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24 May 19:37

Flickr Finds No. 31

by Christopher Jobson

Flickr Finds No. 31 flickr finds
Dave Mason

Flickr Finds No. 31 flickr finds
Alice Bartlett

Flickr Finds No. 31 flickr finds
Marius Roman

Flickr Finds No. 31 flickr finds
Jens Fersterra

Flickr Finds No. 31 flickr finds
Mattias Hammar

Flickr Finds No. 31 flickr finds
ón Óskar

Flickr Finds No. 31 flickr finds
Chris Busey

Flickr Finds No. 31 flickr finds
Josetxu Silgo

Flickr Finds No. 31 flickr finds
Greg Speasl

At long last Flickr Finds returns with the 31st edition of my favorite photos seen on the newly redesigned Flickr over the last few weeks. For more photos see previous Flickr Finds. All photographs above courtesy the individual photographers.

18 Mar 22:53

It Was a Dark and Scary Night in an RV (6 Photos)

by David Walker

All images ©Frank Hallam Day

Frank Hallam Day‘s artistic interests revolve around the themes of culture and history, and humanity’s footprint on the natural world. For months he traveled around Florida, photographing recreational vehicles lodged in jungle settings at night. He used hand-held lights and a tripod; the RV occupants never knew he was there. The resulting images, he explains in an artist’s statement, suggest alienation from dark, ominous nature. “[The RVs] crouch like steel insects in the woods, shining, hard carapaces protecting a soft interior. They brand themselves with labels asserting a desired yet ironically thwarted relationship with nature:  Escaper, Conquest, Sunset Trail, Wilderness, Cougar, Falcon…Nothing is more American than an RV, but these pictures suggest other impulses underlying the sheen of the American dream:  flight, concealment, isolation, bewilderment and withdrawal.” Kehrer Verlag has published the work in Hallam’s new book Nocturnal, which will be available March 19.









