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18 Jun 20:00

Barthes’s Likes and Dislikes, Illustrated

by Maria Popova

Champagne over strawberries, Glenn Gould over Vivaldi, romantic music over fidelity, and no telephoning.

Several weeks ago, I wrote about Susan Sontag’s meditation on why lists appeal to us, which included her quirky stream-of-consciousness lists of personal likes and dislikes. One reader — Australian illustrator and graphic designer Lynore Avery — was moved to draw some of Sontag’s favorite things, while another pointed out that French literary critic and philosopher Roland Barthes had written a similar list of likes and dislikes, which probably inspired Sontag’s. This, in fact, makes perfect sense: Sontag mentions Barthes frequently in her later journals, always with admiring and aspirational remarks like this one jotted down on a November afternoon in 1977, the year Barthes’s original list was published in Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes (public library):

Imagine having such a mind as Barthes has — that always works …

On March 26, 1980, she notes with forlorn dryness:

Barthes died.

It is the only death of a public intellectual she notes in this diary. Several days later, Sontag dedicates an entire journal entry to him:

People called him a critic, for want of a better label; and I myself said he was “the greatest critic to have emerged anywhere …” But he deserves the more glorious name of writer.  

His body of work is an immense, complex, extremely discreet effort at self-description.  

Eventually he became a real writer. But he couldn’t purge himself of his ideas.

Such a celebrator was Sontag of Barthes’s legacy that in 1983 she edited an anthology of his selected writings and penned the introduction to it. It comes as no surprise that it included Barthes’s own list of likes and dislikes, originally titled J’aime, je n’aime pas (I like, I don’t like).

So, the only natural thing to do was ask Lynore to bring the same illustration magic to Barthes’s lists — which she kindly did:

I like: salad, cinnamon, cheese, pimento, marzipan, the smell of new-cut hay (why doesn’t someone with a “nose” make such a perfume), roses, peonies, lavender, champagne, loosely held political convictions, Glenn Gould, too-cold beer, flat pillows, toast, Havana cigars, Handel, slow walks, pears, white peaches, cherries, colors, watches, all kinds of writing pens, desserts, unrefined salt, realistic novels, the piano, coffee, Pollock, Twombly, all romantic music, Sartre, Brecht, Verne, Fourier, Eisenstein, trains, Médoc wine, having change, Bouvard and Pécuchet, walking in sandals on the lanes of southwest France, the bend of the Adour seen from Doctor L.’s house, the Marx Brothers, the mountains at seven in the morning leaving Salamanca, etc.

I don’t like: white Pomeranians, women in slacks, geraniums, strawberries, the harpsichord, Miró, tautologies, animated cartoons, Arthur Rubinstein, villas, the afternoon, Satie, Bartók, Vivaldi, telephoning, children’s choruses, Chopin’s concertos, Burgundian branles and Renaissance dances, the organ, Marc-Antoine Charpentier, his trumpets and kettledrums, the politico-sexual, scenes, initiatives, fidelity, spontaneity, evenings with people I don’t know, etc.

Like previous Brain Pickings Artist Series collaborations, both of these gems are available as prints in Lynore’s Society6 shop — enjoy. Find more of her wonderful work on Behance.

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21 May 20:25

La Rutina de Ejercicios de 7 minutos, y la Web que nos ayudará a realizarlos [Productividad]

by Arturo Goga
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Hace unas semanas les comentamos sobre una rutina de ejercicios que, si bien tenía una duración total de 7 minutos, dada la intensidad, variedad de ejercicios y exigencia física, era suficiente para darle un trabajo completo a nuestro cuerpo. De hecho, según el co-autor del artículo médico: “Hay evidencia que ejercicios de alta intensidad en intervalos brinda muchos de los beneficios físicos de los entrenamientos prolongados de resistencia, pero en menor tiempo”.

Otra gran ventaja de esta rutina es que, además del corto tiempo, no requiere de instrumentos complicados. Basta con tener cerca una silla, una pared, y nada más.

De hecho, vengo realizándolos desde la semana pasada, desde que publicamos la infografía, y debo reconocer que es una rutina bastante exigente físicamente. Realizable, sí, pero terminarán agotados después de los siete minutos.

Y bueno, volvemos a mencionar la rutina porque ha aparecido una web llamada que, como podrán adivinar, no sólo nos da la rutina completa, sino que además, cuenta los 30 segundos de ejercicios (e intervalos de 10 segundos entre ellos), por nosotros.

Además de mantener el tiempo, también obtendremos una representación gráfica del ejercicio en sí, para saber exactamente lo que tenemos que hacer. Incluso oiremos una voz cuando sea necesario cambiar de posición (cuando tenemos que ejercitar uno y otro lado).

La página es sumamente sencilla: Le damos click a Start, y empezará el contador, en tamaño completo, mostrándonos lo que tenemos que hacer. Luego también contará los breaks de 10 segundos entre ejercicio, para inmediatamente lanzarnos el siguiente.

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Si han decidido seguir la rutina, es una excelente manera de realizarla. Y al estar realizada enteramente en HTML5, incluso funciona desde iphones / ipads / smartphones en general! Ya lo saben, no hay excusa, entonces para no hacerlos! 

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