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30 Jan 21:36


by VladyslavAfrin777
Vladyslav Afrin



それらはたくさんあります!強力な機能を備えたかなり高価なIDEがあり、無料のものもあります。 IDEのような機能がある場合とない場合のコードエディタがあります。







ソロで開発しますか、それとも大規模な作業環境に適したJavaScript IDEが必要ですか?あなたはそれを質素でミニマリストに保つのが好きですか、それとも快適さと実用性のためにあなたのツールをティーにパーソナライズしようとしますか?大きなプロジェクトを行うには、大量のパッケージとビーストマシンが必要ですか?
















1. Visual Studio業界標準のソフトウェア


間違いなく、フロントエンド開発に最適なIDEの1つはMicrosoft VisualStudioです。また、非常に人気のある無料のオープンソース派生のVisual Studio Codeもあり、これはライトバージョンと見なすことができます。ただし、この決まり文句に惑わされないでください。それ自体が強力なJavaScriptエディターです。 JS州が実施した調査によると、これは2018年に最も広く使用されたテキストエディターでした。


VS Code、SublimeText、Vim、WebStorm、Atomが続き、2万人の調査参加者のうち1万4千人以上のユーザーがいます。 JSとは別に、RubyPython、C#などの30のプログラミング言語をサポートしています。Ruby開発に興味がある場合は、この記事をご覧ください。

Microsoft Visual Studioは、非常にリソースを大量に消費する強力なIDEであり、主にC、C ++ 、. NET、およびC#での本格的なソフトウェア開発に使用されます。同時編集計画や足場などの優れた機能を備えています。業界最高のCodeIntelを見つけ、デバッガーを内蔵しています。言い換えれば、それは適切な業界グレードのIDEです。




27 Jan 08:32

The Ultimate Guide to SaaS Metrics

by Eugenia Eremenko
Vladyslav Afrin

SaaS Metrics

How do such companies as Netflix, Dropbox, Uber, Slack, and others keep on track and withstand the modern market? We know the answer! Performance metrics, benchmarking, and analytics are magic beans for successful SaaS companies. 

Metrics are merely a reflection of the product strategy that you have in place. Data is powerful because it is concrete. For many entrepreneurs, particularly with technical backgrounds, empirical data can trump everything else – best practices, guys with fancy educations and job titles – and for a good reason. It’s really the skeptic’s best weapon, and it’s been an essential tool in helping startups solve problems in new and innovative ways.” (Andrew Chen, Rider Growth Lead at Uber)

SaaS as IT market driver

In a nutshell, SaaS (Software as a Service) means software provided by one or more vendors remotely based on subscription. For the last few years, SaaS has been known as one of the most zooming IT markets.

SaaS as IT market driver

According to Gartner’s forecast, subscription-based software will keep growing and will reach USD 364 million in 2022 through the scalability of the SaaS revenue model and will remain the largest IT market segment. The lockdown due to COVID-19 this year has forced the demand for collaboration tools with better features and work speed. This resulted in a higher interest in SaaS offers worldwide.


Read more about SaaS business model in our blog.

Using data metrics in SaaS

Jelvix helps SaaS clients to identify points of growth and reduction marks with the help of key metrics interpretation. Measuring and explication of performance show opportunities and help to spare resources efficiently.

In this blog, we aim to elucidate an approach to SaaS measurements and explain which metrics you need to scale and when.

To develop an advantageous strategy of growth and reveal success points, the team needs to understand what SaaS metrics are, know the types of metrics, track them habitually, and learn how to get insights from the analytics.

SaaS metrics can be split according to their purpose:

  • Success metrics
  • Sales metrics
  • Customer success metrics

Let’s intently look at every group.

Success metrics

We gathered here a list of key metrics for SaaS companies that reflect the big picture of your business – combining SaaS financial metrics, sales, customer success, and marketing figures. With this list of SaaS metrics, you can quickly get the information about general performance and where to develop further:

  • MRR, Monthly recurring revenue
  • Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)
  • Churn rates
  • Gross margin, COGS, EBITDA SM, Rule of 40

MRR, Monthly recurring revenue

MRR shows recurring revenue per month and is one of the vital metrics that should be tracked in SaaS reporting. We recommend paying attention to this one if your business model primarily intends a monthly subscription. This index helps to generalize all subscription plans to a single number tracked monthly. 


MRR = number of customers * average amount billed

10 customers * $100 per month = $1,000 MRR

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)

ARR is pretty much the same as MRR but primarily used for companies with yearly subscription plans. However, both MRR and ARR are important.

Annual Recurring Revenue is calculated by multiplying MRR by 12 (months), which results in yearly income.


ARR =( # of customers * average billed amount)*12

(10 customers * $100/month)*12 = $12,000 ARR

MRR (ARR): Net and Growth rate

A few components affect the MRR or ARR dynamics (depending on the period under review), summing up the value from different sources and forming Net MRR (ARR):

  • New MRR (ARR) – stats of added revenue;
  • Churned MRR (ARR) – stats of unsubscriptions. This can be a negative number;
  • Expansion MRR (ARR) – stats of extended subscriptions;
  • Contraction MRR (ARR) – stats of downgraded subscriptions. This can be a negative number;
  • Reactivation MRR (ARR) – stats of revenue gained from previously churned customers who returned.

Summing this up, we can get an all-embracing MRR figure which indicates the company’s growth:

Net MRR Growth Rate


MRR Growth rate, % = (Net MRR month 2 – Net MRR month 1) / Net MRR month 1 * 100


Churn rates

SaaS revenue is evenly allocated along the customer lifecycle while sales costs are spent upfront, which causes the necessity of setting up suitable metrics for customer churn. Due to the business’s recurring nature, SaaS is supposed to gain revenue as long as the customer stays with the service. 

Customer churn rate

As you can figure, the Customer churn rate indicates the number of customers who left after signing on. This metric can be used as one of the SaaS marketing metrics. Learning more about churned customers means gathering feedback, competitor analytics, and taking steps to fit customers’ expectations.


Customer churn rate = (Customers who left at a particular timeframe/total amount of customers acquired at the same timeframe)*100


This month you got 200 customers and 5 customers who left. This makes a churn rate of 2,5%

Besides monthly figures, Annual customer churn is essential too. The reason for that is simple – you can set an acceptable figure for monthly churn and miss the fact that over the year, it will turn into a disaster.

For example, the Monthly churn rate at a level of 5% will turn into a terrifying 54% on a 12-month basis.


Annual customer churn rate = (1 – Monthly churn rate)*12


            (1 – 0,05)*12= 54%

Revenue churn rate

We also allocate Revenue churn rate, or MRR churn rate, as one of the key SaaS metrics. It indicates the rate of lost MRR due to subscriptions downgrade and unsubscribed customers. To count that, we divide the difference between the MRR of the last period and the current MRR to the last month’s MRR.


Revenue churn rate = MRR last month – MRR this month/MRR last month


November MRR = $9 000, December MRR = $8 750, Revenue churn rate will be 9000-8750/9000 = 2,7% or $250 

All these examples are pretty simple, although in real business, churn calculations could be more complicated as we have to take into account upsells, various pricing packs, etc. Thereby, the revenue churn rate can be negative, while the customer churn rate is positive. For instance, there was a churned customer and an upsell in the same month. So we have to use the interconnection of SaaS metrics to see the clear picture. 

Gross margin, EBITDA SM

Gross margin is a revenue ratio left after the withdrawal of costs for customer acquisition and service. These costs are also called Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), and in SaaS, they usually contain spendings on customer support, hosting fees, third-party services payments, etc.

General formula:

Gross margin %: (Revenue – COGS)/Revenue

Gross margin is one of the most common business metrics, and you can find detailed consistency of it in SaaS here:

Saas Gross margin

A distinguishing mark of the SaaS business model is the ability to indefinitely gain customers keeping COGS on relatively the same level, which leads to higher gross margins in this business.

EBITDA SM (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, sales, and marketing) means operating turnout, including amortization, R&D, sales, marketing, and account management costs.

The common performance benchmark for the overall software business is to follow the 40% rule.

“The Rule of 40”

Sticking to this rule is a way to keep the company “healthy.” The essence of the rule is that the SaaS growth rate (Net MRR growth rate) + EBITDA SM should stay at the >40 percent level. Let’s check some examples to clarify.

  • If the company is growing 20 percent (growth rate), it should generate a 20 percent profit (EBITDA SM) for the same period, which makes 40 percent. 
  • If the growth rate is 40 percent, it is acceptable to have a 0 percent profit for the same period.
  • If the growth rate is 50 percent, then losses at the level of 10 percent wouldn’t crush the business. 

Following the rule of 40 gives impressive results.

Sales metrics: how to measure sales growth?

Splitting key SaaS metrics into groups is a way to distinguish instruments for measuring different edges of a profitable business. So let’s turn to SaaS sales. Roughly SaaS sales process looks like this:

Sales metrics

A successful SaaS sale is a topic for another blog post. Here we want to explain the key SaaS sales metrics revealing insights regarding your sales team efficiency, the validity of the pricing model, and most importantly – the customer lifetime with your service. 

List of metrics:

  • Total Contract Value (TCV), Annual Contract Value (ACV)
  • Average Revenue per Account (ARPA)
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)
  • LTV: CAC
  • Win Rate

Total Contract Value (TCV), Annual Contract Value (ACV)

Annual Contract Value represents annual income per contract. Total Contract Value respectively shows income during the whole period of the contract.


ACV = total contract value (excluding one-time payments) / total years in contract

Let’s see an example:

There are three customers with the following plans paying yearly:

Customer A: $800/year for 1 year

Customer B: $700/year for 2 years

Customer C: $600/year for 3 years

Then, ACV for year 1 will be:

($800+$700+$600)/3 = $ 700

ACV for year 2 will be lower because there are two customers in the contract:

($700+$600)/2 = $650

Third-year ACV will be the lowest:

($600)/1 = $600

TCV, in this case, will be $800 for Customer A, $1400 for Customer B, and $1800 for Customer C.

Average Revenue per Account (ARPA)

One of the aspects we help our customers to investigate is business viability. Average Revenue Per Account is one of the operational metrics, and it indicates how much revenue is committed by a “standard” customer. It is also reasonable to implicate this metric to new and existing customers separately to see their behavior and reveal patterns.

ARPA can also be modified into ARPU or The Average Revenue Per Unit.


ARPA (ARPU) = Total monthly recurring revenue/Total number of subscribers

As an example, check how ARPU can be visualized:


Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

Customer acquisition cost is one of the growth metrics especially important for SaaS during the early stage of development. This business model faces significant expenses upfront to acquire customers in the growing phase, while the profit from investments returns for a long time. At the moment, when profit from existing customers covers the cost of new client acquisition – your company gets over this period and turns profitable. 


CAC = Marketing & Sales Expenses / No. of New Customers Added

Namely, customer acquisition cost indicates the cost of single customer acquisition and can be fractured into three types:

  • Blended CAC: this index reflects the amount you spend on marketing and sales to acquire 1 customer;
  • Paid CAC indicates your spending on paid campaigns for single customer acquisition;
  • CAC payback period (months) shows how much time it takes to cover the costs of signed customer acquisition. It is counted by dividing CAC by MRR per customer.


Customer Lifetime Value (LTV or CLTV, CLV)

Customer Lifetime Value – this metric represents the total revenue brought by customers during the whole subscription period.

We advise paying attention to LTV as it gives two valuable insights:

  • the volume of revenue generated by every customer;
  • the time when the customer is generating that revenue.

Knowing this information, we can improve retention strategies by concentrating on holding those customers who bring more value for a more extended period.


LTV = ARPA / Churn rate

(if you take the monthly Churn rate, then the ARPA should be taken on a monthly level as well)


To gauge business scalability, we need to mix SaaS metrics and explore existing business models, offer relevance, and cost-value ratio. One of the cases, when metrics are more meaningful when combined, is LTV and CAC.

To understand if the business will gain money in the distant future, we need to keep LTV to CAC ratio on the level of >3. 

If a company is gaining more profit from its customers, than it has spent on acquisition – it is in the safe zone. The associated thing we pay attention to is the time to recover CAC. The aim is to make it less than a year, improve profitability, and get cash as soon as possible.

LTV to CAC ratio

Win Rate

A simple way to check sales efficiency is to count the rate of won contracts. It is calculated as a share of won deals out of total deals and can be expressed as a percentage, or you can also count it in value terms.

A common benchmark of Win rate ratio = 1 indicates that contract revenues will cover sales and marketing expenses in the next 4 quarters. Although, there is a huge matter of the types of leads (whether they came from referrals or organic search), deal sizes, etc.  

Customer success metrics

Another important point we have to consider while speaking about SaaS success metrics is customer retention. Does your product have all features to satisfy customers’ needs? How do users interact with your service or product? What do they want to get from it? Getting to know customers can open wide opportunities for upselling as well as giving ideas on how to improve the product itself.

We advise you to look at these main metrics which will help you to systematize data about your customers:

  • Daily Active Users and Monthly Active Users (DAU and MAU)
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  • Upsell & Cross-sell Rate
  • Referral Revenue and Referral ROI

Daily Active Users and Monthly Active Users

DAU and MAU are simply the number of unique users who interacted with your product during a day or a month, respectively. The most important thing here is to define what will be counted as a “user”: one who logged in today, one who spent some time in the application, one who clicked a particular button, you name it.

Tracking this metric can indicate if everything is right and people are using software routinely. If the number of active users drops, it should be a signal that something went wrong, and the product should be checked.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Working with SaaS analytics, we usually track regular indices. But when talking about clients, we need to research customer experience using NPS. 

To make it simple, Net Promoter Score asks a single question about the possibility of recommending a service/brand to a friend or a colleague. Respondents answer by choosing possibilities from 0 to 10. 

Based on the answers to this questionnaire, we divide the customers into three groups: 

  • Detractors – people who don’t like the service;
  • Passives – those who are indifferent;
  • Promoters – people who like and would be happy to recommend the service.


NPS = percent of Promoters – percent of Detractors 

The ideal goal is to have as many Promoters as possible. Based on Net Promoter Score, companies can develop specific activities for each group to encourage and uphold customers.


Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

While NPS measures general customer satisfaction, CSAT is used to get user thoughts about particular features of the product. To count CSAT, the users are asked to rate the product and/or its features on the scale (1-3, 0-7, 1-10, etc.).


CSAT = sum of scores/total respondents amount

Upsell & Cross-sell Rate

These metrics are used to calculate how well existing customers are upgrading their accounts or buying additional services/features.


Upsell rate = ACV of upsells in certain timeframe / Total ACV in the same timeframe

The same formula is used to calculate the cross-sell rate.

Referral Revenue and Referral ROI

Referral revenue is an aggregated income by successful customer referrals over the period. To gain insights from this figure, it should be compared to the number of investments to the referral program.

Involving people in referral programs is one of the cost-effective ways to generate leads. Customers not only bring revenues for their contracts but also get into inviting new users. Referral ROI reveals how much the company will generate during the LTV for each dollar spent on the referral program. We can count the amount spent on referrals and compare it to potential referral revenues:


Referral ROI = (LTV – Referral Incentive) / Referral Incentive

For instance, an average customer pays $800 per month for a lifetime of 24 months.

LTV = $800 * 24 = 19,200

The referral program implies an offer of -20% of the monthly charge for both the user and the one he invites ($800*0.2 = $160) for 12 months.

So cost of referral proposition incentive is ($160*12)+($160*12) = $3840

Referral ROI = ($19200 – $3840) / $3840 = 4

So the company is gaining $4 for each $1 spent on the referral program. Not bad.

Marketing management: how much should a company spend on marketing?

It is a common question we get from SaaS clients, how much and when to spend on marketing. Taking into account the upfront spending, company management wants to play safely in this field. 

The usual benchmark would be: 10% ratio from general revenue can be spent on marketing. But practically, we realized two additional pillars to pay attention to while estimating marketing spends:

  • Average deal size and company size;
  • Compare planned spending to new orders, not revenues.

There is no multipurpose recipe regarding marketing spending. Talking to our clients, we often see that they are too optimistic about their CAC level. Primarily our advice is to review different channels that are used and figure out the most effective and reasonable ones. By doing this, we can identify senseless spending and optimize marketing costs.

Another way for SaaS to see if they spend enough on marketing is to compare themselves to companies of similar size and type of product.

SaaS benchmarking

What does “good” look like? We track a lot of metrics, but how do we know if everything goes as it has to? It is a challenging task to figure out how much and where to invest for maximum ROI.

Benchmarking is a path, not a strict guideline. There are many topical articles and figures that are useful for reports and as input at strategic sessions. Generally, you can find Benchmarking reports with generic data. 

In Jelvix, we anticipate ways to improve business performance and marketing effectiveness for our clients. We can work out benchmarks and SaaS KPIs for every stage of SaaS business development. Contact us for benchmarking tips! 

saas business metrics


SaaS valuation metrics serve one goal: to help you make optimal decisions to drive your business. It can be a compass pointing in the right direction of causes, growth opportunities, and ultimate solutions.

SaaS business is all about the customer’s lifecycle. Each phase of business development and every stage of customer involvement is countable and can be tracked. Aggregation of all data and wise usage of the figures gathered can give a push for another successful world-known business. 

We hope that the above information gave you an idea about SaaS measurement. If you have any thoughts – join the discussion or drop us a message

The post The Ultimate Guide to SaaS Metrics appeared first on Jelvix.

27 Jan 08:32

Bootstrap vs Material: Which One is Better?

by Eugenia Eremenko
Vladyslav Afrin

Bootstrap or Material

Our current generation of millennials craves instant gratification, which is evident in our fast-paced society and how we use the Internet today. It’s a known fact that 55% of web users spend less than 15 seconds on a web page before losing focus. This clearly states why interactive and intuitive web designs have become more critical than ever. 

And with only 15 seconds to make a great impression and deliver value to web users, developers will certainly have their work cut out for them. However, the solution is to design better websites with great UI, excellent user experience, and responsive designs. 

Bootstrap and Material Design have been helping developers achieve this goal for years now. And as they both are giants in the industry, there’s always the question of which is better than the other. We analyzed these two web development platforms, drawing out their similarities and appreciating their differences to understand the unique role in crafting high-quality websites and applications.

As a front-end developer, if you find yourself wondering which is a better design tool or struggling to decide which is better for your web design projects, sit tight and find the answers to your questions in our article on Material UI vs Bootstrap in a few short minutes. 

What is Bootstrap material?

Bootstrap by Twitter is a free open source CSS framework for building responsive websites and web applications. The Bootstrap framework is primarily built on CSS but also has some HTML-based templates and support from JavaScript components, mainly jQuery. 

Since its launch in August 2011, Bootstrap has become one of the most popular web design systems. Bootstrap provides developers with an array of useful design elements and components for making websites and web apps that are highly optimized for mobile use, even without writing a single line of code.

Material: The Basics

Material Design by Google is an advanced designing platform that furnishes developers with an exhaustive framework for creating websites and applications with high interactive and mobile-first UI with responsive designs. Material Design is based on the expanded card motif system used by Google Now.

It includes responsive grid-based layouts, animations, and transitions, with the sole aim of delivering high-quality output and consistent UX across all platforms. 

As a design language, Material has a set of guidelines and rules for approaching different design situations. But it’s more than just a design language.

Material brings a new meaning to design with fluid motions, tangible surfaces, and vivid colors that mirror the real world with subtle visual cues, thus eliminating the need to engage the cognitive mind. It aims at eliminating ambiguity and creating great UI/UX with the ultimate intuitive designs. 

great UI

Material Design vs Bootstrap: How They Compare

Browser Compatibility

Every developer understands the importance of browser compatibility for websites and web applications. With the number of browser options out there, a website built without the required flexibility to display efficiently and maintain functionality on any browser is certainly set to fail. 

For a website to be compatible with different browsers, it has to look perfect and remain functional in each web browser, which can be a little tricky to achieve because web browsers read website codes differently. Thankfully, both Bootstrap and Material took this into account and gave their design tools the ability to adapt to each browser and remain functional. 

Browser compatibility doesn’t only determine how webpages appear on different browsers; it also improves web traffic and significantly boosts performance.

In this category, Bootstrap and Material are evenly matched as both provide developers with a website that seamlessly adapts to different browsers ensuring that users land on aesthetically-pleasing and fully functional websites, irrespective of what browsers they use. 

Responsive Grid System

We live in a fast-paced world where people work on-the-go, and virtually everyone spends incredible amounts of their time each day glued to their smartphones. Mobile phones have evolved to small computers, and accessing the Internet via these devices accounts for 51.53% of the worldwide web traffic, which only emphasizes the need for responsive web pages.


Waaark is an example of a Material-based website

These two design tools utilize a grid system based on columns with similar structure and class names but not without distinct features. Created as a completely responsive framework for building mobile-friendly websites, Bootstrap anchors on a fluid 12-grid system to achieve the flexibility required for a high responsive mobile-first website. 

The Bootstrap grid system uses containers, rows, and columns to ensure that apps and websites are adaptable to devices of varied screen sizes, especially mobile screens. This 12-grid system follows a series of defined rules; for instance, rows are only used to create columns; rows must be empty; rows and columns come together to create containers, etc. 

Material Design also leverages a 12-grid system for creating its responsive UI. To ensure that developers give users an integrally responsive UI, Material’s 12-grid system uses columns, gutters, and margins to provide a very flexible layout, which achieves the ultimate goal of a completely responsive design.

And as the end-users switch from laptops to mobile devices, the website automatically resizes and rearranges its features to perfectly adapt to the new screen size. Responsive designs not only make working on different devices seamless but also improve speed and efficiency. 


Although both Bootstrap and Material are hinged on a 12-grid system with a set of rules and guidelines, they are both easily customizable. Any developer can create a unique website using either Material or Bootstrap, coupled with some imagination and a little creativity. 

Bootstrap is built for easy web design, and with a few changes, you can make something of your own. However, Material Design offers more options for customizations and trumps Bootstrap in this section. Material offers more flexibility and gives developers more room to play around and come up with something truly unique, as it perfectly integrates rules and flexibility. 

The developers using Bootstrap, who want to achieve the level of customization that Material offers, will have to first go through the Bootstrap framework to identify and discard design elements they do not need, and this can be tiresome.

Bootstrap vs Angular Material: Key Differences

Bootstrap Vs Angular

Design Intent

There is no doubt that both Bootstrap and Material were created for web developments. However, at the very core, these two design platforms were created with completely different ideas. 

While Material Design focuses on how various design elements interact to create an aesthetically-pleasing website that is also mobile-friendly, Bootstrap is more concerned with making websites and web apps responsive and functional. This is the sole reason why Material Design offers more flexibility and gives room for creativity.


With tons of scripts, features, CSS classes, and jQuery dependency, Bootstrap has proven to be a somewhat complex framework. This gives rise to problems like a slow and bulky app with lots of useless features that lower performance and drain battery. 

Optimizing your Bootstrap-based app and improving performance requires you to sort through the framework and remove any components you do not need. In contrast, Material Design has React-based components that are independent of each other, enabling developers to work with only what they need or want to use.

Apple Music

Apple Music is an example of a Bootstrap-based website

Design Process and Components

Both Material and Bootstrap come with an impressive number of components and guidelines that provide the foundation developers can build on. Here, you can find both similarities and differences within the design systems. 

For instance, both Bootstrap and Material have menu components with very different implementations. The Bootstrap navbar component is equivalent to the toolbar in Material, but Material has a sidebar component, which Bootstrap doesn’t. 

The design systems feature components for both a regular menu and a drop-down one, but incorporating the drop-down menu in your Material-based website will require a lot of twerks and plugins. At the same time, Bootstrap makes it as seamless and simple as other customizing options. 

Bootstrap provides developers with a standard default system for creating easy websites and web applications, while Material offers a wide range of features for creating eye-catching websites with bold colors and engaging animations. 

Consistency and Uniqueness

Bootstrap doesn’t just want to make building responsive and mobile-friendly websites easy for developers. It also aims to give both web users and developers some form of consistency across all platforms. 

And there is a high level of consistency between Bootstrap-based websites and applications, making them very intuitive and user-friendly but at the same time not unique. When you think of creating a different and truly unique website, Material is definitely better than Bootstrap. 

With very little UX consistency and highly customizable features, Material gives developers a plethora of options for creating tons of different UI with guidelines for colors, shapes, typography, animations, navigation, etc., and your only limit is your imagination. 

Community Support

This is where Bootstrap shines. It has a large and active online developers’ community and an incredible amount of resources on its website to provide the developers using Bootstrap with the necessary support. 

This ensures that web development is made as easy as possible and any problems encountered by developers are promptly fixed. Bootstrap also takes code documentation very seriously, which improves code readability, code maintenance, and usability by other developers. 

The commitment of the Bootstrap team to fixing issues quickly and regularly improving the efficiency of their framework is really commendable. Material also offers community support for developers, but it doesn’t quite measure up to what Bootstrap already has in place.


Find out why we consider React JS faster than Angular.

What is Bootstrap Best for? Any Drawbacks?

Bootstrap is currently one of the most used UI libraries for developers. It offers an impressive collection of themes available and has all the requirements for tackling new web design projects in a relatively short time. 

The Bootstrap framework is set up for both professionals and beginner developers who do not have any advanced design or coding skills. With Bootstrap, even beginner developers can find their way around and come up with beautifully designed websites in a short period of time. It requires minimal design skills, very little imagination, and almost no creativity.

The tons of integrated features make it possible for just about anyone with basic design skills to build a responsive website without having to write a single line of code themselves. All you have to do is select your desired theme, pay, download, and start making any changes you want. 

While it seems like the perfect tool for building websites and web applications, Bootstrap does have a couple of drawbacks, which we discuss below. 


Lyft is another Bootstrap-based website

It’s a Bit too Consistent 

The Bootstrap framework was created to enable developers to build mobile-friendly and responsive websites, using a standard interface and investing very little time and effort. The end result is always a familiar interface that provides consistency in the user experience. However, there might be a problem with it – all Bootstrap-based websites have this uncanny resemblance to each other. 

With bold headlines and similar typography, these websites are very alike and easily recognizable since none of them is unique. This is more so when different developers use the same theme for their websites despite the changes they may have made to the theme.

Since Bootstrap doesn’t give much room for customization, websites with similar themes even look more alike. And if you want something truly unique, Material UI and Foundation are some great alternatives to Bootstrap.

It Ban Be too Bulky 

As a framework that uses CSS and HTML templates with jQuery dependencies, this can add bulk to a site, making it unsuitable for simple websites. But there is a solution to this problem. 

Creating a lightweight Bootstrap website will require you to discard every component you find useless first, but usually, this is not easy and takes a whole lot of time, which significantly reduces the speed of development. 

What is Material Best for? Any Drawbacks?

While Bootstrap has the primary aim of helping developers make responsive websites fast, Material Design is focused on enabling developers to create the best UI/UX they can imagine.

Material Design is still very responsive and mobile-friendly. Still, it aims at creating profound interactions between design elements, transitions, and animations, ensuring they seamlessly come together to make a perfect replica of what is obtainable in real life. 

It hinges on making interactions between users and surfaces more responsive and intuitive than ever and provides a comprehensive design platform with a set of guidelines for any form of complex design. 

And following laid out guidelines, developers can better navigate the system and combine subtle animations with bold colors to come up with something interactive, intuitive, and authentic, not to mention visually appealing. Even as one of the best Bootstrap alternatives, Material Design still has a few drawbacks. 

Dropbox Business

Dropbox Business is another Material-based website

It’s Somewhat too Comprehensive

Material Design has a comprehensive set of rules for tackling virtually all design problems. These guidelines provide developers with solutions to all potential design problems, which, on the one hand, is fantastic. However, it can prevent creatives from digging deep within themselves to provide inventive solutions to real issues, thereby impeding innovation. 

The comprehensive nature of Material Design can also overwhelm beginner developers as they may feel lost in the vast and complex design specifications; exhaustive rules and considerations maybe a little too much for newbies. 

Some Designs are Not Very Intuitive

We know the importance of intuitive designs. Users should never have to think or guess what actions different features and buttons represent on a webpage or a web app. Because when this happens, it significantly reduces the functionality and usability of the site, and a negative user experience defeats the whole aim of intuitive designs. 

Creating intuitive designs means that every design element, including icons and buttons, should serve a clearly defined purpose. While Material Design has achieved this aim on many occasions, it still has icons that are not immediately recognizable, interfering with usability. 

For instance, the circular floating button you can see in many Android apps usually has space for only an icon with no descriptive text to specify what function it performs.

The floating action button is certainly beautiful and visually appealing, but if the icon is not immediately recognizable and users have to click on it to find out what purpose it serves, this constitutes a bad UX design. And in web design, aesthetics should never trump intuitive designs. 

Bootstrap vs Material



Can We Use Bootstrap and Material Together?

Yes, it’s possible to work with Bootstrap and Material Design simultaneously. These two design systems have their differences, but they also have a lot in common, and you can use one to compliment the other. 

For instance, if you’re working on a project with Bootstrap and decide you need a few components available in Material but not Bootstrap, you can incorporate whatever Material components you need to your Bootstrap project. 

Alternatively, you can use Material Design for Bootstrap (mdbootstrap), which is a Bootstrap design tool for building Material Design apps with HTML, CSS, and JS. 

Angular Material vs Bootstrap: Which Has a More Flexible Layout 

From the discussions above, it’s apparent that Material Design has more flexibility and offers creatives more opportunities for customization while exploring their creativity. Bootstrap, on the other hand, maintains a more consistent UI/UX and has a less flexible framework.

Can I Convert Bootstrap to Material?

Despite the glaring differences between the two, the Bootstrap and Material frameworks have a lot in common; therefore, it’s absolutely possible to convert a Bootstrap website to Material. However, the simplicity of this endeavor will depend on the size and complexity of the website. 

A simple Bootstrap-based website with only a few changes will be easier to convert to Material. However, if the site in question is large with a highly customized Bootstrap framework, it may be a little complex. 

Do Professionals Use Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is undoubtedly an excellent design tool for developers, and professional front-end developers also find it useful. When working on a project, most professionals will use whatever tools that will permit them to accomplish their objective within a given time frame, and if it means using Bootstrap, then Bootstrap it is. It’s an excellent tool for building responsive and functional sites within a short time and with ease. 


BuzzFeed is a Material-based mobile app

So here’s the big question!

Bootstrap or Material for Next Web or App Development Project? 

As you may have guessed, the answer to this question depends solely on what project you’re working on and what objectives you’re striving to achieve. If you’re aiming at building simple but professional and highly responsive websites in the shortest possible time, then Bootstrap should be your go-to design tool. 

But if you want a bit of sophistication, with vibrant colors, visual clues, and subtle animations that blend in with inventive and intuitive designs, think of Material Design. And if you want the best of both worlds, then it’s Material Design for Bootstrap (mdbootstrap).

The post Bootstrap vs Material: Which One is Better? appeared first on Jelvix.

27 Jan 08:30

Machine Learning in Demand Forecasting

by Eugenia Eremenko
Vladyslav Afrin

What is Demand Forecasting?

Running a successful business and keeping a regular check on all the activities is quite a challenging task. You need to look up so many things like the number of inventory units required to be in full stock or how often you need to replenish inventory, and how those projections will change over time.

If your business is generating gradual sales or is in high-growth mode, this article will be perfect for you as it will guide you properly to improve your ability in Demand Forecasting.

ML in forecasting

What is Demand Forecasting?

Demand Forecasting can be defined as a process of analyzing historical sales data to develop an estimate of an expected forecast of customer demand. In business, Demand Forecasting gives us an estimate of the number of goods and services that the customers will likely purchase in the future.

Critical business premises like turnover, capital expenditure, risk evaluation, profit margins, cash flow, capacity planning are all basically dependent on Demand Forecasting. If explained briefly, Demand Forecasting helps the business estimate the total sales and revenue for the upcoming future.


Benefits of Demand Forecasting 

Demand Forecasting is essential for e-commerce as you cannot run a successful business without a thorough understanding of demand. Companies aren’t capable of making the right decisions about marketing spendings, production, staffing, etc.

The accuracy of Demand Forecasting is not exactly 100%. Still, there are steps you can take to improve production lead times, increase operational efficiencies, save money, launch new products, and provide your customer with better quality and satisfaction. Demand Forecasting will help you in the following ways.

  • Budget Preparation

Demand Forecasting helps make efficient financial decisions and reduce risks that impact profit margins, cash flow, expansion opportunities, operating costs, inventory accounting, staffing, resource allocation, and overall spendings. All tactical and operational plans are dependant on forecasting demand.

  • Pricing Strategy Development

Demand Forecasting is not all about perfecting a business’s production schedule to supply demand, but it also helps in pricing products based on their demand. Understanding the market and potential opportunities can lead to the growth of the business. The best strategy is to formulate competitive pricing, employ the right marketing tactics, and invest in their development.

If you choose to cut prices or place an item on promotion, the demand for it may temporarily increase. The promotion will be beneficial as it will give an instant boost to sales.

If a product is in high demand and has a limited supply, you can use the scarcity principle to slightly raise the prices as an exclusive offer.

  • Customer Relationship Management

If customers want to buy something, they expect the product to be available at the moment. Demand Forecasting helps you predict which categories of products will be purchased in the next period from a specific store location. Having a product available at the right time increases customers’ satisfaction and commitment to your brand.

  • Storing Inventory

Demand Forecasting can help you estimate inventory purchase orders and warehousing as more inventory requires more storage. Good inventory management means having enough product on hand that it is available for customers but not too much to result in extra bills for its storage.

Keeping a regular check on inventory levels lets you easily restock and forecast inventory with time.

Types of Demand Forecasting

Demand Forecasting: Types

There are various ways to perform Demand Forecasting for a business. They can be broadly classified based on the level of detail, the time period, and the scope of the market considered.

  • Macro-Micro level

Macro-level Demand Forecasting usually deals with broader market movements that depend on the macroeconomic environment. External Forecasting is generally accomplished to estimate the business’s strategic objectives like product portfolio increment, introducing new customer segments, technological disruptions, and risk mitigation strategies.

At the same time, Demand Forecasting at the micro-level can be specific to a particular business, industry, or customer segment. 

  • Short-term

Short-term Demand Forecasting is carried out for a shorter time period, usually from 3 to 12 months. The seasonal pattern of demand and the effect of strategic decisions on customer demands are taken into consideration.

  • Long-term

Long-term Demand Forecasting is carried out for longer than a year. It aids in identifying and planning for seasonality, annual patterns, production capacity, and expansion over a much more extended period of time.

  • Active Demand Forecasting

Active Demand Forecasting is carried out to categorize and diversify businesses with aggressive growth plans in terms of marketing strategies. It keeps checking on activities like product portfolio expansion, consideration of competitor activities, and external economic environment.

  • Passive Demand Forecasting

This type of Demand Forecasting is carried out for stable-running businesses with conservative growth plans. Simple extrapolations of historical data are extracted out with minimal assumptions. This type of Forecasting is rare and usually is limited to small and local businesses.

Methods of Demand Forecasting 

demand forecasting methods

The selection of an appropriate method for Demand Forecasting is an important step. Demand can be forecast with two different methods, i.e., qualitative methods and quantitative methods.


Let’s take a look at machine learning applications in multiple industries, from digital businesses to industries that are still transforming, to understand the benefits of this technology.

  • Qualitative Methods

The results obtained from qualitative Demand Forecasting are generally more descriptive and detailed than quantitative methods because they  don’t necessarily rely on numerical values as much as they require assumptions and judgment to predict future demand.

The examples of qualitative Demand Forecasting are discussed below.

  • SalesForce Opinion

In this technique, the Salesperson in the team is asked for their opinions and inputs on expected demand. Each Salesperson evaluates their respective regions and product categories for the provision of their customer demand. Finally, the Sales Manager analyzes all the demands and generates the final version of Demand Forecast after overall evaluation.

  • The Delphi Technique

A professional team is appointed to produce a Demand Forecast. Each expert is responsible for generating a forecast of a particular segment assigned to them. After the initial forecasting round, each expert analyzes their forecast and discusses it with other experts. A consequent forecast is made by the team again, and the process is repeated until all the experts reach a general agreement.

The Delphi technique’s advantage is that it involves the opinions of a diverse group of thought leaders and professionals. Still, it often takes longer to conclude due to so many different views involved.

  • Market Research

In the market research method, surveys are explicitly deployed for customers to generate potential demand. Such surveys are generally in the form of queries and suggestions seeking personal, demographic, preferential, and financial information directly from end customers.

Since this technique relies on a random sampling basis, data needs to be considered in terms of the survey regions, locations, and demographics of the end-customer. This type of technique could prove beneficial for products that have little to no demand history. 

The advantage of this method is that your market research efforts will tell you if there is anything wrong with your product and give you an idea about where to improve.

There are a couple of disadvantages to market research as it takes a lot of time to collect and analyze the data from end-customer, which may cause missing out on market share. Plus, market research will cost you a bit more money.

  • Quantitative Methods

The quantitative data method focuses on hard numbers to express variables. For example, waist size, height, stride length, and specific size selection would be considered quantitative.

From the Demand Forecasting standpoint, this method typically looks at statistical data, both in the present and the past, to make decisions for the future.

Some techniques used in quantitative methods are:

  • Econometric forecasting technique

Econometric Forecasting utilizes more complex relationships between demand and influencing factors to understand the relationship between them. An equation is derived and analyzed to ensure a reliable statistical representation. Finally, the projected values of the influencing factors are derived into the equation to generate an accurate forecast.

Econometric Forecasting generally focuses on different aspects of economic interactions with each other. For example, how spendings could influence income, interest rates, debt, unemployment, etc.

  • Trend projection method

This method is suitable for businesses with extensive sales data with a history of 20-24 months. The data extracted generates statistical time series representing previous sales and projected demand for a specific product category under normal conditions by plotting a graph of the given information.

The benefit of the trend projection method is that it is based on numerical data and can be altered in several different ways. The analysis is more precise, and it can be replicated or refined according to need.

The down point of trend projection is that it does not address the underlying problems that may have catalyzed the trend. For example, a natural disaster, like an earthquake or a wildfire, could present you with a slanted view. More data is required to provide accurate projections.

  • Barometric technique

In this technique of Demand Forecasting, current events are recorded for the prediction of the future. In the Demand Forecasting process, this is accomplished by having a look at the economic indicators. Mainly, a demographic evaluation like the Leading series, Lagging series, or Concurrent series is arranged to generate the Demand Forecast.

The barometric forecasting technique’s upside is that it solves the issue of identifying the value of an individual variable. A significant disadvantage of this method is that we can’t use it for long-term forecasting.


Example of Demand Forecasting

A low-scale business might have a goal of a conventional growth plan, whereas another company may be scaling for aggressive growth plans in the future. Here is a scenario that will help you to give an idea for performing Demand Forecasting.

Let’s say a gift shop looks at sales trends from last year’s Thanksgiving week to prepare adequate inventory levels for the next season. They analyze the sales leading into that week last year for a seasonal product.

Everything is going great, and the shop is generating enough sales for them. But a couple of months ago, a competing shop opened few blocks away, so they’re unsure how Thanksgiving demand will be affected if local customers buy products from their competitor.

At the same time, many families continue to shift into the neighborhood, and they’ve still grown at a reasonable rate since the competing chain opened. 

They plan to launch a few more ad campaigns than last year through channels that provided a good ROI for them in the previous season and offer some new deals and promotions to position themselves as the go-to Thanksgiving place. Their calculations project a 5% increase in sales than the previous year.

How to Accurately Forecast Demand 

performing demand forecasting

Forecasting demand the right way is not an easy task. You have to be flexible enough to handle irregular influxes but also take a long-term approach. Here are some tips for performing Demand Forecasting the right way to enhance your business growth.

  • Have a proper objective

When starting Demand Forecasting, a specific purpose should be determined first. At its core, it predicts what, how much quantity, and what time the customers will purchase. Choose the most suitable period, the specific product or category you’re taking a look at, and whether you’re forecasting demand generally or for a particular group of people.

You have to make sure that it satisfies your financial planning, product marketing, logistics, and operations teams in a non-biased way.

You need to understand your objectives for the right demand capacity planning, which will help you in decision-making forecasting processes to understand consumer behavior better and more efficiently.

  • Data Analysis

Integrating all of your sales channels’ records can provide a clearer picture of actual product demand and insight into sales forecasts. Seeing the date and time of orders, SKU(s) ordered, and sales channel will help you forecast growth and trend projection at a more specific level and look back to see how your forecasts came up with reality.

Remember that you should not ignore e-commerce returns, which can be costly. Products with high return rates should be estimated, and adjustments should be made based on the reason for returns. If 10% of items get sent back, and you’re able to decrease it, your production may need to be adjusted as well.

In addition to your past sales data, you may also need to pull in other types of data like market conditions. For ensuring reliability and accuracy, data must be well prepared.

  • Budget accordingly

Once you obtain a feedback loop, you can set your next forecast more accurately and update your budget to allocate funds where they should be going depending on growth goals. Demand Forecasting helps you reduce the costs caused by inventory handling, plan marketing spend, future headcount, production of inventory and its needs, and even new products.

Tips to improve accuracy in forecasting

Tips to improve accuracy in Demand Forecasting

If you have an accurate forecast, you will indeed produce better results. Generating quick, timely, and precise predictions will strengthen your company significantly. The demand forecast is an essential point to manage your decisions. Here, we provide you with a few useful tips which can improve accuracy in your Demand Forecasting.

  • Testing Different Forecasting Methods

When you consider your statistical records from a range of viewpoints, your forecast will be significantly more precise. It could be possible that one model is more suitable to your business than another; taking as many angles as possible into consideration will highlight gaps in reasoning and provide a more flexible and exact result.

  • Minimize Delays

Time lag in data collection will seriously impact the precision of your forecast. Ideally, you want to extract information in real-time to cut down these delays. Late actions can leave a negative impact throughout the supply chain, reducing operational regulations and leaving you behind in the competition. A regular and integrated planning process will aid you in avoiding high-cost overstocks and stock-outs.

  • Periodic Reality Checks

You should update your forecast regularly with the latest sales figures as soon as they are available. The imbalances you discover can be used to adjust your projections to reflect what’s going on in the market. Consider the competitors’ activities and always be mindful of new players taking a step in the market as the environment tend to change quickly.

  • Leverage Quality Data

Statistical forecasting relies altogether on historical data. The details applied for the forecasting model must be complete, accurate, of perfect quality, and drawn from a suitable period in your company’s record. This is the correct way to represent a genuine demand accurately.


ML Demand Forecasting


Demand Forecasting helps businesses conclude an appropriate decision that affects many factors, from inventory management to supply chain optimization.

With customer demands changing faster than ever, businesses need to forecast the demand the right way because accurate forecasts allow you to grow and enhance your sales while improving cost efficiencies from seed to shelf, from ideation to product handling, and from the factory floor to the customer’s door.

The post Machine Learning in Demand Forecasting appeared first on Jelvix.