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10 Apr 15:00

Patch Tuesday


pretty much every month for us


by @surbo

07 Apr 23:21

Sharia council 'puts women at risk'


When does the government have the right to step in and overrule religious beliefs? In this case you have these Sharia councils trying to force women to stay with abusive husbands clearly putting them in danger. If a religious practice could harm other I think you can step in but it is a tricky issue because the Feds have a tendency to over react and mess things up.

The Muslim women pressured to stay in violent marriages
06 Apr 22:08

Changing production without backups

by sharhalakis

Been there before

Submitted by rockstarcode

06 Apr 20:36

"We don't need to encrypt the traffic. There isn't anybody out there listening."


I have literally had this conversation with people before


by anonymous submission

06 Apr 15:40

The culture of guns, the culture of alcohol

by Tyler Cowen

It is an interesting parallel that with both guns and alcohol there are groups that can use it responsibly and those who cannot. I think the comparison ends there though.

I receive many emails asking me what is my attitude toward guns and gun control.  I would say I wish it worked better than it does (a key point), I don’t think it works very well, I am happy to make those changes which seem to work somewhat, but overall I see an America with lots of guns and a falling crime and murder rate, so let’s focus on what is working, whatever that may be.

I would be happier if advocates of stronger gun control would state up front what percentage of the variation in the murder rate they thought they would be controlling.  I see them as likely to make some dent in the suicide rate, most of all.

I would gladly see a cultural shift toward the view that gun ownership is dangerous and undesirable, much as the cultural attitudes toward smoking have shifted since the 1960s.

I am, however, consistent.  I also think we should have a cultural shift toward the view that alcohol — and yes I mean all alcohol — is at least as dangerous and undesirable.  I favor a kind of voluntary prohibition on alcohol.  It is obvious to me that alcohol is one of the great social evils and when I read the writings of the prohibitionists, while I don’t agree with their legal remedies, their arguments make sense to me.  It remains one of the great undervalued social movements.  For mostly cultural reasons, it is now a largely forgotten remnant of progressivism and it probably will stay that way, given that “the educated left” mostly joined with America’s shift to being “a wine nation” in the 1970s.

Guns, like alcohol, have many legitimate uses, and they are enjoyed by many people in a responsible manner.  In both cases, there is an elite which has absolutely no problems handling the institution in question, but still there is the question of whether the nation really can have such bifurcated social norms, namely one set of standards for the elite and another set for everybody else.

In part our guns problem is an alcohol problem.  According to Mark Kleiman, half the people in prison were drinking when they did whatever they did.  (Admittedly the direction of causality is murky but theory points in some rather obvious directions.)  Our car crash problem – which kills many thousands of Americans each year — is also in significant part an alcohol problem.  There are connections between alcohol and wife-beating and numerous other social ills, including health issues of course.

It worries me when people focus on “guns” and do not accord an equivalent or indeed greater status to “alcohol” as a social problem.  Many of those people drink lots of alcohol, and would not hesitate to do so in front of their children, although they might regard owning an AK-47, or showing a pistol to the kids, as repugnant.  I believe they are a mix of hypocritical and unaware, even though many of these same individuals have very high IQs and are well schooled in the social sciences.  Perhaps they do not want to see the parallels.

The people who get this right — it seems to me — are the Mormons.  Compassion, most of all for the poor, means that we should raise the social status of Mormons on this issue.

I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

06 Apr 12:36

You'll want to Visit This LEGO Utopia


I wonder if Jessica would let me make something like this

You'll want to Visit This LEGO Utopia

After 600,000 hours of work and 200,000 bricks artist Mike Doyle created this sci-fi LEGO utopia. Check out more pictures here!

Submitted by: Unknown (via Colossal)

Tagged: lego , design , model , nerdgasm , g rated , win Share on Facebook
06 Apr 12:35

The Singing Bulldog


A bulldog singing opera sounds exactly how you expect it to sound

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: singing , bulldog , Video Share on Facebook
06 Apr 02:38

Interactive Tool Shows You How To Hide Your Millions Offshore

by Colin Lecher

Now where to hide all my money...

Tax Havens CBCNews Stash your dough in the Bahamas, "invest" in diamonds, and spend your tax-free cash.

You probably have a sketchy idea of tax havens--the pillowcases of the super-rich--but might not have an idea of exactly the steps necessary to avoid getting taxed by the government. But a recent financial data leak has given us a window into the process, and this CBC News infographic breaks it down amazingly.

Walk through the slides and you'll stash your cash where it can't be traced, set up a fake company, move the money, hide the money through investments, and finally spend it. (Or turn yourself in--as if you were considering that.)

Yes, it'll make you frustrated that people with millions of dollars can make even more millions by skirting tax law. But this infographic also makes it fun to do yourself.

[CBC News]