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30 Jul 17:46

Bowling Ball

Bowling Ball

I've been told that if the Earth were shrunk down to the size of a bowling ball, it would be smoother than said bowling ball. My question is, what would a bowling ball look like if it were blown up to the size of the Earth?

—Seth C.

A good, professional-quality bowling ball is smoother than the Earth.

Phil Plait, of Bad Astronomy, took a look at the claim that the Earth was smoother than a billiard ball. He concluded that the Earth was smoother but less round, based on published billiard ball roundness tolerances. However, he couldn’t find any information on the size and shape of a billiard ball’s pits and bumps.

Fortunately for us, there are people who digitally scan bowling ball surfaces.

These scans (along with various measurements of ball roughness[1]) tell us that a high-end bowling ball is quite smooth. If blown up to the scale of the Earth, the ridges and bumps[2] would be between 10 and 200 meters high, and the peaks would be between one and three kilometers apart:

By Earth standards, this is quite smooth; our highest mountains are 40 times higher.

What would this bowling ball world (we’ll call it “Lebowski”) be like?

For starters, bowling balls are a lot less dense than rock, so Lebowski’s surface gravity would be a quarter the strength of Earth’s:

It would also (at first) have no atmosphere.

The finger holes would be about a thousand kilometers across and a few thousand kilometers deep.

On Earth, holes this big would expose the molten interior. But Lebowski doesn’t have a molten interior.

The Earth’s core is hot for two reasons: It’s still glowing from the heat of all the dust collapsing together when it formed, and it’s full of radioactive metals. Lebowski wouldn’t have either of these, so its core would start out cold.

The holes would be far too big to hold themselves open against gravity; On that scale, the polymers in the bowling ball would behave more like a liquid. In the space of about half an hour, the holes would undergo a slow-motion collapse.

As they collapsed, the material around the holes would heat to a glow. At the center of the hole, a white-hot jet of charred hydrocarbons would fountain outward into space.

When it was over, Lebowski would be left with massive scars, each marking the location where an abyss collapsed to form a molten sea.

And now, thanks to this question, whenever I look at the Moon, I’ll notice the Sea of Tranquility, the Sea of Serenity, and the Sea of Crisis, and I’ll think: Finger holes.

But that’s just, like, my opinion, man.

02 Jun 03:05

i got opinions

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dinosaur comics returns monday! this weekend i'll be at TEDxUofT talking about TIME TRAVEL, maybe i will see you there? :o

← previous May 16th, 2013 next

May 16th, 2013: I saw the new Star Trek movie last night and it has the XCV 300 in it! It's my favourite Enterprise after the Enterprice C. Anyway that's all I wanted to say


– Ryan

02 Jun 03:04

hockey as she is played

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May 14th, 2013: STILL BIG INTO TCAF OVER HERE. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who came out and said hi - I met so many awesome people and it was terrific! In conclusion: YAY TCAF.

One year ago today: medusa fan comix

– Ryan

02 Jun 03:01


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← previous April 24th, 2013 next

April 24th, 2013: If you view source on this page and scroll waaaaay down you'll see a little surprise that comes courtesy of Ben!

I've been posting a lot about the Adventure Time comic I write, but until now you couldn't read it online for free! THAT HAS ALL CHANGED, YO..

Also the sequel to Machine of Death, called This Is How You Die, is on the Publisher's Weekly Best Summer Books 2013 list! NICE. You can't get the book yet but it'll be available in July! I will be sure shout far and wide when it's available.

– Ryan

02 Jun 03:01

in her face i can see the world

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← previous April 22nd, 2013 next

April 22nd, 2013: If you view source on this page and scroll waaaaay down you'll see a little surprise that comes courtesy of Ben!

I've been posting a lot about the Adventure Time comic I write, but until now you couldn't read it online for free! THAT HAS ALL CHANGED, YO..

Also the sequel to Machine of Death, called This Is How You Die, is on the Publisher's Weekly Best Summer Books 2013 list! NICE. You can't get the book yet but it'll be available in July! I will be sure shout far and wide when it's available.

– Ryan

02 Jun 02:58

once upon a time they all lived happily ever after

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← previous April 8th, 2013 next

April 8th, 2013: Adventure Time books! I wrote 'em! And you can now buy them in my internet e-shoppe 2000!

– Ryan

02 Jun 02:51

2 + 2 + 8 + 5 + 4

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← previous March 15th, 2013 next

March 15th, 2013: There's a new Galaga comic today! Also there's an Adventure Time game for iOS called Adventure Time: Rock Bandits that's out today: I wrote the comic inside the game, as well as a bunch of dialogue for it! So if you're interested in MORE WORDS THAT CAME OUT OF THE MEAT IN MY HEAD VIA MY HANDS, I can recommend these two activities!

– Ryan

02 Jun 02:49

you can also name your child "[chosen name] Loves Facebook", but only if you marry into the Facebooks

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← previous February 22nd, 2013 next

February 22nd, 2013: Adventure Time #13 is out now, you guys! Get it at your local comic shoppe, digitally, or online! I wrote it! I wrote these here words that Marceline is saying and that two MYSTERIOUS OFF-PANEL CHARACTERS are also saying!


– Ryan

02 Jun 02:47

go ahead, reality. DO ME ONE BETTER.

Carl Knutson

Get ready for a bunch of Dinosaur Comics shares as I'm catching up to the most recent one.

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← previous February 11th, 2013 next

February 11th, 2013: Be the Jeopardy fan fiction you want to see in the world.

– Ryan

24 May 16:35

Craft Beer And Spirit Laws Pass - What It Means For Texas And You

by Tom Thornton
Carl Knutson

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23 May 23:10

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by Aleksander Chan
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05 Apr 14:56

SXSW 2013: Mondo's Tyler Stout / Ken Taylor Gallery Opening [Event Photos]

by Trent Lesikar
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Trying out sharing. Sharing! Woo!

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