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03 Jul 05:59

Oily House Index

Jim Paull


We're underwater on our mortgage thanks to the low price of water.
26 Jun 14:18

Draft List Of Countries Allowed To Enter EU From July 2020

by John Ollila
Jim Paull

Hmm, what's wrong with this list?

European Union countries are debating in Brussels what nationalities are allowed to enter the bloc starting next month, and haven’t been able to finalize the list yet.

There have been drafts circulating, and it appears that countries such as the United States, Russia, and Brazil won’t be welcomed yet due to high current infection rates.

As was reported earlier this week, the European Union plans to allow travel to the bloc from countries that have roughly the same number of new infections per 100,000 people, as is the EU’s average.

There are issues with the data from third-party countries because you can keep the infection numbers down by simply not doing tests.

Here’s the list from Euronews (access their piece here):

  • Vatican City
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro
  • Andorra
  • Serbia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ukraine
  • Albania
  • Turkey
  • Kosovo
  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • Turkmenistan
  • Vietnam
  • China
  • Thailand
  • Myanmar
  • Mongolia
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Georgia
  • Bhutan
  • Lebanon
  • Indonesia
  • Uzbekistan
  • India
  • Tajikistan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Palau
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • Dominica
  • Bahamas
  • Saint Lucia
  • Uruguay
  • Jamaica
  • Cuba
  • Guyana
  • Paraguay
  • Venezuela
  • Nicaragua
  • Costa Rica
  • Canada
  • Angola
  • Tunisia
  • Namibia
  • Uganda
  • Mozambique
  • Mauritius
  • Zambia
  • Rwanda
  • Ethiopia
  • Morocco
  • Algeria
  • Egypt

Here’s the current Covid-19 assessment form the ECDC:

Some of the rolling 14-day averages could be low to lack in testing in many countries that suppress the infection rate.


We should know sometime next week who are welcomed to the European Union/Schengen, and if all member countries can agree with unified entry limitations.

There are also EU countries such as Finland that don’t even allow free movement within the bloc yet, and not until later in the summer. Difficult to see them suddenly allowing third-country nationals early next month. There are likely still restrictions place where non-EU citizens permitted to the bloc can travel to.

Not sure if India should be on the list with rising infection numbers and likely limited testing, and I am sure that there are questionable countries too.

26 Jun 14:16

Bloomscape’s Tropical Collection Includes This Sold Out Mini Pineapple Plant That’s Now Back in Stock

by Cara Lynn Shultz
Jim Paull

Awwww wonder if they'd grow @ p1.

It's the easiest way to transform your home into the tropical vacay of your dreams! READ MORE...
18 Jun 18:34

Every Circle on This Map Has the Same 500 Mile Radius

by twistedsifter


The Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection presented by Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569. It became the standard map projection for navigation because of its unique property of representing any course of constant bearing as a straight segment.

As with any map of the world, the Mercator projection makes representational ‘trade-offs’. The Mercator projection exaggerates areas far from the equator, for example: Greenland appears the same size as Africa, when in reality Africa’s area is 14 times greater. [source]

Practically every marine chart in print is based on the Mercator projection due to its uniquely favorable properties for navigation. It is also commonly used by street map services hosted on the Internet. [source]

Despite such distortions, the Mercator projection was, especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, perhaps the most common projection used in world maps. The Mercator projection has been supposed to have influenced people’s view of the world, and because it shows countries near the Equator as too small when compared to those of Europe and North America, it has been supposed to cause people to consider those countries as less important. [source]

If you’re on a desktop, check out the website THE TRUE SIZE OF… which lets you interactively drag countries around the map to see how big they actually are in comparison.

And of course, no post about the Mercator Projection would be complete without mention of this classic clip from the television show, The West Wing:

[via Easytype on reddit]



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14 Jun 15:21

Cambodia Plans To Require $3,000 Deposit Payable At The Airport

by John Ollila
Jim Paull

Damn crazy.

Cambodia made some news late this week when the country’s Health Ministry indicated entry requirements for incoming tourists that would be soon implemented.

It seems that some countries are competing with each other who can have the most draconian and traveler unfriendly entry requirements.

Here’s an excerpt from the Khmer Times (access their piece here):

He instructed the Health Ministry to discuss with relevant banks the possibility of setting up offices at airport for foreigners to pay a $3,000 deposit.

The Health Ministry said in a statement that a foreigner will have to pay $5 for a single trip between the airport and the waiting centre, $100 for a COVID-19 test, $30 for a day’s stay at a hotel or at a waiting centre while waiting for the test results and $30 for three meals during their wait.

It added that if any passenger tests positive for COVID-19, those on the same flight will be quarantined for 14 days and each will be required to pay $100 for one test and $84 dollars a day to pay for the stay in a hotel or quarantine facility, meals, laundry, sanitary services, doctors and security services.

According to the statement, each COVID-19 positive patient will be required to pay $100 per test [maximum four tests] and $225 a day for the hospital room, medical treatment, meals, laundry and sanitary services. It added that in case of death, the cremation service charge is $1,500.To date Cambodia has 126 Coronavirus cases, most of which were imported.


You need to pay a $3,000 deposit at the airport upon arrival that will somehow be refunded at a later point in case you survive.

This sounds really crazy. Just merely being on the same flight with someone testing positive for Covid-19 will put you in self-paid government-mandated quarantine for 14-nights. But if you happen to die, the cremation costs are set at $1,500.

Perhaps this works with some business travelers who fly in on a private plane, but difficult to see this resulting in any significant number of incoming tourists.

08 Jun 05:23

How to Avoid Work from Home Burnout

When you work from home, it can sometimes be hard to separate your job from your personal life. This can lead to burnout, leaving you feeling drained and unmotivated. Fortunately, there are things you can do that will help lessen the chance that you'll feel burned out, which will ultimately make you more productive at work and more satisfied at home in your off time.


[Edit]Prepping for Your Workday

  1. Come up with a routine that signals the start of your workday. Each morning when you wake up, take a few minutes to drink coffee, eat breakfast, watch the news, or whatever you like to do to start your day. Then, when you're ready to switch to work, do something that represents that shift to you. For instance, you might freshen up and put on work clothes in case you need to video chat during the day, or you could open your timesheet and clock in, similar to the way you'd punch in at work.[1]
    Avoid Work from Home Burnout Step 1.jpg
    • This routine doesn't have to be anything fancy. You could simply sit in an area that you've designated for work, as long as that helps you get in the right mindset to start being productive.
  2. Create a distinct, quiet work area. To help keep yourself from blurring the lines between work and your personal life, make a special spot in your home where you plan to work. Keep all of your work supplies in this area, and let your family members or roommates know that when you're working, you need them to try to keep distractions to a minimum.[2]
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    • For instance, you might convert a room (or even a small nook in your main living area) into a home office.
  3. Set clearly-defined work hours. When you're working from home, it can be tempting to be relaxed about your work hours. However, that can lead to unintentionally spending most of your day at work, since you might end up checking emails or finishing up projects during your normal off hours. To avoid that, try to stick to roughly the same starting and ending time for work each day. Also, communicate your schedule to your boss (compromising with them if necessary), so they'll know when they can expect you to be online.[3]
    Avoid Work from Home Burnout Step 3.jpg
    • Keeping a clear separation between your work hours and your off time will help you be more productive during the day while also feeling more relaxed when you're off.
    • Keep in mind that your work-from-home hours might be different than your office hours. For instance, if you need time during the day to prepare lunch for your children, you might let your boss know that you plan to work several hours in the morning and several hours in the afternoon, with a break around lunchtime.
  4. End each workday intentionally. Just like having a morning routine can help signal to your brain that it's time to quit working, it can also help to do something at the end of each day that makes you feel like you're done with work. For instance, you might empty your inbox, change into comfortable clothes, take a shower, go for a run, or move from your desk to the couch. [4]
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    • This can also signal to your family that it's okay for them to interact with you normally since they might have been trying to give you space while you were working.

[Edit]Being Productive at Work

  1. Take on your most important tasks first. Don't worry about trying to knock as many items off your to-do list as possible in an effort to seem productive. Instead, try to prioritize work that's more important or difficult to get it out of the way.[5]
    Avoid Work from Home Burnout Step 5.jpg
    • In the long run, this will actually improve your productivity, because it will likely seem easier to take on smaller tasks once the big ones are out of the way.
  2. Take breaks throughout the day to keep your energy up. Sitting in one place focused on the same task can make you feel mentally and physically drained. To help prevent that, take a short break every hour or two. Even something as simple as standing up to stretch or getting a small snack can keep you more focused in the long run.[6]
    Avoid Work from Home Burnout Step 6.jpg
  3. Reach out to your coworkers during the workday for support. Loneliness and isolation can increase the risk of burning out. If you're feeling on your own, don't be afraid to ping a coworker for a chat about work or the challenges of working from home. Chances are, they'll welcome the opportunity to connect, too.[7]
    Avoid Work from Home Burnout Step 7.jpg
    • For instance, if you're feeling overwhelmed, you might message one of your coworkers who always makes you laugh. Even just a quick chat might help you feel energized enough to get back to work with a better mindset.
  4. Talk to your boss if you need to adjust your workload. If you're new to working from home, you may find that distractions make it harder to get the same amount of work done as you would in the office, especially if you live with other people. If that's the case, take a few days to monitor how much you're actually getting done during the day. Then, talk to your boss so they know what they can expect from you.[8]
    Avoid Work from Home Burnout Step 8.jpg
    • For instance, you might say something like, "Hi Maria! Do you have a moment to chat about my workload? I know I usually complete about 12-15 reports a day, but it's been a little hard for me to hit that since I've been working from home. I think I could handle 10-12, though. Do you think that's reasonable?"
    • Being realistic about your expectations applies to your off time, too. It's totally ok to decompress in front of the TV if that's what you like doing—don't feel pressured to be productive every moment of the day.[9]
  5. End each workday by planning for the next one. At the end of your day, spend about 5-10 looking over your unfinished or upcoming tasks. Then, note the top 3 things you'd like to accomplish on your next workday. That way, when you sit down to work again, you'll already know what you need to start with, and you'll be less likely to forget an important task.[10]
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    • It can help to write down your priorities in your calendar or on a notepad near your computer.

[Edit]Balancing Your Home Life

  1. Do something after work that makes you feel relaxed. While you'll likely have to take care of things like meals and laundry after work, try to set aside at least a little time for yourself each day. Exactly what that looks like will be different for everyone, but it might be as simple as watching a TV show you enjoy, playing a game on your phone, or getting lost in a good book. By being intentional about relaxing, you'll be more likely to feel mentally refreshed the next day. [11]
    Avoid Work from Home Burnout Step 10.jpg
    • For instance, if you normally go to the gym after work, you might do a workout video at home instead.
    • If you enjoy cooking, you might spend time looking up new recipes to try.[12]
    • You could also go for a walk or even just sit outside for a little while to enjoy the fresh air!
  2. Step back from work if you notice signs of burnout. If you start feeling tired all the time, unmotivated at work, or like your emotions are somewhat less intense, you might be dealing with burnout. In that case, it might be a good idea to ask for a few days off or a lighter workload. If you can't do that, at least reclaim as much of your off-time as possible so you can recharge after work.[13]
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    • For instance, you might send your boss an email that says something like, "Hey Jeff, is okay if we scale back my assignments this week? I've been feeling a little overloaded and I feel like it's affecting my productivity."
    • Don't try to just push through burnout without making any changes—long-term work stress is linked to physical conditions like headaches, pain in your body, and even cardiovascular disease.
  3. Avoid checking your work email outside of work hours. When you work from home, it can be all too easy to find yourself answering a quick email after dinner or chatting with a client while you're playing with your kids. However, once you set your schedule, it's important that you maintain that boundary by only doing work-related tasks during your actual work hours.[14]
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    • You might also consider removing work apps from your phone. That way, you won't feel obligated to answer work emails or messages after hours, since you won't be notified about them until you log back onto your work computer.[15]
  4. Learn to say no when you feel overwhelmed. When you're working from home, it's harder for your employers to intuitively read when you have too much going on. That's why it's important to speak up if you have too much on your plate.[16]
    Avoid Work from Home Burnout Step 13.jpg
    • Something as simple as, "I'm sorry, I don't know if I'll have time for that today" can go a long way toward helping your boss manage their expectations—and your workload.


17 May 02:53

Thailand Extends The Ban On Foreign Passenger Arrivals Until June 30, 2020

by Sebastian Powell
Jim Paull

Hope Malaysia doesn't.

Thailand has instituted a ban on all non-citizens arriving in Thailand since March 25 and the authorities have now extended this restriction until at least June 30, 2020.

Just two weeks ago Thailand has extended this restriction until May 31, 2020 so now they racked it up another month which means no foreigners will be able to enter the country even if they hold long term resident visas such as retirement, employment or the Elite visa.

Even before this rule the country already tightened entry requirements requiring arriving passengers to have a medical certificate that they are not infected with COVID-19 and proof that they have a travel insurance with a minimum of $100,000 in coverage. This was then later modified into a total ban.

Currently only foreigners who hold Permanent Residence in Thailand (very few) are allowed to come back to the Kingdom and there was a media report a few weeks ago about the bad conditions at the Army camp where the mandatory 14 day quarantine will be held.

Here is the info of the CAAT (Civil Aviation Authority):

This is not to be confused with a full ban on international flights to arrive and depart from Thailand as it has been introduced for a short while in early April after authorities lost control of several hundred Thai passengers who refused to go into quarantine upon arrival.

The ban on air traffic was lifted and now flights are going back and forth again, carrying Thai citizens abroad back home if they choose to do so and taking foreigners out of Thailand. Several commercial carriers are flying out of Bangkok at the moment though prices might be steep. Thai Airways is still not operating any flights.

Airlines that currently operate are:

  • EVA Air (to London)
  • Korean Air
  • KLM
  • Lufthansa
  • Qatar Airways

Foreigners in Thailand holding tourist visas and visa exempt stamps have recently been granted an automatic extension until July 31st, allowing them to stay put without having to fear penalties and possible future bans from the country.

Yesterday the Thai Ministry of Health announced that they would take China (!), Hong Kong, Macao and South Korea off their danger list.

Thailand has decided to remove South Korea as well as China and its Hong Kong and Macao territories from its list of Disease Infected Zones for Covid-19 as it further relaxes measures against the outbreak by allowing more businesses, including shopping malls, to reopen on Sunday.

The curfew will also begin one hour later and run from 11pm to 4am.

China and South Korea have been on the Public Health Ministry list since March 6 when the situation was still highly volatile, just before Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha declared a state of emergency. Anyone coming from the countries on the list must undergo 14 days of state quarantine.

Now, with the virus reported to have been well contained in the two countries, “We have agreed to issue a new announcement to de-list them,” Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said on Friday.

This sounds extremely logical, taking China (the place where this whole mess originated) off the danger list. Maybe because their numbers are so reliable? For sure this chicken is coming home to roost at some point.

Right now this doesn’t really mean anything though as the flight ban will remain in place for everyone no matter if your country is on the list or not. It’s likely though that the countries who come off the list will be the first who can potentially enter the Kingdom again in the future.


The overall situation in Thailand is fine. Regular retail stores and shopping malls are scheduled to open again tomorrow. Many restaurants and coffee shops are open for almost two weeks already with most others serving customers via take out or delivery. Food delivery apps/websites are thriving.

It’s understandable and reasonable to keep the borders shut for now though this has created lots of trouble for many people especially those who hold work permits in Thailand and essentially have their household there, let alone family. These people are now trapped somewhere abroad although there was a writing on the wall that Thailand would close the borders so they should have come back at the earliest opportunity.

01 May 06:18

While You Sleep, What Is Your Cat Doing?

by Frances Langum
Jim Paull

Hahahaha, wonder if he just sticks his head in a big vat of wet catfood before bed.

A guy sets up a webcam to determine what his cat does while he "sleeps"?

That's a heavy sleeper.

Open thread below...

27 Apr 02:36

Jamie Oliver's Ingenious Pepper Tip

by Meghan Splawn
Jim Paull


So easy, so smart!
22 Apr 07:10

That BBC Sports Broadcaster is Back With Another Gem Between His Dogs

by twistedsifter


The last time we checked on BBC sports broadcaster Andrew Cotter, he was calling an epic ‘game of bones’ between his two adorable labradors, Olive and Mabel.

Well Olive and Mabel are back for another round and this time.. it’s the breakfast speed eating grand final! Two competitors will enter but only one will emerge victorious. Who will it be, the wily veteran or the energetic rookie?


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22 Apr 05:20

How much does a seat on a repatriation flight cost?

by Katie Genter
Jim Paull

Not a free ride home after all.

I was in South Africa this March when the country declared a State of National Disaster due to the coronavirus pandemic. That night, my husband JT booked us the next Delta flight that was available from Johannesburg to Atlanta using Virgin Atlantic miles. We were glad we had this flight when the U.S. Department of State issued a worldwide Level 4 “do not travel” warning four days later and advised U.S. citizens to arrange for immediate return unless they were “prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period.”

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But, some U.S. citizens abroad weren’t able to snag a seat on a commercial flight before schedules were slashed. And others had flights back to the U.S. booked, but these flights were ultimately canceled. For these U.S. citizens, the only options were to remain abroad for an indefinite period or try to snag a repatriation flight back to the U.S.

Related reading: What to do if you’re stranded abroad when crisis strikes

Since we’d signed up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) notifications, we started receiving emails from the U.S. Embassy Pretoria, South Africa soon after the Department of State announcement. These emails encouraged U.S. citizens to secure a ticket on a commercial flight but also included information to submit interest for a potential repatriation flight.

Once we were back in the U.S., two repatriation flights from South Africa to the U.S. were announced. An email I received from the U.S. Embassy Pretoria about these flights noted:

Please remember that evacuation flights are not free-of-charge and are, in fact, frequently more expensive than currently available commercial travel; you will be required to sign a promissory note guaranteeing future payment to the U.S. Government if you travel on a charter flight.

Related reading: 10 unusual ways airlines repatriated stranded citizens and delivered coronavirus medical supplies

In taking a close look at the promissory note, it states that U.S. citizens who take a repatriation flight and aren’t U.S. government employees on official assignment or eligible family members of U.S. government employees on official assignment agree that:

I will be billed for the cost of my/our transportation no greater than the amount of a full-fare economy flight, or comparable alternate transportation, to the designated destination(s) that would have been charged immediately prior to the events giving rise to the evacuation.

So, you should expect to pay the price of a standard full-fare economy ticket if you’re a U.S. citizen taking a repatriation flight. And, it’s important to realize that a full-fare economy ticket often costs more than you’d expect.

According to the U.S. Department of State, it has coordinated the repatriation of 64,178 Americans on 603 flights from 110 countries since January 29, 2020. As these repatriation flights have occurred, we’ve learned how much some of these flights have cost:

So, repatriation flights don’t come cheap.

The high cost for repatriation flights is generally due to the cost of chartering a flight to a destination not usually served by an airline, as well as the fact that the aircraft may be flying without passengers while positioning before and after the repatriation flight. Plus, repatriation flights may be operating from airports that have otherwise been shuttered.

Looking at these costs makes me thankful we were able to get out of South Africa inexpensively using points and miles. But, it’s also a good reminder to have some money set aside in an emergency fund. And, it might be a good reason to consider whether you should purchase travel insurance for future trips — and to read the inclusions and exclusions on your insurance carefully.

Related reading: The best travel insurance policies and providers

Featured photo by Eye Candy Images/Getty Images.

18 Apr 02:11

Dog Steals Owner’s Fake Novelty Teeth and Makes Them Infinitely Funnier

by twistedsifter
Jim Paull

Extra slice, real life.


A brief respite from the news courtesy of our four-legged friend Thomas


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twistedsifter on facebook Dog Steals Owners Fake Novelty Teeth and Makes Them Infinitely Funnier


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14 Apr 04:38

World's largest pork producer closes South Dakota plant indefinitely after coronavirus outbreak

by Jen Hayden
Jim Paull


Do you love bacon? You are really gonna hate this news. Smithfield Foods CEO Kenneth Sullivan announced the indefinite closure of one of the largest pork-producing plants in the world due to a coronavirus outbreak among workers. According to Sullivan, the Smithfield Foods plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota provides 5% of the nation’s pork production, or roughly 130 million meals per week. 

In a rather grim statement, Sullivan warned of potential meat shortages in the not-too-distant future.

“’The closure of this facility, combined with a growing list of other protein plants that have shuttered across our industry, is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply. It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running. These facility closures will also have severe, perhaps disastrous, repercussions for many in the supply chain, first and foremost our nation’s livestock farmers. These farmers have nowhere to send their animals,’ said Kenneth M. Sullivan, president and chief executive officer, for Smithfield.”

NPR noted the South Dakota Smithfield plant wasn’t the only one shutting down due to COVID-19. They reported Cargill, JB USA, and Tyson facilities in Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Iowa have also recently closed. 

According to The Guardian, at least 240 workers have tested positive for COVID-19, which accounts for half the total number of cases in South Dakota. 

In addition to coronavirus plant closures, millions of gallons of milk are being dumped in Wisconsin and fresh vegetables are rotting in Florida because newly unemployed consumers aren’t buying as much. Imagine this happening even as we talk about potential food shortages and we see the images of the increasingly long lines at food banks! 

Like my colleague Mark Sumner has been saying all along: Don’t panic, prepare.

Now, get to it. 

04 Apr 14:22

Is The Corona Virus Out Of Control In Indonesia?

by Syed Akbar Ali
Jim Paull

This is pretty good listen.

There is no lockdown in Indonesia.

04 Apr 14:20

Dad Pulls Off Flawless April Fools Prank

by twistedsifter
Jim Paull

Haha cool dad.


He told his daughters they were going back to school for April Fools 😂😂😂


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04 Apr 13:34

Even Sandra the Orangutan is Washing Her Hands

by twistedsifter
Jim Paull



A clip of Sandra—the 34-year-old Orangutan—washing her hands has been making the rounds online. However, the accompanying caption saying, “she started washing her hands because she saw all the zookeepers doing it repeatedly during the COVID-19 crisis” is false.

Sandra lives at the Center for Great Apes, the only accredited sanctuary for orangutans in the Americas. Prior to that she lived at the Buenos Aires Zoo before it was closed.

The original video was shared on November 12, 2019 on the Center for Great Apes’ Facebook page with the original caption: “Sandra has daily pools of water and really likes to wash things — her toys, her surroundings, and her hands! Sandra loves to clean up!”

You can learn more about Sandra here.


see more videos button Even Sandra the Orangutan is Washing Her Hands

twistedsifter on facebook Even Sandra the Orangutan is Washing Her Hands


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31 Mar 12:12

Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets

by twistedsifter

professional cat photoshoot reddit 4 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


Back in January, a redditor in Victoria, Canada hired a professional photographer to do an outdoor shoot of his cat, Kazmir. With the current pandemic he thought the photos might spread a little joy during these difficult times.

On reddit he adds:

In times like these you can really see how important the arts are to bring our community together. People can dunk on me all they want for spending money on this, and the truth is I don’t make a lot of money. (you know how expensive it is to live in Victoria) these photos are going to be so valuable to me when my little guy is no longer with us. Anyone can take a picture but photographers are the real G’s for capturing a whole moment.


He also took the time to answer the most frequently asked questions:

– Photoshoot cost was $175 cad
– Photographer was Sarah Bourque of Wally & Roops Pet Photography
– Kazmir was wearing a harness and leash the whole time and they were photoshopped out in post
– Location was Cattle Point, in Victoria, British Columbia
– There were 4 other people behind the camera trying to get Kazmir’s attention with low-moderate success lol

[via reddit]



professional cat photoshoot reddit 15 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 10 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 12 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 1 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 2 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 3 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 5 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 6 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 7 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 8 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 9 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 11 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 13 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 14 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 17 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


professional cat photoshoot reddit 16 Guy That Paid for Professional Photoshoot of His Cat Has Zero Regrets


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26 Mar 13:02

This Hairstylist Can’t Work So She’s Giving Her Boyfriend a New Daily Hairdo Instead

by twistedsifter
Jim Paull



Like many of us, salon owner and stylist Heidi Oley is stuck at home and unable to work. She’s not letting that stop her from practicing her craft though!

Her boyfriend, who is also working from home and practicing social distancing, has now become her muse and Heidi is giving him a new and inspired hairdo for every day they are under quarantine.

So far she’s done Princess Leia, George Washington, Amy Winehouse, ’90s prom’ and Cindy Lou Who from Dr. Seuss’s ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’.

For more, be sure to follow Heidi on Instagram!

[via reddit]



1. Princess Leia

hairstylist gives boyfriend new hairdo every day during quarantine 10 This Hairstylist Cant Work So Shes Giving Her Boyfriend a New Daily Hairdo Instead

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Hair Styled by Heidi Oley


2. George Washington

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Hair Styled by Heidi Oley


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Hair Styled by Heidi Oley


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Hair Styled by Heidi Oley


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hairstylist gives boyfriend new hairdo every day during quarantine 4 This Hairstylist Cant Work So Shes Giving Her Boyfriend a New Daily Hairdo Instead

Hair Styled by Heidi Oley


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26 Mar 13:01

This Dog Racing Home to Get Into Bed is My Spirit Animal

by twistedsifter
Jim Paull

Wonder if they got off at different floor dog would still race to the door?


According to reddit user Andrekweku, “his favorite place is his bed.” ❤


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13 Mar 06:17

These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

by twistedsifter
Jim Paull

Now these are plants I can get behind.


Raya Sader Bujana is a Lebanese-Venezuelan paper artist currently based in Barcelona, Spain.

In an ongoing series of paper works, Raya creates amazing miniature potted plants and even weaves the intricate baskets and pots for them. The close-ups below give you an appreciation for the level of detail in these paper artworks, Raya’s work is simply fantastic.

Sadly, all of the potted miniatures below have been sold, but you can keep up to date with her latest creations for sale on her Etsy page and follow her progress on Instagram.


Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy



miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 9 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 2 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 1 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 6 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 8 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 12 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 13 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 15 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 16 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 14 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 3 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 4 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 10 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 7 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


miniature paper potted plants by raya sader bujana 5 These Miniature Potted Plants Made from Paper are Just Adorable

Raya Sader Bujana
Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


11 Mar 00:54

A Mistake at a Winery Caused Red Wine to Spew from Faucets in a Small Italian Town

by Naomi Tomky
Jim Paull

Rename town to Heaven.

It's all fun and games until you have to wash your hands. READ MORE...
08 Mar 12:47

Will you be paid if your boss tells you to stay home because of coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know

Jim Paull


In the wake of the coronavirus,the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)is recommending companies actively encourage workers to stay home if they are showing symptoms.But not all workers can telecommute.Some jobs just have to be done in person. Consider the person who stocks your...
24 Feb 06:22

Shocking Footage from Sendai Airport During 9.0 Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011

by twistedsifter


The Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan, and the fourth most powerful earthquake in the world since modern record-keeping began in 1900.

The earthquake triggered powerful tsunami waves that may have reached heights of up to 40.5 meters (133 ft) in Miyako in Tōhoku’s Iwate Prefecture, and which, in the Sendai area, traveled at 700 km/h (435 mph) for up to 10 km (6 mi) inland.

Watch the harrowing moments above from video taken at Sendai Airport.


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twistedsifter on facebook Shocking Footage from Sendai Airport During 9.0 Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011

24 Feb 06:22

Banana Bread Is Basically the Reason Bananas Exist — Here Are 5 Easy Recipes

by Sheela Prakash
There's really no wrong time for a slice.
23 Feb 02:08

Midday Open Thread: McDonalds To Release Burger-Scented Candles

by Frances Langum
Jim Paull


Hard to say which was more viral, the McDonald's line of burger scented candles, or the subsequent raunchy jokes about 'meat'-scented bedrooms and Gwynneth Paltrow's hoo ha.

Open thread below...

13 Feb 01:15

Man, 52, detained for insulting Hindu religion

Jim Paull

Well good in the sense that hopefully a Muslim cat got nabbed. Hope he gets 10 years and lets see people lose their damn minds.

KUALA LUMPUR: A 52-year-old man has been detained for posting lewd and insulting remarks on the Hindu religion, say Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun.
13 Feb 01:07

Braised Chicken with Mushrooms Looks as Good as It Tastes

by Elizabeth Licata
Jim Paull


I took one look at that photo and wanted to dunk a piece of bread right through my computer screen. READ MORE...
13 Feb 01:05

How to Run the NYC Marathon

The NYC Marathon is one of the largest and most thrilling races in the world, but it is also one of the most difficult to qualify for. Each year, runners from around the world vie for 50,000 coveted spots in the marathon. Once you are invited to the race, it is important to have a consistent training regimen that includes running, strength training, and nutritional balance. Race day is all about pace and endurance. Running in the NYC Marathon takes a lot of work and some good fortune, but the reward is great.


[Edit]Qualifying for the Race

  1. Enter the drawing for a chance to secure a spot at the race. Between mid-January and mid-February, apply for the drawing through the New York Road Runner website. The drawing is at the end of February. Though this is the easiest way to secure a spot, it is not guaranteed.
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    • In 2017, over 98,000 hopeful runners applied for the drawing and only 16,000 were accepted (a 16.5% rate).[1]
  2. Raise money for Team for Kids to be guaranteed a spot in the race. Runners raise money for this New York Road Runner youth program each year. If you are able to pledge and raise at least $2,620 by October, you are guaranteed a spot in the marathon.
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    • Every year, 4,000 use this strategy to get into the race.[2]
  3. Have a qualifying time at other races to ensure a spot in the marathon. If your official time at other New York Road Runner races is fast enough, you can secure a space at the NYC Marathon. These qualifying times are based on age and gender.
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    • Some of these races include the Fred Lebow Manhattan Half Marathon, the NYC Half Marathon, the Women’s Half Marathon, the Brooklyn Half Marathon, and the Staten Island Half Marathon.[3]
  4. Claim your deferred marathon entry from last year. If you were admitted into the race last year but officially cancelled your entry, you are guaranteed a spot this year.
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    • You must pay the entry fee again.
  5. Become a New York Road Runner member to get into the marathon. Become a New York Road Runner member and complete at least 9 of their races. You must also volunteer at 1 or more race to guarantee a spot in the NYC Marathon.[4]
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    • You must complete the races and volunteer in the calendar year prior to the marathon in which you want to compete. For example, you must complete 9 races in 2017 to be eligible for automatic entry into the 2018 Marathon.
    • You must become a New York Road Runner member by December 31 to qualify for this option.

[Edit]Training for the Marathon

  1. Eat foods that are rich in protein and carbohydrates. These types of food provide fuel for both your exercise and recovery.[5] Try different types and quantities of food during your training routine to find out what works best for your body.
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    • Good energy foods include bagels with peanut butter, pasta, and oatmeal.
    • Know how long it takes for your body to digest food before you are able to run comfortably. It can take up to 3 hours for your food to digest completely.[6]
  2. Keep your body hydrated. It is important to keep your body hydrated throughout your training weeks as well as the day of the race. Drink to of water each day during your training. Drink no more than of water on the morning of the race.[7]
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    • Drinking too much water on the morning of the race can make you cramp up.
    • Coconut water is a great way to replenish electrolytes without consuming the added dyes and sugars of a sports drink.[8]
  3. Incorporate 3 training runs each week on non-consecutive days. Complete 1 long run—at least —each week. Do one moderate run—at least —at a pace that is slightly slower than your 5k pace. Finish one moderate run—at least —at your 5k pace or slightly faster.[9]
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    • Remember to do recovery stretches after each running session.
  4. Complete cross training sessions on the days between your runs. Do 1 HIIT or metabolic conditioning class. Finish 1 non-impact aerobic class each week. Round out your cross training with a yoga class.
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    • HIIT exercise routines include exercises such as squats, push-ups, jumping jacks, and burpees.[10]
    • You can interchange any of these cross training sessions for an easy 30-45 minute run.[11]
  5. Complete your last two long runs before your final training week. Make these last two runs as similar to marathon day as possible. Simulating the big race will get your body used to marathon conditions and pace.
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    • Wear the same shoes, socks, and clothing as you plan to wear on race day.
    • Eat the same pre run meal before your last two long runs.[12]
  6. Allow for adequate recovery time between runs and strength training. Remember to stretch after each exercise period. Incorporate at least one rest day each week into your training routine.[13]
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[Edit]Strategizing the Week before the Marathon

  1. Avoid long distance running for the 6 days before the race. Keep all of your runs in the week prior to the big race around to long.[14] Do not run the day before the marathon.
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  2. Eat more carbohydrates for the 6 days prior to the race. Try to consume at least of carbohydrates per of your body weight. Increase to per of your total body weight during the last 3 days before the race.[15]
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    • Some good foods for carbohydrate loading are sweet potatoes, brown rice, and quinoa.[16]
    • Do not overload on carbohydrates. This will make you bloated and lethargic on race day.
  3. Pack your race gear in your carry on luggage. If you are flying to NYC for the marathon, make sure to keep everything you need for race day in your carry on bag, including clothes, shoes, band aids, nutritional products, and energy gels.[17]
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    • You do not want to be scrambling for new gear if your checked bag is lost.
  4. Consume simple meals in the days leading up to the race. Cut foods like red meat, nuts, dairy, fried food, and roughage out of your diet the day before the marathon. Also try to avoid high fiber foods.[18]
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    • Do not try any new foods in the week leading up to the marathon.
  5. Do not do a lot of walking or standing on the day before the race. Too much activity the day before the marathon will wear out your legs. Get to the expo early to avoid waiting in long lines to get your racing bib and packet.[19]
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[Edit]Running on Marathon Day

  1. Look up the weather forecast and prepare accordingly. Wearing the appropriate clothing is essential when running in any type of weather. Make sure your layers are comfortable and able to be discarded along your route. You do not want to have to carry a sweatshirt for the entire race.
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    • If rain is in the forecast, bring a trash bag with a hole cut out for your head and wear it while waiting in the corral. Take it off before starting the race.[20]
    • If it is a cold rain, rub petroleum jelly on your arms and legs to keep warm. Do not rub jelly on your head or neck as it does not allow for adequate sweating and you may overheat.[21]
    • If the weather is supposed to be hot, try to drink cold fluids (such as a slushie) before the race.[22]
    • The New York Road Runner club collects discarded clothing and donates them to charity.[23]
  2. Bring only what you need to the race. It is important to not be weighed down with unnecessary baggage. Make sure your phone is secure and not in your way.
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    • Some essentials include your photo ID, some cash, and a small snack.[24]
  3. Keep your pace steady for the first couple of miles. The first section is uphill, and many people try to overexert themselves. Don’t waste energy trying to swerve around other runners during the first .[25]
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  4. Stay hydrated along the marathon route. Slow down, but don’t stop, at aid stations. Stopping will shorten your muscles and cause cramping.[26]
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    • Squeeze the cups to avoid spilling.
    • Keep your core cool by dumping some water on your head and neck during the race.
  5. Focus on your music or inner mantra during the race. The noise of the crowds may cause you to speed up too early and leave you with no energy for the end of the marathon.[27]
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    • Make a playlist that will help keep your energy up during the marathon.[28]
    • Examples of positive mantras are “I am strong and feel good” and “I am running great”.[29]
  6. Look at a runner in front of you and focus on the back of their shirt. Act like you are a fisher reeling in the person in front of you. Once you pass that runner, repeat the process.[30] Keep going and remain motivated throughout the race.
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    • Be prepared for the hilly last . This is where many racers run out of steam.[31]
  7. Cross the finish line and celebrate your accomplishment. Once you have crossed the finish line, it is important to stretch. Taking a long walk after the race will help flush the lactic acid out of your body and bring you gradually back to your resting state.[32]
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    • Eat a big, hearty meal afterwards to replenish the nutrients your body lost while running.[33]


  • Do not do any running for 2-3 days after the marathon. Do yoga instead to recover.
  • Runners who have at least 15 NYC Marathon finishes under their belt are guaranteed a spot in all future NYC Marathons.[34]


12 Feb 14:32

Here's How to Make Classic, Perfectly-Gooey Chocolate Lava Cakes at Home

by Catherine O'Donnell
Jim Paull

Halls of masterchef.....

The molten center is simply irresistible.
07 Feb 06:22

How to Study for Long Hours

Do you have trouble staying focused when you study? If you want to study longer without getting bored, set yourself up for success by working in a distraction-free spot. Take quick breaks to stay fresh, switch between subjects to keep things interesting, and motivate yourself with small rewards. While marathon study sessions may be unavoidable sometimes, do your best to study bit by bit instead of cramming the night before a test.


[Edit]Staying Focused When You Study

  1. Keep your phone out of sight and out of mind. Put your phone in a drawer or keep it in your bag so you won't be tempted to use it. Additionally, stay off any other distracting electronic devices unless you need them to study.[1]
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  2. Eat a healthy snack before you study. A grumbling stomach is distracting, so have yogurt, oatmeal, or fruit before you get to work. It's also a good idea to keep a granola bar, nuts, or trail mix handy in case you get hungry.[2]
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    • Healthy snacks that are packed with protein and complex carbs give you the fuel you need to stay focused. Fruit, nuts, and whole grains are good choices. Avoid sweets and junk food, which will cause your blood sugar to spike and dip.
  3. Choose a designated spot for studying. Find a distraction-free spot, like a low-traffic part of your home or the library. Try to use that location (or a few regular locations) whenever you study. If you study in the same place over and over again, you'll unconsciously sense it's time to get to work when you arrive at that location.[3]
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    • Additionally, study at a desk or table with enough room to spread out your study materials. Avoid studying in bed, since getting too comfortable can distract you from your studies.
    • Keep your area neat, clean and organized, which can help you keep a clear mind. A messy space will make your mind feel cluttered, as well.
    • Try to study in an area that has natural light, which can help energize your mind.
  4. Mix up tasks and topics to prevent boredom. If you have multiple assignments or subjects to study, work on 1 for an hour, then switch gears. Even if you're studying for a test and can't switch subjects, try to focus on 1 unit or topic for about an hour at a time.[4]
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    • For example, if you're studying for a history test on World War II, review your notes on the events leading up to the war. Take a break to have a snack or stretch, then work on the European front. You could also review textbook chapter outlines for an hour, then switch to studying flashcards.
    • Rather than try to force yourself to concentrate on 1 thing, you'll boost your efficiency and remember more if you mix up your tasks.
  5. Study difficult subjects first to get them out of the way. If you get your toughest or most boring work out of the way, it'll be easier to study for a longer period of time. Tackle difficult tasks when you're fresh, and save your easiest assignments for when you start to run out of gas.[5]
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    • For instance, if you're not a fan of chemistry, start your study session by doing practice problems for the quiz you have the next day. Once you've knocked that out, move on to the subjects you enjoy most.
  6. Play music while you study if it helps you concentrate. Playing music helps some people stay focused, but it doesn't work for everyone. If you don't find it distracting, listen to instrumental music while you study to keep your head in the game.[6]
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    • Classical music is a good choice, since there are no distracting lyrics. You could also try listening to ambient tunes, electronic music, or nature sounds.
    • To keep track of time, make an hour-long playlist instead of listening to random tracks. That way, you'll know when to take a break or switch to another subject.

[Edit]Motivating Yourself to Keep Studying

  1. Write down your goals on a calendar or dry-erase board. Seeing your goals written in an obvious spot can help you commit to them. Place a calendar or dry-erase board in your work area, and write down what you need to accomplish. In a pinch, write your goal prominently in your assignment pad, on an index card, or on a sheet of paper.[7]
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  2. Take a break every hour or so to stay fresh. You may be tempted to hunker down and study for several hours straight, but that's a quick way to lose motivation. Your body and brain need breaks, so take 10 minutes or so to refresh yourself every hour. Go for a walk, grab a snack, or stretch, then get back to work.[8]
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    • During your break, make sure you don't engage in any distracting activities. For example, don't turn on your TV, as you might get interested in what's on and not go back to studying. Similarly, you might avoid getting on social media if you have a tendency to keep scrolling once you've started.
    • Find a natural break in your studies instead of stopping abruptly in the middle of something. It's better to hold off on taking a break for 15 or 30 minutes than to stop and forget what you were doing.
  3. Try to connect the material to your personal interests. Look for ways to relate your studies to your life. Take a stand on an issue in history class, or connect topics in science to your daily experiences. Even if something seems uninteresting, keep an open mind and give it a chance to capture your attention.[9]
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    • When you're interested in a topic, motivating yourself to study it takes a lot less effort.
    • If you just can't get into a subject, do your best to make it fun. For instance, if you love to draw, make diagrams and sketches of the concepts you're studying.[10]
  4. Give yourself a small reward when you complete a task. If you know there's a treat waiting for you, you'll be more likely to stick with your studies. Incentives for a job well done could include playing video games, watching TV, indulging in a snack, or a splurging on a clothing item or accessory.[11]
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    • Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't accomplish your task, but be sure to reward yourself only when you actually finish.
    • Writing down a specific study goal and reward in your assignment pad can help you stay on target. For instance, write “Task: Review history lecture notes for 2 hours. Reward: Play video games for 30 minutes.”
  5. Study with a group to hold each other accountable. Get together with classmates who take studying seriously and won't tempt you to blow off your work. Quiz each other, take turns explaining concepts, and help each other resist the urge to procrastinate.[12]
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    • Explaining concepts to others is a great way to process and memorize information. Studying with others can also help you fill in any gaps in your notes.

[Edit]Managing Your Time Effectively

  1. Reduce your workload by studying more efficiently. Before you start studying, always read over your assignment sheet or exam guide to make sure you're focusing on the right topics. Additionally, you can save time by asking your instructor to explain any topics that confuse you and any unanswered questions you have. This saves you time looking it up. Finally, prioritize the most important information you need to know so you can study it first.
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    • When you're studying for long hours, it's important to use that time wisely.
    • For example, review your exam study guide as soon as you receive it, and highlight the main topics you need to study. If you have any questions, talk to your instructor so you won't waste time trying to look it up on your own. Then, decide which topics you need to spend the most time studying and start with those.
  2. Prep your area before you start studying. Make sure you have everything you need so you won't need to get up every few minutes to get something. Neatly place your textbooks, writing utensils, notebook, and other study materials on your study space. This way you can easily grab what you need without taking an unplanned break.
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    • For example, let's say you're studying math. You'd need your assignment materials (i.e. worksheet, textbook, etc), a calculator, graphing paper, a pencil, an eraser, drinking water, and a healthy snack.
  3. Plan out your study sessions in advance. Estimate the time you'll need for each task, add 10% extra time for insurance, then schedule blocks for your assignments. Set priorities, schedule your toughest and most important assignments first, and remember to include short breaks every hour or so.[13]
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    • For instance, if you're planning out a 4-hour session, set aside the first 2 hours to study for your big science test. Switch gears and do your math homework for the third hour, and review your history notes for the fourth. If you have time left over, spend a little more time studying for your science test.
    • Additionally, make a weekly list of your upcoming tasks. Fill in fixed blocks of time, such as classes, work, and practice, then divide your flexible time between studying and other assignments.
  4. Break up overwhelming tasks into smaller steps. Assignments such as “Study for History Final” or “Write Term Paper” can seem daunting and unapproachable. Instead of getting overwhelmed, divide big assignments into bite-sized chunks.[14]
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    • For example, if you're studying for a final, start by looking over past tests and quizzes, and note specific areas that gave you trouble. Then review your class notes, divide the course into its units, and study 1 unit at a time.
    • Smaller, approachable study tasks may also include creating outlines that summarize textbook chapters, making flashcards, and quizzing yourself.
  5. Do your best to space out your study sessions instead of cramming. Whenever possible, try to plan ahead and give yourself time to study a little bit at a time. It's better to study for 3 separate 3-hour sessions instead of 1 marathon 9-hour session. If you study in multiple shorter sessions, you'll remember more information in the long run.[15]
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  6. Lighten your load if you're stretched thin. If you're having trouble finding time for your schoolwork, take an inventory of your responsibilities. Ask yourself if there are lower-priority activities or commitments that are taking up too much of your time. If necessary, consider giving something up to free up your schedule.[16]
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    • For instance, suppose school, a part-time job, basketball, and choir are running you ragged. School and work are priorities, so they're not going anywhere. If basketball is really important to you, take time away from choir. Then see if you can rejoin after basketball season is over.


  • Set your priorities, and avoid wasting time studying material you already know well.[17]
  • If possible, schedule study sessions during times of the day when you're most productive.
  • If you're having trouble managing your time and feel overwhelmed, talk to a teacher or school counselor.


  • Remember that your health is important, too. Sleep, a healthy diet, and exercise are all essential, so make sure you have time to take care of yourself.


[Edit]Quick Summary
