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08 Jul 11:36

All-Girl topless band

by Jarret_Noir

08 Jul 11:35

Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers and Fat Freddies Cat

by bender
08 Jul 11:34

Tuesday, July 8 @ 4:16:53 am

by inka

08 Jul 11:27

Elvis Presley - "Blue Suede Shoes" without the music

by (biotv)
08 Jul 11:21

Have You Watched Our Profiles Series Yet?

by VICE Staff

In our attention-deficit throwaway society, very seldom is there room for the little guy (or gal) to say their piece in the spotlight. Our new series, Profiles by VICE, aims to change that. Profiles by VICE is a weekly distillation of our eccentric and idiosyncratic world. In each episode we take an intimate look at issues, people, and communities that burrow deep into the underbellies of society.

If this piques your interest—and it should, unless you're one of those humans who's not interested in other humans—watch the series trailer here, and check out this handy episode guide:

  • Slut-Shaming Preacher: We travel to Arizona to meet up with campus preacher Brother Dean Saxton, a student at the University of Arizona, whose "You Deserve Rape" sign has caused outrage among the student body.

  • An Inside Look at the Exotic Animal Trade: We travel to Ohio to rescue a cougar, then to Texas for an exotic livestock auction and undercover visit to a gaming ranch where the animals are sold and hunted for up to $15,000 a piece.

  • Reserection: The Penis Implant: We travel to Miami (obviously) to speak to one of the leading penis doctors in the country and find out what it costs to get your penis operated on.

  • My Homie Sells Homies: We travel to New York City's forgotten borough, Staten Island, to find out how a guy named Sugarman created a small vending-machine empire—and how he subsequently lost it, one quarter at a time.

  • Blind Gunslinger: We travel to North Dakota to meet Carey McWilliams, the first completely blind person in the US to acquire a concealed-carry permit.

  • Prison, Bling Ring, and Redemption: We travel to Los Angeles and talk to Alexis Neiers about her struggles with addiction, her criminal involvement in the real-life Bling Ring, and her new life as a sober mother.

  • Teenage Bullfighters: We travel to Merida, on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, to meet Michelito Lagravere, who at 14, became the youngest bullfighter ever.

Make sure to watch Profiles by VICE, which airs every Monday on At the very least, tune in on July 14th, for our profile of Matthew Lesko—otherwise known as that guy from the late night commercials who dresses like the Riddler.

08 Jul 11:20

Comics: Megg, Mogg, & Owl Part 10: Megg's Therapy II

by Simon Hanselmann

Click here for last week's episode.


08 Jul 11:12

A Idade Media como nunca a vistes

by magago

No Languedoc-Rosellón un equipo do CNRS (o CSIC francés) está a desvelar as pinturas murais que aparecen nos plafóns de edificios medievais. As pinturas que se amosan, simpatiquísimas, transmiten unha fermosa e viva imaxe da vida cotiá na Idade Media, preciosidades divertidas de trazos ben persoais. Aquí tedes tamén o artigo na revista de divulgación científica do CNRS.

08 Jul 11:11

O PP vota en contra de rebaixar os prezos da autoestrada Santiago-Lalín

Os populares tamén votan en contra de mellorar as estradas galegas.
07 Jul 22:06

Soothing Sounds of Jazz... with rain

by maggiemaggie
Jazz and Rain Feeling stressed? Listen to some cool jazz and the relaxing sound of rain.
07 Jul 22:00

Super Pixel Quest

by archagon
07 Jul 21:58


07 Jul 21:58

Reigning Sound – Shattered (2014)

by exy

Reigning SoundAfter braving a slew of lineup changes, Reigning Sound have returned. The brainchild of garage- punk stalwart/principal songwriter Greg Cartwright, the Memphis quintet — which features longtime keyboardist Dave Amels, as well as new members Mike Catanese, Benny Trokan, and Mikey Post — release Shattered, the 11-track follow-up to 2009′s Love and Curses and the band’s first LP for Merge Records.
The album was recorded at Daptone’s Brooklyn studio (where drummer Mikey works in the office) and masterfully engineered by Wayne Gordon.
About three years ago, Greg was asked to make a promotional EP for Scion. Recordings were set to take place in Nashville where he had lined up two local friends to round out the band, but as…

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…fate would have it, both had to bow out at the last minute. Luckily, Catanese, Trokan, and Post — Amels’ bandmates in Brooklyn soul group The Jay Vons — were up for the task. The four flew to Nashville, learned the songs, and recorded them with Greg in a couple of days. Thus was born the group that you hear on Shattered.

07 Jul 20:23

Sex Pistols -Dios salve al Punk -Revista Vibraciones nº 35 Agosto 1977

by Alex_add
El numero de Agosto del 1977 de la revista Vibraciones era el primero en dedicar una portada a los Sex Pistols a la par que publicar un articulo de 4 paginas escrito por uno de los colaboradores habituales de la revista "Damian G Puig". El articulo comienza hablando del movimiento Punk en parte dándolo a conocer y en parte menospreciandolo (aunque el mismo autor del texto en otros artículos explicara maravillas de bandas Punk, Algo habitual en los críticos musicales) La segunda parte del articulo se centra en los Sex Pistols su historia, sus bailes con las discograficas y los escándalos varios hasta mediados de 1977. Gran portada de la revista y buenas fotos para un documento que tiene mucho de histórico.

Escaneos hechos por el blog Spanish Bombs

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                    Visita:....Black Market Records

07 Jul 20:09

Un implante que promete dar a elegir cuándo estar, o no, en estado de fertilidad

by Rodrigo Garrido


Si bien los métodos anticonceptivos por medio de implantes no son una novedad, lo que nos presume la gente de MicroChips sí que es interesante conocer. La empresa está anunciando un nuevo chip que, además de servir como método anticonceptivo, permitiría a la mujer elegir el tiempo en el que quiera estar en fertilidad.

El pequeño dispositivo promete durar unos 16 años, y su implementación sería posible con anestesia local en tan sólo treinta minutos, sin embargo, su principal función es la capacidad de almacenar la hormona levonorgestrel en un deposito que puede abrirse por medio de una corriente eléctrica, dando así la posibilidad de controlar, de forma inalámbrica, cuándo la mujer quiere que se libere la hormona, o sea, cuándo estar, o no, en estado fértil.

Por ahora este chip, que mide 20 x 20 x 7 milímetros, ya fue probado con otro tipo de tratamientos, que igual implican la dosificación de medicamentos, aunque se espera que pronto empiecen las pruebas dentro del campo de los anticonceptivos, todo buscando la aprobación de la FDA, y prometiendo su lanzamiento para el año 2018.

Vía | Cnet

La noticia Un implante que promete dar a elegir cuándo estar, o no, en estado de fertilidad fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Rodrigo Garrido.

07 Jul 19:58

World’s oldest porno stash found by archaeologists

by Joe Veix
World’s oldest porno stash found by archaeologists

Dr. Andreas Vlachopoulos, a specialist in prehistoric archaeology, found what could possibly be the world’s oldest porno stash. Basically, it’s a bunch of giant dongs (sorry, “erotic graffiti”) carved into a rock on the Greek island of Astypalaia.

The drawings date to the fifth or sixth centuries BC, and were described by Vlachopoulos as “triumphant inscriptions.” One reads, “Nikasitimos was here mounting Timiona.” Score.

Did I mentioned that it’s gay porn? “By using the verb in the past continuous, it clearly says that these two men were making love over a long period of time,” Vlachopoulos told The Guardian, “emphasizing the sexual act in a way that is highly unusual in erotic artwork.”

Not only does the discovery elucidate how our ancient relatives got down and dirty, but it also shows us the surprising extent of literacy of the time. The skill with which the dongs and their accompanying descriptions were carved into the rock demonstrates that not just philosophers and scholars were trained in writing, but even common people.

And they apparently mostly wrote about fucking. So little has changed.

Source: Guardian

07 Jul 19:54

The Great A'Tuin: The Early Years

by Alex Santoso

All it needs are four elephants and a Disc, then this turtle's journey through space could begin! Imgurian achujciwcycki spotted this Great A'tuin-like turtle with mossy back swimming calmly through water - brown water to you and me, but probably octarine (you should ask a cat).

07 Jul 19:52

This is the Entrance to an Opera House

by John Farrier

(Photo: Classical KDFC)

The conductor will ensure that you get into the parking lot at the Estonian National Opera. Drive in on the upstroke. Just hope that the tempo isn't too fast.

-via Twisted Sifter

07 Jul 19:25


by Jarret_Noir

07 Jul 19:21

Obras de Miró, Dalí, Castelao o Barceló, en la primera gran muestra de Abanca en Santiago

by Efe
La exposición, que se inaugura hoy, expone el 10% de los fondos de la colección. Escotet, sobre una hipotética venta de la misma: «Nunca ha pasado por nuestra cabeza»
07 Jul 14:41

The "Light-Blue" Puppy

by Ndwright
The Light-Blue Puppy is a visually extraordinary India Ink-animated Soviet musical children's cartoon made in 1976, only recently translated into English. It tells the tale of a small, sad puppy who has been rejected by his peers for his unusual color, but nevertheless manages to find his way in the world (with some help from a few other colorful characters, of course). On its surface it appears to be a cute, cleverly-animated story with a simple message of tolerance.

It is not without controversy in Russia, however, in light of a perceived homosexual subtext:
The cartoon may have played a key role in popularising the slang term 'goluboi' (light blue) to refer to homosexuals, with its theme of the lonely, bullied puppy longing for a flamboyant and self-confident rescuer and mentor being one that spoke to the experience of many Russian gays during the Soviet era's criminalisation of homosexuality.
06 Jul 23:54

A story, a force, a tale that means something

by Monsieur Caution
06 Jul 23:41

Sunday, July 6 @ 9:09:52 pm

by dw
06 Jul 23:38


by Swollen Goods
06 Jul 23:24

Rolling Coal: Everything Else About It Is Pretty Good

by porn in the woods
Slate: "Prius Repellent is a perfect introduction to one of the Obama era's great conservative subcultures: the men and women who "roll coal." For as little as $500, anyone with a diesel truck and a dream can install a smoke stack and the equipment that lets a driver "trick the engine" into needing more fuel. The result is a burst of black smoke that doubles as a political or cultural statement—a protest against the EPA, a ritual shaming of hybrid "rice burners," and a stellar source of truck memes."

Vocativ: "It's bad for the environment. That's definitely true," says Ryan. "And some of the kids that have diesel trucks can look like tools. And you can cause a wreck, but everything else about it is pretty good."

Business Insider rounds up the coal-y roller coverage and YouTube footage.
06 Jul 23:12

¿Por qué los rascacielos no pueden ser más altos?

by Carlos Alcayde

rascacielos-1.jpg La fiebre por conseguir los rascacielos más altos se concentra principalmente en Asia, aunque Oriente Medio no se queda atrás y cuenta con el que pronto será el rascacielos más alto del mundo, el Kingdom Tower en la ciudad de Yeda en Arabia Saudí con una imponente altura que supera los 1.000 metros.

Originalmente el proyecto de Yeda iba a ser la construcción de un rascacielos de 1.500 metros, pero resultó imposible. El primer problema con el que cuentan estas construcciones es el viento, cualquier suave brisa a nivel del suelo puede ser un auténtico vendaval en la parte alta del edificio. Una solución a este problema puede ser algo similar a la empleada en la torre Taipéi 101, en la ciudad del mismo nombre en Taiwán. Contiene un péndulo gigante en la parte superior del edificio que se mueve en sentido contrario a los vientos.

Otro de los problemas son los ascensores. Tecnológicamente los diseños empleados han llegado al límite y por el momento no hay solución, el problema radica en que cables de más de 600 metros son demasiado pesados para poderse mover con un cabestrante,

Este tipo de edificios necesitan bases de gran tamaño, otra posibilidad es un diseño similar a la torre Burj Khalifa de Dubai Con sus 828 metros. El diseño en forma de “Y” con una parte central exagonar y tres alas que le dan la estabilidad necesaria.

Por el momento hasta que estas dificultades no se soluciones, la construcción de un edificio de más de 1.000 metros de altura, seguirá siendo un sueño.

Vía | BBC

La noticia ¿Por qué los rascacielos no pueden ser más altos? fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Carlos Alcayde.

06 Jul 23:09

A Scientific Guide to Day-Drinking

by Jordan Pearson
A Scientific Guide to Day-Drinking
06 Jul 23:03

How to Make It as a Dominatrix

by Sophie Saint Thomas

Photo by Dirty Dirty Wrong

Lady Lila Stern is one of Los Angeles's fastest rising dominatrixes. When Mike Kulich from told me about Stern, he described her as “a nice, Jewish, New England girl who rose the ranks to become one of the top pro-dominatrixes in LA.”

A nice, Jewish dominatrix may sound like an oxymoron, but Stern fits the bill. Two years ago, she launched her career when she was just another floundering actress struggling to pay her bills. Looking to find ways to earn extra money, she started working in the sex industry because domming fit her strong personality. Soon she was screwing with guys as a full-time job.

Since then Stern has discovered the perks of her job. Unlike Hollywood actresses who aren’t named Meryl Streep, dominatrixes can see their careers get bigger as they age and become more experienced. Stern’s occupation has also allowed her to find her “inner domme” and transform from a kinky, submissive New Englander into a dominant superwoman. As an ode to her budding career, Stern recently got a large tattoo of a mermaid holding a human heart. “People see the heart and tell me, ‘You know she's under the water,’” she said. “I don't give a fuck where she is!”

Interested in learning more about Stern’s work, I met with her last month to discuss her clients, sex work's perks, and how to make it as a dominatrix in Hollywood. 

VICE: How did you become a successful dominatrix?
Lady Lila Stern: They have these parties, and you go to three or four parties. It was pretty crazy to be honest, because even though I had a lot of experience in my personal life, it is a lot different—these people are strangers. That's why we have clients that stay such a long time. It's kind of incredible; you can build such an intense relationship.

What do the majority of your clients come to you for?
I do have clients who are into fetish as well as slaves. It's a pretty good mix of both. 

What’s the difference?
They are very different clients. A guy that comes to me for a foot-fetish session doesn't necessarily want to be degraded and told what a tiny penis he has. Slaves are a little easier to deal with because they're more submissive. More recently there's been an emergence of sensual domming, which is like foot fetishes and smothering—things like that I get a lot of calls for.

Why has your clientele changed?
It's hard for me to say because I've only been pro-domming for two years, but honestly I think it's probably [a good thing]. I think it's happening because a lot more people are open. You know there was that whole 50 Shades of Grey—a very tame version of S&M, but I'm not completely against the book. I think it opened up a lot of people who were afraid to go there [to see a dominatrix] because they thought they'd beat the crap out of you and yell at you, and that's obviously not what domming is.

How has working as a dominatrix changed your personal life?
I've met so many powerful, amazing women that have become my world. Relationships can be funny, but it's translated into my personal life amazingly—it's made me feel so powerful and strong. Relationships are a little tough. When I started domming, I was in a relationship for a number of years with a guy who was heavily into kink. At first it was awesome, but then it got hard as he got a little jealous. I've just realized that I'm going to have to be with a very strong man. Most of the dommes I know are lesbians, or at least have a strong preference for women. What's strange about me is that I am attracted to men who are dominant in their lives. I like to think that anyone who isn't okay with what I do isn't the right person for me, or as my mother says, “You sure don't make it easy on yourself.”

What about the job appeals to you?
I make people's fantasies a reality. It makes me feel like I'm helping people. Pro-dommes are obviously around for a reason. You're providing a service for people—a lot of who have wives or girlfriends, who either are afraid or [in the past] they told [people about their fetish] and they were shunned [becuase of] it—so it feels really good to let people feel some satisfaction and feel fulfilled. I met some people in the industry who helped me find my inner-domme. 

How did that affect you?
That's when I fell in love with it, because I knew it was in me—but it was a strange thing when I started because I don't naturally get off on hurting people. It feels very intense, and sexy, and real. I'm myself doing what I do; it brings out a power that I didn't even know I had. Domming has changed my whole life. I have never been happier in my whole life. I get to wake up every day and be kinky. That's pretty awesome.

Follow Sophie Saint Thomas on Twitter

06 Jul 22:57

Los cuentos morales de siempre no aumentan la honestidad en los niños (o no todos)

by Sergio Parra

enrico_mazzanti_-_the_hanged_pinocchio_(1883).jpgLas enseñanzas morales que transmiten los cuentos clásicos se han considerado siempre muy útiles para enseñar a los niños acerca de las consecuencias de la mentira y de la virtud de la honestidad. Sin embargo, a pesar de su uso generalizado, no hay evidencia de si estas historias en realidad promueven la honestidad en los niños.

En un estudio publicado en Psychological Science se comparó la eficacia de cuatro clásicos con moraleja final en las que se promocian la honestidad a niños de entre tres y siete años de edad. Los resultados fueron los esperados: no se transmitían los valores morales, pero había una salvedad.

Kang Lee, del Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study de la Universidad de Toronto, llevó a cabo el estudio con 268 niños de entre tres y siete años. A los niños se les decía que debían adivinar la identidad de un juguete en función del ruido que hacía. Entonces, en mitad de la prueba, el experimentador abandonaba la habitación con la excusa de ir a buscar un libro, rogando al niño que no mirase el juguete escondido, que no hiciera trampas.

A regresar el experimentador a la sala, leía a los niños una historia uno de estos cuentos: "La tortuga y la liebre", "El niño que gritó lobo", "Pinocho" o "George Washington y el cerezo". Al finalizar el cuento, se les pedía que dijeran la verdad acerca de si habían mirado o no el juguete. Las historias de "Pinocho" y "El niño que gritó lobo" no lograron aumentar la honestidad de los niños. Por el contrario, la historia apócrifa de "George Washington y el cerezo" aumentó significativamente la honestidad.

Los resultados sugieren que la razón de la diferencia es que la historia de "George Washington" hace hincapié en las consecuencias positivas de la honestidad, mientras que las otras historias se preocupan más por las consecuencias negativas de la falta de honradez. Cuando la historia "George Washington" fue alterada para centrarse en las consecuencias negativas de la falta de honradez, también fracasó para promover la honestidad en los niños.

Vía | MarginalRevolution

Foto | Enrico Mazzanti (1850-1910)

La noticia Los cuentos morales de siempre no aumentan la honestidad en los niños (o no todos) fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Sergio Parra.

06 Jul 22:56

Amsterdam Noord is seventh?

by MartinWisse
The twenty most hipster neigbourhoods in the world or, where to live if you're sick of Williamsburg.
06 Jul 22:53

The case for banning fireworks

by Lexica
They're a threat to the environment and dangerous as hell. There's got to be a better way to celebrate.
Look, I'm an environmental reporter, and as such it is practically in my job description to be a killjoy. For this I am sorry. It's not like I won't personally be enjoying the fireworks over the East River — which at least can't get any more polluted than it already is — but I won't be able to do so without nagging self-admonishments about how fireworks are actually kind of stupid.… Now, as is my professional duty, I pass these nagging thoughts on to you.