Shared posts

28 Feb 09:55

FirstWorld dog problems

28 Feb 09:52

"I was reading.” “You’re always reading. The only way people can ever talk to you is to interrupt.”..."

“I was reading.”
“You’re always reading. The only way people can ever talk to you is to interrupt.”
“Then maybe they shouldn’t talk to me.”

- Tamora Pierce, Briar’s Book (via fictionalheroine)
28 Feb 09:46

The steaks have never been higher

28 Feb 09:44

Thought of this when opening my wallet

28 Feb 09:16

devilspanties: 02/20/2014

28 Feb 09:15

Three exits. Plenty of food. Bathrooms. This place could work.

27 Feb 10:41


27 Feb 10:37

"My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you’ve been..."

“My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you’ve been mean to someone, they won’t believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it’s time to stop being nice, then destroy them.”

- Laurell K. Hamilton (via mfblackmamba)
27 Feb 06:27

Dealt With it.

27 Feb 06:21

Whatever floats your boat

17 Feb 07:23


17 Feb 07:08

Polar Portal

14 Feb 13:10

Goddamn measurements. Always screwing me.

14 Feb 13:05

This should be Google's logo when you open it in Incognito mode

14 Feb 08:10

Jeremy Clarkson just posted this on his facebook wall

14 Feb 08:07

Why I love the Simpsons.

14 Feb 06:54

Wife let me make our pregnancy announcement.

14 Feb 06:32

Just Patrick Stewart dancing as a moon rover. That is all.

14 Feb 06:32

Because it's a cell wall!

14 Feb 06:23

Happy Darwin Day!

14 Feb 06:23

Who else would vote for them?

14 Feb 06:17

Best Darwin Day comic.

13 Feb 12:39

I fell for it...

13 Feb 12:19

Fabulous Eminem with gangster Elton John

13 Feb 10:42

Concise Abstract

07 Feb 13:08

Was I at 2 or 3?

07 Feb 13:07

Dear diary

07 Feb 12:24

Was wondering why Bill Nye was chosen to debate Ken Ham instead of any famous biologist when it hit me.

07 Feb 09:54

She does have a point

03 Feb 09:33


Perhaps you need a crash course in taking hints. Here's your first lesson: We're not actually walking somewhere together; I'm trying to leave this conversation and you're following me.