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19 Oct 22:32

Infographic: Which James Bond Had the Most Kills, Conquests, and Martinis?

by Angie Han
Christopher Lantz

This chart amuses me. All random collections of trivial data amuses me.

Where most movie franchises are lucky to span one decade, the James Bond franchise is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year with its 23rd installment, Skyfall. The trick behind its longevity is no secret — since the ’60s, the producers have reinvented the iconic agent several times so that he always feels of the moment.

But through it all, a few key characteristics remain the same. Bond is always first and foremost a martini man, though he may dabble in beer or other cocktails from time to time, and his knack for ladykilling is almost as well regarded as his talent for killing-killing. So which of the six Bonds is the deadliest, booziest, and sexiest of them all? The infographic after the jump has the answer.

Ta-da! According to this chart by The Economist (via Vulture), it’s Pierce Brosnan who’s the Bondiest Bond by those measures. His average combined bodies, conquests, and martinis per movie is roughly 50% higher than the second-place contender, Daniel Craig.

However, a closer look at the data suggests some ways in which these fellows set themselves apart from one another. Brosnan’s dominance is mostly due to his trigger-happy tendencies; as a drinker and a lover, he’s somewhere in the middle of the pack. Meanwhile, Craig is by far the drunkest Bond, with an astonishing average of five martinis for his first two releases. (Skyfall has been excluded from the data, so this chart just draws on his actions from Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace.) But all that liquor evidently does him no favors with the opposite sex.

George Lazenby, it turns out, is the most popular with the Bond girls — he carved three notches into his bedpost in his one and only outing, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. And all the way at the end of the spectrum is poor Timothy Dalton, whose Bond averaged something like six dead bodies, two hookups, and two martinis per film. That might be a wild record for a normal person, but by Bond standards it’s apparently quite tame.

19 Oct 20:25


by Brad
Christopher Lantz

Allow me to Mansplain these meme to you.


Ladies, please let me explain why my explanation will always sound better than yours.

19 Oct 20:24

The Big Electron, A Bill Hicks & George Carlin Tribute Song by Melodysheep

by Rusty Blazenhoff
Christopher Lantz

by Melodysheep, the guy responsible for the symphony of science series.

Two legendary comedians offer their perspectives on life, through song.

The Big Electron is a remix tribute song to late comedians Bill Hicks and George Carlin, using footage from their stand up routines. It was created by melodysheep (aka John D. Boswell) of Symphony of Science. You can hear and download melodysheep’s entire collection of “inspirational and humorous remixes” at Remixes for the Soul.

19 Oct 20:20

Honest Movie Trailers: Paranormal Activity by Screen Junkies

by Justin Page
Christopher Lantz

Shared because at the end, the trailer guy says "Ermegaerd!"

“What happens when you sleep… makes a really boring movie.”

Screen Junkies, a group of guys who share their honest advice about what movies and television show to see and not to see, have created a new honest movie trailer for the 2007 supernatural horror film Paranormal Activity that puts their humorous opinion of the movie (and more) into a fake film trailer. We have previously written about the Screen Junkies and their collection of honest movie trailers.

It’s Halloween. Which means time for another Paranormal Activity sequel. In honor of spooky, moving furniture and actors who seem like they won a contest, we’re looking way back to the one that started it all. No. Not The Blair Witch Project. The other one.

Whatever. I still prefer these to Saw sequels.

Honest Movie Trailers: Paranomal Activity by Screen Junkies

Honest Movie Trailers: Paranomal Activity by Screen Junkies

Honest Movie Trailers: Paranomal Activity by Screen Junkies

via Screen Junkies

19 Oct 18:46

Synaptic Stimuli » To be a cartographer and explorer of the cosmic terra incognita.

by jgrillo
19 Oct 18:46

cordyceps_by_jeffsimpsonkh-d5gw7s2.jpg (JPEG Image, 900×900 pixels) - Scaled (69%)

by jackwhat
Christopher Lantz

Mmmm, more horned demon inspiration.

18 Oct 23:58

Impulse 'Strange Rock in the Heavens'

Christopher Lantz

Kickin' tunes!

18 Oct 23:25

So much love! Janelle Monae - Cold War 

Christopher Lantz

Such a good Jam. Thanks Jake.

So much love! Janelle Monae - Cold War 

18 Oct 22:06

Scarecrow WIN

Christopher Lantz

Awesome spooky cool.

Scarecrow WIN Click here to check out more of Web Urbanist's roundup of cool and geeky scarecrows!

Submitted by: Unknown (via Web Urbanist)

Tagged: scarecrow , halloween , design , spooky , creepy , best of week , Hall of Fame Share on Facebook
18 Oct 19:51


by (Yonder Vittles)
Christopher Lantz

This goes out to all the working stiffs out there who are buried in their work.

Stay tuned to EIT! for more exciting Channel 2020 news! More Trailers! More Reptiles on our Production Tumblr!
18 Oct 17:33

Correct Reaction WIN

18 Oct 17:12

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu

by Christopher Jobson

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu dogs

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu dogs

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu dogs

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu dogs

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu dogs

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu dogs

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu dogs

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu dogs

The Hilarious Costumes of a Dog Named Trotter, Photos by Sonya Yu dogs

The bar for fine art photographs of dogs in goofy costumes was set quite high in the 70s and 80s by photographer William Wegman and his Weimaraner companions Man Ray and Fay Ray, and while I suspect 20% of the entire industry of the internet is spent sharing adorable pet photos, it’s rare to see a single animal transcend the rest. Some worthy contenders recently have been Theron Humphrey and his dog Maddie, and also Seth Casteel’s underwater dogs. But a new pup has thrown down the gauntlet and her name is Trotter, a one-year-old French Bulldog lovingly captured by her owner, San Francisco photographer Sonya Yu who bills herself as a Professional Food Pornographer. You can follow Trotter’s dressy exploits on Yu’s Instagram feed but also check out her personal work which is outstanding. (via the fluffington post, which apparently, is a thing)

18 Oct 02:58

tumblr_lsjuhx6syq1qaobv7o1_400.gif 400×300 pixels

by poultergeist
Christopher Lantz

Hi Guys, I hope you are having this kind of day.

16 Oct 19:23

Welcome to Monster Town, A Children’s Book by Ryan Heshka

by Justin Page
Christopher Lantz

This is super cute and resembles aspects of one of the stories I'm working on now.

Welcome To Monster Town by Ryan Heshka

Welcome To Monster Town is a spooky / cute children’s book created by self-taught artist Ryan Heshka and published by Macmillan that takes you through the daily work habits of a large group of memorable monsters. Ryan’s old movie, comic book, and classic animation influence really shows in the excellent illustrations throughout the book. According to book editor Christy Ottaviano, Welcome To Monster Town has been sold to Dreamworks Animation and is currently in film development. Hardcover versions of the book are available to purchase at Amazon.

As soon as the sun sets on Monstertown, creatures of all kinds go to work. So hop on the Ghoul Bus and see for yourself who inhabits this ghoulish town. Dr. Cyclops, Postmaster Skeleton, Frank N. Stein, Dr. Mummy, Captain Witch, and many other monster friends—including a junior monster-in-training—will welcome you with open arms!

Welcome To Monster Town by Ryan Heshka

Welcome To Monster Town by Ryan Heshka

Welcome To Monster Town by Ryan Heshka

images via Ryan Heshka

via Circus Posterus and Super Punch

16 Oct 18:37

Mondays, Amirite?

Christopher Lantz

Dog Marco.

15 Oct 20:26

Feline Baumgartner

Christopher Lantz

Bless you, Space Jumping Cat.

15 Oct 18:07

Vampire Killer 2002 by Michiru Yamane

Christopher Lantz

One of my fav Castlevania tracks. Also shared because apparently I'm shitting bats for the rest of the month.

Vampire Killer 2002 by Michiru Yamane

15 Oct 18:01

Trevor Henderson

by Aeron
Christopher Lantz

Shared for it's monster goodness as Halloween fast approaches.

Trevor Henderson - Street TrashTrevor Henderson - Them!Trevor Henderson - They liveThe BurningTrevor Henderson - The FlyTrevor Henderson - The ThingTrevor Henderson - MushroomsTrevor Henderson - CrittersTrevor Henderson - CreepshowTrevor Henderson - From BeyondTrevor Henderson - Basket CaseTrevor Henderson - Day of the Dead
See more of Trevor's artwork here.

Prints and stickers of Trevor's artwork can be found at his etsy shop.
15 Oct 17:26

Red State

12 Oct 22:20

True Skin

by Camron Wiltshire
Christopher Lantz

Sexy, future noir.

Props to Aron Bluecroix for the link.

12 Oct 05:23

4 Legged Stilt Costumes - Handmade

Christopher Lantz

Wow, Annie. If we could get a bunch a people dressed up like this during the Krampus parade. That would be da bomb.

Submitted by: Unknown (via Youtube)

Tagged: category:Video , halloween costume , stilts , video Share on Facebook
11 Oct 21:30

The Future, A Musical Supercut of Sci-Fi Clips by Eclectic Method

by Justin Page
Christopher Lantz

Hey everyone, look... a supercut of the future. Where you and I will spend the rest of our lives... in the future.

The supercut music video titled The Future by Eclectic Method mixes a fantastic musical track together with a condensed series of futuristic / predictive scenes from popular science fiction films. We have previously written about Eclectic Method and their collection of music and media creations.

Eclectic Method has supercut some of our favorite scenes from movies that turn a predictive eye to the future. Blade Runner’s Megacities alongside A.I.’s flooded New York and Idiocracy’s run down shanty towns. Some technology predictions in these films have already proven to be accurate and some are still a ways off – or not! … cameras on every corner, oil shortages, massive cultural uprisings in the middle east, retinal scans, X-Rays, flying cars and hoverboards, hybrid humans, robots, A.I., teleportation and so on. Who really watches Sci-Fi for the plot anyway, you wanna see the goodness condensed.

Rest assured though, in the future, as in the present, there will be both Coke and Pepsi!

The Future, A Musical Supercut of Sci-Fi Clips by Eclectic Method

Submitted by Jonny Wilson

11 Oct 19:16

Who Needs Hardwood Floors When You've Got SHAG?

11 Oct 18:59

BLR: First 2012 Presidential Debate, Eye of the Sparrow

Christopher Lantz

BLR just gets better and better.

Bad Lip Reading of the First 2012 Presidential Debate.
10 Oct 22:59

this isn't happiness™ Peteski

by turn
Christopher Lantz

Hey look everybody, it's Mr. Tumnus!

10 Oct 07:32

NBC delays Community -- so it can actually promote it

by Jamie Frevele
Christopher Lantz

Seriously, NBC. Fuck you.

While everyone is enthusiastically awaiting the return of NBC's Community this fall, news broke today that the network was delaying its fourth season premiere indefinitely. Now, when I first read this, my first thought -- and many probably thought the same -- was that NBC was screwing over Community, yet again. But, as it turns out, it's the total opposite. Instead of just taking it off the schedule, launching it into further obscurity so it can die a quiet death, the network wants to put the proper spotlight on it and spend more time marketing it.

NBC released a statement saying that their current lineup of new shows is benefiting from their attention, so they've chosen to shelf the premieres of both Community and Whitney, which were originally going to premiere next Friday.

"Without having to launch these comedies on Friday at this time, we can keep our promotion focused on earlier in the week; plus, we will have both comedies in our back pocket if we need to make any schedule changes on those nights. When we have a better idea of viewing patterns in the next few weeks, we will announce new season premieres of Whitney and Community."

So, it's very nice of NBC to spare Community from being overshadowed by all the marketing they'll be doing for their new shows. It's also amazingly ironic, considering how they have had Community on their channel for three years and barely promoted it at all, then wondered why the ratings were so bad, and then banished it to Friday nights next to one of its most reviled new shows. So, now they're going to take the time to promote it? I suppose that if it has to be on Friday nights, it's a good thing they're finally going to give it the attention it deserves. But isn't that like having an aunt who says you never, ever visit her, then when she ends up in the hospital and you realize she might die, you go see her once -- for your own peace of mind?

NBC -- your best fair-weather nephew. Check this space for the new premiere dates.

Photo credit: Trae Patton for NBC

NBC Delays 'Community,' 'Whitney' Returns [The Hollywood Reporter]

09 Oct 23:17

Tackle Litter, A Trash Can Monster Tackles Litterers in Irish Campaign

by Rusty Blazenhoff
Christopher Lantz

lol.... I wonder if this can be my new job.

Tackle Litter, Before it tackles you.

Ireland’s litter problem is being addressed head on in ‘Tackle Litter‘, an anti-littering campaign by The South Dublin County Council. Watch in their video as a trash can monster literally tackles people who litter.

Tackle Monster

via Tastefully Offensive

09 Oct 20:07

Destination WIN!: Welcome to Fall

Christopher Lantz

Ours is the Fury!

Destination WIN!: Welcome to Fall

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: best of week , category:Image , deer , fall , hall of fame , leaves , nature , season Share on Facebook
09 Oct 20:04

A PSA That Aims to End First World Problems

by Rusty Blazenhoff

Too many groceries

I bought too many groceries, now I have to make two trips!

In this faux PSA video, Ryan Higa explains how thousands of people every day fall victim to FWP (First World Problems) and what steps we can all take to end these hardships. The solution lies in simple tools: a picture of a bridge, a straw, and a full cup of capped water.

Now shut the full cup

via Viral Viral Videos

09 Oct 19:37

Big Bang Theory Plus Evolution

Christopher Lantz

A stunning visual depiction of the formation of our solar system and life on this planet.

Great animation on the universe as we know it. Who made this video?