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16 Apr 23:48

5 tips to get you underway with hosting

by Debbie Hatumale

Hi there! I’m Billy, and I look after our hosting support department. 

This is me on 5033m above sea level on Kazbek mountain :)

You may have chatted with me via live chat – I handle everything from choosing the right hosting plan to lowering account resource usage and other more complicated cases.

My team and I are customer support addicts. We are always working on ways to improve the quality of your hosting experience. We know that hosting stuff may appear to be complicated at first, but we strive to show that bringing your website online can be achievable for anyone.

This has inspired us to write this blog post. It contains a list of the most common tips and tricks you might find useful regarding different stages of the website development process.

Excited? Let’s go!

1. First things first: Setting up the nameservers

Correct domain pointing is the first step in the website setup process.

Have a look here to make sure the nameservers for your domains are configured correctly.

If all is good here, check whether DNS propagation is completed on your side – clear the cache or try using a different device. Online proxies come in handy here; they are designed to bring up the websites through different ISPs, so you can see your website real-time, bypassing all kinds of caches. Examples of online proxies: and

If you cannot wait for the DNS propagation to pass, go ahead and edit the hosts file. This simple operation will force your local computer to pull the website directly from the server.

2. Creating a website: Where to start

So you already have your domain, hosting and nameservers setup. Now you are probably wondering how to actually start building the website? Well, you’re in luck – it’s never been easier!

WordPress is a great tool for getting started. It’s intuitive and infinitely customizable with hundreds of free awesome themes for it, which make this website platform one of the most popular on the market. Eager to try? Guidelines for installing with just a few clicks can be found right here.

Already have a website to upload? Here is an article covering file upload setup.

  1. Getting your website in Google

Once your website is ready, it’s time to attract an interested crowd and get it recognized by Google. 

All our shared hosting accounts are equipped with Attracta, a free app that helps add your website to the most popular search engines in a few simple steps. You can learn how to use it in this article.

Here are more useful articles on the search engine optimization process.

  1. Admit it: Nobody likes slow websites

At some point in the website development process, you might catch yourself with the thought that your website can be faster. Moreover, slow page speed may affect your position in search results. Check your website with the Google PageSpeed tool to get some insights and troubleshooting tips on the matter.

If you have a WordPress website, optimization and speeding-up tips can be found here.

  1. New domain, new project – all in one hosting account

As time goes by, you might want to get another domain and build a completely different website for it. Great news: With all our shared hosting plans, you have the option to host multiple domains on a single account. The process involves only two steps, so you can get the newbie site working in under 10 minutes!

 And that is it. We think these five simple steps are enough to open a door to the internet for every person. We’re sure you have something to say, and the world is waiting for your awesome stories! Share them with us below. And, as always, should you face any obstacles along the way, we’re here 24/7 to assist you. Feel free to get in touch with us here. :)