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21 Mar 21:41

Harry’s: A New Day in Men’s Shaving

by megan


Grooming is a key component of a man’s personal style. If all the comments on this week’s earlier post on changing up your hairstyle didn’t confirm that, I don’t know what will.


That’s why I’m so excited about Harry’s – the new premium shaving supplies brand available online at – wait for it – reasonable prices.

The brand was started up by Andy Katz Mayfield and Jeff Raider. The latter was also one of the wizards behind innovative eyewear brand Warby Parker. They changed the game when they spotted an industry controlled by a few large companies that have kept prices artificially high, reaping huge profits from consumers who have no other options (I mean, if you need glasses, you need glasses) – and provided them with an alternative: well-made glasses sold online, for less.

So when Katz Mayfield and Raider turned their sights (sorry, had to) onto shaving, they found a similar landscape. A market dominated by only a few players, where – at one end – razors found at drug stores were advertised like race cars (think lightning bolts and lots of “Pfsssssheewww!” sounds in commercials), and at the other end, high-end shaving supplies sold for the price of a steak dinner in places that feel like there should be ragtime on the stereo when you walk in the store.

Harry’s was born from the idea that, “Every man deserves a quality shave at a fair price.”

A novel idea, though it shouldn’t be.


{The Truman Set, $15}

The Truman Set (love the names of this stuff) clocks in at $15 and comes with a zinc alloy handle, three blades, and a tube of shaving cream.


{The Winston, $20}

Its older brother, the Winston, is constructed from precision-grade aluminum and weighs in at a still ridiculously manageable $20 for the handle, and $25 for the set. I know. I know.

Replacement blades top out at $2 a pop.

I love how much thought went into every inch of the brand: razors crafted by German engineers, shaving cream blended by some of the top chemists in the industry, and for each set of blades purchased, Harry’s makes a donation to charitable organizations. First up: The Mission Continues, a group that awards fellowships to veterans of recent wars. As the guys put it, “We give a shave about helping people look and feel great, including those who might need a hand.” Love that.

Oh, and the packaging? Well, if you’re into design, you’ll definitely dig it. And if you’re not, you’ll still appreciate the elegant paper carton that doesn’t require a kitchen scissors to get it open.

Get yours here.

Tell me: What was your first razor? Are you still using the same brand today?

The post Harry’s: A New Day in Men’s Shaving appeared first on Style Girlfriend.