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22 Jan 13:50

Multiscale Graphene‐Based Materials for Applications in Sodium Ion Batteries

by Yan Zhang, Xinhui Xia, Bo Liu, Shengjue Deng, Dong Xie, Qi Liu, Yadong Wang, Jianbo Wu, Xiuli Wang, Jiangping Tu

Graphene-based materials for NIBs.

Advanced Energy Materials Multiscale Graphene‐Based Materials for Applications in Sodium Ion Batteries

The recent progress of multiscale graphene‐based electrode materials for application in sodium ion batteries in respect of electrode design principle, preparation methods, characterization, synergistic effects, and electrochemical performance is reviewed, and future challenges and prospects of the field are presented.


Scrupulous design and smart hybridization of bespoke electrode materials are of great importance for the advancement of sodium ion batteries (SIBs). Graphene‐based nanocomposites are regarded as one of the most promising electrode materials for SIBs due to the outstanding physicochemical properties of graphene and positive synergetic effects between graphene and the introduced active phase. In this review, the recent progress in graphene‐based electrode materials for SIBs with an emphasis on the electrode design principle, different preparation methods, and mechanism, characterization, synergistic effects, and their detailed electrochemical performance is summarized. General design rules for fabrication of advanced SIB materials are also proposed. Additionally, the merits and drawbacks of different fabrication methods for graphene‐based materials are briefly discussed and summarized. Furthermore, multiscale forms of graphene are evaluated to optimize electrochemical performance of SIBs, ranging from 0D graphene quantum dots, 2D vertical graphene and reduced graphene oxide sheets, to 3D graphene aerogel and graphene foam networks. To conclude, the challenges and future perspectives on the development of graphene‐based materials for SIBs are also presented.

28 Jul 12:41

Ultrathin Two-Dimensional Multinary Layered Metal Chalcogenide Nanomaterials

by Chaoliang Tan, Zhuangchai Lai, Hua Zhang


Ultrathin two-dimensional (2D) layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), such as MoS2, WS2, TiS2, TaS2, ReS2, MoSe2 and WSe2, have attracted considerable attention over the past six years owing to their unique properties and great potential in a wide range of applications. Aiming to achieve tunable properties and optimal application performances, great effort is devoted to the exploration of 2D multinary layered metal chalcogenide nanomaterials, which include ternary metal chalcogenides with well-defined crystal structures, alloyed TMDs, heteroatom-doped TMDs and 2D metal chalcogenide heteronanostructures. These novel 2D multinary layered metal chalcogenide nanomaterials exhibit some unique properties compared to 2D binary TMD counterparts, thus holding great promise in various potential applications including electronics/optoelectronics, catalysis, sensors, biomedicine, and energy storage and conversion with enhanced performances. This article focuses on the state-of-art progress on the preparation, characterization and applications of ultrathin 2D multinary layered metal chalcogenide nanomaterials.

Thumbnail image of graphical abstract

The exploration of 2D multinary layered metal chalcogenide nanomaterials garners great efforts, aiming to achieve tunable properties and optimal application performances. State-of-the-art progress on the preparation and characterization of ultrathin 2D multinary layered metal chalcogenide nanomaterials is reviewed, along with their potential application in electronics/optoelectronics, catalysis, sensors, biomedicine, and energy storage and conversion.