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01 Aug 14:14

Turkish women flood Twitter with pics after official tells them not to smile

by Joe Veix
Turkish women flood Twitter with pics after official tells them not to smile

The deputy prime minister in Turkey is getting roasted on social media after a speech he gave on Monday in which he said women shouldn’t laugh in public.

His logic—if you can call it that—is that the morals of our society are declining (when haven’t they been, though?), and this is somehow because of women laughing outside of their homes.

“Chastity is so important,” Arinc explains to Hurriyet Daily News. “It is not only a name. It is an ornament for both women and men.”

He continues, “(A woman) will know what is haram and not haram. She will not laugh in public. She will not be inviting in her attitudes and will protect her chasteness.”

But thankfully the web allows people to protest this kind of deleterious, casual misogyny, as we previously saw with tabloid headlines without sexism. Many women in Turkey are now spamming Arinc’s Twitter account with photos of themselves smiling and laughing, under the hashtag “#direnkahkaha,” which translates to “resisted laughter.”

The deputy prime minister has since backtracked on his initial statement, explaining that he only meant women who laugh “artificially,” like those “who go for a vacation with their lovers while leaving their husbands behind and can’t wait to climb poles when they see one.”

As you can imagine, this hasn’t exactly stopped the spamming of his account.

#kahkaha #direnkahkaha To all my Turkish sisters- have a laugh with me! And yep I’m a PAGEANT queen! icon smile  Turkish women flood Twitter with pics after official tells them not to smile Mrs Virginia

— Autumn Skye (@BigShiny) July 30, 2014

Women should not laugh in public,’ says #Turkey‘s Deputy Prime Minister in morality speech my response #direnkahkaha — فادية الفقير (@FadiaFaqir) July 30, 2014

I’m a Turkish girl, 26 years old, and I can’t do anything but Smile!! #kahkaha #direnkahkaha #Bulentarinc

— Esra Kansu (@esrakansu) July 30, 2014

Ha ha start your day with a laughter. We #TurkishWomen are #lol to @bulent_arinc. #direnkahkaha #direnkadin #kahkaha — SibelGul (@Sibellgul) July 30, 2014


Source: Daily News | Image: @femeninna

01 Aug 12:52

Tacos orientales de lechuga y carne. Receta

by Sweet Cannela

tacos orientales

Los tacos orientales de lechuga y carne son deliciosos. En lugar de utilizar tortilla, envuelves la carne en hojas frescas de lechuga y te los comes de la misma forma como si te comieras unos tacos. Tienen el característico sabor agridulce de la comida asiática.

En algunos restaurantes chinos, sirven estos tacos de lechuga como aperitivos, los puedes servir de esa forma o como a mí me gusta, como plato principal. Llevan varios ingredientes orientales que puedes encontrar en la sección de comida asiática de la mayoría de los supermercados.


4 hongos shiitake deshidratados, 1 taza de agua, I lechuga romana mediana, 2 cucharadas salsa de ostión, 4 cucharadas salsa de soya reducida en sodio, 4 cucharadas salsa hoisin, 1 cucharada aceite de ajonjolí, 1 cucharita de fécula de maíz, ½ cucharita azúcar morena, ¼ taza agua, 1 taza germinado de soya, 3 cebollitas cambray, 400 gramos carne molida de res.


Remoja los hongos shiitake en la taza de agua. Deben de estar suaves al tacto, aproximadamente de una a dos horas. (Los puedes dejar remojando en la noche)

Lava y desinfecta la lechuga. Desójala con mucho cuidado y reserva las hojas.

En un recipiente mediano mezcla la salsa de ostión, salsa de soya, salsa hoisin, aceite de ajonjolí, fécula de maíz, agua y azúcar. Mueve hasta integrar completamente y que se desintegre el azúcar y la fécula de maíz.

preparación tacos orientales.jpg

Pica finamente los hongos shiitake y las cebollitas cambray. Pica toscamente el germinado de soya. Reserva.

En una sartén grande, calienta una cucharada de aceite de oliva y agrega la cebollita cambray. Cocina hasta que este translúcida. Agrega la carne molida y cocina hasta que esté completamente cocida, 10-15 minutos. Agrega la mezcla de salsas y hierve a fuego bajo hasta que espese. Agrega los hongos shiitake y el germinado de soya, mezcla bien y deja cocinar 5 minutos.


Colocar hojas extendidas de lechuga en cada plato, servir en el centro dos cucharadas de carne. Si quieres servir los tacos orientales de lechuga y carne como plato principal, puedes acompañarlos con arroz blanco al vapor.

Porciones | 4 Dificultad | Fácil

En Directo al Paladar México | Yakimeshi con arroz integral y edamame. Receta En Directo al Paladar México | Ensalada oriental con aderezo de cacahuate picante. Receta

La noticia Tacos orientales de lechuga y carne. Receta fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar México por Sweet Cannela.

01 Aug 12:48

1997 Explains "How To Cybersex" In Glorious, NSFW Instructional Video

by Rob Bricken

1997 Explains "How To Cybersex" In Glorious, NSFW Instructional Video

There is nothing about this VHS instructional video, titled How to Have Cybersex on the Internet, that isn't completely amazing. Describing it would only sully its perfection, so just hit play and be awed. Warning: Contains a topless (but censored) lady. After all, who the hell cybersexes with their shirt on?


01 Aug 12:37

Desmontando un horno microondas para crear un arma

by Sergio Parra

Internet puede usarse para el bien o para el mal. Por ejemplo, en Internet podemos encontrar instrucciones precisas para construir armas (lo cual alcanzará cotas verdaderamente preocupantes cuando se desarrollen las impresoras 3D). Luego hay personas que cogen cachivaches de casa, los desmontan y con sus piezas forjan armas delirantes, como es el caso del ucraniano Kreosan con el magnetrón de un horno microondas (lo que genera las ondas electromagnéticas con las que calentamos nuestra comida), que ha sujetado a un palo, usando una lata de café como antena direccional.

Con esta rudimentaria (y hasta cierto punto ridícula arma), sin embargo, no solo consigue crear interferencias en una radio o encender luces a distancias. También hace explotar alguna cosa. Lo cual es toda una proeza, porque recordad que los microondas no suelen explotar aunque les metas objetos metálicos (tal y como aparece en alguna película): podéis leer la explicación en ¿Es buena idea encender el microondas si no hay nada dentro de él?.

Vía | NeoTeo

La noticia Desmontando un horno microondas para crear un arma fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Sergio Parra.

31 Jul 13:05

60+ Costumes From The 2014 San Diego Comic Con

by Jill Harness

If you've been on the internet at all over the last week, you know the San Diego Comic Con was last weekend. If you are a regular Neatorama reader, then you know that Zeon and I go to Comic Con every year to collect the greatest cosplay we can find at the convention. This year was no exception, and despite losing my badge on Saturday night, I am happy to bring you some of my favorite cosplay photos from the convention.

You'd be forgiven for thinking this crazy street display wasn't cosplay -but there was, in fact, someone inside this massive suit, operating it almost like a puppet. It even had conversations with the giant crowd surrounding it!

This Ice King costume was also massive. It was so big, I'm pretty sure he never even set foot on the convention floor that day.

Young Marceline here, on the other hand, had only her large prop to worry about.

There were a lot of great costumes this year, especially from Adventure Time, but of all the hundreds of cosplay characters I saw this year, I think this warrior Fionna was by far my favorite.

As far as bad-assed, yet adorable cosplays go, there were a surprisingly large number of them. This Rocket Raccoon costume was a particularly good example. Oddly, with all the buzz about Guardians of the Galaxy coming out, I only saw two cosplays based on the franchise.

Two costume trends I did see plenty of were Harley Quinn and Deadpool. This tutued Harley and Avengers Deadpool at least put a fun spin on the costumes.

This punk rock Harley Quinn was a delightfully unique twist on the character.

And she wasn't the only one to bring her character into a new music subculture. Hip hop Deadpool was pretty cool, rolling around the convention blasting "Gangster's Paradise" from his boombox.

These two culturally-diverse Deadpools sought out a Game of Thrones character and a Doctor in order to protest the Red Wedding and show their support for everyone's favorite evil organization.

Of course, even the plain Deadpool costumes were pretty darn fun when the cosplayers really got into the character -like this Deadpool, who was counter-protesting the religious picketers at the convention.

On Deadpool even photobombed this huge group of Whovian cosplayers.

Similarly, this Harley may have looked quite traditional, but her personality (and her partnership with Catwoman) made her stand out from the crowd.

One of the big trends for female costume mash ups these days involve mixing a character with the Playboy Bunny costume. Even so, this was the first Two-Face Bunny costume I've seen and this gal did a seriously great job putting the design together.

Lots of women also doll up a classic character's ensemble to make it more feminine and this Riddler costume is perfect not only for Comic Con, but also for a ballroom masquerade. 

Surprisingly, I haven't yet seen too many Western-style costumes. I think that's surprising because this Wild West Wonder Woman looked fantastic -and her lasso only helped sell the concept.

Then again, so did this fantastically sparkly Wonder Woman costume that could easily be used to distract baddies as she hits them with her Lasso of Truth. 

Of course, not all takes on our classic superheroes turn out so well for the character. Aged Superman doesn't look like he's ready to jump into bed in a single bound. (On a sad note, I lost my badge shortly after taking this picture. If you happen to find or buy one with my name, I'd still really like to have it back to go in my collection of badges from past years. So if you happen to have it, leave a comment so we can talk about it).

If you prefer old-timey over old-timer, you might just like this steampunk Iron Man costume that Victorian-Era Tony Stark would absolutely approve of.

Of course, to do an original comic cosplay, you don't need to think of a way to change the character. You can always just go for a less-common version of the character -like this cosplayer who dressed up as Wolverine as was wired up for the Weapon X project.

If anyone from Marvel happens to read this, take note that an all-female version of the X-Men set in the 1920s would be absolutely fantastic as these gals showed us.

Alternatively, sending some of the Avengers back to the '40s to watch over Captain America's superpowered daughter could also be a pretty awesome story arc. 

If you couldn't yet tell, gender-swapping continues to be a popular twist on cosplay. These three Indiana Jones characters look downright fabulous as ladies.

Speaking of gender-swapping, I bet you never thought a Ninja Turtle could be sexy, but cosplayer Toni Darling did one heck of a job with her Leonardo costume. And, of course, April always was a babe, but she looks particularly great when played by Ani Mia.

I was also pretty charmed by this surprisingly sexy version of Marty McFly, though in this world, it seems Doc is still a bald old man.

This Roger Rabbit was adorable in every sense of the word and I have to say, it was a refreshing change from all the Jessica Rabbits you see at the convention every year. 

Speaking of Disney characters, I couldn't think of a more appropriate place to spot Cinderella and Prince Charming than right outside the Once Upon A Time Castle.

Vanellope didn't need to be photographed in the perfect spot though because she had a moving setting.

These two also rolled around with vehicles that pretty much made their costumes work.

Disappointingly, this trio, headed by Maleficient, would have made up my best photo of the year were it not for the weird spot on my lens that totally obscured the elf on the left. 

At least Gandalf's picture came out clean.

There was tons of great fantasy cosplay there this year -especially when it comes to Game of Thrones costumes. These two pulled off the look particularly well.

This pair of Littlefingers and Red Women was also quite good. In fact, I think the Baelish and Melisandre furthest to the right could even be stunt doubles for the real actors.

The softly blowing wind outside only helped make Inara's dress look even more beautiful and delicate.

There was a pretty good number of Firefly costumes out there this year, like this Kaylee, but I'd like to point out to all the lazy people out there that merely wearing Jayne's hat doesn't make you a cosplayer.

As always, there were tons of Star Wars costumes being worn this year, but I was happy to see how many of them had creative twists, like this gal's handmade dress and hat combo.

Or like this pink Stormtrooper costume. Like many pink versions of things these days, this person was wearing the suit to help raise money for breast cancer research.

There was also dozens of Slave Leias at the convention, but her epic prop helped distinguish her costume from the rest.

Props can make a big difference in a costume when used properly. For example, this girl wasn't Princess Peach in a wheelchair, but Mario Kart Princess Peach all because she brought her wheel with her.

Zeon already shared this picture, but it's another example of what props can do for a costume. In this case, they made Link a rupee-beggar rather than a boring 8-bit shell of a character.

Of course, adding a dose of realism to a costume can also make a big difference. For example, this Wario somehow seems like the cartoon version would really look in real life -and it's not very pretty. always has some impressively weird cosplays at the convention, which undoubtedly gives them good traffic boosts when everyone shares their pictures of the costumes.

When it comes to making up unique characters, Bizarro Au Gogo isn't alone. In fact, plenty of people and businesses do this to attract attention to their message. As you may have guessed, THC-Man here was trying to bring attention towards the legalization of marijuana.

Not that weed legalization needs any new heroes around as long as Bluntman and Chronic are on the job.

If you're looking for someone to push harder drugs on convention goers, Doctor Rockzo was there spouting off about how much he loves cocaine... although he seems like more of an anti-drug message than a positive one.

Speaking of Adult Swim, I was a bit surprised to only see one Rick & Morty costume -but the one I saw was pretty well done.

This bizarro polar bear costume was worn by one of the employees outside the Adult Swim Fun House. It was suitably weird.

Also right by the Funhouse were a bunch of guys (and a few females) wearing distinctly Mad Max styled outfits. These guys were out representing the Wastland Weekend event in September, which basically involves going out to the desert and living as though you're a Road Warrior.

The Wastelanders have some pretty great costumes, but they can be pretty intimidating to those not in the know.

Speaking of scary costumes, zombie Teletubbies are a perfect way to horrify those afraid of Teletubbies and those who grew up loving them.

The Haunted Hotel is always open during Comic Con and they would be happy to scare you, though I can't imagine anything scarier inside their haunted house than an undead Teletubbie.

There are always a lot of zombies around. In fact, I had my makeup done at the Courtyard by Marriot stage outside the convention and a lot of people took pictures of me and my cosplay for a change. Coincidentally, I happened to get my zombie makeover the same day as the Zombie Walk (which I didn't participate in) and the day I had scheduled to take photos of the Walking Dead Experience (where I was supposed to go through the survivor route).

As it turns out, I wasn't the only person wearing zombie makeup going through the Walking Dead Experience as a non-zombie. I told everyone that I was going undercover like Bill Murray in Zombieland, but I think these two just ran too fast for anyone to ask them questions.

The three guys on the left were hired to help promote the Walking Dead Experience, while the ones on the right were there to participate in the Zombie Walk. That's some of the magic of Comic Con -you may run into someone cosplaying the same world as you for a totally different reason.

You might also run into the king of undead killers while dressed as a zombie, without having to worry about having your head blasted off by a boom stick.

Another great thing about Comic Con is getting to see people in cosplay from entirely different universes hanging out -like Shredder and Woody.

Or, like this totally bizarre S&M furry thing with female Loki. (If the thing on the left is an actual character, let me know in the comments so I can correct it).

Speaking of strange, it really is surprising what kind of odd, non-sensical costumes you run into at the convention and it seems like the truly strange cosplay, like this one, are actually there to help promote something.

In the case of this odd tiki statue, the goal wasn't advertising, but recording the audience the costume attracted (see the Go Pro on top?). I still don't know what that footage was for.

Inevitably, you find some costumes you don't recognize at the convention as well. Like this odd bird man. Do you recognize him?

Or this odd puppy and bird combo. Know who they are playing as?

I assume she's wearing an anime costume of some type, can you identify it?

If this isn't enough great cosplay for you, I have even more pictures from the convention on Rue The Day. You can also go back and look at our photos from 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 on Neatorama and 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008 on Rue the Day. I also have photo sets of some of the hottest gals at Comic Con from this year, 2013, 20122011, 2010 and 2008 and the hottest guys from 2012 and 2011 (sorry ladies, there just aren't as many half-naked dudes running around). And, if this giant list of links still doesn't satisfy your cosplay obsession, don't miss these photos from WonderCon from this year, 2013 and 2012 on Neatorama and this year and 2013 on Rue The Day. Lastly, if you want to see more stuff from the actual convention (aside from all the cool stuff Zeon's been posting), you can check out pictures from this year,2012, 2011, 2009 and 2008. If all this still doesn't satisfy your obsession, you might need professional help.

31 Jul 12:57

8 Totally Free Games to Kick Your Boredom's Ass

By John Cheese  Published: July 31st, 2014  It's 2 a.m. Your insomnia has demanded that you never go to sleep without first seeing the sunrise. Twitter and Facebook have become public displays of your friends' drunken texts, and you've been chain-clicking YouTube videos so long, you've finally
31 Jul 10:30

This Is How Your Relationship Changes You

by Dallas Rico

And here I thought a relationship meant you find the best person to tolerate you as you are. I came into the dating world with a big “AS IS” poster taped to my forehead. Well, just like when I play darts (or anything involving accuracy), I was way off the mark. I’ve since learned that the greatest measure of a relationship is how much two people grow together.

I’ve got some bad habits. We’ve all do. For instance, I can be quite messy and disorganized. I’m the guy who’d rather they invent a GPS device to find my keys and wallet instead of having a set place where I leave them every day. Truth be told, I came into my relationship thinking that was just the way I was and there was nothing my boyfriend could do about it. You read my online profile. You saw my answers to those OkCupid questions. You get what you get, was my mentality.

A life partner wants you to be better. If you stay the exact same person you were were you entered the relationship, chances are your partner doesn’t care about your well-being. If they truly love you, then they won’t stand to watch you do things that are harmful for you. Like a mother who shows up to every parent conference at school to make sure your grades are on point, a partner who’s in it for the long run has your best interests at heart.

A life partner holds you accountable. For instance, if you say you want to lose weight, don’t get mad when your partner tries to stop you from eating the whole pint of Haagen Daz White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle. Forget the fact that they are two for $5 at the grocery store. Instead of using your spoon to fend him off like it’s a lightsaber, know that he’s just looking out for you. (Of course, this is just a random example and has absolutely nothing to do with me.)

A life partner sees your true potential. Someone who loves you as you are also sees what you could be. They encourage you to do better. Let’s say you’ve always dreamed of being a lawyer but was never really to make the jump. The next thing you know, you see a humongous Kaplan LSAT prep book on the coffee table. They want you to pursue your goals just as much as you do and want to help in any way they can. Let them.

A life partner gently nudges you; they don’t push. No matter how beneficial something is to someone, you can’t force-feed it down their throats. I should know. I’ve taught high school students for six years. Trying to tell a class of adolescents that learning Spanish provides better career opportunities is like telling a 5-year old that high sugar intake may lead to health problems later in life. They don’t see the bigger picture. Prohibiting your toddler from all sugar will incur their rage. They’ll won’t look like their obese friends (hey, the numbers are going up!), but they’ll still hate you.

So you have to nudge. Encourage them to do better. Support them in any way they can. If they say they want to run thrice a week, why not go running with them once or twice. It’s a cliche example but it gets the point across. A loving partner encourages, they don’t push.

A life partner doesn’t want to change you for selfish reasons. It may be hard to discern your partner’s motives in the moment, but when you step back it becomes clear why they want you to change. Suddenly, you realize she wants you to go to the gym because she’s attracted to men with six-packs, not because she’s concerned about your health. Or now you see he wants you to stop hanging out with toxic friendships simply because he’s controlling. A life partner encourages you to do things that are generally good for you, like being organized, healthy, thrifty, etc, or to accomplish goals you’ve set yourself.

A life partner cares about your future. When a life partner tries to change you for your own good, it shows they see a future with you. Otherwise, why would they even care? You don’t encourage someone on a one-night stand to start investing in their retirement fund. Well, maybe you do. I don’t know. But you get the point. If someone wants you to be a better person, it’s because they love you and see a future with you. Just like owners generally take better care of a house than renters, when your partner is personally invested in your growth then you’ve got yourself a free life coach for as long as you are together. TC mark

31 Jul 10:26

Guys Without Abs Should Basically Kill Themselves

by Nicole Mullen

As a woman, I like to have sex with men, and I’m glad that were finally getting to a point in our society and culture where women are allowed to objectify men’s bodies to the same degree that women have been objectified for millions of years.

I want to see more hot naked men in the media, and I’m glad were finally starting to embrace male nudity in films. For now – most of that nudity is in comedy films because there’s something “funny” about a man waving his penis around on camera; but let me tell you this – as soon as those penis movies come out on Blu-ray, I’m masturbating to them in the privacy of my home.

Not only do I enjoy male nudity and male objectification because I derive physical pleasure from it, but I also like the revenge element. I like that when we idealize beautiful men, that it hurts ugly men.

I love when I walk through the grocery store and I see bald men wearing baseball hats, or fat men feeling ashamed when they see pictures of Mark Wahlberg on the cover of Men’s Health. I love the look in their eyes when they realize they are disgusting; that women like me won’t want to have sex with them, and they have to push those thoughts away as they put their Dunkaroos on the conveyor and commit to at least another week of being an ugly, unfuckable man.

Now, granted, I know that sounds a bit hypocritical. I know it seems like I just want the world to be worse, but really, shaming and hurting men is the only way we’re ever going to have true equality. We now know that we’re never going to live in a world where everyone is happy, so can’t we at least live in a world where everyone is miserable?

It’s become clear that no matter how much we fight and yell and hashtag, rape culture will just not go away. Shame culture will not go away. Even when a woman makes a lighthearted joke about misandry, men come out of the woodwork on Twitter and Facebook to call for her death. Appealing to these animals’ sense of empathy, or their intelligence, simply doesn’t work. That’s why we need to give them a taste of their own medicine. We need to let fat men and bald men know that they should basically kill themselves.

If you’re a fat man, and by that of course I mean any man that doesn’t have abs, you should reconsider your masculinity. For too long we’ve allowed the media to project this image of overweight men as loveable patriarchs. Perhaps somewhat dimwitted, but always treated with a certain degree of respect, fat men are promoted as a realistic ideal. Fat men are seen as good husbands and fathers, rather than what they really are – unhealthy slobs who will never be allowed near a woman like me.

You see, these fat guys are not hot. We need to stop letting them get away with thinking they have anything that’s desirable. As more and more women enter not only the workforce, but positions of economic power, the provider roles these men were once filled will dry up, and it’s my biggest fear that they will be able to backdoor their way into desirability by pretending as if it was their fatness that was attractive in the first place, and not just their ability to provide a sense of financial and emotional stability.

We, as women, in the struggle for gender equality, need to focus less on the “head of the snake” as it were – the dominant, broey, alpha types that commit the most rape – and instead view the patriarchy as a contiguous being. We need to attack men at their Achilles heel – their weakest point – and that weak point is most certainly fat men.

This is a call to all women to stop dating men without abs. Let’s make them feel bad about themselves. For equality. TC mark

31 Jul 10:20

9 Things That Aren’t A Problem For Couples Who Trust Each Other

by Charlotte Green

1. Having friends of the opposite sex (or the same sex, if you’re attracted to them). Everyone has friends when they enter a relationship, and no one should have to give up half of them because they’re the wrong gender. In fact, sometimes you can even have a whole new group of friends via your SO, if you’re not threatened by them. (Full disclosure: I am still good friends with the best friend of an ex. He didn’t work out, but she was awesome.)

2. Solo vacations. Taking a vacation by yourself is an awesome experience, and something that shouldn’t stop as soon as you get into a relationship. When you trust the other person entirely, them being gone alone or with friends can be awesome! (You get some cool alone time to explore your own interests back home, and get to go on your own vacation later.)

3. Having hobbies that don’t involve the other person. If you’re happy with your personal lives as well as your coupled lives, the idea of one person finding joy in something solitary is totally cool. In fact, the more people can feel fulfilled as an individual, the better they will be in the relationship. Not everyone needs to go to couple-friendly activities.

4. Sacred friend time. To me, there are few things sadder than girls who get irrationally angry and jealous when their boyfriend goes out with his guy friends, or insists on joining them and awkwardly chaperoning it. Everyone is a little different with their friends and their SOs, and that’s totally normal, and fun! Just because your partner can have fun with other people doesn’t mean they have any less fun with you.

5. Leaving the other person’s phone/computer alone. It doesn’t matter if you are totally innocent in every way, no one likes someone looking through their shit. It’s just an awful feeling. If you feel like you have to check on what someone is doing, read through their texts, or check their internet history, maybe you shouldn’t be in the relationship in the first place.

6. Disagreeing about personal life choices. If you think your SO should do one thing at work or with friends, and they make a different choice (for their own reasons), you should be able to trust that. Maybe you don’t get it right away, but if you have confidence in them, you know that even if they make mistakes, they are their mistakes to make. And they are probably smart enough to make their own decisions about things.

7. Being cool with an ex. I know that this one is a little controversial, but in my opinion, if an ex is cool and there are no feelings (and you trust your partner enough to know that this is true), being friends or friendly acquaintances with an ex can be fine. I have some I don’t see, and some I will grab a drink with if I’m in town, and honestly it’s great to have someone who was a part of your life who is now on friendly terms. I want my boyfriend to have the same freedom.

8. Looking at other people. I know my boyfriend loves me and wants me, but I also know that he is a human male who notices pretty women (or, yes, watches porn sometimes). And me getting angry is not going to stop that, it’s just going to make him hide it. And I check out guys, it’s normal. We both know that we are happy in the relationship, and a little eye candy is totally healthy.

9. A past. I’ve never asked my boyfriend his number, because I don’t really care. But if we did, we would be honest with each other. But none of that matters, because we accept and love each other for who we are today. If I had a problem with his past, I wouldn’t be with him — since we’ve decided to be together, that means we take all of who we are. If you’re hung up on someone’s past, you probably shouldn’t be together. TC mark

image – Ella Ceron

31 Jul 10:16

This “Game Of Thrones” Actress Had The Most Perfect Reaction To Being Replaced

Aimee Richardson may no longer be Myrcella Baratheon, but she wins this game.

Remember Myrcella Baratheon, the only daughter of Cersei Lannister who got shipped off to Dorne by her uncle Tyrion?

Remember Myrcella Baratheon, the only daughter of Cersei Lannister who got shipped off to Dorne by her uncle Tyrion?


Well, with a bunch of Dorne characters set to appear on next season of Game of Thrones, Myrcella will also be back. But the actress who played her, Aimee Richardson, won't.

Well, with a bunch of Dorne characters set to appear on next season of Game of Thrones , Myrcella will also be back. But the actress who played her, Aimee Richardson, won't.


The role has been recast and Myrcella will now be played by Nell Tiger Free.

The role has been recast and Myrcella will now be played by Nell Tiger Free.

Aimee, who has a history of being awesome on social media, reacted in the best way possible: with humour.

"Well, this is embarrassing."

View Entire List ›

31 Jul 10:06

To his friend...

by (MRTIM)

31 Jul 09:58

If PornHub had Upworthy headlines [NSFW]

by Joe Veix
If PornHub had Upworthy headlines [NSFW]

In the past year, Upworthy has become a whipping boy of sorts for the entire internet. It’s sort of a shame, considering that their mission statement is so earnest, but they kind of brought it on themselves—there are only so many times you can cry wolf with hyperbolic clickbait before everyone turns against you.

As if to reaffirm that sentiment, we can now see what PornHub would look like with Upworthy-style headlines. It’s called Fapworthy, and it’s safe for work (sort of, assuming you don’t click through to any of the links, and your boss isn’t put off by perverse text).

fapworthy 4 If PornHub had Upworthy headlines [NSFW]

The site—which is kind of like “The Simpsons with Upworthy Headlines“—promises “boners that matter.” It’s created by writer Jason Mustian (who also created TL;DR Wikipedia and PornHub Comments On Stock Photos) in conjunction with the free porn site PornHub.

fapworthy 3 If PornHub had Upworthy headlines [NSFW]

You might note that it’s a “.org.” It isn’t clear if this is because all the other “fapworthy dot whatever” domain names were taken, or if this implies larger plans to create an entire Fapworthy organization. One can dream.

fapworthy 2 If PornHub had Upworthy headlines [NSFW]

31 Jul 09:52

Top Ten Guilty Pleasure Songs

by Miss Cellania

Spotify crunched the numbers on 120,000 playlists that people made and labeled as “Guilty Pleasures.” Supposedly, these are songs that people like to listen to, but have a hard time admitting it to their peers (but Spotify knows all). On those lists, here are the top ten songs.

1. Mambo No. 5 – Lou Bega
2. Wake Me Up Before You Go Go – Wham!
3. My Sharona – The Knack
4. Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
5. Cotton Eye Joe – Rednex
6. You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) – Dead Or Alive
7. Who Let The Dogs Out – Baha Men
8. Never Gonna Give You Up – Rick Astley
9. U Can’t Touch This – MC Hammer
10. Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen

I like “My Sharona,” because it was really big the summer I graduated from college. And I was once an avid Journey fan, but “Don’t Stop Believin’” is one of their weaker songs. And I’m not ashamed of liking anything by MC Hammer. I like some rather weird songs (that aren’t on this list), but I don’t feel guilty about them. What’s your “guilty pleasure” song? -via Uproxx

31 Jul 09:50

Female octopuses have the saddest life spans

by ChuraChura
31 Jul 09:47


by joseph conrad is fully awesome
Simon and Martina, of the joint blog Eat Your Kimchi, are a married Canadian couple that moved to South Korea in 2008. They have a YouTube series called "TL;DR" in which readers can submit questions about living in Korea, and they will answer them to the best of their ability. In short: "You ask questions. We make videos answering them!" Here's a couple: The Threat of North Korea, Korean Food Etiquette.

Korean vs. North American Beauty Standards

Bullying in South Korea

Five Things You Should Not Do in Korea

Korea vs. Japan

Teenage Pregnancy in South Korea

Pet Culture in Korea

How We Got our Scottish Fold Kitten in Korea

What do Korean Students think of North American Music Videos?

Korean Products We Can't Live Without

How We Became Full-Time YouTubers

YouTube listing here.
30 Jul 19:06

19 Thirst-Quenching Tea Cocktails

by Ailbhe Malone

Time for tea.

Ailbhe Malone/ BuzzFeed / Via

Pu-erh Old Fashioned

Pu-erh Old Fashioned

An interesting twist on a classic. Get the recipe here.

Autumn Giles / Via

Owl's Vodka

Owl's Vodka

Owls Brew is a tea *specifically* blended for use in cocktails. Handy! Get the recipe here.

Chamomile Tequila Sour

Chamomile Tequila Sour

Chamomile + tequila = your new best friend. Get the recipe here.

Autumn Giles / Via

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30 Jul 19:00

Look At This Pit Bull Princess And Have A More Fabulous Day

She’s royalty, and so are you!







30 Jul 19:00

People Are Calling Group Selfies "Ussies" Now

Welcome to hell.

The word — sometimes spelled usie, sometimes ussie — has been showing up in written material since at least April 2013, according to Ben Zimmer, executive producer of and language columnist for The Wall Street Journal.



Usies are here to stay.

Usies are here to stay.


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30 Jul 18:40

26 Odd But True Comic Book Facts

by Miss Cellania

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.

* Elvis Presley loved reading comic books as a boy. His favorite hero was Captain Marvel, Jr. It is reputed he got the original inspiration for his jet black hair with the curl hanging down in the middle of his forehead was inspired by Captain Marvel, Jr.

* Michael Jackson wanted to play Spider-Man in a movie so badly, he tried to buy Marvel Comics in the 1990's.

* The Incredible Hulk was originally gray, but Marvel changed him to green after problems with ink in their presses.

* When Joe DiMaggio was playing with the New York Yankees, he loved reading Superman comic books, but he was too embarrassed to buy them himself; he thought it tarnished his image. So he would send other Yankee players to go to the local newsstand and buy the latest issues for him.

* The 1940's comic book superhero called Red Bee fought the Nazis using trained bees. His favorite bee was named Michael and lived in Red Bee's belt buckle.

* Comic book letterers avoid words like "clint" and "flick" because during printing the letters can run together, making the words look like profanity.

* In Archie Comics, Jughead had a real name. His full name is Forsythe Pendleton Jones II. He has a sister named Forsythia “Jellybean" Jones.

* The word “Brainiac" comes from a Superman villain of the same name.

* There was a comic book hero in the 1940s called the Green Lama. He was a practicing Buddhist and one of his powers was reincarnation.

* The Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis was a popular comic book series in the mid-1950s (1952-1957.) After Dean and Jerry split up, the series dropped Dean Martin and became The Adventures of Jerry Lewis. In this solo comic adventures, Jerry encountered Superman, Batman, Lex Luthor, the Flash and Wonder Woman.

* There are over 20 types of Kryptonite, including pink Kryptonite, which gives Superman gay tendencies.

* For a period in the late 1960s to the early '70s, Wonder Woman lost her powers. She did not wear her famous costume, but instead wore white mod clothes, obviously inspired by Diana Rigg from TV’s The Avengers.

* The Joker once served as the Iranian ambassador for the United Nations.

* Superman once had his mind controlled by a villain named Sleez, who tricked him into recording a sex tape.

* During the super hero craze of the mid-1960s, Archie Comics published a few issues with Archie as superhero Pureheart the Powerful. There was even a brief Jughead series portraying him as crime fighter Captain Hero.

* Batman actually had 8 different Batcaves. One is located directly under Arkham Asylum.

* In an alternate reality, Peter Parker was once bitten by a radioactive sheep, turning him into a hero named Sheep-Boy.

* Iron Man used to regularly use roller skates that were built into his suit.

* Nicolas Coppola took his stage name Nic (Nicolas) Cage from the Marvel comic book character Luke Cage.

* An issue of Wolverine was once released with an ethnic slur printed in it when the letterer of the book misread the word "killer.”

* In the 1970's Captain America witnessed Richard Nixon committing suicide after the Watergate scandal.

* Marvel once collaborated on a Spider-Man comic with Planned Parenthood that discouraged teens from having unprotected sex.

* Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the Marvel universe. His consciousness has been transferred into a clone and he now he goes by the name Hate-Monger.

* When the original comics code was created, it prohibited judges and law enforcement agents from being portrayed negatively.

* Clark Kent compresses his spine while in disguise so he'll appear shorter than Superman.

* The world's largest comic book collection is housed in the Library of Congress. It holds over 100,000 individual issues.

30 Jul 18:38

Cat Countries and Dog Countries

by Miss Cellania

Although people love both dogs and cats, when you take statistics into account, some countries lean more toward dogs, while others lean more toward cats. A glance at this map compiled with statistics from Euromonitor tells us what we already knew: the U.S. and Russia love cats. Which of the United States are cat states and which are dog states? As a rule, Americans love both dogs and cats, and many households have both.

Here in the U.S., slightly more households own dogs than own cats. But Euromonitor’s numbers show that in terms of raw population, cats outnumber dogs to the tune of 2 million (the number is closer to 4 million, by the American Veterinary Medical Association's estimate). Why? One simple explanation is that cats are more compact. You can fit more cats in a house than you can, say, golden retrievers.

Like I always knew, once you have a cat, you'll want another. Besides, two cats keep each other from being lonely, while two dogs can tear the house apart. The map above was compiled with data from the American Veterinary Medical Association. The Washington Post has the top dog states and top cats states ranked, and more information on how other countries like their pets. -via the Presurfer

30 Jul 18:31

I Went to a Blowjob Bar in Bangkok, Thailand

by Laurel Tuohy

Four "consultants" at Dr. BJ's Salon in Bangkok, Thailand. All photos by KT Watson

Bangkok, Thailand, is one of the world's deepest pits of pure sin, a forbidden zone where you can get pretty much whatever sexual perversion tickles your pickle presented to you on a silver platter, with drugs and booze on the side. Countless massage parlors, brothels, and call services exist to cater to the humongous sex-tourism industry. So how does an aspiring entrepreneur, uh... stick out in such a super-saturated marketplace?

Well, the first step is to take a cue from branding experts: Be as obvious and memorable as possible. That's the thinking behind Dr. BJ’s Salon, the most notorious suck bar in Bangkok.

The spot is within sight of the Nana skytrain station, just up the street from the swankiest mall in the city. Walking up to Dr. BJ's, you're blasted with light from 14 identical neon signs, which make this knob-slob parlor pretty hard to ignore. Inside, it's stark white, harshly lit, and designed to resemble a medical clinic—the perfect place to get cone.

The exterior was all it took to persuade my friend Jared (not his real name), a 27-year-old American living in Bangkok, to give professional blowjobs a try. Twice.

“When I first got to Bangkok," he told me, "I saw the signs for Dr. BJ's Salon and thought, Wait, am I reading that right, or am I a pervert? Because it kinda looks like a medical clinic. I checked out their website when I got home and I was like, Oh my God, this is a real thing!” he said.

I was intrigued, so I asked Jared to bring me there for a tour, and Dr. BJ was nice enough to let us take a few photos, and even gave us an interview about his business strategies.

The owner, a Brit who prefers only to be known as “Dr. BJ,” has a background in stereo sales and a talent for marketing. Dr. BJ posits that all businesses should aim to be clear about the service they are offering, so why not the sex industry?

“I think the name conveys what we do pretty well," he told me recently when I visited the salon. "It’s easy to remember, and the logo is easy to spot. When I got involved in the sex industry, I couldn’t understand why no one made an effort to stand out. How could they not take note of the real experts in retail? We looked at what McDonald’s and KFC did. In every location, you see Ronald and the Colonel, right? We wanted to do that too. Dr. BJ is the Ronald McDonald of the sex industry."

Dr. BJ continued, telling me a bit about the founding of his bizarre company. "When we were planning our business, I expected Dr. BJ's to cater to tourists looking for a laugh. We were trying to create a fun place, but as it turns out, more than half of our clients are non-Thais who live in Bangkok. We have a huge Korean and Japanese following,” he added.

Dr. BJ approaches his business with a sense of humor. On its website, the company lists locations opening soon in places like Vatican City, Kabul, and Tehran. They regularly receive email inquiries about those locations by people who don’t realize it’s a joke.

When you walk in, there is a reception desk not unlike that at a doctor’s office and a simple menu listing prices and services. The BJ girls are separated into two skill levels: nurses and consultants. The nurses wear white and the consultants, considered BJ experts, wear black. Prices start at 700 baht ($22 US) for a 30-minute blowjob sesh with a nurse, and 1,000 baht ($31 US) for half an hour with a consultant. They cap at 5,000 baht ($157 US) to take a consultant out for the entire night.

There’s a mezzanine above the lobby where the girls gather to be chosen by clients. “They reminded me of vultures circling or crows on a line. It’s off-putting to have 20 girls staring down at you,” Jared said when we walked in.

Many of the girls have photos, ratings, and reviews on the site, including some surprisingly honest reviews written by the management, such as this one: “She is very popular and I do not have any idea why. A customer goes to the room, comes down, pays, leaves and comes back again for the same lady. I need to find out why, as she is not the best looking lady.”

“I asked for the same girl both times because she has the best reviews online,” said Jared. “The last time I went was just a few weeks ago. I was out with friends, drunk, and hopped up on M-150 [a Thai energy drink favored by motorcycle taxi drivers]. I started thinking, I could just sneak over there and be back before anyone notices. I was feeling really impulsive and sexually frustrated and in need of some kind of release."

The bar isn’t designed to feel welcoming. The girls aren’t hanging around outside trying to lure guys in, like at most of the neighboring places. Dr. BJ’s Salon is hardly alone on Soi 7/1, a street filled with your standard happy-ending massage parlors. However, the name and aesthetic of Dr. BJ’s guarantee that no one will ever come in looking for a foot rub or a neck massage. While its neighbors might metaphorically whisper in the clientele’s ears, Dr. BJ's screams down the street: Hey, check it out! We’ll put our mouths on your dicks for money!”

“After I paid," Jared told me, "we went up to the third floor. The rooms are like really big broom closets lined up, close together, down a very dim hallway. It’s a little creepy and a little bit like a fun house. The girls carry these plastic baskets that have mouthwash, condoms, lube, and some other stuff. In the room, there’s a black leather recliner, a stool, and those special kinds of sinks they have at the hair salon. You can guess what its for.” If you guessed dick washing, you're right. “They’re about to blow you, so they might as well," he said. "After they wash you, they lay a cloth over the chair because, obviously, other people have been there."

I asked Jared about how good she was, whether this was a fumbling high school slob job or a luxury experience. He went into detail that was a little more explicit than I expected: "There was a lot of variety in the blowjob. She started at the tip and used her hands to stroke up and down. Then, she played with the head while kissing the shaft—she was actually very talented and did some deep-throating. I was impressed.

"I had been scared I was going to come too soon," he went on, "but then we were getting close to half an hour and I think she was getting frustrated that I couldn’t come. She stayed dressed at the beginning but, when it didn’t seem like I was close to finishing, she took her top off and let me touch her. But no titty fucking or anything like that. I guess you have to pay the extra 1,000 baht for that. I finished all over myself. They don’t want you to come in their hair or on their face or dress, since they do so many per night. They stay with you for like 30 seconds or a minute afterwards, then they grab the mouthwash, rinse, wash you off, and go back downstairs."

He continued telling me the story in TMI detail. "The experience was strange and surreal and a little bit kinky. I felt dirty, but not in a cool way. I never had anyone deep-throat me before, so that was awesome. But as great as it felt, it would have felt ten times better if it were with someone I cared about. I don’t think I’ll go again, but it was a good experience. There’s just something about the place that’s so interesting. It has anecdotal or experiential value. It’s sleazy to be like, I got a blowjob from a whore, but it’s interesting to be like, I went to a place called Dr. BJ's and got blown by a fake nurse.”

Whatever you need to tell yourself, Jared.

30 Jul 18:28

I Fertilized My Salad with Period Blood

by Beca Grimm

Photos by Joey Prince

In college, a friend who didn’t shave her armpits lent me her copy of Inga Muscio’s feminist treatise Cunt: A Declaration of Independence. Paging through it instantly gave me a ton of great ideas, like supporting female-run businesses and LGBT rights and checking out my vagina with a compact mirror. Then there were some I wasn’t immediately sold on, like abortion via reflexology and, more specifically, using menstrual blood as plant fertilizer.

The period-blood-fertilizer reference is buried among descriptions of alternative feminine-care products: “You can squeeze the blood out into a jar, fill it with water, and feed it to your houseplants, who… [a friend] assured me, ‘absolutely adore the stuff.’” Shocked, I googled the trend and, sure enough, found a few green-living and apocalypse-prep websites supporting the idea of gardening with the crimson wave.

Blood contains three primary plant macronutrients—nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Plants demand these in large amounts so they can actually survive or whatever. The granddaddy of the bloody nutrients, though, is nitrogen, which helps boost plants’ overall luster and growth. So, as a poor gardener and menstrual-cup enthusiast, I decided to collect my next cycle to help grow some plants.

Menstrual cups—in case you’re a slave to riding the cotton pony and are unhip to them—are flexible silicone thingies you fold and stuff up your holiest of orifices to catch blood. Most people pour their period down the toilet, but for my own personal Shark Week, I emptied my cups into a mason jar instead. At the end of the cycle, I added water to make the balance about one part blood to nine parts water. I decided to conduct the experiment for one week on an indoor plant and an outdoor plant. The plan was to water aloe (indoors) and Bibb lettuce (outdoors) each morning with blood tea.

I invited my friend Joey to photograph the first day, and was surprised how easy it was to convince him. He pointed to the sticky jar by my nightstand. “How do you think that’s going to go over with dudes?” he asked. “Is that gonna freak guys out?” I hadn’t thought about that—the idea of frightening potential sexual conquests out of my bed. Welp.

Day two kicked off with the lady-nutrient dump. Nothing immediate happened, good or bad. Same with day three, but it rained that night, and I wondered whether the deluge would wash away any of the vag vitamins from the lettuce. I added a dribble more in the evening, just in case. The aloe was obviously fine and safe on my bedside table.

That night I proved Joey wrong and had a man over. The dude asked about the jar full of sick-looking brown cooch soup, but once I told him about the experiment he accepted it and even continued to text me throughout the week. After that I started keeping the tea outside—on my fire escape, by the lettuce. Even though Night Three Dude wasn’t shaken, I started to worry about spending days in my tiny, hot bedroom surrounded by blood plants and jars of blob. My dad asked whether I was OK. I wasn’t sure about myself, but the lettuce leaves seemed to have perked up outdoors. The aloe looked kind of the same.

On day five I called off the aloe’s blood-tea treatment. The sun baking it had made the concoction smell unholy, and I couldn’t deal.

A 2004 commenter on one of the hippie sites I consulted warned that menstrual blood attracts ants. I half-expected insects to have ravaged the lettuce by day six, but she looked fine—actually, she looked great and perky. One might even say thriving.

On day seven, Joey returned for our special lunch date. I rigorously washed the vibrant blood lettuce and prepared a little summer salad with strawberries. Finally, it was time for a taste test. It tasted… like lettuce. I’ve grown this variety of Bibb lettuce in a few states now without blood, and it’s always about the same.

Despite the lack of obvious taste difference, the soil was clearly packed with nutrients. When making the salad, I chopped the heads down to the bottom of their stalks, and one week later a head had grown back, at least three inches tall.

The result was remarkable, but I couldn’t keep it up. I’m supposed to move in a few weeks, so I’ve been doling out various belongings I can’t carry south. One roommate reserved most of my plants but couldn’t handle the Aunt Flo–fortified Bibb. I ended up giving it to Night Three Dude, who emphatically accepted it, and now some blood lettuce grows in Bed-Stuy.

The fact that I grew something from my body is still exciting to me. You won’t see a dude doing that. Some message boards promote menses fertilization as a transcendental way to strengthen “ritual herb” growth, and I’m into that witchy shit. Maybe my next blood project will be for mystic purposes. Anyone got some white sage seeds to share? I have some spells to consider for the next time I fly the Japanese flag.

30 Jul 18:28

Nick Sethi Is Still Trapped Between Sexual Deviance and Self-Expression

by VICE Staff

The amalgamation of public and private life is a common theme and frequent motivator of artist Nick Sethi's work. So when we received the invite to his latest exhibition via a show flyer composed of a couple of text messages (pictured above), we weren't surprised.

In his latest body of work, Olympia (named after the famed Manet painting), Nick finds himself, once again, in a holding pattern between sexual deviance and self-expression. Through the curated works, which were culled from over 10,000 photos (mainly sleazy selfies), Nick explores his own intellectual inquiry into the digital through the once-personal lives of these subjects. Here's a couple of sneak peaks (which were also sent via text):

See more of Nick Sethi's work on his website and follow him on Twitter.

30 Jul 18:24

Dinnertime cosplay

by wintersweet
Multiple websites are out there to help you dine like an anime character. Typically, they consist of anime screencaps plus either adapted or invented recipes that attempt to replicate the dishes. Okonomiyaki, dainty strawberry cakes, gyoza, Ponyo's ramen, coffee jelly, you name it! There's the earnest Real Anime Food. Then there's the sillier Recipes for Weebs, which has functional indices. Anime Recipes hasn't updated in a year, but it has a long list of recipes, including the fish pie from Kiki's Delivery Service.

More? Itadakimasu Anime seems to focus on general dishes that show up in many anime, like purin and omurice (with copious screencaps). Culinary Adventures and More: Real Life Anime Food. Otaku Recipes. Anime B&B: Food (not a ton of recipes, but very detailed). Foodie Fanart has a wider range of influences beyond anime. And if you can read Japanese, Animeshi. Anime recipes show up on YouTube, too (warning for autoplay): Feast of Fiction has a wide range of source material, including a few anime. Miki's Pantry will teach you how to make sootball and Dragonball cookies.

Finally, Anime Foods is FULL OF GIFS.

Something missing? You might be able to find it at, the English version of Japan's popular and charming user-submitted recipe database (previously).
30 Jul 18:09

33 Pictures Taken at Just the Right Moment

by Lisa Marcus

  Image: Imgur

People who take a ton of pictures know all too well that snapping the shot at the right split second is imperative when it comes to capturing good photos. They also know that doing so is harder than it seems. At times, the "perfect" shots are accidents, or the products of continuous high-speed (burst) shooting mode. Even if one plans a shot, if they're working with one or more moving subjects, it still takes a photographer with fast reflexes who is ready for anything to make the intended capture.

All the above verbiage to make the point that even if some of the shots featured in "33 Pictures Taken at the Right Moment" that appear spontaneous were actually planned, the execution was just right. (However if they're 'shopped, that's another matter.) Via Bored Panda. 

  Image: Imgur

Image: Reddit


Image: Imgur

30 Jul 17:56

21 Rookie Mistakes All Couples Make

Love is letting other people slowly discover how bad you are at things.

Thinking that one fight means a relationship is doomed.

Thinking that one fight means a relationship is doomed.

"If it's true love, it's easy and simple and there are no problems forever!" -- You, probably while you still had a locker combo to remember.

20th Century Fox / Via

Thinking that one fart means a relationship is doomed.

Thinking that one fart means a relationship is doomed.

Nay, it is actually the beginning of a beautiful fart-ship.

Imgur / Via

Telling all your close friends your S.O.'s secrets.

Telling all your close friends your S.O.'s secrets.

That moment when your friend drunkenly lets slip a piece of info about your boo's parents' divorce and you argue all the way home. CLASSIC.

AMC / Via

Not being on the same page about holiday gift-giving.

Not being on the same page about holiday gift-giving.

For some people, Valentine’s Day is the Christmas of feelings, and when you don’t show up with a sack full of flowers and chocolate, your S.O. feels like they're finding out that Santa isn't real all over again.

Toho / Via

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30 Jul 17:51

5 Things That Totally Suck Now, But Pay Off Later

by Elin Van Atta
image - Flickr / Caitlin Regan
image – Flickr / Caitlin Regan

Building a structured life as a 20- or 30-something is challenging to say the least. Despite the fact that you may be doing all the right things, you might be so overwhelmed that you can’t imagine when things are finally going to get easier. If you’re feeling more hopeless than hopeful, you are not alone. However, I guarantee that when you take a moment in a couple years to reflect on this time of your life, you will absolutely notice the transformation that has occurred as a result of your dedication to change. Your hard work will pay off.

Sometimes things just suck before they get better.

1. Oily face now, younger looking skin later.

Does your face look like it’s been rubbed with a generous serving of McDonald’s fries? Do you shine like a greasy star? If your face constantly needs to be blotted by a Clearasil Oil Absorbent, I feel you. In fact, I’ve probably shared my pack with you. While those of us with oily skin may have had more breakouts than the rest of the kids on the playground, there is a silver lining. Oily skin delays the onset of wrinkles better than dry skin because the oils keep skin smooth and moist. In 30 years when your peers who never had to subscribe to Proactiv put the grand in grandma, you’ll look like you haven’t aged a day. Therefore, people with oily skin have a better future. You can quote me on that.

2. Save money now, stress less later.

This one is more of a “note to self.” I’m no Suze Orman. While I thankfully have no debt, my savings account is pathetic. Let’s be honest, putting money aside is hard when you want to travel everywhere. However, I have a feeling that life in the future will be a whole lot easier (and the adventures much more frequent) with some savings in the bank. Before you distribute part of your next paycheck to a savings account, start saving money today by: forgetting Starbucks happened, rolling your car windows down, ditching cable for Netflix, and using coupons like a boss. You got this.

3. Get up early now, feel like superman later.

The other day, I tripped over my alarm clock. It was on the floor of my bathroom because I had thrown it across my bedroom. I am not a morning person. However, I have heard that waking up early is pretty crucial for success. I mean, it does make sense. We all have as many hours in a day as Beyoncé. It’s up to us to use them.

4. Eat your vegetables now, look hot and healthy later.

I love kale. I do. But sometimes a girl just wants to eat like it’s the last day on earth. And who the fuck would eat kale on their last day of existence? I want a cronut in my mouth on a constant basis. However, pastries and the like tend to cause weight gain which tends to cause depression which tends to cause…you get it. The benefits of eating healthy are endless, from anti-aging superpowers to killing off cancerous cells. While eggplant might see like a boring food option now, your body with thank you for it later. It is okay to splurge on sugar every now and then, but moderation is always key. Unless you’re eating vegetables. No one ever said you could eat too many peas.

5. Face your fears now, rule the world later.

Perhaps you’re afraid of rejection. Gosh, who isn’t? Being told “no” is a daunting prospect to consider but not putting yourself out there at all is so much scarier. Is there a job on your radar that you feel is a little bit out of your reach? Go for it anyway. Do you have a crush on someone that, quite frankly, makes you weak at the knees? Ask the human out. Don’t wait another month of your one life waiting to ask for a raise, sign up for that marathon, or apply for the job of your dreams. Being told “no” sucks but never truly knowing what you’re capable of is so much worse. TC mark

This post originally appeared at Writtalin.

30 Jul 17:44

¿De verdad este es el 'cuerpo ideal' que desean los españoles?

by S Moda EL PAÍS
Una encuesta certifica nuestros peores temores: en el fondo, la ciudadanía fantasea con ligarse a un 'tronista'.
30 Jul 17:34

El mapa emocional de Santiago

by La Voz
La ilustradora María Meijide crea un emotiva ilustración donde la localización de los lugares responde a un registro subjetivo
30 Jul 17:33

Podemos non irá ás municipais en todo o Estado e apoiará listas cidadás

by Praza Pública, Gonzalo Cortizo

A idea é apoiar plataformas populares sen poñer as súas siglas como soporte único de ningunha lista. O equipo promotor do partido quere evitar que cos comicios locais se acaben coando candidatos non contrastados.