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02 Jul 08:06

Pocket Spacecraft launches crowdsourced lunar mission on Kickstarter (video)

by Daniel Cooper

 Send a used coffee filter to space

As space exploration becomes democratized, the entry price for such endeavors has fallen dramatically. One company taking advantage of this is Pocket Spacecraft, a Bristol-based enterprise that thinks it can send thousands of personalized probes to the heavens for a few hundred dollars apiece. While it may look more like a used coffee filter, the Earth Scout / Lunar Scout is a CD-sized, paper-thin probe that contains a bonded solar cell, system-on-a-chip and antennas. Several thousand of these will be loaded onto a CubeSat and then dropped onto Earth or the Moon, depending on your project and contribution. Users who cough up the cash will then be able to observe how thin, papery probes journey downward, with telemetry being sent to an Android / iOS app. Anyone interested in backing the project on Kickstarter should check out the video after the break and then empty their savings of £99 ($150) to buy an Earth scout or £199 ($302) if they intend to explore the Moon.

Filed under: Transportation, Science


Source: Kickstarter

18 Jun 05:09

Google 街景車目擊到的30幾張讓人哭笑不得的千奇百怪照片



大家在逛街時要特別小心,小心隨時撞到 Google 街景車!一不留神可能會發現自己突然出名了,成為該地方的「地標」,以下有些照片可算是 Google Street View 的經典,有見過了嗎?






18 Jun 04:59

HTML Email 编写指南


话说我订阅了不少了新闻邮件(Newsletter),比如JavaScript Weekly。每周收到一封邮件,了解本周的大事。



因为这种带格式的邮件,其实就是一张网页,正式名称叫做HTML Email。它能否正常显示,完全取决于邮件客户端。大多数的邮件客户端(比如Outlook和Gmail),会过滤HTML设置,让邮件面目全非。

我发现,编写HTML Email的窍门,就是使用15年前的网页制作方法。下面就是我整理的编写指南。

1. Doctype

目前,兼容性最好的Doctype是XHTML 1.0 Strict,事实上Gmail和Hotmail会删掉你的Doctype,换上这个Doctype。

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">


  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

  <title>HTML Email编写指南</title>

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>




2. 布局


<body style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">

 <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

   <td> Hello! </td>



表格的 border 属性等于1, 是为了方便开发。正式发布的时候,再把这个属性设为0。


<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600" style="border-collapse: collapse;">

  <td> Row 1 </td>

  <td> Row 2 </td>

  <td> Row 3 </td>



3. 图片



  img {outline:none; text-decoration:none; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;}

  a img {border:none;}

  <img border="0" style="display:block;">


4. 行内样式



  style="font: 8px/14px Arial, sans-serif;"


  <p style="margin: 1em 0;">


  <p style="margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0;">

5. W3C校验和测试工具

要保证最终的代码,能够通过W3C的校验,因为某些客户端会把不合格属性剥离。还要使用测试工具(1, 2, 3),查看在不同客户端的显示结果。

发送HTML Email的时候,不要忘记MIME类型不能使用

  Content-Type: text/plain;


  Content-Type: Multipart/Alternative;

发送工具可以考虑使用 MailChimpCampaign Monitor

6. 模板


自己开发的话,可以参考HTML Email BoilerplateEmailology

7. 参考链接


  - Sean Powell,Say Hello to the HTML Email Boilerplate
  - Nicole Merlin,Build an HTML Email Template From Scratch
  - Nicole Merlin, What You Should Know About HTML Email



22 Mar 08:32

Apple brings two-step verification to iCloud and Apple ID users

by Donald Melanson

Apple brings twostep verification to iCloud and Apple ID users

It's been a strong selling point from Google for security-minded users, and now Apple has finally come on board with a two-step verification process for Apple ID and iCloud users. Not surprisingly, the system works much the same as with Google and others: you first need to enable it on the Apple ID website, then you can use your mobile device to receive verification codes as needed (either via text message or the Find my iPhone app) to sign into various Apple services. You can also stash a recovery key away in the event you lose or are locked out of your phone.

In our testing, it appears that the functionality is slowly rolling out to US-based users, but in practice, the changes aren't actually sticking. We're hitting plenty of time-outs, and even after registering a device, we're noticing that the verifications aren't sticking within the Apple ID account. If you're running into issues, you may want to just wait as Apple irons out the kinks.

Filed under: Cellphones, Software, Mobile, Apple


Via: 9 to 5 Mac

Source: Apple

22 Mar 08:27

Firefox Nightly now packing OdinMonkey JavaScript optimization

by Mark Hearn

DNP Firefox nightly now packing OdinMonkey, turns Java

Today, Firefox's Nightly channel received a pick me up in the form of its asm.js optimizer known as OdinMonkey. Baked into June's stable release of Firefox 22, this subset of Mozilla's rendering engine lets developers compile C or C++ to JavaScript by using Emscripten. This gives the code the potential to run within 2x its native performance. For those of you who've now gone cross-eyed, simply put this should give Firefox a hefty performance boost and open the door to more sophisticated browser-based games as well as faster web apps. For its inaugural offering, OdinMonkey is only available to Windows and Linux users, but the company says that OSX and ARM version are near completion.

Filed under: Internet, Software


Via: TechCrunch

Source: Luke Wagner (blog)

19 Mar 11:28



