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28 Jul 16:53

6 Sex Hacks For Better Sex

Not that you need them.

28 Jul 16:22


by Chris

dog musician

Dog Style

28 Jul 16:07

Los Chunguitos protagonizarán un reality de Cuatro, ¿los nuevos Alaska y Mario?

by Borja Terán

Llevan 40 años en el mundo de la música. Cuentan con más de 30 trabajos discográficos publicados. Son referente de la rumba. Y, en este 2014, se han convertido en una revelación televisiva. O eso nos están haciendo creer los directivos de las cadenas de televisión. Hablamos de Los Chunguitos, los nuevos ‘graciosos’ oficiales de la pequeña pantalla.

Su paso por Tu cara me suena puso en la palestra el lado más cómico de este dúo. Sus imitaciones -entre comillas- no son ya lo más visto del talent en Youtube, pero si han favorecido un aluvión de chascarrillos en las redes sociales.

De ahí que Pablo Motos fichara a esta pareja de cantantes como críticos de cine. No se equivocaba, las surrealistas salidas de tono de Los Chunguitos han funcionado a la perfección esta temporada en El Hormiguero.

Ahora, tras un curso de éxitos televisivos, Los Chunguitos han sido fichados por Cuatro como reclamo para Los Gypsy Kings, nuevo docureality que se ha comenzado a grabar la semana pasada.

Este nuevo show, que la cadena de Mediaset produce en colaboración con La Competencia, mostrará el día a día de algunas de las dinastías gitanas más reconocidas, entre ellas los Salazar, la familia de los Los Chunguitos.

Un género catódico que en nuestro país ha popularizado Alaska y Mario en su versión VIP en MTV. Los Chunguitos pueden coger el relevo del famoso matrimonio. De momento, ya están omnipresentes en cadenas de televisión rivales. Aunque, eso sí, este programa parece que seguirá más la estela de Palabra de Gitano: mostrando sus tradiciones, sus problemas, su vida familiar y sus celebraciones.

¿Conoceremos la cara más seria de Los Chunguitos en este nuevo espacio de Cuatro? En cualquier caso, esperemos que pongan subtítulos…


Alaska y Mario, un éxito artificial

El ingrediente que convierte ‘Tu cara me suena’ en un show diferente

‘Palabra de Gitano’ a análisis

28 Jul 16:06

Los 'socialites' masculinos reclaman su trono

by S Moda EL PAÍS
Imprescindibles en todas las fiestas que se precien, ellos han aprendido el oficio y están dispuestos a llevarse su pedazo de la tarta.
28 Jul 15:51

Taking Back the Wheel

by sallybrown
A riposte to the bros: duo Maggie & Tae take on bro country in "Girl in a Country Song" - "Like all we're good for is looking good for / You and your friends on the weekend, nothin' more / We used to get a little respect / Now we're lucky if we even get / to climb up in your truck, keep our mouths shut, and ride along."

As coined by New York Magazine's Jody Rosen, "bro country" is "music by and of the tatted, gym-toned, party-hearty young American white dude" -
If "Cruise" were a guy at a bar, he would sidle up to the hottest blonde in the room, laugh loudly at his own jokes, and, after crashing and burning with a couple of lame pickup lines, ask, "Have you heard this awesome song?" Whereupon he would whip out his iPhone and dial up the video for Florida Georgia Line's "Cruise."
A number of artists and critics have expressed displeasure with bro country and its creators (who have not hesitated to speak back), leading to something of a genre-wide feud.

Much of the criticism of bro country also references the dearth of female artists on today's country charts, something one of the foremost bros attributes to the fact that female artists "kind of have to be able to hang with the guys but also be feminine and pretty, and it's just a tough dynamic."

Some representative samples of bro country:
Florida Georgia Line, "Cruise" - the best-selling digital country song of all time
Luke Bryan, "That's My Kind of Night" - which Zac Brown called "the worst song I've ever heard"
Blake Shelton, "Boys Round Here"
Kip Moore, "Somethin' Bout a Truck"
Jason Aldean, "Dirt Road Anthem"

NB: "Girl in a Country Song" is not to be confused with the similarly-titled, also newly released single by Maggie Rose, "Girl in Your Truck Song," "a love letter to bro country" that is also provoking some strong reactions.
28 Jul 15:44

Editing photos as if they were audio files

by Room 641-A
"Masuma Ahuja and Denise Lu for the Washington Post applied a technique called databending to a bunch of photos. The idea is that computer files — even though they represent different things like documents, images, and audio — encode data in one form or another. It's just that sound files encode beats, notes, and rhythms, whereas image files encode hue, saturation, and brightness. So when you treat image files as if they were audio, you get some interesting results. Jamie Boulton has a detailed description on how to do this yourself with Audacity Effects." [via]
28 Jul 15:12

The Lasting Impact of World War I

by joseph conrad is fully awesome
"The Wall Street Journal has selected 100 legacies from World War I that continue to shape our lives today." You can sort according to your interest via the tabs at the top of the page. [Previously]
28 Jul 00:03

You'll probably have a better day if you strike up a conversation with a stranger on the bus or trai

by Annalee Newitz

You'll probably have a better day if you strike up a conversation with a stranger on the bus or train. New psychological research shows that commuters mostly believed that talking to strangers would make their journeys worse, but discovered after doing it that it almost always made them better.


27 Jul 23:54

The Banana Massacre

by Miss Cellania

You are probably aware that the term “banana republic” came from the practices of the United Fruit Company, a U.S. firm that bought up large portions of several South American countries and wielded inordinate political power in the region, in order to supply the U.S. with bananas. The company’s power was such that government troops were made available to put down workers’ strikes. In Colombia, this led to a massacre.

In November 1928, grumbling among the more than 25,000 workers on the banana plantations of the United Fruit Company turned into a united effort with a well-organized strike against the massive American corporation.

The workers’ demands from United Fruit were far from unreasonable — a direct contract with the company, six-day work weeks, eight-hour days, medical care and the elimination of scripts (only good at company stores) that were paid to the workers instead of cash. Ten years earlier, the company’s workers had gone on strike with similar demands, but had failed to achieve their goals.

The Colombian government was afraid of a worker’s revolution, and also afraid the U.S. military would step in. Tensions led to a standoff between 1,400 workers and family members and 300 troops with machine guns on December 6. When the troops opened fire, the death toll was somewhere between 47 and 2,000 people. We will probably never know the exact number. Read about the massacre at Modern Farmer. 

27 Jul 23:44

Leia ambivalence

by flex
27 Jul 23:43

Naughty Nuns & Flatulent Monks: Surprises of Sacred Medieval Manuscripts

by Room 641-A
The images vary widely, but they tend to be very strange and even disturbing—overt sexual acts, defecation, monsters, human-monster hybrids, animals acting like humans. There's also examples of clergy behaving very badly, the sort of thing you would not expect to see in the margins of a sacred book.
Kaitlin Manning of B & L Rootenberg Rare Books and Manuscripts talks to Collector's Weekly (previously) about the exquisitely detailed religious texts surrounded by all manner of illustrated commentary, known today as marginalia.
27 Jul 23:36

NSFW (so keep those headphones in)

by kagredon
In a public radio world that turns a blind eye and blushing cheek to sex, we give you Audio Smut. We are a show about your body, your heart, and your junk. Every 2 weeks we deliver honest and emotionally engaging stories that read like a diary and sound like a dream. Our mission is to educate and initiate public discourse about gender, sex, and relationships from a sex-positive, queer, and feminist perspective. Our work portrays sexuality in a diverse and honest light.

Recommended entry points: Coming of Age, Movies In Your Head.
27 Jul 23:35

The most important battle you've probably never heard of

by caddis
The Battle of Bouvines was fought 800 years ago on July 27, 1214 and its outcome directly led to the Magna Carta and also to the national identities of both England and France. Some historians claim this date should be remembered after the Battle of Hastings in 1066 as one of the defining moments in English history. King John attempted to retake lands in Normandy employing an alliance army including Otto of Germany. John attacked from the south, but more importantly Otto was decisively defeated at Bouvines. Humiliated in defeat John was forced to consent to the Magna Carta, and the Anglo-Norman realm came to a final end allowing both England and France to develop their separate national identities. More background.
27 Jul 23:23

Cult Favorite Comic Locke & Key to Become a Movie Trilogy

by Annalee Newitz

Cult Favorite Comic Locke & Key to Become a Movie Trilogy

Last night, Joe Hill told Comic-Con that his comic book Locke & Key is being adapted into a trilogy of movies by Universal.


27 Jul 22:52

A Love Letter To My Boobs

by Kara Nesvig

Dear boobs,

Thank you for being nothing short of perfect.

You were really great when you were a small, grabbable 34B. I could walk faster, for one, and cute bras were easier to find. I thought you were extra-awesome.

But now you’re a 32D … and in Agent Provocateur, which you so stupidly purchased as a “present” for yourself, you might be almost a 34DD.

Where did this boobage come from? I’m not complaining because it’s awesome! I’m just not sure how I woke up one morning with giant boobs. OK, not giant – I have friends with Hs and Fs. But “considerably larger than they were before.” I didn’t gain much weight nor did I change birth control, two surefire ways to get bigger boobs. I just woke up one morning with big boobs! I didn’t even pray about them like Katy Perry did.

And I LOVE THEM. I can’t run very well, but I was not into running anyway so this is a great excuse. I hate the feeling of being straightjacked in a sports bra. I am too much girl to go running without everything jiggling and bouncing around.

After the boobage appeared seemingly overnight, I finally went in and got properly fitted for a bra, and my world changed. I can’t recommend doing that enough – and don’t go to Victoria’s Secret. Go somewhere where they know what they’re doing, and you’ll see a whole new world.

My boobs are perky, firm and full. They’re perfect. I have shitty skin and frizzy hair, so you know what? I’m gonna brag about them. I am PROUD of my rack. They fill out the cups of my bra just so, and I can cup them exactly right in each hand. I’m a 32D, which means I’m small around and large in the bust. I’d be happy if they grew another cup size, but I’m happy with them anyway.

I mean, I can’t wear those cute, skimpy bralettes. Peekaboo tank tops don’t work on me. I’ll never be able to wear the “model off duty” look. Certain necklines don’t either. But I don’t care, because I am obsessed with my tits. They look awesome in a snug sweater, a pencil dress, a bikini top. They fill out certain silhouettes perfectly. A tight T-shirt is heaven on earth. Certain things just look better on girls with boobs. A button-down shirt is a no-go – they fit in the body and not in the boobs, or vice versa – and certain things look borderline pornographic.

I protect them – I treat them like jewels. I moisturize them, rub them down with coconut oil. I even wear sunblock (which I NEVER do) on them so they stay wrinkle-free as long as possible.

And boys? Boys lose their damn minds when I send them a picture of my rack. Good lighting only enhances their glory; they look luminous and golden. I get good deals at the auto shop because of my strategic leaning and bending. When a dude is lucky enough to cup these babies in his palms, sometimes I think I hear angels singing in his head.

So thanks, boobs. I appreciate you. I just wanted you to know. NEVER LEAVE ME. TC mark

27 Jul 22:37

começa a universidade de verao

by Gentalha

uni verao

amanha começa no c.s. o Pichel a universidade de verao com os seguintes cursos:

Segunda 28 julho

18h00 teoria do futebol gaélico. Alexandre Costa
História do futebol gaélico na Irlanda e a sua chegada a Galiza

18h30 iniciaçom ao amigurumi . Tareixa Martinez
Puntos básicos, tipos de patrons, formas básicas dos bonecos de crochet . nom é necessário levar material. Para todos os niveis.

19h30 english as a melting pot:outras falas e sotaques. Alfonso Barata
Além da linguagem asséptica e estandarizada da BBC, o ‘Queen’s English’ e os ruins eufemismos do FMI, há umha outra lingua muito rica, viva e real.
Um achegamento ao inglês falado noutras latitudes da anglofonia.

20h00 cozinhar com prantas .Anxo Otero
Presentaçom de prantas comestiveis. Procesos de colheita, cocçom e conservaçom.

20h00 Que me acontece nos dedos? Ferramentas para melhorar um tema na gaita
Xan Xove
Traz a tua gaita.

20h00 práctica do futebol gaélico. Alexandre Costa
Practica no campo de jogo do desporto que chegou da Irlanda

Preço 2€ curso(3€ nom sócia) ou 10€ bono todos os cursos (12€ nom sócias)

27 Jul 22:31

Las atracciones solo vendrán a Santiago si están en la Alameda

by maría segade/ r.?m.
El nuevo gobierno analizará la necesidad del cambio de ubicación
27 Jul 22:28

O Espiño abre sus vistas a la ciudad

by r. martínez
Cespa ultima el parque de la emblemática finca para su disfrute desde agosto
27 Jul 22:25

Vítimas de Angrois pídenlle a Feijóo que marche por negarlles a entrada á homenaxe

by Praza Pública

A Plataforma Vícitmas Alvia 04155 escribe unha dura carta ao presidente, ao que acusan de ter unha conduta "contraria aos dereitos humanos e aos máis mínimos sentimentos de humanidade" logo de que "unha muralla de policías" vetase a súa asistencia á entrega das Medallas.

27 Jul 21:54

"Cats Against Feminism" Throws The Perfect Amount Of Shade At Anti-Feminists

Because it uses humor (and cats!) to point out how ridiculous people sound when they denounce feminism.

View Entire List ›

27 Jul 21:28

La relación entre el fútbol y la política (o dime a quién animas y te diré a quién votas)

by Kiko Llaneras
Enfrentamiento del Atlético de Madrid y el FC Barcelona en la Champions League 2013-2014. Foto: Cordon Press.

Enfrentamiento del Atlético de Madrid y el FC Barcelona en la Champions League 2013-2014. Foto: Cordon Press.

El fútbol y la política pueden ser perfectos opuestos: mientras que la política es un mecanismo para conciliar conflictos verdaderos, el fútbol consiste precisamente en crear conflictos falsos y mantenerlos a perpetuidad. Por eso la política importa y debe tomarse en serio, mientras que el fútbol es intrascendente y debe tomarse más en serio aún.

Si el fútbol tiene algún valor es precisamente porque carece de sentido. Como lo expresa Chad Harbach, «lo adorabas porque lo considerabas un arte: una actividad en apariencia sin sentido, llevada a cabo por personas con aptitudes especiales, una actividad que escapaba a todo intento de quienes pretendían definir su valor y sin embargo, de algún modo, parecía transmitir algo verdadero o incluso fundamental sobre la condición humana. Y la condición humana consistía, básicamente, en el hecho de que estamos vivos y tenemos acceso a la belleza, hasta podemos crearla aquí y allá, pero algún día estaremos muertos y ya no lo tendremos».

No hay ningún buen motivo para unirlo a la política, y sin embargo, lo cierto es que nuestra ideología o el partido al que votamos pueden relacionarse con el equipo por el que tenemos simpatías. El vínculo tiene poco de determinista y mucho de circunstancial, pero existe. Este artículo analiza precisamente esa cuestión: cómo se entrelazan nuestras afinidades políticas y deportivas. Confirmaremos algunos mitos (como que el FC Barcelona es el favorito de los votantes de izquierdas), pero también encontraremos sorpresas (como que el Atlético es más popular entre las clases altas y el Real Madrid entre la clase obrera). Pero empecemos con una pregunta más sencilla: cuánto nos interesa el fútbol.

1. ¿Cuánto nos interesa el fútbol?

Mucho. Sí, no son precisamente Breaking News. Pero gracias a una encuesta del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) podemos precisar y afirmar que el fútbol interesa al 48% de los españoles. Es decir, a un montón de gente.


El resto de deportes tienen muchos menos aficionados (el tenis y el baloncesto interesan al 22% y al 17% respectivamente), y todavía son menos los que no tienen interés por ningún deporte (13%). Por eso, aunque es habitual escuchar quejas por la cantidad de atención que los medios de comunicación dedican al fútbol, no parece que eso esté injustificado ni sea fruto de una agenda conspirativa. Parece, más bien, que a la gente el fútbol le resulta interesante. Es posible argumentar que ese interés no es exógeno, sino que es la atención de los medios lo que crea el interés y no al revés, pero es difícil explicar cómo se mantendría ese equilibrio.

2. Si el fútbol es el opio del pueblo, al menos lo es de todo el pueblo

Pero el fútbol no solo interesa a mucha gente, sino que además interesa a gente muy diferente. Eso es algo que tiende a pasarse por alto y que a mí me parece relevante: el fútbol es una afición transversal. Es una afición que comparten muchas personas, independientemente de su profesión, su clase social, o su ideología. A continuación tienen algunos datos, de nuevo tomados del CIS.

La afición por el fútbol tiene poco que ver con la clase social o el tipo de profesión que desempeña una persona. Por ejemplo, entre las clases altas apenas hay un 4% menos de aficionados al fútbol que entre los obreros no cualificados.


Tampoco encontrarán grandes diferencias por ideologías, al menos en la zona del espectro donde se ubican la mayoría de ciudadanos. El 66% de los españoles se colocan entre el tres (centro-izquierda) y el siete (centro-derecha) y todos esos grupos muestran un interés semejante: el fútbol interesa a la mitad más o menos. Sií es cierto que entre quienes se declaran muy de izquierdas (1) hay menos aficionados al fútbol y que ocurre justo lo contrario con los más de derechas (8-10). Pero en ambos casos hablamos de muy poca gente, ya que solo un 6% de españoles se ubica en el extremo izquierdo y apenas son un 8% los que se colocan entre el ocho y el diez.


3. ¿Cuál es el equipo de fútbol más popular?

En la tabla siguiente pueden observar que se confirma una impresión generalizada: la mayoría de aficionados son seguidores del Real Madrid (38%) o del FC Barcelona (25%). Juntos acaparan la simpatía de dos de cada tres aficionados (eso si asumimos que los que tienen simpatías por ambos equipos son despreciables… en número). A mucha distancia tenemos al Atlético (6%), y aún más lejos a Valencia, Athletic y Betis.


Es evidente que un factor para tener muchos aficionados es ser del equipo de una ciudad llena de gente. No obstante, la demografía no basta para explicar que Real Madrid y Barcelona sean tan populares. Ocurre que si una liga no se regula para favorecer a los perdedores, hay varios lazos de realimentación que tienden a perpetuar a los equipos ganadores, ya sea vía éxito (simpatizantes -> ingresos -> éxito -> simpatizantes) o vía visibilidad (simpatizantes -> presencia -> visibilidad -> simpatizantes).

4. Dime tu equipo… ¿y te diré a quién votas?

Hace un rato vimos que el fútbol es una afición transversal —gusta a muchos sin que importe su clase social o su ideología—, pero no podemos decir lo mismo sobre los seguidores de los diferentes equipos. Las simpatías políticas y futbolísticas tienden a mostrar patrones bastante claros… aunque con algunas sorpresas.

Primero veamos cómo se distribuyen las simpatías de los tres equipos más populares.


Pueden comprobar que los aficionados del PSOE son prácticamente un calco del aficionado medio: entre ellos dominan los simpatizantes del Madrid, pero los barcelonistas les andan a la zaga. Un dirigente socialista dijo en una ocasión que el votante del PSOE es el que más se parece al español medio, y aunque quizás eso ya no es cierto en general, sí lo es en lo que respecta al fútbol.

Verán también que entre los votantes del PP hay una no-sorpresa: casi la mitad son del Real Madrid y solo el 15% son del FC Barcelona. Sin embargo, quizá no preveían encontrar tantos aficionados del Atlético entre los votantes del PP, pero son más abundantes que en término medio.

Los aficionados que votaron a Izquierda Unida se diferencian aún más de la mayoría de españoles: es más frecuente que sean del FC Barcelona que del Real Madrid, y muestran una sobreabundancia de aficionados del Atlético de Madrid.

Sin embargo, el patrón más claro de todos es el de CIU, ya que prácticamente todos los aficionados que votaron por el partido nacionalista catalán se declaran simpatizante del FC Barcelona.

En la siguiente tabla tienen los datos para el resto de equipos —tengan en cuenta, eso sí, que para los equipos con pocos simpatizantes la muestra de la encuesta es pequeña y los resultados no tienen valor estadístico—. Si los exploran verán algunos patrones, como que los votantes del PSOE muestran una simpatía particular por el Betis, seguramente motivada porque hay muchos andaluces votando al PSOE últimamente. También que en UPyD hay muchos aficionados del Zaragoza, por razones para mí desconocidas, y también del Valencia, lo que entiendo que tiene que ver con que sus votantes son abundantes en la capital mediterránea. Tampoco es difícil adivinar cuáles son esos «otros» partidos: en esa categoría se incluyen formaciones nacionalistas vascas, gallegas y canarias, lo que explica que tengan tanta afición por sus equipos locales.


5. Equipos a izquierda y derecha

Viendo las cifras del apartado anterior, ya podíamos presagiar que existirá cierta relación entre la ideología de una persona y las probabilidades que tiene de simpatizar por uno u otro equipo. Y efectivamente, los datos de la encuesta del CIS nos dicen que la simpatía por Real Madrid, FC Barcelona y Atlético de Madrid no son ni mucho menos constante según la ideología en el eje izquierda-derecha.


En los extremos las diferencias son muy claras y vienen a confirmar los tópicos: entre los votantes muy a la izquierda (1-2) son mayoría los del FC Barcelona, y abundan los atléticos, que son casi tantos como los madridistas —una desviación notable respecto la media de la gente, pero que implica que todavía es más habitual encontrar un madridista muy de izquierdas que un atlético—. A la derecha ocurre lo contrario: más de la mitad son aficionados del Real Madrid y los seguidores del FC Barcelona caen por debajo del 20%.

Sin embargo, precaución, ya que de nuevo cabe recordar que la mayoría de los españoles se ubican en posiciones más centrales, un 35% se ubica sobre el 3-4 y un 37% sobre el 5-6 —es decir, que la mayoría se ubica centrada y algo a la izquierda— y que en esa zona las diferencia por ideología son mucho menos marcadas.

6. Dime tu equipo… ¿y te diré tu clase social?

Lo que acabamos de ver es que, si bien es evidente que existe una relación entre simpatías futbolísticas e ideología, es también evidente que la relación está muy lejos de ser determinista y que podemos encontrar aficionados de diferentes colores entre personas de cualquier tendencia política. Aún es más: el cuadro que relaciona fútbol y política se complica si añadimos la variable de la clase social (clasificada por el CIS).


Para sorpresa de muchos, resulta que el Real Madrid es relativamente poco popular entre la clase alta y media-alta, donde uno encuentra más aficionados del FC Barcelona y sobre todo del Atlético de Madrid. En cambio, es entre los obreros no cualificados donde son más abundantes los madridistas —casi la mitad de ellos simpatizan con el equipo blanco—, mientras que escasean los aficionados del Barcelona y muy especialmente los del Atlético de Madrid. Estos resultados puede que les parezcan incongruentes con las relaciones que vimos antes entre equipos y partidos políticos; la razón es que la relación entre voto y clase social no siempre es la que muchos creen intuitivamente.

7. Por qué nada de esto importa

Después de dedicar casi dos mil palabras a la relación entre fútbol y política, debo confesar que yo no creo que esta relación tenga el más mínimo valor. O mejor dicho, que me parece que esa relación es solo una interferencia, un ruido molesto que no podemos acallar del todo.

El fútbol solo importa porque carece de sentido; no cabe conectarlo con el mundo real ni tratar de racionalizar el acto de escoger nuestro equipo. El fútbol existe en su propio universo y acercarlo al nuestro es echarlo a perder. Nuestro equipo es nuestro equipo sin ninguna justificación. Uno escoge sus colores cuando es un niño y solo lo justifica a posteriori, cuando ya no importa. Escogemos nuestro equipo porque es un ganador o porque pierde siempre, porque era el equipo de nuestros abuelos, o porque no era el de nuestros hermanos, porque queríamos sentirnos únicos en el colegio o porque queríamos sentirnos igual a todos los demás. El mundo real interfiere con ese proceso y provoca que emerjan regularidades por ideología o clase social, pero es solo un ruido molesto, una interferencia a la que es mejor no dar importancia.

Porque, recuerden, queremos que el fútbol sea tal y como lo describe Chad Harbach: una actividad en apariencia sin sentido, llevada a cabo por personas con aptitudes especiales, que escapa a todo intento de quienes pretenden definir su valor y sin embargo, de algún modo, parece transmitir algo verdadero.


27 Jul 19:55

Ganadores de los Premios Eisner 2014

by Gerardo Vilches

Hace unas horas se han hecho públicos los ganadores de la edición de 2014 de los Premios Eisner, uno de los galardones más importantes que otorga la industria americana. A continuación ofrecemos la lista de los nominados, con el ganador destacado en negrita. Y aprovechamos para felicitar a David Aja, que ha obtenido el premio al mejor portadista además del premio al mejor número único por el n.º 11 de Hawkeye.

Mejor historia corta
“Go Owls,” de Adrian Tomine, en Optic Nerve #13 (Drawn & Quarterly)
“Mars to Stay,” de Brett Lewis y Cliff Chiang, en Witching Hour (DC)
“Seaside Home,” de Josh Simmons, en Habit #1 (Oily)
“Untitled,” de Gilbert Hernandez, en Love and Rockets: New Stories #6 (Fantagraphics)
“When Your House Is Burning Down, You Should Brush Your Teeth,” de Matthew Inman,

Mejor número único
Demeter, de Becky Cloonan (autopublicado)
Hawkeye #11: “Pizza Is My Business”, de Matt Fraction y David Aja (Marvel)
Love and Rockets: New Stories #6, de Gilbert Hernandez y Jaime Hernandez (Fantagraphics)
Viewotron #2, de Sam Sharpe (autopublicado)
Watson and Holmes #6, de Brandon Easton y N. Steven Harris (New Paradigm Studios)

Mejor serie
East of West, de Jonathan Hickman y Nick Dragotta (Image)
Hawkeye, de Matt Fraction y David Aja (Marvel)
Nowhere Men, de Eric Stephenson y Nate Bellegarde (Image)
Saga, de Brian K. Vaughan y Fiona Staples (Image)
Sex Criminals, de Matt Fraction y Chip Zdarsky (Image)

Mejor serie limitada
The Black Beetle: No Way Out, de Francesco Francavilla (Dark Horse)
Colder, de Paul Tobin y Juan Ferreyra (Dark Horse)
47 Ronin, de Mike Richardson y Stan Sakai (Dark Horse)
Trillium, de Jeff Lemire (Vertigo/DC)
The Wake, de Scott Snyder y Sean Murphy (Vertigo/DC)

Mejor nueva serie
High Crimes, de Christopher Sebela e Ibrahim Moustafa (Monkeybrain)
Lazarus, de Greg Rucka y Michael Lark (Image)
Rat Queens, de Kurtis J. Wiebe y Roc Upchurch (Image/Shadowline)
Sex Criminals, de Matt Fraction y Chip Zdarsky (Image)
Watson and Holmes, de Karl Bollers, Rick Leonardi, Paul Mendoza y otros (New Paradigm Studios)

Mejor publicación infantil (hasta 7 años)
Benjamin Bear in Bright Ideas, de Philippe Coudray (TOON Books)
The Big Wet Balloon, de Liniers (TOON Books)
Itsy Bitsy Hellboy, de Art Baltazar y Franco (Dark Horse)
Odd Duck, de Cecil Castellucci y Sara Varon (First Second)
Otto’s Backwards Day, de Frank Cammuso (con Jay Lynch) (TOON Books)

Mejor publicación juvenil (entre 8 y 12 años)
The Adventures of Superhero Girl, de Faith Erin Hicks (Dark Horse)
Hilda and the Bird Parade, de Luke Pearson (Nobrow)
Jane, the Fox, and Me, de Fanny Britt e Isabelle Arsenault (Groundwood)
The Lost Boy, de Greg Ruth (Graphix/Scholastic)
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard, vol. 2, editado por David Petersen, Paul Morrissey y Rebecca Taylor (Archaia/BOOM!)
Star Wars: Jedi Academy, de Jeffrey Brown (Scholastic)

Mejor publicación para adolescentes (entre 13 y 17 años)
Battling Boy, de Paul Pope (First Second)
Bluffton: My Summers with Buster, de Matt Phelan (Candlewick)
Boxers and Saints, de Gene Luen Yang (First Second)
Dogs of War, de Sheila Keenan y Nathan Fox (Graphix/Scholastic)
March (Book One), de John Lewis, Andrew Aydin y Nate Powell (Top Shelf)
Templar, de Jordan Mechner, LeUyen Pham y Alex Puviland (First Second)

Mejor publicación de humor
The Adventures of Superhero Girl, de Faith Erin Hicks (Dark Horse)
The Complete Don Quixote, de Miguel de Cervantes y Rob Davis (SelfMadeHero)
The (True!) History of Art, de Sylvain Coissard y Alexis Lemoine (SelfMadeHero)
Vader’s Little Princess, de Jeffrey Brown (Chronicle)
You’re All Just Jealous of My Jetpack, de Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly)

Mejor cómic digital
As the Crow Flies, de Melanie Gillman,
Failing Sky, de Dax Tran-Caffee,
High Crimes, de Christopher Sebela and Ibrahim Moustafa (Monkeybrain),
The Last Mechanical Monster, de Brian Fies,
The Oatmeal de Matthew Inman,

Mejor antología
Dark Horse Presents, editado por Mike Richardson (Dark Horse)
Nobrow #8: Hysteria, editado por Sam Arthur y Alex Spiro (Nobrow)
Outlaw Territory, editado por Michael Woods (Image)
Smoke Signal, editado por Gabe Fowler (Desert Island)
Thrilling Adventure Hour, de Ben Acker, Ben Blacker y otros (Archaia/BOOM!)

Mejor trabajo basado en la realidad
A Bag of Marbles, de Joseph Joffo, Kris y Vincent Bailly (Graphic Universe/Lerner)
The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story, de Vivek J. Tiwary, Andrew C. Robinson y Kyle Baker (M Press/Dark Horse)
Hip Hop Family Tree, vol. 1, de Ed Piskor (Fantagraphics)
March (Book One), de John Lewis, Andrew Aydin y Nate Powell (Top Shelf)
Today Is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life, de Ulli Lust (Fantagraphics)
Woman Rebel: The Margaret Sanger Story, de Peter Bagge (Drawn & Quarterly)

Mejor álbum gráfico (nueva)
Bluffton: My Summers with Buster, de Matt Phelan (Candlewick)
The Encyclopedia of Early Earth, de Isabel Greenberg (Little, Brown)
Good Dog, de Graham Chaffee (Fantagraphics)
Homesick de Jason Walz (Tinto Press)
The Property, de Rutu Modan (Drawn & Quarterly)
War Brothers, de Sharon McKay y Daniel LaFrance (Annick Press)

Mejor adaptación de otro medio
The Castle, by Franz Kafka, adaptado por David Zane Mairowitz y Jaromír 99 (SelfMadeHero)
The Complete Don Quixote, de Miguel de Cervantes, adaptado por Rob Davis (SelfMadeHero)
Django Unchained, adaptado por Quentin Tarantino, Reginald Hudlin, R. M. Guéra y otros (DC/Vertigo)
Richard Stark’s Parker: Slayground, de Donald Westlake, adaptado por Darwyn Cooke (IDW)
The Strange Tale of Panorama Island, de Edogawa Rampo, adaptado por Suehiro Maruo (Last Gasp)

Mejor álbum gráfico (reedición)
The Creep, de John Arcudi y Jonathan Case (Dark Horse)
Hand-Drying in America and Other Stories, de Ben Katchor (Pantheon)
Heck, de Zander Cannon (Top Shelf)
Julio’s Day, de Gilbert Hernandez (Fantagraphics)
RASL, de Jeff Smith (Cartoon Books)
Solo: The Deluxe Edition, editado por Mark Chiarello (DC)

Mejor proyecto de reedición de tiras de prensa
Barnaby, vol. 1, de Crockett Johnson, editado por Philip Nel y Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Percy Crosby’s Skippy Daily Comics, vol. 2: 1928–1930, editado por Jared Gardner y Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
Prince Valiant vols. 6-7, de Hal Foster, editado por Kim Thompson (Fantagraphics)
Society Is Nix: Gleeful Anarchy at the Dawn of the American Comic Strip, editado por Peter Maresca (Sunday Press)
Tarzan: The Complete Russ Manning Newspaper Strips, vol. 1, editado por Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
VIP: The Mad World of Virgil Partch, editado por Jonathan Barli (Fantagraphics)

Mejor proyecto de reedición de comic book
Best of EC Artist’s Edition, editado por Scott Dunbier (IDW)
Canteen Kate, de Matt Baker (Canton Street Press)
In the Days of the Mob, de Jack Kirby (DC)
MAD Artist’s Edition, editado por Scott Dunbier (IDW)
Will Eisner’s The Spirit Artist’s Edition, editado por Scott Dunbier (IDW)

Mejor edición estadounidense de material extranjero
Adventures of a Japanese Businessman, de Jose Domingo (Nobrow)
Goddam This War! de Jacques Tardi y Jean-Pierre Verney (Fantagraphics)
Incidents in the Night, Book One, de David B. (Uncivilized Books)
Today Is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life, de Ulli Lust (Fantagraphics)
When David Lost His Voice, de Judith Vanistendael (SelfMadeHero)

Mejor edición estadounidense de material extranjero (Asia)
The Heart of Thomas, de Moto Hagio (Fantagraphics)
The Mysterious Underground Men, de Osamu Tezuka (PictureBox)
Showa: A History of Japan, 1926–1939, de Shigeru Mizuki (Drawn & Quarterly)
Summit of the Gods, vol. 4, de Yemmakura Baku y Jiro Taniguchi (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Utsubora: The Story of a Novelist, de Asumiko Nakamura (Vertical)

Mejor guionista
Kelly Sue DeConnick, Pretty Deadly (Image); Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Matt Fraction, Sex Criminals (Image); Hawkeye, Fantastic Four, FF (Marvel)
Jonathan Hickman, East of West, The Manhattan Projects (Image); Avengers, Infinity (Marvel)
Scott Snyder, Batman (DC); American Vampire, The Wake (DC/Vertigo)
Eric Stephenson, Nowhere Men (Image)
Brian K. Vaughan, Saga (Image)

Mejor autor completo
sabel Greenberg, The Encyclopedia of Early Earth (Little, Brown)
Jaime Hernandez, Love and Rockets New Stories #6 (Fantagraphics)
Terry Moore, Rachel Rising (Abstract Studio)
Luke Pearson, Hilda and the Bird Parade (Nobrow)
Matt Phelan, Bluffton: My Summers with Buster (Candlewick)
Judith Vanistendael, When David Lost His Voice (SelfMadeHero)

Mejor dibujante/entintador
Nate Bellegarde, Nowhere Men (Image)
Nick Dragotta, East of West (Image)
Sean Murphy, The Wake (DC/Vertigo)
Nate Powell, March (Book One) (Top Shelf)
Emma Ríos, Pretty Deadly (Image)
Thomas Yeates, Law of the Desert Born: A Graphic Novel (Bantam)

Mejor artista plástico/multimedia
Andrew C. Robinson, The Fifth Beatle (Dark Horse)
Sonia Sanchéz, Here I Am (Capstone)
Fiona Staples, Saga (Image)
Ive Svorcina, Thor (Marvel)
Marguerite Van Cook, 7 Miles a Second (Fantagraphics)
Judith Vanistendael, When David Lost His Voice (SelfMadeHero)

Mejor portadista
David Aja, Hawkeye (Marvel)
Mike Del Mundo, X-Men Legacy (Marvel)
Sean Murphy/Jordie Belaire, The Wake (DC/Vertigo)
Emma Ríos, Pretty Deadly (Image)
Chris Samnee, Daredevil (Marvel)
Fiona Staples, Saga (Image)

Mejor colorista
Jordie Bellaire, The Manhattan Projects, Nowhere Men, Pretty Deadly, Zero (Image); The Massive (Dark Horse); Tom Strong (DC); X-Files Season 10 (IDW); Captain Marvel, Journey into Mystery (Marvel); Numbercruncher (Titan); Quantum and Woody (Valiant)
Steve Hamaker, Mylo Xyloto (Bongo), Strangers in Paradise 20th Anniversary Issue 1 (Abstract Studio), RASL (Cartoon Books)
Matt Hollingsworth, Hawkeye, Daredevil: End of Days (Marvel); The Wake (DC/Vertigo)
Frank Martin, East of West (Image)
Dave Stewart, Abe Sapien, Baltimore: The Infernal Train, BPRD: Hell on Earth, Conan the Barbarian, Hellboy: Hell on Earth, The Massive, The Shaolin Cowboy, Sledgehammer 44 (Dark Horse)

Mejor rotulista
Darwyn Cooke, Richard Stark’s Parker: Slayground (IDW)
Carla Speed McNeil, Bad Houses; “Finder” in Dark Horse Presents (Dark Horse)
Terry Moore, Rachel Rising (Abstract Studio)
Ed Piskor, Hip Hop Family Tree (Fantagraphics)
Britt Wilson, Adventure Time with Fiona and Cake (kaBOOM!)

Mejor publicación periodística sobre cómics
Comic Book Resources, produced by Jonah Weiland
The Comics Journal #302, editado por Gary Groth y Kristy Valenti (Fantagraphics)
Comics and Cola, de Zainab Akhtar
Multiversity Comics, editado por Matthew Meylikhov, editado por Dan Nadel y Timothy Hodler (Fantagraphics)

Mejor libro sobre cómic
Al Capp: A Life to the Contrary, de Michael Schumacher y Denis Kitchen (Bloomsbury)
The Art of Rube Goldberg, selección de Jennifer George (Abrams ComicArts)
Co-Mix: A Retrospective of Comics, Graphics, and Scraps, de Art Spiegelman (Drawn & Quarterly)
Genius, Illustrated: The Life and Art of Alex Toth, de Dean Mullaney y Bruce Canwell (LOAC/IDW)
The Love and Rockets Companion, editado por Marc Sobel y Kristy Valenti (Fantagraphics)

Mejor trabajo didáctico/académico
Anti-Foreign Imagery in American Pulps and Comic Books, 1920–1960, de Nathan Vernon Madison (McFarland)
Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation, editado por Sheena C. Howard y Ronald L. Jackson II (Bloomsbury)
Drawing from Life: Memory and Subjectivity in Comic Art, editado porJane Tolmie (University Press of Mississippi)
International Journal of Comic Art, editado por John A. Lent
The Superhero Reader, editado por Charles Hatfield, Jeet Heer y Kent Worcester (University Press of Mississippi)

Mejor diseño
The Art of Rube Goldberg, diseñado por Chad W. Beckerman (Abrams ComicArts)
Beta Testing the Apocalypse, diseñado por Tom Kaczynski (Fantagraphics)
Genius, Illustrated: The Life and Art of Alex Toth, diseñado por Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
The Great War: July 1, 1916: The First Day of the Battle of the Somme: A Panorama, de Joe Sacco, diseñado por Chin-Yee Lai (Norton)
Little Tommy Lost, Book 1, diseñado por Cole Closser (Koyama)

Mejor tienda

All Star Comics de Melbourne (Australia)

Legends Comics & Coffee de Nebraska (EEUU) (en esta categoría ha habido un empate)

Premios Bill Finger a la excelencia

Robert Kanigher

Bill Mantlo

Jack Mendelsohn

Salón de la fama

Hayao Miyazaki

Alan Moore

Dennis O’Neil

Bernie Wrightson

27 Jul 19:53

Open sacho masters

by Luis Davila

27 Jul 19:50


26 Jul 16:50

11 Times Disney Park Photos Failed So Hard They Won

You won’t be able to magically unsee these.

The time that Chip was interested in something other than nuts:

The time that Chip was interested in something other than nuts:


The time Chip and Dale were clearly more interested in Clarice than signing autographs for kids:

The time Chip and Dale were clearly more interested in Clarice than signing autographs for kids:


The time when this kid got a handful of Mickey's pocket mouse:

The time when this kid got a handful of Mickey's pocket mouse:


The time this little girl really expressed just how much she didn't want to take a picture with Mickey:

The time this little girl really expressed just how much she didn't want to take a picture with Mickey:


View Entire List ›

26 Jul 16:09

30 People Describe the Wacky Sex Games They Play With Their Partners (NSFW)

by Lorenzo Jensen III
andrey_l / (
andrey_l / (
Found on AskReddit.

1. The Penis Microphone

GF uses my erect penis as a microphone and sings songs.

2. The Foreskin Balloon

She likes to inflate my foreskin when I’m not erect and play with it like it’s a balloon.

3. The Kermit Voice

He tries to do sexy talk in a Kermit voice. It inevitably ends in tears of laughter so I don’t mind :)

4. The Free Show

My girlfriend and I live on the first floor of a two story building with four residences and our bedroom window is about waist level with cars and pedestrian passer-byes. When we have sex in our bedroom we spread the curtains wide open and let any potential observers *take it in. It’s quite exciting and provides for excellent post-sex topics i.e. who stopped and watched or slowed down and almost crashed.

5. The Death Threat Game

It started the morning after the first time we had sex. He said, “I hope you didn’t have any plans today because I’m not letting you leave.” I asked, “Are you going to kill me?” He said “yes” and we laughed. Then he told me how he’d kill me, and I said “sounds great but I’m going to kill you first.” Then we wrestled which turned into fucking. Now we get turned on when we threaten each other’s lives.

6. The Bubble Wrap

I like to wrap her in bubble wrap, and then strike down with my penis with enough force to pop the bubbles. Really turns us both on.

7. The Gavel

Few years back, I would slap my dick against the ex’s face/forehead area. She would say “I object, I object”, and I would yell as loudly as possible “Overruled”! This became an ongoing thing. The roommates at the time would be like, WTF are you guys doing in there?? We called it The Gavel.

8. The Spine-Tingler

An ex of mine broke her spine when she was a teenager. Luckily she had full movement but had a side effect. On her lower back right where back dimples go above her butt was really sensitive and would tingle a lot. If you rubbed that spot she would go insane. Get wet, moan, the works. She said after the back break it formed a line from that spot on her back to her clit and would tingle like mad. She said when she was younger she would masturbate rubbing that spot.

9. The Talking Penis

Sometimes, if there’s a marker lying around I’ll put two dots on the head of my dick and use the opening as a mouth and start talking to my dick. My current gf is the only one who’s ever responded to him. When she did that I knew it was serious.

10. The Bird of Paradise

My girlfriend does this hilarious “bird of paradise” dance pre and/or post sex. She copied the nature channel during our first hook up and it stuck. It’s not sexy per se, but it lets me know that she’s in the mood and cracks me up.

11. The Penguin

The Penguin! Me and my ex went to an aquarium and saw the penguin exhibit. Well, that day the penguins were just fucking away and we saw that they initiated it by the male walking up behind the female and hitting her with his flippers until she laid down. It was hilarious. After that I would occasionally walk up behind my ex and pretend I was hitting her with flippers as a joking sign I wanted sexy times.

12. The Citrus Game

When I do something stupid that hurts my wife’s feelings, my best solution is always to make her laugh. Then tell her I’m sorry. Works 100% of the time, usually.

Anyway, when I fuck up particularly bad and after she’s cooled off a bit, I go over to the refrigerator and grab a couple of limes/lemons. I then walk over and hand them to her. Instantly she cracks a smile.

I will then go and stand at one end of the hallway, and she will stand at the other end, she’ll throw the lemon/lime and try to hit me in the balls. I give her a number of tries based on how much I fucked up. She always ends up laughing. She usually misses. But it always makes her feel better.

We call it the Citrus Game.

13. The Nake & Bake

My ex and I created a game called “Nake & Bake.” You make Shake & Bake in the kitchen naked and then put it in the oven for 45 minutes to cook. You go have sex until the timer goes off then go eat.

14. The Feline Jury

When we finish we look at our cats sitting on the end of the bed and ask for a score.

Bastards never give us more than a 7.5.

15. The Patrick Bateman

One time an ex and I were filming ourselves while having sex, and half way through I totally “Patrick Bateman’d” that shit and looked directly at the camera and started flexing, looking badass, “yeah you like that” “yeah you fucking stud” “oh fuck yeah,” pointing at the camera, flexing more, for like 5-10 min. We were doggy style so she had no fucking clue. Afterwards we re watched it and when it happened we both just lost it.

16. The Penis Interrogation

After I’m done giving him a blowjob, I lay my head on his thigh and ask his dick questions. He answers one flex for yes and two flexes for no. His dick and I are besties.

17. The Glazed Doughnut Ring Toss

My wife likes me to get glazed doughnuts and watch me eat some of them while sucking my dick. We have also played ring toss with them, which started as a joke but then she discovered that an icing flavored dick was pretty amazing and it just turned her on even more. So she would rub it on my dick or take a bite of the doughnut and then continue the bj. It was awkward at first but I have to admit it probably the best bj I’ve ever had. Dunno why it turns her on so much but doughnuts and an amazing bj at the same time is pretty much a win-win for me.

18. The Post-Coital Nursing Session

After sex, my boyfriend sucks my boobs until he falls asleep.

19. The Countdown

My old SO and I would get dinner, some sort of alcohol (preferably a few bottles of shitty champagne or tequila), smoke copious amounts of weed, then head to bed.

Once we were in bed she’d have me lay on my back, hands folded up behind my head, real relaxed and naked like. Then shed take my watch off and put the oversized watch on her wrist, and set the timer. Depending on how bad I had bugged her, the time would range from 10-20 minutes. During that time, I was not allowed to move or touch her back, she could do whatever she wanted. It was the sexiest torture imaginable. If I caved, she’d set the clock over. If I made it the full time, first try, she’d let me have whatever I wanted.

So fucking awesome.

9.5/10 Definitely recommend trying.

20. The Jawbreaker

Not my wife but I used to have a girlfriend that had an odd habit that I enjoyed. When wed watch a movie in my apartment she liked to lay her head in my lap and keep my dick in her mouth. Even if we just had sex. She wouldn’t actively blow me, just keep it in there soft and roll it around like a jawbreaker. Don’t get me wrong, eventually id get hard and shed blow til I came, the. Shed go right back to watching the movie with it in her mouth. She was really a good egg.

21. The Flaccid Tummy Smack

After sex when my husband’s dick is flaccid again, and we are laying there peacefully, I grab it and smack his stomach with it while repeatedly saying “stop hitting yourself. stop hitting yourself. stop hitting yourself.” I laugh for a good five minutes and he stares at me with a look of love and concern…OK…mainly concern.

22. The Dinosaur Game

We pretend to be dinosaurs. And not just any dinosaurs, we have specific species and personalities. It’s not during sex, but before foreplay we start kissing and all a sudden he’s making screeching noises and I’m pretending my arms can’t reach his face and we are fighting to the death.

It’s funny and we just giggle and laugh and wrestle naked until we both get very turned on.

23. The Sleazy Doorman

The “sleazy doorman”

Hang one of those pull-up bars from the doorframe and have the girl hang from the bar while you go to town from behind or from the front, its a good workout for her too!

24. The Ball Scratch

I really really like laying back after a good fuck and having her scratch my balls, sometimes for an hour or so if in lucky. It’s one of the best feelings I can describe, yunno, outside of the fucking of course.

25. The Tyler Durden

My boyfriend and I beat the shit out of each other as foreplay. I don’t mean BDSM, I mean we full-out Fight Club destroy each other.

26. The Penis Vibrator

One night many years ago I told her to pretend my cock is her vibrator so she grabbed the lube, rubbed it on my throbbing head and slowly rubbed it against her clit until she came. As she cums I thrust deep inside and we fuck until we’re both sweating and satisfied.

We do this every time now, she cums every time and our sex life is amazing for it!

27. The Koala

Koala sex. Pretty sure no one else does this but when you have her in missionary she wraps her legs around your back as well as arms and holds herself under your belly like a baby koala.. then while on your hands and knees you sway back and forth… Not sure if that’s how koalas do it but that’s what we call it.

28. The Video Game Blowjob

My ex SO was playing 2048 on the couch and I was extremely horny so I naturally decided he was going to get a surprise blowjob. I had it in my mouth for half a second and he goes to put the game away and I said no keep going, if you stop or lose, I stop. Long story short as far as I know the score he got was and still is his personal best for the game by far (he did extremely well) and one of the best times ever between us that night. Once he tossed his phone to the side and tackled me to the floor, demanding he couldn’t take anymore.

29. The Cow Dance

According to my girlfriend, I’ve come home super-drunk, woken her up, and tried to seduce her with a cow dance, complete with mooing noises. I use my fingers to demonstrate where the udders would be and how they swing based on my hip movements.

30. The Hitler Reference

An ex and I would always have to slip a reference to Hitler in our post-coital conversation. It was always something like, “I love that thing you do with your tongue.” “Know who else loved it? HITLER.”

I miss her. TC mark

26 Jul 15:49

People Are Taking Naked Photos Of Themselves To Show Support For The Israel Defense Forces

They’ve written “I Love IDF” across their bodies. NSFW.

Two Facebook pages have been set up: One collecting photos of naked women, and one of naked men.

Two Facebook pages have been set up: One collecting photos of naked women, and one of naked men.

Facebook: StandingWithIDFMen

The selfie takers are snapping themselves half-naked with messages of support for the IDF written across their bodies.

The selfie takers are snapping themselves half-naked with messages of support for the IDF written across their bodies.

Facebook: StandingWithIDFMen

It all started when Gavriel Beyo, a 27-year-old from Tel Aviv, set up the first "Standing With IDF" Facebook page.

It all started when Gavriel Beyo, a 27-year-old from Tel Aviv, set up the first "Standing With IDF" Facebook page.

Facebook: StandingWithIDFMen

View Entire List ›

26 Jul 15:48

21 Assholes Reveal The One Fact That Will Ruin Things For Everyone

by hoK leahciM
image - Flickr / digitalbob8
image – Flickr / digitalbob8

1. Uh…

As Andy grew older, all of his toys had to sit motionless and watch him masturbate.

2. I’m okay with becoming an Internet Explorer

Everyone here was born too late to explore the Earth and too early to really explore space.

3. So…Dexter isn’t real

Tranquilizer darts or gas that knock a person out instantly, rendering them safely unconscious for a few hours? Not a thing. All you’ll get from trying that in real life is death, comas, brain damage and sadness.

Keeping someone safely unconscious is a dangerous process with little margin for error. There’s a good reason that anesthesiologists are so highly paid.

4. Welp

If you’re in highschool at the moment, the majority of your friends won’t even be your acquaintances in the next 6 years.

5. That’s why my life’s so easy

Life is so much easier / better if you have good looks.

6. Animals do some good for once

Zombies can’t exist. they have too many natural predators (i.e. birds, maggots, insects). Any form of weather is bad weather for them without a regulatory system to maintain temperature (hot days their flesh goes rancid and falls off until they are bone, cold days they literally freeze). At most a zombie outbreak would last a few days.

7. Internet tribalism, we’re already there

Lots of people mistakenly believe the internet represents a fair and accurate cross section of a country’s demographic. This is absolutely false, and one of the biggest reasons why society is becoming increasingly fractured and atomised, where everybody seems to be living inside their own bubble. Old people are underrepresented on the internet, as are poor people, as are politically conservative people, as are non-English speakers, as are people from warmer climates. It’s frighteningly easy to curate your own existence and beliefs online. Social media has a big role to play. You get to pick and chose who you follow, you decide what news you see on Twitter, you decides what subreddits you join, you decide your friendship circle on Facebook. I feel this is going to help cause some problems down the road.

8. Oh…

Those videos of kittens that fall over adorably when someone pretends to shoot them? Yeah that’s a congenital defect. Almost every single cat you’ve seen in those videos is dead now because of it.

9. Especially when you fight Growlithe with Growlithe

Pokemon is kinda like simulated dog fighting for kids.

10. A literal asshole fact

The anus has a relatively high concentration of nerve endings and is an erogenous zone, which can make anal intercourse pleasurable for both the insertive partner and the receptive partner. Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosexual development, for example, described an anal stage, hypothesizing that toddlers derive pleasure from retaining and expelling feces. This is the source of the term “anal-retentive” and the derived, derogatory vulgarism “anal”.


Male koalas rape. A lot.

12. Aw man :(

When you die, very likely you will suffer at least a little bit. The best you can realistically hope for is a brief time when you are conscious as you asphyxiate. To put it another way, it takes about the same time to die like that as it does to drown. That’s if you’re lucky. Many, many people suffer for hours/days/weeks/months and even years before they pop the twig. The concept of dying peacefully in your sleep is a very few and far between occurrence.

13. So the machine chooses

I was a slot technician in a casino for years. I’d have customers go into a bonus where they had to choose a box or item for their bonus. They’d often ask me which one to choose. I always replied “Do you want me to ruin it for you?”. Truth is, no matter what you pick, it is already determined what the outcome will be. If the machine is going to show you that you win $7, it doesn’t matter what box you pick on the screen. Technically, they are ALL $7.

14. Invisible woman was a fake, I knew it

Being invisible wouldn’t be awesome because you would be blind the second you went invisible. If your eyes are invisible the light has nothing to bounce back to rendering you unable to see.

15. We create emotional bonds over fake characters than with dying children???

People get more upset and saddened by the deaths of fictional characters then they do by thousands of dead children in the third world each day.

16. WHAT?!

Eating a banana gives you a higher dose of radiation than living within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant for 1 year.

17. We give and take

Everyone you have known has used you in some way shape or form to further their own interests.

Even your mother.


Cash cab is half a farce like any other reality tv show. You apply to be on a tv show about New York restaurants and have to pass a 10 question quiz. If you get picked for the show they send you to location 1 and tell you a cab will pick you up and bring you to location 2. When you get into the cab, DING DING DING, it’s the cash cab.

TL;DR You’re not going to hail the cash cab.

19. Thanks, asshole

When people say “you eat like a bird” respond with “birds actually eat twice their body weight.”


A lot of soda fountains have maggots living in them…

21. “Spike!” :’(

The girl who voiced Ducky in the land before time died a violent death at the hands of her father. TC mark

26 Jul 15:27

5 Things You Never Knew About "Adventure Time"

The show’s head of story, Kent Osborne, talked to BuzzFeed about everything from the writing to the final stages of production for the show.

It's a storyboard-driven show (as opposed to a script-driven one like The Simpsons, for instance).

It's a storyboard-driven show (as opposed to a script-driven one like The Simpsons , for instance).

The process begins in the writer's room with creator Pendleton Ward, head of story Kent Osborne, Adam Muto, and Jack Pendarvis, a writer based in Mississippi who communicates via Gchat.

"So we’ll try to write a pretty solid two-page outline with a second and third act — not a lot of dialogue in the outlines, just sort of 'this happens and this happens' broken up into beats and then that’ll get sent to the network so they can approve it," says Osborne.

The outline is then handed to storyboard artists who are divided into four teams of two and have two weeks to do a rough outline, which is then pitched back to the writers who provide feedback notes.

"Even if you have an outline with, say, Finn climbing a hill — you have to draw that, and there’s no direction — it’s just kind of up to you where you want to have the camera movement, and while you’re figuring that out, you might do a terrible drawing but it might also give you an idea. Like, Oh, what if he’s wearing a jetpack? I think that’s harder to do with a script."

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It takes about nine months to finish one episode.

It takes about nine months to finish one episode.

"I think from writing a premise to delivering the episode to the network is nine months. So we’ll always have a different episode going on in rotation. Like we’ll write an episode one week but then someone will be pitching an episode, someone else will be doing our second pitch, we’ll be recording an episode all in one week. All these episodes are in different stages of the process. So nine months, like a baby."

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There’s no set guideline to making it a “kids show.”

There’s no set guideline to making it a “kids show.”

"I think the shows that end on a moral or 'what did we learn?' — I’ve seen that so much and South Park has been making fun of that trope for so long now so it’s nice to make something and just not have that moment. It’s hard not to talk about it without sounding pretentious, but I think kids can tell when something’s being made for them. The kids at Comic Con are always asking questions like, 'Why did you do this?' and, 'What does this mean?' and, 'Why is that there?' That means you like something, that you’re thinking about it, and you want to know more."

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Finn actually ages in the show, alongside his voice actor, Jeremy Shada.

Finn actually ages in the show, alongside his voice actor, Jeremy Shada.

"We’ve had a couple birthdays and we’ve alluded a little here and there that he’s getting older — it is weird because you watch an episode from the first season and his voice is really high ... but he does a good job of pitching himself up a little bit. But from the beginning when we were worrying about his voice changing, Pen just said, 'Oh, well, we’ll just make Finn older.' And eventually Finn will be like a 25-year-old man."

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26 Jul 15:18

This Rescued Fox Thinks She’s A Dog And It’s Unbelievable

by Devon Hartman

Dawn is a rescued fox that was found to be too tame — she thinks she’s a dog! And so, the Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary can’t return her to the wild. That’s okay, though. Geoff, the caretaker and Dawn seem to have created a bond together and it’s just amazing! TC mark