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14 May 23:10

Quick Curtido (Mexican Cabbage Slaw)

by Lauren Rothman

This sweet-and-sour cabbage slaw adds a pleasant, fresh vinegary tang to rich, spicy dishes. [Photograph: Lauren Rothman]

What sauerkraut is to a hotdog and kimchi is to a Korean pancake, curtido is to a variety of Latin American dishes. This funky, vinegary cabbage, onion, and carrot slaw brings crunch and a hit of acid to a host of rich, long-cooked dishes that call out for brightness and texture. Traditional curtido is prepared days in advance, allowing it to develop a fermented tang, but this shortcut version—ready in only an hour—is a nice fallback when you don't have time to think ahead. Try it spooned atop braises such as beef barbocoa or sandwiched into Mexican gorditas.

Why this recipe works:

  • A hot vinegar brine lends acidity to cabbage, onions, and carrots, but quickly cooling it in the refrigerator with the vegetables retains their crisp texture and bright, fresh color.
  • Lightning-quick to prepare, the curtido will only get better with age in the fridge

Note: Curtido is ready within one hour, but improves with time. It can be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to one month.


serves Makes about 5 cups, active time 10 minutes, total time 1 hour 10 minutes

  • 1/2 small (2-pound) green cabbage, cored and very thinly sliced (about 4 cups)
  • 1/2 medium white onion, peeled and very thinly sliced (about 1/2 cup)
  • 2 carrots, peeled and shredded (about 1/2 cup)
  • 1 small jalapeño, ribs and seeds removed, minced (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt


  1. In a large bowl, toss together cabbage, onion, carrot, and jalapeño, if using. In a small saucepan, combine vinegar, salt, and sugar a cook over medium heat, stirring, until salt and sugar are just dissolved. Pour brine over vegetables and toss to combine. Cover and refrigerate for one hour before serving.

14 May 23:06

What Language Does Your State Speak?

by Miss Cellania

The most common language in every U.S. state is English, and the second-most common language in all but seven states is Spanish. But what comes next? The results tell us something about each state’s history of immigration. Ben Blatt put together quite a few maps exploring the languages spoken in the different states.

One of the most interesting data sets for aspiring mapmakers is the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Among other things, that survey includes a detailed look at the languages spoken in American homes. All the maps below are based on the responses to this survey. For instance, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Chinese are separated as different responses in the data, so were treated as different languages when constructing these maps. If those languages had been grouped together, the marking of many states would change.

Besides the most common languages, the maps are broken down into the most common Native American languages, most common Scandinavian languages, and more.  

14 May 23:05

Naked, stoned woman dances on building A/C unit [NSFW]

by Brian Abrams
Naked, stoned woman dances on building A/C unit [NSFW]

A woman who had an all-nighter with a dude and drugs in a hotel room gave the streets of southern China a pretty rad show this week. The unknown woman (above) was spotted by passersby as she climbed out her 11th floor window and began dancing on top of an air conditioning unit.

Authorities rushed to the scene with concern that they had a suicide jumper on their hands, and a crowd gathered because why the hell not. She became a huge pain in the ass for the cops. ”She showed absolutely no interest in speaking to the negotiators,” one police spokesperson said. “She also didn’t seem particularly suicidal although she was very excitable … but it wasn’t exactly clear what about.”

As seen in photos below, an officer who gained access to the hotel room had attempted to hand her a towel to cover her up. A housekeeper also tried to persuade the woman back inside. ”We asked the cleaner to speak to the woman,” the spokesperson continued, “which seemed to work quite well.”

105389 Naked, stoned woman dances on building A/C unit [NSFW]
105390 Naked, stoned woman dances on building A/C unit [NSFW]
105392 Naked, stoned woman dances on building A/C unit [NSFW]
When the housekeeper succeeded in luring the naked woman back to the window, a fireman grabbed hold of her. She was “kicking and screaming to safety,” according to a report in the Daily Star.

Drugs were found in the hotel room–we don’t know which kind–and the man who she was partying with blew the scene before authorities arrived.

Daily Star

14 May 23:04

Maybe Rents Will Go Down?

by wendyfairy
There are indications of a coming stock market crash. The timing is, of course, unknown, but the historical data might point to this October.
14 May 22:53

Oh The Fun Those Toons Would Have Had At Marvin Acme's Funeral

by Zeon Santos

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? is one of those beloved films that fans like just the way it is, and with the popularity of the film as a whole it’s probably best that one major scene was deleted from the final script of the movie- Marvin Acme's toon-filled funeral.

Despite the damper this morbid scene would have put on the movie as a whole, it would have made for a pretty entertaining scene to watch play out, according to these original storyboards from the film which were recently put up for auction on Ebay.

The funeral scene starred Foghorn Leghorn as a preacher, cast Goofy, Bluto, Felix the Cat and others as pallbearers, and contained a shot where Yosemite Sam angrily tosses Acme’s coffin into his grave, making it the most hilarious fake funeral ever proposed!

-Via io9

14 May 22:52

Science: Your non-Celiac gluten ‘sensitivity’ is probably not a real thing

by Robyn Pennacchia
Science: Your non-Celiac gluten ‘sensitivity’ is probably not a real thing

So you know how a couple years ago, all of a sudden, everyone and their mother came down with a “gluten sensitivity” seemingly out of nowhere? I believe it was somewhere around the time salted caramel-flavored-everything started happening also for some reason. Well, the craze started when scientist Peter Gibson published a study finding that gluten could cause gastrointestinal distress even in some people who didn’t have Celiac’s Disease.

However, Gibson had some misgivings about his own research, feeling there were more variables to control, and more things to test for. So, he decided to repeat the test, albeit more rigorously. What he found was that, for pretty much all “gluten-sensitive” subjects, the intolerance was all in their heads.

Via Real Clear Science:

37 subjects took part, all with self-reported gluten sensitivity who were confirmed to not have celiac’s disease. They were first fed a diet low in FODMAPs for two weeks, then were given one of three diets for a week with either 16 grams per day of added gluten (high-gluten), 2 grams of gluten and 14 grams of whey protein isolate (low-gluten), or 16 grams of whey protein isolate (placebo). Each subject shuffled through every single diet so that they could serve as their own controls, and none ever knew what specific diet he or she was eating. After the main experiment, a second was conducted to ensure that the whey protein placebo was suitable. In this one, 22 of the original subjects shuffled through three different diets — 16 grams of added gluten, 16 grams of added whey protein isolate, or the baseline diet — for three days each.

Analyzing the data, Gibson found that each treatment diet, whether it included gluten or not, prompted subjects to report a worsening of gastrointestinal symptoms to similar degrees. Reported pain, bloating, nausea, and gas all increased over the baseline low-FODMAP diet. Even in the second experiment, when the placebo diet was identical to the baseline diet, subjects reported a worsening of symptoms! The data clearly indicated that a nocebo effect, the same reaction that prompts some people to get sick from wind turbines and wireless internet, was at work here. Patients reported gastrointestinal distress without any apparent physical cause. Gluten wasn’t the culprit; the cause was likely psychological. Participants expected the diets to make them sick, and so they did. The finding led Gibson to the opposite conclusion of his 2011 research:

“In contrast to our first study… we could find absolutely no specific response to gluten.”

I hate to say this, but I called it a long time ago. I’m really careful to keep my mouth shut about these things until all the evidence is in, because for years I thought people claiming to have “sensitive ears” were completely full of shit, and now even nickel-free earrings set my ears on fire. Knowing my luck, were “gluten-sensitivity” a real thing, the very second I opened my mouth to mock it, I would come down with it and never be able to have pizza again.

The problem with so many people vaguely claiming to be ‘sensitive’ to gluten, however–according to a friend of mine with Celiac’s–is that it causes many places to not take Celiac’s seriously, thinking of it as just a new food fad. She actually can’t have food that has been anywhere near other food with gluten. On the bright side, however, I guess there are more options now in the grocery store.

However, there are just always going to be the people who get a rush out of saying to their server “Ohhhhh….Is there gluten in this?” in their Paltrow-iest tones. They love it. They cherish being that person, despite the fact that everyone around them knows they’re full of shit.

True story, back in the day, people thought consumption, also known as tuberculosis, was a fabulously glamorous disease. It was something poets and artists died of, as well as the tragic heroines in “La Boheme” and “La Traviata.” In fact, the consumption-craze was really the first time it became fashionable to be especially thin. People who probably did not like the idea of spitting up blood still liked the idea of seeming very deep but very fragile. Lord Byron once said that he wanted to die of consumption “because the ladies would all say, ‘Look at that poor Byron, how interesting he looks in dying.’ Dylan Thomas lied about having consumption, though mostly to cover up the fact that he was a raging alcoholic.

This happens, I think, more often with mental disorders and “sensitivities,” as those are not as easily provable. For instance, for years after “Sybil” came out in the 1970s and 80s, there was a massive uptick in the amount of people diagnosed with multiple personality disorder (now called “dissociative identity disorder” and also not considered a real thing by the DSM anymore).

Via The Fashionable Diseases Project:

In the eighteenth century, as well as our own, certain diseases could be construed as endowing a sick person with some social or cultural cachet popularly associated with the illness. Melancholy could lend an air of creativity, gout could indicate class and wealth, and nerves could suggest a fashionable sensibility. A slight illness and enough wealth to travel could lead one to the spas and seaside resorts that, outside of London, formed the centres of fashionable society, or perhaps even lead abroad for warmer climes. As such, fashionable diseases also became the object of stigma, satire and allegations of fakery. They could be linked to the putative artificiality of ‘manners,’ modishness and the posturing of the beau monde. As Alexander Pope’s poetic satire says of women in the ‘Cave of Spleen,’ ‘The fair ones feel such maladies as these, When each new night-dress gives a new disease.’

On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have people who believe they have been cured by faith healers or helped by homeopathy, when we know that to be impossible. However, I think it’s fascinating that our brains can actually make us think we have a disease we don’t have, or to feel better upon the power of suggestion, and this, I think, is more worthy of study than whether or not people have gluten sensitivities.

14 May 22:51

Things Are Less Sexy Without You, H. R. Giger

by Nick Gazin

Illustration by Nick Gazin

H. R. Giger passed away on May 12 at the age of 74, and the internet responded with a sea of frowny-faced emoticons and people clicking "like" on links to announcements of his passing. Turning our emotions into mechanical clicks and little typed-out sideways faces seems gross after most people's deaths, but it feels somehow appropriate in Giger's case.

Giger is best known for designing the Xenomorph, with its crazy scary body and a head that looks like a dick and a mouth that looks like both a dick and a vag at the same time, in Ridley Scott's Alien movie. His work was scary, sexy, and widely appreciated by art smarties and fraternity dum-dums alike. It dealt with gender stuff and also the mechanical nature of humans, and human sexuality in particular. It seemed to acknowledge that life was nothing more than a combination of sex and death. 

We posted an archival interview with Giger yesterday, but I wanted to mourn some more, so I asked some illustrators I know to draw tributes to a guy whose work affected us all so much. Some of them wrote a few words too.

Clayton Rodery

I was ten when I first saw Alien, and obviously it scared the hell out of me. I was formally introduced to Giger not long after that through an episode of Discovery Channel's Movie Magic, which went into great detail on the origins of the monster and the mind of its creator. It was one of the earliest instances when I realized I could make a real living making whatever bizarre thing I wanted. He was sought after because he was so out there. I just thought, I can do that!

Homemade shrinky dinks

Rob Coradetti, a.k.a. Killer Acid

I started working at a comic book store when I was 14. That's when I figured out there was this one guy who invented all the creepy stuff from Alien... and that he was also a badass artist. In my teenage imagination, Giger lived in a high, dark tower somewhere in Europe, wore exclusively black turtlenecks, and was like Batman, only he painted on the side, and maybe also did other weird things... like stuff out of A Clockwork Orange. Looking back, it is very cool that his work reached me—some kid in Delaware—both through the Alien movies, which were my favorite, but also through these older comic book dudes who thought of him as an art god. I used to draw Facehuggers constantly on my notebooks, so I thought it would be fun to make some Giger shrinky dinks in that old juvenile style.

Simon Hanselmann

Jim Mahfood

Man, when I first discovered Giger's work I was a kid, it kind of freaked me out and disturbed me—much like when I first discovered Ralph Steadman. Giger's stuff was a bit too dark and creepy for me as a youth. But later, in art school, I sort of rediscovered him. I saw his designs and concepts for movies like Alien and realized what a fantastically insane genius he was. His mind was like no other's. And his style is unmistakeably his own. That's the type of artist that I am most attracted to—someone who has his own unique style and creates his own universe within that style. That's the type of artist I aspire to be. Thank you for the inspiration and madness, Mr. Giger.

Alex Schubert

When I was 13 I took drawing classes at some nu-metal guy's house. He was super into H. R. Giger, and he introduced me to his work.

RIP to a guy who drew robot dicks his whole life.

Devin Finch

When I was a little kid I would go through my uncle's stuff—mostly issues of Heavy Metal and Spawn comics—and he had one art book I was in love with: Necronomicon, by H. R. Giger. I would flip through it like forest smut. I loved it. The combination of teeth, baby faces, and titties all cast in marble made Spawn look like dog shit.

Also, I thought it really was the Necronomicon from Evil Dead II because I was stupid. I couldn't believe my uncle was so cool.

Penelope Gazin

Jonny Negron

I almost drew that dumbass from Korn singing with that mic stand Giger made for him. I'm beat. It's my birthday. I don't want to write.

I chose to draw the alien because I think Alien is one of the finest science fiction films ever made, and Giger's work is a big part of what makes the film so visually striking. The alien is too terrifying.

Giger was a huge influence on me in my younger years, to the point that I spent the first decade of my professional artistic life running from comparisons to his work, because I didn't think we painted anything alike. What I came to realize as I got older was that, when people say, "It reminds me of something Giger would do," what they're really saying is that they find it dark and unsettling. Dark art certainly existed before Giger, but to me, he's the guy responsible for giving it a genre of its own, for giving us all a place to go.


A. T. Pratt

H. R. Giger is one example of an artist whose work I was exposed to as a child and, at the time, provoked in me a feeling so strong that I felt like being a fan of it would get me into trouble, like when my mother was helping me clean my room in fourth grade and I chose to throw all of my Magic cards into the trash-compactor chute instead of letting her see what unspeakable horrors the swamp cards contained.

Far from the generic beasts in the swamps of Magic: the Gathering, Giger's creatures seemed at once further "out there" than any monsters or aliens I'd seen before and also eerily close to home. Giger's stuff was so powerful to me because everything he drew on came right from humanity, taking the features of human bodies and blowing them up and contorting them until beauty and horror were expressed in equal measures. He showed what humanity would look like if we looked how we sometimes act. He flipped the human body inside out for us and showed us what it would be like to live inside a giant version of our own rib cage.

I have since recognized that the immediate guilt I feel when I'm drawn to something that may not be palatable to my mother almost always gives way to appreciation, and now I usually skip the step wherein I throw things I like into the trash-compactor chute.

Cody Pickrodt

Giger's work always struck me as reverent and inquisitive: two elements that are fundamental to a healthy appreciation of sex. Alien was cool and powerful and scary, but it was his studies—and particularly The Mystery of San Gottardo—that stay with me. San Gottardo was essentially a travel journal, a world-building exercise, and a counterbalance to the gravity of his biomechanical works. As an artist, he did everything right. His fascination with both the material and immaterial world—like a mundane rusted steel vault in his town that equally obsessed him and filled him with dread—echoed a lustful curiosity that an individual typically experiences as one comes of age, the period in which I discovered Giger.

14 May 22:49

La leyenda de la «Sombra del Peregrino»

by La Voz
En plaza de la Quintana, cuando el sol ya no alumbra, aparece una de las imágenes más fotografiadas de Santiago
14 May 22:49

Bo rolo

by cequelinhos

Cando estudaba Xornalismo en Santiago e compartía moitas horas cos meus compañeiros de clase: Tomás Lixó, Carlos Meixide, Carlos Méndez, Félix Aragunde, Xes Chapela, Belén Regueira, Helena Domínguez… buscabamos centos de formas de entreter as horas que mediaban entre o final das clases, o xantar na facultade de Medicina e a volta ás aulas. Recordo as chanzas sobre neofalantes en galego, daquela moi habituais en Compostela. En realidade, todos os que procediamos de cidades eramos neofalantes pero había determinadas frases que lles escoitabamos a algúns estudantes que nos facían especial graza, sobre todo “de puta nai” e “bo rolo”.

Daquel tempo pasaron case 20 anos e sospeito que xa pouca xente di iso de bo rolo; máis ben dirán bo rollo en frases en galego sen sequera repararen en que é unha forma castelá.

A palabra rollo é desas comodín en castelán. Á parte de definir un obxecto de forma cilíndrica, ten varios significados. Para cada un deles, o galego ten unha forma propia.

O rollo como obxecto en galego é rolo. “Pásame o rolo do fío, por favor”. “No Museu do Cinema de Melgaço gardan rolos de películas antigas”.

Para o significado de rollo como persoa ou cousa aborrecida: “Tu primo es un rollo, no saldría con él ni muerta”, utilizaremos adxectivos do tipo pesado, aborrecido, trosma ou prosma e prosmeiro. “O teu curmán é un prosma, non sairía con el nin morta”.

Cando falemos de rollo no sentido de relación amorosa ou sexual, pasaxeira e superficial: “Lo que tuvimos Miguel y yo no se puede considerar ni rollo”, utilizaremos os substantivos flirt, aventura ou namorisco. “O que tivemos Miguel e mais eu non se pode considerar nin flirt”.

Rollo tamén pode aludir a un texto que se vai escribir ou ler en público: “¿Preparados para el rollo, chicos? Esta noche el catedrático viene inspirado”, dúas palabras poden servirnos en galego, aínda que ningunha aparece no dicionario da RAG: papiro e parzamique. “Prontos para o papiro, rapaces? Esta noite o catedrático vén inspirado”. A orixe de parzamique vén da oración das Leccións de Xob que se lía o Día de Defuntos e que empeza por ‘Parce mihi, domine’. Como tampouco vén no dicionario DRAG, teño que dicirvos que amais de discurso enfiado tamén pode significar leria: “Quedaron de parzamique até as tantas”.

Finalmente, cando falemos de rollo como sensación ou impresión, “Esa casa me da mal rollo”, en galego temos que ter moi en conta a graduación do sentimento. Por exemplo, a frase que utilizamos como exemplo pódese traducir: “Esa casa dáme mal corpo”. A forma corpo pode utilizarse tamén en positivo. “O partido que lles gañamos aos madridistas xa me daba bo corpo desde o primeiro minuto”. Mais se utilizásemos “Esa casa dáme respecto”, non fai falta gradualo porque nese contexto respecto equivale a unha sensación parecida ao temor.

O bo rollo co que empezamos este artigo tamén ten outro significado, aínda non sancionado polas autoridades lingüísticas castelás: equivale a algo feito con simpatía ou sen ánimo de ofender. “Te entré de buen rollo y tú empezaste a gritar”. Neste caso, o importante é fuxir da frase feita en castelán. “Funche de bo xorne (ou sen maldade, sen malicia, ou polas boas ou de boa fe ou ás dereitas…) e ti empezaches a berrar”.

Seguro que na vosa casa ou comarca hai expresións propias para definir ese xeito de ver a vida e as relacións cos demais. Practicádeas para que non se perdan.

14 May 22:46

Mamés Garfias López: «Llevo 30 años trabajando en la noche y nunca la vi tan muerta»

by P. Calveiro
14 May 22:46

«Si no fuera pinchadiscos me habría gustado ser militar, conductor de tanques»



14 May 15:04

Hearthstone. CCG para el ordenador

by Jason Rider

Que los juegos de mazos de cartas están de moda no es ningún secreto, podemos ver muchos ejemplos desde el mítico Magic: The Gathering, hasta los nuevos desarrollos de estos tipos como serían los Living Card Games de Edge Entertainment con ejemplos tan claros como Netrunner, Star Wars, La Llamada de Cthulhu o Juego de Tronos entre otros; pero no es sólo aquí donde podemos ver estos tipos de juegos, ya que por ejemplo en series de televisión hemos podido ver como aparecen estos juegos, sobretodo en la gran seríe The Big Bang Theory con su juego «Los Guerreros Místicos de Ka Ha» que por la gran popularidad de esta serie se realizó una versión para poder jugarla en la red social Facebook.

Aunque podemos encontrar otros títulos de este estilo dentro de dicha red social, el ejemplo más claro de como conseguir ganarse al público lo ha conseguido la compañía Blizzard Entertainment (seguramente os sonaran grandes juegos como Starcraft, Diablo o World of Warcraft), donde han cogido el mundo creado para uno de sus títulos emblema (WoW) y han desarrollado un juego al más puro estilo Magic que han podido, y aquí es donde ha surgido Hearthstone, y viene dispuesto para quedarse, ya que trae todo lo necesario para que enganche a nuevos jugadores desde el primer momento.

Hearthstone es un juego gratuito (primera ventaja) donde poco a poco y partida a partida podrás ir desbloqueando nuevos héroes y mejorándolos para conseguir nuevas cartas y sobres de cartas más poderosas; pero si no quieres perder tiempo y quieres conseguir las cartas mejores más rápido siempre podrás pasar por caja para comprar más sobres. Por otro lado, otro de los puntos del juego es la facilidad que tienes a la hora de crear tus mazos y dejar un gran número de ellos listos para probar contra la máquina. También podrás jugar partidas contra otros jugadores y embarcarte en partidas para conseguir más rango dentro del juego, todo dispuesto para que los más competitivos pasen horas y horas jugando para conseguir ser los mejores de sus amigos.

hearthstone - 02 hearthstone - 01

Por otro lado, cuando desbloqueas a uno de los héroes nuevos conseguir cartas nuevas es más fácil, pero cada vez la cosa irá más compleja y tendrás que pasar más tiempo y más partidas para desbloquear esas cartas básicas que te faltan de ese personaje.

El escenario de juego como se ve en la ilustración de arriba es muy simple, un cuadrado partido en dos, la parte de abajo es la tuya y la de arriba la de tu rival, cada jugador irá invocando esbirros o lanzando conjuros con el correspondiente coste de maná y gana quien consiga hacer 30 puntos de daño a su rival. Todas las criaturas tienen dos valores, fuerza y resistencia para representar el daño que hacen y el que resisten y luego cuando nos metemos más en el juego vemos que las criaturas pueden tener algunas habilidades especiales; vamos, que cualquiera que haya jugado a Magic alguna vez sabrá perfectamente de lo que estoy hablando y verá que no hay nada nuevo.

Si alguien quiere probarlo simplemente que entre a la página de Hearthstone de Blizzard Entertainment y lo podrá descargar, eso si, para jugar necesitará conectarse a, la plataforma de juego de esta empresa y ya una vez ahí podrá jugar contra sus amigos o contra cualquier usuario que haya en la plataforma (que siempre hay muchos contra quien jugar).

Y recordar, podéis convertiros en los mejores de este juego sin llegar a gastar ni un sólo euro, con lo que en ese aspecto es muy interesante. Si alguien quiere alguna vez jugar que me pregunte el usuario.

The post Hearthstone. CCG para el ordenador first appeared on Ultimo Turno.

14 May 14:44

New Home Beer Brewing Device Ready to Ship

by Lisa Marcus

PicoBrew, a Seattle startup company run by a former Microsoft executive, is set to begin shipping their new home beer brewing machine, the Zymatic. In October 2013, the PicoBrew principals launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund their venture. The idea was to create the equivalent of a high-end espresso maker for the home brewer. Their $150,000 goal was met in a single day, and they have gone on to amass over $660,000. Nothing like a bit of prospective customer support!

Earlier versions of home brewing devices have been on the market prior to this, but they were more expensive and limited as to the kind of beer they could produce. At $1699, Zymatic is still cost prohibitive for many households, although professional craft beer brewers have been eyeing the machine for possible use on testing small batches, as the machine isn't limited to the type of beer it produces.

Zymatic does have an interesting feature: the machine connects to the Internet and is capable of sharing recipe and batch information with other home brewers. Ingredients are mixed automatically and the user can walk away and return to a batch of unfermented beer in 3.5 hours. After a week of fermentation and added carbonation, the recipe is ready to meet a frosty mug.

Visit the PicoBrew website to learn more. Story via Forbes.

14 May 14:31

You scream, I scream, we all scream...

by flapjax at midnite
The song "Turkey In The Straw" is one known to millions of Americans as well as many, many others around the world. Here's a National Public Radio article that shines some light on the virulently racist lyrics that attended that familiar old melody in its earlier incarnation. WARNING: Do not go to the link if you wish to avoid racist imagery and slurs.
14 May 14:29

5 Famous People Whose Best Work Was Motivated By Revenge

By Maxwell Yezpitelok  Published: May 14th, 2014  The question all artists seem to hate the most (after "Hey, can you whip out a logo for my band real quick?") is "Where do you get your ideas?" They'll tell you that inspiration is a hard thing to explain, like it's some strange magical dimension us
14 May 14:18

This Man Documented Over One Hundred Burritos He Ate in a Year

by Kayla Monetta
This Man Documented Over One Hundred Burritos He Ate in a Year
14 May 14:10

El programa "Corre Carmela que Chove" bajó el telón tras 21 años de éxitos y permanencia en las ondas

by Germán Castro
La foto corresponde a la actuación de "Corre Carmela que Chove" en la gala anual de Diario de Ferrol de 2008
En la gala del Diario de Ferrol del año 2008 (11 de junio), siendo entonces yo director de la publicación, se le concedió al escritor, caricaturista y pintor ferrolano, Siro López el premio a una trayectoria con motivo de su jubilación, baja que se había producido dos años antes en el periódico La Voz de Galicia. Creí asimismo oportuno invitar para la ocasión al elenco de artistas de Corre Carmela que Chove. El éxito estaba garantizado de antemano, como así resultó, con un auditorio de unas mil personas totalmente entregado. Además, Siro, guionista y fundador del grupo de imitadores, preparó unos diálogos ambientados en la política local, personajes, costumbres y tradiciones ferrolanas que hicieron las delicias del numeroso público. Pues bien, Corre Carmela que Chove desapareció, sin pena ni gloria, de la parrilla de Radio Voz hace escasas semanasEl propio Siro me lo comentaba, sorprendido de que no se le hubiera dado alcance sonoro al asunto,  y me recordaba que este "experimento" se había mantenido con inmejorables audiencias durante 21 años, "algo insólito en la radiodifusión". Siro llegó a estar tan metido en los personajes que imitaban y parodiaban "que eran ellos los que me dictaban los guiones, que salían de carretilla", declaró mi amigo e interlocutor. También evocó las actuaciones en Ferrol ciudad en la que más se les celebraba y agasajaba. Dentro del inmenso anecdotario relata que en una de esas ocasiones (siempre actuaban en el histórico teatro Jofre, que llenaban hasta la bandera) habían empezado a las ocho y diez de la tarde y eran las once de la noche cuando se dieron cuenta de que habían superado con creces el tiempo previsto "pero allí nadie, ni nosotros, ni el público, éramos conscientes del tiempo transcurrido y todo el mundo estaba "atado" a la butaca, entregado al espectáculo". El caso es que de este programa -tuvo también un papel decisivo en la fundación del grupo,  el periodista fallecido López de Alba- que se emitía por Radio Voz salieron verdaderos artistas y "showmans", con impecables imitaciones de diversas personalidades de la política, de la jerarquía eclesiástica, el fútbol, etc, y sobre todo, gran sentido del humor. Es así que eran reclamados desde todos los puntos de Galicia y sus actuaciones abarrotaban pabellones, teatros y plazas públicas. Todo había empezado cuando el mundial de fútbol de México en que Siro inventó a un personaje mexicano que, salvo cuando jugaba su selección, defendía a capa y espada al combinado español.  La experiencia resultó tan sugerente que a partir de ahí nace Corre Carmela que Chove inicialmente integrado por Xacobo Pérez que imitaba a dos personajes, Manuel Fraga y Juan Pablo II. Más adelante se incorpora Moisés Morales que imitaba a Rouco Varela, Jesús Hermida, Aznar... Poco después se sumaba al grupo Paco Lodeiro que hacía también varios personajes, pero principalmente a Paco Vázquez, entonces alcalde coruñés. Sucesivamente irán apareciendo Carlos Jiménez (Jesús Gil, Ruíz Mateos, Boris Izaguirre) y Fernando Acebal y Leo Toral que entran a suplir a Paco Lodeiro y Carlos Jiméndez que se independizan para montar "Risoterapia". Hay que añadir a Pipo Arribe (Arsenio, Cañita Brava) y otros colaboradores ocasionales como el ferrolano "Caruso" (Antonio Ruibal) que borda al dictador Francisco Franco. Por el programa, a lo largo del período mencionado, pasaron políticos y gente del mundo del espectáculo, que, en no pocos casos, pedían que se les invitase a sus actuaciones para verse imitados en directo. En los últimos años, aunque Siro seguía siendo el guionista, quien coordinaba las actuaciones ante el micro o el público era el gran radiofonista Pablo Portabales. 
14 May 13:48

Emma Sinclaire lets loose

14 May 13:48

Excited look on her face!

14 May 13:47

Making her lactate as he cums

14 May 13:47

While Eating A Pussy

14 May 13:34

The International Zip Line between Spain and Portugal

by John Farrier

(Photo: Limite Zero)

The Spanish town of Sanlúcar de Guadiana and the Portuguese town of Alcoutim are separated by the Guadiana River. You can take a boat across the border. But if you want to move really quickly, then zip line is the way to go.

David Jarman’s Limite Zero is the private company responsible for this fun project. For 15 euros, you can travel at 45 miles per hour down the 0.44-mile long zip line at a 12.47% slope. You can then take a ferry back, which is helpful, because you’d surely want to do it again and again.

The ride lasts about a minute. But since you travel across a time zone boundary, you could also say that it takes one hour and one minute.

(Video Link)

14 May 13:34


by manutf

14 May 13:33

Scientifically Accurate Anatomical Diagrams of Animals

by John Farrier

These anatomical diagrams of animals circulating the internet are helpful, but I do wish that they went into a bit more detail. A rabbit's poof loof, like a human's, has four distinct swoophs.

Ideally, give your pet rabbits a rough surface to walk on, like a carpet. Slick floors don't give traction for their thumping puffers and fuzz scrubbers.

14 May 13:33

C-3PO y R2-D2 se odian en la vida real

by administrador


C-3PO y R2-D2 son probablemente los robots más populares de la historia de la ciencia ficción. Estos personajes han aparecido en las seis películas ya existentes de Star Wars, y también estarán en Star Wars: Episodio VII, que se está comenzando a rodar bajo las órdenes de J.J. Abrams. Estos dos robots son unos compañeros inseparables en el cine, pero los actores que los interpretan tienen una relación que dista mucho de ser cordial.

El conflicto entre Kenny Baker (R2-D2) y Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) viene de hace mucho tiempo atrás. Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) siempre trató con desdén a su compañero. Daniels se consideraba un actor de verdad y Baker era simplemente un tipo metido dentro de una caja que ni se molestaba en leer el guión.

Kenny Baker habla así de Anthony Daniels:

“La última vez que hablé con él fue en una convención en Boston. Él estaba delante de mi y yo le pregunté: ¿Has tenido un bien fin de semana, Tony? Él me dijo: Estoy teniendo una conversación, y se marchó. Pero él no estaba hablando con nadie. Debería haberle pegado”.


La pareja se lleva tan mal que no quieren hacer apariciones públicas juntos. Por eso suele haber problemas cuando les invitan a convenciones de fans. En una entrevista para el Channel 4, Baker respondió lo siguiente cuando se le preguntó por su disponibilidad para asistir a una reunión de los intérpretes de la saga Star Wars:

“Depende. Si invitan a ese señor, al de las pelotas doradas, yo no estaré allí si él se presenta”.

Kenny todavía tiene más:

“Creí que sólo me odiaba a mi, pero me he dado cuenta recientemente de que no se lleva bien con nadie. Es muy antipático con todo el mundo, incluidos los fans. Daniels no tiene tiempo para nadie, y nadie te puede decir ni una buena palabra sobre él. Pero quiero aclarar que yo no odio a Anthony, no está en mi naturaleza odiar a nadie”.

Anthony Daniels y Kenny Baker han sido convocados para el rodaje de Star Wars: Episodio VII. Son los únicos actores que han trabajado en todas las películas de Star Wars. Kenny Baker tiene ya 74 años y graves problemas de espalda, por lo que podría ser que su inclusión en el reparto de la película se haya hecho en plan honorífico y para hacer de R2-D2 se utilice infografía y un robot de verdad.




The post C-3PO y R2-D2 se odian en la vida real appeared first on Teenage Thunder.

14 May 13:33

Vista da rúa entremuros, que como di o nome ía á beira da antiga...

Vista da rúa entremuros, que como di o nome ía á beira da antiga muralla da cidade (a beira esquerda nesta perspectiva), un pouco máis abaixo (ainda que non sae na foto) hai unha casa que ainda conserva unha parte importante da estrutura da muralla.

14 May 13:22

Knocked the fuck out,,,

by fuckyou666
14 May 13:17

Deleted most likely fake post's of yore,,,,Fixed.

by Swollen Goods
14 May 13:16

Thursday, May 29 @ 11:45:03 pm

by Swollen Goods
14 May 13:04

You Always Remember Your First Time

by O.C.T.P.F.A.S.

IMG_4370To celebrate both the first truly hot day of the season (83 degrees!) and the extraordinary amount of attention our little group has received over the past fortnight (starting with the Huffington Post and then exploding when the Guardian in the UK picked up the story), we headed out to one of our favorite spots in the park, the hill where Bob Dylan supposedly once painted us. (He didn’t really, but what a juicy story that was…)

Thanks to all that attention, we were joined by a number of first-timers, enjoying not just their first time meeting us, but their first time ever going topless in a public place. We were honored they chose us to introduce them to one of the finest pleasures New York has to offer: lying bare-breasted in the grass, bathed in sunlight, surrounded by good conversation and good books and good things to eat (thank you, Crumbs, for knocking off the Cronut). It’s a sensory overload of the very best sort.

And these happy newbies were only the ones who could make it on a Monday afternoon! Two dozen more have asked if they can come too, and as we schedule more events, we hope we’ll get to meet them all.

Would you like to join us? We welcome women of every description: the curious, the confirmed, and everyone in between. Just send us an email at toplesspulpfiction[AT]gmail[DOT]com and we’ll add you to our list.

In the meantime, we share with you this glimpse of an idyllic afternoon in New York’s own garden of earthly delights.
