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15 Jul 04:03

When Galaxies Collide

A spectacular head-on collision between two galaxies fueled the unusual triangular-shaped star-birthing frenzy, as captured in this image from Hubble.
15 Jul 03:59

Hurricane Season 2022 Begins

Hurricanes are the most powerful weather event on Earth. The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season extends from June 1 to November 30.
22 Nov 11:51

An Aurora Seen From Space

An aurora dimly intersected with Earth's airglow as the International Space Station flew into an orbital sunrise 264 miles above the Pacific Ocean.
23 Sep 11:46

Aurora Australis Lights Up the Sky

This image, taken from aboard the International Space Station, shows the aurora australis as it streams across the Earth's atmosphere.
25 Apr 06:46

The Places We Call Home

In this image that astronaut Scott Kelly posted to Twitter on Aug. 9, 2015 during his #YearInSpace captures all the the places humans dwell.
19 Oct 09:21

The Tycho Supernova: Death of a Star

In 1572, Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe was among those who noticed a new bright object in the constellation Cassiopeia.
14 May 10:36

Landslides in Mars' Cerberus Fossae

Cerberus Fossae is a steep-sided set of troughs cutting volcanic plains to the east of Elysium Mons, Mars. This image was captured by the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
02 May 09:55

Illustration of Cassini Spacecraft Diving Through Plume of 'Ocean World' Enceladus

This illustration shows NASA's Cassini spacecraft diving through the plume of Saturn's moon Enceladus, in 2015. Two veteran NASA missions are providing new details about icy, ocean-bearing moons of Jupiter and Saturn, further heightening the scientific interest of these and other "ocean worlds" in our solar system and beyond.
05 Apr 02:09

2girls akemi_homura akuma_homura black_hair blush bow breasts choker cleavage dahl_lange dress elbow_gloves flowers gloves kaname_madoka long_hair mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica pink_hair red_eyes ribbons shoujo_ai skirt thighhighs ultimate_madoka wings [1000x729]

by RyuZU
23 Dec 14:31

Cosmic ‘Winter’ Wonderland

Although there are no seasons in space, this cosmic vista invokes thoughts of a frosty winter landscape. It is, in fact, a region called NGC 6357 where radiation from hot, young stars is energizing the cooler gas in the cloud that surrounds them.
22 Sep 02:47


by Andy Yang
说到暴雪就会想到战网),提到 就会想到暴雪。自从 Diablo 面世以来,两者间已经建立起来密不可分的关系,但仔细一想,这样特地把网络服务用另一个名字切分出来,意义何在呢?在 刚出现的那个年代,这样的分野是很有道理的 -- 绝大部份的游戏都是单机游戏,而连上线找到一起玩的朋友或对手是一件非常麻烦的事,通常要求要在同一个区网内,或是通过 IP 直接连线才行。这时候出现的像 GameSpy、 这样专职多人连线的服...
21 Sep 06:24

Space Station Flight Over the Southern Tip of Italy

The southern tip of Italy is visible in this image taken by the Expedition 49 crew aboard the International Space Station on Sept. 17, 2016. The brightly lit city of Naples can be seen in the bottom section of the image. A Russian Soyuz spacecraft can be seen in the foreground.
08 Sep 06:34

Expedition 48 Crew Preparing to Return Home

Expedition 48 Commander Jeff Williams of NASA returns to Earth Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016, after a five-and-a-half-month mission aboard the International Space Station. Williams captured this photograph and wrote, "I will certainly miss this view! Vast gratitude toward my crewmates, ground teams, supporting friends, and family."
31 Aug 08:17

Good Morning From the International Space Station

Expedition 48 Commander Jeff Williams of NASA shared this sunrise panorama taken from his vantage point aboard the International Space Station, writing, "Morning over the Atlantic…this one will hang on my wall."
13 Aug 15:09

The Loneliest Young Star

An unusual celestial object called CX330 was first detected as a source of X-ray light in 2009. It has been launching “jets” of material into the gas and dust around it.
13 Aug 15:09

Space Station View of the Chesapeake Bay

On July 21, 2016, Expedition 48 Commander Jeff Williams of NASA shared this photograph of sunglint illuminating the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, writing, "Morning passing over the Chesapeake Bay heading across the Atlantic."
13 Aug 15:09

Field Testing NASA's New Carbon-Dioxide Measuring Instrument

A team of NASA scientists and engineers is poised to realize a lifetime goal: building an instrument powerful and accurate enough to gather around-the-clock global atmospheric carbon-dioxide (CO2) measurements from space. Developers of the CO2 Sounder Lidar instrument snapped this photo during a field campaign over California and Nevada.
13 Aug 15:08

Aurora and Manicouagan Crater

An astronaut aboard the International Space Station adjusted the camera for night imaging and captured the green veils and curtains of an aurora that spanned thousands of kilometers over Quebec, Canada.
13 Aug 15:08

Perseid Meteor Shower 2016 from West Virginia

In this 30 second exposure, a meteor streaks across the sky during the annual Perseid meteor shower Friday, Aug. 12, 2016 in Spruce Knob, West Virginia.
26 Jul 07:52

NASA's Hubble Looks to the Final Frontier

This view of a massive cluster of galaxies unveils a very cluttered-looking universe filled with galaxies near and far. Some are distorted like a funhouse mirror through a "space warp" phenomenon first predicted by Einstein a century ago.
26 Jul 07:44

Melt Water Over Arctic Sea Ice

Sea ice across the Arctic Ocean is shrinking to below-average levels this summer. NASA’s Operation IceBridge, an airborne survey of polar ice, just completed its first flights studying the aquamarine pools of melt water on the ice surface that may be accelerating the overall sea ice retreat.
16 Jul 08:03

Hubble Spots a Secluded Starburst Galaxy

This image, taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), shows a starburst galaxy named MCG+07-33-027. This galaxy lies some 300 million light-years away from us, and is currently experiencing an extraordinarily high rate of star formation — a starburst.
23 Jun 12:52

Expedition 47 Soyuz Landing

The Soyuz TMA-19M spacecraft is seen as it lands with Expedition 47 crew members Tim Kopra of NASA, Tim Peake of the European Space Agency, and Yuri Malenchenko of Roscosmos near the town of Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan on Saturday, June 18, 2016. Kopra, Peake, and Malenchenko are returning after six months onboard the International Space Station.
23 Jun 12:52

Space Station View of the Full Moon

Expedition 48 Commander Jeff Williams of NASA took this photograph on June 21, 2016, from the International Space Station, writing, "A spectacular rise of the full moon just before sunset while flying over western China."
12 Jun 06:50

Windows and Office ISO Downloader 從微軟官方網站免費下載 Windows、Office 安裝程式

by Pseric

Windows and Office ISO Downloader 從微軟官方網站免費下載 Windows、Office 安裝程式

我曾介紹「從 Microsoft 官方網站下載 Windows 7、8.1 及 10 中文光碟映像檔」教學,透過一段程式碼開啟官方隱藏鏈結,就能從微軟網站取得這些作業系統 ISO 檔,對於平時想重灌系統或幫朋友同事灌電腦的使用者來說,這些從信任下載點取得的安裝檔更加安全可靠。之前介紹的程式並沒有 Office 下載,如果你想從微軟網站取得安裝程式,應該怎麼做呢?

最近發現一款免費工具 Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool,執行就能從微軟官方網站下載 Windows 或 Office 安裝程式,如果你覺得微軟官方網站載點很難找,或是想獲取更安全可靠的安裝程式,可以考慮先下載這個工具。

Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool 支援項目包括 Windows 7、Windows 8.1、Windows 10、Windows 10 Insider Preview、Office 2007、Office 2010 及 Office 2013/2016,若本身有 32、64 位元,還能依照需求來下載特定版本。



軟體名稱:Windows and Office ISO Downloader


下載、開啟 Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool 工具後,從右側選擇要下載的產品類型,目前支援 Windows 7、8.1、10 以及 Office 2007、2010 和 2013/2016 ,選擇後從左側來尋找適當的版本。


Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool

Office 2010 有一般家用版、教育版、個人版或專業版,也有每一項產品個別下載鏈結。

Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool

選擇產品版本後可以選取需要的語言,「Chinese Traditional」就是台灣正體中文。

Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool

最後點選你要下載 32 位元或 64 位元版本,就會下載對應格式。若你想要複製下載鏈結並使用其他軟體下載的話,可點選右側的「Copy Link for 32 bit(64 bit)」。

下載鏈結會保留 24 小時,如果之後還需要的話需要重新進行以上步驟來產生新鏈結。

Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool


  1. 從微軟官方網站免費下載、取得 Windows 或 Office 安裝程式
  2. 支援 Windows 7、8.1、10,Office 2007、2010 及 Office 2013/2016
  3. 複製下載鏈結透過其他續傳軟體下載
12 Jun 06:19

Beams of Light on a Golden Lake

This stunning Earth image taken by the Expedition 47 crew on May 31, 2016, from the International Space Station looks from northwestern China on the bottom into eastern Kazakhstan. The large lake in Kazakhstan with golden sun glint is the crescent-shaped Lake Balkhash, the second largest lake in Central Asia.
08 Jun 13:11

Space Station View of Noctilucent Clouds

Expedition 47 Flight Engineer Tim Peake of the European Space Agency photographed rare, high-altitude noctilucent or "night shining" clouds from the International Space Station on May 29, 2016. Noctilucent clouds form between 76 to 85 kilometers (47 to 53 miles) above the Earth’s surface, near the boundary of the mesosphere and thermosphere.
31 May 07:41

Programming Fonts 線上比較 50 種最適合寫程式的等寬字型

by Pseric

Programming Fonts 線上比較 50 種最適合寫程式的等寬字型

前幾天介紹過針對工程師編寫程式碼需求而設計的免費字型 Mononoki,在搜尋資料時,我也發現了一些不錯的相關工具,其中一個「Programming Fonts Comparison」網站是我這篇文章要分享給各位讀者的線上服務。它集合超過五十種以上等寬字型,讓使用者透過瀏覽器預覽這些字型的字元顯示效果,切換不同配色和大小,亦能在相同程式碼範例套用不同字型集,找出最適合自己工作或寫程式時使用的字型。

Programming Fonts 本身是一項開放原始碼專案,網站建置於 Github,開啟網站後會顯示出所有收錄其中的等寬字型(Monospaced Fonts),同時顯示大小寫字母 A-Z、數字和標點符號,這些都能在瀏覽器中直接檢視、讓使用者預覽效果。


網站名稱:Programming Fonts


開啟 Programming Fonts 網站後,立即出現在眼前的是所有收錄其中的等寬字型各字元顯示預覽!需要特別注意的是對於大寫 I、小寫 l、英文 o、數字 0 這些容易混淆的字元是否能夠清楚快速辨識,相信這些字型都有著易於辨識且不易看錯的特性,尤其是應用到編寫程式碼上就顯得格外重要。


Programming Fonts


Programming Fonts

下圖是我切換至 Dark 黑色模式所呈現出來的效果,看起來是不是更貼近編輯器呢?

Programming Fonts

另外,Programming Fonts 有另一項模式:Compare,可以在勾選一些字型後,丟到比較模式來套用到相同的一組程式碼,即時顯示出加上色彩的效果,同時在不同的字型大小及反鋸齒渲染選擇,算是非常實用的功能。

Programming Fonts


我目前持續在使用的是 Iosevka 和 Hack 這兩項免費字型,有興趣的朋友不妨到網站上尋寶一下,找出自己最喜歡也最適合工作的字型吧!

22 May 09:01

CubeSats Deployed From the International Space Station

CubeSats fly free after leaving the NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer on the International Space Station on May 17, 2016. Seen here are two Dove satellites. The satellites are part of a constellation designed, built and operated by Planet Labs Inc. to take images of Earth from space.
20 May 01:46

May 19, 2000, Early Morning Liftoff of Atlantis on STS-101 Mission

Flames from the solid rocket boosters lit up the clouds of smoke and steam trailing behind shuttle Atlantis on May 19, 2000, as it lifted off on mission STS-101. It was the shuttle program's third space station assembly flight, and first space flight for astronaut Jeff Williams, currently aboard the station as a member of the Expedition 47 crew.