang†#, Chunlin Chen*†, Xuexi Yan†, Ang Tao†, Lixin Yang†, Cuihong Li†, Kenyu Sugo‡, Hiromichi Ohta‡, Hengqiang Ye†, Yuichi Ikuhara§??, and Xiuliang Ma*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04210
02 Jan 01:55

[ASAP] Precise Fabrication of De Novo Nanoparticle Lattices on Dynamic 2D Protein Crystalline Lattices

by Mingming Du†‡, Kun Zhou*‡, Xiao Wang§, Jianting Zhang‡, Yejun Zhang†‡, Jinchen Dong‡, Longlong Wu§, Zhi Qiao§, Gang Chen*§, and Qiangbin Wang*†‡?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04574
02 Jan 01:55

[ASAP] Interface-Charge Induced Giant Electrocaloric Effect in Lead Free Ferroelectric Thin-Film Bilayers

by Sagar E. Shirsath†, Claudio Cazorla†, Teng Lu‡, Le Zhang†, Yee Yan Tay§, Xiaojie Lou?, Yun Liu‡, Sean Li†, and Danyang Wang*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04727
02 Jan 01:55

[ASAP] Few-Wall Carbon Nanotube Coils

by Dekel Nakar†, Georgy Gordeev‡, Leonardo D. Machado§, Ronit Popovitz-Biro?, Katya Rechav?, Eliezer F. Oliveira?#, Patryk Kusch‡, Ado Jorio¶, Douglas S. Galva~o?#, Stephanie Reich‡, and Ernesto Joselevich*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03977
24 Dec 02:31

[ASAP] Intrinsic 2D Ferromagnetism in V5Se8 Epitaxial Thin Films

by Masaki Nakano*†‡?, Yue Wang†?, Satoshi Yoshida†?, Hideki Matsuoka†, Yuki Majima†, Keisuke Ikeda§, Yasuyuki Hirata§?, Yukiharu Takeda?, Hiroki Wadati§?#, Yoshimitsu Kohama?, Yuta Ohigashi†, Masato Sakano†, Kyoko Ishizaka†‡, and Yoshihiro Iwasa†‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03614
24 Dec 02:26

[ASAP] Observation of the Kondo Effect in Multilayer Single-Crystalline VTe2 Nanoplates

by Hongtao Liu†#, Yunzhou Xue‡#, Jin-An Shi§, Roger A. Guzman§, Panpan Zhang†, Zhang Zhou†, Yangu He†?, Ce Bian†, Liangmei Wu†, Ruisong Ma†, Jiancui Chen†, Jiahao Yan†, Haitao Yang†, Cheng-Min Shen†?, Wu Zhou§, Lihong Bao*†?, and Hong-Jun Gao†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03100
24 Dec 02:24

[ASAP] Coexistence of Magnetic Orders in Two-Dimensional Magnet CrI3

by Ben Niu†‡?, Tang Su§‡?, Brian A. Francisco‡, Subhajit Ghosh?, Fariborz Kargar?, Xiong Huang?, Mark Lohmann‡, Junxue Li‡, Yadong Xu‡, Takashi Taniguchi#, Kenji Watanabe#, Di Wu†, Alexander Balandin?, Jing Shi*‡, and Yong-Tao Cui*‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04282
24 Dec 02:19

[ASAP] Anomalous Angle-Dependent Magnetotransport Properties of Single InAs Nanowires

by Patrick Uredat*†‡, Ryutaro Kodaira§, Ryoma Horiguchi§, Shinjiro Hara§, Andreas Beyer?, Kerstin Volz?, Peter J. Klar†‡, and Matthias T. Elm†‡?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04383
24 Dec 02:19

[ASAP] Shaping and Edge Engineering of Few-Layered Freestanding Graphene Sheets in a Transmission Electron Microscope

by Longze Zhao†#, Guangfu Luo‡#, Yong Cheng†, Xin Li†, Shiyuan Zhou§, Chenxu Luo§, Jinming Wang†, Hong-Gang Liao§, Dmitri Golberg??, and Ming-Sheng Wang*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04524
24 Dec 02:19

[ASAP] Magnetic Order-Induced Polarization Anomaly of Raman Scattering in 2D Magnet CrI3

by Yujun Zhang†‡?, Xiaohua Wu‡?, BingBing Lyu‡, Minghui Wu‡, Shixuan Zhao‡, Junyang Chen‡, Mengyuan Jia‡, Chusheng Zhang‡, Le Wang§, Xinwei Wang†, Yuanzhen Chen‡§, Jiawei Mei‡§, Takashi Taniguchi#, Kenji Watanabe#, Hugen Yan?, Qihang Liu‡§, Li Huang‡, Yue Zhao*‡§, and Mingyuan Huang*‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04634
24 Dec 02:18

[ASAP] Enhanced Piezoelectric Effect Derived from Grain Boundary in MoS2 Monolayers

by Mingjin Dai†‡?, Wei Zheng†‡??, Xi Zhang*§, Sanmei Wang§, Junhao Lin?, Kai Li?, Yunxia Hu†‡, Enwei Sun?, Jia Zhang‡, Yunfeng Qiu‡, Yongqing Fu#, Wenwu Cao?, and PingAn Hu*†‡?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03642
24 Dec 02:18

[ASAP] Mode-Resolved Detection of Magnetization Dynamics Using X-ray Diffractive Ferromagnetic Resonance

by David M. Burn*†, Shilei Zhang*‡#, Kun Zhai??, Yisheng Chai§, Young Sun??, Gerrit van der Laan*†, and Thorsten Hesjedal*?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03989
24 Dec 02:17

[ASAP] Observation and Active Control of a Collective Polariton Mode and Polaritonic Band Gap in Few-Layer WS2 Strongly Coupled with Plasmonic Lattices

by Wenjing Liu†, Yuhui Wang†, Biyuan Zheng‡, Minsoo Hwang†, Zhurun Ji†, Gerui Liu†, Ziwei Li‡, Volker J. Sorger§, Anlian Pan*‡, and Ritesh Agarwal*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b05056
24 Dec 02:17

Transition metal dichalcogenides to the rescue

by Giulia Pacchioni

Nature Reviews Materials, Published online: 22 November 2019; doi:10.1038/s41578-019-0163-7

Transition metal dichalcogenides to the rescue
24 Dec 02:16

Natural van der Waals heterostructural single crystals with both magnetic and topological properties

by Wu, J., Liu, F., Sasase, M., Ienaga, K., Obata, Y., Yukawa, R., Horiba, K., Kumigashira, H., Okuma, S., Inoshita, T., Hosono, H.

Heterostructures having both magnetism and topology are promising materials for the realization of exotic topological quantum states while challenging in synthesis and engineering. Here, we report natural magnetic van der Waals heterostructures of (MnBi2Te4)m(Bi2Te3)n that exhibit controllable magnetic properties while maintaining their topological surface states. The interlayer antiferromagnetic exchange coupling is gradually weakened as the separation of magnetic layers increases, and an anomalous Hall effect that is well coupled with magnetization and shows ferromagnetic hysteresis was observed below 5 K. The obtained homogeneous heterostructure with atomically sharp interface and intrinsic magnetic properties will be an ideal platform for studying the quantum anomalous Hall effect, axion insulator states, and the topological magnetoelectric effect.

24 Dec 02:11

Composite super-moire lattices in double-aligned graphene heterostructures

by Wang, Z., Wang, Y. B., Yin, J., Tovari, E., Yang, Y., Lin, L., Holwill, M., Birkbeck, J., Perello, D. J., Xu, S., Zultak, J., Gorbachev, R. V., Kretinin, A. V., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Morozov, S. V., Anđelkovic, M., Milovanovic, S. P., Covaci, L., Peeters, F. M., Mishchenko, A., Geim, A. K., Novoselov, K. S., Falko, V. I., Knothe, A., Woods, C. R.

When two-dimensional (2D) atomic crystals are brought into close proximity to form a van der Waals heterostructure, neighbouring crystals may influence each other’s properties. Of particular interest is when the two crystals closely match and a moiré pattern forms, resulting in modified electronic and excitonic spectra, crystal reconstruction, and more. Thus, moiré patterns are a viable tool for controlling the properties of 2D materials. However, the difference in periodicity of the two crystals limits the reconstruction and, thus, is a barrier to the low-energy regime. Here, we present a route to spectrum reconstruction at all energies. By using graphene which is aligned to two hexagonal boron nitride layers, one can make electrons scatter in the differential moiré pattern which results in spectral changes at arbitrarily low energies. Further, we demonstrate that the strength of this potential relies crucially on the atomic reconstruction of graphene within the differential moiré super cell.

24 Dec 02:11

A new metal transfer process for van der Waals contacts to vertical Schottky-junction transition metal dichalcogenide photovoltaics

by Went, C. M., Wong, J., Jahelka, P. R., Kelzenberg, M., Biswas, S., Hunt, M. S., Carbone, A., Atwater, H. A.

Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides are promising candidates for ultrathin optoelectronic devices due to their high absorption coefficients and intrinsically passivated surfaces. To maintain these near-perfect surfaces, recent research has focused on fabricating contacts that limit Fermi-level pinning at the metal-semiconductor interface. Here, we develop a new, simple procedure for transferring metal contacts that does not require aligned lithography. Using this technique, we fabricate vertical Schottky-junction WS2 solar cells, with Ag and Au as asymmetric work function contacts. Under laser illumination, we observe rectifying behavior and open-circuit voltage above 500 mV in devices with transferred contacts, in contrast to resistive behavior and open-circuit voltage below 15 mV in devices with evaporated contacts. One-sun measurements and device simulation results indicate that this metal transfer process could enable high specific power vertical Schottky-junction transition metal dichalcogenide photovoltaics, and we anticipate that this technique will lead to advances for two-dimensional devices more broadly.

24 Dec 02:11

New classes of topological crystalline insulators having surface rotation anomaly

by Fang, C., Fu, L.

We discover new types of quantum anomalies in two-dimensional systems with time-reversal symmetry (T) and discrete rotation symmetry with order of n = 2, 4, and 6 (Cn). The new anomalous states have n flavors of massless Dirac fermions protected by T and Cn, whereas any two-dimensional lattices having the two symmetries must have a multiple of 4, 8, and 12 Dirac cones for n = 2, 4, and 6, respectively. We show that these anomalous states are physically realized on the surface of new classes of topological crystalline insulators, normal to the rotation axis. Moreover, these topological crystalline insulators support n gapless one-dimensional helical mode on the otherwise fully gapped side surface, connecting the anomalous two-dimensional states on the top and bottom surfaces. The presence of these helical modes enables a new quantum device made from a topological crystalline insulator nanorod, a "helical nanorod," which has a quantized longitudinal conductance of ne2/h.