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24 Dec 02:25

[ASAP] Twists and the Electronic Structure of Graphitic Materials

by Tommaso Cea*†, Niels R. Walet*‡, and Francisco Guinea*†‡

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Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03335
24 Dec 02:25

[ASAP] Kinetic Ionic Permeation and Interfacial Doping of Supported Graphene

by Xiaoyu Jia†‡, Min Hu§, Karuppasamy Soundarapandian?, Xiaoqing Yu†, Zhaoyang Liu†#, Zongping Chen†?, Akimitsu Narita†, Klaus Mu¨llen†, Frank H. L. Koppens?, Jun Jiang§, Klaas-Jan Tielrooij?, Mischa Bonn†, and Hai I. Wang*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04053
24 Dec 02:25

[ASAP] Engineering Crossed Andreev Reflection in Double-Bilayer Graphene

by Geon-Hyoung Park†, Kenji Watanabe‡, Takashi Taniguchi‡, Gil-Ho Lee*†, and Hu-Jong Lee*†

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Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03981
24 Dec 02:24

[ASAP] Iuliacumite: A Novel Chemical Short-Range Order in a Two-Dimensional Wurtzite Single Monolayer InAs1–xSbx Shell on InAs Nanowires

by M. Schnedler*†, T. Xu‡¶, I. Lefebvre‡, J.-P. Nys‡, S. R. Plissard‡§, M. Berthe‡, H. Eisele?, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski†, Ph. Ebert†, and B. Grandidier*‡

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Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03584
24 Dec 02:24

[ASAP] Two-Dimensional Cationic Networks and Their Spherical Curvature with Tunable Opening–Closing

by Lingling Zhang†?, Liping Huang†?, Shanshan Wu†?, Xin Xu†, Junhui Bao†, Bowen Shen‡, Liwei Zhang†, Yu Hou†, Longyi Jin§, Tie Chen§, Zujin Yang?, Myongsoo Lee‡, Hongbing Ji*†, and Zhegang Huang*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04421
24 Dec 02:24

[ASAP] Strongly Confined Excitons in GaN/AlN Nanostructures with Atomically Thin GaN Layers for Efficient Light Emission in Deep-Ultraviolet

by A. A. Toropov*†, E. A. Evropeitsev†, M. O. Nestoklon†, D. S. Smirnov†, T. V. Shubina†, V. Kh. Kaibyshev†, G. V. Budkin†, V. N. Jmerik†, D. V. Nechaev†, S. Rouvimov‡, S. V. Ivanov†, and B. Gil†§

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Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03517
24 Dec 02:23

[ASAP] Fabrication and Imaging of Monolayer Phosphorene with Preferred Edge Configurations via Graphene-Assisted Layer-by-Layer Thinning

by Yangjin Lee†‡, Sol Lee†‡, Jun-Yeong Yoon†‡, Jinwoo Cheon‡§?, Hu Young Jeong*?, and Kwanpyo Kim*‡†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04292
24 Dec 02:23

[ASAP] Integrating Rh Species with NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxide for Overall Water Splitting

by Bowei Zhang†§‡?, Chongqin Zhu¶?, Zishan Wu§‡?, Eli Stavitski?, Yu Hui Lui†, Tae-Hoon Kim#, Huan Liu§‡, Ling Huang§‡, Xuechen Luan?, Lin Zhou#, Kun Jiang???, Wenyu Huang?, Shan Hu*†, Hailiang Wang*§‡, and Joseph S. Francisco*¶

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Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03460
24 Dec 02:23

[ASAP] Controlling the Magnetic Anisotropy of the van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2 through Hole Doping

by Se Young Park†‡§, Dong Seob Kim§?, Yu Liu?, Jinwoong Hwang#?, Younghak Kim?, Wondong Kim?, Jae-Young Kim?, Cedomir Petrovic?, Choongyu Hwang?, Sung-Kwan Mo#, Hyung-jun Kim?, Byoung-Chul Min?, Hyun Cheol Koo?, Joonyeon Chang?, Chaun Jang*?, Jun Woo Choi*?, and Hyejin Ryu*?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03316
24 Dec 02:23

[ASAP] Ultrathin Polymer Nanofibrils for Solar-Blind Deep Ultraviolet Light Photodetectors Application

by Long-Zhen Qiu†, Shi-Yu Wei†, Hai-Sheng Xu‡, Zhi-Xiang Zhang§, Zhong-Yi Guo*‡, Xiu-Guo Chen?, Shi-Yuan Liu?, Di Wu?, and Lin-Bao Luo*§

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04410
24 Dec 02:22

[ASAP] Emergent Dynamics of Artificial Spin-Ice Lattice Based on an Ultrathin Ferromagnet

by Abhijit Ghosh*†‡, Fusheng Ma*§, James Lourembam†‡, Xiangjun Jin§, Ramu Maddu†‡, Qi Jia Yap†‡, and Sze Ter Lim†‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03352
24 Dec 02:22

[ASAP] Azidated Graphene: Direct Azidation from Monolayers, Click Chemistry, and Bulk Production from Graphite

by Wan Li, Yunqi Li, and Ke Xu*

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04267
24 Dec 02:22

[ASAP] Investigating Bond Rupture in Resonantly Bonded Solids by Field Evaporation of Carbon Nanotubes

by Mohit Raghuwanshi, Oana Cojocaru-Mire´din, and Matthias Wuttig*

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Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03435
24 Dec 02:22

[ASAP] Light-Induced Currents at Domain Walls in Multiferroic BiFeO3

by Burak Guzelturk*†‡, Antonio B. Mei§, Lei Zhang?, Liang Z. Tan?, Patrick Donahue?, Anisha G. Singh#, Darrell G. Schlom§, Lane W. Martin??, and Aaron M. Lindenberg*†‡??

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03484
24 Dec 02:21

[ASAP] Signatures of the Magnetic Entropy in the Thermopower Signals in Nanoribbons of the Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Co3Sn2S2

by Kevin Geishendorf*†‡, Praveen Vir¶, Chandra Shekhar¶, Claudia Felser¶, Jorge I. Facio†, Jeroen van den Brink†, Kornelius Nielsch†‡§, Andy Thomas*†, and Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein*??

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03822
24 Dec 02:21

[ASAP] Nonlinear Dark-Field Imaging of One-Dimensional Defects in Monolayer Dichalcogenides

by Bruno R. Carvalho*†, Yuanxi Wang‡§?, Kazunori Fujisawa‡§, Tianyi Zhang§?, Ethan Kahn§?, Ismail Bilgin#, Pulickel M. Ajayan?, Ana M. de Paula?, Marcos A. Pimenta?, Swastik Kar#, Vincent H. Crespi‡§?, Mauricio Terrones‡§?, and Leandro M. Malard*?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03795
24 Dec 02:21

[ASAP] Methylation-Induced Reversible Metallic-Semiconducting Transition of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays for High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors

by Ying Wang†, Dayan Liu†, Hongjie Zhang†, Jiacheng Wang†, Ran Du‡, Ting-Ting Li§, Jinjie Qian*†, Yue Hu*†, and Shaoming Huang*†?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04219
24 Dec 02:20

[ASAP] Fully Solid-State Graphene Transistors with Striking Homogeneity and Sensitivity for the Practicalization of Single-Device Electronic Bioassays

by Cheng Wang*†‡, Jingjing Wu†§, Yashuo He†§, Ze Song†?, Sumeng Shi†§, Yibo Zhu?, Yuan Jia*#, and Weixiang Ye*?

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03528
24 Dec 02:20

[ASAP] Dynamic Local Strain in Graphene Generated by Surface Acoustic Waves

by Rajveer Fandan*†‡, Jorge Pedro´s*†‡, Alberto Herna´ndez-Mi´nguez§, Fernando Iikawa§?, Paulo V. Santos§, Alberto Bosca´†‡, and Fernando Calle†‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04085
24 Dec 02:20

[ASAP] Dynamical Control over Terahertz Electromagnetic Interference Shielding with 2D Ti3C2Ty MXene by Ultrafast Optical Pulses

by Guangjiang Li†#, Naaman Amer‡#, Hassan A. Hafez§, Shuohan Huang?, Dmitry Turchinovich§, Vadym N. Mochalin*??, Frank A. Hegmann‡, and Lyubov V. Titova*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04404
24 Dec 02:20

[ASAP] Experimental Observation of the Gate-Controlled Reversal of the Anomalous Hall Effect in the Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4 Device

by Shuai Zhang†?, Rui Wang†‡?, Xuepeng Wang†?, Boyuan Wei†?, Bo Chen†, Huaiqiang Wang†, Gang Shi§, Feng Wang†, Bin Jia†, Yiping Ouyang†, Faji Xie†, Fucong Fei†, Minhao Zhang†, Xuefeng Wang?, Di Wu†, Xiangang Wan†, Fengqi Song*†, Haijun Zhang*†, and Baigeng Wang*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04555
24 Dec 02:20

[ASAP] Yu–Shiba–Rusinov States in the Charge-Density Modulated Superconductor NbSe2

by Eva Liebhaber†, Sergio Acero Gonza´lez‡, Rojhat Baba†, Gae¨l Reecht†, Benjamin W. Heinrich†, Sebastian Rohlf§, Kai Rossnagel§?, Felix von Oppen‡, and Katharina J. Franke*†

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03988
24 Dec 02:19

[ASAP] Exploring the Size Limitations of Wurtzite III–V Film Growth

by Philipp Staudinger, Kirsten E. Moselund, and Heinz Schmid*

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04507
24 Dec 02:19

[ASAP] Hierarchically Porous C/Fe3C Membranes with Fast Ion-Transporting Channels and Polysulfide-Trapping Networks for High-Areal-Capacity Li–S Batteries

by Xiangcun Li†, Yue Zhang†, Shuting Wang†, Yang Liu†, Yu Ding‡, Gaohong He*†, Ning Zhang†, and Guihua Yu*‡

TOC Graphic

Nano Letters
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b04551
24 Dec 02:14

Highly efficient hot electron harvesting from graphene before electron-hole thermalization

by Chen, Y., Li, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhou, H., Zhu, H.

Although the unique hot carrier characteristics in graphene suggest a new paradigm for hot carrier–based energy harvesting, the reported efficiencies with conventional photothermoelectric and photothermionic emission pathways are quite low because of inevitable hot carrier thermalization and cooling loss. Here, we proposed and demonstrated the possibility of efficiently extracting hot electrons from graphene after carrier intraband scattering but before electron-hole interband thermalization, a new regime that has never been reached before. Using various layered semiconductors as model electron-accepting components, we generally observe ultrafast injection of energetic hot electrons from graphene over a very broad photon energy range (visible to mid-infrared). The injection quantum yield reaches as high as ~50%, depending on excitation energy but remarkably, not on fluence, in notable contrast with conventional pathways with nonlinear behavior. Hot electron harvesting in this regime prevails over energy and carrier loss and closely resembles the concept of hot carrier solar cell.

24 Dec 02:14

Unconventional scaling of the superfluid density with the critical temperature in transition metal dichalcogenides

by von Rohr, F. O., Orain, J.- C., Khasanov, R., Witteveen, C., Shermadini, Z., Nikitin, A., Chang, J., Wieteska, A. R., Pasupathy, A. N., Hasan, M. Z., Amato, A., Luetkens, H., Uemura, Y. J., Guguchia, Z.

We report on muon spin rotation experiments probing the magnetic penetration depth (T) in the layered superconductors in 2H-NbSe2 and 4H-NbSe2. The current results, along with our earlier findings on 1T'-MoTe2 (Guguchia et al.), demonstrate that the superfluid density scales linearly with Tc in the three transition metal dichalcogenide superconductors. Upon increasing pressure, we observe a substantial increase of the superfluid density in 2H-NbSe2, which we find to correlate with Tc. The correlation deviates from the abovementioned linear trend. A similar deviation from the Uemura line was also observed in previous pressure studies of optimally doped cuprates. This correlation between the superfluid density and Tc is considered a hallmark feature of unconventional superconductivity. Here, we show that this correlation is an intrinsic property of the superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenides, whereas the ratio Tc/TF is approximately a factor of 20 lower than the ratio observed in hole-doped cuprates. We, furthermore, find that the values of the superconducting gaps are insensitive to the suppression of the charge density wave state.

24 Dec 02:13

Spin-dependent charge transport through 2D chiral hybrid lead-iodide perovskites

by Lu, H., Wang, J., Xiao, C., Pan, X., Chen, X., Brunecky, R., Berry, J. J., Zhu, K., Beard, M. C., Vardeny, Z. V.

Chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) occurs when the chirality of the transporting medium selects one of the two spin 1/2 states to transport through the media while blocking the other. Monolayers of chiral organic molecules demonstrate CISS but are limited in their efficiency and utility by the requirement of a monolayer to preserve the spin selectivity. We demonstrate CISS in a system that integrates an inorganic framework with a chiral organic sublattice inducing chirality to the hybrid system. Using magnetic conductive-probe atomic force microscopy, we find that oriented chiral 2D-layered Pb-iodide organic/inorganic hybrid perovskite systems exhibit CISS. Electron transport through the perovskite films depends on the magnetization of the probe tip and the handedness of the chiral molecule. The films achieve a highest spin-polarization transport of up to 86%. Magnetoresistance studies in modified spin-valve devices having only one ferromagnet electrode confirm the occurrence of spin-dependent charge transport through the organic/inorganic layers.

24 Dec 02:13

FeSe quantum dots for in vivo multiphoton biomedical imaging

by Kwon, J., Jun, S. W., Choi, S. I., Mao, X., Kim, J., Koh, E. K., Kim, Y.- H., Kim, S.- K., Hwang, D. Y., Kim, C.- S., Lee, J.

An immense demand in biomedical imaging is to develop efficient photoluminescent probes with high biocompatibility and quantum yield, as well as multiphoton absorption performance to improve penetration depth and spatial resolution. Here, iron selenide (FeSe) quantum dots (QDs) are reported to meet these criteria. The synthesized QDs exhibit two- and three-photon excitation property at 800- and 1080-nm wavelengths and high quantum yield (ca. 40%), which are suitable for second-window imaging. To verify their biosuitability, poly(ethylene glycol)-conjugated QDs were linked with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) antibodies for in vitro/in vivo two-photon imaging in HER2-overexpressed MCF7 cells and a xenograft breast tumor model in mice. Imaging was successfully carried out at a depth of up to 500 μm from the skin using a nonlinear femtosecond laser at an excitation wavelength of 800 nm. These findings may open up a way to apply biocompatible FeSe QDs to multiphoton cancer imaging.

18 Dec 07:44

Spin-charge conversion in NiMnSb Heusler alloy films

by Wen, Z., Qiu, Z., Tölle, S., Gorini, C., Seki, T., Hou, D., Kubota, T., Eckern, U., Saitoh, E., Takanashi, K.

Half-metallic Heusler alloys are attracting considerable attention because of their unique half-metallic band structures, which exhibit high spin polarization and yield huge magnetoresistance ratios. Besides serving as ferromagnetic electrodes, Heusler alloys also have the potential to host spin-charge conversion. Here, we report on the spin-charge conversion effect in the prototypical Heusler alloy NiMnSb. An unusual charge signal was observed with a sign change at low temperature, which can be manipulated by film thickness and ordering structure. It is found that the spin-charge conversion has two contributions. First, the interfacial contribution causes a negative voltage signal, which is almost constant versus temperature. The second contribution is temperature dependent because it is dominated by minority states due to thermally excited magnons in the bulk part of the film. This work provides a pathway for the manipulation of spin-charge conversion in ferromagnetic metals by interface-bulk engineering for spintronic devices.

18 Dec 07:44

Growth kinetics of single-walled carbon nanotubes with a (2n, n) chirality selection

by He, M., Wang, X., Zhang, S., Jiang, H., Cavalca, F., Cui, H., Wagner, J. B., Hansen, T. W., Kauppinen, E., Zhang, J., Ding, F.

The growth kinetics play key roles in determining the chirality distribution of the grown single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). However, the lack of comprehensive understandings on the SWCNT’s growth mechanism at the atomic scale greatly hinders SWCNT chirality-selective synthesis. Here, we establish a general model, where the dislocation theory is a specific case, to describe the etching agent–dependent growth kinetics of SWCNTs on solid catalyst particles. In particular, the growth kinetics of SWCNTs in the absence of etching agent is validated by both in situ environmental transmission electron microscopy and ex situ chemical vapor deposition growth of SWCNTs. On the basis of the new theory of SWCNT’s growth kinetics, we successfully explained the selective growth of (2n, n) SWCNTs. This study provides another degree of freedom for SWCNT controlled synthesis and opens a new strategy to achieve chirality-selective synthesis of (2n, n) SWCNTs using solid catalysts.