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12 Jul 10:25

Excitado o no excitado sexualmente: las diferencias en nuestras opiniones

by Sergio Parra

Solemos creer que nuestra personalidad es un conjunto sólido e impenetrable (de hecho, quienes son incoherentes o se traicionan a sí mismos, son considerados unos perdedores). El lema es: yo soy así, así seguiré, nunca cambiaré. Pero la verdad es que nuestra personalidad dista mucho de ser coherente; de hecho nuestra personalidad es un constructo de diversas personalidades tributarias unas de otras.

Por ejemplo, cuando estamos excitados sexualmente mantenemos unas opiniones (incluso morales), y cuando no lo estamos, mantenemos otras. Y ni nos despeinamos. La disonancia cognitiva es un hecho, pero si de por medio está el sexo, entonces es un escándalo.

Sexo con gente que detestamos

Para demostrarnos hasta qué punto esto es así, Dan Ariely nos explica un experimento en su libro Las trampas del deseo: Cómo controlar los impulsos irracionales que nos llevan al error: formuló a un grupo de hombres una serie de preguntas. Algunas preguntas se realizaron cuando los hombres estaban excitados, y otras cuando no lo estaban. Cuando no estaban excitados, los hombres afirmaban en el 53 % de los casos que podrían disfrutar del sexo con alguien a quien detestaran. Estando excitados, el porcentaje de hombres que afirmaba tal cosa era del 77 %.

Sexo con menores

Si la pregunta que formulaba Ariely era si estarían dispuestos a imaginarse que tenían relaciones sexuales con una niña de doce años; los hombres excitados respondían que sí en un 46 %; los no excitados, en un 23 %.

Sexo sin ganas

Sobre la pregunta de si serían capaces de acostarse con su pareja aunque ella explicitara que no quería, estado excitado (45 %), estado no excitado (20 %).

La moral intuitiva

Estas discrepancias suceden porque, en muchas ocasiones, nuestras opiniones morales no se basan en razonamientos lógicos complejos, sino en intuiciones, en pálpitos, en cómo reaccionan nuestras vísceras cuando nos someten al dilema moral.

Por ejemplo, las siguientes proposiciones las formuló Jonathan Haidt, de la Universidad de Virginia, para mostrar las fuertes reacciones de repugnancia moral que se experimentan ante hechos en los que nadie ha sufrido ningún daño personal, donde ni siquiera se comete un hecho de dudosa moralidad, tal y como lo escribe David Brooks en su libro El animal social:

Imaginemos a un hombre que compra un pollo en la tienda, consigue llegar al orgasmo penetrándolo y luego lo cocina y se lo come. Imaginemos que nos comemos nuestro perro muerto. Imaginemos que limpiamos el cuarto de baño con la bandera de nuestro país. Imaginemos a un hermano y una hermana de viaje; una noche deciden tener relaciones sexuales tomando precauciones; se lo pasan bien, pero deciden no volver a hacerlo.

Imagen | psd1806225034_50df5b8ba4_o.png

Imagen | Forge Mountain Photography / Will Thomas11951888826_1809aef957_o-1.jpg

La noticia Excitado o no excitado sexualmente: las diferencias en nuestras opiniones fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Sergio Parra.

12 Jul 10:14

This Woman Claims She Can Give Blowjobs That Are So Good, They're Fatal

by Monica Heisey

If you haven’t seen Auntie Angel’s grapefruit video, you haven’t been keeping up on your internet. Bad millennial, very bad. No treats for you. Please watch the video above to catch up.

OK, so to start with the obvious: This video is perfect. The technique, which I tried, is messy, and according to my boyfriend, “squelchy, but nice.” But the grapefruit is only one of 50 fellatio techniques taught via Angel’s DVD series or, for the truly lucky, in her classes, which she estimates have reached more than 50,000 people in the ten years she’s been teaching.

Her first viral hit, the 20-minute "Angel’s Fellatio Secrets"—which guarantees male orgasm in five minutes or less—debuted on World Star Hip Hop in February 2013, and has since amassed more than six million views. Angel’s videos achieve a delicate tonal balance—frank and straightforward, her emphasis on the proper terminology and safe sexual practice is reminiscent of school-based proper sex ed, while her sense of humor and outlandish demonstrations have a bachelorette-party vibe. It’s hard to tell if she’d be better followed by a male stripper ready to give you a lap dance or your sixth-grade teacher, there to explain your changing body. The genius of Angel is that she embodies the spirit of both, making sex something to take seriously now so you can take it lightly (or as hard as you want) later.

Auntie Angel, a.k.a. Denise Walker, is 43 years old and based in Chicago, where she works as a sexpert and nail technician. We caught up with her to ask about her blowjob techniques, eight years of army service, and what the deal is with that angry wolverine sound.

All photos courtesy of Auntie Angel

VICE: So where did the grapefruit idea come from? 
Auntie Angel:
Years and years ago, before I even started teaching classes—true story. When I first started doing fellatio, I had no clue what to do, not at all. The guy I was dating wanted it, so I was pretty much learning, like a lot of people learn, from porn. So I was watching these porns trying to figure out what these ladies were doing, and one particular lady had a handful of fruits, and she was just doin’ her thing, and the man seemed to be in heaven. So I ran to the refrigerator to see what we had. There was a lemon, orange, and a grapefruit—true story. I grabbed the orange first. You think of it as sweet, manageable, right? But he was so well-endowed that the orange just exploded. So I cut up the grapefruit, and the way I started stroking it with the grapefruit and sucking it, he was like, “Oh my god, it seems like you’re giving me fellatio and sex at the same time.” He loved it.

I read in a blowjob-tips piece you did with Cosmo that you didn’t give your first blow job until 27. That seems late—what happened there?

To be honest with you, no one had ever asked me to do it, so I thought that was just not a requirement. Either it was something you were into like a fetish or you were married or something. [Laughter] I really was such a square. And then when the guy I was seeing asked me, I was like, “You want me to do what?! That’s what ugly girls do!” I was really in the dark. Then, when I did do it, I really wanted to please him, so I got more in depth with it—more than just the techniques themselves. I wanted to understand it, exactly what he was feeling, what I was doing. I knew there was a method to the art of fellatio.

So you took a kind of academic approach to sucking dick.
Absolutely. And it actually opened up the communication between myself and my man, which I came to realize is the most important thing, because every man and every woman is different. I had to start talking to him and find out what he was into, specifically. And of course men are horrible communicators. They don’t want to articulate anything. They want you to just go down there and figure it out. But eventually he started telling me what he liked or didn’t, and that’s kinda how I structured all the 50 different techniques. 

You make quite a specific sound when you’re doing it. What’s that about?
The sound effect is over-the-top, I know. Me watching porn and talking to ladies, I realized that everyone’s making pretty much the same standard oohs and ahs. I wanted to do something that was so out-of-the-box that he would never forget you until the day he died. He would just keel over and in his last breaths he’d still remember that sound. If he doesn’t like it, you can communicate about it. If he’s not feeling the sound effects, sure, scale it back to the norm or somewhere in between. But don’t start by giving him the same thing he’s always had.

You’ve had a lot of careers in your life. You’re a nail technician still, and I read that you were in the Army?
I was a mechanic for eight years [laughter, shows off elaborate nail art]. One time, in the early 90s, we were having a presentation about sexual health, and the things they were saying, I was sitting there saying like, “OK, I know more than that.” And Angel hadn’t even been born yet, but I took it over, even in the Army. I was teaching the class about safe sex. A lot of the men were saying they hated to use condoms. But I really promote safe sex, especially in the African American community, because HIV rates are really high in our community. Well, I put a condom on my foot in front of the class. I showed them how to roll it on over my foot, and I stuck my foot up in the air and told the men, “Look, if your penis is bigger than my foot, you don’t have to use a condom, but I feel like that’s not the case.” Everyone was like, DID SHE JUST DO THAT? But I wasn't ashamed. I just love sex. It’s a common denominator for everyone. It shouldn’t be a taboo that people are scared to talk about.

So when was Angel “born”?
Ten years ago. I was with a particular guy. I was so excited about things I was doing with him, I started telling my girlfriends, and they were dumbfounded. They were like, “You have to show us.” They started telling their friends, and they told their friends. That’s how Angel was born, out of helping my girlfriends, but it spread like fire. It just went everywhere.

So you’re dating your manager, Jay, yes?
That’s right. It makes it really great because he actually understands, of course, what it is that I’m doing. He’s not just coming in and managing me—he knows it firsthand. His passion for it is like, he wants every man to experience what he’s experiencing.

And I guess you guys try out new techniques together? Is there some kind of sex lab?
The bedroom is the lab, girl. But one of my DVDs—Home Is Where the Heart Is—it’s about not just keeping everything in the bedroom. The bedroom is a sacred place to have fun, but if you live alone or the kids are out, you have the living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, hallway, the car, the backyard… there are so many different places that you can have a great sexual relationship. I also have a technique called the Death Technique. And, to be honest, I have had women who have given their men my blowjobs, and the men have passed away.

Yes. Massive heart attacks. So I do tell women, I am not responsible for the death of your mate. You suck at your own risk!

I have to ask what that technique involves.
It’s basically you add in a vibrator bullet with the perfect blowjob technique, so you’re going down and twisting your whole body, up and down, and then you manipulate the perineum with a vibrator—it takes the technique to a whole new level.

In the Cosmo piece, you also mentioned that you have a history of sexual assault. Do you feel comfortable talking about that?
I’ve been raped twice, by family members. In my book, Angel’s Secrets, I talk about those experiences because I’ve talked to so many women—a lot of women have been molested or raped, and when it comes from your family member, especially, you feel like a victim. And eventually you feel you’ve survived, you’re a survivor, but when it’s in your home you can’t escape it, and you feel isolated. When you do tell someone, they might not want to believe it, you know, your mother doesn’t wanna put your brother in jail, or their husband or whoever, and you feel trapped by that. So I wanted to tell women that you’re not a victim, it’s not your fault, and there are ways of surviving it. You have to forgive the person, and you have to confront the person if they’re still alive. You have to confront them because they live off of your fear. When you’re fearless, they have no more power. And then you need some counseling. There’s nothing wrong with talking to someone to figure out the tools you need to survive and thrive. I tell people to write their story and burn it, because you’ll realize that you are who you are because of your past, and you suppress so many things, but you need to let them out and stop being scared of letting people see who you are. Look: I was raped, and I survived. I still have a good life; I have children; I can find love and a great career. It does not define me. It doesn't have to define anyone.

Did you find it hard to work through those early experiences with assault while sex education and demonstration became such a big part of your life?
After what happened, I was made very aware of my own sexuality, and I reacted by ho-ing around. A lot of times, when people are sexually assaulted they become extremely promiscuous, because then they can control what’s happening to them, sexually. I found that I loved sex when I was in control of it, doing what I wanted to do. I eventually branched out of the promiscuity. I got God in my life, and I turned my love of sex—especially positive, empowered sex—into something I use to help other people. So I flipped what happened to me into something positive, and that’s where Angel came in.

So what’s on the horizon for Angel?
So many things! Me and Jay just interviewed for a TV show Sex Sent Me to the ER. I can’t tell you what happened, but sex did send me there once. We’ve also had a lot of interest from reality shows. It’s very exciting. I never thought what I did would lead to fame or fortune; that was never my intent. I just wanted to help women of every background to be empowered in their sexuality.

Of all your tips and techniques, what would you say is the most important piece of sex advice?
Your mouth can do things your vagina cannot do. Your vagina is amazing, she is so amazing that nine times out of ten, a man you’re having sex with will have an orgasm. That’s how great she is. God made her perfect. Your mouth is different: You have to work at it a bit. But once you have a great vagina—which is already taken care of—as well as great head, that’s when you become a beast. My advice for women is to become a beast.

Thanks for chatting with me!
Suck, suck, suck, girl!

God bless you, Angel.

Follow Monica Heisey on Twitter.

12 Jul 09:56

New study sort of explains why some are so furious about women having sex

by Robyn Pennacchia
New study sort of explains why some are so furious about women having sex

It is more than apparent to anyone who has read anything about the Hobby Lobby decision over the past few weeks that the primary issue for most Hobby Lobby supporters was not the sheer horror of eggs not getting fertilized or the idea of insurance covering a medication or whatever, but an extreme and deep-seated, frothing anger towards the idea of women having non-procreative sex. I mean, if there were a way to harness the rage bubbling up in all the “WHY WON’T YOU WHORES JUST KEEP YOUR FUCKING LEGS CLOSED???” internet comments as energy, you could probably power the state of Iowa for a full year. It was, and still is, way the hell intense.

Admittedly, I was confused by it. Given the fact that it’s not lesbian sex that produces unwanted babies, obviously birth control is pretty beneficial to men as well. It’s beneficial to everyone. Duh. Big giant duh. Call me crazy, but I am reasonably sure that most dudes also like banging, and would prefer to be able to do it as often as possible while avoiding the risk of having to take care of another human for 18+ years. Sex is a good time. Quite frankly, men should be thanking us for taking the pill, and taking on that responsibility for both parties involved, rather than kvetching up a storm. Although that does sort of go along with my theory that the “BLAAHHHHH! KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED!!!!” crowd is not exactly getting laid a whole lot. Nothing says “no woman will touch me” like crying about us getting free birth control.

However, according to a new study published in “Archives of Sexual Behavior,” a big reason why some people have such a problem with women having access to the pill has to do with their beliefs regarding women’s economic dependence on men. So, for instance, the people who agreed with the statement “It is wrong for women to engage in promiscuous sex” and disagreed with the statement “It is fine for a woman to have sex with a man she has just met, if they both want to” were more likely to agree with statements suggesting that women ought to be economically dependent on men.

Those who thought a woman should rely on a man were more likely to view female promiscuity as highly immoral–primarily for reasons having to do with paternity certainty. The logic being, if a man is going to support a woman and her progeny, then it’s important for him to be sure he’s the father. Which is still a tad confusing because we do have tests for that now. We have Maury for that now, if need be. But I’ll let the researchers explain that themselves.

Results of both studies were consistent with the theory that opposition to promiscuity arises in circumstances where paternity certainty is particularly important and suggest that such opposition will more likely emerge in environments in which women are more dependent economically on a male mate. Attempts to replicate these results in other cultures will be necessary in order to determine the robustness of this model under diverse social conditions. Further research will also be necessary to illuminate the psychological mechanisms that underlie the observed association between female economic dependence and opposition to promiscuity (e.g., the cues which shape individual perceptions of the local environment). One plausible mechanism is that people living in environments characterized by higher female dependence are more likely to learn about negative consequences associated with promiscuity (e.g., difficulties faced by parents and offspring in situations of high paternity uncertainty), a process which could generate a cultural opposition to promiscuity that is founded on biological concerns.

I still think this definitely has a lot to do with misogyny. Any casual hate-reader of so-called “Men’s Rights” sites can tell you that there are a lot of men out there who are super angry about the fact that women don’t have just go ahead and settle for the first man that comes along for fear she’ll starve to death. It makes sense, in a twisted logic kind of way. These men want a situation where what they supply is in demand. With women being independent and having more control over their purses and their uteruses, it is less likely they’re going to go for what the sort of men who would screech “KEEP YOUR WHORE LEGS CLOSED!” are offering. It creates a sexual economy where your woman is not your property, and can just up and leave you if you act like a douchebag. Some people are not to happy about that.

Of course, there are women like Phyllis Schlafly who believe this should be the way things are as well.

Right now, women are racking up degrees at a higher rate than men. Most women have absolutely no desire to be economically dependent on a man, and that’s really, really unlikely to change in the near future. We like it this way. We like our jobs, our careers, our brains, and our freedom. And you all are just going to have to suck it up and deal with it.

12 Jul 09:54

Girl accidentally sends naked selfie to her father, documents her father’s tantrum

by Brian Abrams
Girl accidentally sends naked selfie to her father, documents her father’s tantrum

Hey. I won’t keep you. There are a lot of Instagram videos waiting below for your perusal and enjoyment. So the story goes, real or not: Twitter user @dearfashionn wanted to text her boyfriend a naked selfie. Her boyfriend’s name is Dacquan. Unfortunately, “Dacquan” is awfully close to “Daddy” in princess’s phone.

Yes, the wrong dude got the wrong naked selfie.
BsA5ChFCcAAFiED Girl accidentally sends naked selfie to her father, documents her fathers tantrum

So, yeah, Daddy isn’t too thrilled about his kid sending a photo of her girl parts for her boyfriend and all the NSA to see. Daughter panicked.


— nyyy nyyy (@dearfashionn) July 8, 2014

Her father tried calling her. A lot.


So dad drove home to have a talk with her that she documented pretty well via Instagram video.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

10 Jul 11:53

Hernández mantiene a Currás como edil con dedicación exclusiva

by r. m.
10 Jul 11:51

Historia das Historias de Galicia: celtas, irmandiños, Pardo de Cela, séculos escuros…

by magago

Do 14 ao 16 de xullo, a Facultade de Historia acollerá o curso de verán “Historia das Historias de Galicia”, unha aproximación novidosa e moi interesante a eses temas que teñen feito correr ríos de tinta, ás veces envelenados, nas últimas décadas. A confrontación dialéctica ao redor de cuestións étnicas, acontecementos ou períodos sen dúbida revelan a importancia que asuntos coma o celtismo, o papel das Irmandades, dos cataláns do XVIII e XIX ou Pardo de Cela teñen á hora de construír o relato histórico deste país. O acertado programa deseñado por Isidro Dubert e Fernando Suárez está concibido para confrontar visións, opinións e realizar debates construtivos ao redor destes temas e -esta é máis ben unha opinión miña- quitarlles parte do ferro ácedo e ferinte que ás veces teñen cando botamos a lingua a pacer.

Pola miña banda, tócame “defender” o luns 14 aos meus amigos os celtas (aínda que eles xa se defenden ben soíños). O meu relatorio chámase Os celtas na cabina do Doutor Who: a constante reinvención dunha realidade e, máis que unha aproximación historiográfica, fareina desde o punto de vista da miña experiencia profesional como divulgador e xornalista, relatando varias casuísticas profesionais e centrándome en varios aspectos vinculados á construción do relato do celtismo e do anticeltismo. Adianto unha cousa: para min o gran erro está en considerar o celtismo unicamente desde unha visión arqueolóxica da Idade do Ferro (que tamén), cando o certo é que iso que podemos chamar a identidade celta, dun xeito ou doutro, está a renegociarse continuamente, mesmo hoxendía, e iso é o abraiante, fascinante e poderoso ao redor desta idea.

Aquí tedes o programa.

De principio vaise facer unha publicación moi chula ao redor destas Historias da Historia de Galicia. Téñovos informados!

Na imaxe: O príncipe entra ao bosque de Briar, de Edward Burne-Jones.

Postpost: estaría encantado de manter un debate deses enormes sobre o celtismo nos comentarios do blog, pero ando tan ocupado estes días de xullo que non vos poderei contestar como mereceriades. Así que vos emprazo a virdes ao curso ou, se o preferides, a quedarmos a tomar unha caña nalgún momento porque aforraremos tempo.

10 Jul 11:44


by Chris


10 Jul 11:38

The average ghetto post

by Jarret_Noir

10 Jul 11:34

The Best Dressed in Nerdlesque

by Serena Doherty

The wonderful spectacle of nerdlesque aka nerd burlesque is becoming more and more popular. Now we’re bringing you the best dressed geek chic tassel twirlers.

The Best Dressed in Nerdlesque

A few years ago British burlesque dancer, Miss Glory Pearl, predicted the future of burlesque. It seems that she was spot on.

Burlesque dancing is delving into many niche realms to fulfil the multitude of fantasies from burlesque show goers. This includes Cabaret Roulette who actually let their audiences dictate their monthly theme.

It also has seen some surprising concoctions, whether it’s zombie burlesque or Muppet burlesque. There’s even a Nerdlesque Festival in New York.

We thought we’d mix-up the best dressed lists of the summer season and bring you the brightest of nerdlesque. So, sit back, adjust your faux-dork glasses and lets take a look.

Star Trek Burlesque


(Image from Geeky Friday)

Cosplay, short for costume play, is when fans dress up as characters and often role play. Cosplayer, Dezi Desire, took this idea and ran with it as a nerdlesque performer.

This burlesque costume (above) was seen in her first performance with burlesque show, b/URL/esc. It’s simple, sexy and easily replicated for any Halloween shennanigans. We’re loving her many looks, down to the burlesque pasties.

See our Top Five Novelty Nipple Pasties.

Batman Burlesque


(Image from Elise Archer)

Australian burlesque dancer, Elise Archer, has taken up the mantel of unlikely sex symbol, Harley Quinn from the Batman universe. As a result, she has quickly become a hit of the nerdlesque scene.

Together with Evelyn Ellenor who portrays Poison Ivy, this burlesque duo are a must-see act. Yet, other takes on Harley Quinn have been seen elsewhere. We’re loving the different burlesque costumes along with the mobilisation of nerdlesque fans they inspire. Bravo!

Check out Dallas burlesque‘s answer to Harley Quinn and watch Toronto’s here.

Read: Australian Burlesque Takes Pop Culture Prisoner.

Game of Thrones


(Image from Seattle Burlesque)

Seattle burlesque troupe, Fauxdust are one of the great acts jumping on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. Just look at the amazing burlesque clothing of their show FauxDust Presents Stark Naked: A Nerdlesque Tribute to A Game of Thrones.

Professor of Nerdlesque, Jo Jo Stiletto, has written an article giving the lowdown on the city’s nerdlesque scene. Read all about it here. Otherwise, look away if the Cersei / Jamie Lannister relationship is a bit too much for you.

Read: Burlesque Accessory Ideas with Vera De Vil.

Star Wars Burlesque

News Roundup

(Image from The Vanguard)

Australian burlesque troupe, The Jaded Vanities, became spectacularly popular with their Star Wars Burlesque show. They have since followed it up with the likes of Batman Burlesque.

Now, they have returned with Star Wars burlesque and are following-up with a new show. They aim to evolve the genre with a dark sexual journey of the imagination. Find out more on The Vanguard website. Until then enjoy a glimpse into Star Wars Burlesque.

Hotsy Totsy


(Image from Hotsy Totsy Burlesque)

The monthly New York burlesque show from Hotsy Totsy Burlesque has combined so many of these areas to produce a range of geektastic naughtiness. They’ve done Game of Thrones and Star Wars burlesque, yes.

They’ve also created nerdlesque around Doctor Who, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and even The Big Lebowski.

Fronted by pink bombshell, Cherry Pitz, these burlesque shows provide giggles and tease for the full range of fandom.

Next up is their show Harry Potter and the Boobies of Fire which you can read about on Hotsy Totsy Burlesque. Until then here’s a sneak peek at their tribute to Doctor Who.

Check out the Burlexe Boutique for more burlesque costume ideas.

Burlexe is a sensational London burlesque show inspired by the women who created the genre and perform the art. It fuses burlesque performance with storytelling, dancing with acting.

Find out more about our unique burlesque show and join our mailing list.


(Main image from Dezi Desire)

The post The Best Dressed in Nerdlesque appeared first on Burlexe.

10 Jul 11:31

I'm Hungry; let's eat.

by paulw
09 Jul 19:45

DUDE, You have got to stop listening to your mom.

by Navelgazer
09 Jul 19:34

18 and Life

by MisantropicPainforest
How Birth Year Influences Political Views A new model of presidential voting suggests President Obama's approval rating — currently in the low 40s — will inform not only the 2016 election, but also the election in 2076. Events at age 18 are about three times as powerful as those at age 40, according to the model. The Upshot: Why Teenagers Today May Grow Up Conservative

PDFof working paper: The Great Society, Reagan's Revolution, and
Generations of Presidential Voting
09 Jul 19:24

There’s now a whole blog devoted to crying Brazilians

by Joe Veix
There’s now a whole blog devoted to crying Brazilians

Germany absolutely destroyed Brazil during their semi-final match on Tuesday, winning 10,321 to 1, and almost immediately everyone in Brazil started crying. And now there’s a blog collecting every photo of someone crying about soccer, called Sad Brazilians. It’s in the tradition of schadenfreude blogs like Brokers With Hands On Their Faces.

To be fair, thousands of people in Brazil were already crying because they were forcibly evicted from their homes to make room for World Cup facilities that will fall to ruin almost immediately after the games end, but those people are poor, and thus mostly ignored.

sad brazilians 1 585x403 Theres now a whole blog devoted to crying Brazilianssad brazilians 3 585x438 Theres now a whole blog devoted to crying Brazilianssad brazilians 5 585x438 Theres now a whole blog devoted to crying Brazilians  sad brazilians 2 Theres now a whole blog devoted to crying Brazilians

Source: Sad Brazilians

09 Jul 19:17

20 Misconceptions About Sex

by Miss Cellania

(YouTube link)

This week’s mental_floss video is guest-hosted by Dr. Aaron Carroll of the YouTube channel Healthcare Triage. It’s about sex, and he’ll be talking about penises, erections, orgasms, and other stuff that your boss might not want to hear, so consider this NSFW. It’s not at all prurient, though. -via mental_floss

09 Jul 19:08

Zoo Praha Breeds an Endangered Philippine Scops Owl

by Andrew Bleiman


Zoo Praha has managed to parent-rear a Philippine Scops Owl chick. The endangered species of owl lives only in the northern part of the Philippines. Prague Zoo actively contributes to its protection in cooperation with the rescue station for owls on the Philippine island of Negros. So far, the sex of the chick is unknown. Currently Zoo Praha has one breeding pair of Philippine Scops Owls. The female came from Luzon Island and the male was reared at Wroclaw Zoo.




Photo Petr Hamerník, Prague Zoo

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09 Jul 19:06

Should Mussels Be the Meat of the 21st Century?

by Paul Greenberg
Should Mussels Be the Meat of the 21st Century?
09 Jul 09:20

Superior (Mark Millar)

by Keanu alikante
P00001 - Superior #1
A pedido de muchos, Keanu les trae: Superior, de Mark Millar.

A Simon Pooni todo le iba bien: muchos amigos, buen aspecto, y su entrenador decía que era uno de los jugadores de baloncesto con más talento que había visto.

Pero eso fue cuando todavía podía mover las piernas. Ahora vive con esclerosis múltiple, echando de menos todas las pequeñas cosas que antes no apreciaba, y escapando al mundo del cine y los cómics junto a su mejor amigo.

Y entonces... Superior apareció en su vida.

Idioma: Español.
Editorial: Icon Comics 
Guion: Mark Millar 
Dibujo: Leinil Yu  
Tradumaquetadores: Mr raider, Crist_Freak, Ikari [KMQS](Bloguero Comics) 
Formato: CBR  
Tamaño: 141 Mb

P00002 - Superior #2P00003 - Superior #3P00004 - Superior #4P00005 - Superior #5P00006 - Superior #6P00007 - Superior #7


    09 Jul 09:14

    Did you guys see the size of that chicken?

    by triggergun
    09 Jul 09:08

    Dominant Players

    When Vera Menchik entered a 1929 tournament, a male competitor mocked her by suggesting that a special 'Vera Menchik Club' would be created for any player who lost to her. When the tournament began, he promptly became the first member of said club, and over the years it accumulated a large and illustrious roster.
    09 Jul 08:55

    7 Empowering Life Lessons You Learn After Recovering From A Debilitating Disease

    by Leslie Chua


    1. You Find Out Just How Important Being Healthy Actually Is

    Being happy is not the most important thing in life. Being healthy is. Being healthy gives you the prerequisite ability to function normally, before you can derive happiness from the things that you could do. I am sure that I am not the first person to say this, but this insight resonated deeply with me my after my illness.

    Being healthy translates to immense unquantifiable value – you can live, work, play, be happy, spend more time doing the things you love, spend less time being ill and less money on medication and more.

    You have to make your own health your priority, which means you must have the intrinsic motivation to take care of your health, your diet, your fitness and your time spent on doing healthy activities.

    2. You Find Out WHAT Really Matters To You

    When I was ill, all I wanted and needed to do was to get better. Important things that I thought mattered to me become glaringly insignificant in the face of bad health.
    My career, achievements and personal material possessions meant very little to me. I suppose these are the last things on people’s mind when they go through a personal health crisis.
    Physical comfort and security became top priority, as the chronic pain and lack of mobility took its toll on me. Basic necessities like food, shelter and water were more than enough to keep me alive and well. And lastly, I focused on doing the things that I enjoyed – my hobbies.

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    I Used A Radio Station Prank To Find Out If My Boyfriend Was Cheating, If Only Cheating Was The Worst Thing I Found Out

    He replied, “I can’t wait for our bundle of joy to come.”

    3. You Figure Out WHO Really Matters To You

    There will be people with you during your good times – your friends, colleagues, acquaintances, bosses, parents, spouse and your children.

    But will they still be with you during your bad times?

    For those who do, you will know that these group of people are the ones who really matter to you, just as you are to them.

    One positive takeaway about being terribly ill is that this experience gives you free and genuine filter: a filter to sift out your personal network. Some will be sympathetic while others will rejoice at your predicament; some will provide unconditional friendship and support while others will be judgmental and critical; some will genuinely check in to see how you are doing, while others will check in because they have vested interest in selling you medical products and advice.

    My time spent being ill re-focused me to prioritize my time, effort and money in maintaining the network of people who were meaningful to me.

    4. You Learn Just How Important Informing Yourself Really Is

    Had I known about the severe downside risks of the medication I was prescribed for my skin condition, I would have used them with more caution and would not have ended up in my debilitative situation.

    It was a huge lesson learnt– making decisions with limited information can give you sub-optimal results, sometimes disastrous for your health.
    Now, I try to inform myself to the best of my capability prior to making any major decisions.

    Be skeptical, be curious. Constantly ask questions to educate ourselves. Gather as much information from as many sources as you can. Then make a qualified judgment and decision.

    5. You Really Do Learn To Embrace And Appreciate Even The Simplest Of Pleasures

    Having a conversation with a friend, taking a walk in the park, having regular meals, laughing at silly jokes, taking a good nap, being able to work – these are simple pleasures that may seem trivial to you, but they were exactly what I yearned for during my debilitative state.

    I learnt not to take these simple pleasures for granted. As I perform these seemingly routine tasks, I am constantly mindful of my illness. And the result of my horrid experience? I had become easily contented and way happier while embracing these simple pleasures.

    Read This

    36 Incredibly Amazing And Completely Unexplainable Events From Recorded Human History

    Just so incredible.

    6. Sadly, You Learn That Many People Really Are Superficial

    I sound extremely shallow by writing this, but this is the harsh reality of life.

    I remember this occasion while I was dining in a public restaurant. A family of four was seated next to my table. Through the entire dining experience, the father was constantly staring at my less-than-perfect skin while he was eating with his family. He looked worried and terrified. But it did not stop him from staring. This was not the only occasion when people from the public stared or gawked at me. It made me extremely uncomfortable, and I find that I will be feeling way better if I had taken more effort to cover my horrid looking skin.

    As I recovered and started looking normal, people treated me better.

    Through this ordeal, I learned that you can’t stop others from seeing or judging you in an instant. What you can do is to manage yourself well so that you can influence how others judge you in the manner you desire.

    7. You Learn That Life Is Extremely Short So Start Doing Meaningful Things NOW.

    Life is extremely fragile. I considered myself to be fit and active, yet circumstances had led me into a debilitative state in as little as a few months. I felt I would never recover from my skin ordeal. I believed that I was a finished article – done and dusted. It is amazing how fast life can turn on you – one day you are on a high, and the next day you could be gone.

    During my illness, I dreamed about all the things I wanted to do if I could recover. I reminisced about all the time I had wasted – time spent on doing things that were distractions and not meaningful to anyone in particular. It was a startling reflection on how fast time can fly and how inefficient I was in utilizing time.

    Post recovery, I focused on doing things that were meaningful to me and the people who really mattered to me. The rest is just noise in my life. TC mark

    featured image – Hartwig HKD

    09 Jul 08:55

    I Don’t Like Big Dicks

    by Jillian Paulson

    I don’t really like big dicks.

    That’s OK, right? Nobody’s gonna shame me or gasp in horror when I confess that, are they? Well, whatever, I don’t give a fuck. I’m just not the biggest fan of giant dicks!

    I’m definitely not saying I like little teeny ones – you know, the kind where you can’t even feel it in you, like a pinky finger or something. No thanks. I don’t like the ones that are all short and squat. No rinkydink dicks for me, please. I don’t mean to be rude or picky … well, maybe I do. It’s just that I’m a grown woman and I want what I want! And I want a normal-sized dick, not one that makes me wince when you put it in!

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    How A Dick Feels

    I think having the right D in your V is what most people spend their lives trying to do, to put life into really vulgar terms.

    I’m just saying that the huge ones, well, they hurt. They give me UTIs even when I pee like three times: before, maybe during and immediately after. Even with a hefty helping of lube, they still kinda hurt! It’s not like I have some tiny high-maintenance vagina; I’ve had sex with a bunch of dudes, so it shouldn’t be a big deal. But the last two dudes I’ve slept with were packing some serious heat and I was not prepared for it in the slightest. The last one had me sore for three days!

    Have you ever fucked a dude doggy-style when he’s wielding a big ole weapon between his legs? I like it doggy-style but goddamn! I did it last night and I thought he was going to push so hard that my cervix would come out of my mouth! Like, if your dick is really big and thick, give me some warning before you shove it in really hard. I know you’re in the heat of the moment and probably can’t even remember your name, but dudes with big ole dicks gotta have a little etiquette.

    Maybe I’m just not used to them. My last two serious boyfriends were pretty average, which was great! Good sex that I could handle for more than ten minutes. And even better at going down on me, which is how it should be anyway. I think dudes with big dicks don’t “work it” as well because they don’t have to, because they think we’re gonna be so impressed with their inches that we won’t think about technique. WRONG.

    And you can’t complain that I can’t deep throat it, dude. I’m good at head – legendarily so, in certain circles – but there are a certain number of inches that simply will not go down my throat. It’s impossible. I do not want to “gag on your dick” like you want. Do you really want my barf all over your junk? When you have a big thick dick in your mouth, you have to focus on a) not choking and b) breathing. And then you add in the hands, the tongue motion, making sure you don’t scrape it with your teeth … it’s a ton of work.

    Read This

    I Used A Radio Station Prank To Find Out If My Boyfriend Was Cheating, If Only Cheating Was The Worst Thing I Found Out

    He replied, “I can’t wait for our bundle of joy to come.”

    And you’re in your thirties! Why are you so interested in slamming your dick into me like a 15-year-old? I thought men would be more considerate when they got older, but I was wrong. They’re still just like, “Fuck yeah! Boning! Let’s fuck this girl’s cervix UP!” I don’t need a pap smear while we’re fucking, dude. That’s what my gyno is for.

    I’m a simple girl. I just want a good dick I can wrap myself around comfortably and slide down my throat without wanting to cough up my guts. TC mark

    09 Jul 08:51

    Los reyes realizarán su primer viaje oficial a Galicia el 25 de este mes

    by M. Cheda

    Que manás necesitas para INVOCAR AL APÓSTOL?

    Felipe VI rompe la tradición de su padre e invocará al apóstol Santiago en año no santo
    09 Jul 08:45

    Social Justice and Language

    by Another Fine Product From The Nonsense Factory
    Several recent articles draw attention to the power of demonisation, outrage and weaponised language within contemporary activist culture - and question whether this focus is doing more harm than good. Jack Halberstam, director of the Center for Feminist Research at University of Southern California: When groups that share common cause, utopian dreams and a joined mission find fault with each other instead of tearing down the banks and the bankers, the politicians and the parliaments, the university presidents and the CEOs? Instead of realizing, as Moten and Hearny put it in The Undercommons, that "we owe each other everything," we enact punishments on one another and stalk away from projects that should unite us, and huddle in small groups feeling erotically bonded through our self-righteousness.

    Scott Alexander: the debate is about whether trans women are more privileged than cis women, because they have residual male privilege from the period when they presented as men, or less privileged than cis women, because they are transsexual – plus a more or less symmetrical debate on the trans man side. The important thing to notice is that every group considers it existentially important to prove that they are less privileged than the others, and they do it with arguments like (from last link) "all examples of cis privilege are really male privileges that are not afforded to women, or are instances of resistance to trans politics. I call it patriarchy privilege when something like an unwillingness to redefine one's own sexuality to include males is seen is labeled as offensive."

    The New York Times:Mobs breed a sense of anonymity, and in the midst of trending Twitter outrage, Professor Martin said, "you may feel anonymous, even if you're not really." Such perceived anonymity encourages people — even seemingly sensitive readers of "The Fault in Our Stars" — to say things they likely would not in person.
    09 Jul 08:40

    Mis amigos me duran siete años

    by Sergio Parra

    640px-sna_large.jpgQué dura es la convivencia, qué difícil es mantener viva la llama de la amistad y el afecto, cuántas fricciones psicoemocionales hay que superar. Dicen que un síntoma de sabiduría es saber qué cosas hay que dejar pasar. Con todo, solo una parte de nuestros amigos son para siempre. De hecho, casi la mitad de nuestros amigos no durará más de siete años, y será sustituido por otros (porque nuestro número de amistades se mantiene generalmente estable).

    Al menos es lo que sugiere el sociólogo Gerald Mollenhorst. Para ello realizó un estudio en el que encuestó a 1007 personas de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 65 años. Siete años más tarde, volvió a contactar con las personas anteriormente encuestadas, y entrevistó a 604 personas.

    Tal y como explica David DiSalvo en su libro Qué hace feliz a tu cerebro:

    Los entrevistados respondieron a preguntas tales como: ¿Quién le habla a usted de temas personales importantes? ¿Quién le ayuda a realizar proyectos en su hogar? ¿A quién le hace usted alguna breve visita? ¿Dónde llegó usted a conocer a esa persona? ¿En dónde se encuentra ahora con esa persona?

    Solamente el 48 % de todos los contactos continuaban formando parte de la misma red social. Y solo el 30 % de las amistades originales seguían manteniendo contacto entre ellas al cabo de siete años. El estudio fue publicado en Social Networks.

    Foto | DarwinPeacock

    La noticia Mis amigos me duran siete años fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Sergio Parra.

    09 Jul 08:39

    Surprise Sloth Sex Shocks Staffers

    by Lisa Marcus

    ZSL (Zoological Society of London) London Zoo keepers weren't privy to a secret between their two-toed sloths Leander and Marilyn. The pair had successfully mated and Marilyn was pregnant, something that the staff learned long after the fact. 

    Leander had been transferred to ZSL London Zoo from a zoo in Germany in order to be paired with Marilyn. The keepers were making an effort to get Marilyn and Leander to acknowledge each others' presence -- little did they know that they were already sloth sweethearts!

    Zoo staff member Tegan McPhail explained,

    “To say we were surprised when Marilyn fell pregnant is something of an understatement – we weren’t aware that she’d even been near the male. 

    When Leander arrived at the Zoo at the end of 2012, he and Marilyn just didn’t appear particularly interested in each other, but we knew that with sloths these things can take some time.

    However, with the arrival of the first sloth to be born at ZSL London Zoo, it appears that it was all an act on their behalf and our two very sneaky sloths were getting amorous behind our backs!"

    The baby two-toed sloth, whose sex is yet to be determined, is tightly bonded with Marilyn. By all accounts she is proudly showing off her baby. Via Zooborns


    09 Jul 08:34

    44 tiny teeth

    by moonmilk
    A hedgehog goes to the dentist (a story in photos)
    08 Jul 18:14

    Nos mienten.

    Hola, en esta vida hay que tragárselo todo (guiñoguiñocodazocodazo) pero creerse NADA porque todo el mundo sabe, que Disney y el porno mienten y MUCHO pero nadie dice lo que mienten los escenarios del polvo ideal.

    1. La playa. Fuera o dentro del agua es MAL siempre.

    Dentro seguro que inspiró a Iván Ferreiro para escribir “El equilibrio es imposible”, yo borracha sobre tacones de aguja saliendo de un after tengo más sujeción al suelo que follando en el mar y yo sin sujeción no ejerzo presión, no presión, no orgasmo, no party. FIN. 

    Fuera, pues nada, todo bien si no fuera porque días después aún tienes arena en el útero.

    2. Baños de avión/tren. Hombre si trabajas en el Circo del Sol como contorsionista y tu curro consiste en  meterte en una maleta día tras día pues oye, fetén.

    3. Mesa. No existe la mesa que sea de la altura idónea, NO EXISTE, yo me he doblado más para atrás por follar en una mesa que bailando el limbo.

    4. Biplaza. Nadie debería tener un biplaza si no es ENANO. Imposible follar en él sin doblarte el cuello, IMPOSIBLE.

    5. Pared. Mucha cremita para que las tías no tengamos estrías y vivimos en casas con gotele, doble rasero, que el gotele son las estrías de las casas, copón. Y ya si es en la casa del pueblo te convalidan el título de faquir, poca broma.

    6. Jacuzzi. Las burbujas te están todo el rato salpicando a la cara, sería algo así como un bukkake intermitente que desconcentra y terminas por quitar. 

    7. Comida/bebida. Yo comida no pero bebida toda o más y una vez más las burbujas arruinan el clímax, champagne en el coño pica.

    8. Calor/frío. Bueno, bueno, bueno, en este punto hay que matizar que la mayoría de las ideas suenan mejor en la cabeza y que la mayoría de los actos solo tienen sentido cuando vas borracho. Los hielos de los pelotes son el lubricante calor/frío de los tupis, eso está aceptado y asumido por lo que un día te vienes arriba y utilizas una polla para mover el mojito y bueno, la hipotermia cabrea.

    9. Sábanas de satén. A quién no la han “lanzado” a la cama para follar y se ha deslizado con las piernitas para arriba dando pataditas hasta caer de culo al otro lado de la cama, A QUIÉN??????

    10. Silla del curro reclinable y CON RUEDAS, no tengo nada más que decir Señoría.

    Moraleja: Titis, cuando hay ganas cualquier sitio es ideal PERO como bien dice Sicodelicgirl, bendita cama donde ocurre todo lo bueno. Llámalo sexo. Llámalo sueños. ^^

    08 Jul 18:07

    it’s taco thuesday

    by Jarret_Noir
    08 Jul 17:41

    Jukebox Jam! Volume 1 & 2 (Jazzman)

    by Jillem
    08 Jul 12:10

    Dead Ghosts : Can't Get No (2013) (Burger Records)

    by (Me and my shadow)

    "Can't Get No" / Dead Ghosts

    01. Can't Get No 02. That Old Feeling 03. Summer With Phil  04. Cold Stare 05. I Want You Back 06.  Roky Said 07. On Your Own 08. You Don't Belong 09. B.A.D. 10. Tea Swamp Rumble 11. Hanging In The Alley 12. I Sleep Alone

    Nos choucous. Entre  l'esprit des premiers 45t des Jaccuzzi Boys et des Oh Sees. Voilà un  album  qui tourne en boucle sur la platine et ne déçoit pas. Je recommande.