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07 Feb 06:20

How to Write a Research Statement

The research statement is a very common component of job applications in academia. The statement provides a summary of your research experience, interests, and agenda for reviewers to use to assess your candidacy for a position. Because the research statement introduces you as a researcher to the people reviewing your job application, it’s important to make the statement as impressive as possible. After you’ve planned out what you want to say, all you have to do is write your research statement with the right structure, style, and formatting!


[Edit]Planning Your Research Statement

  1. Ask yourself what the major themes or questions in your research are. Outline the main questions that drive your research and that you strive to answer. Write these questions and topics down so that you’ll be better able to articulate them in your research statement.[1]
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    • For example, some of the major themes of your research might be slavery and race in the 18th century, the efficacy of cancer treatments, or the reproductive cycles of different species of crab.
    • You may have several small questions that guide specific aspects of your research. Write all of these questions out, then see if you can formulate a broader question that encapsulates all of these smaller questions.
  2. Identify why your research is important. Do this for academics both inside and outside your field, even if the position you’re applying for is in your field of study. Additionally, expect your audience to have a basic understanding of your field, but don't assume they will be an expert in a particular discipline. This might includes ways that your research can be applied to future problems or simply how your research addresses a knowledge gap in your field.[2]
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    • For example, if your work is on x-ray technology, describe how your research has filled any knowledge gaps in your field, as well as how it could be applied to x-ray machines in hospitals.
    • It’s important to be able to articulate why your research should matter to people who don’t study what you study to generate interest in your research outside your field. This is very helpful when you go to apply for grants for future research.
  3. Describe what your future research interests are. The reviewers who read your statement don’t just want to know what you’ve researched in the past; they also want to know what you plan to research if they give you the job or fellowship you’re applying for. Think about what new questions you would like this research to answer or what new elements of your topic you’d like to explore.[3]
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    • Explain why these are the things you want to research next. Do your best to link your prior research to what you hope to study in the future. This will help give your reviewer a deeper sense of what motivates your research and why it matters.
  4. Think of examples of challenges or problems you’ve solved. These can be questions that your previous research has answered or problems that have emerged during the course of your research that you had to work around. This will serve not only to demonstrate your problem-solving abilities, but also to highlight how your past research has been successful.[4]
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    • For example, if your research was historical and the documents you needed to answer your question didn’t exist, describe how you managed to pursue your research agenda using other types of documents.
  5. List the relevant skills you can use at the institution you’re applying to. Mention these skills throughout your research statement and describe how you were able to use them to achieve a goal. This will help the committee assess how compatible you are with the research undertaken at the institution and how likely you are to succeed in the future.[5]
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    • Some skills you might be able to highlight include experience working with digital archives, knowledge of a foreign language, or the ability to work collaboratively. When you're describing your skills, use specific, action-oriented words, rather than just personality traits. For example, you might write "speak Spanish" or "handled digital files."
    • Don’t be modest about describing your skills. You want your research statement to impress whoever is reading it.

[Edit]Structuring and Writing the Statement

  1. Put an executive summary in the first section. Write 1-2 paragraphs that include a summary of your research agenda and its main focus, any publications you have, your plans for future research, and your ultimate career goals. Place these paragraphs at the very beginning of your research statement. Treat this section as a concise summary of the things you plan to talk about in the rest of the statement.[6]
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    • Because this section summarizes the rest of your research statement, you may want to write the executive summary after you’ve written the other sections first.
    • Write your executive summary so that if the reviewer chooses to only read this section instead of your whole statement, they will still learn everything they need to know about you as an applicant.
    • Make sure that you only include factual information that you can prove or demonstrate. Don't embellish or editorialize your experience to make it seem like it's more than it is.
  2. Describe your graduate research in the second section. Write 1-2 paragraphs that detail the specific research project or projects you did in graduate school, including your dissertation or thesis. Be sure to describe why your research was important, what challenges you overcame in carrying out this research, and what skills you developed as a result.[7]
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    • If you received a postdoctoral fellowship, describe your postdoc research in this section as well.
    • If at all possible, include research in this section that goes beyond just your thesis or dissertation. Your application will be much stronger if reviewers see you as a researcher in a more general sense than as just a student.
  3. Discuss your current research projects in the third section. This is especially important if you’re applying for a position after you’ve already graduated from graduate school. Write about research you’ve carried out since your graduation to give the reviewers an image of you as a professional researcher.[8]
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    • Again, as with the section on your graduate research, be sure to include a description of why this research matters and what relevant skills you bring to bear on it.
    • If you’re still in graduate school, you can omit this section.
  4. Write about your future research interests in the fourth section. Describe in 1 paragraph the different themes, questions, and topics you’d pursue in your research if your application is accepted. If you have multiple different projects you’re interested in pursuing, use more than 1 paragraph to make this section more organized.[9]
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    • Be realistic in describing your future research projects. Don’t describe potential projects or interests that are extremely different from your current projects. If all of your research to this point has been on the American civil war, future research projects in microbiology will sound very farfetched.
  5. Acknowledge how your work complements others’ research. Take every opportunity you can in your research statement to point out areas where the work being done at the institution you’re applying to is similar to your own research. This will indicate to your reviewers that you’ve researched the institution and you’ve actually thought about your future there.[10]
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    • For example, add a sentence that says “Dr. Jameson’s work on the study of slavery in colonial Georgia has served as an inspiration for my own work on slavery in South Carolina. I would welcome the opportunity to be able to collaborate with her on future research projects.”
  6. Discuss potential funding partners in your research statement. Talk about the different research grants, fellowships, and other sources of funding that you could apply for during your tenure with the institution. This will help the committee to see the value that you’d bring to the institution if they hired you.[11]
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    • For example, if your research focuses on the history of Philadelphia, add a sentence to the paragraph on your future research projects that says, “I believe based on my work that I would be a very strong candidate to receive a Balch Fellowship from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.”
    • If you’ve received funding for your research in the past, mention this as well.
  7. Aim to keep your research statement to about 2 pages. It’s okay if your statement is closer to 1 page or 3 pages, so long as it isn’t too short or too long. If you can’t fit everything you’re trying to say to around 2 pages, cut some of the less important sections or use more concise language.[12]
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    • Typically, your research statement should be about 1-2 pages long if you're applying for a humanities or social sciences position. For a position in psychology or the hard sciences, your research statement may be 3-4 pages long.
    • Although you may think that having a longer research statement makes you seem more impressive, it’s more important that the reviewer actually read the statement. If it seems too long, they may just skip it, which will hurt your application.

[Edit]Formatting and Editing

  1. Maintain a polite and formal tone throughout the statement. Use language and phrases that you would use in a formal setting and that speaks to your professionalism. Remember, the people reading your statement are assessing you as a job candidate.[13]
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    • For example, instead of saying, “This part of my research was super hard,” say, “I found this obstacle to be particularly challenging.”
  2. Avoid using technical jargon when writing the statement. Write your statement so that a person outside your field can understand your research projects and interests as well as someone in your field can. The reviewer can’t get excited about your research if they can’t understand what it’s about![14]
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    • For example, if your research is primarily in anthropology, refrain from using phrases like “Gini coefficient” or “moiety.” Only use phrases that someone in a different field would probably be familiar with, such as “cultural construct,” “egalitarian,” or “social division.”
    • If you have trusted friends or colleagues in fields other than your own, ask them to read your statement for you to make sure you don’t use any words or concepts that they can’t understand.
  3. Write in present tense, except when you’re describing your past work. Use present verb tense to talk about your current and future research projects, potential collaborators, and potential sources of funding. Only write in the past tense when you’re writing about research and accomplishments that actually took place in the past.[15]
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    • For example, when describing your dissertation, say, “I hypothesized that…” When describing your future research projects, say, “I intend to…” or “My aim is to research…”
  4. Use single spacing and 11- or 12-point font. Since your research statement is fairly short, there's no need to double-space the text. If your statement is physically difficult to read because of a very small font, the reviewer may develop negative feelings towards it and thus towards your entire application. [16]
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    • At the same time, don’t make your font too big. If you write your research statement in a font larger than 12, you run the risk of appearing unprofessional.
  5. Use section headings to organize your statement. Use descriptive headings like “Current Research,” “Future Research Projects,” and so on that delineate the different sections you used to structure your research statement. If any of your sections are particularly long, consider using subheadings within these sections to make your statement even more organized.[17]
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    • For instance, if you completed a postdoc, use subheadings in the section on previous research experience to delineate the research you did in graduate school and the research you did during your fellowship.
  6. Proofread your research statement thoroughly before submitting it. Even if your research sounds very impressive, a spelling error or grammatical mistake on your research statement can seriously undercut your application. Have a friend read over your statement for you to make sure you haven’t overlooked any simple mistakes.[18]
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07 Feb 06:20

These Impossibly Easy No-Knead Bread Recipes Practically Make Themselves

by Meghan Splawn
The easiest homemade bread we know.
06 Feb 14:20

Meal Prep Plan: How I Prep a Week of Low-Carb Meals Packed with Veggies

by Kelli Foster
After a two-hour prep session, you'll be set up with a week's worth of grab-and-go breakfast and lunches, and most of your dinner prep for the week will be done. READ MORE...
05 Feb 23:15

Physicians Believe Rosmah’s Back Pain Due To Luxury Handbag Withdrawal

by Editor

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s High Court has been informed this morning that the Former First Lady.

The post Physicians Believe Rosmah’s Back Pain Due To Luxury Handbag Withdrawal appeared first on The Tapir Times.

28 Jan 07:50

I Tried the Giant, 116-Ounce Water Bottle That Keeps Showing Up on Instagram

by Lauren Masur
"Why did I buy a 116-ounce water bottle with motivational slogans marking every hour from 7 AM to 9 PM? Because Instagram told me to." READ MORE...
24 Jan 08:48

What is Tempeh and How Do You Cook with It?

by Robin Asbell
Jim Paull

What is this strange substance?

Between all the buzz about fermented foods and new concerns about sustainability, it may well be time for a new generation to to meet this genuine superfood. READ MORE...
24 Jan 08:47

What Is the Paleo Diet — And What You Should Know About Going Paleo

by Carolyn Williams
The Paleo Diet continues to be one of the most popular diets today and also one of the most controversial. READ MORE...
21 Jan 00:59

Here’s Why Intermittent Fasting Works for Me (I’ve Been Doing it for 7 Years!)

by Maggie Battista
Laura Rodriguez, an automotive engineer and spin instructor based in Tennessee, credits intermittent fasting for making it possible to do the things she loves most. READ MORE...
20 Jan 23:21

Video Doorbell Captures Historic 24 Hour Snowfall in Newfoundland

by twistedsifter


The Canadian city of St. John’s superseded its record for the most snow in 24 hours, recording 30 inches (76 cm), as the storm hit Newfoundland and Labrador this past Friday.

A state of emergency continued in the provincial capital and elsewhere through Sunday. Snow drifts rose 12 to 15 feet high on some highways, officials said. The Canadian armed forces were called in to help clear the deluge.


see more videos button Video Doorbell Captures Historic 24 Hour Snowfall in Newfoundland

twistedsifter on facebook Video Doorbell Captures Historic 24 Hour Snowfall in Newfoundland

19 Jan 23:59

2 biji epal boleh bantu kawal kolestrol?

by FMT Reporters

Ada pepatah mengatakan “Sebiji epal dalam sehari boleh menjauhkan anda daripada doktor,” tetapi bagaimana pula dengan dua biji epal sehari? Apakah manfaat yang mungkin diperolehi sekiranya mengamalkan pengambilan buah tersebut?

Dua biji epal = 4%

Jika sebelum ini anda mengamalkan untuk memakan sebiji epal sehari, mungkin selepas ini anda boleh mula mengambil dua biji epal setiap hari. Kenapa?

Ini kerana terdapat penyelidikan yang mengatakan dua biji epal yang dimakan setiap hari akan dapat membantu mengekalkan kadar kolesterol.

Lebih menarik lagi, penyelidik turut mendakwa bahawa individu yang mengambil dua biji epal sehari, untuk tempoh selama lapan minggu akan dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol tidak baik sehingga 4%.

Keadaan ini sekali gus dapat mengurangkan risiko untuk mengalami serangan strok atau jantung yang disebabkan pengerasan kolesterol pada arteri.

Menarik, tetapi betul ke?

Kajian yang dilakukan

Dalam satu kajian yang diterbitkan dalam American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, responden yang berusia antara 20 hingga 69 tahun diminta untuk mengambil dua biji epal sehari dalam tempoh dua bulan.

Tahap tekanan darah diambil oleh penyelidik pada sebelum dan selepas tempoh kajian.

Pengkaji turut membuat perbandingan hasil kajian dengan individu yang mengambil dua gelas minuman air epal yang mempunyai kadar kandungan kalori yang sama sepanjang tempoh dua bulan kajian.

Daripada hasil kajian, individu yang memakan epal akan mengalami penurunan kadar kolesterol tidak baik secara purata 3.6% lebih rendah berbanding individu yang mengamalkan pengambilan minuman berasaskan epal.

Kadar peratusan itu adalah jauh lebih rendah berbanding pengambilan ubatan statin, iaitu ubat-ubatan yang biasanya diambil untuk mengurangkan kolesterol antara 30% hingga 55%.

Tetapi perubahan diet yang kecil ini dipercayai dapat membantu mengurangkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular.

Lebih menarik lagi, hasil kajian ini juga mendapati individu wanita yang mengamalkan pengambilan dua biji epal ini setiap hari akan mendapat lebih manfaat berkaitan kolesterol berbanding lelaki.

Walaupun dikatakan wanita lebih memperolehi manfaatnya, ia tidak bermakna tiada langsung kebaikan yang diperolehi oleh individu lelaki, bukan?

Namun, sebenarnya masih banyak kajian yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengesahkan mengenai perkara ini.

Jadi apa kata kita fokuskan kembali mengenai kebaikan buah epal ini, okay?

Apakah manfaatnya?

Sebelum bercerita mengenai manfaatnya, pernah tak anda terfikir kenapa epal yang menjadi pilihan?

Ini kerana epal merupakan buah yang mengandungi kandungan serat dan air yang tinggi – dua sifat yang membuatkan anda kenyang.

Dua epal yang besar, mengandungi kira-kira satu per empat serat harian yang disyorkan bagi seorang individu dan terdapat sejenis serat yang menyokong perkembangan bakteria baik sekali gus dapat mengurangkan kolesterol.

Jadi sebab itulah wujudnya pepatah, “Sebiji epal dalam sehari boleh menjauhkan anda daripada doktor.”

Penyelidik kajian juga mendapati individu yang mengamalkan pengambilan buah ini setiap hari juga akan mempunyai saluran darah yang lebih sihat dan lebih tenang.

Kesan keadaan ini adalah sama dengan pengambilan makanan lain yang mengandungi sebatian semula jadi yang dipanggil polifenol.

Untuk pengetahuan, polifenol adalah sebatian fitokimia yang secara semula jadi terkandung di dalam tumbuhan.

Sebatian ini memberikan pelbagai warna (pigmen) dalam makanan.

Bukan itu sahaja, polifenol juga berfungsi untuk melindungi tumbuhan dari bahaya.

Menurut pengarang kanan kajian dari Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition di University of Reading, Profesor Julie Lovegrove berkata, “Nampaknya pepatah lama yang sering disebut mengenai buah ini adalah hampir tepat.”

Individu yang memakan dua epal bersaiz besar setiap hari yang mengandungi kandungan polifenol yang tinggi akan mempunyai tahap kolesterol LDL yang lebih rendah dan tiada sebarang pengurangan kolesterol baik berbanding mereka yang mengambil minuman berasaskan epal.

Nk Kolesterol LDL ini juga disebut sebagai kolesterol tidak baik.

“Kami percaya serat dan polifenol dalam epal adalah penting dan epal merupakan sejenis buah yang sangat popular dalam kalangan individu dari pelbagai peringkat usia. Ia merupakan sejenis buah yang mudah untuk dimakan dan adalah pilihan makanan snek yang sihat.”

Pakar percaya jenis serat yang ditemui dalam epal bermanfaat kepada bakteria penting dalam usus untuk menghasilkan rantaian pendek asid lemak yang boleh menurunkan kolesterol dalam hati.

Apa pendapat pakar?

Bagi profesor perubatan kardiovaskular di University of Sheffield, Tim Chico, “Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa memakan dua biji epal dalam masa satu hari akan menyebabkan sedikit penurunan dalam kolesterol berbanding dengan hanya meminum air epal.”

“Kesan ke atas kolesterol adalah sangat kecil berbanding dengan terapi ubatan dengan statin dan ia sebenarnya tidak dapat menentukan bahawa ia akan membawa kesan kepada penurunan risiko berkaitan penyakit jantung ataupun strok.”

Bagaimanapun, kajian yang dilakukan itu adalah dalam tempoh jangka masa yang singkat. Jadi setiap manfaat yang diperolehi mungkin akan memberikan kebaikan yang lebih besar kepada kesihatan secara keseluruhan jika dilakukan sepanjang hayat,” ujar Tim.

Kebaikan epal

Epal atau nama saintifiknya malus domestica adalah sejenis tanaman berbuah dalam genus malus dan keluarga mawar.

Ia berasal dari Asia Barat dan merupakan tanaman yang paling banyak ditanam di dunia.

Jom ketahui apakah kebaikan epal:


Menurut kajian yang dibentangkan di Alzheimer’s Association’s International Conference pada 2017, individu yang gemar makan makanan berasaskan tanaman mempunyai kurang risiko demensia.


Menurut kajian yang dilakukan oleh Florida State University, buah ini yang tinggi kandungan serat dapat membantu mengawal paras kolesterol agar kandungan kolesterol “baik” melebihi kolesterol “jahat”.

Berat badan

Berdasarkan kajian, individu yang gemar makan buah ini sebagai pembuka selera akan membuatkan mereka berasa kenyang sebelum makan sajian utama. Kajian tersebut menyambung lagi bahawa individu tersebut akan memperoleh kalori yang lebih rendah iaitu sebanyak 200 kalori kurang daripada individu yang tidak melakukannya.

Risiko diabetes

Dalam satu kajian berskala tinggi yang pernah dijalankan, memakan sebiji epal sehari mempunyai hubungan dalam menurunkan risiko mengalami diabetes jenis 2 sehingga 28%, berbanding jika langsung tidak mengambil epal.

Keadaan ini mungkin kerana polifenol yang terkandung di dalam epal yang membantu mencegah kerosakan tisu pada sel beta di dalam pankreas.

Sel beta berfungsi menghasilkan insulin kepada badan dan fungsinya selalu terjejas pada individu yang mempunyai diabetes jenis 2.


Kandungan antioksidan dalam buah ini yang sangat tinggi menjadikan ia antara sumber makanan yang mampu melawan kanser. Menurut kajian yang dilakukan di Itali, makan buah ini sekali sehari dapat membantu mengurangkan risiko kanser kolorektal berbanding buah-buahan yang lain.

Jadi walaupun masih banyak kajian yang perlu untuk mengesahkan mengenai kebaikan buah ini dalam mengurangkan kadar kolestrol tidak baik dalam badan, tetapi buah epal tetap memberikan manfaat kebaikan kepada mereka yang mengamalkannya.

Artikel ini diterbitkan di dan disemak Dr Duyen Le. Hello Health Group tidak memberikan nasihat perubatan, diagnosis atau rawatan.

Anda ada berita menarik untuk dikongsi? Sila email ke

18 Jan 05:25

Jean-Paul Gaultier drops bombshell of his retirement

by AFP
Jim Paull

JPG! He still looks pretty much like he did in the 90's.

Gaultier, 67, stopped designing ready-to-wear clothes in 2015 to concentrate on haute couture – handmade clothes which only the world’s richest women can afford. © AFP

French designer Jean-Paul Gaultier said Friday that his next Paris haute couture fashion show will be his last.

The flamboyant creator said he would be bowing out Wednesday with a big party to mark his 50 years in the business after his latest collection hits the catwalk.

His brand told AFP that his high-end fashion and perfume business would live on, but that Gaultier was stepping back from designing clothes himself.

“Rest assured haute couture will continue with a new concept,” said the designer, who famously put Madonna in a conical bra.

Gaultier dropped the bombshell in a typically jokey video message, shot as if he was giving an exclusive interview to a reporter over the phone.

Reclining on a chaise longue, he whispered, “Now I am going to give you a scoop. It will be my last couture show. You have to come, you can’t miss that… but, but, but, I assure you, Gaultier Paris will go on, the haute couture will continue.

“I have a new concept. I will tell you about it later, all the little secrets. To be continued! Kisses, kisses.”

Gaultier, 67, stopped designing ready-to-wear clothes in 2015 to concentrate on haute couture – handmade clothes which only the world’s richest women can afford.

But as late as last year he insisted that he had no intention of putting down his scissors – although he despaired of animal rights activists pressuring him to stop using furs.

A teenage prodigy, who rose to fame in the 1980s when the Paris fashion scene was at its most decadent, Gaultier also carved out a parallel television career as the co-presenter of a cheeky series, “Eurotrash”.

In 2018, he staged his own hit cabaret show based loosely on his life story called “Fashion Freak Show”, which opened at the Folie Bergere in Paris.

A spokeswoman for his brand told AFP that the designer would be back, but like the veteran Japanese creator Kenzo – who has moved into interior design – it would be in other areas.

18 Jan 04:19

Malaysia’s little walking calculators who live and breathe math

by Robin Augustin
From left, Chai Feng Ze, Tang Xi Yuan, Alvis Leow, Brandon Choo, Hoo Jordan, Hoo Xinyi bagged gold medals in the World International Mathematical Olympiad in Japan.

SUBANG JAYA: School bullies sometimes call clever kids swots or nerds, while the school athletes are looked up to as heroes.

However, FMT has just met a group of primary school mathletes who everyone looks up to. And not only because these whizzes are the ones who help classmates with their homework.

They’ve just brought home medals for their quick calculations, and are rising stars of the competitive math world.

These super calculating kids put in long hours of mental practice which has led to multiple medals in national and international competitions.

When Brandon Choo was just two his mother played him a YouTube video on multiplication. He thinks it was this that sparked his interest in mathematics.

Choo, from SJK (C) Jalan Davidson in Kuala Lumpur is good at math. Really good.

Alvis Leow’s philosophy: ‘When I can’t solve a problem, I just keep trying.’

He and his five friends bagged gold medals for Malaysia in the World International Mathematical Olympiad (WIMO) in Japan last week.

His team mates were Alvis Leow, Chai Feng Ze, Hoo Jordan, Hoo Xinyi from SJK (C) Jalan Davidson and Tang Yi Xuan from SJK (C) Serdang Baru 2.

The six, plus three others – Yeoh Yi Shuen (SJK (C) Kwang Hwa), Teoh Zhou Zhe (SJK (C) Min Terk) and Cheah Jor Wii (SJK (C) Perempuan China) – did the nation proud in Tokyo.

Yeoh and Teoh were crowned World Champions in their age categories, while Cheah won a silver medal, adding to their impressive, growing haul.

Hoo Xinyi feels sad whenever she arrives at a wrong answer.

Between them they have won well over 100 medals and trophies from various local and international mathematics competitions.

Such glories require a lot of hard work, so these primary school children spend a lot of their time grappling with higher level math questions.

Luckily, for them, math adds up to having fun. But perhaps surprisingly none of them wants to be a math teacher.

These mathletes often easily get full marks in their school exams and find the math they learn at school boring and not challenging enough.

Feng Ze, Choo, Leow, and Xinyi are in Year 5 this year, but they are already tackling math problems designed for students in Form 3 to Form 5.

“I like solving problems, I take it as a challenge,” says Chai.

“I do math when I feel like it but I also enjoy playing outside, singing and public speaking,” says Xinyi.

The children, who train under Academy TeamMathics are all friends and spend a lot of time travelling together to over 20 competitions a year both in this country and abroad.

They already know what their main goal is when it comes to math: to be world champions in the annual International Math Olympiad.

The students before their competition in Japan. (SMO Malaysia pic)

It’s the biggest math tournament for students, and only the top six secondary school students in each country make the cut to represent their nation.

Basically, in Olympiad math competitions, students are given problems to solve. The easier ones usually take around 20 seconds to work out and the hardest ones at least 15 minutes.

These primary school kids are champions, but at times they are given problems which even they cannot solve.

“When I can’t solve a problem, I just keep trying,” says Leow.

Xinyi says she feels sad when after doing all the calculations she finds that her answer is wrong.

“Then I check to see if I’ve made a mistake, and if I can’t find it, I start all over again.”

Choo says, “I practise as much as I can, but sometimes I do get bored and want to play sports.”

But mostly these children live and breathe math, even at the end of a tiring day at school.

“Sometimes before I sleep, I think about a math problem and I try to solve it,” says the bespectacled Tang.

His fellow whizzes nod, seemingly in agreement but perhaps actually mentally calculating the surface area of his lenses.

18 Jan 00:10

How to Clean Reusable Storage Bags: The Easiest, Simplest Method

by Shifrah Combiths
NEVER turn them inside out!
17 Jan 08:38

Bread and Breakfast: This carb-themed hotel will put you in a food coma

by Liz Hund
Jim Paull

Some more carbs???

Just five days after “National Quitters Day” comes a similar holiday, “National Ditch Your Resolutions Day.”

To celebrate, is making the decision to jump off the dieting ship just a little sweeter with a “Bread and Breakfast”-themed hotel room.

The room is a carb-lovers’ dreamland, with edible delicacies in every corner. It’s essentially the exact opposite of the Resolution Suites that we covered last week. Just take a look at the photos:

On top of the already provided in-room sweets, guests will be given a $100 credit to use towards room service. The room service menu sticks to to the theme and offers plenty of carb-loaded options such as a burger sandwiched between a brioche bun, margherita pizza and of course, breakfast in bed –because what’s a “bread and breakfast” without that?

Related: 5 travel resolutions to make you a better traveler in 2020

For those who just knead to stay here, set your alarms for 9 a.m. EST on Friday, Jan. 17, when bookings go live. The food-filled room is at New York City’s Refinery Hotel and will run you $225 a night. This one-of-a-kind stay will only be bookable between Jan. 17 and Jan. 31.

The Refinery Hotel unfortunately does not have a points-bookable option. If you’d like to stay here — whether it involves carb overload or not — you can snag a studio queen from $179 a night as soon as this Friday. Don’t forget to activate your Rakuten rewards before doing so, because bookings are eligible for 4% cash back. That’s a return of about $7 on this booking.

Since there’s no loyalty program tied to the Refinery Hotel, using the right travel rewards card is even more important. Here are a few card recommendation to maximize your stay:

If you’ve got points to burn (and are gluten-free), don’t worry — there are plenty of points-bookable hotels throughout New York City. To help get you started, we’ve put together a list of nine of our favorite points-friendly places to stay in the Big Apple, ranging from budget to luxe.

And if you’re looking to carb load elsewhere, there’s no shortage of restaurants in NYC to choose from. TPG’s resident foodie, Samantha Rosen suggests Carbone for those looking for some world-class Italian food:

“Italian food doesn’t get much better than Carbone. It’s one of the best restaurants in New York, if not the world. In short: If you like to eat, you need to get here, ASAP. Reservations are essential, and you’ll really have to be on top of your game to get one, but it’s all going to pay off the second you bite into the spicy rigatoni.”

And that’s just one stop on our list of the best restaurants in New York City.

Featured photo courtesy of

17 Jan 08:36

Ottolenghi’s Eggplant with Buttermilk Sauce

by Yotam Ottolenghi
The iconic image on the cover of Yotam Ottolenghi's cult-classic cookbook "Plenty" is one of the easiest and best recipes from the entire collection. READ MORE...
14 Jan 13:43

5 most annoying habits in Malaysian gyms

by Noel Wong @ FMT Lifestyle
Gyms are sometimes frequented by people who don’t possess common sense. (Pixabay pic)

With Malaysians being more health conscious than ever, many people, young and old, are hitting the gym to shrink their waistlines and build those buns of steel.

But even as you hit the treadmill or strain under the weights, it becomes painfully clear that some gym goers are going to get under your skin soon enough.

So, what is it that annoys Malaysian gym goers the most? Here is a list of the top five most irritating traits:

1. The unsanitary

Be sure to wipe down exercise equipment that may be soaked with your sweat. (Pixabay pic)

As to be expected of any physical activity, exercising produces a lot of sweat.

More often than not, this layer of sweat seeps through one’s clothes and stains the exercise machines and weights being used.

Most gyms provide cleaning agents in spray bottles and cloths to clean up after a workout. But many gym goers couldn’t be bothered and leave exercise machines sticky with their disgusting sweat.

In addition to being plain unhygienic, it is also utterly inconsiderate to expect someone else to clean-up your mess.

2. The hogger

Remind yourself that gym equipment is meant to be used by everyone and not just yourself. (Pixabay pic)

It should always be remembered that while a gym membership entitles you to use its equipment, it doesn’t mean only you are allowed to use it.

Some people are oblivious to this as they sit on an exercise bench for unusually long periods of time, idling with their mobile phones.

There’s nothing wrong with checking your messages once in a while, but get off the machine to do this so someone else can use it.

But to many, the equipment is theirs and they don’t like the thought of sharing.

Even if one intends to use a particular piece of equipment for an extended time, they shouldn’t during peak hours when the gym is packed.

3. The grunter

There is no need to be excessively loud when you are grunting under the strain of weights. (Rawpixel pic)

It’s a little strange for someone exercising to be as quiet as a mouse, given the physical strain they’re undergoing. But being quiet is no annoyance compared to grunting loudly during a workout.

Sure, the gym is not a library, but that is no reason to be over-the-top with your grunting or countdowns.

Grunting away like it’s nobody’s business will distract other gym goers and might even affect their concentration.

Even if you’re completely unaware of how loud you are thanks to your earphones, the odd looks others give you should be an indication.

4. The creep

With no sense of shame, this person ogles at others, perhaps entertaining indecent thoughts. (Pixabay pic)

Staring is rude, but apparently someone forgot to pass “the creep” this memo.

You will know them by sight when you feel eyes trained on you, boring holes into your body as you go about your workout.

Sure, the gym might be filled with buff folks in tight clothing, but they’re there to exercise, not be eye candy for one’s pleasure.

“The creeps” ought to learn to respect people’s privacy and personal space and just focus on improving themselves.

It’s not surprising if these gym goers are finally thrown out due to their unacceptable behaviour and the discomfort they cause others.

5. The messy

Always remember to return exercise equipment to its rightful place. (Rawpixel pic)

Possibly the one habit that will get even the most patient gym goer worked up, is leaving used gym equipment strewn about.

The rule of thumb is simple: If you took a dumbbell from a rack, put it back once you’re done with it.

Perhaps it may slip your mind once or twice, but if it happens too many times, fellow gym goers’ impressions of you will sour quickly.

People will be rightfully irritated if it turns out that it’s you who leaves dumbbells and weights to be picked up by others.

It is basic etiquette; so don’t be lazy and do return equipment to where you found them.

6. The mobile musician

Bring your own earphones to the gym instead of blasting your music on your phone’s speaker. (Rawpixel pic)

What’s a little music to make one’s workout a little more exciting?

It’s normal for gym goers to use their mobile phones to listen to their own tunes or even watch YouTube videos while exercising. But some seem to have missed out on the fact that headphones and earphones have long been invented.

So instead, they blast their music and videos out for the whole world to listen to, whether the world wants to or not.

The world doesn’t care about the songs on your Spotify playlist; just invest in a good set of earphones and you’re good to go!

11 Jan 10:43

India blows up luxury high-rises over environmental violations

by AFP
Jim Paull


Authorities in southern Kerala state on Saturday razed down two high-rise luxury apartments using controlled implosion. (AP pic)

KOCHI: Two luxury waterfront high-rises in southern India were reduced to rubble in controlled explosions Saturday in a rare example of authorities getting tough on builders who break environmental rules.

The 19-floor H2O Holy Faith complex of 90 flats – overlooking Kerala state’s famous lush backwaters – was the first to go down, collapsing in just a matter of few seconds.

A thick grey cloud of dust and debris cascaded down after officials detonated explosives drilled into the walls of the building, which had been occupied for several years until the Supreme Court ruled last May that it was constructed in violation of coastal regulations.

Minutes later, the twin towers of Alfa Serene – separated by a narrow stretch of backwaters – tumbled down with an ear-splitting noise. The remaining two complexes will be razed on Sunday.

A crowd of onlookers who flocked to nearby terraces and roads watched the demolition, after officials onboard helicopters conducted aerial surveys.

India has seen a construction boom in recent years but developers have often ridden roughshod over safety and other regulations, and with the connivance of local officials.

The inhabitants of the razed apartment blocks in the well-off Maradu district of Kochi city had bought their 343 flats in good faith and now face a lengthy legal fight to recoup their money.

Some had invested their life savings.

Sirens went off on Saturday warning people gathered for the demolition to remain at a safe distance while ambulances and fire engines stood on standby.

Ahead of the work, nearby residents told AFP they were worried about the impact of the demolition on their homes.

“When they were demolishing the swimming pool, some of the houses in our neighbourhood developed cracks, we are really worried,” said Divya, who has moved into temporary accommodation.

Over 2,000 residents living in the neighbourhood were evacuated as a part of safety measures.

Scenic and fragile

The demolition capped a saga that began in 2006 when a local governing body granted permission to private builders to erect the high-rises.

But last year, the Supreme Court ruled that the builders were in breach of rules about construction in an ecologically sensitive coastal zone, calling it a “colossal loss” to the environment.

“It’s a high-tide area and hundreds of illegal structures have come up in the coastal zone,” the court ruled as it ordered the buildings razed.

Kerala is famed for its backwaters, brackish lagoons and lakes that run parallel to the Arabian Sea – creating an environmentally fragile region.

In 2018, the state was battered by its worst floods in almost a century that killed more than 400 people.

Experts blamed the disaster on the government’s eagerness to build houses, hotels and resorts with little regard for coastal planning regulations.

The residents of the Maradu apartments initially refused to vacate but moved out after local authorities cut water and power supplies.

They have been given interim partial compensation by the state government while the builders are in the process of providing a refund.

Shamshudeen Karunagapally, who bought a flat for US$145,000, said his wife and children did not watch the buildings go down as it was “too painful for them to see their dreams shatter before their eyes”.

“We are suffering without any fault,” he told AFP.

01 Jan 01:56

How to Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve

Jim Paull


If you’re used to going to bed early, it can be tough to stay awake until midnight on New Year’s Day. No one wants to fall asleep too early to see the ball drop. This year, keep your eyes open long enough to countdown to the New Year!


[Edit]Staying Active

  1. Talk to people. If you’re around friends or family for New Year’s, make conversation with them to stay awake. Keep your mind entertained by being social.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 1 Version 3.jpg
    • Listen to their stories.
    • Laugh at their jokes.
    • Talk to them about their interests.
  2. Stay on your feet. Dance, walk around the house or even challenge your friends to a push up contest. Whatever you do, just make sure not to sit or lay down. You don’t want to get too comfortable or you might end up drifting off to sleep.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 2 Version 3.jpg
  3. Do fun things. Play games with your friends and family. Play pranks on people. Take turns making New Year’s resolutions with everyone. Do anything that entertains your mind and keeps you up.[1]
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 3 Version 3.jpg
    • If it's legal in your city, shooting off fireworks can be really exciting. Just be very careful around fire and supervise little kids.
    • Taking pictures of everyone in funny poses can make for a really great time.
  4. Help out. If you’re at a party, you can help the cook prepare food for everyone. You can even play bartender and make cocktails for everyone. Volunteer to clean up a bit as well. Not only will helping out ingratiate you with the host, it will keep your mind focused and awake.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 4 Version 3.jpg

[Edit]Fighting the Sleepiness

  1. Use caffeine. Caffeine blocks sleep inducing neurotransmitters in your brain to keep you awake.[2] When you start to feel yourself getting sleepy, drink a cup of coffee or something else with caffeine. Avoid caffeine in the days leading up to New Year’s Eve as it becomes less effective with overuse.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 5 Version 3.jpg
    • Most sodas have caffeine.
    • Energy drinks like Redbull and Monster have a lot of caffeine.
    • Some dark chocolates contain caffeine.
    • Keep in mind that while this is a very effective method, it's not healthy. Don't drink caffeine at night often, as disrupting your sleep cycle can be bad for your health.
  2. Change your body temperature. Vary your body temperature from hot to cold to jolt yourself into alertness. The shock will give your body and mind an instant burst of energy.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 6 Version 3.jpg
    • Splash some cold water on your face.[3]
    • Take a quick shower. Switch the water from cold to hot and then back again to wake your body up and improve your circulation.
    • You can get a similar effect by chewing ice or drinking a cold beverage.
  3. Flip on the light switch. It will be harder for you to fall asleep with all the lights on. Make your environment is as bright as possible.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 7 Version 3.jpg
    • You may want to move to a different room and turn the lights on there to avoid bothering other people.
  4. Listen to music. Put on your favorite upbeat tune and let it energize your spirit. Turn up the volume as loud as you can.[4]
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 8 Version 3.jpg
    • Use headphones if there’s other people around. However, don't turn up the volume too high or you might risk hearing damage.
    • Avoid slow songs that could relax you to sleep.
  5. Get some fresh air. If you’re with a lot of people on New Year’s Eve, the atmosphere may be very crowded. This can make the air very hot and humid which can make you very sleepy.[5] Go outside to get some fresh oxygen to rejuvenate yourself.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 9 Version 3.jpg
  6. Enjoy a film. Watch a really fun film to engage your senses. A good action film will wipe away your sleepiness and keep you on the edge of your seat.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 10 Version 2.jpg
    • Avoid films that are too long or slow. Keeping up with a long, complicated plot can leave you feeling drained.
  7. Use peppermint oil. The smell of peppermint can wake up your senses. Rub some oil on your hands, temples and upper lip. The smell may be very strong, so you might have to keep your distance from people for a while.[6]
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    • Strong citrus scents can also do the trick.
    • Don’t use lavender, it can be too relaxing.

[Edit]Preparing to Stay Awake

  1. Eat nutritious foods throughout the day. Eat vitamin rich foods that will give you energy. You’ll need plenty of Vitamin C and B and omega-3 fatty acids to give yourself the energy to stay awake. Avoid foods with tryptophan like turkey that can make you feel tired and sluggish.[7]
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 12 Version 2.jpg
    • Salmon and walnuts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and will boost your metabolism.
    • Oranges and other citrus fruits are a great source of Vitamin C.
    • Eggs and beans are very B vitamin rich.
    • Eat small meals often to keep your metabolism running. Larger meals can make you sluggish.
  2. Get a full eight hours of sleep the night before. Make sure your body has enough sleep to operate. It will be really hard to have enough energy to stay awake on New Year’s Eve if you’re sleep deprived from the night before.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 13 Version 2.jpg
    • Don’t over do it. Sleeping too much can make you feel groggy.
  3. Take a walk. Low-impact exercise can give you extra energy. Take a thirty minute walk on New Year’s Eve to get your blood pumping and help you stay awake.[8] The sunlight you get from outside will also help your body absorb Vitamin D.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 14 Version 2.jpg
    • Keep it light. Heavy exercise can burn you out and make you feel tired.
  4. Take a nap. If you’re worried you still won’t be able to make it to midnight, take a nap in the middle of the day. Set an alarm to make sure you don’t oversleep. A short nap of forty-five minutes or less will leave you feeling energized. If you go longer, it could make you more tired.
    Stay Awake Until Midnight on New Year's Eve Step 15 Version 2.jpg
    • If you have time, a ninety minute nap will allow your body to get through a rem sleep cycle which can make up for some sleep you’ll be losing on New Year’s.


  • Always keep your mind occupied to stay awake.
  • Ask a friend to wake you up in advance just in case you do fall asleep.
  • Chew gum or put a mint in your mouth to engage your senses and wake your body up.
  • Get up and move around. Try not to sit or lay down because you might get too comfortable and accidentally fall asleep.


  • Don’t start drinking caffeine too early, or your energy level will crash.
  • Don’t drink too much alcohol. It will make you extremely drowsy.
  • Try not to eat turkey, there is a chemical which will make you drowsy.


26 Dec 08:19

unstuffed mushroom casserole

by deb
Jim Paull

This looks good.

Here is a dish that resides in two of my favorite places to eat: in the land of side dishes and luxurious party snacks. I have nothing against stuffed mushrooms — I’ll always eat them — but anything that involves an often complex sauté of ingredients scooped tinily and mounded carefully into mushroom caps (that frequently get dry or leathery in the oven, I know you’re nodding in agreement right now) that need to be served warm is not exactly going to fall in the unfussy category. This recipe rejects the scoops, the caps, and even the fine chop of stems and homes in instead on the flavors that make stuffed mushrooms awesome, baked messily in a pan for scooping onto plates or toasts.
Read more »
22 Dec 14:16

The Force (and Booze) Is Strong with This Baby Yoda Cocktail

by Naomi Tomky
Get tipsy with Baby Yoda.
20 Dec 13:58

Baby Yoda Raspberry Pie

by twistedsifter

baby yoda raspberry pie by thepieous 2 Baby Yoda Raspberry Pie


Professional baker Jessica Leigh Clark-Bojin, better known as @thepieous, presents her amazing ‘Raspbaby Yoda Pie‘, which honestly looks too adorable to eat (almost).

For those curious, Jessica bakes the top crust separately on a cookie sheet and then places the finished ‘crusty art’ on the base pie as soon as it comes out of the oven with a cake lifter. The heat from the base pie fuses the two pieces together.

As for keeping the top crust cold, long enough to do all the artwork, Jessica works on flexible cutting mats so she can pop it in the freezer for a few minutes whenever it start to warm up.

You can find books, guides and tutorials on her website and see many more incredible and delicious looking pie creations on her Instagram page.



baby yoda raspberry pie by thepieous 1 Baby Yoda Raspberry Pie


baby yoda raspberry pie by thepieous 4 Baby Yoda Raspberry Pie


baby yoda raspberry pie by thepieous 5 Baby Yoda Raspberry Pie


baby yoda raspberry pie by thepieous 2 1 Baby Yoda Raspberry Pie


20 Dec 01:48

Paw-fect! Pet Lovers Centre’s pet food drive is on again

by FMT Lifestyle
The pet food collected during the drive will be distributed among four animal shelters in Malaysia. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: It’s easy to get lost in the merriment of the season – decorating the Christmas tree, shopping for gifts, having family and friends over for dinner.

But for this year, how about making the season more meaningful by buying a bag or two or three of pet food for the many hungry dogs and cats in animal shelters across Malaysia?

For the fourth year running, Pet Lovers Centre Malaysia (PLC) is making a difference in the lives of animals with its annual Pet Food Drive in aid of animal shelters in Malaysia while giving you the perfect opportunity to make Christmas truly about joy of giving and sharing.

Held from Dec 6 – Dec 31, the annual pet food drive aims to help animal welfare groups lower the cost of daily food whilst filling the tummies of hungry shelter dogs and cats.

This year, the list of animal shelters include:

  • Paws Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) in the Klang Valley
  • Save a Stray Malaysia (SASM) in the Klang Valley
  • Cat Beach Sanctuary (CBS) in Penang
  • Homeless and Orphan Pets Exists (HOPE) in Johor Bahru

These shelters were chosen for their perseverance in protecting and educating the public about the importance of adoption and the fair treatment of strays, which strengthens PLC’s joint messaging of “All Passion, All Pets”.

During last year’s drive, PLC collected 2,895.31 kg of pet food, and this year’s goal will be to collect around 3,600 kgs to cater to the ever-increasing number of stray animals in these shelters.

Operations Director of PLC Malaysia, Bryan Boo said, “Pet Lovers Centre is focused on providing the best, freshest food, and being the go-to retail for both pet owners and pets.

“As a brand principle, Pet Lovers Centre is constantly on the lookout for further opportunities to expand our efforts of placing adoption first.”

PLC’s pet food drive is aimed at helping four animal shelters in the country cope with feeding the cats and dogs in their care. (PAWS Facebook pic)

He added that the nation-wide partnership with the selected animal shelters would encourage the adoption and fair treatment of stray animals, leading forward with the message of caring for all animals.

PLC’s partnership with local shelters

• Besides the Pet Food Drive, PLC collects contributions as well as provides an adoption space for PAWS through their Adopt 1st Centre programme.

• Save a Stray Malaysia is a non-profit organisation that focuses on generating animal welfare awareness and dissemination of educational information to the public.

• The Cat Beach Sanctuary is a no-kill shelter that focuses on protecting rescued cats in the Penang region. Located in a fishing village of Teluk Bahang in Penang, the shelter houses more than 200 cats rescued from desperate situations.

• Johor Bahru’s HOPE meanwhile aims to rescue, re-home, sterilise and increase public awareness on pet ownership and responsibilities.

This year, PLC’s customers’ contributions will be listed on their website through their receipt number, and at the end of the campaign period, the food collected will be distributed among the four animal shelters.

20 Dec 01:47

Genius Baker Cuts Heads Off of Angel Cookies to Create Baby Yoda Cookies

by Naomi Tomky
It's a holiday miracle!
17 Dec 22:25

Meatloaf Is Never Boring When You Stuff It with This Much Cheese

by Elizabeth Licata
Jim Paull


You've never had meatloaf like this before.
17 Dec 22:24

This Pretend Charcuterie Set Is the Cheese Board Training Your Child Needs

by Isadora Baum
Jim Paull

Hmmm, is plastic salami halal?

Beret not included.
16 Dec 14:23

Cacio e Pepe Brussels Sprouts Will Be Your New Favorite Vegetable Side

by Elizabeth Licata
Jim Paull

On the list.

Cheese: It makes everything better!
16 Dec 08:43

Remember the Glitter Bomb Trap to Bust Porch Pirates? It’s Back with Upgrades

by twistedsifter
Jim Paull

Worth the 18 minutes of watching.


11 months of social justice engineering boiled down to 15 minutes. Oh and Macaulay Culkin is in the video, what more do you want.

Video by Mark Rober


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twistedsifter on facebook Remember the Glitter Bomb Trap to Bust Porch Pirates? Its Back with Upgrades

11 Dec 09:30

Malaysia drops in global English proficiency ranking

by FMT Reporters
Jim Paull


The Education First English Proficiency Index report noted that English standards in Asia have remained the same despite substantial investments in private and public English education. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia has fallen four places in this year’s annual Education First (EF) English Proficiency Index which measures the development of English proficiency across the world.

While it is third in Asia, behind Singapore (66.82) and the Philippines (60.14), Malaysia’s score of 58.55 has seen it slide from the 22nd position to 26th in the latest edition of the rankings produced by international education firm EF Education First.

While it did not elaborate, the report stated that men outscored women by significant margins in English proficiency in Malaysia.

Currently in its ninth year, the index was created after analysing the EF Standard English Test scores of 2.3 million adults across 100 countries and regions.

Table-topper the Netherlands (70.27) was followed by a trio of Scandinavian countries: Sweden (68.74), Norway (67.93) and Denmark (67.87).

Fifth globally, Singapore fell two spots from last year’s third position.

Over half of all Asian countries saw a drop in English proficiency this year, and the report noted that English standards in the region have remained the same despite substantial investments in private and public English education.

Malaysian students’ poor command of the English language was highlighted by the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) in May when its president, Aminuddin Awang, said the education ministry and other education sector stakeholders should conduct a comprehensive study to determine the root cause of the problem instead of putting the blame squarely on teachers.

09 Dec 23:50

Wan Azizah’s father dies

by FMT Reporters
Jim Paull

Cool hat!

Wan Ismail Wan Mahmood. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: Deputy Prime Minister Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail’s father, Wan Ismail Wan Mahmood, passed away early this morning.

According to Wan Azizah’s press secretary, Wan Ismail died at 2.30am today.

His remains will be brought to the Al Mustaqim mosque in Ampang, Selangor, at 9am.


09 Dec 22:56

The Full, Original Suburban Moose Fight Without the Obnoxious Commentary

by twistedsifter
Jim Paull

American elephants


Comedian Michael Rapaport recently did a voice-over to a clip from the video above that has gone viral, so here’s the full, original video which took place in 2015 in a quiet suburb of Anchorage, Alaska.



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twistedsifter on facebook The Full, Original Suburban Moose Fight Without the Obnoxious Commentary