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07 Aug 09:59

PLF Library with Matt Bentley

Rob and Jason are joined by Matt Bentley to discuss plf::colony and plf::stack and some of their advantages over std::vector and std::stack.

Matt Bentley was born in 1978 and never recovered from the experience. He started programming in 1986, completing a BSc Computer Science 1999, before spending three years working for a legal publishing firm, getting chronic fatigue syndrone, quitting, building a music studio, recovering, getting interested in programming again, building a game engine, and stumbling across some generalized solutions to some old problems.

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07 Aug 09:59

Modules with Gabriel Dos Reis

Rob and Jason are joined by Gabriel Dos Reis, Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft to discuss C++ Modules.

Gabriel Dos Reis is a Principal Software Development Engineer at Microsoft. He is also a researcher and a longtime member of the C++ community. His research interests include programming tools for dependable software. Prior to joining Microsoft, he was Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University. Dr. Dos Reis was a recipient of the 2012 National Science Foundation CAREER award for his research in compilers for dependable computational mathematics and educational activities.

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04 Aug 11:00

Appending to a File from Multiple Processes

Suppose you have multiple processes appending output to the same file without explicit synchronization. These processes might be working in parallel on different parts of the same problem, or these might be threads blocked individually reading different external inputs. There are two concerns that come into play:

1) The append must be atomic such that it doesn’t clobber previous appends by other threads and processes. For example, suppose a write requires two separate operations: first moving the file pointer to the end of the file, then performing the write. There would be a race condition should another process or thread intervene in between with its own write.

2) The output will be interleaved. The primary solution is to design the data format as atomic records, where the ordering of records is unimportant — like rows in a relational database. This could be as simple as a text file with each line as a record. The concern is then ensuring records are written atomically.

This article discusses processes, but the same applies to threads when directly dealing with file descriptors.


The first concern is solved by the operating system, with one caveat. On POSIX systems, opening a file with the O_APPEND flag will guarantee that writes always safely append.

If the O_APPEND flag of the file status flags is set, the file offset shall be set to the end of the file prior to each write and no intervening file modification operation shall occur between changing the file offset and the write operation.

However, this says nothing about interleaving. Two processes successfully appending to the same file will result in all their bytes in the file in order, but not necessarily contiguously.

The caveat is that not all filesystems are POSIX-compatible. Two famous examples are NFS and the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). On these networked filesystems, appends are simulated and subject to race conditions.

On POSIX systems, fopen(3) with the a flag will use O_APPEND, so you don’t necessarily need to use open(2). On Linux this can be verified for any language’s standard library with strace.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    fopen("/dev/null", "a");
    return 0;
$ strace -e open ./a.out
open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0666) = 3

For Win32, the equivalent is the FILE_APPEND_DATA access right, and similarly only applies to “local files.”

Interleaving and Pipes

The interleaving problem has two layers, and gets more complicated the more correct you want to be. Let’s start with pipes.

On POSIX, a pipe is unseekable and doesn’t have a file position, so appends are the only kind of write possible. When writing to a pipe (or FIFO), writes less than the system-defined PIPE_BUF are guaranteed to be atomic and non-interleaving.

Write requests of PIPE_BUF bytes or less shall not be interleaved with data from other processes doing writes on the same pipe. Writes of greater than PIPE_BUF bytes may have data interleaved, on arbitrary boundaries, with writes by other processes, […]

The minimum value for PIPE_BUF for POSIX systems is 512 bytes. On Linux it’s 4kB, and on other systems it’s as high as 32kB. As long as each record is less than 512 bytes, a simple write(2) will due. None of this depends on a filesystem since no files are involved.

If more than PIPE_BUF bytes isn’t enough, the POSIX writev(2) can be used to atomically write up to IOV_MAX buffers of PIPE_BUF bytes. The minimum value for IOV_MAX is 16, but is typically 1024. This means the maximum safe atomic write size for pipes — and therefore the largest record size — for a perfectly portable program is 8kB (16✕512). On Linux it’s 4MB.

That’s all at the system call level. There’s another layer to contend with: buffered I/O in your language’s standard library. Your program may pass data in appropriately-sized pieces for atomic writes to the I/O library, but it may be undoing your hard work, concatenating all these writes into a buffer, splitting apart your records. For this part of the article, I’ll focus on single-threaded C programs.

Suppose you’re writing a simple space-separated format with one line per record.

int foo, bar;
float baz;
while (condition) {
    // ...
    printf("%d %d %f\n", foo, bar, baz);

Whether or not this works depends on how stdout is buffered. C standard library streams (FILE *) have three buffering modes: unbuffered, line buffered, and fully buffered. Buffering is configured through setbuf(3) and setvbuf(3), and the initial buffering state of a stream depends on various factors. For buffered streams, the default buffer is at least BUFSIZ bytes, itself at least 256 (C99 §7.19.2¶7). Note: threads share this buffer.

Since each record in the above program easily fits inside 256 bytes, if stdout is a line buffered pipe then this program will interleave correctly on any POSIX system without further changes.

If instead your output is comma-separated values (CSV) and your records may contain new line characters, there are two approaches. In each, the record must still be no larger than PIPE_BUF bytes.

  • Unbuffered pipe: construct the record in a buffer (i.e. sprintf(3)) and output the entire buffer in a single fwrite(3). While I believe this will always work in practice, it’s not guaranteed by the C specification, which defines fwrite(3) as a series of fputc(3) calls (C99 §¶2).

  • Fully buffered pipe: set a sufficiently large stream buffer and follow each record with a fflush(3). Unlike fwrite(3) on an unbuffered stream, the specification says the buffer will be “transmitted to the host environment as a block” (C99 §7.19.3¶3), so this should be perfectly correct on any POSIX system.

If your situation is more complicated than this, you’ll probably have to bypass your standard library buffered I/O and call write(2) or writev(2) yourself.

Practical Application

If interleaving writes to a pipe stdout sounds contrived, here’s the real life scenario: GNU xargs with its --max-procs (-P) option to process inputs in parallel.

xargs -n1 -P$(nproc) myprogram < inputs.txt | cat > outputs.csv

The | cat ensures the output of each myprogram process is connected to the same pipe rather than to the same file.

A non-portable alternative to | cat, especially if you’re dispatching processes and threads yourself, is the splice(2) system call on Linux. It efficiently moves the output from the pipe to the output file without an intermediate copy to userspace. GNU Coreutils’ cat doesn’t use this.

Win32 Pipes

On Win32, anonymous pipes have no semantics regarding interleaving. Named pipes have per-client buffers that prevent interleaving. However, the pipe buffer size is unspecified, and requesting a particular size is only advisory, so it comes down to trial and error, though the unstated limits should be comparatively generous.

Interleaving and Files

Suppose instead of a pipe we have an O_APPEND file on POSIX. Common wisdom states that the same PIPE_BUF atomic write rule applies. While this often works, especially on Linux, this is not correct. The POSIX specification doesn’t require it and there are systems where it doesn’t work.

If you know the particular limits of your operating system and filesystem, and you don’t care much about portability, then maybe you can get away with interleaving appends. For full portability, pipes are required.

On Win32, writes on local files up to the underlying drive’s sector size (typically 512 bytes to 4kB) are atomic. Otherwise the only options are deprecated Transactional NTFS (TxF), or manually synchronizing your writes. All in all, it’s going to take more work to get correct.


My true use case for mucking around with clean, atomic appends is to compute giant CSV tables in parallel, with the intention of later loading into a SQL database (i.e. SQLite) for analysis. A more robust and traditional approach would be to write results directly into the database as they’re computed. But I like the platform-neutral intermediate CSV files — good for archival and sharing — and the simplicity of programs generating the data — concerned only with atomic write semantics rather than calling into a particular SQL database API.

04 Aug 10:53

NixOS 16.03 released

NixOS 16.03 “Emu” has been released, the fifth stable release branch. See the release notes for details. You can get NixOS 16.03 ISOs and VirtualBox appliances from the download page. For information on how to upgrade from older release branches to 16.03, check out the manual section on upgrading.
04 Aug 10:53

NixOps 1.4 released

NixOps 1.4 has been released. This release contains contains many nice new features. See the manual for details.
24 May 09:11

Цитата №8054

<superka> как думаете, лет через 20 останутся лишь инженеры, а всю работу будут выполнять роботы?
<portnov> или же наоборот
<portnov> останутся лишь роботы, а всю работу будут выполнять инженеры