Shared posts

05 Nov 15:57

Snake Church religious pamphlets, 1960-1980


Dude, Snake Church!

Snake Church religious pamphlets, 1960-1980

21 Oct 02:19

Babies Are Boring Billboard

Babies Are Boring Billboard

19 Oct 22:29

angel, catfight, snail book of hours, Picardy 15th...


Snail looks like a penis!

angel, catfight, snail 

book of hours, Picardy 15th century.
Abbeville, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 16, fol. 29v
30 Jul 14:40

Desperate times call for desperate measures


This shit is gonna be so elitist now!

UPD: We have received a number of proposals that we are discussing right now. Chances are high that public The Old Reader will live after all


Since we launched first public version almost a year ago up until March 2013 we have been working on The Old Reader in “normal” mode. In March things became “nightmare”, but we kept working hard and got things done. First, we were out of evenings, then out of weekends and holidays, and then The Old Reader was the only thing left besides our jobs. Last week difficulty level was changed to “hell” in every possible aspect we could imagine, we have been sleep deprived for 10 days and this impacts us way too much. We have to look back.

The truth is, during last 5 months we have had no work life balance at all. The “life” variable was out of equation: you can limit hours, make up rules on time management, but this isn’t going to work if you’re running a project for hundreds of thousands of people. Let me tell you why: it tears us to bits if something is not working right, and we are doing everything we can to fix that. We can’t ignore an error message, a broken RAID array, or unanswered email. I personally spent my own first wedding anniversary fixing the migration last Sunday. Talk about “laid back” attitude now. And I won’t even start describing enormous sentimental attachment to The Old Reader that we have.

We would really like to switch the difficulty level back to “normal”. Not to be dreaded of a vacation. Do something else besides The Old Reader. Stop neglecting ourselves. Think of other projects. Get less distant from families and loved ones. The last part it’s the worst: when you are with your family, you can’t fall out of dialogues, nodding, smiling and responding something irrelevant while thinking of refactoring the backend, checking Graphite dashboard, glancing onto a Skype chat and replying on Twitter. You really need to be there, you need to be completely involved. We want to have this experience again.

That’s why The Old Reader has to change. We have closed user registration, and we plan to shut the public site down in two weeks. We started working on this project for ourselves and our friends, and we use The Old Reader on a daily basis, so we will launch a separate private site that will keep running. It will have faster refresh rate, more posts per feed, and properly working full-text search — we are sure that we can provide all this at a smaller scale without that much drama, just like we were doing before March.

The private site?

Accounts will be migrated to the private site automatically. We will whitelist everybody we know personally, along with all active accounts that were registered before March 13, 2013. And of course, we will migrate all our awesome supporters and people who donated to keep the project running (if you sent us bitcoins, please get in touch to get identified). Later this week your account will get a distinct indication whether it will be migrated to the private site or not. If you see that message and believe that it’s wrong, or if all your friends are getting migrated and you are left behind — please, drop us a line.

Give me my data!

You will have two weeks to export your OPML file regardless of our decision. OPML export link is located at the bottom of the Settings page — use the top-right menu to get there. All posts that you saved for later by using Pocket integration will obviously remain in your Pocket account.

But you could…

For those who would like to start the usual “VC, funding, mentor” or “charge for the damn thing” mantras — please, spare it. We’re not in the Valley where it might be super-easy, and, after all, not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. We just love making a good RSS reader.

We really want The Old Reader to be a big and successful project, with usable free accounts. But this is not possible to achieve with what we have, so unless someone resourceful takes over the project and brings it to the next level, it is not gonna happen. We had over 2 000 new registrations after the blackout last week. This is amazing and sad at the same time.

If anyone is interested in acquiring The Old Reader and making it better, we are very open and accepting proposals at We would be waiting for them for two weeks, supporting and maintaining The Old Reader as usual. Please don’t write us if you don’t have resources to maintain a site used by tens of thousands of people every day, or if you don’t know how you would improve The Old Reader. And please spare our time if you just want to buy the domain name and park a bunch of silly ads there — it’s not going to happen.

We value our community very much, and we will either pass the project to somebody who we know is going to take a good care of it, or we will switch it to private mode.

What next?

From one point of view, it’s not a big deal: “RSS is obsolete”, nobody died, we don’t owe anybody anything, you name it. Also, there are a lot of good readers around to choose from, a large part of them is smaller than The Old Reader and had not experienced growing pains of 80 000 daily active users in no time. But for us, it’s heartbreaking.

I will finally get back to work on my small studio — Bespoke Pixel — which has been run by my awesome partner all this time. Dmitry will keep being bright young software developer, making scalable and beautiful projects. Our team will stay together, and will keep working on making the private version of The Old Reader awesome.

We feel great responsibility for the project. We’d rather provide a smooth and awesome experience for 10 000 users than a crappy one for 420 000.

Sorry, each and everyone if we failed you. You are an incredible, supportive and helpful community. The best we could possibly hope for.

All the love,
Elena Bulygina and Dmitry Krasnoukhov

19 Jul 14:29

constellation Astronochus  Von den 36 Sternbildern, Regensburg...


Too many boobs?

constellation Astronochus 

Von den 36 Sternbildern, Regensburg ca. 1491.

Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Pal. Germ. 832, fol. 92r

17 Jul 14:42

The Doozies by Tom Gammill


Totally undermines your expectations.

The Doozies by Tom Gammill

08 Jul 04:42

The Doozies by Tom Gammill

The Doozies by Tom Gammill

03 Jul 14:24

Cats puking to techno

by Xeni Jardin


Video Link. "It's gross when cats puke up hairballs but its cool when they do it to some techno music." (thanks, Joe Sabia)

17 Jun 19:40

The Doozies by Tom Gammill

The Doozies by Tom Gammill

15 Jun 20:01

#bear threesomeGaston Phoebus, Le Livre de la chasse, Paris ca....

#bear threesome

Gaston Phoebus, Le Livre de la chasse, Paris ca. 1407.

NY, Morgan, MS M. 1044, fol. 18v

08 Jun 13:53

Haven't we seen this before?

by Ruben Bolling

These comics are from 2006, when the left was furious at the government for unconstitutional invasions of privacy in the name of national security.






So now that leaks prove that these programs have continued under Obama, the left AND the right are furious at the government for the exact same unconstitutional invasions of privacy in the name of national security that no one had any reason to suspect weren't continued under Obama.


01 Jun 18:44

melancholic pussy-cat  book of hours, France 15th...


Cat holds Lute surprisingly well.

melancholic pussy-cat 

book of hours, France 15th century.

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, MS 662, fol. 21r

31 May 17:51

The Doozies by Tom Gammill

The Doozies by Tom Gammill

30 May 12:56

The Doozies by Tom Gammill

The Doozies by Tom Gammill

19 May 20:22

Dick Sleeves No.17


nothing to add

Dick Sleeves No.17

08 May 02:18

by (Joan Cornellà)

06 May 15:58

bagpiping dog  (playing during the funeral procession of Reynard...


Nothin' to add.

bagpiping dog 

(playing during the funeral procession of Reynard the Fox… above prayers to the Holy Mary and St. John the Evangelist from the Hours of Jesus Crucified)

book of hours, England ca. 1300 (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, Ms. W.102, fol. 75v)

01 May 15:25

A book of my cartoons will be out in a few weeks!


Eat shit, Marxism!

book of my cartoons will be out in a few weeks!

01 May 12:15

omnomnom (‘stercora’ or dung in medical...


(‘stercora’ or dung in medical practice) 

Historia Plantarum, Lombardy ca. 1395-1400.

Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, Ms. 459, fol. 250r

22 Mar 13:15

Judging Humor

by Robert Mankoff

Vaguely interesting, I think.

When it comes to humor, everyone is his or her own judge. If you decide that something is funny, it is for you. If you don’t, it’s not. End of story. That is, unless you are an actual judge with an actual case involving humor and the law. Then it’s a whole different story, one that I’m going to let Laura E. Little, a law professor at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law, tell.

Professor Little’s scholarship integrates law, linguistics, and philosophy. She has concentrated her study recently on the legal regulation of humor, and has studied the topic both in the U.S. and Australia. Take it away, Laura:

Law and Humor. What springs to mind? If you’re reading this blog, perhaps New Yorker cartoons with judicial opinions as punch lines

130325_cn-1_p465.jpg more
21 Mar 15:19

Gilbert does not want Flemish flag flown at world championships

by Barry Ryan

OMG, that is SO Gilbert!


BMC rider clarifies comments from Humo interview