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30 May 00:32


by Oswaldo Cornelius

“Baila con pasión
El nuevo temón
De estos hipsters de Decathlón”
Definitivamente Miami: “Gran Temón”


Tienes camisas de cuadros como para hacerle una nueva carpa al PUTO CIRCO RINGLING, sufres severos ataques de pánico cuando entras en una cafetería y no hay una bici colgando, luces moreno de albañil en ese país imaginario en el que los albañiles sólo llevan morenos los tobillos y, esta mañana, mientras te hacías un corte de pelo de 50 pavos que te convertiría en un cansadamas entre las juventudes hitlerianas, te llega una alarma de Twitter del tío ese que tan mal te cae y al que acabas copiando en todo tres meses más tarde, y cae la bomba: NORMCORE.

¿Qué es la tontería ésta del Normcore? Aparentemente un palo en esa rueda para hámsters en que se ha convertido (¿alguna vez no lo fue?) la industria de la moda, las tendencias y la frivolidad al por mayor. Se supone que, hastiados por la absurda y vertiginosa sucesión de tendencias, de la hiperactividad de las it-girls y blogueras patrocinadas y la insaciable voracidad de las modas, lo que se lleva ahora (hablo de El Imperio, aquí se llevará dentro de 6 ó 7 años) es vestir normal. Anodino. K-Hole (que ustedes y yo por supuesto sabemos quiénes son) ha definido el Normcore con estas palabras: “la decisión de adoptar lo común como una nueva manera de ser cool, en vez de buscar la diferencia o la autenticidad”. Esto es: vestir de la manera más aburrida e impersonal posible. Algún desnortado también alaba la cosa diciendo que esta apuesta por la ropa normal “alumbra a la persona”, sin que haya distracciones de por medio. ¡Y lo dicen como si fuera algo bueno!


Yo ha sido leer todo esto y echarme a temblar. Ciertamente, cuando uno piensa en el mundo civilizado y en el lugar de donde viene todo esto, los USA, no le resulta complicado dar con iconos Normcore de toda la vida: prácticamente cualquier diseñador minimalista ochentero, cualquier artista conceptual de vanguardia (preferentemente de origen asiático) o cualquier plutócrata del microchip cumple con despreocupada perfección con los principios estéticos del Normcore. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando pensamos en la translación de esta tendencia a España? ¿En qué pérfida plasmación podría convertirse el Normcore bajo el prisma de la modernidad carpetovetónica? Más allá de la primera imagen que a todos nos viene a la cabeza (una explanada postapocalíptica del festival de turno repleta de peña disfrazada de votantes pre-jubilados del PSOE, un Mad Max de funcionarios agazapados entre lonas de propaganda de Heineken) ahondar en las consecuencias estéticas que podría traer la implantación de esta tendencia entre nuestra más rabiosa juventud hace que se me abran las carnes. Porque ¿qué es lo NORMAL aquí, para las gentes? No digo la gente, sino LAS GENTES, como lo dice YULIO.

Al margen del presupuesto más aproximado, que ya anticipaban Definitivamente Miami en su canción, y que nos dejaría con barrios enteros con sus tiendas de vinilos/cafeterías macrobióticas arrasadas por hordas de hipsters de Decathlon, ahondar en las propuestas estéticas más arriesgadas que puedan surgir, en rocambolesca paradoja, de esta apuesta por lo normal, sólo pueden llevar al español de orden, como decía Lucas, al llanto y crujir de dientes.

Captura de pantalla 2014-05-13 a la(s) 17.05.17


Porque se empieza con un inocente chandalito de Decathlon, una blusa neutra del C&A, unas zapatillas del mercao y cualquier cosa horrorosa frivolidad rescatada de las cubetas de la marca que más ropa vende en España (en efecto, Tex, de Carrefour) y se acaba cayendo en los abismos del firmerismo, esto es, vistiendo como aquellos infraseres noventeros que pedían firmas “para el sida” a las puertas de los hospitales y ambulatorios de toda España en los primeros noventa. Porque aquí somos más papistas que el papa, y que nos empeñemos en seguir las modas con 6 años de retraso cuando ya están más que muertas en el mundo civilizado nos es óbice ni cortapisa para que al final lo acabemos petando más que nadie. Ya lo estoy viendo: GENTES modernas que empiezan con un tímido tonteo con los pantalones de Kiabi y que a las dos semanas cubren medio Fuencarral de táctel; familias ROTAS con sus miembros más jóvenes petándolo A ON en las carpas del Sonar vistiendo camisetas de carreras populares ya extintas; ídolos del indie subiendo el volumen de sus Fender Jaguar con la uña del meñique; el mullet saltando de su ecosistema natural (los coches de choque, los campos de fútbol y las cárceles suramericanas) para encaramarse en lo más alto de la pirámide de la vanguardia. PEÑA con lentillas. PEÑA LLEVANDO LENTILLAS. Y el juez Castro, ese titán del padraquismo que siempre parece que venga de hacer una paella, portada del Jot Down.

Pues sí, esta es mi visión distópica del Normcore. Y mi modesta predicción: el Normcore pondrá a España en el mundo. O acabará con ella.

Atentamente, Oswaldo Cornelius.

14 May 13:54

Clásicos Mexicanos: un Café de Chinos, La Pagoda

by Xose Manoel Ramos
Una de las tradiciones de Ciudad de México son los cafés de chinos. Si alguien que ha vivido en Madrid o en Barcelona lee esto pensará: vaya cosa, aquí tambien hay cafeterías de chinos. Cafeterías que han comprado chinos. Pero no, no es lo mismo.

Los cafés de chinos es una tradición muy antigua en México, data de los años 40, y es un concepto que inventaron ellos. En vez de montar restaurantes de comida china, que fue lo que hicieron en otros sitio, crearon un nuevo concepto que servía cafés, panes (pasteles), comida mexicana y china. Además, eran muy baratos y funcionaban 24 horas.

Pequeños establecimientos con sillones rojos de piel sintética y el calendario chino en la entrada, estas cafeterías ofrecen café las 24 horas del día, bísquets, choux y panes al vapor recién horneados. Su popularidad los llevó a posicionarse dentro de los lugares de reunión más visitados por periodistas y escritores, no sólo por su accesible carta que incluía platillos de la  “cocina china” sino por sus modestos precios. - Cafés de Chinos en Indie Food
Y así de esta manera se convirtieron en un clásico de México. 
Uno de esos lugares cálidos y familiares para comer son los cafés de chinos. Parece haber una regla universal al respecto: no hay café de chinos donde no se coma bien. Parte de esa mística tiene que ver con la dualidad entre restaurante y panadería que hay en todos ellos, el barra escuálida donde es posible encontrar desde burócratas que desayunan antes de la jornada laboral hasta novios que encaramelan aún más el café frente a ellos. - Café de Chinos en el blog Instinto Contagioso
 Así que andaba yo de paseo por la 5 de Mayo, pasé por delante de La Pagoda (si supuera que más adelante estaba el Café Popular, que es el más antiguo que sigue en funcionamiento, hubiera seguido) y paré a ver como funcionaba.

El interior es funcional, pero bastante elegante. Y como se puede ver, funciona a tope. A la gente le encantan los precios y la posibilidad de comer a cualquier hora del día. (Por cierto, que como estamos en el S. XXI, además de 24 horas, además de buen precio,... ofrecen Wifi gratis de muy buena calidad).

Aunque hay muchos platos típicos  de cafés de chinos, yo tenía curiosidad de saber que eran los bisquets, así que los pedí. Los bisquets son unos bollos/galletas entre salado y dulce. A mi me recuerdan un poco a los muffins o los scones que hacen los ingleses. Están buenos, pero la proxima que vaya a un café de chinos ya voy a probar uno de los platos salados, que tambien tienen fama

14 May 13:53

Mango Strawberry Sangria

by Morgan

One of my favorite things about warm weather is that it makes a wonderful excuse for fruity cocktail sipping.

Mango Strawberry Sangria

There’s nothing that fills my heart with more joy than soaking in the sun with a sweet (and buzz-inducing) drink in my hand.    Speaking of hearts, doesn’t that one strawberry slice almost look heart-shaped?  It’s a testament of my love for Mango Strawberry Sangria, obviously.

Mango Strawberry Sangria

As you can probably tell from the pictures, there are two ways to make this drink.  You can either just make the mango puree by itself and then add the strawberries afterward, or you can throw some strawberries in with the mango puree for an extra boost of strawberry flavor (and a pretty orange-pink color).  They were both equally tasty, so do whatever feels right.

Mango Strawberry Sangria

But no matter what you do, don’t forget the slices, dose of ginger ale, and mint simple syrup that just bring this sangria together.  Oh, and you might want to make a double batch because this stuff will disappear quickly!


Mango Strawberry Sangria
Author: Morgan
  • 1 bottle white wine
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup fresh mint leaves
  • 4 oz orange liquor
  • 1 cup strained mango puree (if desired, you can puree 6-8 strawberries with the mango)
  • 8 oz fresh strawberries, sliced
  • 1½ cups ginger ale
  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • 1 lime, sliced
  • Ice
  1. Combine the water, sugar, in mint in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat to low and let simmer for 2 minutes, or until liquid has reduced to a syrup. Remove the mint leaves from the syrup and let cool.
  3. Combine the orange liquor, mango puree, 3 oz of the mint simple syrup, sliced strawberries, and lime juice in a large container. Cover and refrigerate overnight (or for at least 2 hours).
  4. When ready to serve, pour the mango mixture into a large ice-filled pitcher. Add the ginger ale and remaining sliced fruits. Top with the wine and stir to combine.



14 May 13:38

Lyme disease forces cancelation of all Julie Ruin tour dates

by Joel Freimark
Lyme disease forces cancelation of all Julie Ruin tour dates

For those hoping to see the always amazing Julie Ruin this summer, the band announced that they have been forced to cancel all shows until September due to singer Kathleen Hanna having relapse of Lyme disease. All dates beginning with Saturday’s show in Hamburg through their August 16 show in France have been officially called off.

Announcing the news through their Facebook page, the band stated that they are, “ridiculously sad” with the situation, but Hanna’s doctors have advised her to begin a three month course of treatment beginning immediately. Due to this reality, she would not be able to travel in support of the bands’ first full length which was released last fall on Dischord Records.

Falling somewhere between punk and riot grrrl (depending on if you think the latter is actually a legitimate genre), Hanna was the subject of the 2013 film The Punk Singer, which documented her years with bands like Bikini Kill and Le Tigre, as well as her current projects. It was during that film where she first publically revealed her battle with Lyme disease, which she has had since around 2005.

The band implied that they hope Hanna will rejoin the group following her treatment, and one can assume they will do their best to reschedule the canceled dates.

Watch Kathleen Hanna discuss the disease from The Punk Singer:

Joel Freimark hosts a daily music-related webseries HERE and you can follow his daily music musings and suggestions HERE as well.

Image: NY Times

Follow @thedailyguru

14 May 13:38

The Hour-Long 'Simpsons'/'Family Guy' Crossover Episode Will Air This September

by Megh Wright
by Megh Wright

News broke last summer that Fox was working on a Simpsons/Family Guy crossover episode to be aired sometime in fall 2014. At Fox's upfront presentation yesterday, entertainment chairman Kevin Reilly confirmed the news and revealed that the episode — called The Simpsons Guy — will be a full hour and is currently set to air sometime this September. The episode will feature the Griffins going on a road trip to Springfield; here's the full description of the crossover special via EW:

They cross paths with Homer, who graciously greets his new "albino" visitors, and the two families become fast friends. Stewie is impressed with Bart and his assortment of pranks, Lisa befriends Meg and tries to figure out exactly what it is that she's good at, and Marge and Lois put aside their housework in favor of some bonding. Meanwhile, Peter and Homer argue over which beer is better: Pawtucket or Duff.

14 May 13:37

Currás rechaza que el anuncio sobre la ampliación de la AP-9 tenga «connotación política»

by Efe / La Voz
El alcalde de Santiago califica el anuncio de «espléndido». El BNG lo tacha de «inaceptable e inoportuno»

14 May 13:37

I joined Tinder as a dog

by Joe Veix
I joined Tinder as a dog

I was feeling bored and lonely, so I joined Tinder as a dog. I set up my profile as a 26-year-old golden retriever named Hero, a male dog who was looking for both men and women within a 100-mile radius.

mainprofilephotos I joined Tinder as a dog

For those unfamiliar with Tinder, it’s a dating app popular mainly for its immediacy and simplicity. It presents photos of someone nearby, along with a short profile. If you like them, you swipe right; if you don’t, you swipe left. If you both swipe right, you’re matched, and you can chat with each other to arrange a date.

Whenever I had a free moment I’d swipe right on every profile. Almost immediately I got matches. If they messaged me, I’d bark at them.

 duaine I joined Tinder as a dog

A lot of people played along.

stephanie I joined Tinder as a dog

Others fed me cliche pickup lines.

bradley I joined Tinder as a dog

A few people responded by pretending to be a dog. (Though I’m not sure if this is how they normally behave while dating.)

lizzie I joined Tinder as a dog

Surprisingly, only one guy was annoyed with me.

don I joined Tinder as a dog

Only a few got sexual.

amanda I joined Tinder as a dog

This poor guy talked to me for over an hour.

sergio I joined Tinder as a dog

After four days as a male dog, I had 206 matches—154 guys and 52 girls. Not bad for a dog with no job or interests.

I switched Hero to a female dog, looking for men and women. Even though it was only 9am on a weekday morning, I was immediately barraged with responses. After roughly two hours—during which my phone vibrated almost nonstop with notifications—I had 300 male matches, and one female match.

I got my first chat within a minute of switching to female.

 tarek I joined Tinder as a dog

There were too many matches to keep up. It became difficult to swipe right at a steady pace, because the “It’s a Match!” screen animation would play after every profile and slow me down. If I were able to swipe right quicker, I estimate my number of matches would have doubled.

A large number of the chats were immediately sexual. A lot of straight men wanted to fuck this dog.

salem I joined Tinder as a dog

Others were smarmy as hell.

jordan I joined Tinder as a dog

In lieu of a “hello,” a lot of guys just called me a bitch.

curtis I joined Tinder as a dog

Or got really violent.

 rovert I joined Tinder as a dog

Or were painfully desperate.

jon I joined Tinder as a dog

I stopped being a female dog after a day, and deleted the app. I got sick of my phone being overloaded with Tinder notifications. Even if you’re a dog, online dating is terrible.

14 May 13:35

From Virtuous Foreman To Sociopathic Drifter - The True Story Of Phineas Gage

by Zeon Santos

You may be familiar with the story of Phineas Gage, it's an enduring urban legend and fitting entry in the Ripley's Believe It Or Not canon, but his is a story that needs to be updated.

Phineas had an iron tamping rod driven completely through his head by a blasting cap while he was working as a railroad construction foreman, and he survived what should have been a life threatening injury with little more than damage to the frontal lobe of his brain. He was said to have changed overnight from a virtuous man to a terrifyingly sociopathic madman, but what really happened to poor old Phineas?

New evidence shows that much of what we know about Phineas Gage is fabricated nonsense, and that his story changes more often than an engineer changes his overalls.

Want to know the truth about Phineas? Read on to discover more about Phineas Gage, Neuroscience's Most Famous Patient

14 May 13:35

¿Los países más "egocéntricos" e "infantiles" son los que más prósperamente se desarrollan?

by Sergio Parra

aAlgunos medidores acerca de la felicidad consideran que lugares como Bután o Vanuatu son más felices que el resto del Primer Mundo, pues son lugares prístinos e intocados, donde se cultivan más los valores más elevados y espirituales que el consumismo, el comercio, los caprichos para sobresalir frente al vecino, los mil sabores de helados o galletas o cualquier otra manifestación egocéntrica e infantil.

Con todo, son precisamente esta clase de países más consumistas los que se han desarrollado más prósperamente, los que invierten recursos en salas de maternidad y escáneres cerebrales. Nueva York, por ejemplo, es el epítome de lo hipster, como bien demuestra un libro publicado recientemente, pero también es un lugar donde la esperanza de vida es superior a la de Bután.

Dinamarca, según otros índices de felicidad, donde la prosperidad material se alía con el repartimiento equitativo, también ha sido considerado como uno de los lugares más felices del mundo. Si una nación, por el contrario, disuade severamente a sus ciudadanos más capacitados para malgastar su vida en la promoción en el mercado, no parece salir de la pobreza, no garantiza la estabilidad política, no cuida a sus ciudadanos más vulnerables.

Es una de las grandes paradojas del consumismo: por un lado nos empuja a una carrera armamentística sin fin, pero por el otro nos impele al desarrollo. El comercio, además, vuelve a las ciudades más confiadas y respetuosas con el extranjero, como ya ocurrió con Venecia, en el siglo XVIII con Holanda y Gran Bretaña. Tal y como lo explica Alain de Botton en su libro Miserias y esplendores del trabajo:

Ámsterdam fue fundada sobre la venta de pasas y de flores. Los palacios de Venecia se construyeron gracias a los beneficios del comercio de alfombras y especias. El azúcar erigió Bristol. Y, a pesar de sus políticas a menudo amorales, el desprecio por los ideales y el liberalismo egoísta, las sociedades comerciales han sido agraciadas con tiendas repletas y erarios suficientemente voluminosos para financiar la construcción de templos y orfanatos.
El caduceo es el símbolo del comercioEl caduceo es el símbolo del comercio

El descenso de la criminalidad descendió en primer lugar en los lugares que eran particularmente comerciales, como Holanda o Gran Bretaña. Según la curva de Kuznets, cuando el ingreso per cápita alcanza los 4.000 dólares, los ciudadanos empiezan a exigir la limpieza del aire y de los ríos.

Además, la continua transacción comercial con otros países origina una mayor sensibilidad humana hacia los demás, ampliando los círculos de empatía, convirtiendo a los desconocidos, a los que generalmente hemos concebido como enemigos potenciales, en amigos honorarios, en una relación del tipo win-win. A juicio de Matt Ridley en su libro El optimista racional:

En el siglo XIX, cuando el capitalismo industrial atrajo a tantas personas a ser dependientes del mercado, la esclavitud, el trabajo infantil y los pasatiempos como el lance de zorros o las peleas de gallos se volvieron inaceptables. A finales del siglo XX, cuando la vida se comercializó aún más, el racismo, el sexismo y el abuso de menores se volvieron inaceptables.

Podéis leer más largo y tendido sobre las bondades del consumismo (y cómo éste ha sido una constante en todas las épocas de la historia, es decir, no ha sido promovido por los medios de comunicación, que no son más que un reflejo de nuestras predisposiciones biológicas), aquí.

Fotos | Jean-Marie Hullot | Rama

La noticia ¿Los países más "egocéntricos" e "infantiles" son los que más prósperamente se desarrollan? fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Sergio Parra.

14 May 13:20

cake dump

by ierdnall
14 May 13:19

Jughead's Revenge. Fuck Shit Up

by double ep
13 May 15:37

O teatro galego responde a Manuel Guede

by Marcos Pérez Pena

O director do CDG sinala que o teatro galego non evolucionou e non chega ao gran público. Avelino González (AAAG) sinala que o único que falta son recursos materiais, apoio das administracións e visibilidade mediática. E Salvador del Río (Escena Galega) subliña que o gran problema é a ausencia de programación estable.

13 May 15:17

This Portuguese Barnacle Diver Is Risking His Life for Your Dinner

by Hillary Eaton
This Portuguese Barnacle Diver Is Risking His Life for Your Dinner
13 May 13:01

El día del cómic gratis estaba lejos de cualquier ordenador o...

El día del cómic gratis estaba lejos de cualquier ordenador o sea que dos días tarde, os regalo esto.

13 May 13:00

Parella de mozos na feira de santos en Monterroso (1964) Esta...

Parella de mozos na feira de santos en Monterroso (1964) Esta imaxe e algunha máis saqueina dun blog moi guapo ó que deberiades botarlle un ollo

13 May 13:00

Botella de champán Galicia (1920) unha aventura de varios...

Botella de champán Galicia (1920) unha aventura de varios empresarios na zona de Vigo cuxa historia podedes ler aquí

13 May 13:00

Here’s the annual ‘Gathering of the Juggalos’ infomercial you asked for

by Robyn Pennacchia
Here’s the annual ‘Gathering of the Juggalos’ infomercial you asked for

Oh good. I guess it’s that time again. Time for the annual “Gathering of the Jugglos” infomercial—a disheartening yearly reminder that Juggalos are still a thing somehow, and also that they are really terrible at acting.

This year’s video stars a dude named “Chops” who gets hit by a meteor, and despite being an all-around terrible human gets to go to heaven because he is a Juggalo. Because in case you forgot, it turns out the Insane Clown Posse are actually born-again Christians who believe that god is real because how else do you explain magnets or something. In actual heaven, naturally, there is the Gathering of the Juggalos, complete with “Juggalettes” who are looking for love.

I did not watch the whole thing. I watched about half, which was long enough to see that Gilbert Gottfried will be performing on their comedy stage. Which, though certainly odd, I cannot think of anything to say about except “How weird would it be to watch Gilbert Gottfried with a bunch of people in clown make-up?” That may be all anyone can say.

Even more startling is the fact that there are apparently myriad other acts for whom dumb face painting is a thing, most of which also involve white people rapping. You’d think that would get old, or that people would decide to have their own schtick, but apparently not.

Apparently they had to change their location from Cave-in-Rock, Illinois to Legend Valley near Columbus, Ohio. Which is good for me, because I live in Chicago and would not want my bosses to get any ideas in their head about sending me to cover said gathering of Juggalos. I worked at the mall in high school and have had enough of that for one lifetime.

13 May 12:59

The VICE Podcast - Uruguay's President José Mujica

by VICE Staff


Last March we traveled to Uruguay to take a look at how the first nation to legalize and regulate the entire marijuana trade is constructing its laws. Along the way we met and interviewed José Mujica, the country’s president and the galvanizing force behind the unprecedented legalization effort. We also smoked weed alongside him. He was pretty chill. The documentary that came from the trip, titled The Cannabis Republic of Uruguay, can be viewed here, and a long-form written profile of Pepe, as everyone in the country calls him, can be read here. Because of space constraints, we were forced to edit down our interview with him for the documentary, as well as the mag article, but we thought it was wide-ranging and intriguing enough to publish in its entirety, so that's what we're doing now. 

Today, May 12, Pepe is visiting the US and will have an Oval Office meeting with President Obama and other meetings with Secretary of State John Kerry. Pepe was a gun-toting guerrilla fighter in his youth and spent 14 years in prison trying to enact a Che Guevara–inspired revolution in Uruguay. He’s an avid anti-consumerist and remarkably pragmatic for a socialist South American leader—he’s even sanctioned the beginning of open-pit mining in the country. We think he’s one of the most fascinating world leaders of the past few decades, and some drug -policy advocates believe that he should win the Nobel Peace Prize thanks to the impact his marijuana experiment could have on the drug war.

13 May 12:58


by cequelinhos

A lingua relativa ao sexo é das máis ricas, en calquera lingua. Nunha tradición cultural dominada pola hipocrisía, o tabú e a culpa, tal foi a historia da Galicia católica nos últimos 600 anos, o pobo buscou o xeito de revirar as palabras, ir creando eufemismos e metáforas para nomear os elementos que participaban nos xogos do erotismo.

Por iso é máis triste que nos últimos tempos se estea a substituír o vocabulario de noso por un simplísimo feixe de palabras, moitas delas españolas.

A máis estendida nos últimos tempos, grazas á televisión, é o verbo follar. En castelán, este verbo tanto significa practicar o coito coma molestar, seguindo a vella tradición de asimilar as palabras do campo semántico do sexo non co pracer senón co incomodo (na mesma liña, o joder castelán e o foder galego).

Follar é unha palabra que hai pouco entrou no dicionario. Suponse que vén de fol (viría significar darlle ao fol, unha imaxe ben acomodada ao ritmo do coito) e até hai unha década, máis ou menos, era un madrileñismo vulgar.

En galego debemos prescindir deste verbo e substituílo por formas propias. A máis común é foder. Mais de tanto usala e por mor de tamén significar crear fastío, acabou por saír un tanto da linguaxe erótica. Aínda así, está presente na sabedoría popular: “Sempre me fodes, nunca me empreñas”, di a cantiga.

Outras palabras axeitadas para definir o acto sexual son fochicar ou trebellar. Na miña familia falamos de pinar (verbo que recolle o Estraviz, xa sabedes, o mellor dicionario en galego polo número de entradas). De pinar proceden os substantivos pinada e pinadela e o adxectivo pinante. Mais coidado coa palabra pinante porque nalgunhas zonas chámanlle así ao xurelo e noutras define algo fermoso ou axeitado. “Esa camisa quédache pinante”. Eu, afeito a oír pinante co significado de home mullereiro ou moi quente da virilla, quedei branco cando lle escoitei estoutra frase á avoa da miña muller na Limia.

Se nos poñemos cultos, podemos usar o verbo copular. Fornicar define só o acto sexual fóra do matrimonio.

Hai tamén maneiras de aludir ao acto sexual mediante perífrases: botar un foguete ou un canivete; deitar auga no muíño, facer as estivadas… Como dicides na vosa zona?

13 May 12:55

The Trailer for John Mulaney's Fox Show 'Mulaney' Is Finally Here

by Megh Wright
by Megh Wright

It's been nearly 14 months since John Mulaney's sitcom Mulaney was first considered by NBC, and now you can finally watch the trailer, which costars Nasim Pedrad, Seaton Smith, Zack Pearlman, Martin Short, and Elliott Gould and is set to premiere on Fox this fall.

13 May 12:55

IDC I love Perry. First performance in 25 years. It was on my local news tonight. Enjoy.

by Swollen Goods
Also sorry, but I was expecting it to be a little more Epic. But I can't really sing, so what the hell do I know.  Still cool. IMO.
13 May 12:53

The Hidden Language: The Hidden Language of Kinksters

by Nat Towsen

In The Hidden Language, Nat Towsen interviews an insider of a particular subculture in order to examine the terms and phrases created by that subculture to serve its own needsThis is language innate to an insider and incomprehensible, if not invisible, to an outsider.

Kevin Allison alternates between candid description (“In scat, the person being pooped on is the bottom.”) and mirthful laughter. Kevin is a kinkster, gay, and a member of the comedy group The State, but more importantly hosts the oft-downloaded podcast Risk! True Tales Boldly Told.

Two years ago, he took the advice of his own podcast sign-off  (“Take a risk!”) and accepted an invitation to “kink camp,"hoping to escape his comfort zone of blasé gay sex orgies. Two years later, he is an instructor at that same camp, teaching a class called “Everything You Can Do To An Ass, Other Than Fuck It.”

Kevin spoke to me about the world of kink. This is by no means a complete list of kink terminology, but rather a brief selection of key terms and terms of interest.

Kevin Allison. Photo by Gene Silvers


Quotation marks denote the words of Mr. Kevin Allison. Brackets denote paraphrasing by the author. All other text is directly quoted from Mr. Kevin Allison.

BDSM: [a portmanteau acronym for] Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism

Kink: An easier way to say BDSM. Any fetish that has an erotic charge to it would be called kinky.

Thinking of sex as a limitless adventure. There is not a finite number of ways to do it. Sex is a constant process of discovery.

I met a guy in Amsterdam who said that everything is kink. Everything can be thought of [that way]. Pain can be perceived as pleasurable if you’re going about it differently.

Vanilla: adj. Not kinky. Sexual activity that is generally accepted as normal.

Bottom: n. In any activity, someone who is being done to rather than the doer.

[note: the kink culture definition is far more abstract than the usage we find in gay culture, wherein “bottom” usually signifies the recipient of anal sex.]

e.g.  In scat, the person being pooped on is the bottom.

Top: n. Antonym to [‘bottom’]. In kink play, a person who is doing something to a bottom.

Dom/sub: n. A person who is dominant/a person who is submissive.

Versus Top/Bottom:

There’s more psychological weight on the idea of being a dom or a sub, [whereas] a top or a bottom is someone who is basically just doing or being done to. A dom or sub has a higher-status or lower-status psychological role that they are playing.

Switch: n. A person who can be dominant and can be submissive, but does not identify as always a dom or always a sub

Top from the Bottom: v. [to direct or control the experience from the position of the bottom. Not generally permitted in dom/sub relationships.]

e. g. How about if you whipped me with that?

Houseboy sub: n. The agreement was that he would pay a very low rent and in exchange he would keep the house clean, and also just be my sexual plaything whenever I wanted.

Daddy Dom or Sensual Dom: n. [A dom who is] a little bit more sweet and nurturing, like a tough-love coach at times.”

Brat: n. A sub who is [deliberately] uncooperative. Someone who is topping from the bottom. Could be literally age play, someone pretending to be young.

24/7: [Dom/sub relationship in which the dominant partner controls nearly every aspect of submissive partner’s life, according to terms negotiated in advance.]

e.g. Can I tell you who you’re gonna vote for for president?

Negotiation: n. Before the scene ever starts (a lot of people like to do it a couple days before) people talk as human beings, outside of roles: limits, preferences, that kind of stuff. It can be kind of a seductive, fun, fantasy-filled conversation.

People draw up contracts, mostly for 24/7, not usually initial encounters

Protocol: n. [The procedure or rules of a D/s relationship.]Although there are plenty of stereotypical manners that people employ, it's usually a person-to-person agreed-upon thing.

e.g. Don't call me Sir, call me Master.

Soft Limit: n. [An activity that one party would rather avoid, established in negotiation.]

e.g I'd really rather not go there unless you want to in a huge way and you go into it slowly.

Hard Limit: n. [An activity banned by one party during negotiation.]

e.g. If you start take a shit on me, I'll safe-word immediately and end the scene.

Squick: v. [to bother on a pre-conscious level. Connotes an immediate reaction devoid of moral or value judgment.]

e.g. I’d prefer that you not talk about scat play at lunch because it squicks me out. No judgment!

Play: n. [Sex, or sex involving some form of role-playing.] Basically an easier way of saying ‘let’s have sex’ [is] ‘do you want to play?’ People will tag that on the end of different branches of kink, like puppy play. People do like to feel like it’s adult play, playtime

The more playful it is, the more there’s a feel of  “Ahh, this is new.”

Power Play: n. A synonym for “dominance and submission.”

Sapio Play: n. A mindfuck. That part of play where nothing has actually even started happening. A person is just in their brain freaking out.

e.g. [an electro device being waved close to, without touching, the skin of a bound person]

extreme e.g. [a simulated castration, negotiated without explicit mention of its simulated nature, complete with beef brains and caro syrup]

Hypno Play: n. [kink play in which a dom hypnotizes a sub in order to make them believe there are bonded.] I don’t know how much I believe in that or not.

Animal Play: n. [kink play in which one partner, usually the sub, pretends to be an animal]

Puppy Play:  n.  Where the submissive takes the role of literally being like a canine.  The dom treats them the way that a dog trainer would. The weird part is that they also molest them.

It’s almost a way of infantilizing. The way I’ve usually seen it is that a younger person will want to run around with a muzzle on, barking, with a buttplug in that’s got a tail.

Pony Play: n. Anything having to do with horses. People who are really into pony play…you don’t hear about sex happening.  Those people are buying expensive horse gear, like saddles. And they’ll have a kind of horse that they are. “I am a wild Mustang.” Some are into dressage, being paraded around on show. That’s the play for them: It’s just to show off how much they can act like a horse.

I spoke to someone and she said, yes, she has had sex stuff happen in the context of grooming the horse.

Age Play: n. Acting like one person is an adult and one person is a child. [Somewhat taboo, even in the kink community, due to connotation of pedophilic desires.]

Electro: n. Kink play that involves electrically-charged [objects]: stun guns, cattle prods, Violet Wands

Ella Fitzgerald: [A euphemism for scat play, used to get around content restrictions of certain online communities.] People have to say “I’m a fan of Ella Fitzgerald.”

[Kinkster social networking site] Fetlife bans any mention of the word scat. It turns out that is only because of their credit card company, [who] says “we don’t want to have anything to do with that fetish.” [Fetlife is] apologetic about it. [They] don’t mean to ostracize.

After-care: n. It’s considered the dom’s responsibility to bring a sub back down to earth at the end, make sure that person is calmed down, caressed, checked in with, [feeling] okay.

Bottom Drop: n. Subs sometimes fall into a brief depression after an intense scene. They made themselves vulnerable and needy. Now they're on their own.

Sub Space: n. Subs sometimes go into an almost ‘out of body’ or hypnagogic state if they get into the role successfully enough.

e.g. You can't tell someone who is into puppy play, “Oh, bark like a dog!” in random conversation. They'll likely answer, “Well, I have to be in sub space.”

Compersion: n. When someone is pleased to see their lover getting sexual pleasure from someone else. The opposite of jealousy.

Munch: n. A purely social gathering of kinksters, no sex involved.


In the week since interviewing Kevin, I’ve found myself using the word squick with some frequency. It’s filled my need for a word that explains, without judgment, that while I support completely honest communication, there are certain topics that I have a hard time stomaching. Sapio might be a less useful vocabulary word, but the concept is applicable to myriad scenarios. A comedian who tells long, story-like jokes might consider the lead-up to the punchline—exposition which can nonetheless draw laughs via anticipation—to be a form of sapio. Topping from the bottom is also applicable outside the world of kink: a student who corrects their tutor’s methods; a restaurant patron with too many requests for the chef. For that matter, Top and Bottom are fun words to apply in an entirely non-sexual context: my physical therapist is a top; the reader of this article is a bottom.  Soft Limit andHard Limit are can also be applied non-sexual topics: mixing sweet and savory foods is a soft limit for me. And while I doubt I’ll have much practical use for the euphemism, I will always quietly chuckle when I hear someone say that they are “a fan of Ella Fitzgerald.”


For more kink vocabulary, has a fairly thorough (though less personal) glossary of kink terminology.

Follow Nat Towsen on Twitter.

13 May 12:51

A Cthulhuian Font You Can Download And Use To Summon Strange Beings

by Zeon Santos

When the Great Old Ones have something to say they don’t wanna speak no English, they want a language that properly conveys their slime drenched derision for mankind, a language that makes humans think of tentacles and strange polyp shaped beings when they hear it being spoken aloud.

Few mortals have ever had the temerity to speak the names of the Great Old Ones aloud, much less try to speak in their native tongue, but a foolish mortal calling himself StapletonMcTavish has unlocked the secret of the Cthulhuian alphabet and he has released it upon mankind via the internet.

Download it, craft tales with it, and pray its very presence doesn't drive you insane!

13 May 12:51

Wednesday, May 28 @ 2:10:44 pm

by dw
13 May 12:50

HR Giger has died.

by Zarkonnen
Swiss media report that HR Giger, famous for his dark and iconic Alien design, has died. He leaves behind a large body of work, much of it displayed in his own museum.
13 May 12:50

Darrell Banks – I’m the One Who Loves You: The Complete Volt Recordings (2013)

by exy

Darrell BanksIn the course of his short life, Detroit-by-way-of Buffalo, New York soulman Darrell Banks never reached the complete potential suggested by his scant early 45s. In his four-year run between the 1966 release of his first and most popular single, “Open the Door to Your Heart,” and his death at the hands of an off-duty police officer in 1970, Banks released only two albums and a handful of singles.
None of his work was quite as well received as “Open the Door…,” with several label shifts and legal troubles draining momentum for a good amount of his career. I’m the One Who Loves You gathers Banks’ complete output for the Volt record label, including his 1969 album Here to Stay, as well as several unreleased demo recordings. As a standalone album, the 11 tracks…

320 kbps | 136 MB | UL | MC ** FLAC

…that comprise Here to Stay are stellar ’60s Northern soul. Simmering backing vocals from the MG’s and harmony vocals from We Three, a team of backing vocalists — Bettye Crutcher, Raymond Jackson, and Homer Banks — add impact and bite to tracks like “Just Because Your Love Is Gone” and “Beautiful Feeling,” Banks in the forefront with a voice as soulful and expressive as even the best of his luminous peers. String overdubs and highly orchestrated arrangements fill out the basic grooving template of the Stax/Volt sound, putting Banks in a tempestuous space between the greasy Southern soul of “No One Blinder (Than a Man Who Won’t See)” and the beaming Northern soul rush of “Only the Strong Survive.” The unpolished demos that round out the collection are a fun addition, and show a more relaxed vocalist trying out new material even before the album he’d just finished was released. The tragic brevity of Banks’ life and singing career has left little behind in the way of discography or information about this somewhat obscure singer. What little music does remain ranks with some of the best in ’60s soul, and this compilation scours the vaults to bring to light as much of it as possible.

  1. Just Because Your Love is Gone
  2. Forgive Me
  3. Only the Strong Survive
  4. Don’t Know What to Do
  5. When a Man Loves a Woman
  6. We’ll Get Over
  7. Beautiful Feeling
  8. I Could Never Hate Her
  9. Never Alone
  10. No One Blinder (Than a Man Who Won’t See)
  11. My Love is Reserved
  12. I’m the One Who Loves You
  13. Love is Not an Easy Thing
  14. Mama Give Me Some Water
  15. Love Why Have You Forsaken Me
  16. My Life is Incomplete Without You
  17. Just Because Your Love is Gone
  18. Beautiful Feeling
  19. No One Blinder (Than a Man Who Won’t See)

Tracks 1-11 from Here to Stay, Volt LP VOS 6002, 1969
Tracks 12 & 17 from Volt single 4014, 1969
Tracks 13-16 are previously unreleased demos
Tracks 18-19 from Volt single 4026, 1969

13 May 12:50

If the audience were a character in "Game of Thrones"

by (biotv)
13 May 12:48

Tu novia planea en secreto deshacerse de todos tus muñecos de coleccionista de cara a 2017

by Redacción
Según los últimos cables filtrados por los servicios de inteligencia de tus colegas, el plan estratégico 2014-2020 de tu novia reciente incluye la destrucción de todo tu arsenal de figuritas de coleccionista. El proceso de desmantelamiento -incluido en un plan global de reconversión tras el...... Leer más
13 May 12:47

VÍDEO: Niña zombie aterroriza a los brasileños

by administrador


Una niña abandonada en la calle ha dado un montón de sustos a los transeúntes que acudieron en su ayuda. La niña zombie protagoniza este vídeo de un programa de la TV brasileña especializado en bromas pesadas, MUY PESADAS. Imagina que vas por la calle, en plena noche, te encuentras a una niña llorando desconsoladamente, y cuando te acercas a ella… te llevas el susto de tu vida.

Afortunadamente nadie salió herido durante el transcurso de esta broma. El canal Boom de Brasil es especialista en hacer bromas que cada vez van más lejos. Allí no se andan con tonterías de corrección política.

The post VÍDEO: Niña zombie aterroriza a los brasileños appeared first on Teenage Thunder.

13 May 12:22

The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Is Another Unknown Country with an Uncertain Future

by Katie Engelhart

Azerbaijani tanks in Karabakh (Photo via)

Since crisis broke out in Kiev, commentators have stayed busy discussing Ukraine’s possible ripple effects on several “frozen conflicts” in areas around Russia. South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia, and Transnistria in Moldova—all of which have been involved in conflicts at some point throughout the past couple of decades—have had their fair share of attention, so why is nobody talking about Nagorno-Karabakh (besides the fact that it’s difficult to say)?

Today marks 20 years since war ended in Nagorno-Karabakh (NK), an ethnic Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan that claims independence but, internationally, isn't recognized as independent. From 1988 to 1994, Armenia and Azerbaijan fought over the terrain in a war that killed up to 30,000 people. A Russian-brokered ceasefire was signed in 1994, but soldiers remain armed along the “line of contact” and people keep dying; dozens are killed each year, and hundreds of thousands are still displaced. Svante E. Cornell, director of the US-based Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, calls it “The mother of all unresolved conflicts.”

Recently, tension has escalated. In April, Azerbaijan began large-scale military drills near its border with Armenia. There's also the threat that Russia’s annexation of Crimea—hailed in Armenia, which supports an independent NK, and castigated in Azerbaijan, which does not—might tip the balance and, in doing so, kick off a regional war that would draw in big players like Russia, Turkey, Israel, and Iran. “In general, I would be worried about what this means for the South Caucasus,” said Katherine Leach, British Ambassador to Armenia.

Either way, Russia, which helpfully supplies cash and weapons to both sides of the dispute, looks set to gain from the situation, if only by capitalizing on regional insecurity. Late last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech in the Armenian capital of Yerevan, in which he declared: “Russia will never leave this region. On the contrary, we will make our place here even stronger.”

The disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh

In January, the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released its “Worldwide Threat Assessment," which noted that “Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent territories will remain a potential flashpoint” and that “prospects for peaceful resolution" were dim. This followed the International Crisis Group’s September assessment, which described an accelerating “arms race” in Azerbaijan and a ramping up of “strident rhetoric” in both countries, with the use of “terms like ‘Blitzkrieg,’ ‘preemptive strike,’ and ‘total war,’”

On May 7, James Warlick, co-chair of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) regional negotiating team, gave a much-anticipated speech on “The Keys to a Settlement” in NK. But the speech—which made elusive calls for “bold steps,” “core principles,” “expression[s] of will,” and “participation of the people”—didn't really bring anything new to the diplomatic table. Just a few weeks earlier, Warlick had taken to Twitter to muse: “What a wonderful Easter! My prayer is for a lasting settlement on #Nagorno-Karabakh.”

But will bloodshed in Ukraine inspire more than just tweets for divine intervention?

Today, Nagorno-Karabakh is a wreck. Ceasefire violations are common, as are muscle-flexing military drills. Soldiers are regularly shot and killed, fueling speculation that the “frozen conflict” is about to “boil.” Civilians die, too, sometimes by stepping on one of the many, many old landmines that remain scattered around the region. A kind of legal no man’s land, NK is a hot-spot for drug smuggling, petty crime, and human trafficking. As you've probably guessed, living conditions suck—hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis are still displaced, with many living in squalid conditions.

And then Ukraine happened. At first, the illegal referendum in Crimea inspired a new push for a resolution in NK; in November, the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia met for the first time in three years—talks that US Secretary of State John Kerry promised “to be engaged in.” But, by January, optimism had faded. The beginning of the year saw a rise in ceasefire breaches, reports of civilian casualties, deaths at the “line of contact,” and the arrest, in Azerbaijan, of an alleged Armenian infiltrator.

When residents of Crimea voted to separate from Ukraine and join Russia, the UN passed a resolution condemning the move. Azerbaijan backed it, but Armenia did not. In the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, authorities reportedly hosted a public celebration in honor of the now-purportedly-free Crimeans.

The flag of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

It’s not like we didn’t see this coming. Things have been deteriorating for some time, but recent years have seen a huge hike in regional military spending. Azerbaijan, in particular, has been acquiring military assets at a staggering rate, and some fear that the newly-endowed Baku might now feel inspired to test out its arsenals, two decades after its conflict with Armenia.

This is where Russia comes in. It’s no secret that Moscow is playing both sides, officially backing Armenia and stationing troops at its base in the country's Gyumri district. In 2012, the Kremlin sent troops from Russia and four other post-Soviet republics to Armenia for the largest military drill to ever take place there. Still, Moscow sells masses of weapons, equipment, and artillery systems to Azerbaijan.

“With Putin back in the Kremlin, I think the main instinct is to preserve the status quo,” says Thomas de Waal, senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment and author of Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan Through Peace and War. “[Russians] don’t want to do war, which would oblige them to bring in the army on the side of Armenia, but I don’t see any evidence that they want peace either… At the moment, Russia is not in the mood for that kind of creativity. It chooses to lock things down and [maintain] its leverage.”

Each side is vying for Putin’s backing, and it's working—especially in Armenia. Near the end of the NK war, Turkey closed their border to Armenia, leaving the country isolated, and in swooped Russia to help. So it’s no surprise that, last year, Armenia (just like Ukraine) announced that it would join Russia’s new customs union rather than pursue an EU association agreement.

Should it break out, war in Nagorno-Karabakh could expand quickly. Turkey backs Azerbaijan, as does Israel—and the latter has sold tons of weapons and a fleet of drones to Baku, reportedly as a means of keeping neighboring Iran (which supports Armenia) in check. A US diplomatic cable from 2009, released by WikiLeaks, quotes Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev describing his relationship with Israel “as being like an iceberg, nine-tenths of it is below the surface.” Tangled threads of regional alliance come together in NK.

One possibility is that regional diplomatic channels will fall apart. Ongoing OSCE negotiations are being carried out by the so-called “Minsk Group,” chaired by the US, France, and Russia. But some doubt that the group can survive, reliant as it is on US-Russia cooperation. If it did crumble, that would be cause for great concern, says Ambassador Leach, since there is no other “viable alternative” negotiating format.



Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev (center), Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliev (left) and their Armenian counterpart Serge Sarkisian (right) speak during their meeting in Krasnaya Polyana near Sochi, Russia on the 23rd of January, 2012. They discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Of course, the switch could always be flicked from inside NK. Azerbaijan and Armenia both have sizeable armies, and the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has its own defense force. Since the Crimea annexation, Republic authorities have been especially keen to make their voice heard and not just let Armenia do the talking. Early this month, the Republic’s representative to the US, Robert Avetisyan, told me, “It is our deep understanding that the NK Republic should be regarded as the principle party of negotiations with Azerbaijan.”

Some believe that the only conceivable solution is an official, internationally-sanctioned referendum on sovereignty in NK. But exactly who would vote in that referendum remains disputed; would the Azerbaijanis who were booted out of the territory get to cast their votes?

Paradoxically, as a result of the situation in Crimea, Azerbaijan must be cautious. Crisis in Ukraine has highlighted Europe’s energy reliance on Russia and accelerated the hunt for non-Russian alternatives. Azerbaijan might be just what the doctor ordered. “The Caspian region, of which Azerbaijan is the linchpin, is the only major alternative to Russia for energy,” George Friedman, head of the policy-risk consultancy Stratfor, recently argued. Already, Europe is working to expand gas pipelines from Azerbaijan through the continent. In December, Baku signed a $45 billion natural gas contract with a BP-led group, making Britain the largest foreign investor in the country.

This budding oil and gas relationship might explain why some European states have looked the other way in the face of recent human rights abuses in Baku—some of them related to NK. Recently, a journalist and a prominent human rights activist were arrested on allegations that they are Armenian spies. “In Azerbaijan, one of the results of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh is a mania about Armenian spies,” explains Rachel Denber, a regional expert at Human Rights Watch. There have been incidents when the government “has mobilized Azerbaijani nationalism against any remnant of empathy towards Armenians.”

Of course, it's most likely that neither side wants war. But as we learned in 2008, when Georgia and Russia battled it out over the disputed regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, unpredictable things can happen when simmering ethnic tension, revanchist land claims, Russian interest, and lots of guns collide.

For now, Ambassador Leach hopes that “in the context of Ukraine and this question of the Soviet Union’s former internal borders… more people will make themselves familiar with the situation” in the oft-forgotten Nagorno-Karabakh.
