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18 May 10:08

selfkreated: Had a touch up session today with the beautiful...


Had a touch up session today with the beautiful @jodilyford at Chimera tattoo in Santa Cruz, CA

21 Apr 19:58

sirbigpenisofcornhole: nicoleneosoul: brittanynsfw: barefootun...






The Label It Yourself (#LIY) campaign is a decentralized, autonomous grassroots campaign born out of our broken food system. We have been asking our government to label food products so we can make educated decisions about what we eat. The government has ignored our requests and so we are taking matters into our own hands.

Get your labels at or create our own!


You bet your ass I’m doing that shit!

This !

GMO’s aren’t bad. it’s similar to selective breeding, but now more precise on which genes will be in a plant or animal. i hear a lot of people upset about GMO’s, but would you like smaller, shittier quality food? and why does anyone even care about genetic modification in our food? they’re improvements that allow society to benefit, especially third world countries where it is difficult to grow food. it’s at the point were unless explicitly stated on a package, all consumers assume their food is genetically modified. they’re aware, but they don’t view it as a bad thing. here’s a thought: almost any drug you’ve taken is entirely processed, yet you put it in your body without hesitation if you’re unwell. GMO foods are still regular food, but with a gene or two that have been modified, but compared to drugs are infinitely more natural.

26 Mar 01:50

Unicorn Hunting, Poly Kids Speak, and Queer Academia, Oh My! See Elisabeth Sheff at Frolicon

by Dr. Elisabeth Sheff, PhD

See Elisabeth Sheff at Frolicon March 28-31, 2013 at the Sheraton Gateway hotel in Atlanta Georgia.

You can find more information about the Frolicon Think Track at

Friday from 5 to 6:30 pm Dr. Sheff will present “Freaky academia: Being Queer at the University” in Brussels:

Queerness can encompass a wide variety of identities and practices, and is unified by an overall rejection of normalcy. Kinky, poly, trans, or simply gay, navigating a queer identity in academia can create unique challenges and opportunities. Issues vary by stage of academia, and undergraduate students have slightly different issues (coming out, speaking in class, navigating same-sex relationships in the dorms) than graduate students (choosing research topics, committee members, teaching undergraduates), and junior faculty (making allies for tenure decisions, research and publication, interactions with students and colleagues) differ from tenured professors (mentoring junior faculty, shaping departmental policies and climate, interacting with students and administration), and those in university administration (shaping university-wide policies, strategic disclosure, interacting with junior faculty and other administrators). This session ends with a question and answer session focused on maximizing professional and academic success and minimizing the effects of sex-negativity and homophobia.

On Saturday from 11:45 am to 1:15 pm Dr. Sheff will discuss “What your kids in poly families REALLY think” in Capri 1 & 2:

In this presentation Dr. Elisabeth Sheff discusses the findings of her 16-year study of polyamorous families with children. Using data from kids between 5 and 17 years old, Dr. Sheff discusses what the children report as advantages and disadvantages to living in poly families, as well as the strategies they use to deal with the disadvantages. This session will close with a question and answer session focusing on polyamorous families.

Also on Saturday from 5 to 6:30 pm Dr. Sheff will talk about the “Dangers and Joys of Unicorn Hunting in Cyprus 2:

In this presentation we will investigate the dangers and joys of unicorn hunting. First we will talk about popular community conceptions of what makes a unicorn, and then move on to why they are in such high demand. Considering the unicorn hunt from the hunters’ perspective, we will talk about the desires that drive people to seek out the unicorn. Next, considering the unicorn hunt from the unicorns’ perspective, we will discuss the complexities of these relationships, the advantages and pitfalls, and ways to improve unicorn treatment. While unicorns and hunters are invited to attend and are welcome to cruise each other, the focus will not be on matching people with sex partners.

24 Mar 15:42

is that faux tail a butt plug?
