Shared posts

03 Feb 13:04

Hey Peter, you busy

03 Feb 13:04

People's ingenuity is limitless

03 Feb 13:02

How I feel most days at work

03 Feb 10:20

What a sore loser.

03 Feb 10:19

Still my favorite

03 Feb 10:15

Can't argue with that.

03 Feb 09:56

Saw this on the side of a hospital.

28 Jan 13:41

My friend ordering a steak

28 Jan 13:37

Anyone remember Good Guy Stargate?

27 Jan 13:21

facts-i-just-made-up: Degenerative Cubism afflicts 12% of...


Degenerative Cubism afflicts 12% of Spanish cattle. If the disease were ever to become airborne, it’s estimated that all beef cattle in the country would be little more than a few lines leaving the impression of cattle within one month.

A realism vaccine was developed in 1994 but has occasional surrealist side effects, turning 2% of cattle injected into two arguing mimes and a waffle.

27 Jan 12:50

Snoop doge.

27 Jan 11:25

Living in the south this is very unpopular..

22 Jan 11:59

An interesting phenomenon

22 Jan 11:56

Not in the mood

22 Jan 11:44

One tough truck

22 Jan 11:42

Go Home Mars Rock, You’re Drunk! (Interplanetary Rock Makes Selfie) [Greg Laden's Blog]

by Greg Laden

Look at the rock on the right, and the lack of rock on the left. (Our left.) It is being reported that this jelly-donut size rock appeared out of nowhere on the Martian surface between photographs.


There are several possible explanations for this.

1) It grew there.
2) It was ejected from a steam vent or something and flew there.
3) This is what a Martian looks like. It will eventually move on.
4) The robot that took the first picture tossed the rock up while driving by.
5) It is a jelly donut.
6) The rock was placed there to cover up a footprint.

What do you think?

I love it when stuff like this happens.

22 Jan 11:30

This has nothing to do with HTML5!

22 Jan 10:24

A logarithmic spiral

22 Jan 10:15

Isn't this why we pay road tax..?

21 Jan 10:55

LOL, tough s**t bro.

20 Jan 11:02

nekopolitan-ice-cream: lifeuncommon: -“With this diagram, I...



-“With this diagram, I want to demonstrate that ‘natural’ products are usually more complicated than anything we can create in the lab…I want to erode the fear that many people have of ‘chemical’, and demonstrate that nature evolves compounds, mechanisms and structures far more complicated and unpredictable than anything we can produce in the lab.”



20 Jan 07:25

Awesome superhero cake.

20 Jan 07:24

Male version of Hooters

20 Jan 06:51

polymathema: thebaconsandwichofregret: urgh! fucking gamer...



urgh! fucking gamer guys! I bet he doesn’t even know how to turn it on

the ps4 is laying next to a maybe naked nathan fillion im p. sure it’s already turned on

17 Jan 12:31

theleftsideofmyroom: Terry Pratchett gave me unrealistic expectations of footnotes


Terry Pratchett gave me unrealistic expectations of footnotes

17 Jan 07:09

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

- Gloria Steinem (via observando)
17 Jan 07:09

zemmer: more benefits to being a cat loved at any weight its not weird if you’re awake in the...


more benefits to being a cat

  • loved at any weight
  • its not weird if you’re awake in the middle of the night
  • people believe you when you say the gender of a cat no matter what it looks like
  • no one judges you for not showering or leaving the house
  • you can just leave in the middle of an interaction
  • no deadlines or bills
  • not expected to wear clothing
  • not cold if naked
  • if you do wear clothing you will be considered 500% cute no matter what
  • cute whiskers
  • tail
  • super flexible
17 Jan 07:08


17 Jan 07:04

This is a more realistic version of the picture

16 Jan 10:41

tatianamaslnay: rexuality: if you see me laughing while texting there’s a 99.9% chance i’m...



if you see me laughing while texting there’s a 99.9% chance i’m laughing at a text message i sent because i’m equal parts vain and hilarious

#i’m so funny my friends are so lucky to have me